Ejemplo n.º 1
def buildAltarHints(world, messages, include_rewards=True):
    # text that appears at altar as a child.
    child_text = '\x08'
    if include_rewards:
        bossRewardsSpiritualStones = [
            ('Kokiri Emerald',   'Green'), 
            ('Goron Ruby',       'Red'), 
            ('Zora Sapphire',    'Blue'),
        child_text += getHint('Spiritual Stone Text Start', world.clearer_hints).text + '\x04'
        for (reward, color) in bossRewardsSpiritualStones:
            child_text += buildBossString(reward, color, world)
    child_text += getHint('Child Altar Text End', world.clearer_hints).text
    child_text += '\x0B'
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x707A, get_raw_text(child_text), 0x20)

    # text that appears at altar as an adult.
    adult_text = '\x08'
    adult_text += getHint('Adult Altar Text Start', world.clearer_hints).text + '\x04'
    if include_rewards:
        bossRewardsMedallions = [
            ('Light Medallion',  'Light Blue'),
            ('Forest Medallion', 'Green'),
            ('Fire Medallion',   'Red'),
            ('Water Medallion',  'Blue'),
            ('Shadow Medallion', 'Pink'),
            ('Spirit Medallion', 'Yellow'),
        for (reward, color) in bossRewardsMedallions:
            adult_text += buildBossString(reward, color, world)
    adult_text += buildBridgeReqsString(world)
    adult_text += '\x04'
    adult_text += buildGanonBossKeyString(world)
    adult_text += '\x0B'
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x7057, get_raw_text(adult_text), 0x20)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def buildBossRewardHints(world, messages):
    # text that appears at altar as a child.
    bossRewardsSpiritualStones = [
        ('Kokiri Emerald', 'Green'),
        ('Goron Ruby', 'Red'),
        ('Zora Sapphire', 'Blue'),
    child_text = '\x08'
    child_text += getHint('Spiritual Stone Text Start',
    for (reward, color) in bossRewardsSpiritualStones:
        child_text += buildBossString(reward, color, world)
    child_text += getHint('Spiritual Stone Text End', world.clearer_hints).text
    child_text += '\x0B'
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x707A, get_raw_text(child_text), 0x20)

    # text that appears at altar as an adult.
    bossRewardsMedallions = [
        ('Light Medallion', 'Light Blue'),
        ('Forest Medallion', 'Green'),
        ('Fire Medallion', 'Red'),
        ('Water Medallion', 'Blue'),
        ('Shadow Medallion', 'Pink'),
        ('Spirit Medallion', 'Yellow'),
    adult_text = '\x08'
    adult_text += getHint('Medallion Text Start', world.clearer_hints).text
    for (reward, color) in bossRewardsMedallions:
        adult_text += buildBossString(reward, color, world)
    adult_text += getHint('Medallion Text End', world.clearer_hints).text
    adult_text += '\x0B'
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x7057, get_raw_text(adult_text), 0x20)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def buildGanonText(world, messages):
    # empty now unused messages to make space for ganon lines
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70C8, " ")
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70C9, " ")
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70CA, " ")

    # lines before battle
    ganonLines = getHintGroup('ganonLine', world)
    text = get_raw_text(ganonLines.pop().text)
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70CB, text)

    # light arrow hint or validation chest item
    if world.trials == 0:
        text = get_raw_text(getHint('Light Arrow Location', world.clearer_hints).text)
        if world.distribution.get_starting_item('Light Arrows') > 0:
            text += "\x05\x42your pocket\x05\x40"
            location = world.light_arrow_location
            location_hint = location.hint.replace('Ganon\'s Castle', 'my castle')
            if world.id != location.world.id:
                text += "\x05\x42Player %d's\x05\x40 %s" % (location.world.id +1, get_raw_text(location_hint))
                text += get_raw_text(location_hint)
        text += '!'
        text = get_raw_text(getHint('Validation Line', world.clearer_hints).text)
        for location in world.get_filled_locations():
            if location.name == 'Ganons Tower Boss Key Chest':
                text += get_raw_text(getHint(getItemGenericName(location.item), world.clearer_hints).text)
                text += '!'

    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70CC, text)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def buildGanonText(world, messages):
    # empty now unused messages to make space for ganon lines
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70C8, " ")
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70C9, " ")
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70CA, " ")

    # lines before battle
    ganonLines = getHintGroup('ganonLine', world)
    text = get_raw_text(ganonLines.pop().text)
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70CB, text)

    # light arrow hint or validation chest item
    text = get_raw_text(
        getHint('Light Arrow Location', world.clearer_hints).text)
    if world.distribution.get_starting_item('Light Arrows') > 0:
        text += "\x05\x42your pocket\x05\x40"
        location = world.light_arrow_location
        location_hint = get_hint_area(location).replace(
            'Ganon\'s Castle', 'my castle')
        if world.id != location.world.id:
            text += "\x05\x42Player %d's\x05\x40 %s" % (
                location.world.id + 1, get_raw_text(location_hint))
            text += get_raw_text(location_hint)
    text += '!'

    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70CC, text)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def buildGanonText(world, messages):
    # empty now unused messages to make space for ganon lines
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70C8, " ")
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70C9, " ")
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70CA, " ")

    # lines before battle
    text = '\x08'
    ganonLines = getHintGroup('ganonLine', world)
    text = get_raw_text(ganonLines.pop().text)
    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70CB, text)

    # light arrow hint or validation chest item
    text = '\x08'
    if world.trials == 0:
        for location in world.get_locations():
            if location.item.name == 'Light Arrows':
                text = get_raw_text(
                    getHint('Light Arrow Location', world.clearer_hints).text)
                location_hint = location.hint.replace('Ganon\'s Castle',
                                                      'my castle')
                text += get_raw_text(location_hint)
                text += '!'
        text = get_raw_text(
            getHint('Validation Line', world.clearer_hints).text)
        for location in world.get_locations():
            if location.name == 'Ganons Tower Boss Key Chest':
                text += get_raw_text(

    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x70CC, text)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def buildBossRewardHints(world, messages):
    bossRewardsSpiritualStones = [
        'Kokiri Emerald', 'Goron Ruby', 'Zora Sapphire'
    bossRewardsMedallions = [
        'Forest Medallion', 'Fire Medallion', 'Water Medallion',
        'Shadow Medallion', 'Spirit Medallion', 'Light Medallion'

    # text that appears at altar as a child.
    text = '\x08'
    text += get_raw_text(
        getHint('Spiritual Stone Text Start', world.clearer_hints).text)
    for reward in bossRewardsSpiritualStones:
        text += buildBossString(reward, world)

    text = setRewardColor(text)
    text += get_raw_text(
        getHint('Spiritual Stone Text End', world.clearer_hints).text)
    text += '\x0B'

    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x707a, text, 0x20)

    # text that appears at altar as an adult.
    start = '\x08When evil rules all, an awakening\x01voice from the Sacred Realm will\x01call those destined to be Sages,\x01who dwell in the \x05\x41five temples\x05\x40.\x04'
    text = ''
    for reward in bossRewardsMedallions:
        text += buildBossString(reward, world)

    text = setRewardColor(text)
    text += get_raw_text(
        getHint('Medallion Text End', world.clearer_hints).text)
    text += '\x0B'

    update_message_by_id(messages, 0x7057, start + text, 0x20)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def writeGossipStoneHints(spoiler, world, messages):
    for id, gossip_text in spoiler.hints[world.id].items():
        update_message_by_id(messages, id, str(gossip_text), 0x23)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def writeGossipStoneHintsHints(world, messages):
    for id, text in world.spoiler.hints.items():
        update_message_by_id(messages, id, get_raw_text(text))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_hint(messages, id, text):
    update_message_by_id(messages, id, get_raw_text(text))