Ejemplo n.º 1
    def CreatePod(self, deploymentLabel):
        print("Creating pod...")

        #Get deployment
        deployment = next((x for x in self.GetDeployments()
                           if x.deploymentLabel == deploymentLabel), None)

        #Create name
        deployment.currentReplicas += 1
        name = deploymentLabel + str(deployment.currentReplicas)

        #Create and add pod
        pod = Pod(name, deployment.cpuCost, deployment.cpuCost,

        print("Done. Current pending pods =", len(self.GetPending()), sep=' ')
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, position, m, l, theta):
     """init SpacePod object 
        with a position, length, and orientation
     # x,y are the center of the pod
     # position is an [2,1] np.array:
     self.position = position % win_size
     # l is the length of a side of the pod
     self.l = l
     # m is the mass of the pod
     self.m = m
     # theta is the angle of the 'front'
     # to the center (in radians!)
     self.theta = theta % (2 * np.pi)
     # set our graphics body object
     # set the 'internal' pod and its control system
     self.pd = Pd(m, l)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class SpacePod:
    def __init__(self, position, m, l, theta):
        """init SpacePod object 
           with a position, length, and orientation
        # x,y are the center of the pod
        # position is an [2,1] np.array:
        self.position = position % win_size
        # l is the length of a side of the pod
        self.l = l
        # m is the mass of the pod
        self.m = m
        # theta is the angle of the 'front'
        # to the center (in radians!)
        self.theta = theta % (2 * np.pi)
        # set our graphics body object
        # set the 'internal' pod and its control system
        self.pd = Pd(m, l)

    def setOrientation(self, theta):
        self.theta = theta

    def setBody(self):
        """create a graphics polygon representing the SpacePod
        # create a rotation matrix
        rotMat = np.matrix([
            [np.cos(self.theta), -np.sin(self.theta)],
            [np.sin(self.theta), np.cos(self.theta)]               

        # create a body matrix relative to the pod's center of mass
        bodyMat = np.matrix([
            [ -self.l / 2, -self.l / 2],
            [ self.l / 2,  self.l / 2],
            [ -self.l / 2, self.l / 2],
            [ self.l / 2, -self.l / 2]

        bodyMat.shape = (2,4)

        # rotate and translate the bodyMat to create the
        # pod's position
        posMat = (rotMat * bodyMat + self.position) % win_size

        # convert to vertices for graphics lib
        vertices = [Point(int(posMat[0, i]),
                          int(posMat[1, i])) for i in range(4)]

        self.body = Polygon(vertices)

    def display(self):

    def erase(self):

    def move(self, dpos, dtheta):
        self.position = (self.position + dpos) % win_size
        self.theta += dtheta

    def calcNewGlobalVel(self, v, w):
        percent = .7 # set this locally for now

        rotMat_to_bf = np.matrix([
            [np.cos(self.theta), np.sin(self.theta)],
            [-np.sin(self.theta), np.cos(self.theta)]               

        rotMat_from_bf = np.matrix([
            [np.cos(self.theta), -np.sin(self.theta)],
            [np.sin(self.theta), np.cos(self.theta)]               

        # change v to body-fixed coords
        bf_v = rotMat_to_bf * v
        v_calc = np.concatenate([bf_v, np.matrix([0])], axis = 0)
        w_calc = np.transpose(np.concatenate([np.matrix([0,0]),
                                              np.matrix([w])], axis = 1))
        # calculate thruster forces and
        # estimate the changes in velocity
        vdot = self.pd.calcNewLocalVel(v_calc, w_calc, percent)

        # change the velocities accordingly
        # and rotate out of the body-fixed frame
        new_bf_v = (v_calc - vdot[0:3])[0:2]
        new_v = rotMat_from_bf * new_bf_v
        new_w = float((w_calc - vdot[3:6])[2])
        return new_v, new_w