Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     self.mols1 = Read('Data/stringSel.pdb')
     self.mol1 = self.mols1[0]
     self.mols2 = Read('Data/protease.pdb')
     self.mol2 = self.mols2[0]
     self.mols = self.mols1 + self.mols2
     self.stringSel = StringSelector()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get(self, event=None, withMsg=False):
     args = self.buildArgs()
     atArg = self.atomEntry.get()
     #print "atArg=", atArg, "=='' is", atArg==""
     resArg = self.resEntry.get()
     #print "resArg=", resArg, "=='' is", resArg==""
     chainArg = self.chainEntry.get()
     #print "chainArg=", chainArg, "=='' is", chainArg==""
     molArg = self.molEntry.get()
     #print "molArg=", molArg, "=='' is", molArg==""
     if atArg != "":
         args = molArg + ':' + chainArg + ':' + resArg + ':' + atArg
     elif resArg != "":
         args = molArg + ':' + chainArg + ':' + resArg
     elif chainArg != "":
         args = molArg + ':' + chainArg
         args = molArg
     #print "calling StringSelector.select with args=", args
     selitem, msgStr = StringSelector().select(self.molSet,
     #if StringSelector starts returning msgs fix here
     #selitem, msgStr = StringSelector().select(self.molSet, args, self.userPref)
     #return selitem, msgStr
     #if selitem and len(selitem):
     #    print "returning len(selitem)=", len(selitem)
     if withMsg:
         return selitem, msgStr
         return selitem
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_select_with_empty_string(self):
      test result with empty string returns all molecules
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, "")
     self.assertEquals(result, self.molecules)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, self.molecules[0].name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_select_with_bad_key_returns_EmptySet(self):
      test result with bad_key returns EmptySet
     selString = ":::'backbone'"
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEquals(len(result), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_select_with_lambda_residue_expr(self):
      test result with lambda x:x.name==CA returns 9 atoms
     selString = "::lambda x:x.type=='GLN':"
     #sanity check
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEquals(len(result), 9)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_select_with_backbone_returns_12atoms(self):
      test result with backbone returns 12 atoms
     selString = ":::backbone"
     #sanity check
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEquals(len(result), 12)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_select_with_lambda_molecule_expr(self):
      test result with lambda x:x.name=='stringSel' returns 29 atoms
     selString = "lambda x:x.name=='stringSel':::"
     #sanity check
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEquals(len(result), 29)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_select_with_CA_returns_3atoms(self):
      test result with CA returns 3 atoms
     selString = ":::CA"
     #sanity check
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEquals(len(result), 3)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_select_with_compound_Residue_full_name(self):
      test result with compound Residue full_name
     subset = self.molecules.chains.residues[:2]
     selString = subset[0].full_name() + ';' + subset[1].full_name()
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEqual(result, subset)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_select_with_simple_Residue_full_name(self):
      test result with simple Residue full_name
     subset = self.molecules.chains.residues[:2]
     selString = subset.full_name()
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEqual(result, subset)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_select_with_simple_Atom_full_name(self):
      test result with simple Atom full_name
     subset = self.molecules.allAtoms[:2]
     selString = subset.full_name()
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEqual(result, subset)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_select_with_backbone_returns_no_waters(self):
      test result with backbone returns no waters
     selString = ":::backbone"
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEquals(len(result), 12)
     self.assertEqual('HOH' not in result.parent.type, True)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_select_with_hetatm_returns_5atoms(self):
      test result with hetatm returns 5 atoms
     selString = ":::hetatm"
     #sanity check
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEquals(len(result), 5)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_select_with_lambda_chain_expr(self):
      test result with lambda x:x.id=='W' returns 5 atoms
     selString = ":lambda x:x.id=='W'::"
     #sanity check
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEquals(len(result), 5)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_select_with_lambda_atoms_expr_with_parentheses(self):
      test result with lambda x:len(x.bonds)==1 returns 468 atoms for hsg1.pdb
     selString = ":::lambda x:len(x.bonds)==1"
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     from MolKit import Read
     mol = Read("Data/hsg1.pdb")
     result, msg = stringSel.select(mol, selString)
     self.assertEquals(len(result), 468)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_select_with_5_Residue_full_names(self):
      test result with 5 Residue full_names joined with ';'
     subset = self.molecules.chains.residues[:5]
     selString = ''
     for a in subset:
         selString += a.full_name() + ';'
     selString = selString[:-1]
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEqual(result, subset)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_select_all_atoms_from_compound_string(self):
      test result using all the atoms' full_name()
     selString = ''
     subset = self.molecules.allAtoms
     for a in subset:
         selString += a.full_name() + ';'
     selString = selString[:-1]
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString)
     self.assertEqual(result, subset)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_select_set_from_string(self):
      test result using string which is key in Sets dict
     sets = Sets()
     subset = self.molecules[0].allAtoms
     set_name = 'first'
     sets.add(set_name, subset)
     selString = ':::' + set_name
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     result, msg = stringSel.select(self.molecules, selString, sets=sets)
     self.assertEqual(result, subset)
     self.assertEquals(result.stringRepr, selString)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def setGeomAtomProp(self):
     if not len(self.atomSets): return
     from MolKit.molecule import Atom
     prop = 'colors'
     for actor in self.actors:
         if actor.name.find(prop) > 0:
             obj = actor.object
             if self.atomSets.has_key(obj.fullName):
                 #setstr = self.atomSets[obj.fullName]['atomset']
                 g = obj.mol.geomContainer
                 aset = g.atoms[obj.name].findType(Atom)
                 asetstr = aset.full_name(0)
                 #if len(asetstr) != len(setstr):
                 #    return
                 atList = []
                 func = g.geomPickToAtoms.get(obj.name)
                 if func:
                     atList = func(obj, range(len(obj.vertexSet.vertices)))
                     allAtoms = g.atoms[obj.name]
                     if hasattr(obj, "vertexSet") and len(allAtoms) == len(
                         atList = allAtoms
                 if not len(atList): return
                 col = actor.getLastKeyFrame().getValue()
                 oname = None
                 if aset.colors.has_key(obj.name):
                     oname = obj.name
                 elif aset.colors.has_key(obj.parent.name):
                     oname = obj.parent.name
                 if not oname: return
                 if len(col) == 1:
                     for a in atList:
                         a.colors[oname] = tuple(col[0])
                     for i, a in enumerate(atList):
                         a.colors[oname] = tuple(col[i])
                 from MolKit.stringSelector import StringSelector
                 selector = StringSelector()
                 #nset, msg = selector.select(atList, setstr)
                 nset, msg = selector.select(atList, asetstr)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def setUp(self):
     self.mols = Read('Data/stringSel.pdb')
     self.mol = self.mols[0]
     self.stringSel = StringSelector()
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_constructor(self):
     instantiate a StringSelector
     stringSel = StringSelector()
     self.assertEquals(stringSel.__class__, StringSelector)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def setUp(self):
     self.mols = Read('Data/stringSel.pdb')
     self.mol = self.mols[0]
     self.stringSel = StringSelector()