Ejemplo n.º 1
def _fuse_nut_ramps_to_bracket(bracket: Part.Solid, thickness: float,
                               set_screw_cutout_length: float,
                               set_screw_cutout_width: float,
                               ramp_height: float) -> Part.Solid:
    """Fuse nut ramps to bracket so nut doesn't spin when tightening screw.


        | \

    :param bracket: Bracket
    :param thickness: Thickness
    :param set_screw_cutout_length: Length of set screw cutout
    :param set_screw_cutout_width: Width of set screw cutout
    :param ramp_height: Height of ramp.
    ramp_length = set_screw_cutout_length / 2.0
    ramp_angle = (180 - 120) / 2  # Hexagonal nuts have 120 degree angles
    # opposite = tan(theta) * adjacent (toa in soh-cah-toa rule)
    height = tan(radians(ramp_angle)) * ramp_length
    # Right Triangle
    bottom_left = Vector(0, 0, 0)
    top_left = Vector(0, 0, height)
    bottom_right = Vector(ramp_length, 0, 0)
    vectors = [bottom_left, top_left, bottom_right]
    face = make_face_from_vectors(vectors)

    rotation = 45
    left_ramp = face.extrude(Vector(0, set_screw_cutout_width, 0))
    right_ramp = left_ramp.copy()

    left_ramp.rotate(Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, -1), rotation)
    right_ramp.rotate(Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, -1), 180 + rotation)

    cutout_length_offset = set_screw_cutout_length * cos(radians(rotation))
        Vector(thickness * 2, (thickness * 2) + cutout_length_offset,

    cutout_width_offset = set_screw_cutout_width * cos(radians(rotation))
        Vector((thickness * 2) + cutout_length_offset + cutout_width_offset,
               (thickness * 2) + cutout_width_offset, ramp_height))

    bracket = bracket.fuse(left_ramp)
    return bracket.fuse(right_ramp)