Ejemplo n.º 1
def GPreach(pathind, numsig, yearind, nyqch):
    truesnr = SNRgen(pathind, yearind, nyqch)
    x = np.linspace(0, numpoints, numpoints)
    prmn, sigma = GPtrain(x, truesnr)
    prmn = np.mean(prmn)
    if (prmn - FT128) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT128
        mfG = 128
    elif (prmn - FT64) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT64
        mfG = 64
    elif (prmn - FT32) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT32
        mfG = 32
    elif (prmn - FT16) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT16
        mfG = 16
    elif (prmn - FT8) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT8
        mfG = 8
    elif (prmn - FT4) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT4
        mfG = 4
    elif (prmn - FT2) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT2
        mfG = 2
        print("not able to establish a link")

# =============================================================================
#     if nyqch:
#         C = 32*np.log2(1 + db2lin(prmn))
#     else:
#         C = 41.6*np.log2(1 + db2lin(prmn))
# =============================================================================
    C = 2 * np.log2(
        1 + db2lin(prmn)
    )  # Shannon capacity of AWGN channel under and average power constraint in bits/symb
    if SNRnew(pathind, yearind, nyqch) > FT:
        estbl = 1
        Um = prmn - numsig * sigma - FT
        estbl = 0
    return mfG, estbl, Um, C
Ejemplo n.º 2
def GPreach(pathind, numsig, yearind, nyqch, edgeinds, edgelens, numlamlk,
            pthdists, pths):
    truesnr = SNRgen(pathind, yearind, nyqch, edgeinds, edgelens, numlamlk,
                     pthdists, pths)
    x = np.linspace(0, numpoints, numpoints)
    prmn, sigma = GPtrain(x, truesnr)
    prmn = np.mean(prmn)
    if (prmn - FT128) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT128
        mfG = 128
    elif (prmn - FT64) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT64
        mfG = 64
    elif (prmn - FT32) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT32
        mfG = 32
    elif (prmn - FT16) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT16
        mfG = 16
    elif (prmn - FT8) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT8
        mfG = 8
    elif (prmn - FT4) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT4
        mfG = 4
    elif (prmn - FT2) / sigma > numsig:
        FT = FT2
        mfG = 2
        print("not able to establish a link")
    C = 2 * np.log2(
        1 + db2lin(prmn)
    )  # Shannon capacity of AWGN channel under and average power constraint in bits/symb
    newsnrval = SNRnew(pathind, yearind, nyqch, edgeinds, edgelens, numlamlk,
                       pthdists, pths)
    if newsnrval > FT:
        estbl = 1
        Um = prmn - numsig * sigma - FT
        estbl = 0
    return mfG, estbl, Um, C
Ejemplo n.º 3
def rtmreach(pathind, numsig, yearind, nyqch):  # RTM = real-time + (D) margin
    truesnr = SNRgen(pathind, yearind, nyqch)
    meansnr = np.mean(truesnr)
    if meansnr - fmD > FT128:
        FT = FT128
        mfG = 128
    elif meansnr - fmD > FT64:
        FT = FT64
        mfG = 64
    elif meansnr - fmD > FT32:
        FT = FT32
        mfG = 32
    elif meansnr - fmD > FT16:
        FT = FT16
        mfG = 16
    elif meansnr - fmD > FT8:
        FT = FT8
        mfG = 8
    elif meansnr - fmD > FT4:
        FT = FT4
        mfG = 4
    elif meansnr - fmD > FT2:
        FT = FT2
        mfG = 2
        print("not able to establish a link")

# =============================================================================
#     if nyqch:
#         C = 32*np.log2(1 + db2lin(meansnr))
#     else:
#         C = 41.6*np.log2(1 + db2lin(meansnr))
# =============================================================================
    C = 2 * np.log2(1 + db2lin(meansnr))  # this yields capacity in bits/sym
    if SNRnew(pathind, yearind, nyqch) > FT:
        estbl = 1
        Um = meansnr - fmD - FT
        estbl = 0
    return mfG, estbl, Um, C
Ejemplo n.º 4
def SNRnew(
    pathind, yearind, nyqch
):  # function for generating a new SNR value to test if uncertainty is dealt with
    Ls = LspansA
    D = Disp  # rather than the worst-case number
    gam = NLco
    lam = 1550  # operating wavelength centre [nm]
    f = 299792458 / (lam * 1e-9)  # operating frequency [Hz]
    c = 299792.458  # speed of light in vacuum [nm/ps] -> needed for calculation of beta2
    Rs = 32  # symbol rate [GBaud]
    h = 6.63 * 1e-34  # Planck's constant [Js]
    allin = np.log(
        (10**(alpha[yearind] / 10))
    ) / 2  # fibre loss [1/km] -> weird definition, due to exponential decay of electric field instead of power, which is standard
    beta2 = (D * (lam**2)) / (
        2 * np.pi * c)  # dispersion coefficient at given wavelength [ps^2/km]
    Leff = (1 - np.exp(-2 * allin * Ls)) / (2 * allin)  # effective length [km]
    Leffa = 1 / (2 * allin)  # the asymptotic effective length [km]
    links = edgeinds[pathind]  # links traversed by path
    numlinks = len(links)  # number of links traversed
    Gnlisp = np.empty([numlinks, 1])
    for i in range(numlinks):
        numlam = numlamlk[links[i]][
            0]  # select number wavelengths on given link
        if nyqch:
            NchNy = numlam
            BWNy = (NchNy * Rs) / 1e3
            NchRS = numlam
            Df = 50  # 50 GHz grid
            BchRS = 41.6  # RS from GN model paper - raised cosine + roll-off of 0.3
    # ===================== find Popt for one span ==========================
        numpch = len(PchdBm)
        Pchsw = 1e-3 * 10**(PchdBm / 10)  # ^ [W]
        if nyqch:
            Gwdmsw = (Pchsw * NchNy) / (
                BWNy * 1e12)  # flat-top value of PSD of signal [W/Hz]
            Gnlisw = 1e24 * (8 / 27) * (gam**2) * (Gwdmsw**3) * (Leff**2) * (
                (np.arcsinh((np.pi**2) * 0.5 * beta2 * Leffa *
                            (BWNy**2))) / (np.pi * beta2 * Leffa))
            Gwdmsw = Pchsw / (BchRS * 1e9)
            Gnlisw = 1e24 * (8 / 27) * (gam**2) * (Gwdmsw**3) * (Leff**2) * (
                    (np.pi**2) * 0.5 * beta2 * Leffa * (BchRS**2) *
                    (NchRS**((2 * BchRS) / Df)))) / (np.pi * beta2 * Leffa))
        G = alpha[yearind] * Ls
        NFl = 10**(NF[yearind] / 10)
        Gl = 10**(G / 10)
        Pasesw = NFl * h * f * (
            Gl - 1
        ) * Rs * 1e9  # [W] the ASE noise power in one Nyquist channel across all spans
        snrsw = (Pchsw) / (Pasesw * np.ones(numpch) + Gnlisw * Rs * 1e9)
        Popt = PchdBm[np.argmax(snrsw)]
        # =======================================================================
        totnumspans = int(pthdists[pathind] /
                          Ls)  # total number of spans traversed for the path
        numspans = int(
            edgelens[pathind][i][0] /
            Ls)  # number of spans traversed for each link in the path
        if nyqch:
            Gwdm = (1e-3 * 10**(Popt / 10) * NchNy) / (
                BWNy * 1e12)  # flat-top value of PSD of signal [W/Hz]
            Gnlisp[i] = 1e24 * (8 / 27) * (gam**2) * (Gwdm**3) * (Leff**2) * (
                (np.arcsinh((np.pi**2) * 0.5 * beta2 * Leffa *
                            (BWNy**2))) / (np.pi * beta2 * Leffa)) * numspans
            Gwdm = (1e-3 * 10**(Popt / 10)) / (BchRS * 1e9)
            Gnlisp[i] = 1e24 * (8 / 27) * (gam**2) * (Gwdm**3) * (Leff**2) * (
                (np.arcsinh((np.pi**2) * 0.5 * beta2 * Leffa * (BchRS**2) *
                            (NchRS**((2 * BchRS) / Df)))) /
                (np.pi * beta2 * Leffa)) * numspans

    Gnli = np.sum(Gnlisp)
    Pase = NF[yearind] * h * f * (db2lin(alpha[yearind] * Ls) -
                                  1) * Rs * 1e9 * totnumspans
    Pch = 1e-3 * 10**(Popt / 10)
    snr = (Pch / (Pase + Gnli * Rs * 1e9)) - db2lin(trxaging[yearind] +
    snr = (snr**(-1) + (db2lin(TRxb2b))**(-1))**(-1)
    #snr = snr + np.random.normal(0,db2lin(sd),numpoints)
    sdnorm = sd[yearind]
    return lin2db(snr) + np.random.normal(0, sdnorm, 1)