Ejemplo n.º 1
                                # print(topic_title,topic_desc,topic_author,str(topic_replies),str(topic_views),str(topic_lastpost),topic_lastpostby)
                        pass  # really don't care if it fails, likely a row of no interest

                print("Inserted " + str(topics_inserted) + " on page " +

            posts_counted = 0
            # if topic, process all posts, extracting fields for users and posts docs in mongodb
            all_posts = soup.body.find('div', attrs={'class': 'topic'})
            if all_posts:
                while len(
                ) > 0:  # before processing posts, empty all topics on stack
                    tc = topic_stack.pop()
                    mon.manage_topic(tc[0], tc[1], tc[2], tc[3], tc[4], tc[5],
                                     tc[6], tc[7], tc[8], tc[9], tc[10])
                topic_id = topicnum  # simplify nomenclature and use topic_id for id (same as topicnum when parsing posts)
                posts_parent = all_posts.find('span',
                                                  'class': 'main_topic_title'

                # check if poll present
                poll = all_posts.find('div', attrs={'class': 'poll'})
                if poll:
                    poll_text_raw = poll.text
                    # remove debug and ending info
                    poll_text_short = poll_text_raw[
                        0:poll_text_raw.find('Debug.dir( ipb.topic.poll )')]
                    poll_text = re.sub(r'\n+', '\n',
                                       re.sub(r'\t+', '\t', poll_text_short))