Ejemplo n.º 1
    def createHTML(self, token, parent):

            style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', token.style)
        except PluginNotFound:
            msg = 'Unknown bibliography style "{}".'
            raise exceptions.RenderException(msg, token.style)

        citations = set()
        for tok in anytree.PreOrderIter(token.root):
            if isinstance(tok, BibtexCite):

        formatted_bibliography = style().format_bibliography(
            self.extension.database, citations)
        html_backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'html')

        ol = html.Tag(parent, 'ol', class_='moose-bibliogrpahy')

        backend = html_backend(encoding='utf-8')
        for entry in formatted_bibliography:
            text = entry.text.render(backend)
            html.Tag(ol, 'li', id_=entry.key, string=text)

        return ol
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def createHTML(self, token, parent):

        page, tag, href = self.createHTMLHelper(token, parent, 'key')
        if token.bookmark is not None:
            tok = self.findToken(page, token)
            href += token.bookmark

            # Optionally include page header as prefix
            if token.header:
                h = self.findHeading(page)
                if h:
                    for n in h.children:
                        self.translator.renderer.process(tag, n)
                    html.String(tag, content=u':')
            tok = self.findHeading(page)

        tag['href'] = href
        if tok is not None:
            for n in tok.children:
                self.translator.renderer.process(tag, n)
            msg = "Failed to locate a heading for '{}'."
            raise exceptions.RenderException(token.info, msg, page.source)

        return tag
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def getShortcut(self, token):
        if token.key in self.__cache:
            return self.__cache[token.key]

        #TODO: error if more than one found
        for node in anytree.PreOrderIter(token.root, maxlevel=None):
            if isinstance(node, tokens.Shortcut) and node.key == token.key:
                self.__cache[token.key] = node
                return node

        msg = "The shortcut link key '{}' was not located in the list of shortcuts."
        raise exceptions.RenderException(token.info, msg, token.key)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def createHTMLHelper(self, token, parent, attr):
        """Create the html.Tag and other information needed by RenderComponent objects."""

        # The HTML link tag
        tag = html.Tag(parent, 'a', **token.attributes)

        # Locate the desired page
        exc = lambda msg: exceptions.RenderException(token.info, msg)
        page = self.translator.current.findall(getattr(token, attr),

        # Get the relative path to the page being referenced
        href = page.relativeDestination(self.translator.current)

        return page, tag, href
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def createMaterialize(self, token, parent):

        active_groups = [group.lower() for group in token.groups]
        errors = []

        groups = list(token.syntax.groups)
        if 'MOOSE' in groups:
            groups.insert(0, 'MOOSE')

        collection = html.Tag(None, 'ul', class_='collection with-header')
        n_groups = len(active_groups)
        for group in groups:

            if active_groups and group.lower() not in active_groups:

            if n_groups > 1:
                li = html.Tag(collection,
                              class_='moose-syntax-header collection-header',

            count = len(collection.children)
            if token.actions:
                errors += self._addItems(collection, token,
            if token.objects:
                errors += self._addItems(collection, token,
            if token.subsystems:
                errors += self._addItems(collection, token,

            if n_groups > 1 and len(collection.children) == count:
                li.parent = None

            if collection.children:
                collection.parent = parent

        if errors:
            msg = "The following errors were reported when accessing the '{}' syntax.\n\n"
            msg += '\n\n'.join(errors)
            raise exceptions.RenderException(token.info, msg,
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def findToken(self, root, token):
        # Load the token from the cache or locate it
            return AutoLinkMixin.BOOKMARK_CACHE[token.bookmark]
        except KeyError:
            with self.translator.lock:
                ast = root.tokenize()

            for node in anytree.PreOrderIter(ast):
                if 'id' in node and node['id'] == token.bookmark[1:]:
                    AutoLinkMixin.BOOKMARK_CACHE[token.bookmark] = node
                    return node

        # If you get here the id does not exist
        msg = "Failed to locate a token with id '{}' in '{}'."
        raise exceptions.RenderException(token.info, msg, token.bookmark[1:],
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testRenderException(self):
     with self.assertRaises(exceptions.RenderException) as e:
         raise exceptions.RenderException(42, "{}", 'foo')
     self.assertEqual('foo', e.exception.message)
     self.assertEqual(e.exception.info, 42)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def createHTML(self, token, parent):

        citep = token.cite == 'citep'
        if citep:
            html.String(parent, content=u'(')

        num_keys = len(token.keys)
        for i, key in enumerate(token.keys):

            if key not in self.extension.database.entries:
                msg = 'Unknown BibTeX key: {}'
                raise exceptions.RenderException(msg, key)

            entry = self.extension.database.entries[key]
            author_found = True
            if not 'author' in entry.persons.keys(
            ) and not 'Author' in entry.persons.keys():
                author_found = False
                entities = ['institution', 'organization']
                for entity in entities:
                    if entity in entry.fields.keys():
                        author_found = True
                        name = ''
                        for word in entry.fields[entity]:
                            if word[0].isupper():
                                name += word[0]
                        entry.persons['author'] = [Person(name)]

            if not author_found:
                msg = 'No author, institution, or organization for {}'
                raise exceptions.RenderException(msg, key)

            a = entry.persons['author']
            n = len(a)
            if n > 2:
                author = '{} et al.'.format(' '.join(a[0].last_names))
                #print 'AUTHOR:', author
            elif n == 2:
                a0 = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)
                a1 = ' '.join(a[1].last_names)
                author = '{} and {}'.format(a0, a1)
                author = ' '.join(a[0].last_names)

            form = u'{}, {}' if citep else u'{} ({})'
                     string=form.format(author, entry.fields['year']))

            if citep:
                if num_keys > 1 and i != num_keys - 1:
                    html.String(parent, content=u'; ')
                if num_keys == 2 and i == 0:
                    html.String(parent, content=u' and ')
                elif num_keys > 2 and i == num_keys - 2:
                    html.String(parent, content=u', and ')
                elif num_keys > 2 and i != num_keys - 1:
                    html.String(parent, content=u', ')

        if citep:
            html.String(parent, content=u')')

        return parent