Ejemplo n.º 1
	def parseTimer(self, timer, epgcache, serviceHandler, recordHandler, checkEvtLimit, evtLimit, timers, conflicting, similars, skipped, timerdict, moviedict, simulateOnly=False):
		new = 0
		modified = 0

		# Workaround to allow search for umlauts if we know the encoding
		#match = timer.match
		match = timer.match.replace('\xc2\x86', '').replace('\xc2\x87', '')
		if timer.encoding != 'UTF-8':
				match = match.decode('UTF-8').encode(timer.encoding)
			except UnicodeDecodeError:

		if timer.searchType == "description":
			epgmatches = []
			mask = (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)

			casesensitive = timer.searchCase == "sensitive"
			if not casesensitive:
				match = match.lower()

			# Service filter defined
			# Search only using the specified services
			test = [(service, 0, -1, -1) for service in timer.services]

			for bouquet in timer.bouquets:
				services = serviceHandler.list(eServiceReference(bouquet))
				if not services is None:
					while True:
						service = services.getNext()
						if not service.valid(): #check end of list
						if not (service.flags & mask):
							test.append( (service.toString(), 0, -1, -1 ) )

			if not test:
				# No service filter defined
				# Search within all services - could be very slow

				# Get all bouquets
				bouquetlist = []
				if config.usage.multibouquet.value:
					refstr = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.tv" ORDER BY bouquet'
					bouquetroot = eServiceReference(refstr)
					bouquets = serviceHandler.list(bouquetroot)
					if bouquets:
						while True:
							s = bouquets.getNext()
							if not s.valid():
							if s.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory and not s.flags & eServiceReference.isInvisible:
								info = serviceHandler.info(s)
								if info:
									bouquetlist.append((info.getName(s), s))
					mask = (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)
					for name, bouquet in bouquetlist:
						if not bouquet.valid(): #check end of list
						if bouquet.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory:
							services = serviceHandler.list(bouquet)
							if not services is None:
								while True:
									service = services.getNext()
									if not service.valid(): #check end of list
									if not (service.flags & mask):
										test.append( (service.toString(), 0, -1, -1 ) )
					service_types_tv = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:(type == 1) || (type == 17) || (type == 22) || (type == 25) || (type == 31) || (type == 134) || (type == 195)'
					refstr = '%s FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.favourites.tv" ORDER BY bouquet'%(service_types_tv)
					bouquetroot = eServiceReference(refstr)
					info = serviceHandler.info(bouquetroot)
					if info:
						bouquetlist.append((info.getName(bouquetroot), bouquetroot))
					mask = (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)
					for name, bouquet in bouquetlist:
						if bouquet.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory:
							services = serviceHandler.list(bouquet)
							if not services is None:
								while True:
									service = services.getNext()
									if not service.valid(): #check end of list
									if not (service.flags & mask):
										test.append( (service.toString(), 0, -1, -1 ) )

			if test:
				# Get all events
				#  eEPGCache.lookupEvent( [ format of the returned tuples, ( service, 0 = event intersects given start_time, start_time -1 for now_time), ] )
				test.insert(0, 'RITBDSE')
				allevents = epgcache.lookupEvent(test) or []

				# Filter events
				for serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc in allevents:
					if match in (shortdesc if casesensitive else shortdesc.lower()) \
						or match in (extdesc if casesensitive else extdesc.lower()):
						epgmatches.append( (serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc) )

			# Search EPG, default to empty list
			epgmatches = epgcache.search( ('RITBDSE', 2500, typeMap[timer.searchType], match, caseMap[timer.searchCase]) ) or []

		# Sort list of tuples by begin time 'B'

		# Contains the the marked similar eits and the conflicting strings
		similardict = defaultdict(list)

		# Loop over all EPG matches
		for idx, ( serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc ) in enumerate( epgmatches ):


			# timer destination dir
			dest = timer.destination

			evtBegin = begin
			evtEnd = end = begin + duration

			doLog("[AutoTimer] possible epgmatch %s" % (name))
			doLog("[AutoTimer] Serviceref %s" % (str(serviceref)))
			eserviceref = eServiceReference(serviceref)
			evt = epgcache.lookupEventId(eserviceref, eit)
			if not evt:
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Could not create Event!")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, str(serviceref), timer.name, getLog()))
			# Try to determine real service (we always choose the last one)
			n = evt.getNumOfLinkageServices()
			if n > 0:
				i = evt.getLinkageService(eserviceref, n-1)
				serviceref = i.toString()
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Serviceref2 %s" % (str(serviceref)))

			# If event starts in less than 60 seconds skip it
			if begin < time() + 60:
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because it starts in less than 60 seconds")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Set short description to equal extended description if it is empty.
			if not shortdesc and timer.descShortEqualExt:
				shortdesc = extdesc

			# Convert begin time
			timestamp = localtime(begin)
			# Update timer
			timer.update(begin, timestamp)

			# Check if eit is in similar matches list
			# NOTE: ignore evtLimit for similar timers as I feel this makes the feature unintuitive
			similarTimer = False
			if eit in similardict:
				similarTimer = True
				dayofweek = None # NOTE: ignore day on similar timer
				# If maximum days in future is set then check time
				if checkEvtLimit:
					if begin > evtLimit:
						doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of maximum days in future is reached")
						skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				dayofweek = str(timestamp.tm_wday)

			# Check timer conditions
			# NOTE: similar matches do not care about the day/time they are on, so ignore them
			if timer.checkServices(serviceref):
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of check services")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if timer.checkDuration(duration):
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of duration check")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if not similarTimer:
				if timer.checkTimespan(timestamp):
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of timestamp check")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
				if timer.checkTimeframe(begin):
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of timeframe check")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Initialize
			newEntry = None
			oldEntry = None
			oldExists = False
			allow_modify = True
			newAT = None

			# Eventually change service to alternative
			if timer.overrideAlternatives:
				serviceref = timer.getAlternative(serviceref)

			if timer.series_labeling and sp_getSeasonEpisode is not None:
				allow_modify = False
				doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name, shortdesc, dest))
				sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, name, evtBegin, evtEnd, shortdesc, dest)
				if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
					name = sp[0] or name
					shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
					dest = sp[2] or dest
					allow_modify = True
					doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name, shortdesc, dest))
					# Nothing found
					# If AutoTimer name not equal match, do a second lookup with the name
					if timer.name.lower() != timer.match.lower():
						doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (timer.name, shortdesc, dest))
						sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, timer.name, evtBegin, evtEnd, shortdesc, dest)
						if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
							name = sp[0] or name
							shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
							dest = sp[2] or dest
							allow_modify = True
							doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name, shortdesc, dest))

			if timer.checkFilter(name, shortdesc, extdesc, dayofweek):
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of filter check")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			if timer.hasOffset():
				# Apply custom Offset
				begin, end = timer.applyOffset(begin, end)
				# Apply E2 Offset
				begin -= config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
				end += config.recording.margin_after.value * 60

			# Overwrite endtime if requested
			if timer.justplay and not timer.setEndtime:
				end = begin

			# Check for existing recordings in directory
			if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription == 3:
				# Reset movie Exists
				movieExists = False

				if dest and dest not in moviedict:
					self.addDirectoryToMovieDict(moviedict, dest, serviceHandler)
				for movieinfo in moviedict.get(dest, ()):
					if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, movieinfo.get("name"), shortdesc, movieinfo.get("shortdesc"), extdesc, movieinfo.get("extdesc") ):
						doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a matching recorded movie, skipping event:", name)
						movieExists = True
				if movieExists:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because movie already exists")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Check for double Timers
			# We first check eit and if user wants us to guess event based on time
			# we try this as backup. The allowed diff should be configurable though.
			for rtimer in timerdict.get(serviceref, ()):
				if rtimer.eit == eit:
					oldExists = True
					doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer based on eit")
					newEntry = rtimer
					oldEntry = rtimer
				elif config.plugins.autotimer.try_guessing.value:
					if timer.hasOffset():
						# Remove custom Offset
						rbegin = rtimer.begin + timer.offset[0] * 60
						rend = rtimer.end - timer.offset[1] * 60
						# Remove E2 Offset
						rbegin = rtimer.begin + config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
						rend = rtimer.end - config.recording.margin_after.value * 60
					# As alternative we could also do a epg lookup
					#revent = epgcache.lookupEventId(rtimer.service_ref.ref, rtimer.eit)
					#rbegin = revent.getBeginTime() or 0
					#rduration = revent.getDuration() or 0
					#rend = rbegin + rduration or 0
					if getTimeDiff(rbegin, rend, evtBegin, evtEnd) > ((duration/10)*8) or timeSimilarityPercent(rtimer, evtBegin, evtEnd, timer) > 80:
						oldExists = True
						doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer based on time guessing")
						newEntry = rtimer
						oldEntry = rtimer
				if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 1 \
					and not rtimer.disabled:
						if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, rtimer.name, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc ):
						# if searchForDuplicateDescription > 1 then check short description
							oldExists = True
							doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer (similar service) with same description, skipping event")

			# We found no timer we want to edit
			if newEntry is None:
				# But there is a match
				if oldExists:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because a timer on same service exists")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				# We want to search for possible doubles
				if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 2:
					for rtimer in chain.from_iterable( itervalues(timerdict) ):
						if not rtimer.disabled:
							if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, rtimer.name, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc ):
								oldExists = True
								doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer (any service) with same description, skipping event")
					if oldExists:
						doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because a timer on any service exists")
						skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				if timer.checkCounter(timestamp):
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Not adding new timer because counter is depleted.")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			# Append to timerlist and abort if simulating
			timers.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if simulateOnly:

			if newEntry is not None:
				# Abort if we don't want to modify timers or timer is repeated
				if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value == "none" or newEntry.repeated:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Won't modify existing timer because either no modification allowed or repeated timer")

				if "autotimer" in newEntry.flags:
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer %s modified this automatically generated timer." % (timer.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)
					if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value != "all":
						doLog("[AutoTimer] Won't modify existing timer because it's no timer set by us")

					msg = "[AutoTimer] Warning, AutoTimer %s messed with a timer which might not belong to it: %s ." % (timer.name, newEntry.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)

				if allow_modify:
					if self.modifyTimer(newEntry, name, shortdesc, begin, end, serviceref, eit, base_timer=timer):
						msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modified timer: %s ." % (newEntry.name)
						newEntry.log(501, msg)
						modified += 1
						msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modification not allowed for timer %s because conflicts or double timer." % (newEntry.name)
						if oldEntry:
							self.setOldTimer(newEntry, oldEntry)
							doLog("[AutoTimer] conflict for modification timer %s detected return to old timer" % (newEntry.name))
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modification not allowed for timer: %s ." % (newEntry.name)
				newEntry = RecordTimerEntry(ServiceReference(serviceref), begin, end, name, shortdesc, eit)
				newAT = True

				msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add new timer based on AutoTimer %s." % (timer.name)
				newEntry.log(500, msg)

				# Mark this entry as AutoTimer

			# Apply afterEvent
			if timer.hasAfterEvent():
				afterEvent = timer.getAfterEventTimespan(localtime(end))
				if afterEvent is None:
					afterEvent = timer.getAfterEvent()
				if afterEvent is not None:
					newEntry.afterEvent = afterEvent

			newEntry.dirname = dest
			newEntry.justplay = timer.justplay
			newEntry.vpsplugin_enabled = timer.vps_enabled
			newEntry.vpsplugin_overwrite = timer.vps_overwrite
			newEntry.conflict_detection = timer.conflict_detection
			newEntry.always_zap = timer.always_zap
			newEntry.zap_wakeup = timer.zap_wakeup

			tags = timer.tags[:]
			if config.plugins.autotimer.add_autotimer_to_tags.value:
				if 'AutoTimer' not in tags:
			if config.plugins.autotimer.add_name_to_tags.value:
				tagname = timer.name.strip()
				if tagname:
					tagname = tagname[0].upper() + tagname[1:].replace(" ", "_")
					if tagname not in tags:
			newEntry.tags = tags

			if oldExists and newAT is None:
				if self.isResolvedConflict(newEntry):
					if oldEntry:
						self.setOldTimer(newEntry, oldEntry)
						doLog("[AutoTimer] rechecking - conflict for timer %s detected return to old timer" % (newEntry.name))
			elif newAT:
				newAT = newEntry
				conflictString = ""
				if similarTimer:
					conflictString = similardict[eit].conflictString
					msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add similar Timer because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString)
					newEntry.log(504, msg)

				# add new timer in AT timer list
				atDoubleTimer = False
				refstr = ':'.join(newEntry.service_ref.ref.toString().split(':')[:11])
				for at in addNewTimers:
					needed_ref = ':'.join(at.service_ref.ref.toString().split(':')[:11]) == refstr
					if needed_ref and at.eit == newEntry.eit and (newEntry.begin < at.begin <= newEntry.end or at.begin <= newEntry.begin <= at.end):
						atDoubleTimer = True
				if atDoubleTimer:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] ignore double new auto timer %s." % newEntry.name)

				# Try to add timer
				conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)

				if conflicts:
					# Maybe use newEntry.log
					conflictString += ' / '.join(["%s (%s)" % (x.name, strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(x.begin))) for x in conflicts])
					doLog("[AutoTimer] conflict with %s detected" % (conflictString))

					if config.plugins.autotimer.addsimilar_on_conflict.value:
						# We start our search right after our actual index
						# Attention we have to use a copy of the list, because we have to append the previous older matches
						lepgm = len(epgmatches)
						for i in xrange(lepgm):
							servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS = epgmatches[ (i+idx+1)%lepgm ]
							if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, nameS, shortdesc, shortdescS, extdesc, extdescS, force=True ):
								# Check if the similar is already known
								if eitS not in similardict:
									doLog("[AutoTimer] Found similar Timer: " + name)

									# Store the actual and similar eit and conflictString, so it can be handled later
									newEntry.conflictString = conflictString
									similardict[eit] = newEntry
									similardict[eitS] = newEntry
									similarTimer = True
									if beginS <= evtBegin:
										# Event is before our actual epgmatch so we have to append it to the epgmatches list
										epgmatches.append((servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS))
									# If we need a second similar it will be found the next time
									similarTimer = False
									newEntry = similardict[eitS]

				if conflicts is None:
					if newEntry in (recordHandler.timer_list[:] + recordHandler.processed_timers[:]):
						new += 1
						newEntry.extdesc = extdesc

						# Similar timers are in new timers list and additionally in similar timers list
						if similarTimer:
							similars.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))
						doLog("[AutoTimer] ignore double timer %s." % newEntry.name)

				# Don't care about similar timers
				elif not similarTimer:
					conflicting.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))

					if config.plugins.autotimer.disabled_on_conflict.value:
						msg = "[AutoTimer] Timer disabled because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString)
						newEntry.log(503, msg)
						newEntry.disabled = True
						if newEntry in (recordHandler.timer_list[:] + recordHandler.processed_timers[:]):
							# We might want to do the sanity check locally so we don't run it twice - but I consider this workaround a hack anyway
							conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)
					elif newAT != newEntry and newEntry in (recordHandler.timer_list[:] + recordHandler.processed_timers[:]):
						if not self.isResolvedConflict(newEntry):
							newEntry.disabled = True
							doLog("[AutoTimer] Unknown conflict, disable this timer %s." % newEntry.name)

		return (new, modified)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def parseTimer(self, timer, epgcache, serviceHandler, recordHandler, checkEvtLimit, evtLimit, timers, conflicting, similars, skipped, timerdict, moviedict, simulateOnly=False):
		new = 0
		modified = 0

		# Search EPG, default to empty list
		epgmatches = epgcache.search( ('RITBDSE', 1000, typeMap[timer.searchType], timer.match, caseMap[timer.searchCase]) ) or []

		# Sort list of tuples by begin time 'B'

		# Contains the the marked similar eits and the conflicting strings
		similardict = defaultdict(list)		

		# Loop over all EPG matches
		for idx, ( serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc ) in enumerate( epgmatches ):
			# timer destination dir
			dest = timer.destination or config.usage.default_path.value
			evtBegin = begin
			evtEnd = end = begin + duration

			doLog("possible epgmatch %s" % (name))
			doLog("Serviceref %s" % (str(serviceref)))
			eserviceref = eServiceReference(serviceref)
			evt = epgcache.lookupEventId(eserviceref, eit)
			if not evt:
				doLog("Could not create Event!")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, str(serviceref), timer.name, getLog()))
			# Try to determine real service (we always choose the last one)
			n = evt.getNumOfLinkageServices()
			if n > 0:
				i = evt.getLinkageService(eserviceref, n-1)
				serviceref = i.toString()
				doLog("Serviceref2 %s" % (str(serviceref)))

			# If event starts in less than 60 seconds skip it
			if begin < time() + 60:
				doLog("Skipping an event because it starts in less than 60 seconds")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Convert begin time
			timestamp = localtime(begin)
			# Update timer
			timer.update(begin, timestamp)

			# Check if eit is in similar matches list
			# NOTE: ignore evtLimit for similar timers as I feel this makes the feature unintuitive
			similarTimer = False
			if eit in similardict:
				similarTimer = True
				dayofweek = None # NOTE: ignore day on similar timer
				# If maximum days in future is set then check time
				if checkEvtLimit:
					if begin > evtLimit:
						doLog("Skipping an event because of maximum days in future is reached")
						skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				dayofweek = str(timestamp.tm_wday)

			# Check timer conditions
			# NOTE: similar matches do not care about the day/time they are on, so ignore them
			if timer.checkServices(serviceref):
				doLog("Skipping an event because of check services")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if timer.checkDuration(duration):
				doLog("Skipping an event because of duration check")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if not similarTimer:
				if timer.checkTimespan(timestamp):
					doLog("Skipping an event because of timestamp check")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
				if timer.checkTimeframe(begin):
					doLog("Skipping an event because of timeframe check")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Initialize
			newEntry = None
			oldExists = False
			allow_modify = True
			# Eventually change service to alternative
			if timer.overrideAlternatives:
				serviceref = timer.getAlternative(serviceref)

			if timer.series_labeling and sp_getSeasonEpisode is not None:
				allow_modify = False
				#doLog("Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name,shortdesc,dest))
				sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, name, evtBegin, evtEnd, shortdesc, dest)
				if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
					name = sp[0] or name
					shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
					dest = sp[2] or dest
					#doLog("Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name,shortdesc,dest))
					allow_modify = True
					# Nothing found
					# If AutoTimer name not equal match, do a second lookup with the name
					if timer.name.lower() != timer.match.lower():
						#doLog("Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (timer.name,shortdesc,dest))
						sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, timer.name, evtBegin, evtEnd, shortdesc, dest)
						if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
							name = sp[0] or name
							shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
							dest = sp[2] or dest
							#doLog("Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name,shortdesc,dest))
							allow_modify = True

			if timer.checkFilter(name, shortdesc, extdesc, dayofweek):
				doLog("Skipping an event because of filter check")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if timer.hasOffset():
				# Apply custom Offset
				begin, end = timer.applyOffset(begin, end)
				# Apply E2 Offset
				if ServiceRecordingSettings:
					begin -= ServiceRecordingSettings.instance.getMarginBefore(eserviceref)
					end += ServiceRecordingSettings.instance.getMarginAfter(eserviceref)
					begin -= config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
					end += config.recording.margin_after.value * 60

			# Overwrite endtime if requested
			if timer.justplay and not timer.setEndtime:
				end = begin

			# Check for existing recordings in directory
			if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription == 3:
				# Reset movie Exists
				movieExists = False

				if dest and dest not in moviedict:
					self.addDirectoryToMovieDict(moviedict, dest, serviceHandler)
				for movieinfo in moviedict.get(dest, ()):
					if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, movieinfo.get("name"), shortdesc, movieinfo.get("shortdesc"), extdesc, movieinfo.get("extdesc") ):
						doLog("We found a matching recorded movie, skipping event:", name)
						movieExists = True
				if movieExists:
					doLog("Skipping an event because movie already exists")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Check for double Timers
			# We first check eit and if user wants us to guess event based on time
			# we try this as backup. The allowed diff should be configurable though.
			for rtimer in timerdict.get(serviceref, ()):
				if rtimer.eit == eit:
					oldExists = True
					doLog("We found a timer based on eit")
					newEntry = rtimer
				elif config.plugins.autotimer.try_guessing.value:
					if timer.hasOffset():
						# Remove custom Offset
						rbegin = rtimer.begin + timer.offset[0] * 60
						rend = rtimer.end - timer.offset[1] * 60
						# Remove E2 Offset
						rbegin = rtimer.begin + config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
						rend = rtimer.end - config.recording.margin_after.value * 60
					# As alternative we could also do a epg lookup
					#revent = epgcache.lookupEventId(rtimer.service_ref.ref, rtimer.eit)
					#rbegin = revent.getBeginTime() or 0
					#rduration = revent.getDuration() or 0
					#rend = rbegin + rduration or 0
					if getTimeDiff(rbegin, rend, evtBegin, evtEnd) > ((duration/10)*8):
						oldExists = True
						doLog("We found a timer based on time guessing")
						newEntry = rtimer
				if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 1 \
					and not rtimer.disabled:
						if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, rtimer.name, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc ):
						# if searchForDuplicateDescription > 1 then check short description
							oldExists = True
							doLog("We found a timer (similar service) with same description, skipping event")

			# We found no timer we want to edit
			if newEntry is None:
				# But there is a match
				if oldExists:
					doLog("Skipping an event because a timer on same service exists")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				# We want to search for possible doubles
				if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 2:
					for rtimer in chain.from_iterable( itervalues(timerdict) ):
						if not rtimer.disabled:
							if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, rtimer.name, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc ):
								oldExists = True
								doLog("We found a timer (any service) with same description, skipping event")
					if oldExists:
						doLog("Skipping an event because a timer on any service exists")
						skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				if timer.checkCounter(timestamp):
					doLog("Not adding new timer because counter is depleted.")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Append to timerlist and abort if simulating
			timers.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if simulateOnly:

			if newEntry is not None:
				# Abort if we don't want to modify timers or timer is repeated
				if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value == "none" or newEntry.repeated:
					doLog("Won't modify existing timer because either no modification allowed or repeated timer")

				if hasattr(newEntry, "isAutoTimer"):
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer %s modified this automatically generated timer." % (timer.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)
				elif config.plugins.autotimer.add_autotimer_to_tags.value and TAG in newEntry.tags:
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer %s modified this automatically generated timer." % (timer.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)
					if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value != "all":
						doLog("Won't modify existing timer because it's no timer set by us")

					msg = "[AutoTimer] Warning, AutoTimer %s messed with a timer which might not belong to it: %s ." % (timer.name, newEntry.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)

				modified += 1

				if allow_modify:
					self.modifyTimer(newEntry, name, shortdesc, begin, end, serviceref, eit)
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modified timer: %s ." % (newEntry.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modification not allowed for timer: %s ." % (newEntry.name)
				newEntry = RecordTimerEntry(ServiceReference(serviceref), begin, end, name, shortdesc, eit)
				msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add new timer based on AutoTimer %s." % (timer.name)
				newEntry.log(500, msg)
				# Mark this entry as AutoTimer (only AutoTimers will have this Attribute set)
				# It is only temporarily, after a restart it will be lost,
				# because it won't be stored in the timer xml file
				newEntry.isAutoTimer = True

			# Apply afterEvent
			if timer.hasAfterEvent():
				afterEvent = timer.getAfterEventTimespan(localtime(end))
				if afterEvent is None:
					afterEvent = timer.getAfterEvent()
				if afterEvent is not None:
					newEntry.afterEvent = afterEvent

			newEntry.dirname = dest

			newEntry.justplay = timer.justplay
			newEntry.vpsplugin_enabled = timer.vps_enabled
			newEntry.vpsplugin_overwrite = timer.vps_overwrite
			tags = timer.tags[:]
			if config.plugins.autotimer.add_autotimer_to_tags.value:
				if TAG not in tags:
			if config.plugins.autotimer.add_name_to_tags.value:
				tagname = timer.name.strip()
				if tagname:
					tagname = tagname[0].upper() + tagname[1:].replace(" ", "_")
					if tagname not in tags:
			newEntry.tags = tags

			if oldExists:
				# XXX: this won't perform a sanity check, but do we actually want to do so?

				conflictString = ""
				if similarTimer:
					conflictString = similardict[eit].conflictString
					msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add similar Timer because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString)
					newEntry.log(504, msg)

				# Try to add timer
				conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)

				if conflicts:
					# Maybe use newEntry.log
					conflictString += ' / '.join(["%s (%s)" % (x.name, strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(x.begin))) for x in conflicts])
					doLog("conflict with %s detected" % (conflictString))

					if config.plugins.autotimer.addsimilar_on_conflict.value:
						# We start our search right after our actual index
						# Attention we have to use a copy of the list, because we have to append the previous older matches
						lepgm = len(epgmatches)
						for i in xrange(lepgm):
							servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS = epgmatches[ (i+idx+1)%lepgm ]
							if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, nameS, shortdesc, shortdescS, extdesc, extdescS, force=True ):
								# Check if the similar is already known
								if eitS not in similardict:
									doLog("Found similar Timer: " + name)

									# Store the actual and similar eit and conflictString, so it can be handled later
									newEntry.conflictString = conflictString
									similardict[eit] = newEntry
									similardict[eitS] = newEntry
									similarTimer = True
									if beginS <= evtBegin:
										# Event is before our actual epgmatch so we have to append it to the epgmatches list
										epgmatches.append((servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS))
									# If we need a second similar it will be found the next time
									similarTimer = False
									newEntry = similardict[eitS]

				if conflicts is None:
					new += 1
					newEntry.extdesc = extdesc

					# Similar timers are in new timers list and additionally in similar timers list
					if similarTimer:
						similars.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))

				# Don't care about similar timers
				elif not similarTimer:
					conflicting.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))

					if config.plugins.autotimer.disabled_on_conflict.value:
						msg = "[AutoTimer] Timer disabled because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString)
						newEntry.log(503, msg)
						newEntry.disabled = True
						# We might want to do the sanity check locally so we don't run it twice - but I consider this workaround a hack anyway
						conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)
		return (new, modified)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parseTimer(self,
        new = 0
        modified = 0

        # Search EPG, default to empty list
        epgmatches = epgcache.search(
            ('RITBDSE', 1000, typeMap[timer.searchType], timer.match,
             caseMap[timer.searchCase])) or []

        # Sort list of tuples by begin time 'B'

        # Contains the the marked similar eits and the conflicting strings
        similardict = defaultdict(list)

        # Loop over all EPG matches
        for idx, (serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc,
                  extdesc) in enumerate(epgmatches):


            # timer destination dir
            dest = timer.destination or config.usage.default_path.value

            evtBegin = begin
            evtEnd = end = begin + duration

            doLog("possible epgmatch %s" % (name))
            doLog("Serviceref %s" % (str(serviceref)))
            eserviceref = eServiceReference(serviceref)
            evt = epgcache.lookupEventId(eserviceref, eit)
            if not evt:
                doLog("Could not create Event!")
                    (name, begin, end, str(serviceref), timer.name, getLog()))
            # Try to determine real service (we always choose the last one)
            n = evt.getNumOfLinkageServices()
            if n > 0:
                i = evt.getLinkageService(eserviceref, n - 1)
                serviceref = i.toString()
                doLog("Serviceref2 %s" % (str(serviceref)))

            # If event starts in less than 60 seconds skip it
            if begin < time() + 60:
                    "Skipping an event because it starts in less than 60 seconds"
                    (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

            # Convert begin time
            timestamp = localtime(begin)
            # Update timer
            timer.update(begin, timestamp)

            # Check if eit is in similar matches list
            # NOTE: ignore evtLimit for similar timers as I feel this makes the feature unintuitive
            similarTimer = False
            if eit in similardict:
                similarTimer = True
                dayofweek = None  # NOTE: ignore day on similar timer
                # If maximum days in future is set then check time
                if checkEvtLimit:
                    if begin > evtLimit:
                            "Skipping an event because of maximum days in future is reached"
                        skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref,
                                        timer.name, getLog()))

                dayofweek = str(timestamp.tm_wday)

            # Check timer conditions
            # NOTE: similar matches do not care about the day/time they are on, so ignore them
            if timer.checkServices(serviceref):
                doLog("Skipping an event because of check services")
                    (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
            if timer.checkDuration(duration):
                doLog("Skipping an event because of duration check")
                    (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
            if not similarTimer:
                if timer.checkTimespan(timestamp):
                    doLog("Skipping an event because of timestamp check")
                        (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
                if timer.checkTimeframe(begin):
                    doLog("Skipping an event because of timeframe check")
                        (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

            # Initialize
            newEntry = None
            oldExists = False
            allow_modify = True

            # Eventually change service to alternative
            if timer.overrideAlternatives:
                serviceref = timer.getAlternative(serviceref)

            if timer.series_labeling and sp_getSeasonEpisode is not None:
                allow_modify = False
                #doLog("Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name,shortdesc,dest))
                sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, name, evtBegin, evtEnd,
                                         shortdesc, dest)
                if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
                    name = sp[0] or name
                    shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
                    dest = sp[2] or dest
                    #doLog("Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name,shortdesc,dest))
                    allow_modify = True
                    # Nothing found

                    # If AutoTimer name not equal match, do a second lookup with the name
                    if timer.name.lower() != timer.match.lower():
                        #doLog("Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (timer.name,shortdesc,dest))
                        sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, timer.name,
                                                 evtBegin, evtEnd, shortdesc,
                        if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
                            name = sp[0] or name
                            shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
                            dest = sp[2] or dest
                            #doLog("Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name,shortdesc,dest))
                            allow_modify = True

            if timer.checkFilter(name, shortdesc, extdesc, dayofweek):
                doLog("Skipping an event because of filter check")
                    (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

            if timer.hasOffset():
                # Apply custom Offset
                begin, end = timer.applyOffset(begin, end)
                # Apply E2 Offset
                if ServiceRecordingSettings:
                    begin -= ServiceRecordingSettings.instance.getMarginBefore(
                    end += ServiceRecordingSettings.instance.getMarginAfter(
                    begin -= config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
                    end += config.recording.margin_after.value * 60

            # Overwrite endtime if requested
            if timer.justplay and not timer.setEndtime:
                end = begin

            # Check for existing recordings in directory
            if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription == 3:
                # Reset movie Exists
                movieExists = False

                if dest and dest not in moviedict:
                    self.addDirectoryToMovieDict(moviedict, dest,
                for movieinfo in moviedict.get(dest, ()):
                    if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, movieinfo.get("name"),
                                            extdesc, movieinfo.get("extdesc")):
                            "We found a matching recorded movie, skipping event:",
                        movieExists = True
                if movieExists:
                    doLog("Skipping an event because movie already exists")
                        (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

            # Check for double Timers
            # We first check eit and if user wants us to guess event based on time
            # we try this as backup. The allowed diff should be configurable though.
            for rtimer in timerdict.get(serviceref, ()):
                if rtimer.eit == eit:
                    oldExists = True
                    doLog("We found a timer based on eit")
                    newEntry = rtimer
                elif config.plugins.autotimer.try_guessing.value:
                    if timer.hasOffset():
                        # Remove custom Offset
                        rbegin = rtimer.begin + timer.offset[0]
                        rend = rtimer.end - timer.offset[1]
                        # Remove E2 Offset
                        rbegin = rtimer.begin + config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
                        rend = rtimer.end - config.recording.margin_after.value * 60
                    # As alternative we could also do a epg lookup
                    #revent = epgcache.lookupEventId(rtimer.service_ref.ref, rtimer.eit)
                    #rbegin = revent.getBeginTime() or 0
                    #rduration = revent.getDuration() or 0
                    #rend = rbegin + rduration or 0
                    if getTimeDiff(rbegin, rend, evtBegin,
                                   evtEnd) > ((duration / 10) * 8):
                        oldExists = True
                        doLog("We found a timer based on time guessing")
                        newEntry = rtimer
                if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 1 \
                 and not rtimer.disabled:
                    if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, rtimer.name,
                                            shortdesc, rtimer.description,
                                            extdesc, rtimer.extdesc):
                        # if searchForDuplicateDescription > 1 then check short description
                        oldExists = True
                            "We found a timer (similar service) with same description, skipping event"

            # We found no timer we want to edit
            if newEntry is None:
                # But there is a match
                if oldExists:
                        "Skipping an event because a timer on same service exists"
                        (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

                # We want to search for possible doubles
                if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 2:
                    for rtimer in chain.from_iterable(itervalues(timerdict)):
                        if not rtimer.disabled:
                            if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, rtimer.name,
                                                    extdesc, rtimer.extdesc):
                                oldExists = True
                                    "We found a timer (any service) with same description, skipping event"
                    if oldExists:
                            "Skipping an event because a timer on any service exists"
                        skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref,
                                        timer.name, getLog()))

                if timer.checkCounter(timestamp):
                    doLog("Not adding new timer because counter is depleted.")
                        (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

            # if set option for check/save timer in filterlist and only if not found an existing timer
            isnewFilterEntry = False
            if (config.plugins.autotimer.series_save_filter.value
                    or timer.series_save_filter) and oldExists == False:
                # only if use series_labeling and if sp_getSeasonEpisode was succesful
                if timer.series_labeling and sp_getSeasonEpisode is not None:
                    if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
                        ret = self.addToFilterfile(str(sp[0]), begin,
                        if ret:
                            if simulateOnly:
                                    "only simulate - new Timer would be saved in autotimer_filter"
                                doLog("new Timer saved in autotimer_filter")
                                isnewFilterEntry = True
                                (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name,

            # Append to timerlist and abort if simulating
            timers.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
            if simulateOnly:

            if newEntry is not None:
                # Abort if we don't want to modify timers or timer is repeated
                if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value == "none" or newEntry.repeated:
                        "Won't modify existing timer because either no modification allowed or repeated timer"

                if hasattr(newEntry, "isAutoTimer"):
                    msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer %s modified this automatically generated timer." % (
                    newEntry.log(501, msg)
                elif config.plugins.autotimer.add_autotimer_to_tags.value and TAG in newEntry.tags:
                    msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer %s modified this automatically generated timer." % (
                    newEntry.log(501, msg)
                    if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value != "all":
                            "Won't modify existing timer because it's no timer set by us"

                    msg = "[AutoTimer] Warning, AutoTimer %s messed with a timer which might not belong to it: %s ." % (
                        timer.name, newEntry.name)
                    newEntry.log(501, msg)

                if newEntry.begin != begin or newEntry.end != end or newEntry.name != name:
                    modified += 1
                    #self.addToSearchLogfile(newEntry,"#", simulateOnly)

                if allow_modify:
                    modified_for_searchlog = True if newEntry.begin != begin or newEntry.end != end or newEntry.name != name else False
                    self.modifyTimer(newEntry, name, shortdesc, begin, end,
                                     serviceref, eit)
                    if modified_for_searchlog:
                        self.addToSearchLogfile(newEntry, "#", simulateOnly)
                    msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modified timer: %s ." % (
                    newEntry.log(501, msg)
                    msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modification not allowed for timer: %s ." % (
                newEntry = RecordTimerEntry(ServiceReference(serviceref),
                                            begin, end, name, shortdesc, eit)
                msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add new timer based on AutoTimer %s." % (
                newEntry.log(500, msg)

                # Mark this entry as AutoTimer (only AutoTimers will have this Attribute set)
                # It is only temporarily, after a restart it will be lost,
                # because it won't be stored in the timer xml file
                newEntry.isAutoTimer = True

            # Apply afterEvent
            if timer.hasAfterEvent():
                afterEvent = timer.getAfterEventTimespan(localtime(end))
                if afterEvent is None:
                    afterEvent = timer.getAfterEvent()
                if afterEvent is not None:
                    newEntry.afterEvent = afterEvent

            newEntry.dirname = dest

            newEntry.justplay = timer.justplay
            newEntry.vpsplugin_enabled = timer.vps_enabled
            newEntry.vpsplugin_overwrite = timer.vps_overwrite
            tags = timer.tags[:]
            if config.plugins.autotimer.add_autotimer_to_tags.value:
                if TAG not in tags:
            if config.plugins.autotimer.add_name_to_tags.value:
                tagname = timer.name.strip()
                if tagname:
                    tagname = tagname[0].upper() + tagname[1:].replace(
                        " ", "_")
                    if tagname not in tags:
            newEntry.tags = tags

            if oldExists:
                # XXX: this won't perform a sanity check, but do we actually want to do so?

                conflictString = ""
                if similarTimer:
                    conflictString = similardict[eit].conflictString
                    msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add similar Timer because of conflicts with %s." % (
                    newEntry.log(504, msg)

                # Try to add timer
                conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)

                if conflicts:
                    # Maybe use newEntry.log
                    conflictString += ' / '.join([
                        "%s (%s)" %
                        (x.name, strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(x.begin)))
                        for x in conflicts
                    doLog("conflict with %s detected" % (conflictString))

                    if config.plugins.autotimer.addsimilar_on_conflict.value:
                        # We start our search right after our actual index
                        # Attention we have to use a copy of the list, because we have to append the previous older matches
                        lepgm = len(epgmatches)
                        for i in xrange(lepgm):
                            servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS = epgmatches[
                                (i + idx + 1) % lepgm]
                            if self.checkDuplicates(timer,
                                # Check if the similar is already known
                                if eitS not in similardict:
                                    doLog("Found similar Timer: " + name)

                                    # Store the actual and similar eit and conflictString, so it can be handled later
                                    newEntry.conflictString = conflictString
                                    similardict[eit] = newEntry
                                    similardict[eitS] = newEntry
                                    similarTimer = True
                                    if beginS <= evtBegin:
                                        # Event is before our actual epgmatch so we have to append it to the epgmatches list
                                            (servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS,
                                             durationS, shortdescS, extdescS))
                                    # If we need a second similar it will be found the next time
                                    similarTimer = False
                                    newEntry = similardict[eitS]

                if conflicts is None:
                    new += 1
                    if isnewFilterEntry:
                        self.addToSearchLogfile(newEntry, "++", simulateOnly)
                        self.addToSearchLogfile(newEntry, "+", simulateOnly)
                    newEntry.extdesc = extdesc

                    # Similar timers are in new timers list and additionally in similar timers list
                    if similarTimer:
                            (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))

                # Don't care about similar timers
                elif not similarTimer:
                        (name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))
                    self.addToSearchLogfile(newEntry, "x", simulateOnly)

                    if config.plugins.autotimer.disabled_on_conflict.value:
                        msg = "[AutoTimer] Timer disabled because of conflicts with %s." % (
                        newEntry.log(503, msg)
                        newEntry.disabled = True
                        # We might want to do the sanity check locally so we don't run it twice - but I consider this workaround a hack anyway
                        conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)

        return (new, modified)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def parseTimer(self, timer, epgcache, serviceHandler, recordHandler, checkEvtLimit, evtLimit, timers, conflicting, similars, skipped, timerdict, moviedict, simulateOnly=False):
		new = 0
		modified = 0

		# enable multiple timer if services or bouquets specified (eg. recording the same event on sd service and hd service)
		enable_multiple_timer = ((timer.services and 's' in config.plugins.autotimer.enable_multiple_timer.value or False) or (timer.bouquets and 'b' in config.plugins.autotimer.enable_multiple_timer.value or False))

		# Workaround to allow search for umlauts if we know the encoding
		match = timer.match.replace('\xc2\x86', '').replace('\xc2\x87', '')
		if timer.encoding != 'UTF-8':
				match = match.decode('UTF-8').encode(timer.encoding)
			except UnicodeDecodeError:

		if timer.searchType == "favoritedesc":
			epgmatches = []

			casesensitive = timer.searchCase == "sensitive"
			if not casesensitive:
				match = match.lower()

			test = []
			if timer.services or timer.bouquets:
				if timer.services:
					test = [(service, 0, -1, -1) for service in timer.services]
				if timer.bouquets:
					for bouquet in timer.bouquets:
						services = serviceHandler.list(eServiceReference(bouquet))
						if services:
							while True:
								service = services.getNext()
								if not service.valid():
								playable = not (service.flags & (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)) or (service.flags & eServiceReference.isNumberedMarker)
								if playable:
									test.append((service.toString(), 0, -1, -1))
			else: # Get all bouquets
				bouquetlist = []
				if config.usage.multibouquet.value:
					refstr = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.tv" ORDER BY bouquet'
					bouquetroot = eServiceReference(refstr)
					bouquets = serviceHandler.list(bouquetroot)
					if bouquets:
						while True:
							s = bouquets.getNext()
							if not s.valid():
							if s.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory and not s.flags & eServiceReference.isInvisible:
								info = serviceHandler.info(s)
								if info:
					service_types_tv = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:(type == 1) || (type == 17) || (type == 22) || (type == 25) || (type == 31) || (type == 134) || (type == 195)'
					refstr = '%s FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.favourites.tv" ORDER BY bouquet' % (service_types_tv)
					bouquetroot = eServiceReference(refstr)
					info = serviceHandler.info(bouquetroot)
					if info:
				if bouquetlist:
					for bouquet in bouquetlist:
						if not bouquet.valid():
						if bouquet.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory:
							services = serviceHandler.list(bouquet)
							if services:
								while True:
									service = services.getNext()
									if not service.valid():
									playable = not (service.flags & (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)) or (service.flags & eServiceReference.isNumberedMarker)
									if playable:
										test.append((service.toString(), 0, -1, -1))

			if test:
				# Get all events
				#  eEPGCache.lookupEvent( [ format of the returned tuples, ( service, 0 = event intersects given start_time, start_time -1 for now_time), ] )
				test.insert(0, 'RITBDSE')
				allevents = epgcache.lookupEvent(test) or []

				# Filter events
				for serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc in allevents:
					if match in (shortdesc if casesensitive else shortdesc.lower()) or match in (extdesc if casesensitive else extdesc.lower()) or match in (name if casesensitive else name.lower()):
						epgmatches.append((serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc))

			# Search EPG, default to empty list
			epgmatches = epgcache.search(('RITBDSE', int(config.plugins.autotimer.max_search_events_match.value), typeMap[timer.searchType], match, caseMap[timer.searchCase])) or []

		# Sort list of tuples by begin time 'B'

		# Contains the the marked similar eits and the conflicting strings
		similardict = defaultdict(list)

		dayofweek_exclude = timer.exclude[3]
		if dayofweek_exclude:
			dayofweek_exclude_values = dayofweek_exclude[:]
			if "weekend" in dayofweek_exclude_values:
				dayofweek_exclude_values.extend(("5", "6"))
			if "weekday" in dayofweek_exclude_values:
				dayofweek_exclude_values.extend(("0", "1", "2", "3", "4"))
		dayofweek_include = timer.include[3]
		if dayofweek_include:
			dayofweek_include_values = dayofweek_include[:]
			if "weekend" in dayofweek_include_values:
				dayofweek_include_values.extend(("5", "6"))
			if "weekday" in dayofweek_include_values:
				dayofweek_include_values.extend(("0", "1", "2", "3", "4"))

		# Loop over all EPG matches
		for idx, (serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc) in enumerate(epgmatches):

			# timer destination dir
			dest = timer.destination or config.usage.default_path.value

			evtBegin = begin
			evtEnd = end = begin + duration

			doLog("[AutoTimer] possible epgmatch %s" % (name))
			doLog("[AutoTimer] Serviceref %s" % serviceref)
			eserviceref = eServiceReference(serviceref)
			evt = epgcache.lookupEventId(eserviceref, eit)
			if not evt:
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Could not create Event!")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			# Try to determine real service (we always choose the last one)
			#n = evt.getNumOfLinkageServices()
			#if n > 0:
			#	i = evt.getLinkageService(eserviceref, n-1)
			#	serviceref = i.toString()
			#	doLog("[AutoTimer] Serviceref2 %s" % serviceref)

			# If event starts in less than 60 seconds skip it
			if begin < time() + 60:
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because it starts in less than 60 seconds")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Set short description to equal extended description if it is empty.
			if not shortdesc and timer.descShortEqualExt and extdesc:
				shortdesc = extdesc

			# Convert begin time
			timestamp = localtime(begin)
			# Update timer
			timer.update(begin, timestamp)

			# Check if eit is in similar matches list
			# NOTE: ignore evtLimit for similar timers as I feel this makes the feature unintuitive
			similarTimer = False
			if eit in similardict:
				similarTimer = True
				dayofweek = None # NOTE: ignore day on similar timer
				# If maximum days in future is set then check time
				if checkEvtLimit:
					if begin > evtLimit:
						doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of maximum days in future is reached")
						skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				current_dayofweek = tdow = timestamp.tm_wday
				if (timer.timespan[0] != None) and timer.timespan[2]:
					begin_offset = 60 * timestamp.tm_hour + timestamp.tm_min
					timer_offset = 60 * timer.timespan[0][0] + timer.timespan[0][1]
					if begin_offset < timer_offset:
						tdow = (tdow - 1) % 7
				dayofweek = str(tdow)

				# Update dayofweek when programmes that cross midnight and have a dayofweek filter
				if str(current_dayofweek) == dayofweek and (dayofweek_exclude or dayofweek_include):
					end_timestamp = localtime(end)
					end_dayofweek = str(end_timestamp.tm_wday)
					if dayofweek != end_dayofweek:
						if dayofweek_exclude:
							if dayofweek in dayofweek_exclude_values:
								if not end_dayofweek in dayofweek_exclude_values:
									doLog("[AutoTimer] [AutoTimer] Update dayofweek by reason of exclude dayofweek filter")
									dayofweek = end_dayofweek
						if dayofweek_include and dayofweek != end_dayofweek:
							if not dayofweek in dayofweek_include_values:
								if end_dayofweek in dayofweek_include_values:
									doLog("[AutoTimer] [AutoTimer] Update dayofweek by reason of include dayofweek filter")
									dayofweek = end_dayofweek

			# Check timer conditions
			# NOTE: similar matches do not care about the day/time they are on, so ignore them
			if timer.checkServices(serviceref):
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of check services")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if timer.checkDuration(duration):
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of duration check")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if not similarTimer:
				if timer.checkTimespan(timestamp):
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of timestamp check")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
				if timer.checkTimeframe(begin):
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of timeframe check")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Initialize
			newEntry = None
			oldEntry = None
			oldExists = False
			allow_modify = True
			newAT = None

			# Eventually change service to alternative
			if timer.overrideAlternatives:
				serviceref = timer.getAlternative(serviceref)

			if timer.series_labeling and sp_getSeasonEpisode is not None:
				allow_modify = False
				doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name, shortdesc, dest))
				sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, name, evtBegin, evtEnd, shortdesc, dest, True)
				if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) > 3:
					name = sp[0] or name
					shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
					dest = sp[2] or dest
					allow_modify = True
					doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name, shortdesc, dest))
					# Nothing found
					# If AutoTimer name not equal match, do a second lookup with the name
					if timer.name.lower() != timer.match.lower():
						doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (timer.name, shortdesc, dest))
						sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, timer.name, evtBegin, evtEnd, shortdesc, dest, True)
						if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) > 3:
							name = sp[0] or name
							shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
							dest = sp[2] or dest
							allow_modify = True
							doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name, shortdesc, dest))

			if timer.checkFilter(name, shortdesc, extdesc, dayofweek):
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of filter check")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			if timer.hasOffset():
				# Apply custom Offset
				begin, end = timer.applyOffset(begin, end)
				offsetBegin = timer.offset[0]
				offsetEnd = timer.offset[1]
				# Apply E2 Offset
				begin -= config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
				end += config.recording.margin_after.value * 60
				offsetBegin = config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
				offsetEnd = config.recording.margin_after.value * 60

			# Overwrite endtime if requested
			if timer.justplay and not timer.setEndtime:
				end = begin
				evtEnd = evtBegin

			# Check for existing recordings in directory
			if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription == 3:
				# Reset movie Exists
				movieExists = False

				if dest and dest not in moviedict:
					self.addDirectoryToMovieDict(moviedict, dest, serviceHandler)
				for movieinfo in moviedict.get(dest, ()):
					if self.checkSimilarity(timer, name, movieinfo.get("name"), shortdesc, movieinfo.get("shortdesc"), extdesc, movieinfo.get("extdesc"), isMovie=True):
						doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a matching recorded movie, skipping event:", name)
						movieExists = True
				if movieExists:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because movie already exists")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Check for double Timers
			# We first check eit and if user wants us to guess event based on time
			# we try this as backup. The allowed diff should be configurable though.
			for rtimer in timerdict.get(serviceref, ()):
				try: # protect against vps plugin not being present
					vps_changed = hasVps and (rtimer.vpsplugin_enabled != timer.vps_enabled or rtimer.vpsplugin_overwrite != timer.vps_overwrite)
					vps_changed = False
				time_changed = (evtBegin - offsetBegin != rtimer.begin) or (evtEnd + offsetEnd != rtimer.end)
				desc_changed = (timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 1 and shortdesc and rtimer.description and shortdesc != rtimer.description) or (timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 2 and extdesc and rtimer.extdesc and extdesc != rtimer.extdesc)
				if rtimer.eit == eit:
					oldExists = True
					doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer based on eit")
					if time_changed or desc_changed or vps_changed:
						newEntry = rtimer
						oldEntry = [rtimer.name, rtimer.description, rtimer.extdesc, rtimer.begin, rtimer.end, rtimer.service_ref, rtimer.eit, rtimer.disabled]
				elif config.plugins.autotimer.try_guessing.value:
					if timeSimilarityPercent(rtimer, evtBegin, evtEnd, timer) > 80:
						oldExists = True
						doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer based on time guessing")
						if time_changed or desc_changed or vps_changed:
							newEntry = rtimer
							oldEntry = [rtimer.name, rtimer.description, rtimer.extdesc, rtimer.begin, rtimer.end, rtimer.service_ref, rtimer.eit, rtimer.disabled]
				if oldExists is None and timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 1 and not rtimer.disabled:
					# searchForDuplicateDescription is 1 - check short description / searchForDuplicateDescription is 2 - check extended description
					if self.checkSimilarity(timer, name, rtimer.name, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc):
						oldExists = True
						doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer (similar service) with same description, skipping event")

			# We found no timer we want to edit
			if newEntry is None:
				# But there is a match
				if oldExists:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because a timer on same service exists")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				# We want to search for possible doubles
				for rtimer in chain.from_iterable(itervalues(timerdict)):
					if not rtimer.disabled:
						if self.checkDoubleTimers(timer, name, rtimer.name, begin, rtimer.begin, end, rtimer.end, serviceref, rtimer.service_ref.ref.toString(), enable_multiple_timer):
							oldExists = True
							print("[AutoTimer] We found a timer with same start time, skipping event")
						if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 2:
							if self.checkSimilarity(timer, name, rtimer.name, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc):
								oldExists = True
								doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer (any service) with same description, skipping event")
				if oldExists:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because a timer on any service exists")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				if timer.checkCounter(timestamp):
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Not adding new timer because counter is depleted.")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# if set option for check/save timer in filterlist and only if not found an existing timer
			isnewFilterEntry = False
			if (config.plugins.autotimer.series_save_filter.value or timer.series_save_filter) and not oldExists:
				if timer.series_labeling and sp_getSeasonEpisode is not None:
					if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
						ret = self.addToFilterfile(str(sp[0]), begin, simulateOnly)
					if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) > 3:
						filter_title = str(sp[0])
						if len(sp) > 4:
							filter_title = "{series:s} - S{season:02d}E{rawepisode:s} - {title:s}".format(**sp[4])
						ret = self.addToFilterfile(filter_title, begin, simulateOnly, str(sp[0]))
						if ret:
							if simulateOnly:
								doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] only simulate - new Timer would be saved in autotimer_filter")
								doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] new Timer saved in autotimer_filter")
								isnewFilterEntry = True
							skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Append to timerlist and abort if simulating
			timers.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if simulateOnly:

			if newEntry is not None:
				# Abort if we don't want to modify timers or timer is repeated
				if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value == "none" or newEntry.repeated:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Won't modify existing timer because either no modification allowed or repeated timer")
				if "autotimer" in newEntry.flags:
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer %s modified this automatically generated timer." % (timer.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)
					if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value != "all":
						doLog("[AutoTimer] Won't modify existing timer because it's no timer set by us")

					msg = "[AutoTimer] Warning, AutoTimer %s messed with a timer which might not belong to it: %s ." % (timer.name, newEntry.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)

				changed = newEntry.begin != begin or newEntry.end != end or newEntry.name != name
				if allow_modify:
					if oldExists and newEntry.service_ref.ref.toString() == serviceref and newEntry.eit == eit and newEntry.name == name and newEntry.begin < begin and newEntry.end < end and (0 < begin - newEntry.end <= 600):
						begin = newEntry.begin
						doLog("[AutoTimer] This same eit and different times end - update only end")
					if self.modifyTimer(newEntry, name, shortdesc, begin, end, serviceref, eit, base_timer=timer):
						msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modified timer: %s ." % (newEntry.name)
						newEntry.log(501, msg)
						if changed:
							self.addToSearchLogfile(newEntry, "#", simulateOnly)
							modified += 1
						msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modification not allowed for timer %s because conflicts or double timer." % (newEntry.name)
						if oldEntry:
							self.setOldTimer(newEntry, oldEntry)
							doLog("[AutoTimer] conflict for modification timer %s detected return to old timer" % (newEntry.name))
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modification not allowed for timer: %s ." % (newEntry.name)
				newEntry = RecordTimerEntry(ServiceReference(serviceref), begin, end, name, shortdesc, eit)
				newAT = True

				msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add new timer based on AutoTimer %s." % (timer.name)
				newEntry.log(500, msg)
				msg = "[AutoTimer] Timer start on: %s" % ctime(begin)
				newEntry.log(509, msg)

				# Mark this entry as AutoTimer
				# Mark this entry as timer name

			# Apply afterEvent
			if timer.hasAfterEvent():
				afterEvent = timer.getAfterEventTimespan(localtime(end))
				if afterEvent is None:
					afterEvent = timer.getAfterEvent()
				if afterEvent is not None:
					newEntry.afterEvent = afterEvent

			newEntry.dirname = dest
			newEntry.justplay = timer.justplay
			newEntry.vpsplugin_enabled = timer.vps_enabled
			newEntry.vpsplugin_overwrite = timer.vps_overwrite
			newEntry.conflict_detection = timer.conflict_detection
			newEntry.always_zap = timer.always_zap
			newEntry.zap_wakeup = timer.zap_wakeup

			tags = timer.tags[:]
			if config.plugins.autotimer.add_autotimer_to_tags.value:
				if 'AutoTimer' not in tags:
			if config.plugins.autotimer.add_name_to_tags.value:
				tagname = timer.name.strip()
				if tagname:
					tagname = tagname[0].upper() + tagname[1:].replace(" ", "_")
					if tagname not in tags:
			newEntry.tags = tags

			if oldExists and newAT is None:
				if self.isResolvedConflict(newEntry):
					if oldEntry:
						self.setOldTimer(newEntry, oldEntry)
						doLog("[AutoTimer] rechecking - conflict for timer %s detected return to old timer" % (newEntry.name))
			elif newAT:
				newAT = newEntry
				conflictString = ""
				if similarTimer:
					conflictString = similardict[eit].conflictString
					msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add similar Timer because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString)
					newEntry.log(504, msg)

				# add new timer in AT timer list
				atDoubleTimer = False
				refstr = ':'.join(newEntry.service_ref.ref.toString().split(':')[:11])
				for at in addNewTimers:
					needed_ref = ':'.join(at.service_ref.ref.toString().split(':')[:11]) == refstr
					if needed_ref and at.eit == newEntry.eit and (newEntry.begin < at.begin <= newEntry.end or at.begin <= newEntry.begin <= at.end):
						atDoubleTimer = True
				if atDoubleTimer:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] ignore double new auto timer %s." % newEntry.name)

				# Try to add timer
				conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)

				if conflicts and not timer.hasOffset() and not config.recording.margin_before.value and not config.recording.margin_after.value and len(conflicts) > 1:
					change_end = change_begin = False
					conflict_begin = conflicts[1].begin
					conflict_end = conflicts[1].end
					if conflict_begin == newEntry.end:
						newEntry.end -= 30
						change_end = True
					elif newEntry.begin == conflict_end:
						newEntry.begin += 30
						change_begin = True
					if change_end or change_begin:
						conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)
						if conflicts:
							if change_end:
								newEntry.end += 30
							elif change_begin:
								newEntry.begin -= 30
							doLog("[AutoTimer] The conflict is resolved by offset time begin/end (30 sec) for %s." % newEntry.name)

				if conflicts:
					# Maybe use newEntry.log
					conflictString += ' / '.join(["%s (%s)" % (x.name, strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(x.begin))) for x in conflicts])
					doLog("[AutoTimer] conflict with %s detected" % (conflictString))

					if config.plugins.autotimer.addsimilar_on_conflict.value:
						# We start our search right after our actual index
						# Attention we have to use a copy of the list, because we have to append the previous older matches
						lepgm = len(epgmatches)
						for i in xrange(lepgm):
							servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS = epgmatches[(i + idx + 1) % lepgm]
							if self.checkSimilarity(timer, name, nameS, shortdesc, shortdescS, extdesc, extdescS, force=True):
								# Check if the similar is already known
								if eitS not in similardict:
									doLog("[AutoTimer] Found similar Timer: " + name)

									# Store the actual and similar eit and conflictString, so it can be handled later
									newEntry.conflictString = conflictString
									similardict[eit] = newEntry
									similardict[eitS] = newEntry
									similarTimer = True
									if beginS <= evtBegin:
										# Event is before our actual epgmatch so we have to append it to the epgmatches list
										epgmatches.append((servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS))
									# If we need a second similar it will be found the next time
									similarTimer = False
									newEntry = similardict[eitS]

				if conflicts is None:
					if newEntry in (recordHandler.timer_list[:] + recordHandler.processed_timers[:]):
						new += 1
						if isnewFilterEntry:
							self.addToSearchLogfile(newEntry, "++", simulateOnly)
							self.addToSearchLogfile(newEntry, "+", simulateOnly)
						newEntry.extdesc = extdesc

						# Similar timers are in new timers list and additionally in similar timers list
						if similarTimer:
							similars.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))
						doLog("[AutoTimer] ignore double timer %s." % newEntry.name)

				# Don't care about similar timers
				elif not similarTimer:
					conflicting.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))

					if config.plugins.autotimer.disabled_on_conflict.value:
						msg = "[AutoTimer] Timer disabled because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString)
						newEntry.log(503, msg)
						newEntry.disabled = True
						if newEntry in (recordHandler.timer_list[:] + recordHandler.processed_timers[:]):
							# We might want to do the sanity check locally so we don't run it twice - but I consider this workaround a hack anyway
							conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)
					elif newAT != newEntry and newEntry in (recordHandler.timer_list[:] + recordHandler.processed_timers[:]):
						if not self.isResolvedConflict(newEntry):
							newEntry.disabled = True
							doLog("[AutoTimer] Unknown conflict, disable this timer %s." % newEntry.name)

		return (new, modified)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def parseTimer(self, timer, epgcache, serviceHandler, recordHandler, checkEvtLimit, evtLimit, timers, conflicting, similars, skipped, timerdict, moviedict, simulateOnly=False):
		new = 0
		modified = 0

		# Workaround to allow search for umlauts if we know the encoding
		#match = timer.match
		match = timer.match.replace('\xc2\x86', '').replace('\xc2\x87', '')
		if timer.encoding != 'UTF-8':
				match = match.decode('UTF-8').encode(timer.encoding)
			except UnicodeDecodeError:

		if timer.searchType == "description":
			epgmatches = []
			mask = (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)

			casesensitive = timer.searchCase == "sensitive"
			if not casesensitive:
				match = match.lower()

			# Service filter defined
			# Search only using the specified services
			test = [(service, 0, -1, -1) for service in timer.services]

			for bouquet in timer.bouquets:
				services = serviceHandler.list(eServiceReference(bouquet))
				if not services is None:
					while True:
						service = services.getNext()
						if not service.valid(): #check end of list
						if not (service.flags & mask):
							test.append( (service.toString(), 0, -1, -1 ) )

			if not test:
				# No service filter defined
				# Search within all services - could be very slow

				# Get all bouquets
				bouquetlist = []
				if config.usage.multibouquet.value:
					refstr = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.tv" ORDER BY bouquet'
					bouquetroot = eServiceReference(refstr)
					bouquets = serviceHandler.list(bouquetroot)
					if bouquets:
						while True:
							s = bouquets.getNext()
							if not s.valid():
							if s.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory:
								info = serviceHandler.info(s)
								if info:
									bouquetlist.append((info.getName(s), s))
					mask = (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)
					for name, bouquet in bouquetlist:
						if not bouquet.valid(): #check end of list
						if bouquet.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory:
							services = serviceHandler.list(bouquet)
							if not services is None:
								while True:
									service = services.getNext()
									if not service.valid(): #check end of list
									if not (service.flags & mask):
										test.append( (service.toString(), 0, -1, -1 ) )
					service_types_tv = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:(type == 1) || (type == 17) || (type == 22) || (type == 25) || (type == 134) || (type == 195)'
					refstr = '%s FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.favourites.tv" ORDER BY bouquet'%(service_types_tv)
					bouquetroot = eServiceReference(refstr)
					info = serviceHandler.info(bouquetroot)
					if info:
						bouquetlist.append((info.getName(bouquetroot), bouquetroot))
					mask = (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)
					for name, bouquet in bouquetlist:
						if bouquet.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory:
							services = serviceHandler.list(bouquet)
							if not services is None:
								while True:
									service = services.getNext()
									if not service.valid(): #check end of list
									if not (service.flags & mask):
										test.append( (service.toString(), 0, -1, -1 ) )

			if test:
				# Get all events
				#  eEPGCache.lookupEvent( [ format of the returned tuples, ( service, 0 = event intersects given start_time, start_time -1 for now_time), ] )
				test.insert(0, 'RITBDSE')
				allevents = epgcache.lookupEvent(test) or []

				# Filter events
				for serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc in allevents:
					if match in (shortdesc if casesensitive else shortdesc.lower()) \
						or match in (extdesc if casesensitive else extdesc.lower()):
						epgmatches.append( (serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc) )

			# Search EPG, default to empty list
			epgmatches = epgcache.search( ('RITBDSE', 2000, typeMap[timer.searchType], match, caseMap[timer.searchCase]) ) or []

		# Sort list of tuples by begin time 'B'

		# Contains the the marked similar eits and the conflicting strings
		similardict = defaultdict(list)

		# Loop over all EPG matches
		for idx, ( serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc ) in enumerate( epgmatches ):


			# timer destination dir
			dest = timer.destination

			evtBegin = begin
			evtEnd = end = begin + duration

			doLog("[AutoTimer] possible epgmatch %s" % (name))
			doLog("[AutoTimer] Serviceref %s" % (str(serviceref)))
			eserviceref = eServiceReference(serviceref)
			evt = epgcache.lookupEventId(eserviceref, eit)
			if not evt:
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Could not create Event!")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, str(serviceref), timer.name, getLog()))
			# Try to determine real service (we always choose the last one)
			n = evt.getNumOfLinkageServices()
			if n > 0:
				i = evt.getLinkageService(eserviceref, n-1)
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Serviceref2 %s" % (str(serviceref)))
				serviceref = i.toString()

			evtBegin = begin
			evtEnd = end = begin + duration

			# If event starts in less than 60 seconds skip it
			if begin < time() + 60:
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because it starts in less than 60 seconds")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Set short description to equal extended description if it is empty.
			if not shortdesc:
				shortdesc = extdesc

			# Convert begin time
			timestamp = localtime(begin)
			# Update timer
			timer.update(begin, timestamp)

			# Check if eit is in similar matches list
			# NOTE: ignore evtLimit for similar timers as I feel this makes the feature unintuitive
			similarTimer = False
			if eit in similardict:
				similarTimer = True
				dayofweek = None # NOTE: ignore day on similar timer
				# If maximum days in future is set then check time
				if checkEvtLimit:
					if begin > evtLimit:
						doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of maximum days in future is reached")
						skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				dayofweek = str(timestamp.tm_wday)

			# Check timer conditions
			# NOTE: similar matches do not care about the day/time they are on, so ignore them
			if timer.checkServices(serviceref):
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of check services")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if timer.checkDuration(duration):
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of duration check")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if not similarTimer:
				if timer.checkTimespan(timestamp):
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of timestamp check")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
				if timer.checkTimeframe(begin):
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of timeframe check")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Initialize
			newEntry = None
			oldExists = False
			allow_modify = True

			# Eventually change service to alternative
			if timer.overrideAlternatives:
				serviceref = timer.getAlternative(serviceref)

			if timer.series_labeling and sp_getSeasonEpisode is not None:
				allow_modify = False
				#doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name,shortdesc,dest))
				sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, name, evtBegin, evtEnd, shortdesc, dest)
				if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
					name = sp[0] or name
					shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
					dest = sp[2] or dest
					allow_modify = True
					#doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name,shortdesc,dest))
					# Nothing found
					# If AutoTimer name not equal match, do a second lookup with the name
					if timer.name.lower() != timer.match.lower():
						#doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Request name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (timer.name,shortdesc,dest))
						sp = sp_getSeasonEpisode(serviceref, timer.name, evtBegin, evtEnd, shortdesc, dest)
						if sp and type(sp) in (tuple, list) and len(sp) == 4:
							name = sp[0] or name
							shortdesc = sp[1] or shortdesc
							dest = sp[2] or dest
							allow_modify = True
							#doLog("[AutoTimer SeriesPlugin] Returned name, desc, path %s %s %s" % (name,shortdesc,dest))

			if timer.checkFilter(name, shortdesc, extdesc, dayofweek):
				doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of filter check")
				skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			if timer.hasOffset():
				# Apply custom Offset
				begin, end = timer.applyOffset(begin, end)
				# Apply E2 Offset
				begin -= config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
				end += config.recording.margin_after.value * 60

			# Overwrite endtime if requested
			if timer.justplay and not timer.setEndtime:
				end = begin

			# Check for existing recordings in directory
			if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription == 3:
				# Reset movie Exists
				movieExists = False

				if dest and dest not in moviedict:
					self.addDirectoryToMovieDict(moviedict, dest, serviceHandler)
				for movieinfo in moviedict.get(dest, ()):
					if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, movieinfo.get("name"), shortdesc, movieinfo.get("shortdesc"), extdesc, movieinfo.get("extdesc") ):
						doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a matching recorded movie, skipping event:", name)
						movieExists = True
				if movieExists:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because movie already exists")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

			# Check for double Timers
			# We first check eit and if user wants us to guess event based on time
			# we try this as backup. The allowed diff should be configurable though.
			for rtimer in timerdict.get(serviceref, ()):
				if rtimer.eit == eit:
					oldExists = True
					doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer based on eit")
					newEntry = rtimer
				elif config.plugins.autotimer.try_guessing.value:
					if timer.hasOffset():
						# Remove custom Offset
						rbegin = rtimer.begin + timer.offset[0] * 60
						rend = rtimer.end - timer.offset[1] * 60
						# Remove E2 Offset
						rbegin = rtimer.begin + config.recording.margin_before.value * 60
						rend = rtimer.end - config.recording.margin_after.value * 60
					# As alternative we could also do a epg lookup
					#revent = epgcache.lookupEventId(rtimer.service_ref.ref, rtimer.eit)
					#rbegin = revent.getBeginTime() or 0
					#rduration = revent.getDuration() or 0
					#rend = rbegin + rduration or 0
					if getTimeDiff(rbegin, rend, evtBegin, evtEnd) > ((duration/10)*8):
						oldExists = True
						doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer based on time guessing")
						newEntry = rtimer
				elif timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 1 \
					and not rtimer.disabled:
						if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, rtimer.name, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc ):
						# if searchForDuplicateDescription > 1 then check short description
							oldExists = True
							doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer (similar service) with same description, skipping event")

			# We found no timer we want to edit
			if newEntry is None:
				# But there is a match
				if oldExists:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because a timer on same service exists")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				# We want to search for possible doubles
				if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 2:
					for rtimer in chain.from_iterable( itervalues(timerdict) ):
						if not rtimer.disabled:
							if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, rtimer.name, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc ):
								oldExists = True
								doLog("[AutoTimer] We found a timer (any service) with same description, skipping event")
					if oldExists:
						doLog("[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because a timer on any service exists")
						skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))

				if timer.checkCounter(timestamp):
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Not adding new timer because counter is depleted.")
					skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			# Append to timerlist and abort if simulating
			timers.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name, getLog()))
			if simulateOnly:

			if newEntry is not None:
				# Abort if we don't want to modify timers or timer is repeated
				if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value == "none" or newEntry.repeated:
					doLog("[AutoTimer] Won't modify existing timer because either no modification allowed or repeated timer")

				if "autotimer" in newEntry.flags:
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer %s modified this automatically generated timer." % (timer.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)
					if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value != "all":
						doLog("[AutoTimer] Won't modify existing timer because it's no timer set by us")

					msg = "[AutoTimer] Warning, AutoTimer %s messed with a timer which might not belong to it: %s ." % (timer.name, newEntry.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)

				modified += 1

				if allow_modify:
					self.modifyTimer(newEntry, name, shortdesc, begin, end, serviceref, eit)
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modified timer: %s ." % (newEntry.name)
					newEntry.log(501, msg)
					msg = "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modification not allowed for timer: %s ." % (newEntry.name)
				newEntry = RecordTimerEntry(ServiceReference(serviceref), begin, end, name, shortdesc, eit)

				msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add new timer based on AutoTimer %s." % (timer.name)
				newEntry.log(500, msg)

				# Mark this entry as AutoTimer

			# Apply afterEvent
			if timer.hasAfterEvent():
				afterEvent = timer.getAfterEventTimespan(localtime(end))
				if afterEvent is None:
					afterEvent = timer.getAfterEvent()
				if afterEvent is not None:
					newEntry.afterEvent = afterEvent

			newEntry.dirname = dest
			newEntry.justplay = timer.justplay
			newEntry.vpsplugin_enabled = timer.vps_enabled
			newEntry.vpsplugin_overwrite = timer.vps_overwrite
			newEntry.conflict_detection = timer.conflict_detection
			newEntry.always_zap = timer.always_zap
			newEntry.zap_wakeup = timer.zap_wakeup

			tags = timer.tags[:]
			if config.plugins.autotimer.add_autotimer_to_tags.value:
			if config.plugins.autotimer.add_name_to_tags.value:
				tagname = timer.name.strip()
				if tagname:
					tagname = tagname[0].upper() + tagname[1:].replace(" ", "_")
			newEntry.tags = tags

			if oldExists:
				# XXX: this won't perform a sanity check, but do we actually want to do so?

				conflictString = ""
				if similarTimer:
					conflictString = similardict[eit].conflictString
					msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add similar Timer because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString)
					newEntry.log(504, msg)

				# Try to add timer
				conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)

				if conflicts:
					# Maybe use newEntry.log
					conflictString += ' / '.join(["%s (%s)" % (x.name, strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(x.begin))) for x in conflicts])
					doLog("[AutoTimer] conflict with %s detected" % (conflictString))

					if config.plugins.autotimer.addsimilar_on_conflict.value:
						# We start our search right after our actual index
						# Attention we have to use a copy of the list, because we have to append the previous older matches
						lepgm = len(epgmatches)
						for i in xrange(lepgm):
							servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS = epgmatches[ (i+idx+1)%lepgm ]
							if self.checkDuplicates(timer, name, nameS, shortdesc, shortdescS, extdesc, extdescS, force=True ):
								# Check if the similar is already known
								if eitS not in similardict:
									doLog("[AutoTimer] Found similar Timer: " + name)

									# Store the actual and similar eit and conflictString, so it can be handled later
									newEntry.conflictString = conflictString
									similardict[eit] = newEntry
									similardict[eitS] = newEntry
									similarTimer = True
									if beginS <= evtBegin:
										# Event is before our actual epgmatch so we have to append it to the epgmatches list
										epgmatches.append((servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS))
									# If we need a second similar it will be found the next time
									similarTimer = False
									newEntry = similardict[eitS]

				if conflicts is None:
					new += 1
					newEntry.extdesc = extdesc

					#if renameTimer is not None and timer.series_labeling:
					#	renameTimer(newEntry, name, evtBegin, evtEnd)

					# Similar timers are in new timers list and additionally in similar timers list
					if similarTimer:
						similars.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))

				# Don't care about similar timers
				elif not similarTimer:
					conflicting.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, timer.name))

					if config.plugins.autotimer.disabled_on_conflict.value:
						msg = "[AutoTimer] Timer disabled because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString)
						newEntry.log(503, msg)
						newEntry.disabled = True
						# We might want to do the sanity check locally so we don't run it twice - but I consider this workaround a hack anyway
						conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry)

		return (new, modified)