Ejemplo n.º 1
def getCompilerData(attrs, peri):

    compilerAVs = []

    itsCompilerTime = False
    name,value,t = attrs.getCurrent()
    #print '(%s,%s)' % (name,value)
               #print 'begin compiler'
               CompilerName = ""
               CompilerVersion = ""
               itsCompilerTime = True

            while(name != "CompilerEnd"):
                    if name == "CompilerBegin":
                        CompilerName = "" # reset
                        CompilerVersion = ""
                    elif(name == "CompilerName"):
                        CompilerName = value
                    elif value != "" :
                        if value.startswith("["):
                           value = fixListFormat(value)
                        if value != "":
                    #get next attr value/pair or begin/end marker
                    name, value,type = attrs.getNext()
                    #print '(%s,%s)' % (name,value)

            #print 'done with one compiler'
            if CompilerName == "" or CompilerName == None:
               raise PTexception("missing CompilerName attribute in build data"\
                                 " file ")

            compiler = peri.createCompiler(CompilerName)
            #peri.setCompilerName(compiler, CompilerName)
            for nme,val in compilerAVs:
                 peri.setCompilerAttribute(compiler, nme, val)

            compilerAVs = []

            if(name == "CompilerEnd"):
                    name,value,type = attrs.getNext()
            if name == None or (name.find("Compiler") < 0):
               #next name is not a compiler
                    #print 'done with compilers'
                    itsCompilerTime = False

        print "ERROR"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getCompilerData(attrs, peri):

    compilerAVs = []

    itsCompilerTime = False
    name, value, t = attrs.getCurrent()
    #print '(%s,%s)' % (name,value)
        if (name.startswith("Compiler")):
            #print 'begin compiler'
            CompilerName = ""
            CompilerVersion = ""
            itsCompilerTime = True

        while (itsCompilerTime):
            while (name != "CompilerEnd"):
                if name == "CompilerBegin":
                    CompilerName = ""  # reset
                    CompilerVersion = ""
                elif (name == "CompilerName"):
                    CompilerName = value
                elif value != "":
                    if value.startswith("["):
                        value = fixListFormat(value)
                    if value != "":
                        compilerAVs.append((name, value))
                #get next attr value/pair or begin/end marker
                name, value, type = attrs.getNext()
                #print '(%s,%s)' % (name,value)

            #print 'done with one compiler'
            if CompilerName == "" or CompilerName == None:
                raise PTexception("missing CompilerName attribute in build data"\
                                  " file ")

            compiler = peri.createCompiler(CompilerName)
            #peri.setCompilerName(compiler, CompilerName)

            for nme, val in compilerAVs:
                peri.setCompilerAttribute(compiler, nme, val)

            compilerAVs = []

            if (name == "CompilerEnd"):
                name, value, type = attrs.getNext()
            if name == None or (name.find("Compiler") < 0):
                #next name is not a compiler
                #print 'done with compilers'
                itsCompilerTime = False

        print "ERROR"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getBuildData(attrs, build, peri):

    executableAVs = []
    buildAVs = []
    AppName = ""
    AppConcurrency = ""
    AppLanguages = ""
    BuildMachine = ""
    BuildOSName = ""
    BuildOSVersion = ""
    BuildOSType = ""

    userName = ""
    BuildDateTime = ""
    buildEnvs = []

    # regular expressions for parsing

    for name,value,type in attrs:
        if name == "BuildDataBegin":
        elif name == "BuildDataEnd" or name.endswith("Begin"):
           # done with general attributes when we hit BuildDataEnd or
           # the Begin line for another resource, e.g. CompilerBegin
        #Get executable specific data
        elif name == "ApplicationName":
           AppName = value
        elif name.startswith("Application"):
           if name  == "ApplicationLanguages":
              AppLanguages = fixListFormat(value)
           elif name == "ApplicationParadigms":
              AppConcurrency = fixListFormat(value)
           elif name == "ApplicationExeName":
              exeName = value
           # TODO at this time these attributes can't be represented in 
           # PERI XML
           #elif name == "ApplicationExeSize":
              #executableAVs.append(("Executable Size", value, "string"))
           #elif name == "ApplicationExePerms":
              #executableAVs.append(("Executable Permissions", value, "string"))
           #elif name == "ApplicationExeUID":
              #executableAVs.append(("Executable UID", value, "string"))
           #elif name == "ApplicationExeGID":
              #executableAVs.append(("Executable GID", value, "string"))
           #elif name == "ApplicationExeTimestamp":
              #executableAVs.append(("Executable Timestamp", value, "string"))
           elif name == "ApplicationExeUsername":
              userName = value
        # get Build specific data
        elif name.startswith("Build") and not (name.find("BuildOS") >= 0):
           if name == "BuildEnv":
              BuildEnv = [] # a list of attr value pairs
                   #where attr = "BuildEnv"+ (enviroment variable name)
                   #and value is the environment variable's value
                   #e.g.  for PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
                   # attr = BuildEnvPATH
                   # value = /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
              BuildEnv = StringToList("Env_","@@@", value)
              for (n,v) in BuildEnv:
                  if(v != ""):
              if name == "BuildNode" or name == "BuildMachine":
                 BuildMachine = value
              if name == "BuildDateTime":
                 BuildDateTime = value
        #get Build operating system  specific data
        elif name.startswith("BuildOS"):
               if name == "BuildOSName":
                  BuildOSName = value
               elif name == "BuildOSReleaseVersion":
                  BuildOSVersion = value
               elif name == "BuildOSReleaseType":
                  BuildOSType = value

    if BuildDateTime != "":
        peri.createTime(BuildDateTime, build)

    if AppName != "":
         #peri.createApplication(AppName, AppLanguages, AppConcurrency, build)
         app = peri.createApplication(AppName, build)
         peri.setApplicationAttribute(app, "languages", AppLanguages)
         peri.setApplicationAttribute(app, "concurrency", AppConcurrency)

    if userName != "":
       peri.createPerson(userName, build)

    # add the environment variables
    if len(buildEnvs) > 0:
       env = peri.createEnvironment(None,build)
    for nme,val in buildEnvs:
       peri.setEnvironmentAttribute(env, nme, val)

    if  exeName != "": 
        # model the executable as a file in the output set
        # can't express file attributes such as size, permissions, etc.
        peri.createExecutable(exeName, build)

    if BuildMachine != "":
        peri.createMachineNode(BuildMachine, build)

    if BuildOSName != "":
        os = peri.createOperatingSystem(BuildOSName, build)
        peri.setOperatingSystemAttribute(os, "version", BuildOSVersion)
        peri.setOperatingSystemAttribute(os, "release type", BuildOSType)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getInitialAVs(resIdx, attrs, exeName, ptds):
    """ Takes attrs, which is a list of name, value pairs, and builds
        a build Resource object and Execution object

    executableAVs = []
    buildAVs = []
    buildOSAVs = []
    AppName = ""
    BuildMachType = ""
    BuildMachine = ""
    BuildOSName = ""
    BuildOSVersion = ""
    BuildOSType = ""

    # regular expressions for parsing

    for name, value, type in attrs:
        if name == "BuildDataBegin":
        elif name == "BuildDataEnd":
        # Get executable specific data
        elif name == "ApplicationName":
            AppName = value
        elif name == "ApplicationExeTrialName" or name == "ApplicationExeUserComment":
            AppTrialName = value
        elif name.startswith("Application"):
            if name == "ApplicationLanguages":
                value = fixListFormat(value)
                executableAVs.append(("Languages", value, "string"))
            elif name == "ApplicationParadigms":
                value = fixListFormat(value)
                executableAVs.append(("Concurrency", value, "string"))
            elif name == "ApplicationExeName":
                executableAVs.append(("Executable Name", value, "string"))
            elif name == "ApplicationExeSize":
                executableAVs.append(("Executable Size", value, "string"))
            elif name == "ApplicationExePerms":
                executableAVs.append(("Executable Permissions", value, "string"))
            elif name == "ApplicationExeUID":
                executableAVs.append(("Executable UID", value, "string"))
            elif name == "ApplicationExeGID":
                executableAVs.append(("Executable GID", value, "string"))
            elif name == "ApplicationExeTimestamp":
                executableAVs.append(("Executable Timestamp", value, "string"))
            elif name == "ApplicationExeUsername":
                executableAVs.append(("Username", value, "string"))
        # get Build specific data
        elif name.startswith("Build") and not (name.find("BuildOS") >= 0):
            if name == "BuildEnv":
                BuildEnv = []  # a list of attr value pairs
                # where attr = "BuildEnv"+ (enviroment variable name)
                # and value is the environment variable's value
                # e.g.  for PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
                # attr = BuildEnvPATH
                # value = /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
                BuildEnv = StringToList("Env_", "@@@", value)
                for (n, v) in BuildEnv:
                    if v != "":
                        buildAVs.append((n, v, "string"))
                if name == "BuildNode" or name == "BuildMachine":
                    BuildMachine = value
                if name == "BuildNode":
                    BuildMachType = "node"
                    buildAVs.append(("Node Name", value, "string"))
                elif name == "BuildMachine":
                    BuildMachType = "machine"
                    buildAVs.append(("Machine Name", value, "string"))
                if name == "BuildDateTime":
                    buildAVs.append(("DateTime", value, "string"))
                # get Build operating system  specific data
        elif name.startswith("BuildOS"):
            if name == "BuildOSName":
                BuildOSName = value
            elif name == "BuildOSReleaseVersion":
                BuildOSVersion = value
            elif name == "BuildOSReleaseType":
                BuildOSType = value

    if exeName == "" or exeName == None:
        raise PTexception("missing execution name in Build.getInitialAVs")

    exeNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(exeName)
    # executableAVs should be attrs of build, not execution
    exe = Execution(exeNewName, executableAVs)

    newBuildName = ptds.getNewResourceName("build")
    build = Resource(newBuildName, "build", buildAVs)

    if BuildMachine == "" or BuildMachine == None:
        raise PTexception("missing build machine name in build data file for " " execution:%s" % exeName)

    if BuildMachType == "node":
        fullname, type = getMachineName(ptds, BuildMachine, BuildMachType)
        # print fullname
        buildMachine = Resource(fullname, type)
    else:  # machine
        fullname, type = getMachineName(ptds, BuildMachine, BuildMachType)
        buildMachine = Resource(fullname, type)

    if BuildOSName == "" or BuildOSName == None:
        raise PTexception("missing build operating system name for execution" "execution:%s" % exeName)
    if BuildOSVersion == "" or BuildOSVersion == None or BuildOSType == "" or BuildOSType == None:
        raise PTexception("missing build operating system details for execution" "execution:%s" % exeName)
    buildOSNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(BuildOSName + " " + BuildOSVersion + " " + BuildOSType)
    buildOS = Resource(buildOSNewName, "operatingSystem", buildOSAVs)
    resIdx.addResources([buildOS, buildMachine])
    build.addAttribute("Node Name", buildMachine.name, "resource")
    build.addAttribute("OS Name", buildOS.name, "resource")

    return (build, exe)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_rest_of_build_info(resIdx, exe, build, attrs, exeName, ptds):
    """This parses out the rest of the build information 
       The rest of the information is the compilers, preprocessors,
       and static libraries. This information is added to the build attributes"""

    compilerAVs = []
    compCount = 0
    preprocessorAVs = []
    preprocCount = 0
    libraryAVs = []

    itsCompilerTime = False
    itsPreprocessorTime = False
    itsLibraryTime = False
    name = ""
    value = ""
    CompilerName = ""
    CompilerVersion = ""

    name, value, type = attrs.getNext()
    # print '(%s,%s)' % (name,value)

    if name == "CompilerBegin":
        itsCompilerTime = True

        while itsCompilerTime:
            while name != "CompilerEnd":
                if name == "CompilerBegin":
                    CompilerName = ""
                    CompilerVersion = ""
                elif name == "CompilerName":
                    CompilerName = value
                elif name == "CompilerVersion":
                    CompilerVersion = value
                    if not (name.endswith("Path") or name.endswith("Vendor")):
                        value = fixListFormat(value)
                    if value != "":
                        if name == "CompilerPath":
                            compilerAVs.append(("Path", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "CompilerVendor":
                            compilerAVs.append(("Vendor", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "CompilerCompileFlags":
                            compilerAVs.append(("CompileFlags", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "CompilerLibraries":
                            compilerAVs.append(("Libraries", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "CompilerIncludePaths":
                            compilerAVs.append(("IncludePaths", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "CompilerLibraryPaths":
                            compilerAVs.append(("LibraryPaths", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "mpiScriptCompilerName":
                            compilerAVs.append(("mpiScriptName", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "mpiScriptCompilerPath":
                            compilerAVs.append(("mpiScriptPath", value, "string"))
                            compilerAVs.append((name, value, "string"))
                name, value, type = attrs.getNext()
                # print '(%s,%s)' % (name,value)

            if CompilerName == "" or CompilerName == None:
                raise PTexception("missing compiler name for execution:%s" % exeName)
            if CompilerVersion == "" or CompilerVersion == None:
                compilerNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(CompilerName)
                compilerNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(CompilerName + " " + CompilerVersion)
            comp = Resource(compilerNewName, "compiler", compilerAVs)
            # associate the build with the compilers
            build.addAttribute("compiler" + str(compCount), comp.name, "resource")
            compCount += 1
            compilerAVs = []

            if name == "CompilerEnd":
                name, value, type = attrs.getNext()
            if name == None or (
                not (name.startswith("Compiler") or name.startswith("mpiScript"))
            ):  # next name is not a compiler
                # print 'done with compilers'
                itsCompilerTime = False
        compilerAVs = []

        if name == "PreprocessorBegin":
            # print 'begin preprocessors '
            itsPreprocessorTime = True

        while itsPreprocessorTime:
            while name != None and (name != "PreprocessorEnd"):
                if name == "PreprocessorBegin":
                elif name == "PreprocessorName":
                    PreProcName = value
                    if not (name.endswith("Path") or name.endswith("Vendor")):
                        value = fixListFormat(value)
                    if value != "":
                        if name == "PreprocessorPath":
                            preprocessorAVs.append(("Path", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "PreprocessorVendor":
                            preprocessorAVs.append(("Vendor", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "PreprocessorVersion":
                            preprocessorAVs.append(("Version", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "PreprocessorFlags":
                            preprocessorAVs.append(("Flags", value, "string"))
                            preprocessorAVs.append((name, value, "string"))
                # get next attr value/pair or begin/end marker
                name, value, type = attrs.getNext()

            PreProcNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(PreProcName)
            preproc = Resource(PreProcNewName, "preprocessor", preprocessorAVs)
            build.addAttribute("preprocessor" + str(preprocCount), preproc.name, "resource")
            preprocCount += 1
            preprocessorAVs = []

            if name == "PreprocessorEnd":
                name, value, type = attrs.getNext()
            if name == None or (name.find("Preprocessor") < 0):  # next name is not a preprocessor
                #            print 'done with preprocessors'
                itsPreprocessorTime = False
            # associate the build with the preprocessors
        preprocessorAVs = []

        if name == "LibraryBegin":
            # print 'begin libraries'
            itsLibraryTime = True

        while itsLibraryTime:
            while name != None and (name != "LibraryEnd"):
                if name == "LibraryBegin":
                    # ATTR CHANGE TODO
                # I think that we will want to have this attribute when
                # we move libraries out of /build and /env and into /code
                elif name == "LibraryDynamic":
                    # we are only looking at static libraries here anyway
                elif name == "LibraryName":
                    LibraryName = value
                    # elif(name == "LibraryVersion"):
                    # LibraryVersion = value
                    if value != "":
                        if name == "LibraryPath":
                            libraryAVs.append(("Path", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "LibraryMemberObject":
                            libraryAVs.append(("MemberObject", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "LibraryType":
                            libraryAVs.append(("Type", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "LibraryVersion":
                            libraryAVs.append(("Version", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "LibrarySize":
                            libraryAVs.append(("Size", value, "string"))
                        elif name == "LibraryTimestamp":
                            libraryAVs.append(("Timestamp", value, "string"))
                            libraryAVs.append((name, value, "string"))
                # get next attr value/pair or begin/end marker
                name, value, type = attrs.getNext()

            # static libraries are children of build
            lib = Resource(
                build.name + Resource.resDelim + LibraryName, "build" + Resource.resDelim + "module", libraryAVs
            libraryAVs = []

            if name == "LibraryEnd":
                (name, value, type) = attrs.getNext()
            if name == None or (name.find("Library") < 0):  # next name is not a library
                # print 'done with library'
                itsLibraryTime = False
        print "ERROR"
        return (exe, build)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getInitialAVs(resIdx, attrs, exeName, ptds):
    """ Takes attrs, which is a list of name, value pairs, and builds
        a build Resource object and Execution object

    executableAVs = []
    buildAVs = []
    buildOSAVs = []
    AppName = ""
    BuildMachType = ""
    BuildMachine = ""
    BuildOSName = ""
    BuildOSVersion = ""
    BuildOSType = ""

    # regular expressions for parsing

    for name,value,type in attrs:
        if name == "BuildDataBegin":
        elif name == "BuildDataEnd":
	#Get executable specific data
        elif name == "ApplicationName":
           AppName = value 
        elif name == "ApplicationExeTrialName" or \
	     name == "ApplicationExeUserComment":
	   AppTrialName = value
        elif name.startswith("Application"):
           if name  == "ApplicationLanguages":
              value = fixListFormat(value)
              executableAVs.append(("Languages", value, "string"))
           elif name == "ApplicationParadigms":
              value = fixListFormat(value)
              executableAVs.append(("Concurrency", value, "string"))
           elif name == "ApplicationExeName":
              executableAVs.append(("Executable Name", value, "string"))
           elif name == "ApplicationExeSize":
              executableAVs.append(("Executable Size", value, "string"))
           elif name == "ApplicationExePerms":
              executableAVs.append(("Executable Permissions", value, "string"))
           elif name == "ApplicationExeUID":
              executableAVs.append(("Executable UID", value, "string"))
           elif name == "ApplicationExeGID":
              executableAVs.append(("Executable GID", value, "string"))
           elif name == "ApplicationExeTimestamp":
              executableAVs.append(("Executable Timestamp", value, "string"))
           elif name == "ApplicationExeUsername":
              executableAVs.append(("Username", value, "string"))
        # get Build specific data
        elif name.startswith("Build") and not (name.find("BuildOS") >= 0):
           if name == "BuildEnv":
              BuildEnv = [] # a list of attr value pairs
	           #where attr = "BuildEnv"+ (enviroment variable name)
	           #and value is the environment variable's value
	           #e.g.  for PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
	           # attr = BuildEnvPATH
	           # value = /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
              BuildEnv = StringToList("Env_","@@@", value)
	      for (n,v) in BuildEnv:
                  if(v != ""):
	      if name == "BuildNode" or name == "BuildMachine":
                 BuildMachine = value
              if name == "BuildNode":
		 BuildMachType = 'node'
                 buildAVs.append(("Node Name",value,"string"))
              elif name == "BuildMachine":
		 BuildMachType = 'machine'
                 buildAVs.append(("Machine Name",value,"string"))
              if name == "BuildDateTime":
        #get Build operating system  specific data
        elif name.startswith("BuildOS"):
	       if name == "BuildOSName":
	          BuildOSName = value
               elif name == "BuildOSReleaseVersion":
                  BuildOSVersion = value
               elif name == "BuildOSReleaseType":
                  BuildOSType = value

    if exeName == "" or exeName == None:
       raise PTexception("missing execution name in Build.getInitialAVs") 

    exeNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(exeName)
    # executableAVs should be attrs of build, not execution
    exe = Execution(exeNewName, executableAVs)

    newBuildName = ptds.getNewResourceName("build") 
    build = Resource(newBuildName, "build", buildAVs)
    if BuildMachine == "" or BuildMachine == None:
       raise PTexception("missing build machine name in build data file for "
                         " execution:%s" % exeName)

    if BuildMachType == "node":
        fullname,type = getMachineName(ptds, BuildMachine, BuildMachType)
        #print fullname
        buildMachine = Resource(fullname,type)
    else: # machine
        fullname,type = getMachineName(ptds, BuildMachine, BuildMachType)
        buildMachine = Resource(fullname,type)

    if BuildOSName == "" or BuildOSName == None:
       raise PTexception("missing build operating system name for execution"\
                         "execution:%s" % exeName)
    if BuildOSVersion == "" or BuildOSVersion == None or \
       BuildOSType == "" or BuildOSType == None: 
       raise PTexception("missing build operating system details for execution"\
                         "execution:%s" % exeName)
    buildOSNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(BuildOSName+" "+BuildOSVersion+\
                              " "+BuildOSType)
    buildOS = Resource(buildOSNewName, "operatingSystem", buildOSAVs)
    build.addAttribute("Node Name", buildMachine.name, "resource")
    build.addAttribute("OS Name", buildOS.name, "resource")

Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_rest_of_build_info(resIdx, exe, build, attrs, exeName,ptds):
    """This parses out the rest of the build information 
       The rest of the information is the compilers, preprocessors,
       and static libraries. This information is added to the build attributes"""

    compilerAVs = []
    compCount = 0
    preprocessorAVs = []
    preprocCount = 0
    libraryAVs = []
    itsCompilerTime = False
    itsPreprocessorTime = False
    itsLibraryTime = False
    name = ""
    value = ""
    CompilerName = ""
    CompilerVersion = ""

    name,value,type = attrs.getNext()
    #print '(%s,%s)' % (name,value)   

    if(name == "CompilerBegin"):
        itsCompilerTime = True

            while  (name != "CompilerEnd"):
                   if name == "CompilerBegin":
                       CompilerName = ""
                       CompilerVersion = ""
                   elif(name == "CompilerName"):
		            CompilerName = value
                   elif(name == "CompilerVersion"):
                       CompilerVersion = value
                       if(not (name.endswith("Path") or \
		                value = fixListFormat(value)
                       if(value != ""):
                          if name == "CompilerPath":
                          elif name == "CompilerVendor":
                          elif name == "CompilerCompileFlags":
                          elif name == "CompilerLibraries":
                          elif name == "CompilerIncludePaths":
                          elif name == "CompilerLibraryPaths":
                          elif name == "mpiScriptCompilerName":
                          elif name == "mpiScriptCompilerPath":
                   name,value,type = attrs.getNext()
                   #print '(%s,%s)' % (name,value)   

            if CompilerName == "" or CompilerName == None:
                raise PTexception("missing compiler name for execution:%s"\
                      % exeName)
            if CompilerVersion == "" or CompilerVersion == None:
               compilerNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(CompilerName)
               compilerNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(CompilerName+" "+\
                                   CompilerVersion )
	    comp = Resource(compilerNewName, "compiler", compilerAVs)
            # associate the build with the compilers 
            build.addAttribute("compiler"+str(compCount), comp.name, "resource")
            compCount += 1
            compilerAVs = []
            if(name == "CompilerEnd"):
                     name,value,type = attrs.getNext()
            if name == None or (not (name.startswith("Compiler") \
               or name.startswith("mpiScript"))): #next name is not a compiler
	            #print 'done with compilers'
	            itsCompilerTime = False
        compilerAVs = []
        if (name == "PreprocessorBegin"):
	       #print 'begin preprocessors '
               itsPreprocessorTime = True
	    while name != None and (name != "PreprocessorEnd"):
                    if name == "PreprocessorBegin":
                    elif(name == "PreprocessorName"):
		        PreProcName = value
                        if(not (name.endswith("Path") or \
		            value = fixListFormat(value)
                        if(value != ""):
                          if name == "PreprocessorPath":
                          elif name == "PreprocessorVendor":
                          elif name == "PreprocessorVersion":
                          elif name == "PreprocessorFlags":
	            #get next attr value/pair or begin/end marker	
                    name,value,type = attrs.getNext()
            PreProcNewName = ptds.getNewResourceName(PreProcName)
	    preproc = Resource(PreProcNewName, "preprocessor", preprocessorAVs)
            build.addAttribute("preprocessor"+str(preprocCount),preproc.name, \
            preprocCount += 1
	    preprocessorAVs = []
            if(name == "PreprocessorEnd"):
                    name,value,type = attrs.getNext()
            if name == None or (name.find("Preprocessor") < 0): #next name is not a preprocessor
	#            print 'done with preprocessors'
	            itsPreprocessorTime = False
        # associate the build with the preprocessors
        preprocessorAVs = []
        if (name == "LibraryBegin"):
	       #print 'begin libraries'
               itsLibraryTime = True
	    while name != None and (name != "LibraryEnd"):
                    if name == "LibraryBegin":
                    # ATTR CHANGE TODO
	            # I think that we will want to have this attribute when
                    # we move libraries out of /build and /env and into /code
                    elif name == "LibraryDynamic":
		        #we are only looking at static libraries here anyway
                    elif(name == "LibraryName"):
		        LibraryName = value
                        #elif(name == "LibraryVersion"):
		                #LibraryVersion = value
                        if(value != ""):
                          if name == "LibraryPath":
                          elif name == "LibraryMemberObject":
                          elif name == "LibraryType":
                          elif name == "LibraryVersion":
                          elif name == "LibrarySize":
                          elif name == "LibraryTimestamp":
	            #get next attr value/pair or begin/end marker	
                    name,value,type = attrs.getNext()
	    # static libraries are children of build
	    lib = Resource(build.name+Resource.resDelim+LibraryName, "build"+Resource.resDelim+"module",  libraryAVs)
	    libraryAVs = []
            if(name == "LibraryEnd"):
                    (name,value,type) = attrs.getNext()
            if name == None or (name.find("Library") < 0): #next name is not a library 
	            #print 'done with library'
	            itsLibraryTime = False
        print "ERROR"
        return ( exe, build)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getBuildData(attrs, build, peri):

    executableAVs = []
    buildAVs = []
    AppName = ""
    AppConcurrency = ""
    AppLanguages = ""
    BuildMachine = ""
    BuildOSName = ""
    BuildOSVersion = ""
    BuildOSType = ""

    userName = ""
    BuildDateTime = ""
    buildEnvs = []

    # regular expressions for parsing

    for name, value, type in attrs:
        if name == "BuildDataBegin":
        elif name == "BuildDataEnd" or name.endswith("Begin"):
            # done with general attributes when we hit BuildDataEnd or
            # the Begin line for another resource, e.g. CompilerBegin
        #Get executable specific data
        elif name == "ApplicationName":
            AppName = value
        elif name.startswith("Application"):
            if name == "ApplicationLanguages":
                AppLanguages = fixListFormat(value)
            elif name == "ApplicationParadigms":
                AppConcurrency = fixListFormat(value)
            elif name == "ApplicationExeName":
                exeName = value
            # TODO at this time these attributes can't be represented in
            # PERI XML
            #elif name == "ApplicationExeSize":
            #executableAVs.append(("Executable Size", value, "string"))
            #elif name == "ApplicationExePerms":
            #executableAVs.append(("Executable Permissions", value, "string"))
            #elif name == "ApplicationExeUID":
            #executableAVs.append(("Executable UID", value, "string"))
            #elif name == "ApplicationExeGID":
            #executableAVs.append(("Executable GID", value, "string"))
            #elif name == "ApplicationExeTimestamp":
            #executableAVs.append(("Executable Timestamp", value, "string"))
            elif name == "ApplicationExeUsername":
                userName = value
        # get Build specific data
        elif name.startswith("Build") and not (name.find("BuildOS") >= 0):
            if name == "BuildEnv":
                BuildEnv = []  # a list of attr value pairs
                #where attr = "BuildEnv"+ (enviroment variable name)
                #and value is the environment variable's value
                #e.g.  for PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
                # attr = BuildEnvPATH
                # value = /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
                BuildEnv = StringToList("Env_", "@@@", value)
                for (n, v) in BuildEnv:
                    if (v != ""):
                        buildEnvs.append((n, v))
                if name == "BuildNode" or name == "BuildMachine":
                    BuildMachine = value
                if name == "BuildDateTime":
                    BuildDateTime = value
        #get Build operating system  specific data
        elif name.startswith("BuildOS"):
            if name == "BuildOSName":
                BuildOSName = value
            elif name == "BuildOSReleaseVersion":
                BuildOSVersion = value
            elif name == "BuildOSReleaseType":
                BuildOSType = value

    if BuildDateTime != "":
        peri.createTime(BuildDateTime, build)

    if AppName != "":
        #peri.createApplication(AppName, AppLanguages, AppConcurrency, build)
        app = peri.createApplication(AppName, build)
        peri.setApplicationAttribute(app, "languages", AppLanguages)
        peri.setApplicationAttribute(app, "concurrency", AppConcurrency)

    if userName != "":
        peri.createPerson(userName, build)

    # add the environment variables
    if len(buildEnvs) > 0:
        env = peri.createEnvironment(None, build)
    for nme, val in buildEnvs:
        peri.setEnvironmentAttribute(env, nme, val)

    if exeName != "":
        # model the executable as a file in the output set
        # can't express file attributes such as size, permissions, etc.
        peri.createExecutable(exeName, build)

    if BuildMachine != "":
        peri.createMachineNode(BuildMachine, build)

    if BuildOSName != "":
        os = peri.createOperatingSystem(BuildOSName, build)
        peri.setOperatingSystemAttribute(os, "version", BuildOSVersion)
        peri.setOperatingSystemAttribute(os, "release type", BuildOSType)