Ejemplo n.º 1
class TestCustomReaders(object):
    Can pass a reader as kwarg on Universe creation
                'TRZ parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def test_custom_reader(self):
        # check that reader passing works
        u = mda.Universe(TRZ_psf,
        assert_equal(len(u.atoms), 8184)

    def test_custom_reader_singleframe(self):
        T = MDAnalysis.topology.GROParser.GROParser
        R = MDAnalysis.coordinates.GRO.GROReader
        u = mda.Universe(two_water_gro,
        assert_equal(len(u.atoms), 6)

    def test_custom_reader_singleframe_2(self):
        # Same as before, but only one argument to Universe
        T = MDAnalysis.topology.GROParser.GROParser
        R = MDAnalysis.coordinates.GRO.GROReader
        u = mda.Universe(two_water_gro, topology_format=T, format=R)
        assert_equal(len(u.atoms), 6)

                'TRZ parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def test_custom_parser(self):
        # topology reader passing works
        u = mda.Universe(
        assert_equal(len(u.atoms), 8184)

                'TRZ parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def test_custom_both(self):
        # use custom for both
        u = mda.Universe(
        assert_equal(len(u.atoms), 8184)
class TestSelectionErrors(object):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.u

    def selection_fail(self, selstr):
        assert_raises(SelectionError, self.u.select_atoms, selstr)

    def test_expected_errors(self):
        for selstr in [
                'name and H',  # string selection
                'name )',
                'resid abcd',  # range selection
                'resid 1-',
                'prop chicken == tasty',
                'prop chicken <= 7.4',
                'prop mass ^^ 12.0',
                'same this as resid 1',  # same selection
                'same resid resname mass 5.0',  # same / expect
                'name H and',  # check all tokens used
                'naem H',  # unkonwn (misplet) opertaor
                'resid and name C',  # rangesel not finding vals
                'resnum ',
                'bynum or protein',
                'prop mass < 4.0 hello',  # unused token
                'prop mass > 10. and group this',  # missing group
                'prop mass > 10. and fullgroup this',  # missing fullgroup
            yield self.selection_fail, selstr
Ejemplo n.º 3
class _SelectionWriter(TestCase):
    filename = None
    max_number = 357  # to keep fixtures smallish, only select CAs up to number 357

                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.universe = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        stream = StringIO()
        self.namedfile = NamedStream(stream, self.filename)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.universe
        del self.namedfile

    def _selection(self):
        return self.universe.select_atoms(
            "protein and name CA and bynum 1-{0}".format(self.max_number))

    def _write(self, **kwargs):
        g = self._selection()
        g.write(self.namedfile, **kwargs)
        return g

    def _write_selection(self, **kwargs):
        g = self._selection()
        g.write_selection(self.namedfile, **kwargs)
        return g
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TestAtomGroupTimestep(object):
    """Tests the AtomGroup.ts attribute (partial timestep)"""
                'TRZ parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.universe = mda.Universe(TRZ_psf, TRZ)
        self.prec = 6

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.universe
        del self.prec

    def test_partial_timestep(self):
        ag = self.universe.select_atoms('name Ca')
        idx = ag.indices

        assert_equal(len(ag.ts._pos), len(ag))

        for ts in self.universe.trajectory[0:20:5]:
                err_msg="Partial timestep coordinates wrong")
                err_msg="Partial timestep coordinates wrong")
Ejemplo n.º 5
class TestOrthogonalDistanceSelections(BaseDistanceSelection):
                'TRZ parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.u = mda.Universe(TRZ_psf, TRZ)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.u

    def _check_cyzone(self, meth, periodic):
        sel = Parser.parse('cyzone 5 4 -4 resid 2', self.u.atoms)
        sel.periodic = periodic
        result = sel.apply(self.u.atoms)

        other = self.u.select_atoms('resid 2')
        pos = other.center_of_geometry()

        vecs = self.u.atoms.positions - pos
        if periodic:
            box = self.u.dimensions[:3]
            vecs -= box * np.rint(vecs / box)

        mask = (vecs[:, 2] > -4) & (vecs[:, 2] < 4)

        radii = vecs[:, 0]**2 + vecs[:, 1]**2
        mask &= radii < 5**2

        ref = set(self.u.atoms[mask].indices)

        assert_(ref == set(result.indices))

    def test_cyzone(self):
        for meth, periodic in self.methods[1:]:
            yield self._check_cyzone, meth, periodic
Ejemplo n.º 6
class TestLAMMPSDCD(BaseTimestepInterfaceTest):
                'LAMMPS parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        u = self.u = mda.Universe(LAMMPSdata2, LAMMPSdcd2,
                                  format='LAMMPS', topology_format='DATA',
        self.ts = u.trajectory.ts
Ejemplo n.º 7
class _TestSelfDistanceArrayDCD(TestCase):
    backend = None

                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.universe = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        self.trajectory = self.universe.trajectory
        self.ca = self.universe.select_atoms('name CA')
        # see comments above on precision
        self.prec = 5

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.universe
        del self.trajectory
        del self.ca

    def test_simple(self):
        U = self.universe
        x0 = U.atoms.coordinates(copy=True)
        d = MDAnalysis.lib.distances.self_distance_array(x0, backend=self.backend)
        N = 3341 * (3341 - 1) / 2
        assert_equal(d.shape, (N,), "wrong shape (should be (Natoms*(Natoms-1)/2,))")
        assert_almost_equal(d.min(), 0.92905562402529318, self.prec,
                            err_msg="wrong minimum distance value")
        assert_almost_equal(d.max(), 52.4702570624190590, self.prec,
                            err_msg="wrong maximum distance value")

    def test_outarray(self):
        U = self.universe
        x0 = U.atoms.coordinates(copy=True)
        natoms = len(U.atoms)
        N = natoms * (natoms - 1) / 2
        d = np.zeros((N,), np.float64)
        MDAnalysis.lib.distances.self_distance_array(x0, result=d, backend=self.backend)
        assert_equal(d.shape, (N,), "wrong shape (should be (Natoms*(Natoms-1)/2,))")
        assert_almost_equal(d.min(), 0.92905562402529318, self.prec,
                            err_msg="wrong minimum distance value")
        assert_almost_equal(d.max(), 52.4702570624190590, self.prec,
                            err_msg="wrong maximum distance value")

    def test_periodic(self):
        # boring with the current dcd as that has no PBC
        U = self.universe
        x0 = U.atoms.coordinates(copy=True)
        natoms = len(U.atoms)
        N = natoms * (natoms - 1) / 2
        d = MDAnalysis.lib.distances.self_distance_array(x0, box=U.coord.dimensions,
        assert_equal(d.shape, (N,), "wrong shape (should be (Natoms*(Natoms-1)/2,))")
        assert_almost_equal(d.min(), 0.92905562402529318, self.prec,
                            err_msg="wrong minimum distance value with PBC")
        assert_almost_equal(d.max(), 52.4702570624190590, self.prec,
                            err_msg="wrong maximum distance value with PBC")
Ejemplo n.º 8
class TestWaterdynamics(TestCase):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.universe = MDAnalysis.Universe(waterPSF, waterDCD)
        self.selection1 = "byres name OH2"
        self.selection2 = self.selection1
        self.selection3 = "byres name P1"

    def test_HydrogenBondLifetimes(self):
        hbl = MDAnalysis.analysis.waterdynamics.HydrogenBondLifetimes(
            self.universe, self.selection1, self.selection2, 0, 5, 3)
        assert_equal(round(hbl.timeseries[2][1], 5), 0.75)

    def test_WaterOrientationalRelaxation(self):
        wor = MDAnalysis.analysis.waterdynamics.WaterOrientationalRelaxation(
            self.universe, self.selection1, 0, 5, 2)
        assert_equal(round(wor.timeseries[1][2], 5), 0.35887)

    def test_WaterOrientationalRelaxation_zeroMolecules(self):
        wor_zero = MDAnalysis.analysis.waterdynamics.WaterOrientationalRelaxation(
            self.universe, self.selection3, 0, 5, 2)
        assert_equal(wor_zero.timeseries[1], (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

    def test_AngularDistribution(self):
        ad = MDAnalysis.analysis.waterdynamics.AngularDistribution(
            self.universe, self.selection1, 40)
        assert_equal(str(ad.graph[0][39]), str("0.951172947884 0.48313682125"))

    def test_MeanSquareDisplacement(self):
        msd = MDAnalysis.analysis.waterdynamics.MeanSquareDisplacement(
            self.universe, self.selection1, 0, 10, 2)
        assert_equal(round(msd.timeseries[1], 5), 0.03984)

    def test_MeanSquareDisplacement_zeroMolecules(self):
        msd_zero = MDAnalysis.analysis.waterdynamics.MeanSquareDisplacement(
            self.universe, self.selection3, 0, 10, 2)
        assert_equal(msd_zero.timeseries[1], 0.0)

    def test_SurvivalProbability(self):
        sp = MDAnalysis.analysis.waterdynamics.SurvivalProbability(
            self.universe, self.selection1, 0, 6, 3)
        assert_equal(round(sp.timeseries[1], 5), 1.0)

    def test_SurvivalProbability_zeroMolecules(self):
        sp_zero = MDAnalysis.analysis.waterdynamics.SurvivalProbability(
            self.universe, self.selection3, 0, 6, 3)
        assert_equal(sp_zero.timeseries[1], 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class _Test_apply_PBC(TestCase):
    backend = None

    def setUp(self):
        self.prec = 6

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.prec

                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def test_ortho_PBC(self):
        from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import apply_PBC

        U = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        atoms = U.atoms.coordinates()
        box1 = np.array([2.5, 2.5, 3.5], dtype=np.float32)
        box2 = np.array([2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 90., 90., 90.], dtype=np.float32)

        cyth1 = apply_PBC(atoms, box1, backend=self.backend)
        cyth2 = apply_PBC(atoms, box2, backend=self.backend)
        reference = atoms - np.floor(atoms / box1) * box1

        assert_almost_equal(cyth1, reference, self.prec,
                            err_msg="Ortho apply_PBC #1 failed comparison with np")
        assert_almost_equal(cyth2, reference, self.prec,
                            err_msg="Ortho apply_PBC #2 failed comparison with np")

    def test_tric_PBC(self):
        from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import apply_PBC

        U = MDAnalysis.Universe(TRIC)
        atoms = U.atoms.coordinates()
        box1 = U.dimensions
        box2 = MDAnalysis.coordinates.core.triclinic_vectors(box1)

        #print box2
        #print box2.shape

        def numpy_PBC(coords, box):
            coords -= np.array([box[2] * val for val in np.floor(coords[:, 2] / box[2][2])])
            coords -= np.array([box[1] * val for val in np.floor(coords[:, 1] / box[1][1])])
            coords -= np.array([box[0] * val for val in np.floor(coords[:, 0] / box[0][0])])

            return coords

        cyth1 = apply_PBC(atoms, box1, backend=self.backend)
        cyth2 = apply_PBC(atoms, box2, backend=self.backend)
        reference = numpy_PBC(atoms, box2)

        assert_almost_equal(cyth1, reference, self.prec,
                            err_msg="Triclinic apply_PBC failed comparison with np")
        assert_almost_equal(cyth2, reference, self.prec,
                            err_msg="Trlclinic apply_PBC failed comparison with np")
Ejemplo n.º 10
class TestSegmentGroup(object):
    # Legacy tests from before 363
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        """Set up the standard AdK system in implicit solvent."""
        self.universe = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        self.g = self.universe.atoms.segments

    def test_newSegmentGroup(self):
        """test that slicing a SegmentGroup returns a new SegmentGroup (Issue 135)"""
        g = self.universe.atoms.segments
        newg = g[:]
        assert_(isinstance(newg, mda.core.groups.SegmentGroup))
        assert_equal(len(newg), len(g))

    def test_n_atoms(self):
        assert_equal(self.g.n_atoms, 3341)

    def test_n_residues(self):
        assert_equal(self.g.n_residues, 214)

    def test_resids_dim(self):
        assert_equal(len(self.g.resids), len(self.g))
        for seg, resids in zip(self.g, self.g.resids):
            assert_(len(resids) == len(seg.residues))
            assert_equal(seg.residues.resids, resids)

    def test_resnums_dim(self):
        assert_equal(len(self.g.resnums), len(self.g))
        for seg, resnums in zip(self.g, self.g.resnums):
            assert_(len(resnums) == len(seg.residues))
            assert_equal(seg.residues.resnums, resnums)

    def test_segids_dim(self):
        assert_equal(len(self.g.segids), len(self.g))

    def test_set_segids(self):
        s = self.universe.select_atoms('all').segments
        s.segids = 'ADK'
        assert_equal(self.universe.segments.segids, ['ADK'],
                     err_msg="failed to set_segid on segments")

    def test_set_segid_updates_self(self):
        g = self.universe.select_atoms("resid 10:18").segments
        g.segids = 'ADK'
            g.segids, ['ADK'],
            err_msg="old selection was not changed in place after set_segid")

    def test_atom_order(self):
Ejemplo n.º 11
class TestMergeTopology(object):
    """Test that Merge correct does topology"""
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.u = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        self.u2 = MDAnalysis.Universe(merge_protein)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.u
        del self.u2

    def test_merge_with_topology(self):
        ag1 = self.u.atoms[:20]
        ag2 = self.u.atoms[100:110]

        u2 = MDAnalysis.Merge(ag1, ag2)

        assert_(len(u2.atoms) == 30)
        assert_(len(u2.atoms.bonds) == 28)
        assert_(len(u2.atoms.angles) == 47)
        assert_(len(u2.atoms.dihedrals) == 53)
        assert_(len(u2.atoms.impropers) == 1)

        # All these bonds are in the merged Universe
        assert_(len(ag1[0].bonds) == len(u2.atoms[0].bonds))
        # One of these bonds isn't in the merged Universe
        assert_(len(ag2[0].bonds) -1 == len(u2.atoms[20].bonds))

    def test_merge_with_topology_from_different_universes(self):
        u3 = MDAnalysis.Merge(self.u.atoms[:110], self.u2.atoms)

        # merge_protein doesn't contain bond topology, so merged universe
        # shouldn't have one either
        # PDB reader yields empty Bonds group, which means bonds from
        # PSF/DCD survive the merge
        #assert_(not hasattr(u3.atoms, 'bonds') or len(u3.atoms.bonds) == 0)
        assert_(not hasattr(u3.atoms, 'angles') or len(u3.atoms.bonds) == 0)
        assert_(not hasattr(u3.atoms, 'dihedrals') or len(u3.atoms.bonds) == 0)
        assert_(not hasattr(u3.atoms, 'impropers') or len(u3.atoms.bonds) == 0)

    def test_merge_without_topology(self):
        # This shouldn't have topology as we merged single atoms
        u2 = MDAnalysis.Merge(self.u.atoms[0:1], self.u.atoms[10:11])

        assert_(len(u2.atoms) == 2)
        assert_(len(u2.atoms.bonds) == 0)
        assert_(len(u2.atoms.angles) == 0)
        assert_(len(u2.atoms.dihedrals) == 0)
        assert_(len(u2.atoms.impropers) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 12
class _SelectionWriter(TestCase):
    filename = None
    max_number = 357  # to keep fixtures smallish, only select CAs up to number 357

                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.universe = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        stream = StringIO()
        self.namedfile = NamedStream(stream, self.filename)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.universe
        del self.namedfile

    def _selection(self):
        return self.universe.select_atoms(
            "protein and name CA and bynum 1-{0}".format(self.max_number))

    def _write(self, **kwargs):
        g = self._selection()
        g.write(self.namedfile, **kwargs)
        return g

    def _write_selection(self, **kwargs):
        g = self._selection()
        g.write(self.namedfile, **kwargs)
        return g

    def _write_with(self, **kwargs):
        g = self._selection()
        with self.writer(self.namedfile, **kwargs) as outfile:
        return g

    def test_write_bad_mode(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            self._write(name=self.ref_name, mode='a+')

    def test_write(self):

    def test_writeselection(self):

    def test_write_with(self):
Ejemplo n.º 13
class TestAnalysisBase(object):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        # has 98 frames
        self.u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.u

    def test_default(self):
        an = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory).run()
        assert_equal(an.n_frames, len(self.u.trajectory))
        assert_equal(an.frames, list(range(len(self.u.trajectory))))

    def test_start(self):
        an = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory, start=20).run()
        assert_equal(an.n_frames, len(self.u.trajectory) - 20)
        assert_equal(an.frames, list(range(20, len(self.u.trajectory))))

    def test_stop(self):
        an = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory, stop=20).run()
        assert_equal(an.n_frames, 20)
        assert_equal(an.frames, list(range(20)))

    def test_step(self):
        an = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory, step=20).run()
        assert_equal(an.n_frames, 5)
        assert_equal(an.frames, list(range(98))[::20])

    def test_verbose(self):
        a = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory, verbose=True)
        assert_(not a._quiet)

    def test_incomplete_defined_analysis(self):

    def test_old_api(self):

    def test_start_stop_step_conversion(self):
        an = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory)
        assert_equal(an.start, 0)
        assert_equal(an.stop, self.u.trajectory.n_frames)
        assert_equal(an.step, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class TestPSAnalysis(TestCase):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.tmpdir = tempdir.TempDir()
        self.iu1 = np.triu_indices(3, k=1)
        self.universe1 = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        self.universe2 = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD2)
        self.universe_rev = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        self.universes = [self.universe1, self.universe2, self.universe_rev]
        self.psa = MDAnalysis.analysis.psa.PSAnalysis(self.universes,           \
                                               path_select='name CA',           \
        self.psa.paths[-1] = self.psa.paths[-1][::
                                                -1, :, :]  # reverse third path

    def _run(self):
        self.hausd_matrix = self.psa.get_pairwise_distances()
        self.frech_matrix = self.psa.get_pairwise_distances()
        self.hausd_dists = self.hausd_matrix[self.iu1]
        self.frech_dists = self.frech_matrix[self.iu1]

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.universe1
        del self.universe2
        del self.universe_rev
        del self.psa
        del self.tmpdir

    def test_hausdorff_bound(self):
        err_msg = "Some Frechet distances are smaller than corresponding "      \
                + "Hausdorff distances"
        assert_array_less(self.hausd_dists, self.frech_dists, err_msg)

    def test_reversal_hausdorff(self):
        err_msg = "Hausdorff distances changed after path reversal"
        assert_array_almost_equal(self.hausd_matrix[1,2],                       \
                                  self.hausd_matrix[0,1],                       \
                                  decimal=3, err_msg=err_msg)

    def test_reversal_frechet(self):
        err_msg = "Frechet distances did not increase after path reversal"
        assert_(self.frech_matrix[1, 2] >= self.frech_matrix[0, 1], err_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 15
class MemoryReference(BaseReference):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def __init__(self):
        super(MemoryReference, self).__init__()

        self.topology = PSF
        self.trajectory = DCD
        self.universe = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)

        self.n_atoms = self.universe.trajectory.n_atoms
        self.n_frames = self.universe.trajectory.n_frames

        self.dt = self.universe.trajectory.ts.dt
        self.dimensions = self.universe.trajectory.ts.dimensions
        self.totaltime = self.universe.trajectory.totaltime
        self.volume = self.universe.trajectory.ts.volume

        self.first_frame = Timestep(self.n_atoms)
        self.first_frame.positions = np.array(self.universe.trajectory[0])
        self.first_frame.frame = 0
        self.first_frame.time = self.first_frame.frame * self.dt

        self.second_frame = Timestep(self.n_atoms)
        self.second_frame.positions = np.array(self.universe.trajectory[1])
        self.second_frame.frame = 1
        self.second_frame.time = self.second_frame.frame * self.dt

        self.last_frame = Timestep(self.n_atoms)
        self.last_frame.positions = \
            np.array(self.universe.trajectory[self.n_frames - 1])
        self.last_frame.frame = self.n_frames - 1
        self.last_frame.time = self.last_frame.frame * self.dt

        self.jump_to_frame = self.first_frame.copy()
        self.jump_to_frame.positions = np.array(self.universe.trajectory[3])
        self.jump_to_frame.frame = 3
        self.jump_to_frame.time = self.jump_to_frame.frame * self.dt

    def reader(self, trajectory):
        return mda.Universe(self.topology, trajectory,

    def iter_ts(self, i):
        ts = self.universe.trajectory[i]
        return ts
Ejemplo n.º 16
class TestContactAnalysis1(TestCase):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.universe = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        self.trajectory = self.universe.trajectory

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.universe
        del self.trajectory

    def _run_ContactAnalysis1(self, **runkwargs):
        sel_basic = "(resname ARG or resname LYS) and (name NH* or name NZ)"
        sel_acidic = "(resname ASP or resname GLU) and (name OE* or name OD*)"
        acidic = self.universe.select_atoms(sel_acidic)
        basic = self.universe.select_atoms(sel_basic)
        outfile = 'qsalt.dat'
        CA1 = MDAnalysis.analysis.contacts.ContactAnalysis1(
            selection=(sel_acidic, sel_basic), refgroup=(acidic, basic),
            radius=6.0, outfile=outfile)
        kwargs = runkwargs.copy()
        kwargs['force'] = True
        return CA1

    def test_startframe(self):
        """test_startframe: TestContactAnalysis1: start frame set to 0 (resolution of Issue #624)"""
        with tempdir.in_tempdir():
            CA1 = self._run_ContactAnalysis1()
            self.assertEqual(CA1.timeseries.shape[1], self.universe.trajectory.n_frames)

    def test_end_zero(self):
        """test_end_zero: TestContactAnalysis1: stop frame 0 is not ignored"""
        with tempdir.in_tempdir():
            CA1 = self._run_ContactAnalysis1(stop=0)
            self.assertEqual(len(CA1.timeseries), 0)

    def test_slicing(self):
        start, stop, step = 10, 30, 5
        with tempdir.in_tempdir():
            CA1 = self._run_ContactAnalysis1(start=start, stop=stop, step=step)
            frames = np.arange(self.universe.trajectory.n_frames)[start:stop:step]
            self.assertEqual(CA1.timeseries.shape[1], len(frames))
Ejemplo n.º 17
class TestBondedSelection(object):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.u

    def test_bonded_1(self):
        ag = self.u.select_atoms('type 2 and bonded name N')

        assert_(len(ag) == 3)

    def test_nobonds_warns(self):
        self.u.bonds = TopologyGroup([])

        assert_warns(UserWarning, self.u.select_atoms,
                     'type 2 and bonded name N')
Ejemplo n.º 18
class TestChainReaderFormats(TestCase):
    """Test of ChainReader with explicit formats (Issue 76)."""
    def test_set_all_format_tuples(self):
        universe = mda.Universe(GRO, [(PDB, 'pdb'), (XTC, 'xtc'),
                                      (TRR, 'trr')])
        assert_equal(universe.trajectory.n_frames, 21)

                'DCD parset not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def test_set_one_format_tuple(self):
        universe = mda.Universe(PSF, [(PDB_small, 'pdb'), DCD])
        assert_equal(universe.trajectory.n_frames, 99)

    def test_set_all_formats(self):
        universe = mda.Universe(PSF, [PDB_small, PDB_closed], format='pdb')
        assert_equal(universe.trajectory.n_frames, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 19
class TestChainReaderCommonDt(TestCase):
                'DCD parset not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.common_dt = 100.0
        self.universe = mda.Universe(PSF,
                                     [DCD, CRD, DCD, CRD, DCD, CRD, CRD],
        self.trajectory = self.universe.trajectory
        self.prec = 3

    def test_time(self):
        # We test this for the beginning, middle and end of the trajectory.
        for frame_n in (0, self.trajectory.n_frames // 2, -1):
                            err_msg="Wrong time for frame {0:d}".format(frame_n) )
Ejemplo n.º 20
class TestBaseTimestep(BaseTimestepTest):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def test_other_timestep(self):
        # use a subclass to base.Timestep to check it works
        ts1 = mda.coordinates.base.Timestep(10)
        ts1.positions = self._get_pos()

        # can't do TRR Timestep here as it always has vels and forces
        # so isn't actually equal to a position only timestep
        for otherTS in [mda.coordinates.DCD.Timestep,
            ts2 = otherTS(10)
            ts2.positions = self._get_pos()
            yield (self._check_ts_equal, ts1, ts2,
                   "Failed on {0}".format(otherTS))
Ejemplo n.º 21
class TestResidue(object):
    # Legacy tests from before 363
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.universe = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        self.res = self.universe.residues[100]

    def test_type(self):
        assert_(isinstance(self.res, mda.core.groups.Residue))
        assert_equal(self.res.resname, "ILE")
        assert_equal(self.res.resid, 101)

    def test_index(self):
        atom = self.res.atoms[2]
        assert_(isinstance(atom, mda.core.groups.Atom))
        assert_equal(atom.name, "CA")
        assert_equal(atom.index, 1522)
        assert_equal(atom.resid, 101)

    def test_atom_order(self):
        assert_equal(self.res.atoms.indices, sorted(self.res.atoms.indices))
Ejemplo n.º 22
class TestMergeTopology(object):
    """Test that Merge correct does topology"""
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.u = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.u

    def test_merge_with_topology(self):
        ag1 = self.u.atoms[:20]
        ag2 = self.u.atoms[100:110]

        u2 = MDAnalysis.Merge(ag1, ag2)

        assert_(len(u2.atoms) == 30)
        assert_(len(u2.bonds) == 28)
        assert_(len(u2.angles) == 47)
        assert_(len(u2.dihedrals) == 53)
        assert_(len(u2.impropers) == 1)

        # All these bonds are in the merged Universe
        assert_(len(ag1[0].bonds) == len(u2.atoms[0].bonds))
        # One of these bonds isn't in the merged Universe
        assert_(len(ag2[0].bonds) -1 == len(u2.atoms[20].bonds))

    def test_merge_without_topology(self):
        # This shouldn't have topology as we merged single atoms
        ag1 = AtomGroup([self.u.atoms[1]])
        ag2 = AtomGroup([self.u.atoms[10]])

        u2 = MDAnalysis.Merge(ag1, ag2)

        assert_(len(u2.atoms) == 2)
        assert_(len(u2.bonds) == 0)
        assert_(len(u2.angles) == 0)
        assert_(len(u2.dihedrals) == 0)
        assert_(len(u2.impropers) == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 23
class TestBondedSelection(object):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.u

    def test_bonded_1(self):
        ag = self.u.select_atoms('type 2 and bonded name N')

        assert_(len(ag) == 3)

    def test_nobonds_warns():
        u = make_Universe(('names', ))

        # empty bond topology attr
        batt = mda.core.topologyattrs.Bonds([])

        assert_warns(UserWarning, u.select_atoms, 'bonded name AAA')
Ejemplo n.º 24
class TestAnalysisBase(object):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        # has 98 frames
        self.u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.u

    def test_default(self):
        an = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory)
        assert_(an.nframes == len(self.u.trajectory))

        assert_(an.frames == list(range(len(self.u.trajectory))))

    def test_start(self):
        an = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory, start=20)
        assert_(an.nframes == len(self.u.trajectory) - 20)

        assert_(an.frames == list(range(20, len(self.u.trajectory))))

    def test_stop(self):
        an = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory, stop=20)
        assert_(an.nframes == 20)

        assert_(an.frames == list(range(20)))

    def test_step(self):
        an = FrameAnalysis(self.u.trajectory, step=20)
        assert_(an.nframes == 5)

        assert_(an.frames == list(range(98))[::20])
Ejemplo n.º 25
class TestWrap(object):
                'TRZ parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.u = mda.Universe(TRZ_psf, TRZ)
        self.ag = self.u.atoms[:100]

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.u
        del self.ag

    def test_wrap_comp_fail(self):
        assert_raises(ValueError, self.ag.wrap, compound='strawberries')

    def test_wrap_cent_fail(self):

    def test_wrap_box_fail(self):
        assert_raises(ValueError, self.ag.wrap, box=np.array([0, 1]))

    def _in_box(self, coords):
        """Check that a set of coordinates are 0.0 <= r <= box"""
        box = self.u.dimensions[:3]

        return (coords >= 0.0).all() and (coords <= box).all()

    def test_wrap_atoms(self):
        ag = self.u.atoms[100:200]

        assert_equal(self._in_box(ag.positions), True)

    def test_wrap_group(self):
        ag = self.u.atoms[:100]

        cen = ag.center_of_mass()

        assert_equal(self._in_box(cen), True)

    def test_wrap_residues(self):
        ag = self.u.atoms[300:400]

        cen = np.vstack([r.atoms.center_of_mass() for r in ag.residues])

        assert_equal(self._in_box(cen), True)

    def test_wrap_segments(self):
        ag = self.u.atoms[1000:1200]

        cen = np.vstack([s.atoms.center_of_mass() for s in ag.segments])

        assert_equal(self._in_box(cen), True)

    def test_wrap_fragments(self):
        ag = self.u.atoms[:250]

        cen = np.vstack([f.center_of_mass() for f in ag.fragments])

        assert_equal(self._in_box(cen), True)
Ejemplo n.º 26

def test_contact_matrix():
    d = np.arange(5)
    radius = np.ones(5) * 2.5

    out = contacts.contact_matrix(d, radius)
    assert_array_equal(out, [True, True, True, False, False])

    # check in-place update
    out = np.empty(out.shape)
    contacts.contact_matrix(d, radius, out=out)
    assert_array_equal(out, [True, True, True, False, False])

            'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
def test_new_selection():
    u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)
    selections = ('all', )
    sel = contacts._new_selections(u, selections, -1)[0]
    assert_array_equal(sel.positions, u.atoms.positions)

def soft_cut(ref, u, selA, selB, radius=4.5, beta=5.0, lambda_constant=1.8):
        Reference implementation for testing
    # reference groups A and B from selection strings
    refA, refB = ref.select_atoms(selA), ref.select_atoms(selB)
Ejemplo n.º 27
class TestSelectionsCHARMM(object):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        """Set up the standard AdK system in implicit solvent.

        Geometry here is orthogonal
        self.universe = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.universe

    def test_segid(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('segid 4AKE')
        assert_equal(sel.n_atoms, 3341, "failed to select segment 4AKE")
            sorted(sel.indices), sorted(self.universe.s4AKE.atoms.indices),
            "selected segment 4AKE is not the same as auto-generated segment s4AKE"

    def test_protein(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('protein')
        assert_equal(sel.n_atoms, 3341, "failed to select protein")
            sorted(sel.indices), sorted(self.universe.s4AKE.atoms.indices),
            "selected protein is not the same as auto-generated protein segment s4AKE"

    def test_backbone(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('backbone')
        assert_equal(sel.n_atoms, 855)

    def test_resid_single(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('resid 100')
        assert_equal(sel.n_atoms, 7)
        assert_equal(sel.residues.resnames, ['GLY'])

    def test_resid_range(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('resid 100:105')
        assert_equal(sel.n_atoms, 89)
                     ['GLY', 'ILE', 'ASN', 'VAL', 'ASP', 'TYR'])

    def test_selgroup(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('not resid 100')
        sel2 = self.universe.select_atoms('not group notr100', notr100=sel)
        assert_equal(sel2.n_atoms, 7)
        assert_equal(sel2.residues.resnames, ['GLY'])

    def test_fullselgroup(self):
        sel1 = self.universe.select_atoms('resid 101')
        sel2 = self.universe.select_atoms('resid 100')
        sel3 = sel1.select_atoms('fullgroup r100', r100=sel2)
        assert_equal(sel2.n_atoms, 7)
        assert_equal(sel2.residues.resnames, ['GLY'])

    # resnum selections are boring here because we haven't really a mechanism yet
    # to assign the canonical PDB resnums
    def test_resnum_single(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('resnum 100')
        assert_equal(sel.n_atoms, 7)
        assert_equal(sel.residues.resids, [100])
        assert_equal(sel.residues.resnames, ['GLY'])

    def test_resnum_range(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('resnum 100:105')
        assert_equal(sel.n_atoms, 89)
        assert_equal(sel.residues.resids, range(100, 106))
                     ['GLY', 'ILE', 'ASN', 'VAL', 'ASP', 'TYR'])

    def test_resname(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('resname LEU')
        assert_equal(sel.n_atoms, 304,
                     "Failed to find all 'resname LEU' atoms.")
        assert_equal(sel.n_residues, 16,
                     "Failed to find all 'resname LEU' residues.")
            sorted(sel.indices), sorted(self.universe.s4AKE.LEU.atoms.indices),
            "selected 'resname LEU' atoms are not the same as auto-generated s4AKE.LEU"

    def test_name(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('name CA')
        assert_equal(sel.n_atoms, 214)

    def test_atom(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('atom 4AKE 100 CA')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 1)
        assert_equal(sel.resnames, ['GLY'])
            np.array([[20.38685226, -3.44224262, -5.92158318]],

    def test_atom_empty(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('atom 4AKE 100 XX')  # Does not exist
        assert_equal(len(sel), 0)

    def test_type(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms("type 1")
        assert_equal(len(sel), 253)

    def test_and(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('resname GLY and resid 100')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 7)

    def test_or(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('resname LYS or resname ARG')
        assert_equal(sel.n_residues, 31)

    def test_not(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('not backbone')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 2486)

    def test_around(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('around 4.0 bynum 1943')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 32)

    def test_sphlayer(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('sphlayer 4.0 6.0 bynum 1281')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 66)

    def test_sphzone(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('sphzone 6.0 bynum 1281')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 86)

    def test_cylayer(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('cylayer 4.0 6.0 10 -10 bynum 1281')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 88)

    def test_cyzone(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('cyzone 6.0 10 -10 bynum 1281')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 166)

    def test_point(self):
        ag = self.universe.select_atoms('point 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.5')

        d = distance_array(np.array([[5.0, 5.0, 5.0]], dtype=np.float32),

        idx = np.where(d < 3.5)[1]

        assert_equal(set(ag.indices), set(idx))

    def test_prop(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('prop y <= 16')
        sel2 = self.universe.select_atoms('prop abs z < 8')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 3194)
        assert_equal(len(sel2), 2001)

    def test_bynum(self):
        "Tests the bynum selection, also from AtomGroup instances (Issue 275)"
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('bynum 5')
        assert_equal(sel[0].index, 4)
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('bynum 1:10')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 10)
        assert_equal(sel[0].index, 0)
        assert_equal(sel[-1].index, 9)
        subsel = sel.select_atoms('bynum 5')
        assert_equal(subsel[0].index, 4)
        subsel = sel.select_atoms('bynum 2:5')
        assert_equal(len(subsel), 4)
        assert_equal(subsel[0].index, 1)
        assert_equal(subsel[-1].index, 4)

    def test_byres(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms('byres bynum 0:5')

        assert_equal(len(sel), len(self.universe.residues[0].atoms))

    def test_same_resname(self):
        """Test the 'same ... as' construct (Issue 217)"""
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms(
            "same resname as resid 10 or resid 11")
        assert_equal(len(sel), 331,
                     ("Found a wrong number of atoms with same resname as "
                      "resids 10 or 11"))
        target_resids = np.array([
            7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 25, 32, 37, 38, 42, 46, 49, 55, 56, 66,
            73, 80, 85, 93, 95, 99, 100, 122, 127, 130, 144, 150, 176, 180,
            186, 188, 189, 194, 198, 203, 207, 214
        assert_array_equal(sel.residues.resids, target_resids,
                           ("Found wrong residues with same resname as "
                            "resids 10 or 11"))

    def test_same_segment(self):
        """Test the 'same ... as' construct (Issue 217)"""

        SNew_A = self.universe.add_Segment(segid='A')
        SNew_B = self.universe.add_Segment(segid='B')
        SNew_C = self.universe.add_Segment(segid='C')

        self.universe.residues[:100].segments = SNew_A
        self.universe.residues[100:150].segments = SNew_B
        self.universe.residues[150:].segments = SNew_C

        target_resids = np.arange(100) + 1
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms("same segment as resid 10")
            len(sel), 1520,
            "Found a wrong number of atoms in the same segment of resid 10")
            sel.residues.resids, target_resids,
            "Found wrong residues in the same segment of resid 10")

        target_resids = np.arange(100, 150) + 1
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms("same segment as resid 110")
            len(sel), 797,
            "Found a wrong number of atoms in the same segment of resid 110")
            sel.residues.resids, target_resids,
            "Found wrong residues in the same segment of resid 110")

        target_resids = np.arange(150, self.universe.atoms.n_residues) + 1
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms("same segment as resid 160")
            len(sel), 1024,
            "Found a wrong number of atoms in the same segment of resid 160")
            sel.residues.resids, target_resids,
            "Found wrong residues in the same segment of resid 160")

    def test_empty_same(self):
        ag = self.universe.select_atoms('resname MET')

        # No GLY, so 'as resname GLY' is empty
        ag2 = ag.select_atoms('same mass as resname GLY')

        assert_(len(ag2) == 0)

    def test_empty_selection(self):
        """Test that empty selection can be processed (see Issue 12)"""
        # no Trp in AdK
        assert_equal(len(self.universe.select_atoms('resname TRP')), 0)

    def test_parenthesized_expression(self):
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms(
            '( name CA or name CB ) and resname LEU')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 32)

    def test_no_space_around_parentheses(self):
        """Test that no space is needed around parentheses (Issue 43)."""
        # note: will currently be ERROR because it throws a ParseError
        sel = self.universe.select_atoms(
            '(name CA or name CB) and resname LEU')
        assert_equal(len(sel), 32)

    # TODO:
    # test for checking ordering and multiple comma-separated selections
    def test_concatenated_selection(self):
        E151 = self.universe.s4AKE.atoms.select_atoms('resid 151')
        # note that this is not quite phi... HN should be C of prec. residue
        phi151 = E151.atoms.select_atoms('name HN', 'name N', 'name CA',
                                         'name CB')
        assert_equal(len(phi151), 4)
        assert_equal(phi151[0].name, 'HN',
                     "wrong ordering in selection, should be HN-N-CA-CB")

    def test_global(self):
        """Test the `global` modifier keyword (Issue 268)"""
        ag = self.universe.select_atoms("resname LYS and name NZ")
        # Lys amines within 4 angstrom of the backbone.
        ag1 = self.universe.select_atoms(
            "resname LYS and name NZ and around 4 backbone")
        ag2 = ag.select_atoms("around 4 global backbone")
        assert_array_equal(ag2.indices, ag1.indices)
Ejemplo n.º 28
class TestAtomGroup(object):
    """Tests of AtomGroup; selections are tested separately.

    These are from before the big topology rework (aka #363) but are still valid.
    There is likely lots of duplication between here and other tests.
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        """Set up the standard AdK system in implicit solvent."""
        self.universe = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        self.ag = self.universe.atoms  # prototypical AtomGroup
        self.dih_prec = 2

    def test_getitem_int(self):
        assert_equal(self.universe.atoms[0].ix, self.universe.atoms.ix[0])

    def test_getitem_slice(self):

    def test_getitem_slice2(self):

    def test_getitem_str(self):
        ag1 = self.universe.atoms['HT1']
        # select_atoms always returns an AtomGroup even if single result
        ag2 = self.universe.select_atoms('name HT1')[0]
        assert_equal(ag1, ag2)

    def test_getitem_IE(self):
        d = {'A': 1}
        assert_raises(IndexError, self.universe.atoms.__getitem__, d)

    def test_bad_make(self):
        assert_raises(TypeError, mda.core.groups.AtomGroup,
                      ['these', 'are', 'not', 'atoms'])

    def test_n_atoms(self):
        assert_equal(self.ag.n_atoms, 3341)

    def test_n_residues(self):
        assert_equal(self.ag.n_residues, 214)

    def test_n_segments(self):
        assert_equal(self.ag.n_segments, 1)

    def test_resids_dim(self):
        assert_equal(len(self.ag.resids), len(self.ag))

    def test_resnums_dim(self):
        assert_equal(len(self.ag.resnums), len(self.ag))

    def test_segids_dim(self):
        assert_equal(len(self.ag.segids), len(self.ag))

    def test_len(self):
        """testing that len(atomgroup) == atomgroup.n_atoms"""
        assert_equal(len(self.ag), self.ag.n_atoms, "len and n_atoms disagree")

    def test_center_of_geometry(self):
            np.array([-0.04223963, 0.0141824, -0.03505163], dtype=np.float32))

    def test_center_of_mass(self):
            np.array([-0.01094035, 0.05727601, -0.12885778]))

    def test_coordinates(self):
            np.array([[3.94543672, -12.4060812, -7.26820087],
                      [13.21632767, 5.879035, -14.67914867],
                      [12.07735443, -9.00604534, 4.09301519],
                      [11.35541916, 7.0690732, -0.32511973],
                      [-13.26763439, 4.90658951, 10.6880455]],

    def test_principal_axes(self):
                [1.53389276e-03, 4.41386224e-02, 9.99024239e-01],
                [1.20986911e-02, 9.98951474e-01, -4.41539838e-02],
                [-9.99925632e-01, 1.21546132e-02, 9.98264877e-04],

    def test_total_charge(self):
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.total_charge(), -4.0, decimal=4)

    def test_total_mass(self):
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.total_mass(), 23582.043)

    def test_indices_ndarray(self):
        assert_equal(isinstance(self.ag.indices, np.ndarray), True)

    def test_indices(self):
        assert_array_equal(self.ag.indices[:5], np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]))

    def test_resids_ndarray(self):
        assert_equal(isinstance(self.ag.resids, np.ndarray), True)

    def test_resids(self):
        assert_array_equal(self.ag.residues.resids, np.arange(1, 215))

    def test_resnums_ndarray(self):
        assert_equal(isinstance(self.ag.residues.resnums, np.ndarray), True)

    def test_resnums(self):
        assert_array_equal(self.ag.residues.resnums, np.arange(1, 215))

    def test_resnames_ndarray(self):
        assert_equal(isinstance(self.ag.residues.resnames, np.ndarray), True)

    def test_resnames(self):
        resnames = self.ag.residues.resnames
        assert_array_equal(resnames[0:3], np.array(["MET", "ARG", "ILE"]))

    def test_names_ndarray(self):
        assert_equal(isinstance(self.ag.names, np.ndarray), True)

    def test_names(self):
        names = self.ag.names
        assert_array_equal(names[0:3], np.array(["N", "HT1", "HT2"]))

    def test_segids_ndarray(self):
        assert_equal(isinstance(self.ag.segids, np.ndarray), True)

    def test_segids(self):
        segids = self.ag.segids
        assert_array_equal(segids[0], np.array(["4AKE"]))

    def test_masses_ndarray(self):
        assert_equal(isinstance(self.ag.masses, np.ndarray), True)

    def test_masses(self):
        masses = self.ag.masses
        assert_array_equal(masses[0:3], np.array([14.007, 1.008, 1.008]))

    def test_charges_ndarray(self):
        assert_equal(isinstance(self.ag.charges, np.ndarray), True)

    def test_charges(self):
                                  np.array([-0.09, 0.09, -0.47, 0.51, 0.09]))

    def test_bad_add_AG(self):
        def bad_add():
            return self.ag + [1, 2, 3]

        assert_raises(TypeError, bad_add)

    def test_bool_false(self):
        # Issue #304
        ag = self.universe.atoms[[]]
        assert_equal(bool(ag), False)

    def test_bool_true(self):
        # Issue #304
        ag = self.universe.atoms[:3]
        assert_equal(bool(ag), True)

    def test_repr(self):
        # Should make sure that the user facing info stays as expected
        assert_equal(repr(self.ag), "<AtomGroup with 3341 atoms>")

    def test_set_resnum_single(self):
        ag = self.universe.atoms[:3]
        ag.residues.resnums = 5
        for at in ag:
            assert_equal(at.resnum, 5)
        assert_equal(all(ag.resnums == 5), True)

    def test_set_resname_single(self):
        ag = self.universe.atoms[:3]
        new = 'abc'
        ag.residues.resnames = new
        for at in ag:
            assert_equal(at.resname, new)
        assert_equal(all(ag.resnames == new), True)

    def test_packintobox_badshape(self):
        ag = self.universe.atoms[:10]
        box = np.zeros(9, dtype=np.float32).reshape(3, 3)
        assert_raises(ValueError, ag.pack_into_box, box=box)

    def test_packintobox_noshape(self):
        ag = self.universe.atoms[:10]
        assert_raises(ValueError, ag.pack_into_box)

    def test_packintobox(self):
        """test AtomGroup.pack_into_box(): Tests application of periodic boundary
        conditions on coordinates

        Reference system doesn't have dimensions, so an arbitrary box is
        imposed on the system

        u = self.universe
        u.trajectory.rewind()  # just to make sure...
        ag = u.atoms[1000:2000:200]
        # Provide arbitrary box
        ag.pack_into_box(box=np.array([5., 5., 5.], dtype=np.float32))
            np.array([[3.94543672, 2.5939188, 2.73179913],
                      [3.21632767, 0.879035, 0.32085133],
                      [2.07735443, 0.99395466, 4.09301519],
                      [1.35541916, 2.0690732, 4.67488003],
                      [1.73236561, 4.90658951, 0.6880455]],

    def test_residues(self):
        u = self.universe
            u.select_atoms('resname ILE and resid 101').atoms.ix,
            "Direct selection from residue group does not match "
            "expected I101.")

    def test_segments(self):
        u = self.universe
                     len(u.select_atoms('segid 4AKE').atoms),
                     "Direct selection of segment 4AKE from segments failed.")

    def test_index_integer(self):
        u = self.universe
        a = u.atoms[100]
        assert_(isinstance(a, mda.core.groups.Atom),
                "integer index did not return Atom")

    def test_index_slice(self):
        u = self.universe
        a = u.atoms[100:200:10]
        assert_(isinstance(a, mda.core.groups.AtomGroup),
                "slice index did not return AtomGroup")

    def test_index_slice_empty(self):
        u = self.universe
        assert_array_equal(u.atoms[0:0], [],
                           "making an empty AtomGroup failed")

    def test_index_advancedslice(self):
        u = self.universe
        aslice = [0, 10, 20, -1, 10]
        ag = u.atoms[aslice]
        assert_(isinstance(ag, mda.core.groups.AtomGroup),
                "advanced slicing does not produce a AtomGroup")
        assert_equal(ag[1], ag[-1], "advanced slicing does not preserve order")

    def test_boolean_indexing(self):
        # index an array with a sequence of bools
        # issue #282
        sel = np.array([True, False, True])
        ag = self.universe.atoms[10:13]
        ag2 = ag[sel]
        assert_equal(len(ag2), 2)
        for at in [ag[0], ag[2]]:
            assert_equal(at in ag2, True)

    def test_boolean_indexing_2(self):
        # index an array with a sequence of bools
        # issue #282
        sel = [True, False, True]
        ag = self.universe.atoms[10:13]
        ag2 = ag[sel]
        assert_equal(len(ag2), 2)
        for at in [ag[0], ag[2]]:
            assert_equal(at in ag2, True)

    def test_bool_IE(self):
        # indexing with empty list doesn't run foul of bool check
        sel = []
        ag = self.universe.atoms[10:30]
        ag2 = ag[sel]
        assert_equal(len(ag2), 0)

    def test_dihedral_ValueError(self):
        """test that AtomGroup.dihedral() raises ValueError if not exactly
        4 atoms given"""
        nodih = self.universe.select_atoms("resid 3:10")
        assert_raises(ValueError, getattr, nodih, 'dihedral')
        nodih = self.universe.select_atoms("resid 3:5")
        assert_raises(ValueError, getattr, nodih, 'dihedral')

    def test_improper(self):
        u = self.universe
        u.trajectory.rewind()  # just to make sure...
        peptbond = u.select_atoms("atom 4AKE 20 C", "atom 4AKE 21 CA",
                                  "atom 4AKE 21 N", "atom 4AKE 21 HN")
            peptbond.improper.value(), 168.52952575683594, self.dih_prec,
            "Peptide bond improper dihedral for M21 "
            "calculated wrongly.")

    def test_dihedral_equals_improper(self):
        u = self.universe
        u.trajectory.rewind()  # just to make sure...
        peptbond = u.select_atoms("atom 4AKE 20 C", "atom 4AKE 21 CA",
                                  "atom 4AKE 21 N", "atom 4AKE 21 HN")
            peptbond.improper.value(), peptbond.dihedral.value(),
            "improper() and proper dihedral() give different results")

    def test_bond(self):
        self.universe.trajectory.rewind()  # just to make sure...
        sel2 = self.universe.s4AKE.r98.atoms.select_atoms(
            "name OE1", "name OE2")
        assert_almost_equal(sel2.bond.value(), 2.1210737228393555, 3,
                            "distance of Glu98 OE1--OE2 wrong")

    def test_bond_pbc(self):
        sel2 = self.universe.s4AKE.r98.atoms.select_atoms(
            "name OE1", "name OE2")
        assert_almost_equal(sel2.bond.value(pbc=True), 2.1210737228393555, 3,
                            "distance of Glu98 OE1--OE2 wrong")

    def test_bond_ValueError(self):
        ag = self.universe.atoms[:4]
        assert_raises(ValueError, getattr, ag, 'bond')

    def test_angle(self):
        self.universe.trajectory.rewind()  # just to make sure...
        sel3 = self.universe.s4AKE.r98.atoms.select_atoms(
            "name OE1", "name CD", "name OE2")
        assert_almost_equal(sel3.angle.value(), 117.46187591552734, 3,
                            "angle of Glu98 OE1-CD-OE2 wrong")

    def test_angle_ValueError(self):
        ag = self.universe.atoms[:2]
        assert_raises(ValueError, getattr, ag, 'angle')

    def test_shape_parameter(self):
        s = self.universe.s4AKE.atoms.shape_parameter()
        assert_almost_equal(s, 0.00240753939086033, 6)

    def test_asphericity(self):
        a = self.universe.s4AKE.atoms.asphericity()
        assert_almost_equal(a, 0.020227504542775828, 6)

    def test_positions(self):
        ag = self.universe.select_atoms("bynum 12:42")
        pos = ag.positions + 3.14
        ag.positions = pos
        # should work
                            err_msg="failed to update atoms 12:42 position "
                            "to new position")

        def set_badarr(pos=pos):
            # create wrong size array
            badarr = np.random.random((pos.shape[0] - 1, pos.shape[1] - 1))
            ag.positions = badarr

        assert_raises(ValueError, set_badarr)

    def test_set_names(self):
        ag = self.universe.atoms[:2]
        names = ['One', 'Two']
        ag.names = names
        for a, b in zip(ag, names):
            assert_equal(a.name, b)

    def test_nonexistent_instantselector_raises_AttributeError(self):
        def access_nonexistent_instantselector():

        assert_raises(AttributeError, access_nonexistent_instantselector)

    def test_atom_order(self):
Ejemplo n.º 29
class TestPBCFlag(object):
                'TRZ parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.prec = 3
        self.universe = mda.Universe(TRZ_psf, TRZ)
        self.ref_noPBC = {
            np.array([4.23789883, 0.62429816, 2.43123484], dtype=np.float32),
            np.array([4.1673783, 0.70507009, 2.21175832]),
            np.array([[152117.06620921, 55149.54042136, -26630.46034023],
                      [55149.54042136, 72869.64061494, 21998.1778074],
                      [-26630.46034023, 21998.1778074, 162388.70002471]]),
            np.array([[-75.74159241, -144.86634827, -94.47974396],
                      [95.83090973, 115.11561584, 88.09812927]],
            'BSph': (173.40482,
                     np.array([4.23789883, 0.62429816, 2.43123484],
            np.array([[-0.78787867, -0.26771575, 0.55459488],
                      [0.40611024, 0.45112859, 0.7947059],
                      [0.46294889, -0.85135849, 0.24671249]])
        self.ref_PBC = {
            np.array([26.82960892, 31.5592289, 30.98238945], dtype=np.float32),
            np.array([26.67781143, 31.2104336, 31.19796289]),
            np.array([[7333.79167791, -211.8997285, -721.50785456],
                      [-211.8997285, 7059.07470427, -91.32156884],
                      [-721.50785456, -91.32156884, 6509.31735029]]),
            np.array([[1.45964116e-01, 1.85623169e-02, 4.31785583e-02],
                      [5.53314018e+01, 5.54227829e+01, 5.54158211e+01]],
            'BSph': (47.923367,
                     np.array([26.82960892, 31.5592289, 30.98238945],
            np.array([[-0.85911708, 0.19258726, 0.4741603],
                      [-0.07520116, -0.96394227, 0.25526473],
                      [-0.50622389, -0.18364489, -0.84262206]])
        self.ag = self.universe.residues[0:3]

    def tearDown(self):
        mda.core.flags['use_pbc'] = False
        del self.universe
        del self.ref_noPBC
        del self.ref_PBC
        del self.ag

    def test_flag(self):
        # Test default setting of flag
        assert_equal(mda.core.flags['use_pbc'], False)

    def test_default(self):
        # Test regular behaviour
                            self.ref_noPBC['COG'], self.prec)
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.center_of_mass(), self.ref_noPBC['COM'],
                            self.ref_noPBC['ROG'], self.prec)
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.shape_parameter(), self.ref_noPBC['Shape'],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.asphericity(), self.ref_noPBC['Asph'],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.moment_of_inertia(), self.ref_noPBC['MOI'],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.bbox(), self.ref_noPBC['BBox'], self.prec)
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.bsphere()[0], self.ref_noPBC['BSph'][0],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.bsphere()[1], self.ref_noPBC['BSph'][1],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.principal_axes(), self.ref_noPBC['PAxes'],

    def test_pbcflag(self):
        # Test using ag method flag
                            self.ref_PBC['COG'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_PBC['COM'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_PBC['ROG'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_PBC['Shape'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_PBC['Asph'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_PBC['MOI'], self.prec)
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.bbox(pbc=True), self.ref_PBC['BBox'],
            self.ag.bsphere(pbc=True)[0], self.ref_PBC['BSph'][0], self.prec)
            self.ag.bsphere(pbc=True)[1], self.ref_PBC['BSph'][1], self.prec)
                            self.ref_PBC['PAxes'], self.prec)

    def test_usepbc_flag(self):
        # Test using the core.flags flag
        mda.core.flags['use_pbc'] = True
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.center_of_geometry(), self.ref_PBC['COG'],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.center_of_mass(), self.ref_PBC['COM'],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.radius_of_gyration(), self.ref_PBC['ROG'],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.shape_parameter(), self.ref_PBC['Shape'],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.asphericity(), self.ref_PBC['Asph'],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.moment_of_inertia(), self.ref_PBC['MOI'],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.bbox(), self.ref_PBC['BBox'], self.prec)
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.bsphere()[0], self.ref_PBC['BSph'][0],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.bsphere()[1], self.ref_PBC['BSph'][1],
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.principal_axes(), self.ref_PBC['PAxes'],
        mda.core.flags['use_pbc'] = False

    def test_override_flag(self):
        # Test using the core.flags flag, then overriding
        mda.core.flags['use_pbc'] = True
                            self.ref_noPBC['COG'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_noPBC['COM'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_noPBC['ROG'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_noPBC['Shape'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_noPBC['Asph'], self.prec)
                            self.ref_noPBC['MOI'], self.prec)
        assert_almost_equal(self.ag.bbox(pbc=False), self.ref_noPBC['BBox'],
            self.ag.bsphere(pbc=False)[0], self.ref_noPBC['BSph'][0],
            self.ag.bsphere(pbc=False)[1], self.ref_noPBC['BSph'][1],
                            self.ref_noPBC['PAxes'], self.prec)
        mda.core.flags['use_pbc'] = False
Ejemplo n.º 30
class TestDihedralSelections(object):
                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def setUp(self):
        self.universe = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        self.dih_prec = 2

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.universe
        del self.dih_prec

    def test_phi_selection(self):
        phisel = self.universe.s4AKE.r10.phi_selection()
        assert_equal(phisel.names, ['C', 'N', 'CA', 'C'])
        assert_equal(phisel.residues.resids, [9, 10])
        assert_equal(phisel.residues.resnames, ['PRO', 'GLY'])

    def test_psi_selection(self):
        psisel = self.universe.s4AKE.r10.psi_selection()
        assert_equal(psisel.names, ['N', 'CA', 'C', 'N'])
        assert_equal(psisel.residues.resids, [10, 11])
        assert_equal(psisel.residues.resnames, ['GLY', 'ALA'])

    def test_omega_selection(self):
        osel = self.universe.s4AKE.r8.omega_selection()
        assert_equal(osel.names, ['CA', 'C', 'N', 'CA'])
        assert_equal(osel.residues.resids, [8, 9])
        assert_equal(osel.residues.resnames, ['ALA', 'PRO'])

    def test_chi1_selection(self):
        sel = self.universe.s4AKE.r13.chi1_selection()  # LYS
        assert_equal(sel.names, ['N', 'CA', 'CB', 'CG'])
        assert_equal(sel.residues.resids, [13])
        assert_equal(sel.residues.resnames, ['LYS'])

    def test_phi_sel_fail(self):
        sel = self.universe.residues[0].phi_selection()
        assert_equal(sel, None)

    def test_psi_sel_fail(self):
        sel = self.universe.residues[-1].psi_selection()
        assert_equal(sel, None)

    def test_omega_sel_fail(self):
        sel = self.universe.residues[-1].omega_selection()
        assert_equal(sel, None)

    def test_ch1_sel_fail(self):
        sel = self.universe.s4AKE.r8.chi1_selection()
        assert_equal(sel, None)  # ALA

    def test_dihedral_phi(self):
        u = self.universe
        phisel = u.s4AKE.r10.phi_selection()
        assert_almost_equal(phisel.dihedral.value(), -168.57384, self.dih_prec)

    def test_dihedral_psi(self):
        u = self.universe
        psisel = u.s4AKE.r10.psi_selection()
        assert_almost_equal(psisel.dihedral.value(), -30.064838, self.dih_prec)

    def test_dihedral_omega(self):
        u = self.universe
        osel = u.s4AKE.r8.omega_selection()
        assert_almost_equal(osel.dihedral.value(), -179.93439, self.dih_prec)

    def test_dihedral_chi1(self):
        u = self.universe
        sel = u.s4AKE.r13.chi1_selection()  # LYS
        assert_almost_equal(sel.dihedral.value(), -58.428127, self.dih_prec)
Ejemplo n.º 31
class TestAtomGroupProperties(object):
    """Test working with the properties of Atoms via AtomGroups

    Check that:
    - getting properties from AG matches the Atom values
    - setting properties from AG changes the Atom
    - setting the property on Atom changes AG
    def get_new(att_type):
        """Return enough values to change the small g"""
        if att_type == 'string':
            return ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
        elif att_type == 'float':
            return np.array([0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.005, 0.012, 0.025],
        elif att_type == 'int':
            return [4, 6, 8, 1, 5, 4]

    def _check_ag_matches_atom(self, att, atts, ag):
        """Checking Atomgroup property matches Atoms"""
        # Check that accessing via AtomGroup is identical to doing
        # a list comprehension over AG
        ref = [getattr(atom, att) for atom in ag]

            getattr(ag, atts),
            err_msg="AtomGroup doesn't match Atoms for property: {0}".format(

    def _change_atom_check_ag(self, att, atts, vals, ag):
        """Changing Atom, checking AtomGroup matches this"""
        # Set attributes via Atoms
        for atom, val in zip(ag, vals):
            setattr(atom, att, val)
        # Check that AtomGroup returns new values
        other = getattr(ag, atts)

            "Change to Atoms not reflected in AtomGroup for property: {0}".

                'DCD parser not available. Are you using python 3?')
    def test_attributes(self):
        u = make_Universe(
            ('names', 'resids', 'segids', 'types', 'altLocs', 'charges',
             'masses', 'radii', 'bfactors', 'occupancies'))
        u.atoms.occupancies = 1.0
        master = u.atoms
        idx = [0, 1, 4, 7, 11, 14]
        ag = master[idx]

        for att, atts, att_type in (('name', 'names',
                                     'string'), ('type', 'types', 'string'),
                                    ('altLoc', 'altLocs',
                                     'string'), ('charge', 'charges', 'float'),
                                    ('mass', 'masses',
                                     'float'), ('radius', 'radii', 'float'),
                                    ('bfactor', 'bfactors', 'float'),
                                    ('occupancy', 'occupancies', 'float')):
            vals = self.get_new(att_type)
            yield self._check_ag_matches_atom, att, atts, ag
            yield self._change_atom_check_ag, att, atts, vals, ag