Ejemplo n.º 1
    def detetminePrimaryAmine(self, nitrogenIndex):
        """ Return primary amine Molecule object with proper ring classification, if it exists on a ring
            Return false if nitrogen is not a primary amine

            nitrogenIndex (int) : The index of the nitrogen in the smiles code to be analyzed for being a primary amine


        nitrogenBonds = self.bondData[
            nitrogenIndex]  # Get bonds connected to nitrogen

        if (len(nitrogenBonds) == 1  # Primary amines have one bond
                and not self.BOND_REGEX.findall(
                    nitrogenBonds[0].symbol)  # That must be a single bond
            ):  # Otherwise, nitrogen is not a primary amine

            bondedIndex = nitrogenBonds[0].index

            primaryAmine = Molecule(
                "RN", "PrimaryAmine")  # Create primary amine Molecule object

                0].index = bondedIndex  # Set the R group index to the smiles bonded nitrogen index
                1].index = nitrogenIndex  # Set the nitrogen index to the smiles code nitrogen index

            if bondedIndex in self.AROMATICINDICES:  # Add aromatic nomenclature if necessary
                primaryAmine.NAME = "AromaticPrimaryAmine"

            elif bondedIndex in self.CYCLICINDICES:  # Or cyclic nomenclature
                primaryAmine.NAME = "CyclicPrimaryAmine"

            return primaryAmine  # Return the primary amine object if true

        return False  # Otherwise return false
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def determineAlcoholGroups(self, functionalGroups):
        """ Appends the functional groups created from alocholic oxygens, with ring classifications, to the functionalGroups list passed in.

            functionalGroups (list) : List of Molecule obejects that represent the functional groups of a SMILES code

                This function looks to see if the alcoholic oxygen is attached within an aromatic, non-aromatic ring strucutres, or no at all
                Build upon alochol indices found in the molecule

        for index in self.ALCOHOLICINDICES:

            alohcolBond = self.bondData[index]
            alochol = Molecule("RO", "Alcohol")
            alochol.atomData[0].index = alohcolBond[0].index
            alochol.atomData[1].index = index

            if alohcolBond[0].index in self.AROMATICINDICES:
                alochol.NAME = "AromaticAlcohol"
            elif alohcolBond[0].index in self.CYCLICINDICES:
                alochol.NAME = "CyclicAlcohol"

