Ejemplo n.º 1
class ImageStack(object):
    def __init__(self, data = None, mdh = None, filename = None, queueURI = None, events = [], titleStub='Untitled Image', haveGUI=True):
        ''' Create an Image Stack.
        This is a essentially a wrapper of the image data and any ascociated 
        metadata. The class can be given a ndarray like* data source, or  
        alternatively supports loading from file, or from a PYME task queue 
        URI, in which case individual slices will be fetched from the server 
        as required.  
        For details on the file type support, see the Load method.
        You should provide one of the 'data' or 'filename' parmeters,
        with all other parameters being optional.
            data    Image data. Something that supports ndarray like slicing and exposes
                    a .shape parameter, something implementing the
                    PYME.Analysis.DataSources interface, or a list of either
                    of the above. Dimensionality can be between 1 and 4, with
                    the dimensions being interpreted as x, y, z/t, colour.
                    A mangled (will support slicing, but not necessarily other array 
                    operations) version of the data will be stored as the .data 
                    member of the class.
            mdh     something derived from PYME.Acquire.MetaDataHandler.MDHandlerBase
                    If None, and empty one will be created.
            filename    filename of the data to load (see Load), or PYME queue identifier
            queueURI    PYRO URI of the task server. This exists to optionally speed up 
                        loading from a queue by eliminating the PYRO nameserver
                        lookup. The queue name itself should be passed in the filename,
                        with a leading QUEUE://.
            events      An array of time series events (TODO - more doc)
            haveGUI     Whether we have a wx GUI available, so that we can
                        display dialogs asking for, e.g. a file name if no
                        data or filename is supplied, or for missing metadata
        global nUntitled
        self.data = data      #image data
        self.mdh = mdh        #metadata (a MetaDataHandler class)
        self.events = events  #events

        self.queueURI = queueURI
        self.filename = filename

        self.haveGUI = haveGUI

        #default 'mode' / image type - see PYME/DSView/modules/__init__.py        
        self.mode = 'LM'

        self.saved = False
        self.volatile = False #is the data likely to change and need refreshing?
        if (data is None):
            #if we've supplied data, use that, otherwise load from file

        #do the necessary munging to get the data in the format we want it        

        #generate a placeholder filename / window title        
        if self.filename == None:
            self.filename = '%s %d' % (titleStub, nUntitled[titleStub])
            nUntitled[titleStub] += 1
            self.seriesName = self.filename

        #generate some empty metadata if we don't have any        
        if self.mdh == None:
            self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler()

        #hack to make spectral data behave right - doesn't really belong here        
        if 'Spectrum.Wavelengths' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
            self.xvals = self.mdh['Spectrum.Wavelengths']
            self.xlabel = 'Wavelength [nm]'

        #if we have 1D data, plot as graph rather than image        
        if self.data.shape[1] == 1:
            self.mode = 'graph'

        #add ourselves to the list of open images        
        openImages[self.filename] = self

    def SetData(self, data):
        #the data does not need to be a numpy array - it could also be, eg., queue data
        #on a remote server - wrap so that is is indexable like an array
        self.data = dataWrap.Wrap(data)
    def voxelsize(self):
        '''Returns voxel size, in nm, as a 3-tuple. Expects metadata voxel size
        to be in um'''
            return 1e3*self.mdh['voxelsize.x'], 1e3*self.mdh['voxelsize.y'],  1e3*self.mdh['voxelsize.z']
            return 1,1,1    
    def pixelSize(self):
            return 1e3*self.mdh['voxelsize.x']
            return 1

    def pixelSize(self, value):
        self.mdh['voxelsize.x'] = .001*value
        self.mdh['voxelsize.y'] = .001*value

    def sliceSize(self):
            return 1e3*self.mdh['voxelsize.z']
            return 1

    def sliceSize(self, value):
        self.mdh['voxelsize.z'] = .001*value

    def names(self):
        '''Return the names of the colour channels'''
            return self.mdh['ChannelNames']
            return ['Chan %d'% d for d in range(self.data.shape[3])]

    def names(self, value):
        self.mdh['ChannelNames'] = value

    def imgBounds(self):
        '''Return the bounds (or valid area) of the image in nm as (x0, y0, x1, y1, z0, z1)'''
            return ImageBounds(self.mdh['ImageBounds.x0'],self.mdh['ImageBounds.y0'],self.mdh['ImageBounds.x1'],self.mdh['ImageBounds.y1'],self.mdh['ImageBounds.z0'],self.mdh['ImageBounds.z1'])
            return ImageBounds(0, 0, self.pixelSize*self.data.shape[0], self.pixelSize*self.data.shape[1],0, self.sliceSize*self.data.shape[2])

    def imgBounds(self, value):
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.x0'] = value.x0
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.y0'] = value.y0
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.x1'] = value.x1
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.y1'] = value.y1
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.z0'] = value.z0
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.z1'] = value.z1
    def origin(self):
        #the origin, in nm from the camera - used for overlaying with different ROIs
        if 'Origin.x' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
            return self.mdh['Origin.x'], self.mdh['Origin.y'], self.mdh['Origin.z']
        elif 'Camera.ROIPosX' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
            #has ROI information
                voxx, voxy = 1e3*self.mdh['voxelsize.x'], 1e3*self.mdh['voxelsize.y']
            except AttributeError:
                voxx = self.pixelSize
                voxy = voxx
            ox = (self.mdh['Camera.ROIPosX'] - 1)*voxx
            oy = (self.mdh['Camera.ROIPosY'] - 1)*voxy
            oz = 0
            if 'AcquisitionType' in self.mdh.getEntryNames() and self.mdh['AcquisitionType'] == 'Stack':
                oz = self.mdh['StackSettings.StartPos']*1e3
            elif 'Positioning.PIFoc' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
                oz = self.mdh['Positioning.PIFoc']*1e3
            return ox, oy, oz
        elif 'Source.Camera.ROIPosX' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
            #a rendered image with information about the source ROI
            voxx, voxy = 1e3*self.mdh['Source.voxelsize.x'], 1e3*self.mdh['Source.voxelsize.y']
            ox = (self.mdh['Source.Camera.ROIPosX'] - 1)*voxx
            oy = (self.mdh['Source.Camera.ROIPosY'] - 1)*voxy
            return ox, oy, 0
            return 0,0, 0

    def LoadQueue(self, filename):
        '''Load data from a remote PYME.ParallelTasks.HDFTaskQueue queue using

            filename    the name of the queue         
        import Pyro.core
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import TQDataSource
        from PYME.misc.computerName import GetComputerName
        compName = GetComputerName()

        if self.queueURI == None:
            #do a lookup
            taskQueueName = 'TaskQueues.%s' % compName
            self.tq = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI('PYRONAME://' + taskQueueName)
            self.tq = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(self.queueURI)

        self.seriesName = filename[len('QUEUE://'):]

        self.dataSource = TQDataSource.DataSource(self.seriesName, self.tq)
        self.data = self.dataSource #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.QueueMDHandler(self.tq, self.seriesName)
        MetaData.fillInBlanks(self.mdh, self.dataSource)


        self.events = self.dataSource.getEvents()

    def Loadh5(self, filename):
        '''Load PYMEs semi-custom HDF5 image data format. Offloads all the
        hard work to the HDFDataSource class'''
        import tables
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import HDFDataSource, BGSDataSource
        from PYME.Analysis.LMVis import inpFilt
        #open hdf5 file
        self.dataSource = HDFDataSource.DataSource(filename, None)
        #chain on a background subtraction data source, so we can easily do 
        #background subtraction in the GUI the same way as in the analysis
        self.data = BGSDataSource.DataSource(self.dataSource) #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        if 'MetaData' in self.dataSource.h5File.root: #should be true the whole time
            self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault
            self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault
            wx.MessageBox("Carrying on with defaults - no gaurantees it'll work well", 'ERROR: No metadata found in file ...', wx.OK)
            print("ERROR: No metadata fond in file ... Carrying on with defaults - no gaurantees it'll work well")

        #attempt to estimate any missing parameters from the data itself        
        MetaData.fillInBlanks(self.mdh, self.dataSource)

        #calculate the name to use when we do batch analysis on this        
        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        #try and find a previously performed analysis
        fns = filename.split(os.path.sep)
        cand = os.path.sep.join(fns[:-2] + ['analysis',] + fns[-2:]) + 'r'
        if False:#os.path.exists(cand):
            h5Results = tables.openFile(cand)

            if 'FitResults' in dir(h5Results.root):
                self.fitResults = h5Results.root.FitResults[:]
                self.resultsSource = inpFilt.h5rSource(h5Results)

                self.resultsMdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault

        self.events = self.dataSource.getEvents()
    def LoadHTTP(self, filename):
        '''Load PYMEs semi-custom HDF5 image data format. Offloads all the
        hard work to the HDFDataSource class'''
        import tables
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import HTTPDataSource, BGSDataSource
        #from PYME.Analysis.LMVis import inpFilt
        #open hdf5 file
        self.dataSource = HTTPDataSource.DataSource(filename)
        #chain on a background subtraction data source, so we can easily do 
        #background subtraction in the GUI the same way as in the analysis
        self.data = BGSDataSource.DataSource(self.dataSource) #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        #try: #should be true the whole time
        self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault
        #    self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault
        #    wx.MessageBox("Carrying on with defaults - no gaurantees it'll work well", 'ERROR: No metadata found in file ...', wx.OK)
        #    print("ERROR: No metadata fond in file ... Carrying on with defaults - no gaurantees it'll work well")

        #attempt to estimate any missing parameters from the data itself        
        MetaData.fillInBlanks(self.mdh, self.dataSource)

        #calculate the name to use when we do batch analysis on this        
        #from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = filename

        self.events = self.dataSource.getEvents()

    def LoadKdf(self, filename):
        '''load khorus formatted data - pretty much deprecated by now'''
        import PYME.cSMI as cSMI
        self.data = cSMI.CDataStack_AsArray(cSMI.CDataStack(filename), 0).squeeze()
        self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault

        try: #try and get metadata from the .log file
            lf = open(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.log')
            from PYME.DSView import logparser
            lp = logparser.logparser()
            log = lp.parse(lf.read())

            self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.z', log['PIEZOS']['Stepsize'])

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'psf'

    def LoadPSF(self, filename):
        '''Load PYME .psf data.
        .psf files consist of a tuple containing the data and the voxelsize.
        self.data, vox = numpy.load(filename)
        self.mdh = MetaData.ConfocDefault

        self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.x', vox.x)
        self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.y', vox.y)
        self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.z', vox.z)

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'psf'
    def LoadNPY(self, filename):
        '''Load numpy .npy data.
        mdfn = self.FindAndParseMetadata(filename)
        self.data = numpy.load(filename)

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'
    def LoadDBL(self, filename):
        '''Load Bewersdorf custom STED data. 
        mdfn = self.FindAndParseMetadata(filename)
        self.data = numpy.memmap(filename, dtype='<f4', mode='r', offset=128, shape=(self.mdh['Camera.ROIWidth'],self.mdh['Camera.ROIHeight'],self.mdh['NumImages']), order='F')

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'

    def FindAndParseMetadata(self, filename):
        '''Try and find and load a .xml or .md metadata file that might be ascociated
        with a given image filename. See the relevant metadatahandler classes
        for details.'''
        import xml.parsers.expat      
        mdf = None
        xmlfn = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.xml'
        xmlfnmc = os.path.splitext(filename)[0].split('__')[0] + '.xml'
        if os.path.exists(xmlfn):
                self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(MetaData.TIRFDefault)
                mdf = xmlfn
            except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
                #fix for bug in which PYME .md was written with a .xml extension
                self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(MetaData.BareBones)
                mdf = xmlfn
        elif os.path.exists(xmlfnmc): #this is a single colour channel of a pair
            self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(MetaData.TIRFDefault)
            mdf = xmlfnmc
            self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(MetaData.BareBones)
            #check for simple metadata (python code with an .md extension which 
            #fills a dictionary called md)
            mdfn = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.md'
            if os.path.exists(mdfn):
                mdf = mdfn
            elif filename.endswith('.lsm'):
                #read lsm metadata
                from PYME.gohlke.tifffile import TIFFfile
                tf = TIFFfile(filename)
                lsm_info = tf[0].cz_lsm_scan_information
                self.mdh['voxelsize.x'] = lsm_info['line_spacing']
                self.mdh['voxelsize.y'] = lsm_info['line_spacing']
                self.mdh['voxelsize.z'] = lsm_info['plane_spacing']
                def lsm_pop(basename, dic):
                    for k, v in dic.items():
                        if isinstance(v, list):
                            #print k, v
                            for i, l_i in enumerate(v):
                                #print i, l_i, basename
                                lsm_pop(basename + k + '.' + k[:-1] + '%i.' %i, l_i)
                            self.mdh[basename + k] = v
                lsm_pop('LSM.', lsm_info)
            elif filename.endswith('.dbl'): #Bewersdorf lab STED
                mdfn = filename[:-4] + '.txt'
                entrydict = {}
                try: #try to read in extra metadata if possible
                    with open(mdfn, 'r') as mf:
                        for line in mf:
                            s = line.split(':')
                            if len(s) == 2:
                                entrydict[s[0]] = s[1]
                except IOError:
#                vx, vy = entrydict['Pixel size (um)'].split('x')
#                self.mdh['voxelsize.x'] = float(vx)
#                self.mdh['voxelsize.y'] = float(vy)
#                self.mdh['voxelsize.z'] = 0.2 #FIXME for stacks ...
#                sx, sy = entrydict['Image format'].split('x')
#                self.mdh['Camera.ROIWidth'] = int(sx)
#                self.mdh['Camera.ROIHeight'] = int(sy)
#                self.mdh['NumImages'] = int(entrydict['# Images'])
                with open(filename) as df:
                    s = df.read(8)
                    Z, X, Y, T = numpy.fromstring(s, '>u2')
                    s = df.read(16)
                    depth, width, height, elapsed = numpy.fromstring(s, '<f4')
                    self.mdh['voxelsize.x'] = width/X
                    self.mdh['voxelsize.y'] = height/Y
                    self.mdh['voxelsize.z'] = depth
                    self.mdh['Camera.ROIWidth'] = X
                    self.mdh['Camera.ROIHeight'] = Y
                    self.mdh['NumImages'] = Z*T
                def _sanitise_key(key):
                    k = key.replace('#', 'Num')
                    k = k.replace('(%)', '')
                    k = k.replace('(', '')
                    k = k.replace(')', '')
                    k = k.replace('.', '')
                    k = k.replace('/', '')
                    k = k.replace('?', '')
                    k = k.replace(' ', '')
                    if not k[0].isalpha():
                        k = 's' + k
                    return k
                for k, v in entrydict.items():
                    self.mdh['STED.%s'%_sanitise_key(k)] = v

        if self.haveGUI and not ('voxelsize.x' in self.mdh.keys() and 'voxelsize.y' in self.mdh.keys()):
            from PYME.DSView.voxSizeDialog import VoxSizeDialog

            dlg = VoxSizeDialog(None)

            self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.x', dlg.GetVoxX())
            self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.y', dlg.GetVoxY())
            self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.z', dlg.GetVoxZ())

        return mdf

    def LoadTiff(self, filename):
        #from PYME.FileUtils import readTiff
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import TiffDataSource

        mdfn = self.FindAndParseMetadata(filename)

        self.dataSource = TiffDataSource.DataSource(filename, None)
        self.dataSource = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(self.dataSource, min(self.dataSource.getNumSlices(), 50))
        self.data = self.dataSource #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        #if we have a multi channel data set, try and pull in all the channels
        if 'ChannelFiles' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
                from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
                #pull in all channels

                chans = []

                for cf in self.mdh.getEntry('ChannelFiles'):
                    cfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], cf)

                    ds = TiffDataSource.DataSource(cfn, None)
                    ds = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(ds, min(ds.getNumSlices(), 50))


                self.data = ListWrap(chans) #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

                self.filename = mdfn
        elif 'ChannelNames' in self.mdh.getEntryNames() and len(self.mdh['ChannelNames']) == self.data.getNumSlices():
            from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
            chans = [numpy.atleast_3d(self.data.getSlice(i)) for i in range(len(self.mdh['ChannelNames']))]
            self.data = ListWrap(chans)
        elif filename.endswith('.lsm') and 'LSM.images_number_channels' in self.mdh.keys() and self.mdh['LSM.images_number_channels'] > 1:
            from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
            nChans = self.mdh['LSM.images_number_channels']
            chans = []
            for n in range(nChans):
                ds = TiffDataSource.DataSource(filename, None, n)
                ds = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(ds, min(ds.getNumSlices(), 50))


            self.data = ListWrap(chans)

        #self.data = readTiff.read3DTiff(filename)


        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'

    def LoadImageSeries(self, filename):
        #from PYME.FileUtils import readTiff
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import ImageSeriesDataSource

        self.dataSource = ImageSeriesDataSource.DataSource(filename, None)
        self.dataSource = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(self.dataSource, min(self.dataSource.getNumSlices(), 50))
        self.data = self.dataSource #this will get replaced with a wrapped version
        #self.data = readTiff.read3DTiff(filename)


        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'

    def Load(self, filename=None):
        print r'> image.py: Loading file', filename
        if (filename == None):
            import wx #only introduce wx dependency here - so can be used non-interactively
            global lastdir
            fdialog = wx.FileDialog(None, 'Please select Data Stack to open ...',
                wildcard='Image Data|*.h5;*.tif;*.lsm;*.kdf;*.md;*.psf;*.npy;*.dbl|All files|*.*', style=wx.OPEN, defaultDir = lastdir)
            succ = fdialog.ShowModal()
            if (succ == wx.ID_OK):
                filename = fdialog.GetPath()
                lastdir = fdialog.GetDirectory()

        if not filename == None:
            if filename.startswith('QUEUE://'):
            elif filename.startswith('http://'):
            elif filename.endswith('.h5'):
            elif filename.endswith('.kdf'):
            elif filename.endswith('.psf'): #psf
            elif filename.endswith('.md'): #treat this as being an image series
            elif filename.endswith('.npy'): #treat this as being an image series
            elif filename.endswith('.dbl'): #treat this as being an image series
            else: #try tiff

            self.filename = filename
            self.saved = True

    def Save(self, filename=None, crop=False, view=None):
        import dataExporter

        ofn = self.filename

        if crop:
            dataExporter.CropExportData(view, self.mdh, self.events, self.seriesName)
            if 'defaultExt' in dir(self):
                self.filename = dataExporter.ExportData(self.data, self.mdh, self.events, defaultExt=self.defaultExt, filename=filename)
                self.filename = dataExporter.ExportData(self.data, self.mdh, self.events, filename=filename)

            if not (self.filename == None):
                self.saved = True

                openImages[self.filename] = self

                self.filename = ofn
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def LoadTiff(self, filename):
        #from PYME.FileUtils import readTiff
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import TiffDataSource

        mdfn = self.FindAndParseMetadata(filename)

        self.dataSource = TiffDataSource.DataSource(filename, None)
        self.dataSource = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(
            self.dataSource, min(self.dataSource.getNumSlices(), 50))
        self.data = self.dataSource  #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        #if we have a multi channel data set, try and pull in all the channels
        if 'ChannelFiles' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
                from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
                #pull in all channels

                chans = []

                for cf in self.mdh.getEntry('ChannelFiles'):
                    cfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], cf)

                    ds = TiffDataSource.DataSource(cfn, None)
                    ds = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(
                        ds, min(ds.getNumSlices(), 50))


                self.data = ListWrap(
                    chans)  #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

                self.filename = mdfn

        elif 'ChannelNames' in self.mdh.getEntryNames() and len(
                self.mdh['ChannelNames']) == self.data.getNumSlices():
            from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
            chans = [
                for i in range(len(self.mdh['ChannelNames']))
            self.data = ListWrap(chans)
        elif filename.endswith(
                '.lsm') and 'LSM.images_number_channels' in self.mdh.keys(
                ) and self.mdh['LSM.images_number_channels'] > 1:
            from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
            nChans = self.mdh['LSM.images_number_channels']

            chans = []

            for n in range(nChans):
                ds = TiffDataSource.DataSource(filename, None, n)
                ds = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(ds,
                                                   min(ds.getNumSlices(), 50))


            self.data = ListWrap(chans)

        #self.data = readTiff.read3DTiff(filename)

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def LoadTiff(self, filename):
        #from PYME.FileUtils import readTiff
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import TiffDataSource

        mdfn = self.FindAndParseMetadata(filename)

        self.dataSource = TiffDataSource.DataSource(filename, None)
        self.dataSource = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(self.dataSource, min(self.dataSource.getNumSlices(), 50))
        self.data = self.dataSource #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        #if we have a multi channel data set, try and pull in all the channels
        if 'ChannelFiles' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
                from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
                #pull in all channels

                chans = []

                for cf in self.mdh.getEntry('ChannelFiles'):
                    cfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], cf)

                    ds = TiffDataSource.DataSource(cfn, None)
                    ds = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(ds, min(ds.getNumSlices(), 50))


                self.data = ListWrap(chans) #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

                self.filename = mdfn
        elif 'ChannelNames' in self.mdh.getEntryNames() and len(self.mdh['ChannelNames']) == self.data.getNumSlices():
            from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
            chans = [numpy.atleast_3d(self.data.getSlice(i)) for i in range(len(self.mdh['ChannelNames']))]
            self.data = ListWrap(chans)
        elif filename.endswith('.lsm') and 'LSM.images_number_channels' in self.mdh.keys() and self.mdh['LSM.images_number_channels'] > 1:
            from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
            nChans = self.mdh['LSM.images_number_channels']
            chans = []
            for n in range(nChans):
                ds = TiffDataSource.DataSource(filename, None, n)
                ds = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(ds, min(ds.getNumSlices(), 50))


            self.data = ListWrap(chans)

        #self.data = readTiff.read3DTiff(filename)


        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ImageStack(object):
    def __init__(self,
                 titleStub='Untitled Image',
        ''' Create an Image Stack.
        This is a essentially a wrapper of the image data and any ascociated 
        metadata. The class can be given a ndarray like* data source, or  
        alternatively supports loading from file, or from a PYME task queue 
        URI, in which case individual slices will be fetched from the server 
        as required.  
        For details on the file type support, see the Load method.
        You should provide one of the 'data' or 'filename' parmeters,
        with all other parameters being optional.
            data    Image data. Something that supports ndarray like slicing and exposes
                    a .shape parameter, something implementing the
                    PYME.Analysis.DataSources interface, or a list of either
                    of the above. Dimensionality can be between 1 and 4, with
                    the dimensions being interpreted as x, y, z/t, colour.
                    A mangled (will support slicing, but not necessarily other array 
                    operations) version of the data will be stored as the .data 
                    member of the class.
            mdh     something derived from PYME.Acquire.MetaDataHandler.MDHandlerBase
                    If None, and empty one will be created.
            filename    filename of the data to load (see Load), or PYME queue identifier
            queueURI    PYRO URI of the task server. This exists to optionally speed up 
                        loading from a queue by eliminating the PYRO nameserver
                        lookup. The queue name itself should be passed in the filename,
                        with a leading QUEUE://.
            events      An array of time series events (TODO - more doc)
            haveGUI     Whether we have a wx GUI available, so that we can
                        display dialogs asking for, e.g. a file name if no
                        data or filename is supplied, or for missing metadata
        global nUntitled
        self.data = data  #image data
        self.mdh = mdh  #metadata (a MetaDataHandler class)
        self.events = events  #events

        self.queueURI = queueURI
        self.filename = filename

        self.haveGUI = haveGUI

        #default 'mode' / image type - see PYME/DSView/modules/__init__.py
        self.mode = 'LM'

        self.saved = False
        self.volatile = False  #is the data likely to change and need refreshing?

        if (data is None):
            #if we've supplied data, use that, otherwise load from file

        #do the necessary munging to get the data in the format we want it

        #generate a placeholder filename / window title
        if self.filename == None:
            self.filename = '%s %d' % (titleStub, nUntitled[titleStub])
            nUntitled[titleStub] += 1

            self.seriesName = self.filename

        #generate some empty metadata if we don't have any
        if self.mdh == None:
            self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler()

        #hack to make spectral data behave right - doesn't really belong here
        if 'Spectrum.Wavelengths' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
            self.xvals = self.mdh['Spectrum.Wavelengths']
            self.xlabel = 'Wavelength [nm]'

        #if we have 1D data, plot as graph rather than image
        if self.data.shape[1] == 1:
            self.mode = 'graph'

        #add ourselves to the list of open images
        openImages[self.filename] = self

    def SetData(self, data):
        #the data does not need to be a numpy array - it could also be, eg., queue data
        #on a remote server - wrap so that is is indexable like an array
        self.data = dataWrap.Wrap(data)

    def voxelsize(self):
        '''Returns voxel size, in nm, as a 3-tuple. Expects metadata voxel size
        to be in um'''
            return 1e3 * self.mdh['voxelsize.x'], 1e3 * self.mdh[
                'voxelsize.y'], 1e3 * self.mdh['voxelsize.z']
            return 1, 1, 1

    def pixelSize(self):
            return 1e3 * self.mdh['voxelsize.x']
            return 1

    def pixelSize(self, value):
        self.mdh['voxelsize.x'] = .001 * value
        self.mdh['voxelsize.y'] = .001 * value

    def sliceSize(self):
            return 1e3 * self.mdh['voxelsize.z']
            return 1

    def sliceSize(self, value):
        self.mdh['voxelsize.z'] = .001 * value

    def names(self):
        '''Return the names of the colour channels'''
            return self.mdh['ChannelNames']
            return ['Chan %d' % d for d in range(self.data.shape[3])]

    def names(self, value):
        self.mdh['ChannelNames'] = value

    def imgBounds(self):
        '''Return the bounds (or valid area) of the image in nm as (x0, y0, x1, y1, z0, z1)'''
            return ImageBounds(self.mdh['ImageBounds.x0'],
            return ImageBounds(0, 0, self.pixelSize * self.data.shape[0],
                               self.pixelSize * self.data.shape[1], 0,
                               self.sliceSize * self.data.shape[2])

    def imgBounds(self, value):
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.x0'] = value.x0
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.y0'] = value.y0
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.x1'] = value.x1
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.y1'] = value.y1
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.z0'] = value.z0
        self.mdh['ImageBounds.z1'] = value.z1

    def origin(self):
        #the origin, in nm from the camera - used for overlaying with different ROIs

        if 'Origin.x' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
            return self.mdh['Origin.x'], self.mdh['Origin.y'], self.mdh[

        elif 'Camera.ROIPosX' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
            #has ROI information
                voxx, voxy = 1e3 * self.mdh['voxelsize.x'], 1e3 * self.mdh[
            except AttributeError:
                voxx = self.pixelSize
                voxy = voxx

            ox = (self.mdh['Camera.ROIPosX'] - 1) * voxx
            oy = (self.mdh['Camera.ROIPosY'] - 1) * voxy

            oz = 0

            if 'AcquisitionType' in self.mdh.getEntryNames(
            ) and self.mdh['AcquisitionType'] == 'Stack':
                oz = self.mdh['StackSettings.StartPos'] * 1e3
            elif 'Positioning.PIFoc' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
                oz = self.mdh['Positioning.PIFoc'] * 1e3

            return ox, oy, oz

        elif 'Source.Camera.ROIPosX' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
            #a rendered image with information about the source ROI
            voxx, voxy = 1e3 * self.mdh['Source.voxelsize.x'], 1e3 * self.mdh[

            ox = (self.mdh['Source.Camera.ROIPosX'] - 1) * voxx
            oy = (self.mdh['Source.Camera.ROIPosY'] - 1) * voxy

            return ox, oy, 0

            return 0, 0, 0

    def LoadQueue(self, filename):
        '''Load data from a remote PYME.ParallelTasks.HDFTaskQueue queue using

            filename    the name of the queue         
        import Pyro.core
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import TQDataSource
        from PYME.misc.computerName import GetComputerName
        compName = GetComputerName()

        if self.queueURI == None:
            #do a lookup
            taskQueueName = 'TaskQueues.%s' % compName
            self.tq = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI('PYRONAME://' + taskQueueName)
            self.tq = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(self.queueURI)

        self.seriesName = filename[len('QUEUE://'):]

        self.dataSource = TQDataSource.DataSource(self.seriesName, self.tq)
        self.data = self.dataSource  #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.QueueMDHandler(self.tq, self.seriesName)
        MetaData.fillInBlanks(self.mdh, self.dataSource)


        self.events = self.dataSource.getEvents()

    def Loadh5(self, filename):
        '''Load PYMEs semi-custom HDF5 image data format. Offloads all the
        hard work to the HDFDataSource class'''
        import tables
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import HDFDataSource, BGSDataSource
        from PYME.Analysis.LMVis import inpFilt

        #open hdf5 file
        self.dataSource = HDFDataSource.DataSource(filename, None)
        #chain on a background subtraction data source, so we can easily do
        #background subtraction in the GUI the same way as in the analysis
        self.data = BGSDataSource.DataSource(
            self.dataSource)  #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        if 'MetaData' in self.dataSource.h5File.root:  #should be true the whole time
            self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault
            self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault
                "Carrying on with defaults - no gaurantees it'll work well",
                'ERROR: No metadata found in file ...', wx.OK)
                "ERROR: No metadata fond in file ... Carrying on with defaults - no gaurantees it'll work well"

        #attempt to estimate any missing parameters from the data itself
        MetaData.fillInBlanks(self.mdh, self.dataSource)

        #calculate the name to use when we do batch analysis on this
        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        #try and find a previously performed analysis
        fns = filename.split(os.path.sep)
        cand = os.path.sep.join(fns[:-2] + [
        ] + fns[-2:]) + 'r'
        if False:  #os.path.exists(cand):
            h5Results = tables.openFile(cand)

            if 'FitResults' in dir(h5Results.root):
                self.fitResults = h5Results.root.FitResults[:]
                self.resultsSource = inpFilt.h5rSource(h5Results)

                self.resultsMdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault

        self.events = self.dataSource.getEvents()

    def LoadHTTP(self, filename):
        '''Load PYMEs semi-custom HDF5 image data format. Offloads all the
        hard work to the HDFDataSource class'''
        import tables
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import HTTPDataSource, BGSDataSource
        #from PYME.Analysis.LMVis import inpFilt

        #open hdf5 file
        self.dataSource = HTTPDataSource.DataSource(filename)
        #chain on a background subtraction data source, so we can easily do
        #background subtraction in the GUI the same way as in the analysis
        self.data = BGSDataSource.DataSource(
            self.dataSource)  #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        #try: #should be true the whole time
        self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault
        #    self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault
        #    wx.MessageBox("Carrying on with defaults - no gaurantees it'll work well", 'ERROR: No metadata found in file ...', wx.OK)
        #    print("ERROR: No metadata fond in file ... Carrying on with defaults - no gaurantees it'll work well")

        #attempt to estimate any missing parameters from the data itself
        MetaData.fillInBlanks(self.mdh, self.dataSource)

        #calculate the name to use when we do batch analysis on this
        #from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = filename

        self.events = self.dataSource.getEvents()

    def LoadKdf(self, filename):
        '''load khorus formatted data - pretty much deprecated by now'''
        import PYME.cSMI as cSMI
        self.data = cSMI.CDataStack_AsArray(cSMI.CDataStack(filename),
        self.mdh = MetaData.TIRFDefault

        try:  #try and get metadata from the .log file
            lf = open(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.log')
            from PYME.DSView import logparser
            lp = logparser.logparser()
            log = lp.parse(lf.read())

            self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.z', log['PIEZOS']['Stepsize'])

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'psf'

    def LoadPSF(self, filename):
        '''Load PYME .psf data.
        .psf files consist of a tuple containing the data and the voxelsize.
        self.data, vox = numpy.load(filename)
        self.mdh = MetaData.ConfocDefault

        self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.x', vox.x)
        self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.y', vox.y)
        self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.z', vox.z)

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'psf'

    def LoadNPY(self, filename):
        '''Load numpy .npy data.
        mdfn = self.FindAndParseMetadata(filename)

        self.data = numpy.load(filename)

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'

    def LoadDBL(self, filename):
        '''Load Bewersdorf custom STED data. 
        mdfn = self.FindAndParseMetadata(filename)

        self.data = numpy.memmap(filename,

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'

    def FindAndParseMetadata(self, filename):
        '''Try and find and load a .xml or .md metadata file that might be ascociated
        with a given image filename. See the relevant metadatahandler classes
        for details.'''
        import xml.parsers.expat

        mdf = None
        xmlfn = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.xml'
        xmlfnmc = os.path.splitext(filename)[0].split('__')[0] + '.xml'
        if os.path.exists(xmlfn):
                self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(
                mdf = xmlfn
            except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
                #fix for bug in which PYME .md was written with a .xml extension
                self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(
                mdf = xmlfn

        elif os.path.exists(
                xmlfnmc):  #this is a single colour channel of a pair
            self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(
            mdf = xmlfnmc
            self.mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler(MetaData.BareBones)

            #check for simple metadata (python code with an .md extension which
            #fills a dictionary called md)
            mdfn = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.md'
            if os.path.exists(mdfn):
                mdf = mdfn
            elif filename.endswith('.lsm'):
                #read lsm metadata
                from PYME.gohlke.tifffile import TIFFfile
                tf = TIFFfile(filename)
                lsm_info = tf[0].cz_lsm_scan_information
                self.mdh['voxelsize.x'] = lsm_info['line_spacing']
                self.mdh['voxelsize.y'] = lsm_info['line_spacing']
                self.mdh['voxelsize.z'] = lsm_info['plane_spacing']

                def lsm_pop(basename, dic):
                    for k, v in dic.items():
                        if isinstance(v, list):
                            #print k, v
                            for i, l_i in enumerate(v):
                                #print i, l_i, basename
                                    basename + k + '.' + k[:-1] + '%i.' % i,

                            self.mdh[basename + k] = v

                lsm_pop('LSM.', lsm_info)
            elif filename.endswith('.dbl'):  #Bewersdorf lab STED
                mdfn = filename[:-4] + '.txt'
                entrydict = {}

                try:  #try to read in extra metadata if possible
                    with open(mdfn, 'r') as mf:
                        for line in mf:
                            s = line.split(':')
                            if len(s) == 2:
                                entrydict[s[0]] = s[1]

                except IOError:

#                vx, vy = entrydict['Pixel size (um)'].split('x')
#                self.mdh['voxelsize.x'] = float(vx)
#                self.mdh['voxelsize.y'] = float(vy)
#                self.mdh['voxelsize.z'] = 0.2 #FIXME for stacks ...
#                sx, sy = entrydict['Image format'].split('x')
#                self.mdh['Camera.ROIWidth'] = int(sx)
#                self.mdh['Camera.ROIHeight'] = int(sy)
#                self.mdh['NumImages'] = int(entrydict['# Images'])

                with open(filename) as df:
                    s = df.read(8)
                    Z, X, Y, T = numpy.fromstring(s, '>u2')
                    s = df.read(16)
                    depth, width, height, elapsed = numpy.fromstring(s, '<f4')

                    self.mdh['voxelsize.x'] = width / X
                    self.mdh['voxelsize.y'] = height / Y
                    self.mdh['voxelsize.z'] = depth

                    self.mdh['Camera.ROIWidth'] = X
                    self.mdh['Camera.ROIHeight'] = Y
                    self.mdh['NumImages'] = Z * T

                def _sanitise_key(key):
                    k = key.replace('#', 'Num')
                    k = k.replace('(%)', '')
                    k = k.replace('(', '')
                    k = k.replace(')', '')
                    k = k.replace('.', '')
                    k = k.replace('/', '')
                    k = k.replace('?', '')
                    k = k.replace(' ', '')
                    if not k[0].isalpha():
                        k = 's' + k
                    return k

                for k, v in entrydict.items():
                    self.mdh['STED.%s' % _sanitise_key(k)] = v

        if self.haveGUI and not ('voxelsize.x' in self.mdh.keys()
                                 and 'voxelsize.y' in self.mdh.keys()):
            from PYME.DSView.voxSizeDialog import VoxSizeDialog

            dlg = VoxSizeDialog(None)

            self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.x', dlg.GetVoxX())
            self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.y', dlg.GetVoxY())
            self.mdh.setEntry('voxelsize.z', dlg.GetVoxZ())

        return mdf

    def LoadTiff(self, filename):
        #from PYME.FileUtils import readTiff
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import TiffDataSource

        mdfn = self.FindAndParseMetadata(filename)

        self.dataSource = TiffDataSource.DataSource(filename, None)
        self.dataSource = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(
            self.dataSource, min(self.dataSource.getNumSlices(), 50))
        self.data = self.dataSource  #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

        #if we have a multi channel data set, try and pull in all the channels
        if 'ChannelFiles' in self.mdh.getEntryNames():
                from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
                #pull in all channels

                chans = []

                for cf in self.mdh.getEntry('ChannelFiles'):
                    cfn = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], cf)

                    ds = TiffDataSource.DataSource(cfn, None)
                    ds = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(
                        ds, min(ds.getNumSlices(), 50))


                self.data = ListWrap(
                    chans)  #this will get replaced with a wrapped version

                self.filename = mdfn

        elif 'ChannelNames' in self.mdh.getEntryNames() and len(
                self.mdh['ChannelNames']) == self.data.getNumSlices():
            from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
            chans = [
                for i in range(len(self.mdh['ChannelNames']))
            self.data = ListWrap(chans)
        elif filename.endswith(
                '.lsm') and 'LSM.images_number_channels' in self.mdh.keys(
                ) and self.mdh['LSM.images_number_channels'] > 1:
            from PYME.DSView.dataWrap import ListWrap
            nChans = self.mdh['LSM.images_number_channels']

            chans = []

            for n in range(nChans):
                ds = TiffDataSource.DataSource(filename, None, n)
                ds = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(ds,
                                                   min(ds.getNumSlices(), 50))


            self.data = ListWrap(chans)

        #self.data = readTiff.read3DTiff(filename)

        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'

    def LoadImageSeries(self, filename):
        #from PYME.FileUtils import readTiff
        from PYME.Analysis.DataSources import ImageSeriesDataSource

        self.dataSource = ImageSeriesDataSource.DataSource(filename, None)
        self.dataSource = BufferedDataSource.DataSource(
            self.dataSource, min(self.dataSource.getNumSlices(), 50))
        self.data = self.dataSource  #this will get replaced with a wrapped version
        #self.data = readTiff.read3DTiff(filename)


        from PYME.ParallelTasks.relativeFiles import getRelFilename
        self.seriesName = getRelFilename(filename)

        self.mode = 'default'

    def Load(self, filename=None):
        print r'> image.py: Loading file', filename
        if (filename == None):
            import wx  #only introduce wx dependency here - so can be used non-interactively
            global lastdir

            fdialog = wx.FileDialog(
                'Please select Data Stack to open ...',
                'Image Data|*.h5;*.tif;*.lsm;*.kdf;*.md;*.psf;*.npy;*.dbl|All files|*.*',
            succ = fdialog.ShowModal()
            if (succ == wx.ID_OK):
                filename = fdialog.GetPath()
                lastdir = fdialog.GetDirectory()

        if not filename == None:
            if filename.startswith('QUEUE://'):
            elif filename.startswith('http://'):
            elif filename.endswith('.h5'):
            elif filename.endswith('.kdf'):
            elif filename.endswith('.psf'):  #psf
            elif filename.endswith(
                    '.md'):  #treat this as being an image series
            elif filename.endswith(
                    '.npy'):  #treat this as being an image series
            elif filename.endswith(
                    '.dbl'):  #treat this as being an image series
            else:  #try tiff

            self.filename = filename
            self.saved = True

    def Save(self, filename=None, crop=False, view=None):
        import dataExporter

        ofn = self.filename

        if crop:
            dataExporter.CropExportData(view, self.mdh, self.events,
            if 'defaultExt' in dir(self):
                self.filename = dataExporter.ExportData(
                self.filename = dataExporter.ExportData(self.data,

            if not (self.filename == None):
                self.saved = True

                openImages[self.filename] = self

                self.filename = ofn