Ejemplo n.º 1
    class Config(wikiconfig.Config):
        from MoinMoin.auth.ldap_login import LDAPAuth
        #ToDo get these vars from the test environment
        server_uri = 'ldap://'
        base_dn = 'ou=testing,dc=example,dc=org'
        ldap_auth1 = LDAPAuth(server_uri=server_uri,
        # short timeout, faster testing
        server_uri = 'ldap://'
        ldap_auth2 = LDAPAuth(server_uri=server_uri,

        auth = [ldap_auth1, ldap_auth2]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 class Config(wikiconfig.Config):
     from MoinMoin.auth.ldap_login import LDAPAuth
     from MoinMoin.auth import MoinAuth
     #ToDo get these vars from the test environment
     server_uri = 'ldap://'
     base_dn = 'ou=testing,dc=example,dc=org'
     ldap_auth = LDAPAuth(server_uri=server_uri,
     moin_auth = MoinAuth()
     auth = [ldap_auth, moin_auth]
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Config(multiconfig.DefaultConfig):

    # Critical setup  ---------------------------------------------------

    # Directory containing THIS wikiconfig:
    wikiconfig_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

    # We assume that this config file is located in the instance directory, like:
    # instance_dir/
    #              wikiconfig.py
    #              data/
    #              underlay/
    # If that's not true, feel free to just set instance_dir to the real path
    # where data/ and underlay/ is located:
    #instance_dir = '/where/ever/your/instance/is'
    instance_dir = wikiconfig_dir

    # Where your own wiki pages are (make regular backups of this directory):
    data_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir, 'data', '')  # path with trailing /

    # Where system and help pages are (you may exclude this from backup):
    data_underlay_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir, 'underlay',
                                     '')  # path with trailing /

    # The URL prefix we use to access the static stuff (img, css, js).
    # Note: moin runs a static file server at url_prefix_static path (relative
    # to the script url).
    # If you run your wiki script at the root of your site (/), just do NOT
    # use this setting and it will automatically work.
    # If you run your wiki script at /mywiki, you need to use this:
    url_prefix_static = '/wiki' + url_prefix_static

    # Wiki identity ----------------------------------------------------

    # Site name, used by default for wiki name-logo [Unicode]
    sitename = u'Inno Wiki'

    # Wiki logo. You can use an image, text or both. [Unicode]
    # For no logo or text, use '' - the default is to show the sitename.
    # See also url_prefix setting below!
    logo_string = u'<img src="%s/common/logo.png" alt="Innopolis Logo" style="margin-top: -5px">' % url_prefix_static

    # name of entry page / front page [Unicode], choose one of those:

    # a) if most wiki content is in a single language
    #page_front_page = u"MyStartingPage"

    # b) if wiki content is maintained in many languages
    page_front_page = u"FrontPage"

    # The interwiki name used in interwiki links
    #interwikiname = u'UntitledWiki'
    # Show the interwiki name (and link it to page_front_page) in the Theme,
    # nice for farm setups or when your logo does not show the wiki's name.
    #show_interwiki = 1

    # Security ----------------------------------------------------------

    # This is checked by some rather critical and potentially harmful actions,
    # like despam or PackageInstaller action:
    superuser = [u"i.tkachenko", u"m.skoriukov"]

    # IMPORTANT: grant yourself admin rights! replace YourName with
    # your user name. See HelpOnAccessControlLists for more help.
    # All acl_rights_xxx options must use unicode [Unicode]
    acl_rights_default = u"+AdminGroup:delete,revert Known:read,write All:"
    acl_rights_before = u"i.tkachenko,m.skoriukov:read,write,delete,revert,admin"
    acl_hierarchic = True
    acl_rights_valid = ["read", "write", "delete", "revert", "admin"]

    # The default (ENABLED) password_checker will keep users from choosing too
    # short or too easy passwords. If you don't like this and your site has
    # rather low security requirements, feel free to DISABLE the checker by:
    #password_checker = None # None means "don't do any password strength checks"

    # Link spam protection for public wikis (Uncomment to enable)
    # Needs a reliable internet connection.
    #from MoinMoin.security.antispam import SecurityPolicy

    # Mail --------------------------------------------------------------

    # Configure to enable subscribing to pages (disabled by default)
    # or sending forgotten passwords.

    # SMTP server, e.g. "mail.provider.com" (None to disable mail)
    #mail_smarthost = ""

    # The return address, e.g u"Jürgen Wiki <*****@*****.**>" [Unicode]
    #mail_from = u""

    # "user pwd" if you need to use SMTP AUTH
    #mail_login = ""

    # User interface ----------------------------------------------------

    # Add your wikis important pages at the end. It is not recommended to
    # remove the default links.  Leave room for user links - don't use
    # more than 6 short items.
    # You MUST use Unicode strings here, but you need not use localized
    # page names for system and help pages, those will be used automatically
    # according to the user selected language. [Unicode]
    navi_bar = [
        # If you want to show your page_front_page here:

    # The default theme anonymous or new users get
    theme_default = 'memodump'

    # Language options --------------------------------------------------

    # The main wiki language, set the direction of the wiki pages
    language_default = 'ru'

    page_category_regex = ur'(?P<all>(Категория|Category)(?P<key>\S+))'
    page_dict_regex = ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)(Словарь|Dict))'
    page_group_regex = ur'(?P<all>((?!.*Group)(?P<ru>Группа))?(?P<key>\S+)(?(ru)|Group))'
    page_template_regex = ur'(?P<all>((?!.*Template)(?P<ru>Шаблон))?(?P<key>\S+)(?(ru)|Template))'

    # Content options ---------------------------------------------------

    # Show users hostnames in RecentChanges
    show_hosts = 1

    # Enable graphical charts, requires gdchart.
    #chart_options = {'width': 600, 'height': 300}

    # Auth/LDAP ---------------------------------------------------------

    # This is a sample configuration snippet that shows how to use the ldap auth plugin.
    # See HelpOnAuthentication and HelpOnConfiguration for more infos.

    from MoinMoin.auth.ldap_login import LDAPAuth
    ldap_authenticator1 = LDAPAuth(
        # the values shown below are the DEFAULT values (you may remove them if you are happy with them),
        # the examples shown in the comments are typical for Active Directory (AD) or OpenLDAP.
        # ldap / active directory server URI
        # use ldaps://server:636 url for ldaps,
        # use  ldap://server for ldap without tls (and set start_tls to 0),
        # use  ldap://server for ldap with tls (and set start_tls to 1 or 2).
        # We can either use some fixed user and password for binding to LDAP.
        # Be careful if you need a % char in those strings - as they are used as
        # a format string, you have to write %% to get a single % in the end.
        #bind_dn = '*****@*****.**' # (AD)
        #bind_dn = 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' # (OpenLDAP)
        #bind_pw = 'secret'
        # or we can use the username and password we got from the user:
        #bind_dn = '%(username)[email protected]' # DN we use for first bind (AD)
        #bind_pw = '%(password)s' # password we use for first bind
        # or we can bind anonymously (if that is supported by your directory).
        # In any case, bind_dn and bind_pw must be defined.
        # base DN we use for searching
        #base_dn = 'ou=SOMEUNIT,dc=example,dc=org'
        #base_dn = 'uid=%(username)s,ou=people,dc=company,dc=com'
        scope=2,  # scope of the search we do (2 == ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
        referrals=0,  # LDAP REFERRALS (0 needed for AD)
        # ldap filter used for searching:
        #search_filter = '(sAMAccountName=%(username)s)' # (AD)
        #search_filter = '(uid=%(username)s)' # (OpenLDAP)
        # you can also do more complex filtering like:
        # "(&(cn=%(username)s)(memberOf=CN=WikiUsers,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=org))"

        # some attribute names we use to extract information from LDAP (if not None,
        # if None, the attribute won't be extracted from LDAP):
        'givenName',  # often 'givenName' - ldap attribute we get the first name from
        'sn',  # often 'sn' - ldap attribute we get the family name from
        'mailNickname',  # often 'displayName' - ldap attribute we get the aliasname from
        'mail',  # often 'mail' - ldap attribute we get the email address from
        email_callback=None,  # callback function called to make up email address
        coding='utf-8',  # coding used for ldap queries and result values
        timeout=10,  # how long we wait for the ldap server [s]
        2,  # usage of Transport Layer Security 0 = No, 1 = Try, 2 = Required
        0,  # 0 == ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER (needed for self-signed certs)
        False,  # set to True to only do one bind - useful if configured to bind as the user on the first attempt
        True,  # set to True to automatically create/update user profiles
        'ldap',  # use e.g. 'ldap_pdc' and 'ldap_bdc' (or 'ldap1' and 'ldap2') if you auth against 2 ldap servers
        True,  # whether to emit "invalid username or password" msg at login time or not

    auth = [
    ]  # this is a list, you may have multiple ldap authenticators
    # as well as other authenticators

    cookie_lifetime = (
        0, 1)  # no anon user sessions, 1h session lifetime for logged-in users