def OnNewObject(self, event): if event is not None: event.GetId() dlg = ObjDialog(self) #dlg.AddChoice(wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_DECA_EMPTY), wx.ART_MENU, wx.Size(16, 16)), '', '') repo = dlg.Repository = repo dlg.CurrentLayer = self.graph # fill templates list img = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_CLASS_TYPE), wx.ART_MENU, wx.Size(16, 16)) for o in repo.GetTemplates(): dlg.AddChoice(img, o.Name, o.ID) # fill objects list img = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_ATTR_TYPE), wx.ART_MENU, wx.Size(16, 16)) for o in repo.GetObjects(): dlg.AddChoice(img, o.GetTitle(), o.ID) for o in self.graph.GetObjects(): dlg.AddChoice(img, o.GetTitle(), o.ID) dlg.EnableReflection() dlg.cbProto.Select(0) dlg.OnPrototype(event) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: source = dlg.cbProto.GetSelection() if source != wx.NOT_FOUND: source = dlg.cbProto.GetClientData(source) obj = Deca.Object() if dlg.chReflection.Value: obj.ID = source obj.IsReflection = True for x in xrange(dlg.attrGrid.GetNumberRows()) : nm = dlg.attrGrid.GetCellValue(row=x, col=0) vl = dlg.attrGrid.GetCellValue(row=x, col=1) obj.Attributes[nm] = vl if dlg.TitlePos > -1: obj.TitleAttr = dlg.attrGrid.GetCellValue(row=dlg.TitlePos, col=0) obj.TemplateName = dlg.cbProto.GetString(dlg.cbProto.GetSelection()) if obj.TemplateName == "": obj.TemplateName = repo.GetTemplate(repo.ID_DefaultTemplate).Name # attributes copied self.graph.AddObject(obj) self.graph.AddObjectShape(obj, getattr(event, 'x', None), getattr(event, 'y', None)) self.Refresh() = True if self.graph.propsGrid: self.graph.propsGrid.UpdateGrid() # end if wx.ID_OK dlg.Destroy()
def EditObject(self) : shape = self.GetShape() canvas = shape.GetCanvas() obj = canvas.GetObject(shape.GetRegionName()) if obj: dlg = ObjDialog(self.statbarFrame) # fill the dialog dlg.AddChoice(wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_CLASS_TYPE), wx.ART_MENU, wx.Size(16, 16)), obj.TemplateName, None) if obj.IsReflection: dlg.chReflection.Value = True dlg.AppendRows(len(obj.Attributes)) x = 0 dlg.SetEditMode() for k,v in obj.Attributes.items(): dlg.attrGrid.SetRowLabelValue(x, '') if k == obj.TitleAttr: dlg.attrGrid.SetRowLabelValue(x, '*') dlg.TitlePos = x dlg.stTitle.Label = _("Title attribute: %s") % k dlg.attrGrid.SetCellValue(row=x, col=0, s=k) dlg.attrGrid.SetCellValue(row=x, col=1, s=v) x += 1 if not dlg.shapeSel.SetStringSelection(str(obj.Graphics)): dlg.shapeSel.SetSelection(0) # show dialog if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: obj.Attributes.clear() for x in xrange(dlg.attrGrid.GetNumberRows()) : nm = dlg.attrGrid.GetCellValue(row=x, col=0) vl = dlg.attrGrid.GetCellRawValue(row=x, col=1) obj.Attributes[nm] = vl if dlg.TitlePos > -1: obj.TitleAttr = dlg.attrGrid.GetCellValue(row=dlg.TitlePos, col=0) # update vision obj.Graphics = dlg.GetShapeName() shape.Update() canvas.GetParent().UpdateView(None) dlg.FixGrid() dlg.Destroy() pass
def AddObject(self, event): event.GetId() dlg = ObjDialog(self) #dlg.AddChoice(wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_DECA_EMPTY), wx.ART_MENU, wx.Size(16, 16)), '', '') repo = dlg.Repository = repo dlg.CurrentLayer = repo # fill templates list img = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_CLASS_TYPE), wx.ART_MENU, wx.Size(16, 16)) for o in repo.GetTemplatesNames(): dlg.AddChoice(img, o, o) # fill objects list img = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_ATTR_TYPE), wx.ART_MENU, wx.Size(16, 16)) for o in repo.GetObjects(): dlg.AddChoice(img, o.GetTitle(), o.ID) res = dlg.ShowModal() if res == wx.ID_OK: pass
def OnListDouble(self, event): """Edit selected item""" event.GetId() repo = idx = self.mRepoList.GetFirstSelected() if idx > -1: itm = self.mRepoList.GetItem(idx) tp = itm.Image if not tp: # edit the template code = uuid.UUID(itm.GetText()) dlg = TmplDialog(self) dlg.EditMode = True dlg.cbProto.Clear() dlg.cbProto.Append("") dlg.cbProto.AppendItems(repo.GetTemplatesNames()) dlg.txtName.Value = self.mRepoList.GetItem(idx, col = 1).Text dlg.cbProto.StringSelection = dlg.txtName.Value dlg.OnPrototype(event) tpl = repo.GetTemplate(code) try: dlg.shapeSel.SetStringSelection(tpl.Graphics) except Exception: dlg.shapeSel.SetStringSelection("DefaultShape") if code == repo.ID_DefaultTemplate: dlg.txtName.Enabled = False res = dlg.ShowModal() if res == wx.ID_OK: tpl = repo.GetTemplate(code) tpl.Name = dlg.txtName.Value tpl.TitleAttr = None tpl.Attributes.clear() for x in xrange(dlg.attrGrid.GetNumberRows()) : nm = dlg.attrGrid.GetCellValue(row = x, col= 0) vl = dlg.attrGrid.GetCellValue(row = x, col= 1) tpl.Attributes[nm] = vl if dlg.TitlePos > -1: tpl.TitleAttr = dlg.attrGrid.GetCellValue(row = dlg.TitlePos, col= 0) tpl.Graphics = dlg.shapeSel.GetStringSelection() repo.LazyReindex() self.UpdateView(None) if repo.propsGrid is not None : repo.propsGrid.UpdateGrid() dlg.Destroy() elif tp == 1: # edit the object #code = uuid.UUID(itm.GetText()) dlg = ObjDialog(self) dlg.AddChoice(wx.NullBitmap, '', '') repo = # fill templates list img = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_CLASS_TYPE), wx.ART_MENU, wx.Size(16, 16)) for o in repo.GetTemplatesNames(): dlg.AddChoice(img, o, o) # fill objects list img = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_ATTR_TYPE), wx.ART_MENU, wx.Size(16, 16)) for o in repo.GetObjects(): dlg.AddChoice(img, o.GetTitle(), o.ID) res = dlg.ShowModal() if res == wx.ID_OK: pass elif tp == 2: # edit the shape path = path = os.path.join(path, itm.GetText() + '.py') self._OpenShapeEditor(path) pass