Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    N_CLASSES = 2
    LOAD_MODEL = 1
    LABELS = ["Attacks", "Normal"]
    pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
    pathModels = 'models/'
    pathDataset = 'datasets/'
    path = 'KDDTrain+aggregateOneCls10Features'
    pathTest = 'KDDTest+aggregateOneCls10Features'
    testpath = 'KDDTest+'
    train = pd.read_csv(pathDataset+path + ".csv")
    test = pd.read_csv(pathDataset+pathTest + ".csv")
    pathOutputTrain = pathDataset+path + 'Numeric.csv'
    pathOutputTest = pathDataset+pathTest + 'Numeric.csv'

    listNumerical10 = [
        ' src_bytes', ' dst_bytes', ' diff_srv_rate', ' same_srv_rate', ' dst_host_srv_count',
        ' dst_host_same_srv_rate',
        ' dst_host_diff_srv_rate', ' dst_host_serror_rate']

    prp = prep(train, test)

    tic_preprocessing1 = time.time()

    if (PREPROCESSING1 == 1):
        train, test = preprocessing(train, test, prp)
        train, test = scaler(train, test, listNumerical10)
        train.to_csv(pathDataset + pathOutputTrain, index=False)  # X is an array
        test.to_csv(pathDataset + pathOutputTest, index=False)

        train = pd.read_csv(pathDataset + path + 'Numeric.csv')
        test = pd.read_csv(pathDataset + pathTest + 'Numeric.csv')

    clsT, clsTest = prp.getCls()
    train_normal = train[(train[clsT] == 1)]
    print("train normal:", train_normal.shape)

    train_anormal = train[(train[clsT] == 0)]
    test_normal = test[(test[clsTest] == 1)]
    test_anormal = test[(test[clsTest] == 0)]

    train_XN, train_YN, test_XN, test_YN = prp.getXY(train_normal, test_normal)

    train_XA, train_YA, test_XA, test_YA = prp.getXY(train_anormal, test_anormal)
    train_X, train_Y, test_X, test_Y = prp.getXY(train, test)

    toc_preprocessing1 = time.time()
    time_preprocessing1 = toc_preprocessing1 - tic_preprocessing1

    print('Train data shape normal', train_XN.shape)
    print('Train target shape normal', train_YN.shape)
    print('Test data shape normal', test_XN.shape)
    print('Test target shape normal', test_YN.shape)

    print('Train data shape anormal', train_XA.shape)
    print('Train target shape anormal', train_YA.shape)
    print('Test data shape anormal', test_XA.shape)
    print('Test target shape anormal', test_YA.shape)

    # convert class vectors to binary class matrices fo softmax
    train_Y2 = np_utils.to_categorical(train_Y, N_CLASSES)
    print("Target train shape after", train_Y2.shape)
    test_Y2 = np_utils.to_categorical(test_Y, N_CLASSES)
    print("Target test shape after", test_Y2.shape)

    callbacks_list = [
        callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0.0001, patience=6, restore_best_weights=True),

    m = Models(N_CLASSES)

    if (LOAD_AUTOENCODER1 == 0):
        tic_autoencoder1 = time.time()
        print('Autoencoder only normal')
        # parametri per autoencoder
        p1 = {
            'first_layer': 60,
            'second_layer': 30,
            'third_layer': 10,
            'four_layer': 40,
            'five_layer': 20,
            'six_layer': 10,
            'batch_size': 64,
            'epochs': 150,
            'optimizer': optimizers.Adam,
            'kernel_initializer': 'glorot_uniform',
            'losses': 'mse',
            'first_activation': 'tanh',
            'second_activation': 'tanh',
            'third_activation': 'tanh'}

        autoencoder = m.deepAutoEncoder(train_XN, p1)

        history = autoencoder.fit(train_XN, train_XN,
                                  epochs=p1['epochs'], shuffle=True,

        printPlotAccuracy(history, 'autoencoder')
        printPlotLoss(history, 'autoencoder')

        toc_autoencoder1 = time.time()
        time_autoencoder1 = toc_autoencoder1 - tic_autoencoder1
        autoencoder.save(pathModels + 'autoencoderNormal.h5')
        print("Load autoencoder from disk")
        autoencoder = load_model(pathModels + 'autoencoderNormal.h5')
    # autoencoder.summary()

    # train predictions

    predictionsT = autoencoder.predict(train_X)
    mseT = np.mean(np.power(train_X - predictionsT, 2), axis=1)
    error_dfT = pd.DataFrame({'reconstruction_error': mseT})
    error_dfT['true_class'] = train_Y[clsT]

    pathOutputError = 'ErrorTraining.csv'
    error_dfT.to_csv(pathDataset + pathOutputError, index=False)

    ################# mse test #################################

    # test predictions
    tic_prediction_autoencoder1 = time.time()
    predictions = autoencoder.predict(test_X)
    mse = np.mean(np.power(test_X - predictions, 2), axis=1)
    toc_prediction_autoencoder1 = time.time()
    time_prediction_autoencoder1 = toc_prediction_autoencoder1 - tic_prediction_autoencoder1
    error_df = pd.DataFrame({'reconstruction_error': mse})
    error_df['true_class'] = test_Y[clsTest]

    pathOutputError = 'ErrorTest'
    error_df.to_csv(pathDataset + pathOutputError + testpath + '.csv', index=False)

    # =============================================================================
    #                   C2
    # =============================================================================

    pathmseTrain = 'ErrorTraining'
    pathmseTest = 'ErrorTest'
    columnNameErrorN = 'reconstruction_error'

#    prp = prep(train, test)

    mseTrain = pd.read_csv(pathDataset + pathmseTrain + '.csv')
    mseTest = pd.read_csv(pathDataset + pathmseTest + testpath + '.csv')

    pathOutputTrain = pathDataset + path + 'mse_Numeric.csv'
    pathOutputTest = pathDataset + pathTest + 'mse_Numeric.csv'
    train = pd.read_csv(pathDataset+path + ".csv")
    test = pd.read_csv(pathDataset+pathTest + ".csv")

    train[columnNameErrorN] = mseTrain[columnNameErrorN]
    test[columnNameErrorN] = mseTest[columnNameErrorN]

    listNumerical10 = [
        ' src_bytes', ' dst_bytes', ' diff_srv_rate', ' same_srv_rate', ' dst_host_srv_count',
        ' dst_host_same_srv_rate',
        ' dst_host_diff_srv_rate', ' dst_host_serror_rate']

    tic_preprocessing = time.time()
    if (PREPROCESSING2 == 1):
        train, test = preprocessing(train, test, prp)
        train, test = scaler(train, test, listNumerical10)
        train.to_csv(pathOutputTrain, index=False)
        test.to_csv(pathOutputTest, index=False)

        train = pd.read_csv(pathOutputTrain)
        test = pd.read_csv(pathOutputTest)

    clsT, clsTest = prp.getCls()

    train_normal = train[(train[clsT] == 1)]

    train_anormal = train[(train[clsT] == 0)]
    test_normal = test[(test[clsTest] == 1)]
    test_anormal = test[(test[clsTest] == 0)]

    train_XN, train_YN, test_XN, test_YN = prp.getXY(train_normal, test_normal)

    train_XA, train_YA, test_XA, test_YA = prp.getXY(train_anormal, test_anormal)
    train_X, train_Y, test_X, test_Y = prp.getXY(train, test)

    toc_preprocessing = time.time()
    time_preprocessing = toc_preprocessing - tic_preprocessing

    print('Train data shape normal', train_XN.shape)
    print('Train target shape normal', train_YN.shape)
    print('Test data shape normal', test_XN.shape)
    print('Test target shape normal', test_YN.shape)

    print('Train data shape anormal', train_XA.shape)
    print('Train target shape anormal', train_YA.shape)
    print('Test data shape anormal', test_XA.shape)
    print('Test target shape anormal', test_YA.shape)

    # convert class vectors to binary class matrices fo softmax
    train_Y2 = np_utils.to_categorical(train_Y, N_CLASSES)
    print("Train shape after", train_X.shape)
    print("Target train shape after", train_Y2.shape)
    test_Y2 = np_utils.to_categorical(test_Y, N_CLASSES)
    print("Target test shape after", test_Y2.shape)
    print("Test shape after", test_X.shape)

    callbacks_list = [
        callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0.0001, patience=6, restore_best_weights=True),

    m = Models(N_CLASSES)

    if (LOAD_MODEL == 0):
        tic_autoencoder = time.time()
        print('Autoencoder only normal')
        # parameters per autoencoder
        p1 = {
            'first_layer': 60,
            'second_layer': 30,
            'third_layer': 10,
            'four_layer': 40,
            'five_layer': 20,
            'six_layer': 10,
            'batch_size': 128,
            'epochs': 150,
            'optimizer': optimizers.Adam,
            'kernel_initializer': 'glorot_uniform',
            'losses': 'mse',
            'first_activation': 'tanh',
            'second_activation': 'tanh',
            'third_activation': 'tanh'}

        autoencoder = m.deepAutoEncoder(train_XN, p1)

        history = autoencoder.fit(train_XN, train_XN,
                                  epochs=p1['epochs'], shuffle=True,

        toc_autoencoder = time.time()
        time_autoencoder = toc_autoencoder - tic_autoencoder

        printPlotAccuracy(history, 'autoencoder')
        printPlotLoss(history, 'autoencoder')
        autoencoder.save(pathModels + 'autoencoderNormal2.h5')
        print("Load autoencoder from disk")
        autoencoder = load_model(pathModels + 'autoencoderNormal2.h5')
        #plot_model(autoencoder, to_file='autoencoder.png')

    # scale to improve classifier (!! change in fit!!)
    train_XS, test_XS = scaleSimple(train_X, test_X)

    print("Using softmax classifier:")
    if (LOAD_CLASSIFIER == 0):
        tic_classifier = time.time()
        # parameters for final model
        p2 = {
            'batch_size': 64,
            'epochs': 150,
            'optimizer': optimizers.Adam,
            'kernel_initializer': 'glorot_uniform',
            'losses': 'binary_crossentropy',
            'first_activation': 'tanh',
            'second_activation': 'tanh',
            'third_activation': 'tanh'}

        # model = m.modelWeightFixed(encoder, train_X, p2, encoder2)
        # class_weight = {0: 3, 1: 1}
        model = m.baselineModel(train_XS, p2)

        history3 = model.fit(train_XS, train_Y2,
                             # validation_data=(test_X, test_Y2),
                             epochs=p2['epochs'], shuffle=False,
                             callbacks=callbacks_list,  # class_weight=class_weight,

        toc_classifier = time.time()
        time_classifier = toc_classifier - tic_classifier
        printPlotAccuracy(history3, 'finalModel1')
        printPlotLoss(history3, 'finalModel1')
        model.save(pathModels + 'modelsoftmax2.h5')
        print("Load softmax from disk")
        model = load_model(pathModels + 'modelsoftmax2.h5')
        #plot_model(model, to_file='model.png')

    ################# mse train  ###########################

    # train predictions
    predictionsT = autoencoder.predict(train_X)
    pathOutputErrorT = 'ErrorTrain2.csv'
    mseT = np.mean(np.power(train_X - predictionsT, 2), axis=1)
    error_dfT = pd.DataFrame({'reconstruction_error': mseT})
    error_dfT['true_class'] = train_Y[clsT]
    error_dfT.to_csv(pathDataset + pathOutputErrorT)


    # test predictions
    pathOutputErrorTest = 'ErrorTest2'
    tic_prediction_autoencoder = time.time()
    predictions = autoencoder.predict(test_X)
    mse = np.mean(np.power(test_X - predictions, 2), axis=1)
    toc_prediction_autoencoder = time.time()
    time_prediction_autoencoder1 = toc_prediction_autoencoder - tic_prediction_autoencoder
    error_df = pd.DataFrame({'reconstruction_error': mse})
    error_df['true_class'] = test_Y[clsTest]

    ###################à classifier prediction ###################
    tic_prediction_classifier = time.time()
    predictions = model.predict(test_XS)
    toc_prediction_classifier = time.time()
    time_prediction_classifier = toc_prediction_classifier - tic_prediction_classifier
    predictionsT = model.predict(train_XS)

    ############# create confusion matrix ######################

    # Predicting the Training set results
    y_predT = np.argmax(predictionsT, axis=1)
    cm = confusion_matrix(train_Y, y_predT)
    acc = accuracy_score(train_Y, y_predT, normalize=True)
    print('Softmax on training set')
    # Add prediction at dataframe with error reconstruction
    error_dfT['predict_softmax'] = y_predT
    error_dfT.to_csv(pathDataset+pathOutputErrorT, index=False)

    # Predicting the Test set results
   # prob = np.amax(predictions, axis=1)
   # print(prob)
    y_pred = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1)
    cm = confusion_matrix(test_Y, y_pred)
    acc = accuracy_score(test_Y, y_pred, normalize=True)
    print('Softmax on test set')
    # Add prediction at dataframe with error reconstruction
    error_df['predict_softmax'] = y_pred
   # error_df['prob'] = prob
    error_df.to_csv(pathDataset+pathOutputErrorTest + testpath + '.csv', index=False)

    #########################################Phase after classification##############################

    # take to dataframe only prediction equals to 1
    error_OnlyNormal = error_df[error_df['predict_softmax'] == 1]
    # error_OnlyNormalT = error_dfT[error_dfT['predict_softmax'] == 1]
    # error_OnlyNormalT.to_csv("onlyNormal2.csv", index=False)

    threshold = 0.002

    tic_prediction_anomaly1 = time.time()
    y_predA = [0 if (e > threshold) else 1 for e in error_df.reconstruction_error.values]
    toc_prediction_anomaly1 = time.time()
    time_prediction_anomaly1 = toc_prediction_anomaly1 - tic_prediction_anomaly1
    conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(error_df.true_class, y_predA)
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
    sns.heatmap(conf_matrix, xticklabels=LABELS, yticklabels=LABELS, annot=True, fmt="d");
    plt.title("Confusion matrix All")
    plt.ylabel('True class')
    plt.xlabel('Predicted class')
    plt.savefig("first matrix")

    tic_prediction_anomaly2 = time.time()
    y_predNormal = [0 if (e > threshold) else 1 for e in error_OnlyNormal.reconstruction_error.values]
    toc_prediction_anomaly2 = time.time()
    time_prediction_anomaly2 = toc_prediction_anomaly2 - tic_prediction_anomaly2
    conf_matrix2 = confusion_matrix(error_OnlyNormal.true_class, y_predNormal)
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
    sns.heatmap(conf_matrix2, xticklabels=LABELS, yticklabels=LABELS, annot=True, fmt="d");
    plt.title("Confusion matrix Normal")
    plt.ylabel('True class')
    plt.xlabel('Predicted class')
    plt.savefig("second matrix")

    if (PREPROCESSING1 == 1):
        print("Time for preprocessing 1 %s " % time_preprocessing1)

    if (PREPROCESSING2 == 1):
        print("Time for preprocessing 2 %s " % time_preprocessing)

    if (LOAD_AUTOENCODER1 == 0):
        print("Time for train autoencoder 1 %s " % time_autoencoder1)

    if (LOAD_MODEL == 0):
        print("Time for train autoencoder 2 %s " % time_autoencoder)
    if (LOAD_CLASSIFIER == 0):
        print("Time for train classifier %s " % time_classifier)

    print("Time for anomaly prediction %s " % (time_prediction_autoencoder1 + time_prediction_anomaly1))
    print("Time for classifier prediction %s " % time_prediction_classifier)
    print("Time for 2 phase prediction %s " % (time_prediction_autoencoder1 +
                                               time_prediction_classifier + time_prediction_autoencoder1 + time_prediction_anomaly2))