def SaveShowImage(Matrix, Root=None, Suffix=None): '''Save Image if Root is valid, otherwise show it on the screen.''' Name = MATL.MakeRoot(Root=Root, Suffix=Suffix) if Name is not None: SaveImage(Matrix, Name) else: ShowImage(Matrix)
def ScanPoints(InputFolder,ImageExtension,ImagePrefix=None,PointsList=[(0,0)]): Limg = MATL.getFiles(InputFolder,ImageExtension,ImagePrefix) Lxml = MATL.getFiles(InputFolder,"xml",ImagePrefix) #Get Angles A=[] for xmlf in Lxml: A.append(GetXMLAngle(xmlf)) A.append(-180) #Get Inensities I=[] for imgf in Limg: I.append([]) for pos in PointsList: I[-1].append(GetIntesity(imgf,pos)) I.append(I[0]) I=[list(i) for i in zip(*I)] return A,I,Limg[0]
def runstreamline(Input1, Input2, Output): thismodule = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())) quotInput1 = '"' + Input1 + '"' quotInput2 = '"' + Input2 + '"' quotOutput = '"' + Output + '"' cmd = " ".join([ "py -2", thismodule, quotInput1, quotInput2, quotOutput, "-Offset1 70" ]) MATL.RunProgram(cmd)
def SaveTif(Matrix, Name, resolution=None): '''Save pixel data in matrix as 32-bit float on a tif file.''' Name = MATL.FixName(Name, '.tif') MyImage = Image.fromarray(np.float32(Matrix), mode="F") if resolution: xres, yres = resolution kwargsdict = { 282: xres, 283: yres, 270: 'ImageJ=1.51w\nunit=micron\n', 296: 1 }, tiffinfo=kwargsdict) else:
def Make3DSurfaceFromHeightMapTiff(File, OFile=None, NoZeros=False): ''' Generates a ply mesh from a tiff file. Scale is extracted from tiff embedded information. File - Tiff file with the height information OFile[None] - Path to output ply file NoZeros[False] - Do not generate mesh when pixel/element value is equal to zero. ''' name, _ = os.path.splitext(File) if OFile is None: outfile = name + "_out.ply" else: outfile = MATL.FixName(OFile, "ply") Mpix, res = MAIP.GetImageMatrix(File, Silent=True, GetTiffRes=True) return MakeMPixMesh(Mpix, Scale=(1 / res[0], 1 / res[1], 1.0), Expfile=outfile, NoZeros=NoZeros)
def test_macauley(self): self.assertTrue(np.all(MATL.macauley(np.array([3,-3]),True)==np.array([3,0]))) self.assertTrue(np.all(MATL.macauley(np.array([3,-3]),False)==np.array([0,-3])))
def test_getMatfromCSV(self): csvdata="1,2 ,3\n4 , 5,6\n 7,8,9" csvfile=os.path.join(self.temppath,"mycsvfile.csv") with open(csvfile,'w') as f: f.write(csvdata) self.assertTrue(np.all(MATL.getMatfromCSV(csvfile)==[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]))
def test_Timeme(self): avgtime=MATL.Timeme(max,[4,5,6],NN=2,NNN=2,show=False) self.assertTrue(avgtime>=0)
def test_TicToc(self): start=MATL.Tic() delta=MATL.Toc(start) self.assertTrue(delta>=0)
def test_IsNew(self): myfile_new = MATL.MakeRoot(self.temppath,"new") open(myfile_new,'w+').close() self.assertFalse(MATL.IsNew(self.myfile_old,myfile_new)) self.assertTrue(MATL.IsNew(myfile_new,self.myfile_old))
def test_getFiles(self): FileNameList=['firsttest','secondtest','thirdtest'] for fn in FileNameList: fileloc = os.path.join(self.temppath,fn+".myext") open(fileloc,'w+').close() self.assertTrue([os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in MATL.getFiles(self.temppath,"myext")]==FileNameList)
def SaveImageRGB(Matrix, Name, **kwargs): '''Save pixel data in matrix as RGB on a file.''' Name = MATL.FixName(Name, '.png') if not type(Matrix[0, 0]) == np.ndarray: Matrix = ConvertToRGB(Matrix, **kwargs) Image.fromarray(Matrix, mode="RGBA").save(Name, "png")
def setUpClass(cls): print("\n === test_MA_Tools === ") cls.temppath = os.path.join("test","temp","") #MATL.MakeNewDir(cls.temppath) cls.myfile_old = MATL.MakeRoot(cls.temppath,"old") open(cls.myfile_old,'w+').close()
def SaveImageRaw(Matrix, Name, TifRes=None, resolution=None): '''Save pixel data in matrix as 32-bit float on a file.''' Name = MATL.FixName(Name, '.tif') Image.fromarray(np.float32(Matrix), mode="F").save(Name, "TIFF", dpi=resolution)
def MakeCSVMesh(CSVfile, verbose=True, **kwargs): ''' Generates a ply mesh from a csv file ''' if verbose: print("*Making CSV Mesh") if verbose: print(" - Reading .csv") npdata = MATL.getMatfromCSV(CSVfile) return MakeMPixMesh(npdata, verbose, **kwargs)
# tiffile_unscaled = os.path.join(BaseFolder,'0kPa.tif') # tiffile = os.path.join(BaseFolder,'0kPa_scaled.tif') tiffile = os.path.join(BaseFolder, '0kPa.tif') plyFile_Orig = os.path.join(BaseFolder, '0kPa_scaled.ply') plyFile_Smooth = os.path.join(BaseFolder, '0kPa_scaled_smooth.ply') matlabdata = r'C:\Users\Wenbin\Desktop\FIDVC-master\Matlab Code\dm2\resultsFIDVC.mat' vtuout = os.path.join(BaseFolder, '0kPa_scaled_smooth.vtu') # Scale Tif height map to fix spherical distorsion # if Force or MATL.IsNew(tiffile_unscaled,tiffile): # print("Scaling Tif file...") # scalefactor = 1.335 #(nPBS/nH20) # MAIP.ScaleTif(tiffile_unscaled,tiffile,scalefactor) # Make ply from height map if heightmap is newer if Force or MATL.IsNew(tiffile, plyFile_Orig): print("Making 3D Surface...") MA3D.Make3DSurfaceFromHeightMapTiff(tiffile, OFile=plyFile_Orig, NoZeros=True) # Smooth ply file if input ply is new if True or MATL.IsNew(plyFile_Orig, plyFile_Smooth): print("Smoothing and reducing Surface...") MACA.SmoothPly(plyFile_Orig, plyFile_Smooth, ScriptFileName=None, Verbose=True, MeshLabPath='C:\\Program Files\\VCG\\MeshLab') test = AddDeformation(plyFile_Smooth)
"shellBC": True }, "ME_Average": { **casedefault, "kip": 0.184, "load": -2E-2, "shellBC": True }, "ME_Uniform": { **casedefault, "kip": 0.5, "load": -2E-2, "shellBC": True }, } destfolder = pjoin(Base_Folder, root) MATL.MakeNewDir(destfolder) for case in Cases: print(root + " " + case) casefolder = pjoin(destfolder, case) MATL.MakeNewDir(casefolder) febiofile = pjoin(casefolder, root + "_" + case + ".feb") if RunModels: FEBio.SaveFile(febiofile, **Cases[case]) print(" Running FEBio. Check logfile for details...") MATL.RunProgram('FEBio2 "' + febiofile + '"', f_print=False) print(" FEBio Simulation finished.") logfile = os.path.splitext(febiofile)[0] + ".log" with open(logfile, "r") as fp:
def SaveImage(Matrix, Name, resc=False): '''Save pixel data in matrix as 8-bit on a file.''' Name = MATL.FixName(Name, '.png') if resc: Matrix = Rescale8bit(Matrix) Image.fromarray(np.uint8(Matrix), mode="L").save(Name, "png")
def test_RunProgram(self): MATL.RunProgram("python -c \"print(0)\"",False)
def test_eig33s(self): mat=np.array([[1,7,6],[7,2,5],[6,5,3]]) normdiff=np.linalg.norm( np.sort(list(MATL.eig33s(mat[0,0],mat[1,1],mat[2,2],mat[0,1],mat[0,2],mat[1,2])))- np.sort(np.linalg.eigvals(mat))) self.assertTrue(normdiff<1E-12)
def test_MakeRoot(self): mynewfile = MATL.MakeRoot(self.temppath,"TEST") open(mynewfile,'w+').close() self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.temppath,"TEST")))