Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUpClass(cls):

        tree = TreeLearner()
        cls.model = tree(cls.data)
        cls.model.instances = cls.data

        cls.signal_name = "Tree"
        cls.signal_data = cls.model

        # Load a dataset that contains two variables with the same entropy
        data_same_entropy = Table(
                      "tests", "datasets", "same_entropy.tab"))
        cls.data_same_entropy = tree(data_same_entropy)
        cls.data_same_entropy.instances = data_same_entropy

        vara = DiscreteVariable("aaa", values=("e", "f", "g"))
        root = DiscreteNode(vara, 0, np.array([42, 8]))
        root.subset = np.arange(50)

        varb = DiscreteVariable("bbb", values=tuple("ijkl"))
        child0 = MappedDiscreteNode(varb, 1, np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]), (38, 5))
        child0.subset = np.arange(16)
        child1 = Node(None, 0, (13, 3))
        child1.subset = np.arange(16, 30)
        varc = ContinuousVariable("ccc")
        child2 = NumericNode(varc, 2, 42, (78, 12))
        child2.subset = np.arange(30, 50)
        root.children = (child0, child1, child2)

        child00 = Node(None, 0, (15, 4))
        child00.subset = np.arange(10)
        child01 = Node(None, 0, (10, 5))
        child01.subset = np.arange(10, 16)
        child0.children = (child00, child01)

        child20 = Node(None, 0, (90, 4))
        child20.subset = np.arange(30, 35)
        child21 = Node(None, 0, (70, 9))
        child21.subset = np.arange(35, 50)
        child2.children = (child20, child21)

        domain = Domain([vara, varb, varc], ContinuousVariable("y"))
        t = [[i, j, k] for i in range(3) for j in range(4) for k in (40, 44)]
        x = np.array((t * 3)[:50])
        data = Table.from_numpy(domain, x, np.arange(len(x)))
        cls.tree = TreeModel(data, root)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _score_disc():
     n_values = len(attr.values)
     score = _tree_scorers.compute_grouped_MSE(col_x, col_y, n_values,
     # The score is already adjusted for missing attribute values, so
     # we don't do it here
     if score == 0:
         return REJECT_ATTRIBUTE
     branches = col_x.flatten()
     branches[np.isnan(branches)] = -1
     return score, DiscreteNode(attr, attr_no, None), branches, n_values
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def _score_disc():
            """Scoring for discrete attributes, no binarization

            The class computes the entropy itself, not by calling other
            functions. This is to make sure that it uses the same
            definition as the below classes that compute entropy themselves
            for efficiency reasons."""
            n_values = len(attr.values)
            if n_values < 2:
                return REJECT_ATTRIBUTE

            cont = _tree_scorers.contingency(
            attr_distr = np.sum(cont, axis=0)
            null_nodes = attr_distr < self.min_samples_leaf
            # This is just for speed. If there is only a single non-null-node,
            # entropy wouldn't decrease anyway.
            if sum(null_nodes) >= n_values - 1:
                return REJECT_ATTRIBUTE
            cont[:, null_nodes] = 0
            attr_distr = np.sum(cont, axis=0)
            cls_distr = np.sum(cont, axis=1)
            n = np.sum(attr_distr)
            # Avoid log(0); <= instead of == because we need an array
            cls_distr[cls_distr <= 0] = 1
            attr_distr[attr_distr <= 0] = 1
            cont[cont <= 0] = 1
            class_entr = n * np.log(n) - np.sum(cls_distr * np.log(cls_distr))
            attr_entr = np.sum(attr_distr * np.log(attr_distr))
            cont_entr = np.sum(cont * np.log(cont))
            score = (class_entr - attr_entr + cont_entr) / n / np.log(2)
            score *= n / len(data)  # punishment for missing values
            branches = col_x
            branches[np.isnan(branches)] = -1
            if score == 0:
                return REJECT_ATTRIBUTE
            node = DiscreteNode(attr, attr_no, None)
            return score, node, branches, n_values