Ejemplo n.º 1
def PIECE___average_half_square_error():

    AVERAGE_HALF_SQUARE_ERROR = 1/2 x sum of squared differences between items in PREDICTED_OUTPUTS multi-dimensional
    array and TARGET_OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array, divided by the number of cases

    forwards = {
        'average_half_square_error': [
            lambda a0, a1: ((a1 - a0)**2).sum() / (2 * a0.shape[0]), {
                'a0': 'target_outputs',
                'a1': 'predicted_outputs'

    backwards = {
        ('DOVERD', 'average_half_square_error', 'predicted_outputs'): [
            lambda a0, a1: (a1 - a0) / a0.shape[0], {
                'a0': 'target_outputs',
                'a1': 'predicted_outputs'

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def PIECE___root_mean_square_error():

    ROOT_MEAN_SQUARE_ERROR = sum of squared differences between items in PREDICTED_OUTPUTS multi-dimensional
    array and TARGET_OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array, divided by the number of cases, then square-rooted

    forwards = {
        'root_mean_square_error': [
            lambda a0, a1: sqrt(((a1 - a0)**2).sum() / a0.shape[0]), {
                'a0': 'target_outputs',
                'a1': 'predicted_outputs'

    backwards = {
        ('DOVERD', 'root_mean_square_error', 'predicted_outputs'): [
            lambda a0, a1, rmse: ((a1 - a0) / a0.shape[0]) / rmse, {
                'a0': 'target_outputs',
                'a1': 'predicted_outputs',
                'rmse': 'root_mean_square_error'

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def PIECE___average_binary_class_cross_entropy():

    AVERAGE_BINARY_CLASS_CROSS_ENTROPY = cross entropy from TARGET_OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array (of numbers
    between 0 and 1, inclusive) of PREDICTED_OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array (of numbers between 0 and 1, inclusive),
    divided by the number of cases

    forwards = {
        'average_binary_class_cross_entropy': [
            lambda from_arr, of_arr, tiny=exp(-36): -(
                (from_arr * log(of_arr + tiny)) + ((1. - from_arr) * log(
                    1. - of_arr + tiny))).sum() / from_arr.shape[0], {
                        'from_arr': 'target_outputs',
                        'of_arr': 'predicted_outputs'

    backwards = {
        ('DOVERD', 'average_binary_class_cross_entropy', 'predicted_outputs'):
            lambda from_arr, of_arr: -((from_arr / of_arr) - (
                (1. - from_arr) / (1. - of_arr))) / from_arr.shape[0], {
                    'from_arr': 'target_outputs',
                    'of_arr': 'predicted_outputs'

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def PIECE___rbm_energy():

    forwards = 1

    backwards = 1

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def PIECE___average_multi_class_cross_entropy():

    AVERAGE_MULTI_CLASS_CROSS_ENTROPY = cross entropy from TARGET_OUTPUTS matrix (of numbers between 0 and 1,
    inclusive, with cases in rows) of PREDICTED_OUTPUTS matrix (of numbers between 0 and 1, inclusive, with cases in
    rows), divided by the number of cases

    forwards = {
        'average_multi_class_cross_entropy': [
            lambda from_mat, of_mat, tiny=exp(-36): -(from_mat * log(
                of_mat + tiny)).sum() / from_mat.shape[0], {
                    'from_mat': 'target_outputs',
                    'of_mat': 'predicted_outputs'

    backwards = {
        ('DOVERD', 'average_multi_class_cross_entropy', 'predicted_outputs'): [
            lambda from_mat, of_mat: -(from_mat / of_mat) / from_mat.shape[0],
                'from_mat': 'target_outputs',
                'of_mat': 'predicted_outputs'

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
def PIECE___equal():

    OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array = INPUTS multi-dimensional array

    forwards = {'outputs':
                    [lambda inp: inp,
                     {'inp': 'inputs'}]}

    backwards = {('DOVERD', 'inputs'):
                     [lambda ddoutp: ddoutp,
                      {'ddoutp': ('DOVERD', 'outputs')}]}

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
def PIECE___tanh():

    OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array = hyperbolic tangent function of INPUTS multi-dimensional array

    forwards = {'outputs':
                    [lambda inp: tanh(inp),
                     {'inp': 'inputs'}]}

    backwards = {('DOVERD', 'inputs'):
                     [lambda ddoutp, outp: ddoutp * (1. - outp ** 2),
                      {'ddoutp': ('DOVERD', 'outputs'),
                       'outp': 'outputs'}]}

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def PIECE___l1_weight_regularization():

    WEIGHT_PENALTY = sum of absolute values of items of WEIGHTS multi-dimensional array

    forwards = {'weight_penalty': [lambda w: abs(w).sum(), {'w': 'weights'}]}

    backwards = {
        ('DOVERD', 'weight_penalty', 'weights'):
        [lambda w: sign(w), {
            'w': 'weights'

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
def PIECE___logistic():

    OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array = logistic function of INPUTS multi-dimensional array

    forwards = {'outputs':
                    [lambda inp: 1. / (1. + exp(-inp)),
                     {'inp': 'inputs'}]}

    backwards = {('DOVERD', 'inputs'):
                     [lambda ddoutp, outp: ddoutp * outp * (1. - outp),
                      {'ddoutp': ('DOVERD', 'outputs'),
                       'outp': 'outputs'}]}

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
def PIECE___logistic_with_temperature():

    OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array = logistic function of INPUTS multi-dimensional array divided by temperature T

    forwards = {'outputs':
                    [lambda inp, temp: 1. / (1. + exp(- inp / temp)),
                     {'inp': 'inputs',
                      'temp': 'temperature'}]}

    backwards = {('DOVERD', 'inputs'):
                     [lambda ddoutp, outp, temp: ddoutp * outp * (1. - outp) / temp,
                      {'ddoutp': ('DOVERD', 'outputs'),
                       'outp': 'outputs',
                       'temp': 'temperature'}]}

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def PIECE___l2_weight_regularization():

    WEIGHT_PENALTY = 1/2 x sum of squares of items of WEIGHTS multi-dimensional array

    forwards = {
        'weight_penalty': [lambda w: (w**2).sum() / 2, {
            'w': 'weights'

    backwards = {
        ('DOVERD', 'weight_penalty', 'weights'):
        [lambda w: w, {
            'w': 'weights'

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
def PIECE___softmax():

    OUTPUTS matrix (cases in rows) = softmax function of INPUTS matrix (cases in rows)

    from MBALearnsToCode.Functions import softmax, softmax_d_outputs_over_d_inputs,\

    forwards = {'outputs':
                    [lambda inp: softmax(inp),
                     {'inp': 'inputs'}]}

    backwards = {('DOVERD', 'inputs'):
                     [lambda ddoutp, outp:
                                softmax_d_outputs_over_d_inputs(outputs = outp)),
                      {'ddoutp': ('DOVERD', 'outputs'),
                       'outp': 'outputs'}]}

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
def PIECE___matrix_product_of_inputs_and_weights(add_bias_column_to_inputs = True):

    OUTPUTS matrix (cases in rows) = matrix product of INPUTS matrix (cases in rows) and WEIGHTS matrix

    def add_bias_elements(array_a, nums_biases_to_add = [0, 1]):
        a = array_a.copy()
        for d in range(len(nums_biases_to_add)):
            num_biases_to_add = nums_biases_to_add[d]
            if num_biases_to_add > 0:
                s = list(a.shape)
                s[d] = num_biases_to_add
                a = concatenate((ones(s), a), axis = d)
        return a

    def delete_bias_elements(array_a, nums_biases_to_delete = [1]):
        a = array_a.copy()
        for d in range(len(nums_biases_to_delete)):
            num_biases_to_delete = nums_biases_to_delete[d]
            if num_biases_to_delete > 0:
                a = delete(a, range(num_biases_to_delete), axis = d)
        return a

    forwards = {'outputs':
                    [lambda inp, w: add_bias_elements(inp, [0, add_bias_column_to_inputs]).dot(w),
                     {'inp': 'inputs',
                      'w': 'weights'}]}

    backwards = {('DOVERD', 'inputs'):
                    [lambda ddoutp, w: ddoutp.dot(delete_bias_elements(w, [add_bias_column_to_inputs]).T),
                     {'ddoutp': ('DOVERD', 'outputs'),
                      'w': 'weights'}],

                 ('DOVERD', 'weights'):
                    [lambda ddoutp, inp: (add_bias_elements(inp, [0, add_bias_column_to_inputs]).T).dot(ddoutp),
                     {'ddoutp': ('DOVERD', 'outputs'),
                      'inp': 'inputs'}]}

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def PIECE___root_mean_square_error_from_average_half_square_error():


    forwards = {
        'root_mean_square_error': [
            lambda avg_half_se: sqrt(2 * avg_half_se), {
                'avg_half_se': 'average_half_square_error'

    backwards = {
        ('DOVERD', 'root_mean_square_error', 'average_half_square_error'):
        [lambda rmse: 1. / rmse, {
            'rmse': 'root_mean_square_error'

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
def PIECE___from_vector_to_arrays(shapes___list, type = 'dict'):

    Converts a vector to dict/list/tuple of multi-dimensional arrays according to a list of shapes

    def from_arrays_to_vector(dict_or_list_or_tuple):
        v = []
        for i in range(len(dict_or_list_or_tuple)):
            v += dict_or_list_or_tuple[i].flat
        return array(v)

    def from_vector_to_arrays(vector, shapes___list, type = 'dict'):
        if type == 'dict':
            arrays = {}
            arrays = len(shapes___list) * [[]]
        v = vector.copy()
        for i, s in enumerate(shapes___list):
            if not isinstance(s, ndarray):
                s = array(s)
            num_elements = s.prod()
            arrays[i] = v[:num_elements].reshape(s)
            v = v[num_elements:]
        if type == 'tuple':
            arrays = tuple(arrays)
        return arrays

    forwards = {'arrays':
                    [lambda v: from_vector_to_arrays(v, shapes___list, type),
                     {'v': 'vector'}]}

    backwards = {('DOVERD', 'vector'):
                    [lambda dda: from_arrays_to_vector(dda),
                     {'dda': ('DOVERD', 'arrays')}]}

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def PIECE___average_unskewed_binary_class_cross_entropy():

    AVERAGE_UNSKEWED_BINARY_CLASS_CROSS_ENTROPY = cross entropy from TARGET_OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array (of numbers
    between 0 and 1, inclusive) of PREDICTED_OUTPUTS multi-dimensional array (of numbers between 0 and 1, inclusive),
    divided by the number of cases, adjusted by skewnesses between the positive (1) and negative (0) classes that are
    represented by POSITIVE_CLASS_SKEWNESSES multi-dimensional array

    forwards = {
        'average_unskewed_binary_class_cross_entropy': [
            lambda from_arr, of_arr, pos_skew, tiny=exp(-36): -(
                (from_arr * log(of_arr + tiny)) / pos_skew + (
                    (1. - from_arr) * log(1. - of_arr + tiny)) /
                (2. - pos_skew)).sum() / from_arr.shape[0], {
                    'from_arr': 'target_outputs',
                    'of_arr': 'predicted_outputs',
                    'pos_skew': 'positive_class_skewnesses'

    backwards = {
        ('DOVERD', 'average_unskewed_binary_class_cross_entropy', 'predicted_outputs'):
            lambda from_arr, of_arr, pos_skew: -(
                (from_arr / of_arr) / pos_skew - ((1. - from_arr) /
                                                  (1. - of_arr)) /
                (2. - pos_skew)) / from_arr.shape[0], {
                    'from_arr': 'target_outputs',
                    'of_arr': 'predicted_outputs',
                    'pos_skew': 'positive_class_skewnesses'

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def PIECE___average_unskewed_multi_class_cross_entropy():

    AVERAGE_UNSKEWED_MULTI_CLASS_CROSS_ENTROPY = cross entropy from TARGET_OUTPUTS matrix (of numbers between 0 and 1,
    inclusive, with cases in rows) of PREDICTED_OUTPUTS matrix (of numbers between 0 and 1, inclusive, with cases in
    rows), divided by the number of cases, adjusted by skewnesses among the classes that are represented by

    forwards = {
        'average_unskewed_multi_class_cross_entropy': [
            lambda from_mat, of_mat, skew, tiny=exp(-36): -(
                (from_mat * log(of_mat + tiny)) /
                ((from_mat.shape[1] / skew.sum(1, keepdims=True)) * skew)).sum(
                ) / from_mat.shape[0], {
                    'from_mat': 'target_outputs',
                    'of_mat': 'predicted_outputs',
                    'skew': 'multi_class_skewnesses'

    backwards = {
        ('DOVERD', 'average_unskewed_multi_class_cross_entropy', 'predicted_outputs'):
            lambda from_mat, of_mat, skew: -((from_mat / of_mat) / (
                (from_mat.shape[1] / skew.sum(1, keepdims=True)) * skew)) /
            from_mat.shape[0], {
                'from_mat': 'target_outputs',
                'of_mat': 'predicted_outputs',
                'skew': 'multi_class_skewnesses'

    return Piece(forwards, backwards)