def findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThresh):
    listOfPossibleChars = []  # this will be the return value

    intCountOfPossibleChars = 0

    imgThreshCopy = imgThresh.copy()

    #imgContours, contours, npaHierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgThreshCopy, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    contours, npahierachy = cv2.findContours(
        imgThreshCopy, cv2.RETR_TREE,
        cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)  # find all contours

    height, width = imgThresh.shape
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    for i in range(0, len(contours)):  # for each contour

        if Main1.showSteps == True:  # show steps ###################################################
            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, i, Main1.SCALAR_WHITE)
        # end if # show steps #####################################################################

        possibleChar = PossibleChar.PossibleChar(contours[i])

        if DetectChars.checkIfPossibleChar(
        ):  # if contour is a possible char, note this does not compare to other chars (yet) . . .
            intCountOfPossibleChars = intCountOfPossibleChars + 1  # increment count of possible chars
                possibleChar)  # and add to list of possible chars
        # end if
    # end for

    if Main1.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        print("\nstep 2 - len(contours) = " +
              str(len(contours)))  # 2362 with MCLRNF1 image
        print("step 2 - intCountOfPossibleChars = " +
              str(intCountOfPossibleChars))  # 131 with MCLRNF1 image
        cv2.imshow("2a", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    return listOfPossibleChars
def main123(image):

    image = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/LicPlateImages/" + image
    print("dfsadfas" + image)

    blnKNNTrainingSuccessful = DetectChars.loadKNNDataAndTrainKNN(
    )  # attempt KNN training

    if blnKNNTrainingSuccessful == False:  # if KNN training was not successful
            "\nerror: KNN traning was not successful\n")  # show error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(image)  # open image

    if imgOriginalScene is None:  # if image was not read successfully
        print("\nerror: image not read from file \n\n"
              )  # print error message to std out
        os.system("pause")  # pause so user can see error message
        return  # and exit program
    # end if

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectPlates.detectPlatesInScene(
        imgOriginalScene)  # detect plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = DetectChars.detectCharsInPlates(
        listOfPossiblePlates)  # detect chars in plates
    cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # show scene image

    if len(listOfPossiblePlates) == 0:  # if no plates were found
        print("\nno license plates were detected\n"
              )  # inform user no plates were found
    else:  # else
        # if we get in here list of possible plates has at leat one plate

        # sort the list of possible plates in DESCENDING order (most number of chars to least number of chars)
            key=lambda possiblePlate: len(possiblePlate.strChars),

        # suppose the plate with the most recognized chars (the first plate in sorted by string length descending order) is the actual plate
        licPlate = listOfPossiblePlates[0]

            licPlate.imgPlate)  # show crop of plate and threshold of plate
        cv2.imshow("imgThresh", licPlate.imgThresh)

        if len(licPlate.strChars) == 0:  # if no chars were found in the plate
            print("\nno characters were detected\n\n")  # show message
            return  # and exit program
        # end if

            imgOriginalScene, licPlate)  # draw red rectangle around plate

        print("\nlicense plate read from image = " + licPlate.strChars +
              "\n")  # write license plate text to std out

            licPlate)  # write license plate text on the image

        cv2.imshow("imgOriginalScene", imgOriginalScene)  # re-show scene image

                    imgOriginalScene)  # write image out to file

    # end if else
    return licPlate.strChars
def extractPlate(imgOriginal, listOfMatchingChars):
    possiblePlate = PossiblePlate.PossiblePlate(
    )  # this will be the return value

        key=lambda matchingChar: matchingChar.intCenterX
    )  # sort chars from left to right based on x position

    # calculate the center point of the plate
    fltPlateCenterX = (
        listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterX +
        listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterX) / 2.0
    fltPlateCenterY = (
        listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterY +
        listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intCenterY) / 2.0

    ptPlateCenter = fltPlateCenterX, fltPlateCenterY

    # calculate plate width and height
    intPlateWidth = int(
        (listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intBoundingRectX +
         listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1].intBoundingRectWidth
         - listOfMatchingChars[0].intBoundingRectX) *

    intTotalOfCharHeights = 0

    for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
        intTotalOfCharHeights = intTotalOfCharHeights + matchingChar.intBoundingRectHeight
    # end for

    fltAverageCharHeight = intTotalOfCharHeights / len(listOfMatchingChars)

    intPlateHeight = int(fltAverageCharHeight * PLATE_HEIGHT_PADDING_FACTOR)

    # calculate correction angle of plate region
    fltOpposite = listOfMatchingChars[
        len(listOfMatchingChars) -
        1].intCenterY - listOfMatchingChars[0].intCenterY
    fltHypotenuse = DetectChars.distanceBetweenChars(
        listOfMatchingChars[len(listOfMatchingChars) - 1])
    fltCorrectionAngleInRad = math.asin(fltOpposite / fltHypotenuse)
    fltCorrectionAngleInDeg = fltCorrectionAngleInRad * (180.0 / math.pi)

    # pack plate region center point, width and height, and correction angle into rotated rect member variable of plate
    possiblePlate.rrLocationOfPlateInScene = (tuple(ptPlateCenter),
                                              (intPlateWidth, intPlateHeight),

    # final steps are to perform the actual rotation

    # get the rotation matrix for our calculated correction angle
    rotationMatrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(tuple(ptPlateCenter),
                                             fltCorrectionAngleInDeg, 1.0)

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginal.shape  # unpack original image width and height

    imgRotated = cv2.warpAffine(imgOriginal, rotationMatrix,
                                (width, height))  # rotate the entire image

    imgCropped = cv2.getRectSubPix(imgRotated, (intPlateWidth, intPlateHeight),

    possiblePlate.imgPlate = imgCropped  # copy the cropped plate image into the applicable member variable of the possible plate

    return possiblePlate
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main1.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    if Main1.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main1.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +
              str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)))  # 131 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main1.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main1.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(
            len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) +
          " possible plates found")  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main1.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main1.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main1.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main1.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main1.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) +
                  ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

            "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    return listOfPossiblePlates