Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):
    maze = argv[0] if len(argv) > 0 else "../Mazes/maze01.txt"
    model = argv[1] if len(argv) > 1 else "../Models/auto-gen-c.pkl"
    show_freq = int(
        argv[2]) if len(argv) > 2 else 0  # frequency to show frames
    directory_name = argv[5] if len(argv) > 5 else "tmp_diagnostics"
    print("DIR NAME: " + directory_name)

    env = PycastWorldEnv(maze, 320, 240)

    observation = env.reset()
    path = Path("../")
    model_inf = load_learner(model)
    prev_move = None
    prev_image_data = None
    frame = 0
    num_static = 0
    prev_x, prev_y = env.world.x(), env.world.y()
    animation_frames = [observation.copy()]
    prev_pred = 0

    outcome = "At goal? "
    stuck = False
    # Initialize maximum number of steps in case the robot travels in a completely incorrect direction
    max_steps = 3000
    step_count = 0

    # Initialize Maze Check
    maze_rvs, _, _, maze_directions, _ = read_maze_file(maze)
    start_x, start_y, _ = maze_directions[0]
    end_x, end_y, _ = maze_directions[-1]
    _, maze_path = bfs_dist_maze(maze_rvs, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)

    while not env.world.at_goal() and num_static < 5:

        if is_on_path(maze_path, int(env.world.x()), int(
                env.world.y())) is False:
            print("Off Path")

        # Get image
        image_data = np.array(env.world)

        # Convert image_data and give to network
        pred_angle, _, _ = model_inf.predict(observation)
        pred_angle = math.ceil(pred_angle[0])
        num_movements = abs(int(pred_angle / 20))

        if num_movements == 0:
            action_index = 1
            observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action_index)
            prev_pred = pred_angle

        # move robot
        if (prev_pred > 0 and pred_angle < 0) or (prev_pred < 0
                                                  and pred_angle > 0):
            action_index = 1
            observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action_index)
            prev_pred = pred_angle

        action_index = 1
        if pred_angle > 0 and num_movements > 0:
            for i in range(num_movements):
                action_index = 0  # turn left
                observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action_index)
        elif pred_angle < 0 and num_movements > 0:
            for i in range(num_movements):
                action_index = 2  # turn right
                observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action_index)

        prev_pred = pred_angle
        # Check if we reached the end goal

        #         prev_move = move

        curr_x, curr_y = round(env.world.x(), 5), round(env.world.y(), 5)

        if show_freq != 0 and frame % show_freq == 0:
            if curr_x == prev_x and curr_y == prev_y:
                num_static += 1
                num_static = 0
            prev_x = curr_x
            prev_y = curr_y

        frame += 1
        prev_image_data = image_data
        if frame == max_steps:
            print("Exceeds step limit")

    # this chunk gets the completion percentage
    lost = False
    if num_static >= 5:
        stuck = True
    if frame >= max_steps:
        lost = True
    outcome = ("At Goal? " + str(env.world.at_goal()) + "\n Stuck? " +
               str(stuck) + "\n Exceed step limit? " + str(lost))

    completion_per = percent_through_maze(maze_rvs, int(env.world.x()),
                                          int(env.world.y()), start_x, start_y,
                                          end_x, end_y)

    #     plt.imshow(image_data)
    #     plt.show()
    #     print("DIR NAME: ")

    animate(animation_frames, model, directory_name)

    if num_static >= 5 and not env.world.at_goal(
    ):  # model failed to navigate maze
        return frame, False, completion_per
    else:  # model successfully navigated maze
        return frame, True, completion_per
def process_maze(
    maze_filepath: str,
) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[Pt, Pt, Pt, str, int, int]], List[Tuple[Pt, str, str]]]:

    # Loop to find the first change in direction
    def get_next_dir(maze_directions, curr_heading):
        turnx, turny, next_heading = next(maze_directions)
        while next_heading == curr_heading:
                turnx, turny, next_heading = next(maze_directions)
            except StopIteration:
        return turnx, turny, next_heading

    # Compute path from maze file
    maze, _, _, maze_directions, _ = read_maze_file(maze_filepath)
    x_start, y_start, _ = maze_directions[0]
    x_end, y_end, _ = maze_directions[-1]
    _, correct_path = bfs_dist_maze(maze, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end)

    # Compute the direction and next_turn cell for each cell along the path
    maze_directions = iter(maze_directions)
    _, _, curr_heading = next(maze_directions)  # First directions
    curr_heading = curr_heading

    # Set these so that they are at reasonable defaults for the first iteration
    turnx, turny, next_heading = get_next_dir(maze_directions, curr_heading)

    prev_heading = ""
    prev_action = None
    next_action = DIRS_TO_TURN.get((curr_heading, next_heading), "FORWARD")

    path_cells = []
    turn_cells = []

    for (x, y) in correct_path[:-1]:  # We don't need images for the final cell

        # Update information when we make a turn
        if x == turnx and y == turny:

            is_turn_cell = True
            prev_heading = curr_heading
            curr_heading = next_heading
            prev_action = next_action

            turnx, turny, next_heading = get_next_dir(maze_directions,

            # Default to FORWARD when curr_heading toward goal cell and we don't
            # have a next heading
            next_action = DIRS_TO_TURN.get((curr_heading, next_heading),

            is_turn_cell = False

        # Right and left corners depend on curr_heading
        rightx = turnx if curr_heading in ("SOUTH", "EAST") else turnx + 1
        righty = turny if curr_heading in ("NORTH", "EAST") else turny + 1
        right_corner = Pt(rightx, righty)

        leftx = turnx if curr_heading in ("NORTH", "EAST") else turnx + 1
        lefty = turny if curr_heading in ("NORTH", "WEST") else turny + 1
        left_corner = Pt(leftx, lefty)

        # Add 0.5 offset to center position in the hallway
        pos = Pt(x + 0.5, y + 0.5)

        cell_info = (


        if is_turn_cell:

    return path_cells, turn_cells
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(argv):
    maze = argv[0] if len(argv) > 0 else "../Mazes/maze01.txt"
    model = argv[1] if len(argv) > 1 else "../Models/auto-gen-c.pkl"
    show_freq = int(argv[2]) if len(argv) > 2 else 0  # frequency to show frames
    directory_name = argv[5] if len(argv) > 5 else "tmp_diagnostics"
    print("DIR NAME: " + directory_name)

    model_type = (
        argv[3] if len(argv) > 3 else "c"
    )  # 'c' for classification, 'r' for regresssion
    stacked = (
        bool(distutils.util.strtobool(argv[4])) if len(argv) > 4 else False
    )  # True for stacked input

    world = PycastWorld(320, 240, maze)

    path = Path("../")
    model_inf = load_learner(model)
    prev_move = None
    prev_image_data = None
    frame = 0
    num_static = 0
    prev_x, prev_y = world.x(), world.y()
    animation_frames = []

    outcome = "At goal? "
    stuck = False
    # Initialize maximum number of steps in case the robot travels in a completely incorrect direction
    max_steps = 3000
    step_count = 0

    # Initialize Maze Check
    maze_rvs, _, _, maze_directions, _ = read_maze_file(maze)
    start_x, start_y, _ = maze_directions[0]
    end_x, end_y, _ = maze_directions[-1]
    _, maze_path = bfs_dist_maze(maze_rvs, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)

    while not world.at_goal() and num_static < 5:

        if is_on_path(maze_path, int(world.x()), int(world.y())) is False:
            print("Off Path")

        # Get image
        image_data = np.array(world)

        # Convert image_data and give to network
        if model_type == "c":
            if stacked:
                move = model_inf.predict(stacked_input(prev_image_data, image_data))[0]
                move = model_inf.predict(image_data)[0]
        elif model_type == "r":
            if stacked:
                pred_coords, _, _ = model_inf.predict(
                    stacked_input(prev_image_data, image_data)
                pred_coords, _, _ = model_inf.predict(image_data)
            move = reg_predict(pred_coords)

        # print(move)

        if move == "left" and prev_move == "right":
            move = "straight"
        elif move == "right" and prev_move == "left":
            move = "straight"

        # Move in world
        if move == "straight":
        elif move == "left":

        prev_move = move

        curr_x, curr_y = round(world.x(), 5), round(world.y(), 5)

        if show_freq != 0 and frame % show_freq == 0:
            if curr_x == prev_x and curr_y == prev_y:
                num_static += 1
                num_static = 0
            #             plt.imshow(image_data)
            #             plt.show()
            # update previous coordinates
            prev_x = curr_x
            prev_y = curr_y

        frame += 1
        prev_image_data = image_data
        if frame == max_steps:
            print("Exceeds step limit")

    # this chunk gets the completion percentage
    lost = False
    if num_static >= 5:
        stuck = True
    if frame >= max_steps:
        lost = True
    outcome = (
        "At Goal? "
        + str(world.at_goal())
        + "\n Stuck? "
        + str(stuck)
        + "\n Exceed step limit? "
        + str(lost)

    completion_per = percent_through_maze(
        maze_rvs, int(world.x()), int(world.y()), start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y

    print("DIR NAME: ")

    animate(animation_frames, model, directory_name)

    if num_static >= 5 and not world.at_goal():  # model failed to navigate maze
        return frame, False, completion_per
    else:  # model successfully navigated maze
        return frame, True, completion_per
def main():

    ANG_NOISE_MAG = radians(30)
    POS_NOISE_MAG = 0.4

    arg_parser = ArgumentParser("Run a maze utility")
    arg_parser.add_argument("maze_filepath", help="Path to a maze file.")
    arg_parser.add_argument("save_dir", help="Save location (directory must exist).")
        "num_straight_images", type=int, help="Number of straightaway images."
        "num_turn_images", type=int, help="Number of turning specific images."
        "--image_width", type=int, default=224, help="Width of generated images."
        "--image_height", type=int, default=224, help="Height of generated images."

    # TODO: currently unused
        "--sequence", type=int, default=1, help="Number of images per sequence."

        "--demo", action="store_true", help="Display images instead of saving."

    args = arg_parser.parse_args()

    # Compute path from maze file
    maze, _, _, maze_directions, _ = read_maze_file(args.maze_filepath)
    x_start, y_start, _ = maze_directions[0]
    x_end, y_end, _ = maze_directions[-1]
    _, correct_path = bfs_dist_maze(maze, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end)

    dirs_to_turn = {
        ("NORTH", "EAST"): "RIGHT",
        ("NORTH", "WEST"): "LEFT",
        ("EAST", "NORTH"): "LEFT",
        ("EAST", "SOUTH"): "RIGHT",
        ("SOUTH", "EAST"): "LEFT",
        ("SOUTH", "WEST"): "RIGHT",
        ("WEST", "NORTH"): "RIGHT",
        ("WEST", "SOUTH"): "LEFT",

    dir_to_angle = {
        "EAST": radians(0),
        "WEST": radians(180),
        "NORTH": radians(90),
        "SOUTH": radians(270),

    # Compute the direction and next_turn cell for each cell along the path
    maze_directions = iter(maze_directions)
    _, _, direction = next(maze_directions)  # First directions

    # Loop to find the next change in direction
    turnx, turny, next_direction = next(maze_directions)
    while next_direction == direction:
        turnx, turny, next_direction = next(maze_directions)

    # Set these so that they are at reasonable defaults for the first iteration
    is_turn_cell = False
    prev_direction = ""
    prev_turn = None
    prev_heading = ""
    upcoming_turn = None

    path_cells = []
    turn_cells = []
    for (x, y) in correct_path[:-1]:  # We don't need images for the final cell
        if x == turnx and y == turny:
            is_turn_cell = True
            prev_direction = direction
            prev_turn = upcoming_turn
            direction = next_direction
                turnx, turny, next_direction = next(maze_directions)
                while next_direction == direction:
                    turnx, turny, next_direction = next(maze_directions)
            except StopIteration:

        heading = direction[4:]
        next_heading = next_direction[4:]
        prev_heading = prev_direction[4:]

        # Default to FORWARD when heading toward goal cell
        upcoming_turn = dirs_to_turn.get((heading, next_heading), "FORWARD")

        # Right and left corners depend on heading
        rightx = turnx if heading in ("SOUTH", "EAST") else turnx + 1
        righty = turny if heading in ("NORTH", "EAST") else turny + 1
        right_corner = Pt(rightx, righty)

        leftx = turnx if heading in ("NORTH", "EAST") else turnx + 1
        lefty = turny if heading in ("NORTH", "WEST") else turny + 1
        left_corner = Pt(leftx, lefty)

        # Add 0.5 offset to center in the hallway
        pos = Pt(x + 0.5, y + 0.5)

        path_cells.append((pos, right_corner, left_corner, heading, turnx, turny,))

        if is_turn_cell:
            turn_cells.append((pos, prev_heading, prev_turn))

        # Reset for the next cell
        is_turn_cell = False

    # Create world
    world = PycastWorld(320, 240, args.maze_filepath)
    # FOV = radians(66) TODO: figure this out

    # Select position along path
    for i in range(args.num_straight_images):

        # TODO: not using turnx or turny
        pos, right_corner, left_corner, heading, turnx, turny = choice(path_cells)

        # Perturb the position and heading
        perturbed_pos = pos + Pt.rand((-POS_NOISE_MAG, POS_NOISE_MAG))
        x, y = perturbed_pos.xy

        ang_noise = ANG_NOISE_MAG * (2 * random() - 1)
        angle = angle_from_zero_to_2pi(dir_to_angle[heading] + ang_noise)

        world.set_position(x, y)

        # Compute angles to the two corners of the turn
        angle_to_right = angle_from_zero_to_2pi(Pt.angle(right_corner - perturbed_pos))
        angle_to_left = angle_from_zero_to_2pi(Pt.angle(left_corner - perturbed_pos))

        # Angles can straddle 0/360 when facing EAST
        if angle_to_right > angle_to_left:
            angle = angle_from_negpi_to_pospi(angle)
            angle_to_right = angle_from_negpi_to_pospi(angle_to_right)
            angle_to_left = angle_from_negpi_to_pospi(angle_to_left)

        # Compute the "correct" action

        if angle < angle_to_right:
            action = "LEFT"
        elif angle > angle_to_left:
            action = "RIGHT"
            action = "FORWARD"

            f"{i:>6} : ",
            f"{degrees(angle_to_right): 7.2f}",
            f"{degrees(angle_to_left): 7.2f}",
            f"{degrees(angle): 7.2f}",

        filename = f"{i:>06}.png"

        if args.demo:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            import numpy as np

            image = np.array(world)

            print(f"File not saved in demo mode ({filename}).")

            world.save_png(str(Path(args.save_dir) / action.lower() / filename))

    for i in range(args.num_turn_images):

        i += args.num_straight_images

        pos, heading, turn = choice(turn_cells)

        # Perturb the position and heading
        perturbed_pos = pos + Pt.rand((-POS_NOISE_MAG, POS_NOISE_MAG))
        x, y = perturbed_pos.xy

        ang_noise_mag = radians(30)
        ang_noise = ang_noise_mag * (2 * random() - 1)
        angle = angle_from_zero_to_2pi(dir_to_angle[heading] + ang_noise)

        # TODO: check if arrow is in field of view

        world.set_position(x, y)

        action = turn

            f"{i:>6} : ",
            f"{degrees(angle): 7.2f}",

        filename = f"{i:>06}.png"

        if args.demo:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            import numpy as np

            image = np.array(world)

            print(f"File not saved in demo mode ({filename}).")

            world.save_png(str(Path(args.save_dir) / action.lower() / filename))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(argv):
    maze = argv[0] if len(argv) > 0 else "../Mazes/maze01.txt"
    model = argv[1] if len(argv) > 1 else "../Models/auto-gen-c.pkl"
    show_freq = int(
        argv[2]) if len(argv) > 2 else 0  # frequency to show frames
    directory_name = argv[5] if len(argv) > 5 else "tmp_diagnostics"
    # cmd_in = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(argv[6]) if len(argv) > 6 else False
    print("DIR NAME: " + directory_name)

    model_type = (argv[3] if len(argv) > 3 else "c"
                  )  # 'c' for classification, 'r' for regresssion
    stacked = (
        bool(distutils.util.strtobool(argv[4])) if len(argv) > 4 else False
    )  # True for stacked input

    world = PycastWorld(320, 240, maze)

    if model_type == "cmd" or model_type == "rnn":
        model_inf = ConvRNN()
        path = Path("../")
        model_inf = load_learner(model)

    prev_move = None
    prev_image_data = None
    frame = 0
    frame_freq = 5
    num_static = 0
    prev_x, prev_y = world.x(), world.y()
    animation_frames = []

    outcome = "At goal? "
    stuck = False
    # Initialize maximum number of steps in case the robot travels in a completely incorrect direction
    max_steps = 3500

    # Initialize Maze Check
    maze_rvs, _, _, maze_directions, _ = read_maze_file(maze)
    start_x, start_y, _ = maze_directions[0]
    end_x, end_y, _ = maze_directions[-1]
    _, maze_path = bfs_dist_maze(maze_rvs, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)
    on_path = is_on_path(maze_path, int(world.x()), int(world.y()))

    while not world.at_goal() and num_static < 5 and on_path:

        # Get image
        image_data = np.array(world)

        # Convert image_data and give to network
        if model_type == "c":
            if stacked:
                move = model_inf.predict(
                    stacked_input(prev_image_data, image_data))[0]
                move = model_inf.predict(image_data)[0]
        elif model_type == "r":
            if stacked:
                pred_coords, _, _ = model_inf.predict(
                    stacked_input(prev_image_data, image_data))
                pred_coords, _, _ = model_inf.predict(image_data)
            move = reg_predict(pred_coords)
        elif model_type == "cmd":
            # Predict
            tmp_move_indx = 2 if prev_move == "straight" else 1 if prev_move == "right" else 0
            img = (tensor(image_data) / 255).permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0)
            cmd = tensor([tmp_move_indx])
            output = model_inf((img, cmd))
            # Assuming we always get batches
            if output.size()[0] > 0:
                for i in range(output.size()[0]):
                    # Getting the predicted most probable move
                    action_index = torch.argmax(output[i])
                    move = 'left' if action_index == 0 else 'right' if action_index == 1 else 'straight'
                # is there any reason for us to believe batch sizes can be empty?
                move = 'straight'
        elif model_type == "rnn":
            img = (tensor(image_data) / 255).permute(
                2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
            output = model_inf(img)
            # Assuming we always get batches
            for i in range(output.size()[0]):
                # Getting the predicted most probable move
                action_index = torch.argmax(output[i])
                move = 'left' if action_index == 0 else 'right' if action_index == 1 else 'straight'

        if move == "left" and prev_move == "right":
            move = "straight"
        elif move == "right" and prev_move == "left":
            move = "straight"

        # Move in world
        if move == "straight":
        elif move == "left":

        prev_move = move
        curr_x, curr_y = round(world.x(), 5), round(world.y(), 5)

        if show_freq != 0 and frame % show_freq == 0:
            if int(curr_x) == int(prev_x) and int(curr_y) == int(prev_y):
                num_static += 1
                maze_path.remove((int(prev_x), int(prev_y)))
                num_static = 0
            prev_x = curr_x
            prev_y = curr_y
        if frame % frame_freq == 0:
        on_path = is_on_path(maze_path, int(world.x()), int(world.y()))
        frame += 1
        prev_image_data = image_data
        if frame == max_steps:
            print("Exceeds step limit")

    # this chunk gets the completion percentage
    lost = False
    if num_static >= 5:
        stuck = True
    if frame >= max_steps:
        lost = True
    outcome = ("At Goal? " + str(world.at_goal()) + "\n Stuck? " + str(stuck) +
               "\n Exceed step limit? " + str(lost) + "\n On path? " +

    completion_per = percent_through_maze(maze_rvs, int(world.x()),
                                          int(world.y()), start_x, start_y,
                                          end_x, end_y)

    animate(animation_frames, model, directory_name)

    if num_static >= 5 and not world.at_goal(
    ):  # model failed to navigate maze
        return frame, False, completion_per
    else:  # model successfully navigated maze
        return frame, True, completion_per