Ejemplo n.º 1
def GetSearchResults(query=None, type=None, imdb_id=None):

    items = []

    if (imdb_id):

        res = MediaInfo()
        res.type = type
        res.id = "/item.php?imdb=" + imdb_id
        res.title = query



        soup = BeautifulSoup(
            HTTP.Request(LMWT_SEARCH_URL + "?search", cacheTime=0).content)
        key = soup.find('input', {'type': 'hidden', 'name': 'key'})['value']

        section = "1"
        if (type == "tv"):
            section = "2"

        url = LMWT_SEARCH_URL + "?search_section=" + section + "&search_keywords=" + urllib.quote_plus(
            query) + "&key=" + key + "&sort=views"
        soup = BeautifulSoup(HTTP.Request(url, cacheTime=0).content)

        for item in soup.findAll("div", {'class': 'index_item index_item_ie'}):

            #Log('Found item: ' + str(item))
            res = MediaInfo()

            res.type = type

            # Extract out title
            res.title = re.search("Watch (.*)",
            match = re.search("(.*)\((\d*)\)", res.title)

            if (match):
                res.title = match.group(1).strip()
                res.year = int(match.group(2).strip())

            # Extract out URL
            res.id = item.a['href'][1:]

            # Extract out thumb
            res.poster = item.find('img')['src']

            # Extract out rating
            rating_style = item.find('li')['style']
            res.rating = re.search("width:\s(\d)*px;", rating_style).group(1)

            # Add to item list.
            #Log("Adding item: " + str(res))

    return items
Ejemplo n.º 2
def GetSearchResults(query=None,type=None,imdb_id=None, exact=False):
	items = []
	if (imdb_id):
		res = MediaInfo()
		res.type = type
		res.id = "/item.php?imdb=" + imdb_id
		res.title = query
		soup = BeautifulSoup(HTTP.Request(Dict['LMWT_SEARCH_URL'] + "?search",cacheTime=0).content)
		key = soup.find('input', { 'type': 'hidden', 'name': 'key' })['value']
		section = "1"
		if (type == "tv"):
			section = "2"
		url = Dict['LMWT_SEARCH_URL'] + "?search_section=" + section + "&search_keywords=" + urllib.quote_plus(query) + "&key=" + key + "&sort=views"
		soup = BeautifulSoup(HTTP.Request(url,cacheTime=0).content)
		for item in soup.findAll("div", { 'class': 'index_item index_item_ie' }):
			#Log('Found item: ' + str(item))
			res = MediaInfo()
			res.type = type
			# Extract out title
			res.title = re.search("Watch (.*)", item.find('a')['title']).group(1).strip()
			match = re.search("(.*)\((\d*)\)", res.title)
			if (match):
				res.title = match.group(1).strip()
				res.year = int(match.group(2).strip())
			# Extract out URL
			res.id = item.a['href'][1:]
			# Extract out thumb
			res.poster = item.find('img')['src']
			# Extract out rating
			rating_style = item.find('li')['style']
			res.rating = re.search("width:\s(\d)*px;", rating_style).group(1);
			# Add to item list.
			#Log("Adding item: " + str(res))
			if not exact or res.title.lower() == query.lower():
	return items
Ejemplo n.º 3
def GetItems(type, genre=None, sort=None, alpha=None, pages=5, start_page=0):

    page_num = 0
    items = []

    while (page_num < pages):

        page_num = page_num + 1
        url = GetURL(type=type,
                     page_num=page_num + start_page)
        url_parts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(HTTP.Request(url).content)

        for item in soup.findAll("div", {'class': 'index_item index_item_ie'}):

            #Log('Found item: ' + str(item))
            res = MediaInfo()

            res.type = type

            # Extract out title
            res.title = re.search("Watch (.*)",
            match = re.search("(.*)\((\d*)\)", res.title)

            if (match):
                res.title = match.group(1).strip()
                res.year = int(match.group(2).strip())

            # Extract out URL
            res.id = item.a['href'][1:]

            # Extract out thumb. Note that extracted path may be relative.
            poster_url = item.find('img')['src']
            if poster_url.startswith("//"):
                poster_url = url_parts.scheme + ":" + poster_url
            elif poster_url.startswith("/"):
                # Deal with fully-relative paths. Doesn't deal with partial relative paths.
                poster_url = url_parts.scheme + "://" + url_parts.netloc + poster_url

            res.poster = poster_url

            # Extract out rating
            rating_style = item.find('li')['style']
            rating = re.search("width:\s([\d\.]*)px;", rating_style).group(1)

            if (rating is not None and rating <> ""):
                res.rating = int(int(rating) / 10)

            # Add to item list.
            #Log("Adding item: " + str(res))

    return items
Ejemplo n.º 4
def GetItems(type, genre = None, sort = None, alpha = None, pages = 5, start_page = 0):

	page_num = 0
	items = []
	while (page_num < pages):
		page_num = page_num + 1
		url = GetURL(type = type, genre = genre, sort = sort, alpha = alpha, page_num = page_num + start_page)
		url_parts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
		soup = BeautifulSoup(HTTP.Request(url).content)
		for item in soup.findAll("div", { 'class': 'index_item index_item_ie' }):
			#Log('Found item: ' + str(item))
			res = MediaInfo()
			res.type = type

			# Extract out title
			res.title = re.search("Watch (.*)", item.find('a')['title']).group(1).strip()
			match = re.search("(.*)\((\d*)\)", res.title)
			if (match):
				res.title = match.group(1).strip()
				res.year = int(match.group(2).strip())
			# Extract out URL
			res.id = item.a['href'][1:]
			# Extract out thumb. Note that extracted path may be relative.
			poster_url = item.find('img')['src']
			if poster_url.startswith("//"):
				poster_url = url_parts.scheme + ":" + poster_url
			elif poster_url.startswith("/"):
				# Deal with fully-relative paths. Doesn't deal with partial relative paths.
				poster_url = url_parts.scheme + "://" + url_parts.netloc + poster_url
			res.poster = poster_url
			# Extract out rating
			rating_style = item.find('li')['style']
			rating = re.search("width:\s([\d\.]*)px;", rating_style).group(1);
			if (rating is not None and rating <> ""):
				res.rating = int(int(rating) / 10)
			# Add to item list.
			#Log("Adding item: " + str(res))
	return items
Ejemplo n.º 5
def GetItems(type, genre=None, sort=None, alpha=None, pages=5, start_page=0):

    page_num = 0
    items = []

    while (page_num < pages):

        page_num = page_num + 1
        url = GetURL(type=type,
                     page_num=page_num + start_page)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(HTTP.Request(url).content)

        for item in soup.findAll("div", {'class': 'index_item index_item_ie'}):

            #Log('Found item: ' + str(item))
            res = MediaInfo()

            res.type = type

            # Extract out title
            res.title = re.search("Watch (.*)",
            match = re.search("(.*)\((\d*)\)", res.title)

            if (match):
                res.title = match.group(1).strip()
                res.year = int(match.group(2).strip())

            # Extract out URL
            res.id = item.a['href'][1:]

            # Extract out thumb
            res.poster = item.find('img')['src']

            # Extract out rating
            rating_style = item.find('li')['style']
            rating = re.search("width:\s([\d\.]*)px;", rating_style).group(1)

            if (rating is not None and rating <> ""):
                res.rating = int(int(rating) / 10)

            # Add to item list.
            #Log("Adding item: " + str(res))

    return items
Ejemplo n.º 6
def GetItems(type, genre = None, sort = None, alpha = None, pages = 5, start_page = 0):

	page_num = 0
	items = []
	while (page_num < pages):
		page_num = page_num + 1
		url = GetURL(type = type, genre = genre, sort = sort, alpha = alpha, page_num = page_num + start_page)
		soup = BeautifulSoup(HTTP.Request(url).content)
		for item in soup.findAll("div", { 'class': 'index_item index_item_ie' }):
			#Log('Found item: ' + str(item))
			res = MediaInfo()
			res.type = type

			# Extract out title
			res.title = re.search("Watch (.*)", item.find('a')['title']).group(1).strip()
			match = re.search("(.*)\((\d*)\)", res.title)
			if (match):
				res.title = match.group(1).strip()
				res.year = int(match.group(2).strip())
			# Extract out URL
			res.id = item.a['href'][1:]
			# Extract out thumb
			res.poster = item.find('img')['src']
			# Extract out rating
			rating_style = item.find('li')['style']
			rating = re.search("width:\s([\d\.]*)px;", rating_style).group(1);
			if (rating is not None and rating <> ""):
				res.rating = int(int(rating) / 10)
			# Add to item list.
			#Log("Adding item: " + str(res))
	return items