Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_delayedContent(self):
        Make sure that the client returns the response object as soon as the
        headers are received, even if the data hasn't arrived yet.

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)
        req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', None, None)

        def gotData(data):
            self.assertEquals(data, '1234567890')

        def gotResp(resp):
            self.assertEquals(resp.code, 200)
            self.assertHeaders(resp, [])
            self.assertEquals(resp.stream.length, 10)

            self.writeToClient(cxn, '1234567890')

            return defer.maybeDeferred(resp.stream.read).addCallback(gotData)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req).addCallback(gotResp)

        self.assertReceived(cxn, 'GET / HTTP/1.1', ['Connection: close'])

        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Content-Length: 10',
                              'Connection: close', '\r\n'))

        return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertDone(cxn))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_shortStatus(self):
        """Check that an error is returned if the response line is invalid."""

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)
        req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', None, None)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req)

        self.assertFailure(d, http.ProtocolError)

        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 200', '\r\n'))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_newServer(self):
        """Check that an error is returned if the server is a new major version."""

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)
        req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', None, None)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req)

        self.assertFailure(d, http.ProtocolError)

        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/2.3 200 OK', '\r\n'))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_prematurePipelining(self):
        Ensure that submitting a second request before it's allowed results
        in an AssertionError.
        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)
        req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', None, None)

        req2 = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/bar', None, None)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req, closeAfter=False).addCallback(
            self.checkResponse, 200, [], 0, None)

        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, cxn.client.submitRequest, req2)

        self.assertReceived(cxn, 'GET / HTTP/1.1', ['Connection: Keep-Alive'])
        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Content-Length: 0',
                              'Connection: close', '\r\n'))

        return d
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_serverIsntHttp(self):
        """Check that an error is returned if the server doesn't talk HTTP."""

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)
        req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', None, None)

        def gotResp(r):
            print r

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req).addCallback(gotResp)

        self.assertFailure(d, http.ProtocolError)

        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP-NG/1.1 200 OK', '\r\n'))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_simpleRequest(self):
        """Your basic simple HTTP Request."""
        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)
        req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', None, None)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req).addCallback(self.checkResponse, 200,
                                                      [], 10, '1234567890')

        self.assertReceived(cxn, 'GET / HTTP/1.1', ['Connection: close'])

        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Content-Length: 10',
                              'Connection: close', '', '1234567890'))

        return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertDone(cxn))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_sentHead(self):
        """Ensure that HEAD requests work, and return Content-Length."""

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)

        req = http.ClientRequest('HEAD', '/', None, None)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req).addCallback(
            self.checkResponse, 200, [('Content-Length', ['5'])], 0, None)

        self.assertReceived(cxn, 'HEAD / HTTP/1.1', ['Connection: close'])

        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Connection: close',
                              'Content-Length: 5', '', 'Pants'))  # bad server

        return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertDone(cxn))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_errorReadingRequestStream(self):
        """Ensure that stream errors are propagated to the response."""

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)

        s = stream.ProducerStream()

        req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', None, s)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req)

        self.assertFailure(d, IOError)

        s.finish(IOError('Test Error'))

        return d
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_sentHeadKeepAlive(self):
        """Ensure that keepalive works right after a HEAD request."""

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)

        req = http.ClientRequest('HEAD', '/', None, None)

        didIt = [0]

        def gotData(data):
            self.assertEquals(data, None)

        def gotResp(resp):
            self.assertEquals(resp.code, 200)
            self.assertEquals(resp.stream.length, 0)
            self.assertHeaders(resp, [])

            return defer.maybeDeferred(resp.stream.read).addCallback(gotData)

        def submitRequest(second):
            if didIt[0]:
            didIt[0] = second

            if second:
                keepAlive = 'close'
                keepAlive = 'Keep-Alive'

            cxn.server.data = ''

            d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req, closeAfter=second).addCallback(
                self.checkResponse, 200, [('Content-Length', ['5'])], 0, None)

            self.assertReceived(cxn, 'HEAD / HTTP/1.1',
                                ['Connection: ' + keepAlive])

                            ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Connection: ' + keepAlive,
                             'Content-Length: 5', '\r\n'))

            return d.addCallback(lambda _: submitRequest(1))

        d = submitRequest(0)

        return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertDone(cxn))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_serverDoesntSendConnectionClose(self):
        Check that a lost connection is treated as end of response, if we
        requested connection: close, even if the server didn't respond with
        connection: close.

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)
        req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', None, None)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req).addCallback(self.checkResponse, 200,
                                                      [], None, 'Some Content')

        self.assertReceived(cxn, 'GET / HTTP/1.1', ['Connection: close'])

        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', '', 'Some Content'))

        return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertDone(cxn))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_streamedUpload(self):
        """Make sure that sending request content works."""

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)

        req = http.ClientRequest('PUT', '/foo', None, 'Helloooo content')

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req).addCallback(self.checkResponse, 202,
                                                      [], 0, None)

        self.assertReceived(cxn, 'PUT /foo HTTP/1.1',
                            ['Connection: close', 'Content-Length: 16'],
                            'Helloooo content')

        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted', 'Content-Length: 0',
                              'Connection: close', '\r\n'))

        return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertDone(cxn))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_userHeaders(self):
        """Make sure that headers get through in both directions."""

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)

        def submitNext(_):
            headers = http_headers.Headers(
                headers={'Accept-Language': {
                    'en': 1.0
                rawHeaders={'X-My-Other-Header': ['socks']})

            req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', headers, None)

            cxn.server.data = ''

            d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req, closeAfter=True)

            self.assertReceived(cxn, 'GET / HTTP/1.1', [
                'Connection: close', 'X-My-Other-Header: socks',
                'Accept-Language: en'

            self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Content-Length: 0',
                                  'Connection: close', '\r\n'))

            return d

        req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', {'Accept-Language': {
            'en': 1.0
        }}, None)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req, closeAfter=False).addCallback(
            self.checkResponse, 200, [('X-Foobar', ['Yes'])], 0,

        self.assertReceived(cxn, 'GET / HTTP/1.1',
                            ['Connection: Keep-Alive', 'Accept-Language: en'])

            ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Content-Length: 0', 'X-Foobar: Yes', '\r\n'))

        return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertDone(cxn))
Ejemplo n.º 13
        def submitNext(_):
            headers = http_headers.Headers(
                headers={'Accept-Language': {
                    'en': 1.0
                rawHeaders={'X-My-Other-Header': ['socks']})

            req = http.ClientRequest('GET', '/', headers, None)

            cxn.server.data = ''

            d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req, closeAfter=True)

            self.assertReceived(cxn, 'GET / HTTP/1.1', [
                'Connection: close', 'X-My-Other-Header: socks',
                'Accept-Language: en'

            self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Content-Length: 0',
                                  'Connection: close', '\r\n'))

            return d
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_chunkedUpload(self):
        """Ensure chunked data is correctly decoded on upload."""

        cxn = self.connect(inputTimeOut=None)

        data = 'Foo bar baz bax'
        s = stream.ProducerStream(length=None)

        req = http.ClientRequest('PUT', '/', None, s)

        d = cxn.client.submitRequest(req)


            cxn, 'PUT / HTTP/1.1',
            ['Connection: close', 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked'],
            '%X\r\n%s\r\n0\r\n\r\n' % (len(data), data))

        self.writeLines(cxn, ('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Connection: close',
                              'Content-Length: 0', '\r\n'))

        return d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertDone(cxn))