Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
   @ In, None
   @ Out, None
     self.MooseInterface = MooseBasedApp()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     @ In, None
     @ Out, None
   self.MooseInterface = MooseBasedApp()       #used to perturb MAMMOTH input files
   self.BisonInterface = MooseBasedApp()       #used to perturb Bison input files
   self.RattlesnakeInterface  = Rattlesnake()  #used to perturb Rattlesnake and Yak input files
   #FIXME Would like to use RELAP7() as interface, but Distributions block appears to be out of date when running Mammoth
   #self.Relap7Interface = RELAP7()             #used to perturb RELAP7 input files
   self.Relap7Interface = MooseBasedApp()
Ejemplo n.º 3
class BisonAndMesh(CodeInterfaceBase):#MooseBasedAppInterface,BisonMeshScriptInterface):
    This class provides the means to generate a stochastic-input-based mesh using the MOOSE
    standard Cubit python script in addition to uncertain inputs for the MOOSE app.

  def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    self.MooseInterface     = MooseBasedApp()
    self.BisonMeshInterface = BisonMeshScript()
    self.MooseInterface    .addDefaultExtension()

  def findInps(self,inputFiles):
      Locates the input files for Moose, Cubit
      @ In, inputFiles, list, list of Files objects
      @ Out, (mooseInp,cubitInp), tuple, tuple containing Moose and Cubit input files
    foundMooseInp = False
    foundCubitInp = False
    for inFile in inputFiles:
      if inFile.getType() == 'MooseInput':
        foundMooseInp = True
        mooseInp = inFile
      elif inFile.getType() == 'BisonMeshInput':
        foundCubitInp = True
        cubitInp = inFile
    if not foundMooseInp:
      raise IOError('None of the input Files has the type "MooseInput"! BisonAndMesh interface requires one.')
    if not foundCubitInp:
      raise IOError('None of the input Files has the type "BisonMeshInput"! BisonAndMesh interface requires one.')
    return mooseInp,cubitInp

  def generateCommand(self, inputFiles, executable, clargs=None, fargs=None, preExec=None):
      Generate a multi-line command that runs both the Cubit mesh generator and then the desired MOOSE run.
      See base class.  Collects all the clargs and the executable to produce the command-line call.
      Returns tuple of commands and base file name for run.
      Commands are a list of tuples, indicating parallel/serial and the execution command to use.
      @ In, inputFiles, list, List of input files (lenght of the list depends on the number of inputs have been added in the Step is running this code)
      @ In, executable, string, executable name with absolute path (e.g. /home/path_to_executable/code.exe)
      @ In, clargs, dict, optional, dictionary containing the command-line flags the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 i0extension =0 .inp0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, fargs, dict, optional, a dictionary containing the axuiliary input file variables the user can specify in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype =0 input0arg =0 aux0extension =0 .aux0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, preExec, string, a string the command that needs to be pre-executed before the actual command here defined
      @ Out, returnCommand, tuple, tuple containing the generated command. returnCommand[0] is the command to run the code (string), returnCommand[1] is the name of the output root
    if preExec is None:
      raise IOError('No preExec listed in input!  Use MooseBasedAppInterface if mesh is not perturbed.  Exiting...')
    mooseInp,cubitInp = self.findInps(inputFiles)
    #get the cubit part
    cubitCommand,cubitOut = self.BisonMeshInterface.generateCommand([cubitInp],preExec,clargs,fargs,preExec)
    #get the moose part
    mooseCommand,mooseOut = self.MooseInterface.generateCommand([mooseInp],executable,clargs,fargs,preExec)
    #combine them
    returnCommand = cubitCommand + mooseCommand, mooseOut #can only send one...#(cubitOut,mooseOut)
    print('Execution commands from JobHandler:')
    for r,c in returnCommand[0]:
      print('  in',r+':',c)
    return returnCommand

  def createNewInput(self,currentInputFiles,origInputFiles,samplerType,**Kwargs):
      Generates new perturbed input files.
      This method is used to generate an input based on the information passed in.
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)
    mooseInp,cubitInp = self.findInps(currentInputFiles)
    origMooseInp = origInputFiles[currentInputFiles.index(mooseInp)]
    origCubitInp = origInputFiles[currentInputFiles.index(cubitInp)]
    #split up sampledvars in kwargs between moose and Cubit script
    #  NOTE This works by checking the '@' split for the keyword Cubit at first!
    margs = copy.deepcopy(Kwargs)
    cargs = copy.deepcopy(Kwargs)
    for vname,var in Kwargs['SampledVars'].items():
      fullName = vname
      if fullName.split('@')[0]=='Cubit':
        del margs['SampledVars'][vname]
        del cargs['SampledVars'][vname]
    # Generate new cubit input files and extract exodus file name to add to SampledVars going to moose
    newCubitInputs = self.BisonMeshInterface.createNewInput([cubitInp],[origCubitInp],samplerType,**cargs)
    margs['SampledVars']['Mesh|file'] = 'mesh~'+newCubitInputs[0].getBase()+'.e'
    newMooseInputs = self.MooseInterface.createNewInput([mooseInp],[origMooseInp],samplerType,**margs)
    #make carbon copy of original input files
    for f in currentInputFiles:
      if f.isOpen():
    #replace old with new perturbed files, in place
    newMooseInp,newCubitInp = self.findInps(currentInputFiles)
    return currentInputFiles

  def finalizeCodeOutput(self, command, output, workingDir):
      Calls finalizeCodeOutput from Bison Mesh Script Interface to clean up files
      @ In, command, string, the command used to run the just ended job
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, output, string, optional, present in case the root of the output file gets changed in this method (not present in this case)
    self.BisonMeshInterface.finalizeCodeOutput(command, output, workingDir)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Rattlesnake(CodeInterfaceBase):
    This class is used to couple raven with rattlesnake input and yak cross section xml input files to generate new
    cross section xml input files.
    def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.MooseInterface = MooseBasedApp()

    def findInps(self, inputFiles):
      Locates the input files for Rattlesnake and Yak
      @ In, inputFiles, list, list of Files objects
      @ Out, inputDict, dict, dictionary containing Rattlesnake and Yak input files
        inputDict = {}
        inputDict['FoundYakXSInput'] = False
        inputDict['FoundRattlesnakeInput'] = False
        inputDict['FoundYakXSAliasInput'] = False
        inputDict['FoundInstantXSInput'] = False
        inputDict['FoundInstantXSAliasInput'] = False
        yakInput = []
        rattlesnakeInput = []
        aliasInput = []
        instantInput = []
        instantAlias = []
        for inputFile in inputFiles:
            if inputFile.getType().strip().lower() == "yakxsinput":
                inputDict['FoundYakXSInput'] = True
            elif inputFile.getType().strip().lower().split(
                    "|")[-1] == "rattlesnakeinput":
                inputDict['FoundRattlesnakeInput'] = True
            elif inputFile.getType().strip().lower() == "yakxsaliasinput":
                inputDict['FoundYakXSAliasInput'] = True
            elif inputFile.getType().strip().lower() == "instantxsaliasinput":
                inputDict['FoundInstantXSAliasInput'] = True
            elif inputFile.getType().strip().lower() == "instantxsinput":
                inputDict['FoundInstantXSInput'] = True
        if inputDict['FoundYakXSInput']:
            inputDict['YakXSInput'] = yakInput
        if inputDict['FoundInstantXSInput']:
            inputDict['InstantXSInput'] = instantInput
        if inputDict['FoundRattlesnakeInput']:
            inputDict['RattlesnakeInput'] = rattlesnakeInput
        if inputDict['FoundYakXSAliasInput']:
            inputDict['YakAliasInput'] = aliasInput
        if inputDict['FoundInstantXSAliasInput']:
            inputDict['InstantAliasInput'] = instantAlias
        if not inputDict['FoundRattlesnakeInput']:
            raise IOError(
                'None of the input files has the type "RattlesnakeInput"! This is required by Rattlesnake interface.'
        return inputDict

    def generateCommand(self,
      Generate a command to run Rattlesnake using an input with sampled variables
      See base class.  Collects all the clargs and the executable to produce the command-line call.
      Returns tuple of commands and base file name for run.
      Commands are a list of tuples, indicating parallel/serial and the execution command to use.
      @ In, inputFiles, list, List of input files (length of the list depends on the number of inputs have
        been added in the Step is running this code)
      @ In, executable, string, executable name with absolute path (e.g. /home/path_to_executable/code.exe)
      @ In, clargs, dict, optional, dictionary containing the command-line flags the user can specify in the input
        (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype = 0 input0arg = 0 i0extension = 0 .inp0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, fargs, dict, optional, a dictionary containing the axuiliary input file variables the user can specify
        in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< fargstype = 0 input0arg = 0 aux0extension = 0 .aux0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, preExec, string, optional, a string the command that needs to be pre-executed before the actual command here defined
      @ Out, returnCommand, tuple, tuple containing the generated command. returnCommand[0] is the command to run the
        code (string), returnCommand[1] is the name of the output root
        inputDict = self.findInps(inputFiles)
        rattlesnakeInput = inputDict['RattlesnakeInput']
        if len(rattlesnakeInput) != 1:
            raise IOError(
                'The user should only provide one rattlesnake input file, but found '
                + str(len(rattlesnakeInput)) + '!')
        mooseCommand, mooseOut = self.MooseInterface.generateCommand(
            rattlesnakeInput, executable, clargs, fargs)
        returnCommand = mooseCommand, mooseOut
        return returnCommand

    def createNewInput(self, currentInputFiles, origInputFiles, samplerType,
      Generates new perturbed input files for both Rattlesnake input file and Yak multigroup group cross section input files.
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files
      @ In, origInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dict, dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
        where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of new input files (modified or not)
        #perturb the Yak multigroup library
        import YakMultigroupLibraryParser
        inputDict = self.findInps(currentInputFiles)
        rattlesnakeInputs = inputDict['RattlesnakeInput']
        foundXS = False
        foundAlias = False
        if inputDict['FoundYakXSInput']:
            foundXS = True
            yakInputs = inputDict['YakXSInput']
        if inputDict['FoundYakXSAliasInput']:
            foundAlias = True
            aliasFiles = inputDict['YakAliasInput']
        if foundXS and foundAlias:
            #perturb the yak cross section inputs
            parser = YakMultigroupLibraryParser.YakMultigroupLibraryParser(
            #perturb the xs files
            #write the perturbed files
            parser.writeNewInput(yakInputs, **Kwargs)
        import YakInstantLibraryParser
        foundInstantXS = False
        foundInstantAlias = False
        if inputDict['FoundInstantXSInput']:
            foundInstantXS = True
            instantInputs = inputDict['InstantXSInput']
        if inputDict['FoundInstantXSAliasInput']:
            foundInstantAlias = True
            instantAlias = inputDict['InstantAliasInput']
        if foundInstantXS and foundInstantAlias:
            #perturb the yak cross section inputs
            parser = YakInstantLibraryParser.YakInstantLibraryParser(
            #perturb the xs files
            #write the perturbed files
            parser.writeNewInput(instantInputs, **Kwargs)
        #Moose based app interface
        origRattlesnakeInputs = copy.deepcopy(rattlesnakeInputs)
        newMooseInputs = self.MooseInterface.createNewInput(
            rattlesnakeInputs, origRattlesnakeInputs, samplerType, **Kwargs)
        return currentInputFiles

    def finalizeCodeOutput(self, command, output, workingDir):
      this method is called by the RAVEN code at the end of each run (if the method is present).
      Cleans up files in the working directory that are not needed after the run
      @ In, command, string, the command used to run the just ended job
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, output, string, optional, present in case the root of the output file gets changed in this method (in this case None)
        #may need to implement this method, such as remove unused files, ...
Ejemplo n.º 5
class MAMMOTHInterface(CodeInterfaceBase):
    This class is used to couple raven with MAMMOTH (A moose based application, can call Rattlesnake, Bison and Relap-7)
    def __init__(self):
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
        self.MooseInterface = MooseBasedApp(
        )  #used to perturb MAMMOTH input files
        self.BisonInterface = MooseBasedApp(
        )  #used to perturb Bison input files
        self.RattlesnakeInterface = Rattlesnake(
        )  #used to perturb Rattlesnake and Yak input files
        #FIXME Would like to use RELAP7() as interface, but Distributions block appears to be out of date when running Mammoth
        #self.Relap7Interface = RELAP7()             #used to perturb RELAP7 input files
        self.Relap7Interface = MooseBasedApp()

    def findInps(self, inputFiles):
      Locates the input files required by MAMMOTH
      @ In, inputFiles, list, list of Files objects
      @ Out, inputDict, dict, dictionary containing MAMMOTH required input files
        inputDict = {}
        inputDict['MammothInput'] = []
        inputDict['BisonInput'] = []
        inputDict['RattlesnakeInput'] = []
        inputDict['Relap7Input'] = []
        inputDict['AncillaryInput'] = []
        allowedDriverAppInput = [
            'bisoninput', 'rattlesnakeinput', 'relap7input'
        for inputFile in inputFiles:
            fileType = inputFile.getType()
            if fileType.strip().lower().split('|')[0] == "mammothinput":
                inputDict['DriverAppInput'] = fileType.strip().lower().split(
            if fileType.strip().lower().split('|')[-1] == "bisoninput":
            elif fileType.strip().lower().split('|')[-1] == "rattlesnakeinput" or \
                 fileType.strip().lower() == "yakxsinput" or                      \
                 fileType.strip().lower() == "yakxsaliasinput" or                 \
                 fileType.strip().lower() == "instantxsinput" or                  \
                 fileType.strip().lower() == "instantxsaliasinput":
            elif fileType.strip().lower().split('|')[-1] == "relap7input":
            elif fileType.strip().lower() == "ancillaryinput":
                inputDict['AncillaryInput'] = []
        # Mammoth input is not found
        if len(inputDict['MammothInput']) == 0:
            errorMessage = 'No MAMMOTH input file specified! Please prepend "MAMMOTHInput|" to the driver App input \n'
            errorMessage += 'file\'s type in the RAVEN input file.'
            raise IOError(errorMessage)
        # Multiple mammoth files are found
        elif len(inputDict['MammothInput']) > 1:
            raise IOError(
                'Multiple MAMMOTH input files are provided! Please limit the number of input files to one.'
        # Mammoth input found, but driverAppInput is not in the allowedDriverAppInput list
        elif len(
        ) == 1 and inputDict['DriverAppInput'] not in allowedDriverAppInput:
            errorMessage = 'A MAMMOTH input file was specified, but the driver app is not currently supported by this\n'
            errorMessage += 'interface. The MAMMOTH input file can only be specified as one of the following types:'
            for goodDriverAppInput in allowedDriverAppInput:
                errorMessage += '\nMAMMOTHInput|' + goodDriverAppInput
            raise IOError(errorMessage)
        return inputDict

    def generateCommand(self,
      Generate a command to run Mammoth using an input with sampled variables
      See base class.  Collects all the clargs and the executable to produce the command-line call.
      Returns tuple of commands and base file name for run.
      Commands are a list of tuples, indicating parallel/serial and the execution command to use.
      @ In, inputFiles, list, List of input files (length of the list depends on the number of inputs have
        been added in the Step is running this code)
      @ In, executable, string, executable name with absolute path (e.g. /home/path_to_executable/code.exe)
      @ In, clargs, dict, optional, dictionary containing the command-line flags the user can specify in the input
        (e.g. under the node < Code >< clargstype = 0 input0arg = 0 i0extension = 0 .inp0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, fargs, dict, optional, a dictionary containing the axuiliary input file variables the user can specify
        in the input (e.g. under the node < Code >< fargstype = 0 input0arg = 0 aux0extension = 0 .aux0/ >< /Code >)
      @ In, preExec, string, optional, a string the command that needs to be pre-executed before the actual command here defined
      @ Out, returnCommand, tuple, tuple containing the generated command. returnCommand[0] is the command to run the
        code (string), returnCommand[1] is the name of the output root
        inputDict = self.findInps(inputFiles)
        mammothInput = inputDict['MammothInput']
        mooseCommand, mooseOut = self.MooseInterface.generateCommand(
            mammothInput, executable, clargs, fargs)
        returnCommand = mooseCommand, mooseOut
        return returnCommand

    def createNewInput(self, currentInputFiles, origInputFiles, samplerType,
      Generates new perturbed input files for Mammoth and associated Moose based applications.
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files
      @ In, origInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dict, dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
        where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of new input files (modified or not)
        #split up sampledAars in Kwargs between Bison, Rattlesnake and Relap-7
        bisonArgs = copy.deepcopy(Kwargs)
        bisonArgs['SampledVars'] = {}
        perturbBison = False
        rattlesnakeArgs = copy.deepcopy(Kwargs)
        rattlesnakeArgs['SampledVars'] = {}
        perturbRattlesnake = False
        relap7Args = copy.deepcopy(Kwargs)
        relap7Args['SampledVars'] = {}
        perturbRelap7 = False
        foundAlias = False
        for varName, varValue in Kwargs['SampledVars'].items():
            # get the variable's full name
            if len(varName.split('@')) == 2:
                appName = varName.split('@')[0].lower()
                baseVarName = varName.split('@')[-1]
            elif len(varName.split('@')) == 1:
                appName = None
                baseVarName = varName
                errorMessage = 'Variable names passed to the MAMMOTH Code Interface must either\n'
                errorMessage += 'specifiy to which App input they belong by prepending the App\'s name\n'
                errorMessage += 'followed by "@" to the base variable\'s name or alias or have no App\n'
                errorMessage += 'name to signify a passthrough variable. Please check that\n'
                errorMessage += varName + '\n'
                errorMessage += 'fits within this syntax specification.'
                raise IOError(errorMessage)
            # Identify which app's input the variable goes into and separate appArgs
            if appName == 'bison':
                bisonArgs['SampledVars'][baseVarName] = varValue
                perturbBison = True
            elif appName == 'rattlesnake':
                rattlesnakeArgs['SampledVars'][baseVarName] = varValue
                perturbRattlesnake = True
            elif appName == 'relap7':
                relap7Args['SampledVars'][baseVarName] = varValue
                perturbRelap7 = True
            elif appName == None:
                # It's a dummy variable. Doesn't need to be added to any argument lists, just continue.
                errorMessage = appName + ' is not an App supported by the MAMMOTH Code Interface!\n'
                errorMessage += 'Please specify a supported App in which to send \n'
                errorMessage += baseVarName + '\n'
                errorMessage += 'or add the desired App to the MAMMOTH Code Interface.'
                raise IOError(errorMessage)
        # Check if the user wants to perturb yak xs libraries
        for inputFile in currentInputFiles:
            fileType = inputFile.getType()
            if fileType.strip().lower() == "yakxsaliasinput":
                foundAlias = True
            elif fileType.strip().lower() == "instantxsaliasinput":
                foundAlias = True
        inputDicts = self.findInps(currentInputFiles)

        # Bison Interface
        if perturbBison:
            bisonInps = inputDicts['BisonInput']
            bisonInTypes = []
            for bisonIn in bisonInps:
            if 'bisoninput' not in bisonInTypes:
                errorMessage = 'Variable(s):\n'
                for bisonVarName in bisonArgs['SampledVars'].keys():
                    errorMessage += bisonVarName + '\n'
                errorMessage += 'are specified as Bison parameters, but no Bison input file is listed!'
                raise IOError(errorMessage)
            elif bisonInTypes.count('bisoninput') > 1:
                errorMessage = 'Multiple Bison input files specified! This interface currently only\n'
                errorMessage += 'supports one input for each App utilized.'
                raise IOError(errorMessage)
            origBisonInps = origInputFiles[currentInputFiles.index(
            bisonInps = self.BisonInterface.createNewInput(
                bisonInps, [origBisonInps], samplerType, **bisonArgs)

        # Rattlesnake Interface
        if perturbRattlesnake or foundAlias:
            rattlesnakeInps = inputDicts['RattlesnakeInput']
            rattlesnakeInTypes = []
            for rattlesnakeIn in rattlesnakeInps:
            if 'rattlesnakeinput' not in rattlesnakeInTypes:
                errorMessage = 'Variable(s):\n'
                for rattlesnakeVarName in rattlesnakeArgs['SampledVars'].keys(
                    errorMessage += rattlesnakeVarName + '\n'
                errorMessage += 'are specified as Rattlesnake parameters, but no Rattlesnake input file is listed!'
                raise IOError(errorMessage)
            elif rattlesnakeInTypes.count('rattlesnakeinput') > 1:
                errorMessage = 'Multiple Rattlesnake input files specified! This interface currently only\n'
                errorMessage += 'supports one input for each App utilized.'
                raise IOError(errorMessage)
            origRattlesnakeInps = origInputFiles[currentInputFiles.index(
            rattlesnakeInps = self.RattlesnakeInterface.createNewInput(
                rattlesnakeInps, [origRattlesnakeInps], samplerType,

        # Relap7 Interface
        if perturbRelap7:
            relap7Inps = inputDicts['Relap7Input']
            relap7InTypes = []
            for relap7In in relap7Inps:
            if 'relap7input' not in relap7InTypes:
                errorMessage = 'Variable(s):\n'
                for relap7VarName in relap7Args['SampledVars'].keys():
                    errorMessage += relap7VarName + '\n'
                errorMessage += 'are specified as Relap7 parameters, but no Relap7 input file is listed!'
                raise IOError(errorMessage)
            elif relap7InTypes.count('relap7input') > 1:
                errorMessage = 'Multiple Relap7 input files specified! This interface currently only\n'
                errorMessage += 'supports one input for each App utilized.'
                raise IOError(errorMessage)
            origRelap7Inps = origInputFiles[currentInputFiles.index(
            relap7Inps = self.Relap7Interface.createNewInput(
                relap7Inps, [origRelap7Inps], samplerType, **relap7Args)

        return currentInputFiles

    def finalizeCodeOutput(self, command, output, workingDir):
      this method is called by the RAVEN code at the end of each run (if the method is present).
      Cleans up files in the working directory that are not needed after the run
      @ In, command, string, the command used to run the just ended job
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, output, string, optional, present in case the root of the output file gets changed in this method (in this case None)
        #may need to implement this method, such as remove unused files, ...