Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _parse_atoms(self, psffile, natoms, mass, atom_style):
        """Special parsing for atoms

        Lammps atoms can have lots of different formats, and even custom formats.


        Treated here are
        - atoms with 7 fields (with charge) "full"
        - atoms with 6 fields (no charge) "molecular"
        logger.info("Doing Atoms section")
        atoms = []
        for i in xrange(natoms):
            line = psffile.next().strip()
            # logger.debug("Line: {} contains: {}".format(i, line))
            idx, resid, atype, q, x, y, z = self._parse_atom_line(line)
            name = str(atype)
                m = mass[atype]
            except KeyError:
                m = 0.0
            #                m = guess_atom_mass(name)  # i think types are just ints though?
            # Atom() format:
            # Number, name, type, resname, resid, segid, mass, charge
            atoms.append(Atom(idx, name, atype,
                              str(resid), resid, str(resid),
                              m, q))

        return atoms
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _parseatoms(self, pdb):
        atoms = []

        # translate Bio.PDB atom objects to MDAnalysis Atom.
        for iatom, atom in enumerate(pdb.get_atoms()):
            residue = atom.parent
            chain_id = residue.parent.id

            atomname = atom.name
            atomtype = guess_atom_type(atomname)
            resname = residue.resname
            resid = int(residue.id[1])
            # no empty segids (or Universe throws IndexError)
            segid = residue.get_segid().strip() or chain_id or "SYSTEM"
            mass = guess_atom_mass(atomname)
            charge = guess_atom_charge(atomname)
            bfactor = atom.bfactor
            # occupancy = atom.occupancy


        return atoms
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parse(self):
        """Parse GRO file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.

            Only reads the list of atoms.
            :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict
            .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in
        atom_iter = 0
        atoms = []
        with openany(self.filename, "r") as grofile:
            segid = "SYSTEM"
            for line in grofile:
                    resid, resname, name = int(
                        line[0:5]), line[5:10].strip(), line[10:15].strip()
                    # guess based on atom name
                    elem = guess_atom_element(name)
                    atype = elem
                    mass = get_atom_mass(elem)
                    charge = guess_atom_charge(name)
                    # segid = "SYSTEM"
                    # ignore coords and velocities, they can be read by coordinates.GRO
                # Not currently doing anything with other lines
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    #                    if linenum == 0:
                    # Header comment
                    #hdr_cmt = line
                    #elif linenum == 1:
                    # Header: number of particles
                    #hdr_np = int(line)
                    # A bit dodgy; should find a better way
                    # of locating the box_vectors line
                    # pass
                    #ftr_box = line If the line can't
                    # otherwise be read properly, then this
                    # probably indicates a problem with the
                    # gro line, and an error will be raised
                    #  pass
                    raise IOError(
                        "Couldn't read the following line of the .gro file:\n"
                    # Just use the atom_iter (counting from 0) rather than
                    # the number in the .gro file (which wraps at 99999)
                        Atom(atom_iter, name, atype, resname, resid, segid,
                             mass, charge))
                    atom_iter += 1
        structure = {'_atoms': atoms}

        return structure
Ejemplo n.º 4
def do_mtop(data, fver):
    # mtop: the topology of the whole system
    symtab = do_symtab(data)
    do_symstr(data, symtab)  # system_name
    do_ffparams(data, fver)  # params

    nmoltype = data.unpack_int()
    moltypes = []  # non-gromacs
    for i in xrange(nmoltype):
        moltype = do_moltype(data, symtab, fver)

    nmolblock = data.unpack_int()

    mtop = obj.Mtop(nmoltype, moltypes, nmolblock)

    ttop = obj.TPRTopology(*[[] for i in xrange(5)])

    atom_start_ndx = 0
    res_start_ndx = 0
    for i in xrange(mtop.nmolblock):
        # molb_type is just an index for moltypes/molecule_types
        mb = do_molblock(data)
        # segment is made to correspond to the molblock as in gromacs, the
        # naming is kind of arbitrary
        segid = "seg_{0}_{1}".format(i, mtop.moltypes[mb.molb_type].name)
        for j in xrange(mb.molb_nmol):
            mt = mtop.moltypes[mb.molb_type]  # mt: molecule type
            for atomkind in mt.atomkinds:
                    Atom(atomkind.id + atom_start_ndx, atomkind.name,
                         atomkind.type, atomkind.resname,
                         atomkind.resid + res_start_ndx, segid, atomkind.mass,
            # remap_ method returns [blah, blah, ..] or []

            atom_start_ndx += mt.number_of_atoms()
            res_start_ndx += mt.number_of_residues()

    # not useful here

    # data.unpack_int()                         # mtop_natoms
    # do_atomtypes(data)
    # mtop_ffparams_cmap_grid_ngrid        = 0
    # mtop_ffparams_cmap_grid_grid_spacing = 0.1
    # mtop_ffparams_cmap_grid_cmapdata     = 'NULL'
    # do_groups(data, symtab)
    return ttop
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def parse(self):
        """Parse CRD file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.

        Only reads the list of atoms.

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict

        .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in
        extformat = FORTRANReader(
        stdformat = FORTRANReader('2I5,1X,A4,1X,A4,3F10.5,1X,A4,1X,A4,F10.5')

        atoms = []
        atom_serial = 0
        with openany(self.filename) as crd:
            for linenum, line in enumerate(crd):
                # reading header
                if line.split()[0] == '*':
                elif line.split()[-1] == 'EXT' and bool(int(
                        line.split()[0])) is True:
                    r = extformat
                elif line.split()[0] == line.split(
                )[-1] and line.split()[0] != '*':
                    r = stdformat
                # anything else should be an atom
                    serial, TotRes, resName, name, x, y, z, chainID, resSeq, tempFactor = r.read(
                    raise ValueError("Check CRD format at line {}: {}".format(
                        linenum, line.rstrip()))

                atomtype = guess_atom_type(name)
                mass = guess_atom_mass(name)
                charge = guess_atom_charge(name)
                    Atom(atom_serial, name, atomtype, resName, TotRes, chainID,
                         mass, charge))
                atom_serial += 1

        structure = {}
        structure["_atoms"] = atoms

        return structure
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def parse(self):
        with openany(self.filename) as inf:
            levcfg, imcon = map(int, inf.readline().split()[:2])
            # Box info
            if not imcon == 0:

            # Nummol

            # Loop over molecules
            resid = 1
            atomid = 0
            atoms = []
            segid = 'SYSTEM'

            line = inf.readline().strip()
            while line:
                if line.startswith('MOLECULE'):
                    resid += 1
                    resname = line.split()[1]
                    name = line.split()[0]

                    atomid += 1

                line = inf.readline()

        return {'atoms': atoms}
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _parseatoms_(self, pdb):
        atoms = []

        # translate list of atoms to MDAnalysis Atom.
        for iatom, atom in enumerate(pdb._atoms):
            atomname = atom.name
            atomtype = atom.type        # always set in PDBQT
            resname = atom.resName
            resid = int(atom.resSeq)
            chain = atom.chainID.strip()
            segid = chain or "SYSTEM"   # no empty segids (or Universe throws IndexError)
            mass = guess_atom_mass(atomname)
            charge = float(atom.partialCharge)  # always set in PDBQT
            bfactor = atom.tempFactor
            # occupancy = atom.occupancy
            atoms.append(Atom(iatom, atomname, atomtype, resname, resid, segid,
                              mass, charge, bfactor=bfactor))
        return atoms
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _parseatoms(self, pqr):
        atoms = []

        # translate list of atoms to MDAnalysis Atom.
        for iatom, atom in enumerate(pqr._atoms):
            atomname = atom.name
            atomtype = guess_atom_type(atomname)
            resname = atom.resName
            resid = int(atom.resSeq)
            chain = atom.chainID.strip()
            # no empty segids (or Universe throws IndexError)
            segid = atom.segID.strip() or chain or "SYSTEM"
            mass = guess_atom_mass(atomname)
            charge = float(atom.charge)
            radius = atom.radius

            atoms.append(Atom(iatom, atomname, atomtype, resname, resid,
                              segid, mass, charge, radius=radius))
        return atoms
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _parseatoms(self, pdb):
        atoms = []

        # translate list of atoms to MDAnalysis Atom.
        for iatom, atom in enumerate(pdb._atoms):
            # ATOM
            if len(atom.__dict__) == 10:
                atomname = atom.name
                atomtype = atom.element or guess_atom_type(atomname)
                resname = atom.resName
                resid = int(atom.resSeq)
                chain = atom.chainID.strip()
                # no empty segids (or Universe throws IndexError)
                segid = atom.segID.strip() or chain or "SYSTEM"
                mass = guess_atom_mass(atomname)
                charge = guess_atom_charge(atomname)
                bfactor = atom.tempFactor
                # occupancy = atom.occupancy
                altLoc = atom.altLoc

            # TER atoms
            #elif len(atom.__dict__) == 5:
            #    pass
            #    #atoms.append(None)
        self.structure["_atoms"] = atoms
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _build_structure(self):
        #atoms cannot be written out of index order, so we 
        #need to iterate residue by residue
        index = 0
        reverse_map = {}
        residues = {}
        #keep track of selections, so we can throw a useful error if we don't end up selecting anything
        selection_count = {}
        segments = {}
        for s in self.selections:
            selection_count[s] = 0

        #if we're reducing the residues, we'll need to take care of that
        ref_residues = self.ref_u.residues
            #reduce them
            ref_residues = []
            for i,ri in enumerate(self.residue_reduction_map):
                ref_residues.append(Residue(name='CMB', id=i+1, 
                                            atoms=reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [self.ref_u.residues[j] for j in ri]),

        for r in ref_residues:
            residue_atoms = []
            for s,n in zip(self.selections, self.names):
                group = r.selectAtoms(s)

                #check if there were any selected atoms
                if(len(group) == 0):

                selection_count[s] += len(group)
                #make new atom
                new_mass = sum([x.mass if x in group else 0 for x in r])
                if(sum([1 if x in group else 0 for x in r]) > 0 and new_mass == 0):                    
                    raise ValueError('Zero mass CG particle found! Please check all-atom masses and/or set them manually via \"fine_grain_universe.selectAtoms(...).set_mass(...)\"')

                a = Atom(index, n, n, r.name, r.id, r.atoms[0].segid, new_mass, 0) 
                index += 1
                for ra in group:
                    if(ra in reverse_map):
                        raise ValueError('Attemtping to map {} to {} and {}'.format(ra, a, reverse_map[ra]))
                    reverse_map[ra] = a

                #append atom to new residue atom group
                #add the atom to Universe
                self.atoms += a
            #now actually create new residue and give atoms a reference to it
            residues[r.id] = Residue(r.name, r.id, residue_atoms, resnum=r.resnum)
            for a in residue_atoms:
                a.residue = residues[r.id]

            #take care of putting residue into segment
            segid = None if len(residue_atoms) == 0 else residue_atoms[0].segid
            if(segid in segments):
                segments[segid] = [residues[r.id]]

        #check to make sure we selected something
        total_selected = 0
        for s in self.selections:
            count = selection_count[s]
            total_selected += count
            if(count == 0):
                raise ValueError('Selection "%s" matched no atoms' % s)        

        #check counting
        if(len(self.ref_u.atoms) < total_selected):
            print 'Warining: some atoms placed into more than 1 CG Site'
        elif(len(self.ref_u.atoms) > total_selected):
            print 'Warning: some atoms not placed into CG site'

        #find hydrogens and collapse them into beads 
            for b in self.ref_u.bonds:
                #my hack for inferring a hydrogen
                for a1,a2 in [(b.atom1, b.atom2), (b.atom2, b.atom1)]:
                    if(a1.type.startswith('H') and a1.mass < 4.):
                        reverse_map[a1] = reverse_map[a2]
                        #add the mass
                        reverse_map[a2].mass += a1.mass        

        #generate matrix mappings for center of mass and sum of forces
        # A row is a mass normalized cg site defition. or unormalized 1s for forces
        self.top_map = npsp.lil_matrix( (self.atoms.numberOfAtoms(), self.ref_u.atoms.numberOfAtoms()) , dtype=np.float32)
        self.force_map = npsp.lil_matrix( (self.atoms.numberOfAtoms(), self.ref_u.atoms.numberOfAtoms()) , dtype=np.float32)

        for a in self.ref_u.atoms:
                self.top_map[reverse_map[a].number, a.number] = a.mass / reverse_map[a].mass
                self.force_map[reverse_map[a].number, a.number] = 1.
            except KeyError:
                #was not selected
        #Put them into efficient sparse matrix.
        self.top_map = self.top_map.tobsr()
        self.force_map = self.force_map.tobsr()
        #add bonds using the reverse map
        self.bonds = []
        for b in self.ref_u.bonds:
                cgatom1 = reverse_map[b.atom1]
                cgatom2 = reverse_map[b.atom2]
                for cbg in self.bonds:
                    if(not (cbg.atom1 in [cgatom1, cgatom2]) and not( cbg.atom2 in [cgatom1, cgatom2])):
                    #OK, no bond exists yet
                        self.bonds.append( Bond(cgatom1, cgatom2) )
            except KeyError:
                #was not in selection

        self.__trajectory = CGReader(self, self.ref_u.trajectory, self.top_map, self.force_map, self.lfdump)
        for a in self.atoms:
            a.universe = self

        #take care of segments now
        segment_groups = {}
        for k,v in segments.iteritems():
            segment_groups[k] = Segment(k, v)
        for a in self.atoms:
            a.segment = segment_groups[a.segid]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _parseatoms(self, lines, atoms_per, numlines):
        """Parses atom section in a Charmm PSF file.

        Normal (standard) and extended (EXT) PSF format are
        supported. CHEQ is supported in the sense that CHEQ data is simply

        CHARMM Format from ``source/psffres.src``:


          standard format:
            (I8,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,2G14.6,I8,2G14.6)  XPLOR
          expanded format EXT:
            (I10,1X,A8,1X,A8,1X,A8,1X,A8,1X,A4,1X,2G14.6,I8,2G14.6) XPLOR

        no CHEQ::

         standard format:
            (I8,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,A4,1X,2G14.6,I8)  XPLOR
          expanded format EXT:
            (I10,1X,A8,1X,A8,1X,A8,1X,A8,1X,A4,1X,2G14.6,I8) XPLOR

        NAMD PSF

        space separated, see release notes for VMD 1.9.1, psfplugin at
        http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/current/devel.html :

        psfplugin: Added more logic to the PSF plugin to determine cases where the
        CHARMM "EXTended" PSF format cannot accomodate long atom types, and we add
        a "NAMD" keyword to the PSF file flags line at the top of the file. Upon
        reading, if we detect the "NAMD" flag there, we know that it is possible
        to parse the file correctly using a simple space-delimited scanf() format
        string, and we use that strategy rather than holding to the inflexible
        column-based fields that are a necessity for compatibility with CHARMM,
        CNS, X-PLOR, and other formats. NAMD and the psfgen plugin already assume
        this sort of space-delimited formatting, but that's because they aren't
        expected to parse the PSF variants associated with the other programs. For
        the VMD PSF plugin, having the "NAMD" tag in the flags line makes it
        absolutely clear that we're dealing with a NAMD-specific file so we can
        take the same approach.

        # how to partition the line into the individual atom components
        atom_parsers = {
            lambda l:
            (l[:8], l[9:13].strip() or "SYSTEM", l[14:18], l[19:23].strip(), l[
                24:28].strip(), l[29:33].strip(), l[34:48], l[48:62]),
            # l[62:70], l[70:84], l[84:98] ignore IMOVE, ECH and EHA,
            lambda l:
            (l[:10], l[11:19].strip() or "SYSTEM", l[20:28], l[29:37].strip(),
             l[38:46].strip(), l[47:51].strip(), l[52:66], l[66:70]),
            # l[70:78],  l[78:84], l[84:98] ignore IMOVE, ECH and EHA,
            lambda l: l.split()[:8],
        atom_parser = atom_parsers[self._format]
        # once partitioned, assigned each component the correct type
        set_type = lambda x: (int(x[0]) - 1, x[1] or "SYSTEM", int(x[2]), x[3],
                              x[4], x[5], float(x[6]), float(x[7]))

        # Oli: I don't think that this is the correct OUTPUT format:
        #   psf_atom_format = "   %5d %4s %4d %4s %-4s %-4s %10.6f      %7.4f%s\n"
        # It should be rather something like:
        #   psf_ATOM_format = '%(iatom)8d %(segid)4s %(resid)-4d %(resname)4s '+\
        #                     '%(name)-4s %(type)4s %(charge)-14.6f%(mass)-14.4f%(imove)8d\n'

        # source/psfres.src (CHEQ and now can be used for CHEQ EXTended), see comments above
        #  (I8,1X,A4, 1X,A4,  1X,A4,  1X,A4,  1X,I4,  1X,2G14.6,     I8,   2G14.6)
        #   0:8   9:13   14:18   19:23   24:28   29:33   34:48 48:62 62:70 70:84 84:98

        atoms = [
        ] * numlines
        for i in xrange(numlines):
            line = lines()
                iatom, segid, resid, resname, atomname, atomtype, charge, mass = set_type(
            except ValueError:
                # last ditch attempt: this *might* be a NAMD/VMD space-separated "PSF" file from
                # VMD version < 1.9.1
                atom_parser = atom_parsers['NAMD']
                iatom, segid, resid, resname, atomname, atomtype, charge, mass = set_type(
                    "Guessing that this is actually a NAMD-type PSF file..."
                    " continuing with fingers crossed!")
                logger.debug("First NAMD-type line: {}: {}".format(
                    i, line.rstrip()))

            atoms[i] = Atom(iatom, atomname, atomtype, resname, resid, segid,
                            mass, charge)
        return atoms
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _cg_from_matrix(self, matrix):
        '''Perform corase-graining given a binary matrix of number of atoms x
        number of cg particles dimension
            if(matrix.shape[1] != len(self.fgref_u.atoms)):
                raise ValueError('Matrix should have as many columns as FG atoms')
        except AttributeError:
            raise ValueError('Matrix should be numpy array')

        #Check that atoms aren't in multiple CG particles
        colsums = np.apply_along_axis(np.count_nonzero, 0, matrix)
        if not np.allclose(colsums, 1):
            raise ValueError('Matrix columns should only have 1 nonzero')

        cg_index = 0
        self.fgtocg_incl_map = {}
        segments = {}

        #iterating over cg particles
        for i in range(matrix.shape[0]):

            fg_atoms = []
            #treat indexing carefully since dtype could be wonky
            for j in np.nonzero(matrix[i,:])[0]:
            #get mass
            mass = sum([a.mass for a in fg_atoms])
            #get charge
            charge = sum([a.charge for a in fg_atoms])

            #create an enclosing residue. Use mode for most of these values
            #scipy stats mode returns a tuple of arrays, so annoying indexing
            resname = mode([a.resname for a in fg_atoms])[0][0]
            resid = mode([a.resid for a in fg_atoms])[0][0]
            name = mode([a.name for a in fg_atoms])[0][0]
            segid = mode([a.segid for a in fg_atoms])[0][0]

            r = Residue(name=resname, id=resid, atoms=[])
            a = Atom(index=cg_index, name='{}{}'.format(name,cg_index), type='CG', resname=r.resname,
                     resid=r.resid, segid=segid, mass=mass, charge=charge, residue=r,
            cg_index += 1
            #add a to the new residue
            r += a

            #keep track of fg to cg
            for fg_a in fg_atoms:
                self.fgtocg_incl_map[fg_a] = a
            #check if the segment exists
            if(segid in segments):
                segments[segid] = [r]                
            #add atom to universe
            self.atoms += a

        #take care of segments now
        segment_groups = {}
        for k,v in segments.iteritems():
            segment_groups[k] = Segment(k, v)
        for a in self.atoms:
            a.segment = segment_groups[a.segid]
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _cg_from_selections(self, selections, names, collapse_hydrogens, residue_reduction_map):
        #atoms cannot be written out of index order, so we 
        #need to iterate residue by residue
        index = 0
        self.fgtocg_incl_map = {} #keys = fine atoms, values = coarse beads
        residues = {}
        #keep track of selections, so we can throw a useful error if we don't end up selecting anything
        selection_count = {}
        segments = {}
        for s in selections:
            selection_count[s] = 0

        #if we're reducing the residues, we'll need to take care of that
        ref_residues = self.fgref_u.residues
            #reduce them
            ref_residues = []
            for i,ri in enumerate(residue_reduction_map):
                ref_residues.append(Residue(name='CMB', id=i+1, 
                                            atoms=reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [self.fgref_u.residues[j] for j in ri]),
        for r in ref_residues:
            residue_atoms = []
            for s,n in zip(selections, names):
                group = r.select_atoms(s)

                #check if there were any selected atoms
                if(len(group) == 0):

                selection_count[s] += len(group)
                #calculate the total mass lumped into the new CG atom
                total_mass = sum([x.mass if x in group else 0 for x in r])
                if(sum([1 if x in group else 0 for x in r]) > 0 and total_mass == 0):                    
                    raise ValueError('Zero mass CG particle found! Please check all-atom masses and/or set them manually via \"fine_grain_universe.select_atoms(...).set_mass(...)\"')
                #make new atom, using total mass as mass
                #masses are corrected after hydrogens are collapsed in
                #and the fg to cg maps are defined 
                a = Atom(index, n, n, r.resname, r.resid, r.atoms[0].segid, total_mass, 0, universe=self) 
                index += 1

                for ra in group:
                    if(ra in self.fgtocg_incl_map):
                        raise ValueError('Attemtping to map {} to {} and {}'.format(ra, a, self.fgtocg_incl_map[ra]))
                    self.fgtocg_incl_map[ra] = a

                #append atom to new residue atom group
                #add the atom to Universe
                self.atoms += a
            #now actually create new residue and give atoms a reference to it
            residues[r.resid] = Residue(r.resname, r.resid, residue_atoms, resnum=r.resnum)
            for a in residue_atoms:
                a.residue = residues[r.resid]

            #take care of putting residue into segment
            segid = None if len(residue_atoms) == 0 else residue_atoms[0].segid
            if(segid in segments):
                segments[segid] = [residues[r.resid]]

        #check to make sure we selected something
        total_selected = 0
        for s in selections:
            count = selection_count[s]
            total_selected += count
            if(count == 0):
                raise ValueError('Selection "%s" matched no atoms' % s)        

        #check counting
        if(len(self.fgref_u.atoms) < total_selected):
            print('Warning: some atoms placed into more than 1 CG Site')
        elif(len(self.fgref_u.atoms) > total_selected):
            print('Warning: some atoms not placed into CG site')

        #find hydrogens and collapse them into beads 
            for b in self.fgref_u.bonds:
                #my hack for inferring a hydrogen
                for a1,a2 in [(b[0], b[1]), (b[1], b[0])]:
                    if(a1.type.startswith('H') and a1.mass < 4.):
                        self.fgtocg_incl_map[a1] = self.fgtocg_incl_map[a2]
                        #add the mass
                        self.fgtocg_incl_map[a2].mass += a1.mass

        #take care of segments now
        segment_groups = {}
        for k,v in segments.iteritems():
            segment_groups[k] = Segment(k, v)
        for a in self.atoms:
            a.segment = segment_groups[a.segid]
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def parse(self, filename=None):
        """Parse MOL2 file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.

        Only reads the list of atoms.

        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict

        .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in

        if not filename:
            filename = self.filename

        blocks = []

        with openany(filename) as f:
            for i, line in enumerate(f):
                # found new molecules
                if "@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE" in line:
                    if len(blocks):
                    blocks.append({"start_line": i, "lines": []})

        if not len(blocks):
            raise ValueError("The mol2 file '{}' needs to have at least one"
                             " @<TRIPOS>MOLECULE block".format(filename))
        block = blocks[0]

        sections = {}
        cursor = None

        for line in block["lines"]:
            if "@<TRIPOS>" in line:
                cursor = line.split("@<TRIPOS>")[1].strip().lower()
                sections[cursor] = []
            elif line.startswith("#") or line == "\n":

        atom_lines, bond_lines = sections["atom"], sections["bond"]

        if not len(atom_lines):
            raise ValueError("The mol2 block ({}:{}) has no atoms".format(
                os.path.basename(filename), block["start_line"]))
        if not len(bond_lines):
            raise ValueError("The mol2 block ({}:{}) has no bonds".format(
                os.path.basename(filename), block["start_line"]))

        atoms = []
        for a in atom_lines:
            aid, name, x, y, z, atom_type, resid, resname, charge = a.split()
            aid = int(aid) - 1
            #x, y, z = float(x), float(y), float(z)
            resid = int(resid)
            charge = float(charge)
            element = guess_atom_type(name)
            mass = guess_atom_mass(element)
            # atom type is sybl atom type
                Atom(aid, name, atom_type, resname, resid, "X", mass, charge))

        bonds = []
        bondorder = {}
        for b in bond_lines:
            # bond_type can be: 1, 2, am, ar
            bid, a0, a1, bond_type = b.split()
            a0, a1 = int(a0) - 1, int(a1) - 1
            bond = tuple(sorted([a0, a1]))
            bondorder[bond] = bond_type
        structure = {"_atoms": atoms, "_bonds": bonds, "_bondorder": bondorder}
        return structure
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def parse(self):
        """Parse Amber PRMTOP topology file *filename*.
        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict.
        formatversion = 10
        with openany(self.filename) as topfile:
            for line in topfile:
                if line.startswith("%FLAG ATOMIC_NUMBER"):
                    formatversion = 12
        if formatversion == 12:
            sections = [
                ("ATOM_NAME", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_name", 0),
                ("CHARGE", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_charge", 0),
                ("ATOMIC_NUMBER", 1, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_skip", 0),
                ("MASS", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_mass", 0),
                ("ATOM_TYPE_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_atom_type",
                ("NUMBER_EXCLUDED_ATOMS", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("RESIDUE_LABEL", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_resname", 11),
                ("RESIDUE_POINTER", 2, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_respoint",
            #("BOND_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("BOND_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("ANGLE_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("ANGLE_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_PERIODICITY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_PHASE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("SOLTY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN", 2, 4, self._parsebond, "_bonds",2),
            #("ANGLES_INC_HYDROGEN", 3, 3, self._parsesection, "_angles"),
            #("DIHEDRALS_INC_HYDROGEN", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_dihe"),
            #("NIMPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_impr"),
            #("NDON", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_donors"),
            #("NACC", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_acceptors"),
        elif formatversion == 10:
            sections = [
                ("ATOM_NAME", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_name", 0),
                ("CHARGE", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_charge", 0),
                ("MASS", 1, 5, self._parsesection, "_mass", 0),
                ("ATOM_TYPE_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_atom_type",
                ("NUMBER_EXCLUDED_ATOMS", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("NONBONDED_PARM_INDEX", 1, 10, self._parseskip, "_skip", 8),
                ("RESIDUE_LABEL", 1, 20, self._parseatoms, "_resname", 11),
                ("RESIDUE_POINTER", 2, 10, self._parsesectionint, "_respoint",
            #("BOND_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("BOND_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("ANGLE_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("ANGLE_EQUIL_VALUE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_FORCE_CONSTANT", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_PERIODICITY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("DIHEDRAL_PHASE", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("SOLTY", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF", 1, 5, self._parseskip,"_skip",8),
            #("BONDS_INC_HYDROGEN", 2, 4, self._parsebond, "_bonds",2),
            #("ANGLES_INC_HYDROGEN", 3, 3, self._parsesection, "_angles"),
            #("DIHEDRALS_INC_HYDROGEN", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_dihe")]
            #("NIMPHI", 4, 2, self._parsesection, "_impr"),
            #("NDON", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_donors"),
            #("NACC", 2, 4, self._parsesection,"_acceptors")]

        # Open and check top validity
        # Reading header info POINTERS
        with openany(self.filename) as topfile:
            next_line = topfile.next
            header = next_line()
            if header[:3] != "%VE":
                raise ValueError(
                    "{} is not a valid TOP file. %VE Missing in header".format(
            title = next_line().split()
            if not (title[1] == "TITLE"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "{} is not a valid TOP file. 'TITLE' missing in header".
            while header[:14] != '%FLAG POINTERS':
                header = next_line()
            header = next_line()

            topremarks = [next_line().strip() for i in xrange(4)]
            sys_info = [int(k) for i in topremarks for k in i.split()]

            structure = {}
            final_structure = {}

                for info in sections:
                    self._parse_sec(sys_info, info, next_line, structure,
            except StopIteration:
                raise ValueError("The TOP file didn't contain the minimum"
                                 " required section of ATOM_NAME")
            # Completing info respoint to include all atoms in last resid
            structure["_respoint"][-1] = structure["_respoint"][-1] + 1

        atoms = [
        ] * sys_info[0]

        j = 0
        segid = "SYSTEM"
        for i in range(sys_info[0]):
            charge = convert(structure["_charge"][i], 'Amber',
            if structure["_respoint"][j] <= i + 1 < structure["_respoint"][j +
                resid = j + 1
                resname = structure["_resname"][j]
                j += 1
                resid = j + 1
                resname = structure["_resname"][j]
            mass = structure["_mass"][i]
            atomtype = structure["_atom_type"][i]
            atomname = structure["_name"][i]
            #segid = 'SYSTEM'  # does not exist in Amber

            atoms[i] = Atom(i, atomname, atomtype, resname, resid, segid, mass,
        final_structure["_atoms"] = atoms
        final_structure["_numatoms"] = sys_info[0]
        return final_structure
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _build_structure(self):
        #atoms cannot be written out of index order, so we
        #need to iterate residue by residue
        index = 0
        reverse_map = {}
        residues = {}
        #keep track of selections, so we can throw a useful error if we don't end up selecting anything
        selection_count = {}
        segments = {}
        for s in self.selections:
            selection_count[s] = 0

        #if we're reducing the residues, we'll need to take care of that
        ref_residues = self.ref_u.residues
        if (self.residue_reduction_map):
            #reduce them
            ref_residues = []
            for i, ri in enumerate(self.residue_reduction_map):
                            id=i + 1,
                            atoms=reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
                                         [self.ref_u.residues[j] for j in ri]),
                            resnum=i + 1))

        for r in ref_residues:
            residue_atoms = []
            for s, n in zip(self.selections, self.names):
                group = r.selectAtoms(s)

                #check if there were any selected atoms
                if (len(group) == 0):

                selection_count[s] += len(group)

                #make new atom
                new_mass = sum([x.mass if x in group else 0 for x in r])
                if (sum([1 if x in group else 0 for x in r]) > 0
                        and new_mass == 0):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Zero mass CG particle found! Please check all-atom masses and/or set them manually via \"fine_grain_universe.selectAtoms(...).set_mass(...)\"'

                a = Atom(index, n, n, r.name, r.id, r.atoms[0].segid, new_mass,

                index += 1
                for ra in group:
                    if (ra in reverse_map):
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Attemtping to map {} to {} and {}'.format(
                                ra, a, reverse_map[ra]))
                    reverse_map[ra] = a

                #append atom to new residue atom group
                #add the atom to Universe
                self.atoms += a
            #now actually create new residue and give atoms a reference to it
            residues[r.id] = Residue(r.name,
            for a in residue_atoms:
                a.residue = residues[r.id]

            #take care of putting residue into segment
            segid = None if len(residue_atoms) == 0 else residue_atoms[0].segid
            if (segid in segments):
            elif (segid):
                segments[segid] = [residues[r.id]]

        #check to make sure we selected something
        total_selected = 0
        for s in self.selections:
            count = selection_count[s]
            total_selected += count
            if (count == 0):
                raise ValueError('Selection "%s" matched no atoms' % s)

        #check counting
        if (len(self.ref_u.atoms) < total_selected):
            print 'Warining: some atoms placed into more than 1 CG Site'
        elif (len(self.ref_u.atoms) > total_selected):
            print 'Warning: some atoms not placed into CG site'

        #find hydrogens and collapse them into beads
        if (self.chydrogens):
            for b in self.ref_u.bonds:
                #my hack for inferring a hydrogen
                for a1, a2 in [(b.atom1, b.atom2), (b.atom2, b.atom1)]:
                    if (a1.type.startswith('H') and a1.mass < 4.):
                        reverse_map[a1] = reverse_map[a2]
                        #add the mass
                        reverse_map[a2].mass += a1.mass

        #generate matrix mappings for center of mass and sum of forces
        # A row is a mass normalized cg site defition. or unormalized 1s for forces
        self.top_map = npsp.lil_matrix(
            (self.atoms.numberOfAtoms(), self.ref_u.atoms.numberOfAtoms()),
        self.force_map = npsp.lil_matrix(
            (self.atoms.numberOfAtoms(), self.ref_u.atoms.numberOfAtoms()),

        for a in self.ref_u.atoms:
                             a.number] = a.mass / reverse_map[a].mass
                self.force_map[reverse_map[a].number, a.number] = 1.
            except KeyError:
                #was not selected

        #Put them into efficient sparse matrix.
        self.top_map = self.top_map.tobsr()
        self.force_map = self.force_map.tobsr()

        #add bonds using the reverse map
        self.bonds = []
        for b in self.ref_u.bonds:
                cgatom1 = reverse_map[b.atom1]
                cgatom2 = reverse_map[b.atom2]
                for cbg in self.bonds:
                    if (not (cbg.atom1 in [cgatom1, cgatom2])
                            and not (cbg.atom2 in [cgatom1, cgatom2])):
                        #OK, no bond exists yet
                        self.bonds.append(Bond(cgatom1, cgatom2))
            except KeyError:
                #was not in selection

        self.__trajectory = CGReader(self, self.ref_u.trajectory, self.top_map,
                                     self.force_map, self.lfdump)
        for a in self.atoms:
            a.universe = self

        #take care of segments now
        segment_groups = {}
        for k, v in segments.iteritems():
            segment_groups[k] = Segment(k, v)
        for a in self.atoms:
            a.segment = segment_groups[a.segid]

Ejemplo n.º 17
    def parse(self):
        """Parse DMS file *filename* and return the dict `structure`.
        Only reads the list of atoms.
        :Returns: MDAnalysis internal *structure* dict, which contains
        Atom and Bond objects
        .. SeeAlso:: The *structure* dict is defined in

        # Fix by SB: Needed because sqlite3.connect does not raise anything if file is not there
        if not os.path.isfile(self.filename):
            raise IOError("No such file: {}".format(self.filename))

        def dict_factory(cursor, row):
            Fetch SQL records as dictionaries, rather than the default tuples.
            d = {}
            for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
                d[col[0]] = row[idx]
            return d

        with sqlite3.connect(self.filename) as con:
                # This will return dictionaries instead of tuples,
                # when calling cur.fetch() or fetchall()
                con.row_factory = dict_factory
                cur = con.cursor()
                cur.execute('SELECT * FROM particle')
                particles = cur.fetchall()
            except sqlite3.DatabaseError:
                raise IOError("Failed reading the atoms from DMS Database")
                # p["anum"] contains the atomic number
                    atoms = [
                        Atom(p["id"], p["name"].strip(),
                             p["resname"].strip(), p["resid"],
                             p["segid"].strip(), p["mass"], p["charge"])
                        for p in particles
                except KeyError:
                    raise ValueError("Failed reading atom information")
                cur.execute('SELECT * FROM bond')
                bonds = cur.fetchall()
            except sqlite3.DatabaseError:
                raise IOError("Failed reading the bonds from DMS Database")
                bondlist = []
                bondorder = {}
                for b in bonds:
                    desc = tuple(sorted([b['p0'], b['p1']]))
                    bondorder[desc] = b['order']

        # All the records below besides donors and acceptors can be contained in a DMS file.
        # In addition to the coordinates and bonds, DMS may contain the entire force-field
        # information (terms+parameters),
        structure = {
            "_atoms": atoms,
            "_bonds": tuple(bondlist),
            "_bondorder": bondorder

        return structure
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _build_structure(self):
        #atoms cannot be written out of index order, so we 
        #need to iterate residue by residue
        index = 0
        fgtocg_incl_map = {} #keys = fine atoms, values = coarse beads
        residues = {}
        #keep track of selections, so we can throw a useful error if we don't end up selecting anything
        selection_count = {}
        segments = {}
        for s in self.selections:
            selection_count[s] = 0

        #if we're reducing the residues, we'll need to take care of that
        ref_residues = self.fgref_u.residues
            #reduce them
            ref_residues = []
            for i,ri in enumerate(self.residue_reduction_map):
                ref_residues.append(Residue(name='CMB', id=i+1, 
                                            atoms=reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, [self.fgref_u.residues[j] for j in ri]),
        total_masses = []
        for r in ref_residues:
            residue_atoms = []
            for s,n in zip(self.selections, self.names):
                group = r.selectAtoms(s)

                #check if there were any selected atoms
                if(len(group) == 0):

                selection_count[s] += len(group)
                #calculate the total mass lumped into the new CG atom
                total_mass = sum([x.mass if x in group else 0 for x in r])
                if(sum([1 if x in group else 0 for x in r]) > 0 and total_mass == 0):                    
                    raise ValueError('Zero mass CG particle found! Please check all-atom masses and/or set them manually via \"fine_grain_universe.selectAtoms(...).set_mass(...)\"')
                #make new atom, using total mass as mass
                #masses are corrected after hydrogens are collapsed in
                #and the fg to cg maps are defined 
                a = Atom(index, n, n, r.name, r.id, r.atoms[0].segid, total_mass, 0) 
                index += 1

                for ra in group:
                    if(ra in fgtocg_incl_map):
                        raise ValueError('Attemtping to map {} to {} and {}'.format(ra, a, fgtocg_incl_map[ra]))
                    fgtocg_incl_map[ra] = a

                #append atom to new residue atom group
                #add the atom to Universe
                self.atoms += a
            #now actually create new residue and give atoms a reference to it
            residues[r.id] = Residue(r.name, r.id, residue_atoms, resnum=r.resnum)
            for a in residue_atoms:
                a.residue = residues[r.id]

            #take care of putting residue into segment
            segid = None if len(residue_atoms) == 0 else residue_atoms[0].segid
            if(segid in segments):
                segments[segid] = [residues[r.id]]

        #check to make sure we selected something
        total_selected = 0
        for s in self.selections:
            count = selection_count[s]
            total_selected += count
            if(count == 0):
                raise ValueError('Selection "%s" matched no atoms' % s)        

        #check counting
        if(len(self.fgref_u.atoms) < total_selected):
            print 'Warining: some atoms placed into more than 1 CG Site'
        elif(len(self.fgref_u.atoms) > total_selected):
            print 'Warning: some atoms not placed into CG site'

        #find hydrogens and collapse them into beads 
            for b in self.fgref_u.bonds:
                #my hack for inferring a hydrogen
                for a1,a2 in [(b[0], b[1]), (b[1], b[0])]:
                    if(a1.type.startswith('H') and a1.mass < 4.):
                        fgtocg_incl_map[a1] = fgtocg_incl_map[a2]
                        #add the mass
                        fgtocg_incl_map[a2].mass += a1.mass        

        #generate matrix mappings for center of mass and sum of forces
        # A row is a mass normalized cg site defition. or unormalized 1s for forces
        self.pos_map = npsp.lil_matrix( (self.atoms.numberOfAtoms(), self.fgref_u.atoms.numberOfAtoms()) , dtype=np.float32)
        self.force_map = npsp.lil_matrix( (self.atoms.numberOfAtoms(), self.fgref_u.atoms.numberOfAtoms()) , dtype=np.float32)

        #keep a forward map for use in state-masks
        #The key is a CG atom number and the value is an atom group of the fine-grain atoms
        self.cgtofg_fiber_map = [[] for x in range(self.atoms.numberOfAtoms())]

        for a in self.fgref_u.atoms:
                self.pos_map[fgtocg_incl_map[a].number, a.number] = a.mass / fgtocg_incl_map[a].mass
                self.force_map[fgtocg_incl_map[a].number, a.number] = 1.
                self.cgtofg_fiber_map[fgtocg_incl_map[a].number] += [a.number]
            except KeyError:
                #was not selected

        #set the masses correctly now that the total is used and
        #a cg to fg map is available
        #see Noid et al 2008 (MS-CG I), M_I = (\sum_i c_Ii^2 / m_i)^-1 for nonzero c_Ii
        #c_Ii = fg atom mass / cg atom total mass for all fg atoms included
        #in the definition of cg atom I
        for cg_idx in range(self.atoms.numberOfAtoms()):
            new_mass = 1.0 / sum([(self.fgref_u.atoms[fg_idx].mass / self.atoms[cg_idx].mass ** 2) for fg_idx in self.cgtofg_fiber_map[cg_idx]])
            self.atoms[cg_idx].mass = new_mass

        for i in range(self.atoms.numberOfAtoms()):
            #convert the list of atom indices into an AtomGroup object
            #it has to be wraped so we can manipulate it later
            self.cgtofg_fiber_map[i] = AtomGroupWrapper(reduce(lambda x,y: x + y, [self.fgref_u.atoms[x] for x in self.cgtofg_fiber_map[i]]))
        #Put them into efficient sparse matrix.
        self.pos_map = self.pos_map.tobsr()
        self.force_map = self.force_map.tobsr()
        #add bonds using the reverse map
        #There is new syntax in 0.92 that uses topolgy groups instead of lists.
        #delete using attribute 
        del self.bonds
        for b in self.fgref_u.bonds:
                cgatom1 = fgtocg_incl_map[b[0]]
                cgatom2 = fgtocg_incl_map[b[1]]
                for cbg in self.bonds:
                    if(not (cbg[0] in [cgatom1, cgatom2]) and not( cbg[1] in [cgatom1, cgatom2])):
                    #OK, no bond exists yet
                        self.bonds += Bond( (cgatom1, cgatom2) )
            except KeyError:
                #was not in selection

        self.__trajectory = CGReader(self, self.fgref_u.trajectory, self.pos_map, self.force_map, self.lfdump, self.lfdump_map)
        for a in self.atoms:
            a.universe = self

        #take care of segments now
        segment_groups = {}
        for k,v in segments.iteritems():
            segment_groups[k] = Segment(k, v)
        for a in self.atoms:
            a.segment = segment_groups[a.segid]