Ejemplo n.º 1
    def done(self, request, form_list):
        Complete the wizard in three steps:
         1. Create the new family object and set the necessary values
         2. Move persoonA with any children to the new family
         3. Move persoonB with any children to the new family
        # Stored data
        persoonA = self.storedFields["persoonA"]
        persoonB = self.storedFields["persoonB"]
        #    - Create object
        #    - Set new family name
        #    - Set new address
        # We always create a new Gezin object for the married couple, 
        # then throw away the old Gezin objects if they are empty.
        gezin = Gezin()
        # Determine new family name
        if (form_list[2].cleaned_data["gezinshoofd"] == "A"):
            gezin.txtgezinsnaam = Gezin.create_gezins_naam(persoonA)
            gezin.txtgezinsnaam = Gezin.create_gezins_naam(persoonB)
        # Check what address the new family is using: A, B, or NEW
        code = form_list[3].cleaned_data["code"]
        # Retrieve the corresponding existing family (gezinB may be None)
        if "gezin"+code in self.storedFields:
            oldGezin = self.storedFields["gezin"+code] # gezinA or gezinB
            oldGezin = None 

        # If the user chose the address of person B, but person B is new,
        # we have the same situation as when the address is new.
        if (code == "NEW" or (code == "B" and oldGezin == None)):
            # New address, create gezin
            gezin.txtstraatnaam = form_list[3].cleaned_data["txtstraatnaam"]
            gezin.inthuisnummer = form_list[3].cleaned_data["inthuisnummer"]
            gezin.txthuisnummertoevoeging = form_list[3].cleaned_data["txthuisnummertoevoeging"]
            gezin.txtpostcode = form_list[3].cleaned_data["txtpostcode"]
            gezin.txtplaats = form_list[3].cleaned_data["txtplaats"]
            gezin.idland = form_list[3].cleaned_data["idland"]
            # Existing address, copy data from specified address
            gezin.txtstraatnaam = oldGezin.txtstraatnaam
            gezin.inthuisnummer = oldGezin.inthuisnummer
            gezin.txthuisnummertoevoeging = oldGezin.txthuisnummertoevoeging
            gezin.txtpostcode = oldGezin.txtpostcode
            gezin.txtplaats = oldGezin.txtplaats
            gezin.idland = oldGezin.idland
        # Save
        print "CREATING NEW GEZIN %s" % (gezin)

        # 2. UDPATE A:
        #    - Move any children to new family
        #    - Change family role for A
        #    - Move A to new family
        #    - Remove old family
        #    - Update marriage info
        # If persoonA is not a child
        if (persoonA.idgezinsrol_id != GezinsRol.KIND):
            # Move the existing children in the same family to the new family.
            children = persoonA.idgezin.persoon_set.filter(idgezinsrol=GezinsRol.KIND)
            for child in children:
                child.idgezin = gezin

        # Change family role
        if (form_list[2].cleaned_data["gezinshoofd"] == "A"):
            persoonA.idgezinsrol = GezinsRol.objects.get(pk=GezinsRol.GEZINSHOOFD)
            persoonA.idgezinsrol = GezinsRol.objects.get(pk=GezinsRol.PARTNER)

        # Move persoonA to new family
        persoonAGezinOld = persoonA.idgezin
        persoonA.idgezin = gezin
        # Remove old gezin of persoonA if empty
        if (len(persoonAGezinOld.persoon_set.all()) == 0):
            print "DELETING GEZIN " + str(persoonAGezinOld)
        # Update marriage info
        persoonA.dtmhuwelijksdatum = form_list[1].cleaned_data["dtmhuwelijksdatum"]
        persoonA.dtmdatumhuwelijksbevestiging = form_list[1].cleaned_data["dtmdatumhuwelijksbevestiging"]
        persoonA.idhuwelijksgemeente = form_list[1].cleaned_data["idhuwelijksgemeente"]
        # 3. UDPATE B:
        #    - Move any children to new family
        #    - Change family role for B
        #    - Move B to new family
        #    - Remove old family (if present)
        # Check if persoonB is an existing person, and not a child
        if (persoonB.idgezin and persoonB.idgezinsrol != GezinsRol.KIND):
            # If persoonB is not a child, move all children in the same family to 
            # the new family.
            children = persoonB.idgezin.persoon_set.filter(idgezinsrol=GezinsRol.KIND)
            for child in children:
                child.idgezin = gezin
        # Update the family role
        if (form_list[2].cleaned_data["gezinshoofd"] == "A"):
            persoonB.idgezinsrol = GezinsRol.objects.get(pk=GezinsRol.PARTNER)
            persoonB.idgezinsrol = GezinsRol.objects.get(pk=GezinsRol.GEZINSHOOFD)

        # Move persoonB to new family
        persoonBGezinOld = persoonB.idgezin
        persoonB.idgezin = gezin
        # Remove old gezin of persoonB if 'empty'
        if (persoonBGezinOld and len(persoonB.idgezin.persoon_set.all()) == 0):
            print "DELETING GEZIN " + str(persoonBGezinOld)
        # Update marriage info
        persoonB.dtmhuwelijksdatum = form_list[1].cleaned_data["dtmhuwelijksdatum"]
        persoonB.dtmdatumhuwelijksbevestiging = form_list[1].cleaned_data["dtmdatumhuwelijksbevestiging"]
        persoonB.idhuwelijksgemeente = form_list[1].cleaned_data["idhuwelijksgemeente"]
        # Update membership
        persoonB.idlidmaatschapvorm = form_list[0].cleaned_data["idlidmaatschapvorm"]

        return HttpResponseRedirect("/leden/gezin/%d/" % (gezin.idgezin))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def done(self, request, form_list):
        Process the completed wizard.
        # Stored data
        persoonA = self.storedFields["persoonA"]
        persoonB = self.storedFields["persoonB"]
        # We always create a new Gezin object for the married couple, 
        # then throw away the old Gezin objects if they are empty.
        gezin = Gezin()
        # Head of family A or B
        if (form_list[1].cleaned_data["gezinshoofd"] == "A"):
            familyHead = persoonA
            persoonA.idgezinsrol = GezinsRol.objects.get(pk=1)
            persoonB.idgezinsrol = GezinsRol.objects.get(pk=2)
            familyHead = persoonB
            persoonB.idgezinsrol = GezinsRol.objects.get(pk=1)
            persoonA.idgezinsrol = GezinsRol.objects.get(pk=2)
        # Create gezinsnaam
        gezin.txtgezinsnaam = createGezinsNaam(familyHead)
        # Check what address the new family is using
        code = form_list[2].cleaned_data["code"]
        if (code == "NEW"):
            # New address, create gezin
            gezin.txtstraatnaam = form_list[2].cleaned_data["txtstraatnaam"]
            gezin.inthuisnummer = form_list[2].cleaned_data["inthuisnummer"]
            gezin.txthuisnummertoevoeging = form_list[2].cleaned_data["txthuisnummertoevoeging"]
            gezin.txtpostcode = form_list[2].cleaned_data["txtpostcode"]
            gezin.txtplaats = form_list[2].cleaned_data["txtplaats"]
            gezin.idland = form_list[2].cleaned_data["idland"]
            # Existing address, copy data from specified address
            oldGezin = self.storedFields["gezin"+code] # gezinA or gezinB
            gezin.txtstraatnaam = oldGezin.txtstraatnaam
            gezin.inthuisnummer = oldGezin.inthuisnummer
            gezin.txthuisnummertoevoeging = oldGezin.txthuisnummertoevoeging
            gezin.txtpostcode = oldGezin.txtpostcode
            gezin.txtplaats = oldGezin.txtplaats
            gezin.idland = oldGezin.idland
        # Save
        print "CREATING NEW GEZIN %s" % (gezin)

        # Move persoonA to gezin
        persoonAGezinOld = persoonA.idgezin
        persoonA.idgezin = gezin
        # Remove old gezin if 'empty'
        if (len(persoonAGezinOld.persoon_set.all()) == 0):
            print "DELETING GEZIN " + str(persoonAGezinOld)
        # Move persoonB to gezin
        persoonBGezinOld = persoonB.idgezin
        persoonB.idgezin = gezin
        # Remove old gezin if 'empty'
        if (persoonBGezinOld and len(persoonBGezinOld.persoon_set.all()) == 0):
            print "DELETING GEZIN " + str(persoonBGezinOld)
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/leden/gezin/%d/" % (gezin.idgezin))