def testNEdges(N): for M in range(3): (D, Pmax, Pmin, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, eta, UR, DR) = load(N) D = (M + 1) * D / 3 B = loss(N) n = 2**(N - 1) elements = np.arange(0, N) Limits = np.vstack((Pmin, Pmax)) N_edges = 0 for k in range(N): index = np.append(elements[:k], elements[k + 1:]) for i in range(n): binary = bin(i) coord = list(binary)[2:] #get rid of '0b' coord = np.array([int(i) for i in coord]) seq = np.zeros(N - 1, dtype=int) seq[N - 1 - len(coord):] = coord V_sup = np.zeros(N) V_sup[index] = Limits[seq, index] V_sup[k] = Pmax[k] D_sup = sum(V_sup) - V_sup @ B @ V_sup V_inf = np.zeros(N) V_inf[index] = Limits[seq, index] V_inf[k] = Pmin[k] D_inf = sum(V_inf) - V_inf @ B @ V_sup if (D_inf <= D and D_sup >= D): N_edges = N_edges + 1 print(N_edges, 'edges for problem of size ', N, ' and ', D, 'demand')
def RelaxTime(N, Demand): (Unused, Pmax, Pmin, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, eta, UR, DR) = load(N) B = loss(N) price = SimplePriceFun(Pmin, Pmax, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, Demand) Time = np.zeros(2) problems = ["Convex relaxation", "Linear Relax"] n_meth = 0 for method in problems: m = gp.Model(method) m.setParam('OutputFlag', False) P = m.addVars(range(N), lb=Pmin, ub=Pmax, name='P') PL = m.addVar() x = m.addVars(N) y = m.addVars(N) for i in range(N): m.addConstr(x[i] == delta[i] * P[i]) m.addGenConstrExp(x[i], y[i]) if (method == "Convex relaxation"): m.addQConstr(PL >= sum( sum(P[i] * P[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N))) m.addConstr(P.sum() - PL == Demand, name='Demand') elif (method == "Linear Relax"): [opt, P0] = Solve(N, price, 1, Demand) n = np.ones(N) - 2 * B @ P0 k =, P0) m.addConstr(sum(P[i] * n[i] for i in range(N)) + k >= 0) t0 = time.time() Cost = sum(a[k] + b[k] * P[k] + c[k] * P[k] * P[k] for k in range(N)) Emission = sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * P[k] + gamma[k] * P[k] * P[k] + eta[k] * y[k] for k in range(N)) obj = price * Emission + Cost m.setObjective(obj) m.optimize() t1 = time.time() Time[n_meth] = t1 - t0 n_meth = n_meth + 1 return (Time)
def LinearRelaxation(N, D): (Unused, Pmax, Pmin, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, eta, UR, DR) = load(N) B = loss(N) #Upper bound (n, k_upper, p) = LinUpperB(Pmin, Pmax, B, D) #Lower bound model = gp.Model('Lower bound of demand') P = model.addVars(range(N), lb=Pmin, ub=Pmax, name='P') PL = model.addVar() model.addQConstr(PL >= sum( sum(P[i] * P[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(P.sum() - PL == D, name='Demand') obj = sum(P[i] * n[i] for i in range(N)) model.setObjective(obj) model.setParam('OutputFlag', False) model.optimize() k_lower = -obj.getValue() return (n, k_upper, k_lower)
def Solve(N,w_E,w_C,D, method='trust-const'): (Unused,Pmax,Pmin,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,UR,DR) = load(N) B=loss(N) bnds=np.transpose(np.vstack((Pmin,Pmax))) P0=Pmin.copy() def objective(P): Cost = sum(a[i]+b[i]*P[i]+c[i]*P[i]*P[i] for i in range(N)) Emission = sum(alpha[i]+beta[i]*P[i]+gamma[i]*P[i]*P[i] +eta[i]*np.exp(P[i]*delta[i]) for i in range(N)) return (w_E*Emission+w_C*Cost) def Gradient(P): GradC=b+2*c*P GradE= beta+2*gamma*P+delta*eta*np.exp(delta*P) Grad=w_C*GradC+w_E*GradE return(Grad) def Hessian(P): Hess= 2*w_C*c+w_E*(2*gamma+delta*delta*eta*np.exp(delta*P)) H=Hess*np.eye(N) return(H) def cons_f(P): PL=sum(sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)) sum_eq=sum(P)-PL-D return (sum_eq) def cons_J(P): Jac=np.ones(N)-2*P@B return(Jac) def cons_H(P,v): return(-2*v*B) if (method=='SLSQP'): const=[{'type': 'eq', 'fun': cons_f}] solution = minimize(objective,P0, method='SLSQP',jac=Gradient, bounds=bnds,constraints=const) else: NL_const = NonlinearConstraint(cons_f, 0, 0, jac=cons_J, hess=cons_H) solution = minimize(objective,P0, method='trust-constr',jac=Gradient, hess=Hessian,constraints=NL_const, bounds=bnds) P = solution.x return(objective(P),P)
def SolveGurobi(N,w_E,w_C, Demand, method="ConvexRelax"): (Unused,Pmax,Pmin,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,UR,DR) = load(N) B=loss(N) m = gp.Model('Static Nonlinear EED with transmission losses') Pow = m.addVars(range(N),lb=Pmin,ub=Pmax, name='P') PLoss = m.addVar() x = m.addVars(N) y = m.addVars(N) for n in range(N): m.addConstr(x[n]==delta[n]*Pow[n]) m.addGenConstrExp(x[n], y[n]) if (method=="NonConvex"): m.setParam('NonConvex', 2) m.addQConstr(PLoss== sum( sum(Pow[i]*Pow[j]*B[i][j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) m.addConstr(Pow.sum() == Demand+PLoss) elif (method=="ConvexRelax"): m.addQConstr(PLoss>= sum( sum(Pow[i]*Pow[j]*B[i][j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) m.addConstr(Pow.sum() == Demand+PLoss) elif (method=="LinRelax"): t=time.time() (n,k_upper, k_lower) = LinearRelaxation(N,Demand) print(time.time()-t,' sec to add for computing the extreme points') m.addConstr( sum(Pow[i]*n[i] for i in range(N))+k_upper<=0) m.addConstr( sum(Pow[i]*n[i] for i in range(N))+k_lower>=0) Cost = sum(a[k]+b[k]*Pow[k]+c[k]*Pow[k]*Pow[k] for k in range(N)) Emission = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*Pow[k]+gamma[k]*Pow[k]*Pow[k]+eta[k]*y[k] for k in range(N)) obj= w_E*Emission + w_C*Cost m.setObjective(obj) m.setParam( 'OutputFlag', False ) m.optimize() opt=obj.getValue() P=np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): P[i] = Pow[i].x return(opt,P)
def figures(N): plt.close("all") (d,Pmax,Pmin,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,UR,DR) = load(N) B=loss(N) M=np.zeros([N+1,N+1]) M[:-1,:-1]=B M[-1,:-1]=-np.ones(N)*0.5 M[:-1,-1] = -np.ones(N)*0.5 M[-1,-1] = d [l,v]=np.linalg.eig(B) samples=10**(5-N) xc=-np.linalg.inv(B).dot(M[:-1,-1]) center=np.transpose(np.repeat([xc],samples, axis=0)) detB=np.linalg.det(B) detM=np.linalg.det(M) rad=np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): v[i]=v[i]/np.linalg.norm(v[i]) rad[i]=np.sqrt(-detM/(l[i]*detB)) if N==2: """Plot the entire ellipse """ theta=np.linspace(0,2*PI,num=samples) ellipse=np.array([rad[0]*np.sin(theta), rad[1]*np.cos(theta)]) plt.figure() plt.plot(P[0],P[1]) plt.xlabel('$P_1$') plt.ylabel('$P_2$') plt.title('Domain') plt.grid() """ end """ theta=np.linspace(101*PI/80,51*PI/40,num=samples) ellipse=np.array([rad[0]*np.sin(theta), rad[1]*np.cos(theta)]) plt.figure() plt.plot(P[0],P[1], label='Ellipsoid') plt.vlines(x=Pmin[0], ymin=Pmin[1], ymax=Pmax[1], linewidth=2.0) plt.vlines(x=Pmax[0], ymin=Pmin[1], ymax=Pmax[1], linewidth=2.0) plt.hlines(y=Pmin[1], xmin=Pmin[0], xmax=Pmax[0], linewidth=2.0) plt.hlines(y=Pmax[1], xmin=Pmin[0], xmax=Pmax[0], linewidth=2.0) plt.xlabel('$P_1$') plt.ylabel('$P_2$') plt.title('Domain') plt.grid() plt.figure(3) plt.xlabel('Emission [lb]') plt.ylabel('Cost [$]') plt.title('Achievable domain of the objective') plt.grid() box=np.zeros(N) index=0 for i in range(samples): const=np.zeros(2*N) const[:N]=P[:,i]-Pmin const[N:]=Pmax-P[:,i] if all(const>=0): Cost = sum(a[k]+b[k]*P[k,i]+c[k]*P[k,i]*P[k,i] for k in range(N)) Emission = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*P[k,i]+gamma[k]*P[k,i]*P[k,i] for k in range(N)) plt.figure(3) plt.plot(Emission,Cost,'b.',label=str(i)) if index==0: box= P[:,i-1] index=i box=np.vstack((box,P[:,i])) box=np.vstack((box,P[:,index+len(box)])) box=box.T (n,k,p)=LinUpperB(Pmin,Pmax,B,d) x=np.linspace(min(p[:,0]),Pmax[0]) y=-(n[0]*x+k)/n[1] it=10 P_relax=np.zeros([N,it]) price= SimplePriceFun(Pmin,Pmax,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,d) w= np.linspace(0, 1 , num=it) for i in range(it) : w_E=price*w[i] w_C=1-w[i] [opt,P_opt]=SolveGurobi(N,w_E,w_C, d, method="ConvexRelax") P_relax[:,i]=P_opt.copy() plt.figure() plt.plot(box[0],box[1],label="Demand constraint") plt.plot(x,y, label = "Linear adjustment") plt.plot(P_relax[0],P_relax[1],'ro', label='Relaxed Solutions') plt.xlabel('$P_1$') plt.ylabel('$P_2$') plt.title('Relaxed convex set') plt.grid() plt.legend() elif N==3: theta=np.linspace(2.32,2.34,num=samples) phi=np.linspace(4.92,4.935,num=samples) ellipse=np.zeros([N,samples,samples]) ellipse[0]= rad[0]*np.outer(np.sin(theta),np.sin(phi)) ellipse[1]= rad[1]*np.outer(np.cos(theta),np.sin(phi)) ellipse[2]= rad[2]*np.outer(np.ones(samples),np.cos(phi)) P=np.zeros([N,samples,samples]) for i in range(samples): P[:,:,i][:,:,i])+center plt.figure(1) plt.xlabel('Emission [lb]') plt.ylabel('Cost [$]') plt.title('Achievable domain of the objective') plt.grid() box=np.zeros([N,samples,samples]) for i in range(samples): for j in range(samples): const=np.zeros(2*N) const[:N]=P[:,i,j]-Pmin const[N:]=Pmax-P[:,i,j] if all(const>=0): Cost = sum(a[k]+b[k]*P[k,i,j]+c[k]*P[k,i,j]*P[k,i,j] for k in range(N)) Emission = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*P[k,i,j]+gamma[k]*P[k,i,j]*P[k,i,j] for k in range(N)) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(Emission,Cost,'b.') box[:,i,j]= P[:,i,j] P[:,i,j]=np.zeros(N) #In order to display in red the box points fig=plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') x=np.linspace(Pmin[0],Pmax[0]) y=np.linspace(Pmin[1],Pmax[1]) z=np.linspace(Pmin[2],Pmax[2]) [Yz,Zy]=np.meshgrid(y,z) [Xz,Zx]=np.meshgrid(x,z) [Xy,Yx]=np.meshgrid(x,y) m=50 Xmin=Pmin[0]*np.ones([m,m]) Xmax=Pmax[0]*np.ones([m,m]) Ymin=Pmin[1]*np.ones([m,m]) Ymax=Pmax[1]*np.ones([m,m]) Zmin=Pmin[2]*np.ones([m,m]) Zmax=Pmax[2]*np.ones([m,m]) ax.plot_wireframe(Xmax,Yz,Zy,rstride=5, cstride=5) ax.plot_wireframe(Xmin,Yz,Zy,rstride=5, cstride=5) ax.plot_wireframe(Xz,Ymax,Zx,rstride=5, cstride=5) ax.plot_wireframe(Xy,Yx,Zmax,rstride=5, cstride=5) box=box[np.nonzero(box)] box=box.reshape(N,int(len(box)/N)) ax.scatter(P[0,:,:], P[1,:,:], P[2,:,:],c='b', marker='o', s=0.5) ax.scatter(box[0],box[1], box[2], c='r',s=2) ax.set_xlabel('$P_1$') ax.set_ylabel('$P_2$') ax.set_zlabel('$P_3$') plt.grid() plt.title('Domain') """ Linear approximation """ (n,k,p)=LinUpperB(Pmin,Pmax,B,d) xx=np.linspace(min(p[:,0]),Pmax[0]) yy=np.linspace(min(p[:,1]),Pmax[1]) [Xx,Yy]=np.meshgrid(xx,yy) Z=-(n[0]*Xx+n[1]*Yy+k)/n[2] fig=plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(Xx,Yy, Z, label="Linear approximation") ax.scatter(box[0],box[1], box[2], c='r',s=2, label= 'Domain of definition') plt.title('Linear Approximation of the domain') ax.set_xlabel('$P_1$') ax.set_ylabel('$P_2$') ax.set_zlabel('$P_3$') plt.grid() Dist=np.zeros(len(box[0])) for i in range(len(box[0])): Dist[i]=abs(box[:,i].dot(n)+k)/np.linalg.norm(n) fig=plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(box[0],box[1], Dist, c='b') plt.title('Distance of the Linear Approximation') ax.set_xlabel('$P_1$') ax.set_ylabel('$P_2$') ax.set_zlabel('$Error$') """ Get the maximum error """ model = gp.Model('Max distance') P = model.addVars(range(N),lb=Pmin,ub=Pmax, name='P') model.setParam('NonConvex', 2) PL = model.addVar() model.addQConstr(PL== sum( sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(P.sum()-PL == d, name='Demand') dist=-(sum(P[i]*n[i] for i in range(N))+k)/np.linalg.norm(n) model.setObjective(dist, GRB.MAXIMIZE) model.setParam( 'OutputFlag', False ) model.optimize() print(dist.getValue()) #0.15661626890427272
def DEED_PL(N,method): (StaticD,Pmax,Pmin,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,UR,DR) = load(N) B=loss(N) T=24 t1=int(T/3) theta= np.linspace(-PI/2, PI/2, num=t1) theta2= np.linspace(-PI, 3*PI/2, num=T-t1) Demand=np.zeros(T) phi= 0.15 Demand[:t1]= 0.75*StaticD*(1+phi*np.sin(theta)) for i in np.arange(0,T-t1): #Modified demand otherwise the problem is not feasible anymore... Demand[i+t1]= max(min(Demand[i+t1-1]+0.9*sum(UR)*np.sin(theta2[i]), 0.8*sum(Pmax)), sum(Pmin)) Demand[-1]=Demand[0] price = SimplePriceFun(Pmin,Pmax,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma, np.mean(Demand)) SR=0.05*Demand SR2=SR/3 it=10 C= np.zeros(it) E= np.zeros(it) w= np.linspace(0.001, 0.999 , num=it) LB= np.repeat([Pmin],T, axis=0) UB= np.repeat([Pmax],T, axis=0) model = gp.Model('Non-Convex Problem') P = model.addVars(T,N,lb=LB, ub=UB, name='P') PL = model.addVars(T) x = model.addVars(T,N) y = model.addVars(T,N) z = model.addVars(T,N) m = model.addVars(T,N) m2 = model.addVars(T,N) model.Params.NonConvex = 2 for t in range(T): """Losses on the transfers """ model.addQConstr(PL[t]<= sum( sum(P[t,i]*P[t,j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) model.addQConstr(PL[t]>= sum( sum(P[t,i]*P[t,j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(sum(P[t,k] for k in range(N))-PL[t] == Demand[t], name='Demand at '+ str(t)) for n in range(0,N): if t>0: """ Ramp rate limits """ model.addConstr(P[t,n] <= P[t-1,n] + UR[n], name='Maxramp'+ str(t) + str(n)) model.addConstr(P[t,n] >= P[t-1,n] - DR[n], name='Minramp'+ str(t) + str(n)) """ Reserve constraints""" model.addConstr(z[t,n]==Pmax[n]-P[t,n]) model.addConstr(m[t,n]==min_([z[t,n],UR[n]])) model.addConstr(m2[t,n]==min_([z[t,n],UR[n]/6])) """ Exponential term of Emission objective """ model.addConstr(x[t,n]==delta[n]*P[t,n]) model.addGenConstrExp(x[t,n], y[t,n]) model.addConstr(sum(m[t,i]for i in range(N))>=SR[t]) model.addConstr(sum(m2[t,i]for i in range(N))>=SR2[t]) Cost = sum(sum(a[k]+b[k]*P[t,k]+c[k]*P[t,k]*P[t,k] for k in range(N)) for t in range(T)) Emission = sum(sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*P[t,k]+gamma[k]*P[t,k]*P[t,k]+eta[k]*y[t,k] for k in range(N))for t in range(T)) if N==6: LimE=np.linspace(14700,17000,num=it) LimF=np.linspace(1010000, 1050000,num=it) elif N==10: LimE=np.linspace(57000,63000,num=it) LimF=np.linspace(1795000,1875000,num=it) for i in range(it) : if (method== "scal"): obj= price*w[i]*Emission+ (1-w[i])*Cost elif (method=="LimE"): obj= Cost if i>0: model.remove(const) const=model.addQConstr(Emission<=LimE[i]) elif (method=="LimF"): obj=Emission if i>0: model.remove(const) const=model.addQConstr(Cost<=LimF[it-i-1]) model.setObjective(obj) model.setParam( 'OutputFlag', False ) model.Params.timeLimit = 500 model.update() tm=1 model.optimize() # In case the problem takes too much time while (model.status!=2): model.update() model.optimize() tm=tm+1 print(model.SolCount) print(tm, 'Time periods') print(model.status) C[i]=Cost.getValue() E[i]=Emission.getValue() return(E,C,price,w,T)
def RelaxErrors(N, Demand): (Unused, Pmax, Pmin, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, eta, UR, DR) = load(N) B = loss(N) price = SimplePriceFun(Pmin, Pmax, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, Demand) it = 10 C = np.zeros(it) E = np.zeros(it) problems = [ "Convex relaxation", "Linear lower bound", "Linear upper bound", "Linear lower bound LVH", "Linear upper bound LVH" ] n_meth = 0 wErrror = np.zeros([len(problems), 2]) plt.figure() prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] colors = prop_cycle.by_key()['color'] for method in problems: m = gp.Model(method) m.setParam('OutputFlag', False) P = m.addVars(range(N), lb=Pmin, ub=Pmax, name='P') PL = m.addVar() x = m.addVars(N) y = m.addVars(N) for i in range(N): m.addConstr(x[i] == delta[i] * P[i]) m.addGenConstrExp(x[i], y[i]) if (method == "Non-convex problem"): m.setParam('NonConvex', 2) m.addQConstr(PL == sum( sum(P[i] * P[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N))) m.addConstr(P.sum() == Demand + PL) methname = method line = '-' elif (method == "Convex relaxation"): m.addQConstr(PL >= sum( sum(P[i] * P[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N))) m.addConstr(P.sum() - PL == Demand, name='Demand') methname = method line = '-' elif (method == "Linear lower bound"): E_truth = E.copy() C_truth = C.copy() (n, k_upper, k_lower) = LinearRelaxation(N, Demand) m.addConstr(sum(P[i] * n[i] for i in range(N)) + k_lower >= 0) #Lowerbound n_meth = n_meth + 1 methname = "Linear lower and upper bound" line = '--' elif (method == "Linear upper bound"): E_linL = E.copy() C_linL = C.copy() m.addConstr(sum(P[i] * n[i] for i in range(N)) + k_upper >= 0) #Upperbound methname = '' elif (method == "Linear lower bound LVH"): E_linU = E.copy() C_linU = C.copy() model = gp.Model('Find P0') model.setParam('OutputFlag', False) model.setParam('NonConvex', 2) Pow = model.addVars(range(N), lb=Pmin, ub=Pmax, name='P') PLoss = model.addVar() model.addQConstr(PLoss == sum( sum(Pow[i] * Pow[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(Pow.sum() - PLoss == Demand, name='Demand') model.setObjective(0) model.optimize() P0 = np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): P0[i] = Pow[i].x (n, k_lower, k_upper) = get_approx_planes(P0, B, Demand, Pmin, Pmax) m.addConstr(sum(P[i] * n[i] for i in range(N)) + k_lower >= 0) #Lowerbound n_meth = n_meth + 1 methname = "Linear lower and upper bound LVH" line = ':' elif (method == "Linear upper bound LVH"): E_LVHL = E.copy() C_LVHL = C.copy() m.addConstr(sum(P[i] * n[i] for i in range(N)) + k_upper >= 0) #Upperbound methname = '' index = 0 while (method != problems[index]): index = index + 1 Cost = sum(a[k] + b[k] * P[k] + c[k] * P[k] * P[k] for k in range(N)) Emission = sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * P[k] + gamma[k] * P[k] * P[k] + eta[k] * y[k] for k in range(N)) w = np.linspace(0.001, 0.999, num=it) for i in range(it): obj = price * w[i] * Emission + (1 - w[i]) * Cost m.setObjective(obj) m.optimize() C[i] = Cost.getValue() E[i] = Emission.getValue() if (n_meth > 0): E_error = abs(E[i] - E_truth[i]) C_error = abs(C[i] - C_truth[i]) wErrror[index, 0] = max(wErrror[index, 0], round(E_error / E_truth[i], 5)) wErrror[index, 1] = max(wErrror[index, 1], round(C_error / C_truth[i], 5)) plt.plot(E, C, '.', color=colors[n_meth], label=methname) [contE, s] = Hermite(E, C, price * w, 1 - w) plt.plot(contE, s, color=colors[n_meth], linestyle=line) plt.xlabel('Emission [lb]') plt.ylabel('Cost [$]') plt.title('Comparison of the relaxations of ' + str(N) + ' generators problem and demand = ' + str(int(Demand)) + ' MW') plt.grid() plt.legend() Error1 = np.zeros([len(problems) - 1, 2]) [E_error, C_error] = HermiteError(E_truth, C_truth, E_linL, C_linL, price * w, 1 - w) Error1[0, 0] = E_error Error1[0, 1] = C_error [E_error, C_error] = HermiteError(E_truth, C_truth, E_LVHL, C_LVHL, price * w, 1 - w) Error1[2, 0] = E_error Error1[2, 1] = C_error Error2 = np.zeros([len(problems) - 1, 2]) [E_error, C_error] = SmartHermiteError(E_truth, C_truth, E_linL, C_linL, price * w, 1 - w) Error2[0, 0] = E_error Error2[0, 1] = C_error [E_error, C_error] = SmartHermiteError(E_truth, C_truth, E_LVHL, C_LVHL, price * w, 1 - w) Error2[2, 0] = E_error Error2[2, 1] = C_error return (Error1, Error2, wErrror)
def SQP(N,w_E,w_C,D,Pl=0,Pu=0, figures='False'): (Unused,Pmax,Pmin,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,UR,DR) = load(N) B=loss(N) if (type(Pl)!=int): Pmin=Pl.copy() Pmax=Pu.copy() t0=time.time() """Computing P0""" bnds=np.transpose(np.vstack((Pmin,Pmax))) P0=Pmin.copy() def objective(P): return (0) def Gradient(P): return(np.zeros(N)) def Hessian(P): return(np.zeros([N,N])) def cons_f(P): PL=sum(sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)) sum_eq=sum(P)-PL-D return (sum_eq) if (N<=10): const=[{'type': 'eq', 'fun': cons_f}] solution = minimize(objective ,P0, method='SLSQP',jac=Gradient, bounds=bnds,constraints=const) else: def cons_J(P): Jac=np.ones(N)-2*P@B return(Jac) def cons_H(P,v): return(-2*v*B) NL_const = NonlinearConstraint(cons_f, 0, 0, jac=cons_J, hess=cons_H) solution = minimize(objective ,P0, method='trust-constr',jac=Gradient, hess=Hessian,constraints=NL_const, bounds=bnds) P0 = solution.x tol=1e-2 Maxiter=25 Obj=np.zeros(Maxiter) C = sum(a[k]+b[k]*P0[k]+c[k]*P0[k]*P0[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*P0[k]+gamma[k]*P0[k]*P0[k]+eta[k]*np.exp(delta[k]*P0[k]) for k in range(N)) Obj[0]=w_C*C+w_E*E Pk=P0.copy() it=1 stepsize=1 while (it<Maxiter and stepsize>tol): #and tol<Obj[it-1]-opt model=gp.Model('SQP Step') model.setParam( 'OutputFlag', False ) DeltaP = model.addVars(range(N),lb=Pmin-Pk,ub=Pmax-Pk) Surplus=sum(Pk)-Pk@B@Pk-D model.addConstr(Surplus+sum(DeltaP[k]*(1-2*Pk@B[k]) for k in range(N))==0) GradC=b+c*Pk*2 GradE= beta+gamma*Pk*2+delta*eta*np.exp(delta*Pk) Grad=w_C*GradC+w_E*GradE Hessian= w_C*2*c+w_E*(2*gamma+delta*delta*eta*np.exp(delta*Pk)) Lagr=sum(DeltaP[k]*DeltaP[k]*Hessian[k] for k in range(N)) objective = sum(Grad[k]*DeltaP[k] for k in range(N)) + 0.5*Lagr model.setObjective(objective) model.optimize() Prev=Pk.copy() for i in range(N): Pk[i] = Pk[i] + DeltaP[i].x stepsize=np.linalg.norm(Prev-Pk) C = sum(a[k]+b[k]*Pk[k]+c[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*Pk[k]+gamma[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k]+eta[k]*np.exp(delta[k]*Pk[k]) for k in range(N)) Obj[it]=w_C*C+w_E*E if( (it % 10)==0): print(it, " of ", Maxiter) it=it+1 if (figures==True): t1=time.time() [opt,P_opt]=Solve(N,w_E,w_C,D) t2=time.time() plt.figure() Pos=Obj[:it]-np.ones(it)*opt Neg=-Pos.copy() Pos=(Obj[:it]-np.ones(it)*opt>0)*Pos Neg=(Obj[:it]-np.ones(it)*opt<0)*Neg plt.plot(range(it),Pos, label='Positive Part ') plt.plot(range(it),Neg, label='Negative Part ') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('$f_k-f*$') plt.title("Rate of convergence of SQP method ") plt.legend() plt.grid() print(t1-t0, "sec for SQP ") print(t2-t1, "sec for Scipy ") print('\007') return(E,C,Pk)
def GradMethod(N=10, method='ConvexRelax', solver='Gurobi'): plt.close("all") (Demand,Pmax,Pmin,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,UR,DR) = load(N) B=loss(N) price = SimplePriceFun(Pmin,Pmax,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,Demand) model=gp.Model('Projection Model') model.setParam( 'OutputFlag', False ) P = model.addVars(range(N),lb=Pmin,ub=Pmax) PL = model.addVar() if (method=="NonConvex"): model.setParam('NonConvex', 2) model.addQConstr(PL== sum( sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i][j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(P.sum() == Demand+PL) else: model.addQConstr(PL>= sum( sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(P.sum()-PL == Demand, name='Demand') if (solver=='Gurobi'): t0=time.time() [opt,P_opt]=SolveGurobi(N,price,1,Demand, method) t1=time.time() print(t1-t0 ,'sec for Gurobi') """Computing P0""" model.setObjective(0) model.optimize() t2=time.time() print(t2-t1 ,'P0') P0=np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): P0[i] = P[i].x else: t0=time.time() [opt,P_opt]=Solve(N,price,1,Demand) t1=time.time() print(t1-t0 ,'sec for Scipy') """Computing P0""" bnds=np.transpose(np.vstack((Pmin,Pmax))) P0=Pmin.copy() def objective(P): return (0) def Gradient(P): return(np.zeros(N)) def Hessian(P): return(np.zeros([N,N])) def cons_f(P): PL=sum(sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)) sum_eq=sum(P)-PL-Demand return (sum_eq) if (N<=10): const=[{'type': 'eq', 'fun': cons_f}] solution = minimize(objective ,P0, method='SLSQP',jac=Gradient, bounds=bnds,constraints=const) else: def cons_J(P): Jac=np.ones(N)-2*P@B return(Jac) def cons_H(P,v): return(-2*v*B) NL_const = NonlinearConstraint(cons_f, 0, 0, jac=cons_J, hess=cons_H) solution = minimize(objective ,P0, method='trust-constr',jac=Gradient, hess=Hessian,constraints=NL_const, bounds=bnds) P0 = solution.x t2=time.time() print(t2-t1 ,'P0') print() print("Gradient Method") tol=1e-2 L=max(2*c+price*(2*gamma+delta*delta*eta*np.exp(delta*Pmax))) mu=min(2*c+price*(2*gamma+delta*delta*eta*np.exp(delta*Pmin))) Maxiter=int(0.25*(1+L/mu)*np.log(L*np.linalg.norm(P0-P_opt)**2/(2*tol)))+1 Maxiter=min(Maxiter,50) #Otherwise too large vector of iterates Obj=np.zeros(Maxiter) C = sum(a[k]+b[k]*P0[k]+c[k]*P0[k]*P0[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*P0[k]+gamma[k]*P0[k]*P0[k]+eta[k]*np.exp(delta[k]*P0[k]) for k in range(N)) Obj[0]=C+price*E #Used if method=ConvexRelax GradRate=np.zeros(Maxiter) normP0=np.linalg.norm(P0-P_opt)**2 GradRate[0]=L/2*normP0 Pk=P0.copy() it=1 if (method=='NonConvex'): print(L,mu) h=1/L else: h=2/(mu+L) while (it<Maxiter and tol<Obj[it-1]-opt): GradC=b+c*Pk*2 GradE= beta+gamma*Pk*2+delta*eta*np.exp(delta*Pk) Grad=GradC+price*GradE Pk=Pk-h*Grad projection= sum((P[i]-Pk[i])*(P[i]-Pk[i]) for i in range(N)) model.setObjective(projection) model.optimize() if model.Status!= GRB.OPTIMAL: print('Optimization was stopped with status ' + str(model.Status)) for i in range(N): Pk[i] = P[i].x C = sum(a[k]+b[k]*Pk[k]+c[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*Pk[k]+gamma[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k]+eta[k]*np.exp(delta[k]*Pk[k]) for k in range(N)) Obj[it]=C+price*E GradRate[it]=L/2*((L-mu)/(L+mu))**(2*it)*normP0 if( (it % 10)==0): print(it, " of ", Maxiter) it=it+1 plt.figure() if (method=='ConvexRelax'): plt.plot(range(it),GradRate[:it],'b--', label='Gradient theoretical rate') plt.plot(range(it),Obj[:it]-np.ones(it)*opt,'b', label='Gradient Method ') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('$f_k-f*$') plt.title('Rate of convergence of the Gradient method ') plt.legend() plt.grid(True) t3=time.time() print(t3-t1, "for gradient")
def SPG(N=10, solver="Gurobi"): (Demand,Pmax,Pmin,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,UR,DR) = load(N) if (N==40): # Default demand not suited for problem with Transmission Losses Demand=7500 B=loss(N) price = SimplePriceFun(Pmin,Pmax,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,Demand) t0=time.time() if (solver=='Gurobi'): [opt,P_opt]=SolveGurobi(N,price,1,Demand, 'ConvexRelax') t1=time.time() print(t1-t0 ,' sec for Gurobi') print(opt) #Gurobi does not provide an accurate solution [opt,P_opt]=Solve(N,price,1,Demand) print(opt) else: [opt,P_opt]=Solve(N,price,1,Demand) t1=time.time() print(t1-t0 ,' sec for scipy') bnds=np.transpose(np.vstack((Pmin,Pmax))) P0=Pmin.copy() def objective(P): return (0) def Gradient(P): return(np.zeros(N)) def Hessian(P): return(np.zeros([N,N])) def cons_f(P): PL=sum(sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)) sum_eq=sum(P)-PL-Demand return (sum_eq) if (N<=10): const=[{'type': 'eq', 'fun': cons_f}] solution = minimize(objective ,P0, method='SLSQP',jac=Gradient, bounds=bnds,constraints=const) else: def cons_J(P): Jac=np.ones(N)-2*P@B return(Jac) def cons_H(P,v): return(-2*v*B) NL_const = NonlinearConstraint(cons_f, 0, 0, jac=cons_J, hess=cons_H) solution = minimize(objective ,P0, method='trust-constr',jac=Gradient, hess=Hessian,constraints=NL_const, bounds=bnds) P0 = solution.x t2=time.time() print(t2-t1 ,'P0') tol=1e-2 L=max(2*c+price*(2*gamma+delta*delta*eta*np.exp(delta*Pmax))) C = sum(a[k]+b[k]*P0[k]+c[k]*P0[k]*P0[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*P0[k]+gamma[k]*P0[k]*P0[k]+eta[k]*np.exp(delta[k]*P0[k]) for k in range(N)) Maxiter=50 Obj=np.zeros(Maxiter) Obj[0]=C+price*E print() print("Spectral Projected Gradient") model=gp.Model('Projection Model') P = model.addVars(range(N),lb=Pmin,ub=Pmax) PL = model.addVar() model.addQConstr(PL>= sum( sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(P.sum()-PL == Demand, name='Demand') model.setParam( 'OutputFlag', False ) it=1 Pk=P0.copy() dk=np.zeros([N]) stepmin=1e-10 stepmax=1e10 stepsize=1/L sigma1=0.1 sigma2=0.9 g=1e-4 M=10 while (it<Maxiter and tol<Obj[it-1]-opt): GradC=b+c*Pk*2 GradE= beta+gamma*Pk*2+delta*eta*np.exp(delta*Pk) Grad=GradC+price*GradE Prev=Pk.copy() Pk=Pk-stepsize*Grad projection= sum((P[i]-Pk[i])*(P[i]-Pk[i]) for i in range(N)) model.setObjective(projection) model.optimize() for i in range(N): dk[i] = P[i].x - Prev[i] coeff=1 index=max(0,it-M) fmax=max(Obj[index:it]) Pk=Prev+coeff*dk C = sum(a[k]+b[k]*Pk[k]+c[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*Pk[k]+gamma[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k]+eta[k]*np.exp(delta[k]*Pk[k]) for k in range(N)) fk=C+price*E while(fk>fmax+g*coeff*Grad@dk): Num=-0.5*coeff**2*Grad@dk Denom= fk-Obj[it-1]-coeff*Grad@dk temp=Num/Denom if (temp>=sigma1 and temp<=coeff*sigma2): coeff=temp else: coeff=coeff/2 Pk=Prev+coeff*dk C = sum(a[k]+b[k]*Pk[k]+c[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*Pk[k]+gamma[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k]+eta[k]*np.exp(delta[k]*Pk[k]) for k in range(N)) fk=C+price*E sk=Pk-Prev yk=2*c*(Pk-Prev) + price*(2*gamma*(Pk-Prev)+ delta*eta*(np.exp(delta*Pk)-np.exp(delta*Prev))) if sk@yk<=0: stepsize=stepmax else: stepsize=max(stepmin,min(sk@sk/(sk@yk),stepmax)) Obj[it]=fk if( (it % 10)==0): print(it, " of ", Maxiter) it=it+1 t3=time.time() print(t3-t1, "sec for SPG") plt.figure() plt.plot(range(it),Obj[:it]-np.ones(it)*opt, label='SPG') plt.title('Rate of convergence of the Spectral Projected Gradient') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('$f_k-f*$') plt.legend() plt.grid(True)
def AccMethod(N=10, method='ConvexRelax', solver='Gurobi'): (Demand,Pmax,Pmin,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,UR,DR) = load(N) B=loss(N) price = SimplePriceFun(Pmin,Pmax,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,Demand) model=gp.Model('Projection Model') model.setParam( 'OutputFlag', False ) P = model.addVars(range(N),lb=Pmin,ub=Pmax) PL = model.addVar() if (method=="NonConvex"): model.setParam('NonConvex', 2) model.addQConstr(PL== sum( sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i][j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(P.sum() == Demand+PL) elif (method=="ConvexRelax"): model.addQConstr(PL>= sum( sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N))for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(P.sum()-PL == Demand, name='Demand') if (solver=='Gurobi'): t0=time.time() [opt,P_opt]=SolveGurobi(N,price,1,Demand, method) t1=time.time() print(t1-t0 ,'sec for Gurobi') """Computing P0""" model.setObjective(0) model.optimize() t2=time.time() print(t2-t1 ,'P0') P0=np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): P0[i] = P[i].x else: t0=time.time() [opt,P_opt]=Solve(N,price,1,Demand) t1=time.time() print(t1-t0 ,'sec for Scipy') """Computing P0""" bnds=np.transpose(np.vstack((Pmin,Pmax))) P0=Pmin.copy() def objective(P): return (0) def Gradient(P): return(np.zeros(N)) def Hessian(P): return(np.zeros([N,N])) def cons_f(P): PL=sum(sum(P[i]*P[j]*B[i,j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)) sum_eq=sum(P)-PL-Demand return (sum_eq) if (N<=10): const=[{'type': 'eq', 'fun': cons_f}] solution = minimize(objective ,P0, method='SLSQP',jac=Gradient, bounds=bnds,constraints=const) else: def cons_J(P): Jac=np.ones(N)-2*P@B return(Jac) def cons_H(P,v): return(-2*v*B) NL_const = NonlinearConstraint(cons_f, 0, 0, jac=cons_J, hess=cons_H) solution = minimize(objective ,P0, method='trust-constr',jac=Gradient, hess=Hessian,constraints=NL_const, bounds=bnds) P0 = solution.x t2=time.time() print(t2-t1 ,'P0') tol=1e-2 L=max(2*c+price*(2*gamma+delta*delta*eta*np.exp(delta*Pmax))) mu=min(2*c+price*(2*gamma+delta*delta*eta*np.exp(delta*Pmin))) C = sum(a[k]+b[k]*P0[k]+c[k]*P0[k]*P0[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*P0[k]+gamma[k]*P0[k]*P0[k]+eta[k]*np.exp(delta[k]*P0[k]) for k in range(N)) f0= C+price*E Maxiter= int(np.sqrt(L/mu)*np.log(2*(f0-opt)/tol))+1 Maxiter=min(Maxiter,50) Obj=np.zeros(Maxiter) Obj[0]=f0 AccRate=np.zeros(Maxiter) AccRate[0]=2*(Obj[0]-opt) print() print("Accelerated Gradient") it=1 Pk=P0.copy() yk=Pk.copy() stepsize=(np.sqrt(L)-np.sqrt(mu))/(np.sqrt(L)+np.sqrt(mu)) while (it<Maxiter and tol<Obj[it-1]-opt): GradC=b+c*yk*2 GradE= beta+gamma*yk*2+delta*eta*np.exp(delta*yk) Grad=GradC+price*GradE Prev=Pk.copy() Pk=yk-Grad/L projection= sum((P[i]-Pk[i])*(P[i]-Pk[i]) for i in range(N)) model.setObjective(projection) model.optimize() for i in range(N): Pk[i] = P[i].x yk=Pk+stepsize*(Pk-Prev) C = sum(a[k]+b[k]*Pk[k]+c[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k]+beta[k]*Pk[k]+gamma[k]*Pk[k]*Pk[k]+eta[k]*np.exp(delta[k]*Pk[k]) for k in range(N)) Obj[it]=C+price*E AccRate[it]=2*(1-np.sqrt(mu/L))**it*(Obj[0]-opt) if( (it % 10)==0): print(it, " of ", Maxiter) it=it+1 t3=time.time() print(t3-t1, "sec for Accelerated") plt.figure(1) if (method=='ConvexRelax'): plt.plot(range(it),AccRate[:it], '--', color='orange', label= 'Accelerated gradient theoretical rate') plt.plot(range(it),Obj[:it]-np.ones(it)*opt, color='orange', label='Accelerated Gradient Method') plt.title('Rate of convergence of the two methods') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('$f_k-f*$') plt.legend() plt.grid(True)
def TimeRelaxation(): Number = [100] #[2,3,6,10,40,100] size = len(Number) nRelax = 3 Computime = np.zeros([size, nRelax]) # Comparison of the 2 Linear Relaxations for nPb in range(size): N = Number[nPb] (D, Pmax, Pmin, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, eta, UR, DR) = load(N) if (N == 40): D = 7500 B = loss(N) t1 = time.time() """ Linear relaxation using N points """ LinearRelaxation(N, D) t2 = time.time() """ Linear relaxation using 1 feasible point and Gurobi""" model = gp.Model('Find P0') model.setParam('OutputFlag', False) model.setParam('NonConvex', 2) Pow = model.addVars(range(N), lb=Pmin, ub=Pmax, name='P') PLoss = model.addVar() model.addQConstr(PLoss == sum( sum(Pow[i] * Pow[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N))) model.addConstr(Pow.sum() - PLoss == D, name='Demand') model.setObjective(0) model.optimize() P0 = np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): P0[i] = Pow[i].x get_approx_planes(P0, B, D, Pmin, Pmax, True) t3 = time.time() """ Linear relaxation using 1 feasible point and Scipy""" bnds = np.transpose(np.vstack((Pmin, Pmax))) P0 = Pmin.copy() def objective(P): return (0) def Gradient(P): return (np.zeros(N)) def Hessian(P): return (np.zeros([N, N])) def cons_f(P): PL = sum( sum(P[i] * P[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)) sum_eq = sum(P) - PL - D return (sum_eq) def cons_J(P): Jac = np.ones(N) - 2 * P @ B return (Jac) def cons_H(P, v): return (-2 * v * B) if N <= 10: const = [{'type': 'eq', 'fun': cons_f}] solution = minimize(objective, P0, method='SLSQP', jac=Gradient, bounds=bnds, constraints=const) else: NL_const = NonlinearConstraint(cons_f, 0, 0, jac=cons_J, hess=cons_H) solution = minimize(objective, P0, method='trust-constr', jac=Gradient, hess=Hessian, constraints=NL_const, bounds=bnds) P0 = solution.x (n, k_lower, k_upper) = get_approx_planes(P0, B, D, Pmin, Pmax, True) t4 = time.time() Computime[nPb] = np.array([[t2 - t1, t3 - t2, t4 - t3]]) bw = 0.25 opacity = 0.8 prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] colors = prop_cycle.by_key()['color'] plt.figure(), Computime[:, 0], bw, alpha=opacity, color=colors[0], label='Relaxation: N points') + bw, Computime[:, 1], bw, alpha=opacity, color=colors[1], label='Relaxation: 1 point and Gurobi') + 2 * bw, Computime[:, 2], bw, alpha=opacity, color=colors[2], label='Relaxation: 1 point and Scipy') plt.xlabel('Problem size') plt.ylabel('Time [s]') plt.title( 'Computational time for the relaxations for different problem sizes') plt.xticks( np.arange(size) + bw, ('N=2', 'N=3', 'N=6', 'N=10', 'N=40', 'N=100')) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() #Comparison of Time for one Linear, quadratic, nonconvex problem Computime2 = np.zeros([size, nRelax]) for nPb in range(size): N = Number[nPb] (D, Pmax, Pmin, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, eta, UR, DR) = load(N) if (N == 40): D = 7500 B = loss(N) t = RelaxTime(N, D) Computime2[nPb, :-1] = t t0 = time.time() Solve(N, 1, 1, D) t1 = time.time() Computime2[nPb, -1] = t1 - t0 bw = 0.25 opacity = 0.8 prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] colors = prop_cycle.by_key()['color'] plt.figure(), Computime2[:, 0], bw, alpha=opacity, color=colors[0], label='Convex Relaxation') + bw, Computime2[:, 1], bw, alpha=opacity, color=colors[1], label='Linear Relaxation') + 2 * bw, Computime2[:, 2], bw, alpha=opacity, color=colors[2], label='Scipy on non-convex') plt.xlabel('Problem size') plt.ylabel('Time [s]') plt.title( 'Computational time for solving one optimization problem for different problem sizes' ) plt.xticks( np.arange(size) + bw, ('N=2', 'N=3', 'N=6', 'N=10', 'N=40', 'N=100')) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout()
def eConstE_SQP(N, LimE, D): (Unused, Pmax, Pmin, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, eta, UR, DR) = load(N) B = loss(N) (Zones, Units) = zones(N) """Computing P0 without POZ""" bnds = np.transpose(np.vstack((Pmin, Pmax))) def P0_Obj(P): return (0) def P0_Grad(P): return (np.zeros(N)) def Objective(P): Obj = sum(a[i] + b[i] * P[i] + c[i] * P[i] * P[i] for i in range(N)) return (Obj) def Gradient(P): Grad = b + 2 * c * P return (Grad) def cons_f(P): PL = sum( sum(P[i] * P[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)) sum_eq = sum(P) - PL - D return (sum_eq) def cons_J(P): Jac = np.ones(N) - 2 * P @ B return (Jac) def cons_C(P): constraint = LimE - sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * P[k] + gamma[k] * P[k] * P[k] + eta[k] * np.exp(delta[k] * P[k]) for k in range(N)) return (constraint) def cons_GradC(P): Grad = -beta - 2 * gamma * P - delta * eta * np.exp(delta * P) return (Grad) const = [{'type': 'eq', 'fun': cons_f}, {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': cons_C}] solution = minimize(P0_Obj, Pmin, method='SLSQP', jac=P0_Grad, bounds=bnds, constraints=const) P0 = solution.x tol = 1e-2 Maxiter = 100 Obj = np.zeros(Maxiter) Obj[0] = sum(a[k] + b[k] * P0[k] + c[k] * P0[k] * P0[k] for k in range(N)) Pk = P0.copy() Prev = P0.copy() it = 1 stepsize = 1 while (it < Maxiter and stepsize > tol): model = gp.Model('SQP Step, MIQP') model.setParam('OutputFlag', False) DeltaP = model.addVars(range(N), lb=Pmin - Pk, ub=Pmax - Pk) x = model.addVars(N) y = model.addVars(N) for i in range(N): model.addConstr(x[i] == delta[i] * DeltaP[i]) model.addGenConstrExp(x[i], y[i]) Surplus = sum(Pk) - Pk @ B @ Pk - D model.addConstr(Surplus + sum(DeltaP[k] * (1 - 2 * Pk @ B[k]) for k in range(N)) == 0) model.addQConstr( LimE - sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * (Pk[k] + DeltaP[k]) + gamma[k] * (Pk[k] + DeltaP[k]) * (Pk[k] + DeltaP[k]) + eta[k] * np.exp(delta[k] * Pk[k]) * y[k] for k in range(N)) >= 0) for i in range(N): # POZ Zon_i = Zones[Units == i] n_i = len(Zon_i) if n_i >= 1: bb = model.addVars(range(n_i + 1), vtype=GRB.BINARY) model.addConstr(DeltaP[i] <= Zon_i[0, 0] * bb[0] + (1 - bb[0]) * Pmax[i] - Pk[i]) for j in np.arange(1, n_i): model.addConstr( DeltaP[i] >= Zon_i[j - 1, 1] * bb[j] - Pk[i]) model.addConstr(DeltaP[i] <= Zon_i[j, 0] * bb[j] + (1 - bb[j]) * Pmax[i] - Pk[i]) model.addConstr(DeltaP[i] >= Zon_i[-1, 1] * bb[n_i] - Pk[i]) model.addConstr(bb.sum() == 1) Grad = b + c * Pk * 2 Hessian = 2 * c Lagr = sum(DeltaP[k] * DeltaP[k] * Hessian[k] for k in range(N)) objec = sum(Grad[k] * DeltaP[k] for k in range(N)) + 0.5 * Lagr model.setObjective(objec) model.optimize() PPrev = Prev.copy() Prev = Pk.copy() for i in range(N): Pk[i] = Pk[i] + DeltaP[i].x stepsize = np.linalg.norm(Prev - Pk) if np.linalg.norm(PPrev - Pk) < tol: res = sum(Pk) - Pk @ B @ Pk - D resPrev = sum(Prev) - Prev @ B @ Prev - D if (abs(res) <= 1e-4 or abs(resPrev) <= 1e-4): if (resPrev == max(res, resPrev) and res <= 0): Pk = Prev.copy() break (LowerB, UpperB) = InZone(Pk, Pmin, Pmax, Zones, Units) Limits = np.transpose(np.vstack((LowerB, UpperB))) sol = minimize(Objective, Pk, method='SLSQP', jac=Gradient, bounds=Limits, constraints=const) Pk = sol.x obj = sum(a[k] + b[k] * Pk[k] + c[k] * Pk[k] * Pk[k] for k in range(N)) (LowerB1, UpperB1) = InZone(Prev, Pmin, Pmax, Zones, Units) obj1 = Obj[it - 1] if == LowerB1) == 0: Limits = np.transpose(np.vstack((LowerB1, UpperB1))) sol1 = minimize(Objective, Prev, method='SLSQP', jac=Gradient, bounds=Limits, constraints=const) Prev = sol1.x obj1 = sum(a[k] + b[k] * Prev[k] + c[k] * Prev[k] * Prev[k] for k in range(N)) if obj1 < obj: Pk = Prev.copy() stepsize = -1 Obj[it] = sum(a[k] + b[k] * Pk[k] + c[k] * Pk[k] * Pk[k] for k in range(N)) if ((it % 10) == 0): print(it, " of ", Maxiter) it = it + 1 """Figures""" opt = Obj[it - 1] + 1e-6 plt.figure() Pos = Obj[:it] - np.ones(it) * opt Neg = -Pos.copy() Pos = (Obj[:it] - np.ones(it) * opt > 0) * Pos Neg = (Obj[:it] - np.ones(it) * opt < 0) * Neg plt.plot(range(it), Pos, label='Positive Part ') plt.plot(range(it), Neg, label='Negative Part ') plt.xlabel('Iterations') plt.ylabel('$f_k-f*$') plt.title("Rate of convergence of eConstE ") plt.legend() plt.grid() return (LimE - cons_C(Pk), Obj[it - 1], Pk)
def SQP_MINLP(N, w_E, w_C, D): (Unused, Pmax, Pmin, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, eta, UR, DR) = load(N) B = loss(N) (Zones, Units) = zones(N) """Computing P0 without POZ""" bnds = np.transpose(np.vstack((Pmin, Pmax))) P0 = Pmin.copy() def objective(P): return (0) def Gradient(P): return (np.zeros(N)) def Hessian(P): return (np.zeros([N, N])) def cons_f(P): PL = sum( sum(P[i] * P[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)) sum_eq = sum(P) - PL - D return (sum_eq) def cons_J(P): Jac = np.ones(N) - 2 * P @ B return (Jac) if (N <= 10): const = [{'type': 'eq', 'fun': cons_f, 'jac': cons_J}] solution = minimize(objective, P0, method='SLSQP', jac=Gradient, bounds=bnds, constraints=const) else: def cons_H(P, v): return (-2 * v * B) NL_const = NonlinearConstraint(cons_f, 0, 0, jac=cons_J, hess=cons_H) solution = minimize(objective, P0, method='trust-constr', jac=Gradient, hess=Hessian, constraints=NL_const, bounds=bnds) P0 = solution.x tol = 1e-2 Maxiter = 100 Obj = np.zeros(Maxiter) C = sum(a[k] + b[k] * P0[k] + c[k] * P0[k] * P0[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * P0[k] + gamma[k] * P0[k] * P0[k] + eta[k] * np.exp(delta[k] * P0[k]) for k in range(N)) Obj[0] = w_C * C + w_E * E Pk = P0.copy() Prev = P0.copy() it = 1 stepsize = 1 while (it < Maxiter and stepsize > tol): model = gp.Model('SQP Step, MIQP') model.setParam('OutputFlag', False) DeltaP = model.addVars(range(N), lb=Pmin - Pk, ub=Pmax - Pk) Surplus = sum(Pk) - Pk @ B @ Pk - D model.addConstr(Surplus + sum(DeltaP[k] * (1 - 2 * Pk @ B[k]) for k in range(N)) >= 0) for i in range(N): # POZ Zon_i = Zones[Units == i] n_i = len(Zon_i) if n_i >= 1: bb = model.addVars(range(n_i + 1), vtype=GRB.BINARY) model.addConstr(DeltaP[i] <= Zon_i[0, 0] * bb[0] + (1 - bb[0]) * Pmax[i] - Pk[i]) for j in np.arange(1, n_i): model.addConstr( DeltaP[i] >= Zon_i[j - 1, 1] * bb[j] - Pk[i]) model.addConstr(DeltaP[i] <= Zon_i[j, 0] * bb[j] + (1 - bb[j]) * Pmax[i] - Pk[i]) model.addConstr(DeltaP[i] >= Zon_i[-1, 1] * bb[n_i] - Pk[i]) model.addConstr(bb.sum() == 1) GradC = b + c * Pk * 2 GradE = beta + gamma * Pk * 2 + delta * eta * np.exp(delta * Pk) Grad = w_C * GradC + w_E * GradE Hessian = w_C * 2 * c + w_E * ( 2 * gamma + delta * delta * eta * np.exp(delta * Pk)) Lagr = sum(DeltaP[k] * DeltaP[k] * Hessian[k] for k in range(N)) objec = sum(Grad[k] * DeltaP[k] for k in range(N)) + 0.5 * Lagr model.setObjective(objec) model.optimize() PPrev = Prev.copy() Prev = Pk.copy() for i in range(N): Pk[i] = Pk[i] + DeltaP[i].x stepsize = np.linalg.norm(Prev - Pk) if np.linalg.norm(PPrev - Pk) < tol: # The algorithm cycles between 2 zones res = sum(Pk) - Pk @ B @ Pk - D resPrev = sum(Prev) - Prev @ B @ Prev - D if (resPrev == max(res, resPrev) and res <= 0): Pk = Prev.copy() (opt, p) = Solve(N, w_E, w_C, D) stepsize = -1 C = sum(a[k] + b[k] * Pk[k] + c[k] * Pk[k] * Pk[k] for k in range(N)) E = sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * Pk[k] + gamma[k] * Pk[k] * Pk[k] + eta[k] * np.exp(delta[k] * Pk[k]) for k in range(N)) Obj[it] = w_C * C + w_E * E if ((it % 10) == 0): print(it, " of ", Maxiter) it = it + 1 return (E, C, Pk)
def eConstF_SQP(N, LimF, D): (Unused, Pmax, Pmin, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, eta, UR, DR) = load(N) B = loss(N) (Zones, Units) = zones(N) """Computing P0 without POZ""" bnds = np.transpose(np.vstack((Pmin, Pmax))) def P0_Obj(P): return (0) def P0_Grad(P): return (np.zeros(N)) def Objective(P): Obj = sum(alpha[i] + beta[i] * P[i] + gamma[i] * P[i] * P[i] + eta[i] * np.exp(P[i] * delta[i]) for i in range(N)) return (Obj) def Gradient(P): Grad = beta + 2 * gamma * P + delta * eta * np.exp(delta * P) return (Grad) def cons_f(P): PL = sum( sum(P[i] * P[j] * B[i, j] for j in range(N)) for i in range(N)) sum_eq = sum(P) - PL - D return (sum_eq) def cons_J(P): Jac = np.ones(N) - 2 * P @ B return (Jac) def cons_C(P): constraint = LimF - sum(a[k] + b[k] * P[k] + c[k] * P[k] * P[k] for k in range(N)) return (constraint) def cons_GradC(P): Grad = -b - 2 * c * P return (Grad) const = [{'type': 'eq', 'fun': cons_f}, {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': cons_C}] solution = minimize(P0_Obj, Pmin, method='SLSQP', jac=P0_Grad, bounds=bnds, constraints=const) P0 = solution.x tol = 1e-2 Maxiter = 100 Obj = np.zeros(Maxiter) Obj[0] = sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * P0[k] + gamma[k] * P0[k] * P0[k] + eta[k] * np.exp(delta[k] * P0[k]) for k in range(N)) Pk = P0.copy() Prev = P0.copy() it = 1 stepsize = 1 while (it < Maxiter and stepsize > tol): model = gp.Model('SQP Step, MILP') model.setParam('OutputFlag', False) DeltaP = model.addVars(range(N), lb=Pmin - Pk, ub=Pmax - Pk) Surplus = sum(Pk) - Pk @ B @ Pk - D model.addConstr(Surplus + sum(DeltaP[k] * (1 - 2 * Pk @ B[k]) for k in range(N)) >= 0) model.addQConstr(LimF - sum(a[k] + b[k] * (Pk[k] + DeltaP[k]) + c[k] * (Pk[k] + DeltaP[k]) * (Pk[k] + DeltaP[k]) for k in range(N)) >= 0) for i in range(N): # POZ Zon_i = Zones[Units == i] n_i = len(Zon_i) if n_i >= 1: bb = model.addVars(range(n_i + 1), vtype=GRB.BINARY) model.addConstr(DeltaP[i] <= Zon_i[0, 0] * bb[0] + (1 - bb[0]) * Pmax[i] - Pk[i]) for j in np.arange(1, n_i): model.addConstr( DeltaP[i] >= Zon_i[j - 1, 1] * bb[j] - Pk[i]) model.addConstr(DeltaP[i] <= Zon_i[j, 0] * bb[j] + (1 - bb[j]) * Pmax[i] - Pk[i]) model.addConstr(DeltaP[i] >= Zon_i[-1, 1] * bb[n_i] - Pk[i]) model.addConstr(bb.sum() == 1) Grad = beta + gamma * Pk * 2 + delta * eta * np.exp(delta * Pk) Hessian = 2 * gamma + delta * delta * eta * np.exp(delta * Pk) Lagr = sum(DeltaP[k] * DeltaP[k] * Hessian[k] for k in range(N)) objec = sum(Grad[k] * DeltaP[k] for k in range(N)) + 0.5 * Lagr model.setObjective(objec) model.optimize() PPrev = Prev.copy() Prev = Pk.copy() for i in range(N): Pk[i] = Pk[i] + DeltaP[i].x stepsize = np.linalg.norm(Prev - Pk) if np.linalg.norm(PPrev - Pk) < tol: # The algorithm cycles between 2 zones res = sum(Pk) - Pk @ B @ Pk - D resPrev = sum(Prev) - Prev @ B @ Prev - D if (abs(res) <= 1e-4 or abs(resPrev) <= 1e-4): if (resPrev == max(res, resPrev) and res <= 0): Pk = Prev.copy() break # Compares the best solution of the 2 zones (LowerB, UpperB) = InZone(Pk, Pmin, Pmax, Zones, Units) #Current zone Limits = np.transpose(np.vstack((LowerB, UpperB))) sol = minimize(Objective, Pk, method='SLSQP', jac=Gradient, bounds=Limits, constraints=const) Pk = sol.x obj = sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * Pk[k] + gamma[k] * Pk[k] * Pk[k] + eta[k] * np.exp(delta[k] * Pk[k]) for k in range(N)) (LowerB1, UpperB1) = InZone(Prev, Pmin, Pmax, Zones, Units) #Previous zone obj1 = Obj[it - 1] if == LowerB1) == 0: #Different zone Limits = np.transpose(np.vstack((LowerB1, UpperB1))) sol1 = minimize(Objective, Prev, method='SLSQP', jac=Gradient, bounds=Limits, constraints=const) Prev = sol1.x obj1 = sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * Prev[k] + gamma[k] * Prev[k] * Prev[k] + eta[k] * np.exp(delta[k] * Prev[k]) for k in range(N)) if obj1 < obj: Pk = Prev.copy() stepsize = -1 Obj[it] = sum(alpha[k] + beta[k] * Pk[k] + gamma[k] * Pk[k] * Pk[k] + eta[k] * np.exp(delta[k] * Pk[k]) for k in range(N)) if ((it % 10) == 0): print(it, " of ", Maxiter) it = it + 1 return (Obj[it - 1], LimF - cons_C(Pk), Pk)