Ejemplo n.º 1
    def loadSettings(self):

        blacklist = PathPreferences.postProcessorBlacklist()
        for processor in PathPreferences.allAvailablePostProcessors():
            item = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(processor)
            if processor in blacklist:
            item.setFlags( QtCore.Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsUserCheckable)


        geomTol = Units.Quantity(PathPreferences.defaultGeometryTolerance(), Units.Length)
        self.form.curveAccuracy.setText(Units.Quantity(PathPreferences.defaultLibAreaCurveAccuracy(), Units.Length).UserString)

        self.selectComboEntry(self.form.cboOutputPolicy, PathPreferences.defaultOutputPolicy())


Ejemplo n.º 2
    def resolveFileName(self, job):
        path = PathPreferences.defaultOutputFile()
        if job.PostProcessorOutputFile:
            path = job.PostProcessorOutputFile
        filename = path
        if '%D' in filename:
            D = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.FileName
            if D:
                D = os.path.dirname(D)
                # in case the document is in the current working directory
                if not D:
                    D = '.'
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Please save document in order to resolve output path!\n")
                return None
            filename = filename.replace('%D', D)

        if '%d' in filename:
            d = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Label
            filename = filename.replace('%d', d)

        if '%j' in filename:
            j = job.Label
            filename = filename.replace('%j', j)

        if '%M' in filename:
            pref = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro")
            M = pref.GetString("MacroPath", FreeCAD.getUserAppDataDir())
            filename = filename.replace('%M', M)

        policy = PathPreferences.defaultOutputPolicy()

        openDialog = policy == 'Open File Dialog'
        if os.path.isdir(filename) or not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filename)):
            # Either the entire filename resolves into a directory or the parent directory doesn't exist.
            # Either way I don't know what to do - ask for help
            openDialog = True

        if os.path.isfile(filename) and not openDialog:
            if policy == 'Open File Dialog on conflict':
                openDialog = True
            elif policy == 'Append Unique ID on conflict':
                fn, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
                nr = fn[-3:]
                n = 1
                if nr.isdigit():
                    n = int(nr)
                while os.path.isfile("%s%03d%s" % (fn, n, ext)):
                    n = n + 1
                filename = "%s%03d%s" % (fn, n, ext)

        if openDialog:
            foo = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow(), "Output File", filename)
            if foo:
                filename = foo[0]
                filename = None

        return filename
Ejemplo n.º 3
def resolveFileName(job, subpartname, sequencenumber):
    PathLog.track(subpartname, sequencenumber)

    validPathSubstitutions = ["D", "d", "M", "j"]
    validFilenameSubstitutions = ["j", "d", "T", "t", "W", "O", "S"]

    # Look for preference default
    outputpath, filename = os.path.split(PathPreferences.defaultOutputFile())
    filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)

    # Override with document default if it exists
    if job.PostProcessorOutputFile:
        matchstring = job.PostProcessorOutputFile
        candidateOutputPath, candidateFilename = os.path.split(matchstring)

        if candidateOutputPath:
            outputpath = candidateOutputPath

        if candidateFilename:
            filename, ext = os.path.splitext(candidateFilename)

    # Strip any invalid substitutions from the ouputpath
    for match in re.findall("%(.)", outputpath):
        if match not in validPathSubstitutions:
            outputpath = outputpath.replace(f"%{match}", "")

    # if nothing else, use current directory
    if not outputpath:
        outputpath = "."

    # Strip any invalid substitutions from the filename
    for match in re.findall("%(.)", filename):
        if match not in validFilenameSubstitutions:
            filename = filename.replace(f"%{match}", "")

    # if no filename, use the active document label
    if not filename:
        filename = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Label

    # if no extension, use something sensible
    if not ext:
        ext = ".nc"

    # By now we should have a sanitized path, filename and extension to work with
    PathLog.track(f"path: {outputpath} name: {filename} ext: {ext}")

    fullPath = processFileNameSubstitutions(

    # This section determines whether user interaction is necessary
    policy = PathPreferences.defaultOutputPolicy()

    openDialog = policy == "Open File Dialog"
    # if os.path.isdir(filename) or not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filename)):
    #     # Either the entire filename resolves into a directory or the parent
    #     # directory doesn't exist.
    #     # Either way I don't know what to do - ask for help
    #     openDialog = True

    if not FreeCAD.GuiUp:  # if testing, or scripting, never open dialog.
        policy = "Append Unique ID on conflict"
        openDialog = False

    if os.path.isfile(fullPath) and not openDialog:
        if policy == "Open File Dialog on conflict":
            openDialog = True
        elif policy == "Append Unique ID on conflict":
            fn, ext = os.path.splitext(fullPath)
            nr = fn[-3:]
            n = 1
            if nr.isdigit():
                n = int(nr)
            while os.path.isfile("%s%03d%s" % (fn, n, ext)):
                n = n + 1
            fullPath = "%s%03d%s" % (fn, n, ext)

    if openDialog:
        foo = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
            QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow(), "Output File", filename
        if foo[0]:
            fullPath = foo[0]
            fullPath = None

    # remove any unused substitution strings:
    for s in validPathSubstitutions + validFilenameSubstitutions:
        fullPath = fullPath.replace(f"%{s}", "")

    fullPath = os.path.normpath(fullPath)
    return fullPath
Ejemplo n.º 4
def resolveFileName(job, subpartname, sequencenumber):
    PathLog.track(subpartname, sequencenumber)

    validPathSubstitutions = ["D", "d", "M", "j"]
    validFilenameSubstitutions = ["j", "d", "T", "t", "W", "O", "S"]

    # Look for preference default
    outputpath, filename = os.path.split(PathPreferences.defaultOutputFile())
    filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)

    # Override with document default if it exists
    if job.PostProcessorOutputFile:
        matchstring = job.PostProcessorOutputFile
        candidateOutputPath, candidateFilename = os.path.split(matchstring)

        if candidateOutputPath:
            outputpath = candidateOutputPath

        if candidateFilename:
            filename, ext = os.path.splitext(candidateFilename)

    # Strip any invalid substitutions from the ouputpath
    for match in re.findall("%(.)", outputpath):
        if match not in validPathSubstitutions:
            outputpath = outputpath.replace(f"%{match}", "")

    # if nothing else, use current directory
    if not outputpath:
        outputpath = "."

    # Strip any invalid substitutions from the filename
    for match in re.findall("%(.)", filename):
        if match not in validFilenameSubstitutions:
            filename = filename.replace(f"%{match}", "")

    # if no filename, use the active document label
    if not filename:
        filename = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Label

    # if no extension, use something sensible
    if not ext:
        ext = ".nc"

    # By now we should have a sanitized path, filename and extension to work with
    PathLog.track(f"path: {outputpath} name: {filename} ext: {ext}")

    # The following section allows substitution within the path part
    PathLog.track(f"path before substitution: {outputpath}")

    if "%D" in outputpath:  # Directory of active document
        D = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.FileName
        if D:
            D = os.path.dirname(D)
            # in case the document is in the current working directory
            if not D:
                D = "."
                "Please save document in order to resolve output path!\n"
            return None
        outputpath = outputpath.replace("%D", D)

    if "%M" in outputpath:
        M = FreeCAD.getUserMacroDir()
        outputpath = outputpath.replace("%M", M)

    # Use the file label
    if "%d" in outputpath:
        d = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Label
        outputpath = outputpath.replace("%d", d)

    # Use the name of the active job object
    if "%j" in outputpath:
        j = job.Label
        outputpath = outputpath.replace("%j", j)

    PathLog.track(f"path after substitution: {outputpath}")

    # The following section allows substitution within the filename part
    PathLog.track(f"filename before substitution: {filename}")

    # Use the file label
    if "%d" in filename:
        d = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Label
        filename = filename.replace("%d", d)

    # Use the name of the active job object
    if "%j" in filename:
        j = job.Label
        filename = filename.replace("%j", j)

    # Use the sequnce number if explicitly called
    if "%S" in filename:
        j = job.Label
        filename = filename.replace("%S", str(sequencenumber))

    # This section handles unique names for splitting output
    if job.SplitOutput:
        if "%T" in filename and job.OrderOutputBy == "Tool":
            filename = filename.replace("%T", subpartname)

        if "%t" in filename and job.OrderOutputBy == "Tool":
            filename = filename.replace("%t", subpartname)

        if "%W" in filename and job.OrderOutputBy == "Fixture":
            filename = filename.replace("%W", subpartname)

        if "%O" in filename and job.OrderOutputBy == "Operation":
            filename = filename.replace("%O", subpartname)

        if (
            "%S" in filename
        ):  # We always add a sequence number but the user can say where
            filename = filename.replace("%S", str(sequencenumber))
            filename = f"{filename}-{sequencenumber}"

    PathLog.track(f"filename after substitution: {filename}")

    if not ext:
        ext = ".nc"
    PathLog.track(f"file extension: {ext}")

    fullPath = f"{outputpath}{os.path.sep}{filename}{ext}"

    PathLog.track(f"full filepath: {fullPath}")

    # This section determines whether user interaction is necessary
    policy = PathPreferences.defaultOutputPolicy()

    openDialog = policy == "Open File Dialog"
    # if os.path.isdir(filename) or not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filename)):
    #     # Either the entire filename resolves into a directory or the parent directory doesn't exist.
    #     # Either way I don't know what to do - ask for help
    #     openDialog = True

    if not FreeCAD.GuiUp:  # if testing, or scripting, never open dialog.
        policy = "Append Unique ID on conflict"
        openDialog = False

    if os.path.isfile(fullPath) and not openDialog:
        if policy == "Open File Dialog on conflict":
            openDialog = True
        elif policy == "Append Unique ID on conflict":
            fn, ext = os.path.splitext(fullPath)
            nr = fn[-3:]
            n = 1
            if nr.isdigit():
                n = int(nr)
            while os.path.isfile("%s%03d%s" % (fn, n, ext)):
                n = n + 1
            fullPath = "%s%03d%s" % (fn, n, ext)

    if openDialog:
        foo = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
            QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow(), "Output File", filename
        if foo[0]:
            fullPath = foo[0]
            fullPath = None

    # remove any unused substitution strings:
    for s in validPathSubstitutions + validFilenameSubstitutions:
        fullPath = fullPath.replace(f"%{s}", "")

    fullPath = os.path.normpath(fullPath)
    return fullPath