Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testDemo(self,protocol,domian,url,headers,param,expected):
        self.protocol = protocol+'://'
            if param == '' and headers == '':
                r = requests.post(self.protocol + domian + url, timeout=8)
            elif param == '':
                r = requests.post(self.protocol + domian + url, headers=headers, timeout=8)
            elif headers == '':
                r = requests.post(self.protocol + domian + url, json=param, timeout=8)
                r = requests.post(self.protocol + domian + url, headers=headers, json=param, timeout=8)
            time_consuming = str(r.elapsed.total_seconds())  # 计算接口被调用耗时
            # rs = r.json()
            print r.text
            rs_str = r.content
            rs_dic = json.loads(rs_str)

            dict_count = len(expected)
            if dict_count == 1:  # 匹配单参数
                actual_value = GetDictParam.get_value(rs_dic, expected.keys()[0])
                if actual_value == expected.get(expected.keys()[0]):
                    print ('AutoFW test reslut:PASS\'' + "[time_consuming:" + time_consuming + '] ',
                           "response_expected_actual_value:<" + str(
                               expected) + ">: expected_value:%s, actual_values:%s ]" % (
                               expected.values()[0], actual_value))
                    print ("AutoFW test reslut:FAILED",
                           "[By casuse <" + expected.keys()[0] + ">: expected_value:%s, actual_values:%s ]" % (
                               expected.values()[0], actual_value),

            elif dict_count > 1:  # 匹配多参数
                dic_key_str = []
                for i in range(dict_count):
                    dic_key_str.append(expected.keys()[i])  # 存放字典所有的key
                actual_value = GetDictParam.list_for_key_to_dict(rs_dic, dic_key_str)  # 返回一个字典

                if cmp(expected, actual_value) == 0:  # 返回0,说明两个字典相同,返回其他,说明字典不一样
                    print ('AutoFW test reslut:PASS\'' + "[time_consuming:" + time_consuming + '] ',
                           "response_expected_actual_value:<" + str(
                               expected) + ">: expected_value:%s, actual_values:%s ]" % (expected, actual_value))
                    print ("AutoFW test reslut:FAILED",
                           "[By casuse <" + str(expected) + ">: expected_value:%s, actual_values:%s ]" % (
                               expected, actual_value),
                print ("expected is NULL")
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            mylogging("[" + str(__file__).split('/')[-1] + "][" + self.protocol + domian + url + "] <EXCEPTION>\r" + traceback.format_exc())
            print (traceback.format_exc())
        except requests.exceptions.InvalidHeader:
            mylogging("[" + str(__file__).split('/')[-1] + "]  [" + self.protocol + domian + url + "] <EXCEPTION>\r" + traceback.format_exc())
            print (traceback.format_exc())
        except AttributeError:
            mylogging("["+str(__file__).split('/')[-1]+"]  ["+self.protocol + domian + url+"] <EXCEPTION>\r"+traceback.format_exc())
            print (traceback.format_exc())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testDemo(self, protocol, domian, url, headers, param, expected):

        self.protocol = protocol + '://'
            if param == '' and headers == '':
                r = requests.put(self.protocol + domian + url, timeout=8)
            elif param == '':
                r = requests.put(self.protocol + domian + url,
            elif headers == '':
                r = requests.put(self.protocol + domian + url,
                r = requests.put(self.protocol + domian + url,
            time_consuming = str(r.elapsed.total_seconds())  # 计算接口被调用耗时
            rs = r.json()

            # 断言 判断接口返回数据是否正常
            if 'resultCode' not in rs.keys():
                print("AutoFW test reslut:FAILED", str(rs))
            elif rs[expected.keys()[0]] == expected.values()[0]:
                    'AutoFW test reslut:PASS\'' + "[time_consuming:" +
                    time_consuming + '] ', str(rs))
                print("AutoFW test reslut:FAILED", str(rs))
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            mylogging("[" + str(__file__).split('/')[-1] + "][" +
                      self.protocol + domian + url + "] <EXCEPTION>\r" +
        except requests.exceptions.InvalidHeader:
            mylogging("[" + str(__file__).split('/')[-1] + "]  [" +
                      self.protocol + domian + url + "] <EXCEPTION>\r" +
        except AttributeError:
            mylogging("[" + str(__file__).split('/')[-1] + "]  [" +
                      self.protocol + domian + url + "] <EXCEPTION>\r" +
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def execute_interface(project_name,protocol,method,parameter_format,domain,url_path,headers,parameter,expected,flag,dynamic):

        if '' != headers:
            headers = json.loads(headers)
        #替换动态值, headers/parameter/url_path
        if '兔博士经济版' == str(project_name):
            mobile_id = '17620367177'
        elif '兔博士用户端' == str(project_name):
            mobile_id = '17607081946'

        userCode = Get_userId.get_user_id_encode(mobile_id)
        if '${userCode}' in url_path:
            old_p = "${userCode}"
            new_p = userCode
            url_path = str(url_path).replace(old_p, new_p)

        if headers != '':
            for h_key in headers.keys():
                if headers[h_key] == '${userCode}':
                    headers[h_key] = userCode

        if parameter != '':
            if isinstance(parameter,dict):
                for p_key in parameter.keys():
                    if parameter[p_key] == '${userCode}':
                        parameter[p_key] = userCode
                if '${userCode}' in parameter:
                    old_p = '${userCode}'
                    new_p = userCode
                    parameter = str(parameter).replace(old_p,new_p)

        if '兔博士用户端' == str(project_name):
            user_id,access_token,customer_id = Get_userId.get_token_userid_customer("17607081946")
            if '${user_id}' in url_path:
                old_p = "${user_id}"
                new_p = user_id
                url_path = str(url_path).replace(old_p, new_p)
            if '${access_token}' in url_path:
                old_p = "${access_token}"
                new_p = access_token
                url_path = str(url_path).replace(old_p, new_p)
            if '${customer_id}' in url_path:
                old_p = "${customer_id}"
                new_p = customer_id
                url_path = str(url_path).replace(old_p, new_p)
            if headers != '':
                for h_key in headers.keys():
                    if headers[h_key] == '${user_id}':
                        headers[h_key] = user_id
                    if headers[h_key] == '${access_token}':
                        headers[h_key] = access_token
                    if headers[h_key] == '${customer_id}':
                        headers[h_key] = customer_id
            if parameter != '':
                if isinstance(parameter,dict):
                    for p_key in parameter.keys():
                        if parameter[p_key] == '${user_id}':
                            parameter[p_key] = user_id
                        if parameter[p_key] == '${access_token}':
                            parameter[p_key] = access_token
                        if parameter[p_key] == '${customer_id}':
                            parameter[p_key] = customer_id
                    if '${user_id}' in parameter:
                        old_p = '${user_id}'
                        new_p = user_id
                        parameter = str(parameter).replace(old_p,new_p)
                    if '${access_token}' in parameter:
                        old_p = '${access_token}'
                        new_p = user_id
                        parameter = str(parameter).replace(old_p,new_p)
                    if '${customer_id}' in parameter:
                        old_p = '${customer_id}'
                        new_p = user_id
                        parameter = str(parameter).replace(old_p,new_p)

        protocol = protocol+'://'

        if flag == 2:#传入动态变量值 修改 header 和 parameter  dynamic入参为{变量名:变量值}
            if headers != '':
            #     headers = json.loads(headers)
                for h_key in headers.keys():
                    if headers[h_key] == "${"+str(dynamic.keys()[0])+"}":
                        headers[h_key] = dynamic.values()[0]

            if parameter != '':
                if isinstance(parameter,dict):
                    for p_key in parameter.keys():
                        if parameter[p_key] == "${"+str(dynamic.keys()[0])+"}":
                            parameter[p_key] = dynamic.values()[0]
                    if "${"+str(dynamic.keys()[0])+"}" in parameter:
                        old_p = "${"+str(dynamic.keys()[0])+"}"
                        new_p = str(dynamic.values()[0])
                        parameter = str(parameter).replace(old_p,new_p)

            if "${"+str(dynamic.keys()[0])+"}" in url_path:
                old_p = "${"+str(dynamic.keys()[0])+"}"
                new_p = str(dynamic.values()[0])
                url_path = str(url_path).replace(old_p,new_p)

        elif flag == 3:#不需要关联动态变量值

        print ("####################################################")
        print ("url_path:"+str(url_path))
        print ("method:" + str(method))
        print ("headers:" + str(headers))
        print ("parameter:"+str(parameter))
        print ("####################################################")

            if str(method).upper() == "GET":
                if parameter == '' and headers == '':
                    r = requests.get(protocol + domain + url_path, timeout=8)
                elif parameter == '':
                    r = requests.get(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, timeout=8)
                elif headers == '':
                    r = requests.get(protocol + domain + url_path, params=parameter, timeout=8)
                    r = requests.get(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, params=parameter, timeout=8)

            elif str(method).upper() == "POST":
                if parameter_format == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':

                    if parameter == '' and headers == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, timeout=8)
                    elif parameter == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, timeout=8)
                    elif headers == '':
                        # 字符串参数转字典
                        param_tmp = urlparse.urlparse(parameter).path
                        parameter = dict((k, v[0]) for k, v in urlparse.parse_qs(param_tmp).items())
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, data=parameter, timeout=8)
                        # 字符串参数转字典
                        param_tmp = urlparse.urlparse(parameter).path
                        parameter = dict((k, v[0]) for k, v in urlparse.parse_qs(param_tmp).items())
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, data=parameter, timeout=8)
                elif parameter_format == 'application/json':

                    if parameter == '' and headers == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, timeout=8)
                    elif parameter == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, timeout=8)
                    elif headers == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, json=parameter, timeout=8)
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, json=parameter, timeout=8)
                elif parameter_format == 'multipart/form-data':
                    if parameter == '' and headers == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, timeout=8)
                    elif parameter == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, timeout=8)
                    elif headers == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, json=parameter, timeout=8)
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, json=parameter, timeout=8)
                elif parameter_format == 'text/plain':
                    if parameter == '' and headers == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, timeout=8)
                    elif parameter == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, timeout=8)
                    elif headers == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, json=parameter, timeout=8)
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, json=parameter, timeout=8)
                elif parameter_format == 'text/xml':
                    if parameter == '' and headers == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, timeout=8)
                    elif parameter == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, timeout=8)
                    elif headers == '':
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, json=parameter, timeout=8)
                        r = requests.post(protocol + domain + url_path, headers=headers, json=parameter, timeout=8)

            time_consuming = str(r.elapsed.total_seconds())  # 计算接口被调用耗时
            # rs = r.json()

            rs_str = r.content
            print (rs_str)
            rs_dic = json.loads(rs_str)

            if ":" in str(expected) and "{" in str(expected):
                expected_d = json.loads(str(expected))#unicode转字典

                if isinstance(expected_d, dict):

                    dict_count = len(expected_d)
                    if dict_count == 1:  # 匹配单参数
                        actual_value = GetDictParam.get_value(rs_dic, expected_d.keys()[0])
                        if actual_value == expected_d.get(expected_d.keys()[0]):
                            api_log = 'AutoFW test reslut:PASS\'' + "[time_consuming:" + str(time_consuming) + '] ' + \
                                      'response_expected_actual_value:<' + str(expected) + '>: expected_value:' + \
                                      str(expected_d.values()[0])+ ' actual_values:'+ str(actual_value) + '] '+str(rs_str)
                            api_log = 'AutoFW test reslut:FAILED\' [By casuse <' + str(expected_d.keys()[0]) + '>: expected_value:'+ \
                                      str(expected_d.values()[0])+', actual_values:'+str(actual_value)+'' +'] '+str(rs_str)

                    elif dict_count > 1:  # 匹配多参数
                        dic_key_str = []
                        for i in range(dict_count):
                            dic_key_str.append(expected_d.keys()[i])  # 存放字典所有的key
                        actual_value = GetDictParam.list_for_key_to_dict(rs_dic, dic_key_str)  # 返回一个字典

                        if cmp(expected_d, actual_value) == 0:  # 返回0,说明两个字典相同,返回其他,说明字典不一样
                            api_log = 'AutoFW test reslut:PASS\'' + "[time_consuming:" + str(time_consuming) + '] ' + \
                                      'response_expected_actual_value:<' + str(expected) + '>: expected_value:' + \
                                      str(expected_d.values()[0]) + ' actual_values:' + str(actual_value) + '] '+str(rs_str)
                            api_log = 'AutoFW test reslut:FAILED\' [By casuse <' + str(expected.keys()[0]) + '>: expected_value:' + \
                                      str(expected_d.values()[0]) + ', actual_values:' + str(actual_value) + '' + '] ' + str(rs_str)
                        print ("expected is NULL")
                if str(expected) in rs_str:
                    api_log = 'AutoFW test reslut:PASS\'' + "[time_consuming:" + str(time_consuming) + '] ' + \
                              'response_expected_actual_value:<' + str(expected) + '>: expected_value:'+str(expected)+', actual_values:'+str(expected)+' ]' + str(rs_str)
                    api_log = 'AutoFW test reslut:FAILED\'[By casuse <' + str(expected) + '>: expected_value:'+str(expected)+' response:' + str(rs_dic)

        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            mylogging("[" + str(__file__).split('/')[-1] + "][" + protocol + domain + url_path + "] <EXCEPTION>\r" + traceback.format_exc())
            print (traceback.format_exc())
        except requests.exceptions.InvalidHeader:
            mylogging("[" + str(__file__).split('/')[-1] + "]  [" + protocol + domain + url_path + "] <EXCEPTION>\r" + traceback.format_exc())
            print (traceback.format_exc())
        except AttributeError:
            mylogging("["+str(__file__).split('/')[-1]+"]  ["+protocol + domain + url_path+"] <EXCEPTION>\r"+traceback.format_exc())
            print (traceback.format_exc())

        if flag == 1:  # 需要抓取动态变量值   **dynamic入参为{需要抓取接口名:变量值}
            if "verifyCode" == dynamic.values()[0]:# and "login_get_mobileVerifyCode" == dynamic.keys()[0]
                conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='mysql.test.tuboshi.co', port=3306, db='sHouseApp_pre', user='******', passwd='rd@HSf12@#Tcba',
                handle = conn.cursor()
                verifyCode = handle.execute("SELECT code from sms_log a where a.mobile ='17607081946' ORDER BY a.send_time desc LIMIT 1;")
                verifyCode = handle.fetchone()[0]
                return verifyCode,api_log
            # ---------end---抓取验证码特例------------------------

            for k, v in dynamic.items():
                dynamic_value = v
            dynamic_values = GetDictParam.get_value(rs_dic, dynamic_value)  # 获取动态变量值
            print ("****************dynamic_values:%s"%(dynamic_values))#None为未抓到
            if dynamic_values is None:
                dynamic_values = "ab6fa173260d4b58a5e7bd83417a4d2f"
            return dynamic_values,api_log

        if flag == 2:
            return api_log

        if flag == 3:
            return api_log