Ejemplo n.º 1
def active_kuaidi_tixing(cid):
        db = DB()
        sql = "update t_dd_kuaidi set active=1 where cid = '%s'" % cid
        print "Successful to Active cid:%s from t_dd_kuaidi!" % cid
    except Exception,e:
        print "Error:Faild active cid:%s from t_dd_kuaidi!" % cid
        print "Failed info:", e
        print "sql:",sql
Ejemplo n.º 2
def add_kuaidi_tixing(cid, com, nu):
    db = DB()

    now = int(time.time())
    create_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(now)

        sql = "insert into t_dd_kuaidi(cid, com, nu, create_time, active)\
                values('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', 1)".format(cid, com, nu, create_time)
        print "Successful to add kuaidi tixing: cid=%s, com=%s,\
                nu=%s" % (cid, com, nu)
    except Exception,e:
        print "Error: Failed to add kuaidi tixing: cid=%s, com=%s,\
                nu=%s" % (cid, com, nu)
        print "Failed info:", e
        print "sql:", sql
Ejemplo n.º 3
def push_handler(sid, cid, ck_time, last_time, context, dtype, push_token):
    db = DB()
    sql = "select state_time, check_time from t_dd_kuaidi where cid='%s'" % cid
    data = db.query(sql)

    state_time = data[0][0]
    check_time = data[0][1]

    # update check_time
    udb = DB()
    sql = "update t_dd_kuaidi set check_time='%s' where cid='%s'" % (ck_time, cid)
    print "Update check_time,sql:", sql

    #print "state_time:%s, last_time:%s" % (state_time, last_time)

    if state_time != last_time or dtype=='ding':
        # push new state and update push_time, state_time
        print "Start push message..."
        Push = PushService(sid, cid, push_token)
        status_code = Push.push_text('快递提醒', context)

        now = int(time.time())
        push_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(now)

        if status_code == 200:
            print "Push message Successful!"
            sdb = DB()
            sql = "update t_dd_kuaidi set state_time='%s',\
                    push_time='%s' where cid='%s'" % (last_time, push_time, cid)
            print "Update state_time, push_time:%s" % sql
            print "Push message Error!"
            print "Status code: %s, Error accurs when push new state: cid=%s, ck_time=%s,\
                    last_time=%s, context=%s, push_token=%s, push_time=%s\
                    " % (status_code, cid, ck_time, last_time, context, push_token, push_time)