Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_write_step_file(self):
        ''' Exports a colored box into a STEP file '''
        ### initialisation
        h_doc = Handle_TDocStd_Document()
        assert (h_doc.IsNull())
        # Create the application
        app = XCAFApp_Application.GetApplication().GetObject()
        app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)
        # Get root assembly
        doc = h_doc.GetObject()
        h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())
        l_Colors = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(doc.Main())
        shape_tool = h_shape_tool.GetObject()
        colors = l_Colors.GetObject()
        ### create the shape to export
        test_shape = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(100., 100., 100.).Shape()

        ### add shape
        shp_label = shape_tool.AddShape(test_shape)
        ### set a color for this shape
        r = 1
        g = b = 0.5
        red_color = Quantity_Color(r, g, b, 0)
        colors.SetColor(shp_label, red_color, XCAFDoc_ColorGen)
        # write file
        WS = XSControl_WorkSession()
        writer = STEPCAFControl_Writer(WS.GetHandle(), False)
        writer.Transfer(h_doc, STEPControl_AsIs)
        status = writer.Write("./test_io/test_ocaf_generated.stp")
        assert status
        assert os.path.isfile("./test_io/test_ocaf_generated.stp")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def read_step_file_with_attribute2(filename):
    Read a step file and returns a shape (geometrical information). This uses the XDE of OCCD
    and will also be able to extract the attribute information such as colour or name or layer.
    h_doc = Handle_TDocStd_Document()
    # print "Empty Doc?", h_doc.IsNull()

    ### Create the application
    app = XCAFApp_Application.GetApplication().GetObject()
    app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)

    ### Get tools, here only enable the colour attribute
    doc = h_doc.GetObject()
    h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())
    h_colour_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(doc.Main())
    #    l_Layers = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_LayerTool(doc.Main())
    #    l_materials = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_MaterialTool(doc.Main())
    shape_tool = h_shape_tool.GetObject()
    colour_tool = h_colour_tool.GetObject()

    ### Read files
    STEPReader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()
    #    STEPReader.SetLayerMode(True)
    #    STEPReader.SetNameMode(True)
    #    STEPReader.SetMatMode(True)

    status = STEPReader.ReadFile(filename)
    STEPReader.Reader().PrintCheckLoad(True, 0)
    if status == IFSelect_RetDone:

    ### Get root assembly
    shapeLabels = TDF_LabelSequence()
    #    print ('Number of shapes at root :%i'%shapeLabels.Length())

    ### Here we only have one solid in the model so we directly use the first solid
    ### If there are more, please use the for loop to get all solids
    shape = shape_tool.GetShape(shapeLabels.Value(1))

    topo = Topo(shape)
    #    for i in range(shapeLabels.Length()):
    #        #print(Labels.Value(i+1).Tag())
    #        shape=shape_tool.GetShape(shapeLabels.Value(i+1))
    #        shapes.append(shape)

    return [topo, colour_tool]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_read_step_file(self):
        ''' Reads the previous step file '''
        # create an handle to a document
        h_doc = Handle_TDocStd_Document()
        # Create the application
        app = XCAFApp_Application.GetApplication().GetObject()
        app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)
        # Get root assembly
        doc = h_doc.GetObject()
        h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())
        l_colors = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(doc.Main())
        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()
        status = step_reader.ReadFile("./test_io/test_ocaf.stp")
        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:

        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        color_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()

        shape_tool = h_shape_tool.GetObject()

        assert (labels.Length() == 1)
        sub_shapes_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        assert (not shape_tool.IsAssembly(labels.Value(1)))
        shape_tool.GetSubShapes(labels.Value(1), sub_shapes_labels)
        assert (sub_shapes_labels.Length() == 0)

        assert (color_labels.Length() == 1)

        label_shp = labels.Value(1)
        a_shape = h_shape_tool.GetObject().GetShape(label_shp)
        assert (not a_shape.IsNull())
Ejemplo n.º 4
from OCC.Core.Quantity import Quantity_Color
from OCC.Core.TopLoc import TopLoc_Location
from OCC.Core.BRepBuilderAPI import BRepBuilderAPI_Transform
from OCC.Display.SimpleGui import init_display

filename = '../assets/models/as1-oc-214.stp'

# create an handle to a document
h_doc = Handle_TDocStd_Document()

# Create the application
app = XCAFApp_Application.GetApplication().GetObject()
app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)

# Get root assembly
doc = h_doc.GetObject()
h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())
h_color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(doc.Main())
h_layer_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_LayerTool(doc.Main())
h_mat_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_MaterialTool(doc.Main())

step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

status = step_reader.ReadFile(filename)
if status == IFSelect_RetDone:
Ejemplo n.º 5
def read_step_file_with_names_colors(filename):
    """ Returns list of tuples (topods_shape, label, color)
    Use OCAF.
    # the list:
    output_shapes = []
    # create an handle to a document
    h_doc = Handle_TDocStd_Document()

    # Create the application
    app = XCAFApp_Application.GetApplication().GetObject()
    app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)

    # Get root assembly
    doc = h_doc.GetObject()
    h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())
    h_color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(doc.Main())
    h_layer_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_LayerTool(doc.Main())
    h_mat_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_MaterialTool(doc.Main())

    step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

    status = step_reader.ReadFile(filename)
    if status == IFSelect_RetDone:

    shape_tool = h_shape_tool.GetObject()

    color_tool = h_color_tool.GetObject()

    #lvl = 0
    locs = []

    #cnt = 0

    def _get_label_name(lab):
        entry = TCollection_AsciiString()
        TDF_Tool.Entry(lab, entry)
        N = Handle_TDataStd_Name()
        lab.FindAttribute(TDataStd_Name_GetID(), N)
        n = N.GetObject()
        if n:
            return n.Get().PrintToString()
        return "No Name"

    def _get_sub_shapes(lab, loc):
        #global cnt, lvl
        #cnt += 1
        #print("\n[%d] level %d, handling LABEL %s\n" % (cnt, lvl, _get_label_name(lab)))
        #print("Is Assembly    :", shape_tool.IsAssembly(lab))
        #print("Is Free        :", shape_tool.IsFree(lab))
        #print("Is Shape       :", shape_tool.IsShape(lab))
        #print("Is Compound    :", shape_tool.IsCompound(lab))
        #print("Is Component   :", shape_tool.IsComponent(lab))
        #print("Is SimpleShape :", shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(lab))
        #print("Is Reference   :", shape_tool.IsReference(lab))

        users = TDF_LabelSequence()
        users_cnt = shape_tool.GetUsers(lab, users)
        #print("Nr Users       :", users_cnt)

        l_subss = TDF_LabelSequence()
        shape_tool.GetSubShapes(lab, l_subss)
        #print("Nb subshapes   :", l_subss.Length())
        l_comps = TDF_LabelSequence()
        shape_tool.GetComponents(lab, l_comps)
        #print("Nb components  :", l_comps.Length())

        if shape_tool.IsAssembly(lab):
            l_c = TDF_LabelSequence()
            shape_tool.GetComponents(lab, l_c)
            for i in range(l_c.Length()):
                label = l_c.Value(i + 1)
                if shape_tool.IsReference(label):
                    #print("\n########  reference label :", label)
                    label_reference = TDF_Label()
                    shape_tool.GetReferredShape(label, label_reference)
                    loc = shape_tool.GetLocation(label)
                    #print("    loc          :", loc)
                    #trans = loc.Transformation()
                    #print("    tran form    :", trans.Form())
                    #rot = trans.GetRotation()
                    #print("    rotation     :", rot)
                    #print("    X            :", rot.X())
                    #print("    Y            :", rot.Y())
                    #print("    Z            :", rot.Z())
                    #print("    W            :", rot.W())
                    #tran = trans.TranslationPart()
                    #print("    translation  :", tran)
                    #print("    X            :", tran.X())
                    #print("    Y            :", tran.Y())
                    #print("    Z            :", tran.Z())

                    #lvl += 1
                    _get_sub_shapes(label_reference, loc)
                    #lvl -= 1

        elif shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(lab):
            #print("\n########  simpleshape label :", lab)
            shape = shape_tool.GetShape(lab)
            #print("    all ass locs   :", locs)

            loc = TopLoc_Location()
            for i in range(len(locs)):
                #print("    take loc       :", locs[i])
                loc = loc.Multiplied(locs[i])

            #trans = loc.Transformation()
            #print("    FINAL loc    :")
            #print("    tran form    :", trans.Form())
            #rot = trans.GetRotation()
            #print("    rotation     :", rot)
            #print("    X            :", rot.X())
            #print("    Y            :", rot.Y())
            #print("    Z            :", rot.Z())
            #print("    W            :", rot.W())
            #tran = trans.TranslationPart()
            #print("    translation  :", tran)
            #print("    X            :", tran.X())
            #print("    Y            :", tran.Y())
            #print("    Z            :", tran.Z())
            shape = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(shape,

            c = Quantity_Color()
            # colorSet = False
            # if (color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c) or
            #         color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c) or
            #         color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)):
            #     for i in (0, 1, 2):
            #         color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, i, c)
            #     colorSet = True
            #     n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
            #     #print('    instance color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())

            # if not colorSet:
            color_tool.GetColor(lab, 0, c)
            color_tool.GetColor(lab, 1, c)
            color_tool.GetColor(lab, 2, c)
            #for i in (0, 1, 2):
            #    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, i, c)

            #n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
            #print('    shape color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())

            # for i in range(l_subss.Length()):
            #     lab = l_subss.Value(i+1)
            #     print("\n########  simpleshape subshape label :", lab)
            #     shape_sub = shape_tool.GetShape(lab)

            #     c = Quantity_Color()
            #     colorSet = False
            #     if (color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 0, c) or
            #             color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 1, c) or
            #             color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 2, c)):
            #         for i in (0, 1, 2):
            #             color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape_sub, i, c)
            #         colorSet = True
            #         n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
            #         #print('    instance color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())

            #     if not colorSet:
            #         if (color_tool.GetColor(lab, 0, c) or
            #                 color_tool.GetColor(lab, 1, c) or
            #                 color_tool.GetColor(lab, 2, c)):
            #             for i in (0, 1, 2):
            #                 color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, i, c)

            #             n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
            #             #print('    shape color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())

            output_shapes.append([shape, _get_label_name(lab), c])

    def _get_shapes():
        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        #global cnt
        #cnt += 1

        print("Number of shapes at root :", labels.Length())
        root = labels.Value(1)

        _get_sub_shapes(root, None)

    return output_shapes
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def read_file(self):
        r"""Read file"""
        logger.info("Reading STEP file")
        h_doc = Handle_TDocStd_Document()

        # Create the application
        app = _XCAFApp.XCAFApp_Application_GetApplication().GetObject()
        app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)

        # Get root assembly
        doc = h_doc.GetObject()
        h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool().ShapeTool(doc.Main())
        color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool().ColorTool(doc.Main())
        layer_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool().LayerTool(doc.Main())
        _ = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool().MaterialTool(doc.Main())

        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

        status = step_reader.ReadFile(str(self.filename))

        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:
            logger.info("Transfer doc to STEPCAFControl_Reader")

        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        _ = TDF_LabelSequence()
        # TopoDS_Shape a_shape;
        _ = h_shape_tool.GetObject()

        logger.info('Number of shapes at root :%i' % labels.Length())

        # for i in range(labels.Length()):
        #     a_shape = h_shape_tool.GetObject().GetShape(labels.Value(i+1))
        #     logger.debug("%i - type : %s" % (i, a_shape.ShapeType()))
        #     sub_shapes_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        #     print("Is Assembly?", shape_tool.IsAssembly(labels.Value(i + 1)))
        #     # sub_shapes = shape_tool.getsubshapes(labels.Value(i+1),
        #                                            sub_shapes_labels)
        #     sub_shapes = shape_tool.FindSubShape(labels.Value(i + 1),
        #                                          a_shape, labels.Value(i + 1))
        #     print('Number of subshapes in the assembly : %i' %
        #                                            sub_shapes_labels.Length())
        # color_tool.GetObject().GetColors(color_labels)
        # logger.info('Number of colors : %i' % color_labels.Length())

        for i in range(labels.Length()):
            # print i
            label = labels.Value(i + 1)
            logger.debug("Label : %s" % label)
            a_shape = h_shape_tool.GetObject().GetShape(labels.Value(i + 1))

            # string_seq = TColStd_HSequenceOfExtendedString()
            # string_seq is an TColStd_HSequenceOfExtendedString
            string_seq = layer_tool.GetObject().GetLayers(a_shape)
            color = Quantity_Color()
            _ = color_tool.GetObject().GetColor(a_shape, XCAFDoc_ColorSurf,

            logger.info("The shape type is : %i" % a_shape.ShapeType())
            if a_shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND:
                logger.info("The shape type is TopAbs_COMPOUND")
                topo = Topo(a_shape)
                logger.info("Nb of compounds : %i" % topo.number_of_compounds)
                logger.info("Nb of solids : %i" % topo.number_of_solids)
                logger.info("Nb of shells : %i" % topo.number_of_shells)
                for solid in topo.solids:
                    logger.info("Adding solid to the shapes list")
            elif a_shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID:
                logger.info("The shape type is TopAbs_SOLID")

        return True