Ejemplo n.º 1
def bio3graph_get_xmls(input_dict):
    from NCBI import NCBI_Extractor

    ids = input_dict['id_list']
    if not isinstance(ids, list):
        ids = list(ids)

    result = []
    a = NCBI_Extractor()
    for did in ids:
    return {'xmls': result}
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bio3graph_get_xmls(input_dict):
    from NCBI import NCBI_Extractor

    ids = input_dict['id_list']
    if not isinstance(ids, list):
        ids = list(ids)

    result = []
    a = NCBI_Extractor()
    for did in ids:
    return {'xmls': result}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def bio3graph_search_pubmed(input_dict):
    from NCBI import NCBI_Extractor

    q = input_dict['query']
    if not q:
        raise ValueError('Empty PubMed query!')

    nhits = input_dict['maxHits']
    maxHits = int(nhits) if nhits else 0

    ex = NCBI_Extractor()
    ids = ex.query(q, maxHits=maxHits)
    return {'pmids': ids}
Ejemplo n.º 4
def bio3graph_search_pubmed(input_dict):
    from NCBI import NCBI_Extractor

    q = input_dict['query']
    if not q:
        raise ValueError('Empty PubMed query!')

    nhits = input_dict['maxHits']
    maxHits = int(nhits) if nhits else 0

    ex = NCBI_Extractor()
    ids = ex.query(q, maxHits=maxHits)
    return {'pmids': ids}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def bio3graph_get_fulltexts(input_dict):
    from NCBI import NCBI_Extractor

    ids = input_dict['id_list']
    if not isinstance(ids, list):
        ids = list(ids)

    result = []
    a = NCBI_Extractor()
    for did in ids:
        doc = a.getFulltext(did)
        ft = '%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (doc.title, doc.abstract, doc.body)
    return {'fulltexts': result}
Ejemplo n.º 6
def bio3graph_get_fulltexts(input_dict):
    from NCBI import NCBI_Extractor

    ids = input_dict['id_list']
    if not isinstance(ids, list):
        ids = list(ids)

    result = []
    a = NCBI_Extractor()
    for did in ids:
        doc = a.getFulltext(did)
        ft = '%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (doc.title, doc.abstract, doc.body)
    return {'fulltexts': result}
Ejemplo n.º 7
def bio3graph_xml_to_fulltext_finished(postdata, input_dict, output_dict):
    file_name = input_dict['xml_file']
    output_file_name = file_name + ".new"
    #if not isinstance(xmls, list):
    #    xmls = [xmls]

    num_of_all_articles = postdata.get('num_of_all_articles')[0]
    article_count = 0
    from NCBI import NCBI_Extractor
    a = NCBI_Extractor()

    widget_id = postdata.get('widget_id')[0]
    sections = postdata.get('section_names%s' % widget_id)
    sections = [
        s.replace("figure captions",
                  "fig").replace("table captions", "table-wrap").replace(
                      "article title", "title-group").split("::")[0]
        for s in sections

    def get_title(elem):
        txt = ''
        if elem.text:
            txt += elem.text.strip()
        for child in elem._children:  #only one level
            if child.text:
                txt += child.text.strip()
            if child.tail:
                txt += child.tail.strip()
        if elem.tail:
            txt += elem.tail.strip()
        return txt.lower()

    def write_to_results(elem_tag, text, results, path, write_from_level,
        if len(path) >= write_from_level and not len(path) >= block_from_level:
            if text and text.replace('\n', '').strip() != "":
                results.append(text.replace('\n', ''))
                if not elem_tag in [
                        'bold', 'underline', 'italic', 'sub', 'sup'
                    results.append(" ")
        return None

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    import re

    def writing_element(elem, sections):
        if elem.tag == 'sec':
            return 'sec-type' in elem.attrib and elem.attrib[
                'sec-type'] in sections
            return elem.tag in sections

    results = []
    skipTags = [
        'title', 'xref', 'table', 'graphic', 'ext-link', 'media',
        'inline-formula', 'disp-formula', 'label'
    with open(file_name) as f:
        with open(output_file_name, "w") as output_file:
            #with open("D:/diagonalization/glio_aml/domain1/1062151.xml") as f:
            path = []
            tails = []
            write_from_level = 100
            block_from_level = 100
            for event, elem in ET.iterparse(f, events=("start", "end")):
                if event == "start":
                    if elem.tag == "article":
                        write_from_level = 100
                        block_from_level = 100
                        if elem.tag in skipTags:
                            block_from_level = min(
                                [block_from_level, len(path)])
                        if elem.tag == 'sec' and 'sec-type' in elem.attrib and elem.attrib[
                                'sec-type'] in sections:
                            write_from_level = min(
                                [len(path) + 1, write_from_level])
                        elif elem.tag in sections:  #abstract
                            write_from_level = min(
                                [len(path), write_from_level])
                        elif elem.tag == "title" and get_title(
                                elem) in sections:
                            write_from_level = min(
                                [len(path) - 1, write_from_level])
                    if elem.tag == "underline":
                        stop = True
                    write_to_results(elem.tag, elem.text, results, path,
                                     write_from_level, block_from_level)

                elif event == "end":
                    tail = tails.pop()

                    write_to_results(elem.tag, tail, results, path,
                                     write_from_level, block_from_level)

                    if len(path) < write_from_level:
                        write_from_level = 100
                    if len(path) < block_from_level:
                        block_from_level = 100
                    if elem.tag == "article":
                        body = ''.join(results)  #
                        body = re.sub('(\[)[ ,-:;]*(\])', '', body)
                        body = body.replace("  ", " ").replace(
                            " ( )", "").replace(" .", ".").replace(" ,",
                                                                   ",") + "\n"
                        results = []
                        article_count += 1
                        print article_count, "/", num_of_all_articles

    return {'output_file': output_file_name}