Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, configurations, sampleDict, signalsampleIds=[6], datasampleIds=[9], scaleSignal="integral", drawRatios=False, pullRange=0.8, fileName="BDT_training_mva.root", sysName="", endings=["pdf"], directory="plots", overFlowLastBin=True, underFlowFirstBin=False, calculateSeparation=True, verbose=False, treeName='Tree'):
        self._sampleDict = sampleDict

        # List of signal sample names; if set, will be drawn as separate line
        self._signalsampleIds = signalsampleIds
        # That's fixed for now
        self._datasampleIds = datasampleIds
        # Scale signal to "integral" or "luminosity" (i.e. cross section)
        self._scaleSignal = scaleSignal
        """ a configuration is a list of dicts that contain the following information
            "var": variable name (string)
            "legend": "none", "top left", "top right"
            "logy": True/False
        self._configurations = configurations
        # In which formats the plots are given out
        self._endings = endings
        self._directory = directory
        # Whether the ratio below the plot shall be drawn
        self._drawRatios = drawRatios
        self._pullRange = 0.8
        self._errorBandFillColor = 14
        self._errorBandStyle = 3354

        # Pattern for file name: {0}: sample name, {1}: lepton name, {2}: sys addendum
        self._fileName = fileName
        self._treeName = treeName
        self._tree = 0
        # For a shape systematic based on up/down files:
        #   Legend entry - if this is present, the systematic uncertainty will be drawn
        self._sysName = sysName
        # Whether to calculate and print separation measures
        self._calculateSeparation = calculateSeparation
        # Be verbose or not
        self._verbose = verbose
        # Whether to put the overflow into the last bin
        self._overFlowLastBin = overFlowLastBin
        # Whether to put the underflow into the first bin
        self._underFlowFirstBin = underFlowFirstBin
        # List of open root files
        self._rootFiles = {}
Ejemplo n.º 2
# remove duplicates, just in case
infiles = list(set(infiles))

if args.outdir == 'ZZA_NORMAL':
    outdir = os.path.join(os.environ["zza"], '/plots/cutSummary')
    # remove trailing slash
    if args.outdir.endswith('/'):
        outdir = args.outdir[:-1]
        outdir = args.outdir


# Look decent
style = PlotStyle()

histos = {}
numbers = {}
cutNames = {}
cutCountMax = -1

# Loop over inputs, making one histogram for each channel in each input
for infile in infiles:
    sample = infile.replace('_cutflow','').replace('.txt','').split('/')[-1]

    with open(infile, 'r') as f:
        channel = ''
        cutCount = 0
        # loop over lines
        for line in f:
Ejemplo n.º 3

from rootpy.io import root_open
from rootpy.plotting import Hist, Canvas, Legend, Pad, Graph
from rootpy.ROOT import TLine
from rootpy.plotting.utils import draw
from rootpy import asrootpy

from glob import glob
from os import path

from PlotStyle import PlotStyle

style = PlotStyle()

masses = [125, 300, 750, 1000, 1500, 2500]

outdir = '/afs/cern.ch/user/n/nawoods/www/muonHighMassResults/'

fileList = glob('/data/nawoods/ntuples/zzNtuples_mc_76HighPtID_0/results/*.root')
fileListLeg = glob('/data/nawoods/ntuples/zzNtuples_mc_76HighPtID_0/results_legacy/*.root')
files = {}
filesLeg = {}
for m in masses:
    for f in fileList:
        if str(m) in f:
            files[m] = root_open(f)