Ejemplo n.º 1
 def evaluatorTerms(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
     # The energy for subsets is defined as consisting only
     # of interactions within that subset, so the contribution
     # of an external field is zero. Therefore we just return
     # an empty list of energy terms.
     if subset1 is not None or subset2 is not None:
         return []
     # Collect the charges into an array
     charges = ParticleScalar(universe)
     for o in universe:
         for a in o.atomList():
             charges[a] = o.getAtomProperty(a, self.charge_property)
     # Here we pass all the parameters to
     # the energy term code that handles energy calculations.
     return [ElectricFieldTerm(universe, self.strength, charges)]
 def evaluatorTerms(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
     # The energy for subsets is defined as consisting only
     # of interactions within that subset, so the contribution
     # of an external field is zero. Therefore we just return
     # an empty list of energy terms.
     if subset1 is not None or subset2 is not None:
         return []
     # Collect the scaling_factor into an array
     scaling_factor = ParticleScalar(universe)
     for o in universe:
         for a in o.atomList():
             scaling_factor[a] = o.getAtomProperty(a, self.scaling_property)
     # Here we pass all the parameters to
     # the energy term code that handles energy calculations.
     return [TrilinearISqrtGridTerm(universe, \
       self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
       self.grid_data['vals'], \
       self.strength, scaling_factor, self.grid_name)]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def evaluatorTerms(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
        # The energy for subsets is defined as consisting only
        # of interactions within that subset, so the contribution
        # of an external field is zero. Therefore we just return
        # an empty list of energy terms.
        if subset1 is not None or subset2 is not None:
            return []
        # Collect the scaling_factor into an array
        scaling_factor = ParticleScalar(universe)
        for o in universe:
            for a in o.atomList():
                scaling_factor[a] = o.getAtomProperty(
                    a, self.params['scaling_property'])

        # Here we pass all the parameters to
        # the energy term code that handles energy calculations.
        if self.params['interpolation_type'] == 'Trilinear':
            if self.params['energy_thresh'] > 0:
                if self.params['inv_power'] is not None:
                    raise NotImplementedError
                    from MMTK_trilinear_thresh_grid import TrilinearThreshGridTerm
                    return [TrilinearThreshGridTerm(universe, \
                      self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                      self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor, \
                      self.params['name'], self.params['energy_thresh'])]
            elif self.params['inv_power'] is not None:
                if self.params['inv_power'] == 4:
                    from MMTK_trilinear_one_fourth_grid import TrilinearOneFourthGridTerm
                    return [TrilinearOneFourthGridTerm(universe, \
                      self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                      self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor, \
                    from MMTK_trilinear_transform_grid import TrilinearTransformGridTerm
                    return [TrilinearTransformGridTerm(universe, \
                      self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                      self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor,
                      self.params['name'], self.params['inv_power'])]
                from MMTK_trilinear_grid import TrilinearGridTerm
                return [TrilinearGridTerm(universe, \
                  self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                  self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor, \
        elif self.params['interpolation_type'] == 'BSpline':
            if self.params['inv_power'] is not None:
                from MMTK_BSpline_transform_grid import BSplineTransformGridTerm
                return [BSplineTransformGridTerm(universe, \
                  self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                  self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor, \
                  self.params['name'], self.params['inv_power'])]
                from MMTK_BSpline_grid import BSplineGridTerm
                return [BSplineGridTerm(universe, \
                  self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                  self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor, \
        elif self.params['interpolation_type'] == 'CatmullRom':
            if self.params['inv_power'] is not None:
                from MMTK_CatmullRom_transform_grid import CatmullRomTransformGridTerm
                return [CatmullRomTransformGridTerm(universe, \
                  self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                  self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor, \
                  self.params['name'], self.params['inv_power'])]
                from MMTK_CatmullRom_grid import CatmullRomGridTerm
                return [CatmullRomGridTerm(universe, \
                  self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                  self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor, \
        elif self.params['interpolation_type'] == 'Tricubic':
            if self.params['inv_power'] is not None:
                from MMTK_Tricubic_transform_grid import TricubicTransformGridTerm
                return [TricubicTransformGridTerm(universe, \
                  self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                  self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor, \
                  self.params['name'], self.params['inv_power'])]
                from MMTK_Tricubic_grid import TricubicGridTerm
                return [TricubicGridTerm(universe, \
                  self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
                  self.grid_data['vals'], self.params['strength'], scaling_factor, \
        print self.params['interpolation_type'] + ' interpolation is unknown'
        raise NotImplementedError
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def evaluatorTerms(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
        # The energy for subsets is defined as consisting only
        # of interactions within that subset, so the contribution
        # of an external field is zero. Therefore we just return
        # an empty list of energy terms.
        if subset1 is not None or subset2 is not None:
            return []

        import numpy as np
        if (self.prmtopFN is not None) and \
           (self.inv_prmtop_atom_order is not None):
            # Get charges, radii, and scale factors from OpenMM
            import simtk.openmm
            import simtk.openmm.app as OpenMM_app

            prmtop = OpenMM_app.AmberPrmtopFile(self.prmtopFN)
            OMM_system = prmtop.createSystem(\
              nonbondedMethod=OpenMM_app.CutoffNonPeriodic, \
              nonbondedCutoff=1.5, \
              constraints=None, \
            f = OMM_system.getForces()[-2]

            numParticles = f.getNumParticles()
            charges = np.zeros(numParticles)
            atomicRadii = np.zeros(numParticles)
            scaleFactors = np.zeros(numParticles)
            for n in range(numParticles):
                (charge, radius, scaleFactor) = f.getParticleParameters(n)
                charges[n] = charge / simtk.unit.elementary_charge
                atomicRadii[n] = radius / simtk.unit.nanometer
                scaleFactors[n] = scaleFactor

            charges = charges[self.inv_prmtop_atom_order]
            atomicRadii = atomicRadii[self.inv_prmtop_atom_order]
            scaleFactors = scaleFactors[self.inv_prmtop_atom_order]
            # Get charges, radii, and scale factors from the ligand database (preferred)
            charges_ps = ParticleScalar(universe)
            atomicRadii_ps = ParticleScalar(universe)
            scaleFactors_ps = ParticleScalar(universe)
            for o in universe:
                for a in o.atomList():
                    charges_ps[a] = o.getAtomProperty(a, 'amber_charge')
                    atomicRadii_ps[a] = o.getAtomProperty(
                        a, 'scaling_factor_BornRadii')
                    scaleFactors_ps[a] = o.getAtomProperty(
                        a, 'scaling_factor_BornScreening')
            charges = charges_ps.array
            atomicRadii = atomicRadii_ps.array
            scaleFactors = scaleFactors_ps.array
            numParticles = charges.shape[0]

#        import time
#        import os.path
#        import MMTK_OBC
#        OBCpath = MMTK_OBC.__file__
#        print """
#        in {0}
#        last modified {1}
#            """.format(OBCpath, time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(OBCpath)))

# Here we pass all the parameters as "simple" data types to
# the C code that handles energy calculations.
        if self.useDesolvationGrid:
            # With desolvation grid
            from MMTK_OBC_desolv import OBCDesolvTerm
            return [OBCDesolvTerm(universe._spec, numParticles, self.strength, \
              charges, atomicRadii, scaleFactors, \
              self.grid_data['spacing'], self.grid_data['counts'], \
              self.grid_data['vals'], self.r_min, self.r_max)]
            # No desolvation grid
            from MMTK_OBC import OBCTerm
            return [OBCTerm(universe._spec, numParticles, self.strength, \
              charges, atomicRadii, scaleFactors)]