def divide_edge_by_nr_of_points(edg, n_pts):
    '''returns a nested list of parameters and points on the edge
    at the requested interval [(param, gp_Pnt),...]
    curve_adapt = BRepAdaptor_Curve(edg)
    _lbound, _ubound = curve_adapt.FirstParameter(), curve_adapt.LastParameter(

    if n_pts <= 1:
        # minimally two points or a Standard_ConstructionError is raised
        raise AssertionError("minimally 2 points required")

    npts = GCPnts_UniformAbscissa(curve_adapt, n_pts, _lbound, _ubound)
    if npts.IsDone():
        tmp = []
        for i in range(1, npts.NbPoints() + 1):
            param = npts.Parameter(i)
            pnt = curve_adapt.Value(param)
            tmp.append((param, pnt))
        return tmp
def length_from_edge(edg):
    curve_adapt = BRepAdaptor_Curve(edg)
    length = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint().Length(curve_adapt,
                                           curve_adapt.LastParameter(), 1e-6)
    return length