Ejemplo n.º 1
    def predict(self, samples, target_length, beam_size,
                use_cuda):  # this only works with one sample at a time
        nb_unks = max([len(s.unknown_tokens) for s in samples])
        input_variable, full_input_variable, target_variable, full_target_variable, decoder_input = \
            utils.get_batch_variables(samples, self.config['input_length'], target_length, use_cuda,
        encoder_hidden = self.encoder.init_hidden(len(samples), use_cuda)
        encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden = self.encoder(input_variable,
        decoder_hidden = torch.cat((encoder_hidden[0], encoder_hidden[1]), -1)
        decoder_h_states = torch.cat((encoder_hidden[0], encoder_hidden[1]),
        previous_att = None

        if not beam_size:
            result = []
            for token_i in range(target_length):

                p_final, p_gen, p_vocab, att_dist, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden, previous_att = \
                    self.decoder(decoder_input, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden,
                                 encoder_outputs, full_input_variable, previous_att, nb_unks, use_cuda)

                p_vocab_word, vocab_word_idx = p_final.max(1)
                    utils.translate_word(vocab_word_idx.data[i], samples[i],
                    round(p_gen.data[i][0], 3)
                } for i in range(len(samples))])
                _, max_tokens = p_final.max(1)
                for i in range(max_tokens.size()[0]):
                    if max_tokens.data[i] >= self.vocab.vocab_size:
                        max_tokens.data[i] = self.vocab.word2index['UNK']
                decoder_input = max_tokens.unsqueeze(1)

            return result
            search_complete = False
            top_beams = [
                Beam(decoder_input, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden,
                     previous_att, [], [])

            while not search_complete:
                new_beams = []
                for beam in top_beams:
                    if beam.complete: new_beams.append(beam)
                        p_final, p_gen, p_vocab, att_dist, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden, previous_att = \
                            self.decoder(beam.decoder_input, beam.decoder_h_states, beam.decoder_hidden,
                                         encoder_outputs, full_input_variable, beam.previous_att, nb_unks, use_cuda)
                        for k in range(beam_size):
                            p_vocab_word, vocab_word_idx = p_final.max(1)
                            _, max_tokens = p_final.max(1)
                            if max_tokens.data[0] >= self.vocab.vocab_size:
                                max_tokens.data[0] = self.vocab.word2index[
                                Beam(max_tokens.unsqueeze(1), decoder_h_states,
                                     decoder_hidden, previous_att,
                                     beam.log_probs + [p_vocab_word.data[0]],
                                     beam.sequence + [vocab_word_idx.data[0]]))
                            p_final[0, vocab_word_idx.data[0]] = 0

                            if len(new_beams[-1].sequence
                                   ) == target_length or vocab_word_idx.data[
                                       0] == self.vocab.word2index['EOS']:
                                new_beams[-1].complete = True

                all_beams = sorted([(b, b.compute_score()) for b in new_beams],
                                   key=lambda tup: tup[1])
                if len(all_beams) > beam_size:
                    all_beams = all_beams[:beam_size]
                top_beams = [beam[0] for beam in all_beams]

                if len([True for b in top_beams if b.complete]) == beam_size:
                    search_complete = True

            return [[
                " ".join([
                    utils.translate_word(t, samples[0], self.vocab)
                    for t in b.sequence
            ] for b in top_beams]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def predict(self, samples, target_length, beam_size,
                use_cuda):  # this only works with one sample at a time
        nb_unks = max([len(s.unknown_tokens) for s in samples])
        input_variable, full_input_variable, target_variable, full_target_variable, decoder_input = \
            utils.get_batch_variables(samples, self.config['input_length'], target_length, use_cuda,

        encoder_hidden = self.encoder.init_hidden(len(samples), use_cuda)
        encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden = self.encoder(input_variable,
        decoder_hidden = torch.cat((encoder_hidden[0], encoder_hidden[1]), -1)
        decoder_h_states = torch.cat((encoder_hidden[0], encoder_hidden[1]),
        previous_att = None

        if not beam_size:
            result = []
            for token_i in range(target_length):

                p_final, p_gen, p_vocab, att_dist, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden, previous_att = \
                    self.decoder(decoder_input, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden,
                                 encoder_outputs, full_input_variable, previous_att, nb_unks, use_cuda)

                p_vocab_word, vocab_word_idx = p_final.max(1)
                    utils.translate_word(vocab_word_idx.data[i], samples[i],
                    round(p_gen.data[i][0], 3)
                } for i in range(len(samples))])
                _, max_tokens = p_final.max(1)
                for i in range(max_tokens.size()[0]):
                    if max_tokens.data[i] >= self.vocab.vocab_size:
                        max_tokens.data[i] = self.vocab.word2index['UNK']
                decoder_input = max_tokens.unsqueeze(1)

            return result

            search_complete = False
            top_beams = [
                Beam(decoder_input, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden,
                     previous_att, [], [])

            def predict_for_beams(beams, encoder_outputs, full_input_variable):

                results = []

                encoder_outputs = torch.stack([
                    encoder_outputs[i] for beam in beams
                    for i in range(len(samples))
                ], 0)
                full_input_variable = torch.stack([
                    full_input_variable[i] for beam in beams
                    for i in range(len(samples))
                ], 0)
                decoder_input = torch.stack([
                    beam.decoder_input[i] for beam in beams
                    for i in range(len(samples))
                ], 0)
                decoder_h_states = torch.stack([
                    beam.decoder_h_states[i] for beam in beams
                    for i in range(len(samples))
                ], 0)
                decoder_hidden = torch.stack([
                    beam.decoder_hidden[i] for beam in beams
                    for i in range(len(samples))
                ], 0)

                if beams[0].previous_att is not None:
                    previous_att = torch.stack([
                        beam.previous_att[i] for beam in beams
                        for i in range(len(samples))
                    ], 0)
                    previous_att = None

                p_final, p_gen, p_vocab, att_dist, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden, previous_att = \
                    self.decoder(decoder_input, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden, encoder_outputs, full_input_variable,
                                 previous_att, nb_unks, use_cuda)

                for b in range(len(beams)):
                    results.append([beams[b]] + [
                        tensor.narrow(0, b * len(samples), len(samples))
                        for tensor in [
                            p_final, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden,

                return results

            while not search_complete:
                new_beams = []
                beams_to_predict = []

                for beam in top_beams:
                    if beam.complete:

                predictions = predict_for_beams(beams_to_predict,
                for b in predictions:
                    beam = b[0]
                    p_final, decoder_h_states, decoder_hidden, previous_att = b[
                        1], b[2], b[3], b[4]

                    p_top_words, top_indexes = p_final.topk(beam_size)

                    for k in range(beam_size):
                        non_masked_word = top_indexes.data[0][k]
                        if top_indexes.data[0][k] >= self.vocab.vocab_size:
                            top_indexes.data[0][k] = self.vocab.word2index[

                            Beam(top_indexes.narrow(1, k, 1), decoder_h_states,
                                 decoder_hidden, previous_att,
                                 beam.log_probs + [p_top_words.data[0][k]],
                                 beam.sequence + [non_masked_word]))

                        if len(new_beams[-1].sequence) == target_length or top_indexes.data[0][k] == \
                            new_beams[-1].complete = True

                all_beams = sorted([(b, b.compute_score()) for b in new_beams],
                                   key=lambda tup: tup[1])
                if len(all_beams) > beam_size:
                    all_beams = all_beams[:beam_size]
                top_beams = [beam[0] for beam in all_beams]

                if len([True for b in top_beams if b.complete]) == beam_size:
                    search_complete = True

            return [[
                " ".join([
                    utils.translate_word(t, samples[0], self.vocab)
                    for t in b.sequence
            ] for b in top_beams]