Ejemplo n.º 1
def Graph_Matcher(
    if full_graph.dtype == 'u2':
        full_graph = (full_graph // 256).astype('u1')
    aligned_ROI, h = Affine_Core_Point_Equal(ROI_graph,
    aligned_ROI = (aligned_ROI // 256).astype('u1')
    # Here we get affine matrix h and aligned ROI graph.
    merged_graph = cv2.cvtColor(full_graph, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB).astype('f8')
    location_graph = cv2.cvtColor(full_graph, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB).astype(
        'f8')  # Define location here.
    merged_graph[:, :, 1] += aligned_ROI
    merged_graph = np.clip(merged_graph, 0, 255).astype('u1')
    # Then we annotate graph boulder in graph.
    rectangle = np.zeros(np.shape(ROI_graph), dtype='u1')
    rectangle = Graph_Tools.Boulder_Fill(rectangle, [3, 3, 3, 3], 255)
    ROI_boulder = cv2.warpPerspective(rectangle, h, (512, 512))
    location_graph[:, :, 2] += ROI_boulder
    location_graph = np.clip(location_graph, 0, 255).astype('u1')
    return merged_graph, location_graph, ROI_boulder, h
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Cell_Find_From_Graph(
        find_thres = 'otsu',
        max_pix = 1000,
        min_pix = 20,
        shape_boulder = [20,20,20,20], 
        sharp_gauss = ([7,7],1.5),
        back_gauss = ([15,15],7),
        size_limit = 20
    Find Cell From Graph,this graph can be average intensity or On-Off sub map.

    input_graph : (2D Array)
        Input graph. Use this graph to find cell.
    find_thres : (float or 'otsu'), optional
        How many std we use in finding cells. The default is 'otsu', meaning we use ootsu method to find threshold here.
    max_pix : (int), optional
        Max cell area. Bigger than this will be ignored. The default is 1000.
    min_pix : (int), optional
        Mininum cell area. Smaller than this will be ignored. The default is 20.
    shape_boulder : (4 element list), optional
        Cell find boulder, usually same as align range. The default is 20.
    sharp_gauss : (turple), optional
        Sharp gaussian blur. Cell data will be found there. The default is ([7,7],1.5).
    blur_gauss : (turple), optional
        Coarse gaussian blur, this value determine local average areas. The default is ([15,15],7).
    size_limit : (int), optional
        Width and Length limitarion. Area longer than this will be ignored. The default is 20.

    Cell_Finded : (Dictionary)
        All value will return to this dictionary. Keys are shown below:
            ['All_Cell_Information']: skimage data, contains all cell location and areas.
            ['Cell_Graph']:Cell location graph.
            ['Annotate_Cell_Graph']:Annotated cell graph, cell graph with number.
            ['Combine_Graph']:Circle cell on input graph.
            ['Combine_Graph_With_Number']:Circle Cell on input graph, and annotate cell number on input graph.

    # Get Original Cell Graph
    Cell_Finded = {}
    sharp_mask = Calculator.Normalized_2D_Gaussian_Generator(sharp_gauss)
    back_mask = Calculator.Normalized_2D_Gaussian_Generator(back_gauss)
    sharp_blur = scipy.ndimage.correlate(input_graph,sharp_mask,mode = 'reflect').astype('f8')
    back_blur = scipy.ndimage.correlate(input_graph,back_mask,mode = 'reflect').astype('f8')
    im_cell = (sharp_blur-back_blur)/np.max(sharp_blur-back_blur) # Local Max value shown in this graph.
    if find_thres == 'otsu':# Add otsu method here.
        level = filters.threshold_otsu(im_cell)
        level = np.mean(im_cell)+find_thres*np.std(im_cell)
    origin_cells = im_cell>level # Original cell graphs, need to be filtered later.
    # Revome boulder.
    origin_cells = Graph_Tools.Boulder_Fill(origin_cells, shape_boulder, 0)
    # Then remove small areas, other removal have no direct function, so we have to do it later.
    cell_washed = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(origin_cells,min_pix,connectivity = 1)
    # Get Cell Group Description here.
    cell_label = skimage.measure.label(cell_washed)
    All_Cells = skimage.measure.regionprops(cell_label)
    # Then, wash bigger and oversize cell
    for i in range(len(All_Cells)-1,-1,-1): # opposite sequence to avoid id change of pop.
        current_cell = All_Cells[i]
        area = current_cell.convex_area # Cell areas
        # wash too big cell
        if area > max_pix:
        # wash oversize cell
            size = np.shape(All_Cells[i].image)
            if np.max(size)>size_limit:
    # Till now, Cell find is done, Graph Show shall be done here. 
    Cell_Finded['All_Cell_Information'] = All_Cells
    Cell_Finded['Cell_Graph'] = Visualize.Cell_Visualize(All_Cells)
    Cell_Finded['Annotate_Cell_Graph'] = Visualize.Label_Cell(Cell_Finded['Cell_Graph'],All_Cells)
    # Then draw cell on input graph.
    circled_cell = Visualize.Cell_Visualize(All_Cells,color = [0,255,100],mode = 'Boulder')
    input_8bit = Graph_Tools.Graph_Depth_Change(input_graph,output_bit = 'u1')
    input_8bit = cv2.cvtColor(input_8bit,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    Cell_Finded['Combine_Graph'] = Graph_Tools.Graph_Combine(input_8bit,circled_cell)
    Cell_Finded['Combine_Graph_With_Number'] = Visualize.Label_Cell(Cell_Finded['Combine_Graph'], All_Cells)
    return Cell_Finded