Ejemplo n.º 1
class MailRoleEditForm(EditForm):
    An edit form for the mail action
    schema = IMailRoleAction
    label = _plone(u"Edit Mail Role Action")
    description = _plone(u"A mail action that can mail plone users who have "
                         u"a role on the object")
    form_name = _plone(u"Configure element")
    template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/mail.pt')
    if not IS_PLONE_5:
        form_fields = form.FormFields(IMailRoleAction)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class MailSubscriptionsEditForm(EditForm):
    An edit form for the mail action
    form_fields = form.FormFields(IMailSubscriptionsAction)
    label = _plone(u"Edit Mail Subscriptions Action")
    description = _(
        default=u"A mail action that can mail users subscribed to this rule")
    form_name = _plone(u"Configure element")

    # custom template will allow us to add help text
    template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/mail.pt')
Ejemplo n.º 3
class IMailSubscriptionsAction(Interface):
    """Definition of the configuration available for a mail action
    subject = schema.TextLine(title=_plone(u"Subject"),
                              description=_plone(u"Subject of the message"),
    source = schema.TextLine(
        title=_plone(u"Email source"),
        description=_plone("The email address that sends the \
email. If no email is provided here, it will use the portal from address."),
    message = schema.Text(title=_(u"Message"),
                          description=_(u"The message that you want to mail."),
Ejemplo n.º 4
def toPloneboardTime(context, request, time_=None):
    """Return time formatted for Ploneboard"""
    ts = getToolByName(context, 'translation_service')

    format = '%Y;%m;%d;%w;%H;%M;%S'

    # fallback formats, english
    young_format_en = '%A %H:%M' 
    old_format_en = '%B %d. %Y'

    if not time_:
        return 'Unknown date'

        if isinstance(time_, DateTime):
            time_ = datetime.fromtimestamp(time_.timeTime())
            time_ = dateparse(str(time_))

        (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, wday, _, dst) = time_.timetuple()
        translated_date_elements = { 'year'   : year
                                   , 'month'  : unicode(defer(translate, _locales(ts.month_msgid(month)), context=request))
                                   , 'day'    : day
                                   , 'wday'   : unicode(defer(translate, _locales(ts.day_msgid((wday+1)%7)), context=request))
                                   , 'hours'  : hours
                                   , 'minutes': minutes
                                   , 'seconds': seconds

        if time.time() - time.mktime(time_.timetuple()) < 604800: # 60*60*24*7
            ploneboard_time = translate(_plone( 'young_date_format: ${wday} ${hours}:${minutes}'
                                              , default = unicode(time_.strftime(young_format_en))
                                              , mapping=translated_date_elements)
                                        , context=request
            ploneboard_time = translate( _plone( 'old_date_format: ${year} ${month} ${day} ${hours}:${minutes}'
                                               , default = unicode(time_.strftime(old_format_en))
                                               , mapping = translated_date_elements)
                                        , context=request

    except IndexError:

    return ploneboard_time
Ejemplo n.º 5
class MailSubscriptionsAddForm(AddForm):
    An add form for the mail action
    form_fields = form.FormFields(IMailSubscriptionsAction)
    label = _plone(u"Add Mail Action")
    description = _(
        default=u"A mail action that can mail users subscribed to this rule")
    form_name = _plone(u"Configure element")

    # custom template will allow us to add help text
    template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/mail.pt')

    def create(self, data):
        a = MailSubscriptionsAction()
        form.applyChanges(a, self.form_fields, data)
        return a
Ejemplo n.º 6
class IMailRoleAction(Interface):
    """Definition of the configuration available for a mail action
    subject = schema.TextLine(title=_plone(u"Subject"),
                              description=_plone(u"Subject of the message"),
    source = schema.TextLine(
        title=_plone(u"Email source"),
        description=_plone("The email address that sends the \
email. If no email is provided here, it will use the portal from address."),
    role = schema.Choice(title=_(u'field_role_title', default=u"Role"),
                                       default="Select a role. \
The action will look up the all Plone site users who explicitly have this \
role on the object and send a message to their email address."),
    acquired = schema.Bool(title=_(u'field_acquired_title',
                                   default=u"Acquired Roles"),
                               default=u"Should users that have this \
role as an acquired role also receive this email?"),
    global_roles = schema.Bool(title=_(u'field_global_roles_title',
                                       default=u"Global Roles"),
                                   default=u"Should users that have this \
role as a role in the whole site also receive this email?"),
    message = schema.Text(title=_plone(u"Message"),
                              default=u"Type in here the message that you \
want to mail. Some defined content can be replaced: ${title} will be replaced \
by the title of the newly created item. ${url} will be replaced by the \
URL of the newly created item."),
Ejemplo n.º 7
class MailRoleAddForm(AddForm):
    An add form for the mail action
    schema = IMailRoleAction
    label = _plone(u"Add Mail Action")
    description = _(
        default=u"A mail action that can mail plone users who have "
        u"a role on the object")
    form_name = _plone(u"Configure element")
    Type = MailRoleAction

    template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/mail.pt')

    if not IS_PLONE_5:
        form_fields = form.FormFields(IMailRoleAction)

        def create(self, data):
            if IS_PLONE_5:
                return super(MailRoleAddForm, self).create(data)
            a = MailRoleAction()
            form.applyChanges(a, self.form_fields, data)
            return a
Ejemplo n.º 8
def toPloneboardTime(context, request, time_=None):
    """Return time formatted for Ploneboard"""
    ploneboard_time = None
    ts = getToolByName(context, 'translation_service')

    # format = '%Y;%m;%d;%w;%H;%M;%S'

    # fallback formats, english
    # young_format_en = '%A %H:%M'
    old_format_en = '%B %d. %Y'

    if not time_:
        return 'Unknown date'

    if callable(time_):
        time_ = time_()

        if isinstance(time_, DateTime):
            time_ = datetime.fromtimestamp(time_.timeTime())
            time_ = dateparse(str(time_))

        (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, wday, _,
         dst) = time_.timetuple()

        translated_date_elements = {
                      _locales(ts.day_msgid((wday + 1) % 7)),
            "%02i" % hours,
            "%02i" % minutes,
            "%02i" % seconds

        if time.time() - time.mktime(time_.timetuple()) < 604800:  # 60*60*24*7
            ploneboard_time = translate('${wday} ${hours}:${minutes}',
            ploneboard_time = translate(_plone(
                'old_date_format: ${year} ${month} ${day} '
    except IndexError:

    return ploneboard_time
Ejemplo n.º 9
class ActionsPanelView(BrowserView):
      This manage the view displaying actions on context.
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(ActionsPanelView, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.context = context
        self.request = request
        self.parent = self.context.getParentNode()
        self.member = self.request.get('imio.actionspanel_member_cachekey', None)
        if not self.member:
            self.member = api.user.get_current()
            self.request.set('imio.actionspanel_member_cachekey', self.member)
        self.portal_url = self.request.get('imio.actionspanel_portal_url_cachekey', None)
        self.portal = self.request.get('imio.actionspanel_portal_cachekey', None)
        if not self.portal_url or not self.portal:
            self.portal = api.portal.get()
            self.portal_url = self.portal.absolute_url()
            self.request.set('imio.actionspanel_portal_url_cachekey', self.portal_url)
            self.request.set('imio.actionspanel_portal_cachekey', self.portal)
        self.SECTIONS_TO_RENDER = ('renderFolderContents',
        # portal_actions.object_buttons action ids not to keep
        # every actions will be kept except actions listed here
        self.IGNORABLE_ACTIONS = ()

        # portal_actions.object_buttons action ids to keep
        # if you define some here, only these actions will be kept
        self.ACCEPTABLE_ACTIONS = ()

    def __call__(self,
          Master method that will render the content.
          This is not supposed to be overrided.
        self.useIcons = useIcons
        self.showTransitions = showTransitions
        self.appendTypeNameToTransitionLabel = appendTypeNameToTransitionLabel
        self.showEdit = showEdit
        self.showExtEdit = showExtEdit
        self.showOwnDelete = showOwnDelete
        # if 'delete' is in acceptable actions, it takes precedence on showOwnDelete
        if showActions and 'delete' in self.ACCEPTABLE_ACTIONS:
            self.showOwnDelete = False
        # if we manage our own delete, do not use Plone default one
        elif self.showOwnDelete and 'delete' not in self.IGNORABLE_ACTIONS:
            self.IGNORABLE_ACTIONS = self.IGNORABLE_ACTIONS + ('delete', )
        self.showActions = showActions
        self.showAddContent = showAddContent
        self.showHistory = showHistory
        self.showHistoryLastEventHasComments = showHistoryLastEventHasComments
        self.showArrows = showArrows
        self.showFolderContents = showFolderContents
        # arrowsPortalTypeAware will change the script used to
        # change object position.  It is used when several elements of
        # various portal_type are in the same container but we want to
        # order the elements of same portal_type together
        self.arrowsPortalTypeAware = arrowsPortalTypeAware
        self.markingInterface = markingInterface
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.hasActions = False
        return self.index()

    def isInFacetedNavigation(self):
        """Is the actions panel displayed in a faceted navigation?"""
        return bool(self.request['URL'].endswith('@@faceted_query'))

    def _renderSections(self):
          This will check what sections need to be rendered.
          This is not supposed to be overrided.
        res = ''

        for section in self.SECTIONS_TO_RENDER:
            renderedSection = getattr(self, section)() or ''
            res += renderedSection
        return res

    def renderArrows(self):
          Render arrows if user may change order of elements.
        if not self.useIcons:
            return ''

        if self.showArrows and self.member.has_permission(ManageProperties, self.parent):
            self.parentObjectIds = [
                ob.id for ob in self.parent.objectValues()
                if (not self.arrowsPortalTypeAware or ob.portal_type == self.context.portal_type)]
            self.objId = self.context.getId()
            self.moveUrl = self._moveUrl()
            return ViewPageTemplateFile("actions_panel_arrows.pt")(self)
        return ''

    def _moveUrl(self):
        """ """
        script_name = 'folder_position'
        if self.arrowsPortalTypeAware:
            script_name = 'folder_position_typeaware'

        return "{0}/{1}?position=%s&id=%s&template_id={2}".format(
            self.parent.absolute_url(), script_name, self._returnTo())

    def _returnTo(self, ):
        """What URL should I return to after moving the element and page is refreshed."""
        return self.request.getURL()

    def renderTransitions(self):
          Render the current context available workflow transitions.
        if self.showTransitions:
            return ViewPageTemplateFile("actions_panel_transitions.pt")(self)
        return ''

    def renderFolderContents(self):
          Render a 'folder_contents' action.
        if self.showFolderContents and \
           (not self.markingInterface or self.isMarked(self.markingInterface, self.getCurrentFolder())) and \
            return ViewPageTemplateFile("actions_panel_folder_contents.pt")(self)
        return ''

    def renderEdit(self):
          Render a 'edit' action.  By default, only available when actions are displayed
          as icons because when it is not the case, we already have a 'edit' tab and that would
          be redundant.
        if self.showEdit and self.mayEdit():
            return ViewPageTemplateFile("actions_panel_edit.pt")(self)
        return ''

    def renderExtEdit(self):
          Render a 'external_edit' action.  By default, only available when actions are displayed
          as icons because when it is not the case, we already have a 'external_edit' viewlet and that would
          be redundant.
        if self.showExtEdit and self.useIcons and self.mayExtEdit():
            return ViewPageTemplateFile("actions_panel_ext_edit.pt")(self)
        return ''

    def renderOwnDelete(self):
          Render our own version of the 'delete' action.
        if self.showOwnDelete and \
            return ViewPageTemplateFile("actions_panel_own_delete.pt")(self)
        return ''

    def renderActions(self):
          Render actions coming from portal_actions.object_buttons and available on the context.
        if self.showActions:
            return ViewPageTemplateFile("actions_panel_actions.pt")(self)

    def renderAddContent(self):
          Render allowed_content_types coming from portal_type.
        if self.showAddContent:
            return ViewPageTemplateFile("actions_panel_add_content.pt")(self)

    def renderHistory(self):
          Render a link to the object's history (@@historyview).
        if self.showHistory and self.useIcons and self.showHistoryForContext():
            return ViewPageTemplateFile("actions_panel_history.pt")(self)

    def showHistoryForContext(self):
          Method to control access to the @@historyview view and so to the action icon.
          We rely on view 'contenthistory' overrided in imio.history.
        contenthistory = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name='contenthistory')
        return contenthistory.show_history()

    def historyLastEventHasComments(self):
          Returns True if the last event of the object's history has a comment.
        adapter = getAdapter(self.context, IImioHistory, 'workflow')
        return adapter.historyLastEventHasComments()

    def mayFolderContents(self):
          Method that check if folder_contents action has to be displayed.
        if self.member.has_permission('List folder contents', self.context):
            plone_view = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name='plone')
            return bool(plone_view.displayContentsTab())
        return False

    def mayEdit(self):
          Method that check if special 'edit' action has to be displayed.
        return self.member.has_permission('Modify portal content', self.context)

    def mayExtEdit(self):
          Method that check if special 'external_edit' action has to be displayed.
        if not self.member.has_permission('Modify portal content', self.context):
            return False
        portal_quickinstaller = api.portal.get_tool('portal_quickinstaller')
        external_edit_installed = portal_quickinstaller.isProductInstalled('collective.externaleditor')
        if not external_edit_installed:
            return False
        # Can be to slow for a dashboard ?
        # view = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name='externalEditorEnabled')
        # return view.available()
        # The availability check can be simpler because external_edit view check also availability
        # with available method
        registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
        # check if enabled
        if not registry.get('externaleditor.ext_editor', False):
            return False
        # check portal type
        externaleditor_enabled_types = registry.get('externaleditor.externaleditor_enabled_types', [])
        return self.context.portal_type in externaleditor_enabled_types

    def saveHasActions(self):
          Save the fact that we have actions.
        self.hasActions = True

    def sortTransitions(self, lst):
        """ Sort the list of transitions by title """

    def getTransitions(self, caching=True):
          This method is similar to portal_workflow.getTransitionsFor, but
          with some improvements:
          - we retrieve transitions that the user can't trigger, but for
            which he needs to know for what reason he can't trigger it;
          - for every transition, we know if we need to display a confirm
            popup or not;
          If caching=True, we will stored result in _transitions and use it
          if method is called again.
        if caching:
            if getattr(self, '_transitions', None):
                return self._transitions
        res = []
        # Get the workflow definition for p_obj.
        workflow = self.request.get('imio.actionspanel_workflow_%s_cachekey' % self.context.portal_type, None)
        if not workflow:
            wfTool = api.portal.get_tool('portal_workflow')
            workflows = wfTool.getWorkflowsFor(self.context)
            if not workflows:
                return res
            workflow = workflows[0]
            self.request.set('imio.actionspanel_workflow_%s_cachekey' % self.context.portal_type, workflow)
        # What is the current state for self.context?
        currentState = workflow._getWorkflowStateOf(self.context)
        if not currentState:
            return res
        # Get the transitions to confirm from the config.
        toConfirm = self._transitionsToConfirmInfos()
        # Analyse all the transitions that start from this state.
        for transitionId in currentState.transitions:
            transition = workflow.transitions.get(transitionId, None)
            if transition and (transition.trigger_type == TRIGGER_USER_ACTION) \
               and transition.actbox_name:
                # We have a possible candidate for a user-triggerable transition
                if transition.guard is None:
                    mayTrigger = True
                    mayTrigger = self._checkTransitionGuard(transition.guard,
                if mayTrigger or isinstance(mayTrigger, No):
                    # Information about this transition must be part of result.
                    # check if the transition have to be confirmed regarding
                    # current object meta_type/portal_type and transition to trigger
                    preNameMetaType = '%s.%s' % (self.context.meta_type, transition.id)
                    preNamePortalType = '%s.%s' % (self.context.portal_type, transition.id)
                    confirmation_view = toConfirm.get(preNameMetaType, '') or toConfirm.get(preNamePortalType, '')
                    tInfo = {
                        'id': transition.id,
                        # if the transition.id is not translated, use translated transition.title...
                        'title': translate(safe_unicode(transition.title),
                        'description': transition.description,
                        'name': transition.actbox_name, 'may_trigger': True,
                        'confirm': bool(confirmation_view),
                        'confirmation_view': confirmation_view or DEFAULT_CONFIRM_VIEW,
                        'url': transition.actbox_url %
                            {'content_url': self.context.absolute_url(),
                             'portal_url': '',
                             'folder_url': ''},
                        'icon': transition.actbox_icon %
                            {'content_url': self.context.absolute_url(),
                             'portal_url': self.portal_url,
                             'folder_url': ''},
                    if not mayTrigger:
                        tInfo['may_trigger'] = False
                        # mayTrigger.msg is a 'zope.i18nmessageid.message.Message', translate it now
                        tInfo['reason'] = translate(mayTrigger.msg, context=self.request)

        if caching:
            # store transitions in case getTransitions is called several times
            setattr(self, '_transitions', res)
        return res

    def _transitionsToConfirmInfos(self):
        transitions = self._transitionsToConfirm()
        if type(transitions) is not dict:
            transitions = dict([(t, DEFAULT_CONFIRM_VIEW) for t in transitions])
            for name, confirm_view in transitions.iteritems():
                if not confirm_view:
                    transitions[name] = DEFAULT_CONFIRM_VIEW
        return transitions

    def _transitionsToConfirm(self):
          Return the list of transitions the user will have to confirm, aka
          the user will be able to enter a comment for.
          This is a per meta_type or portal_type list of transitions to confirm.
          So for example, this could be :
          ('ATDocument.reject', 'Document.publish', 'Collection.publish', )
          --> ATDocument is a meta_type and Document is a portal_type for example
          The list can also be a dict with the key being the transition name to
          confirm and the value being the name of the view to call to confirm
          the transition. eg:
          {'Document.reject': 'simpleconfirmview', 'Mytype.cancel': 'messageconfirmview'}
          If no confirmation view is provided (empty string) imio.actionspanel confirmation
          default view is used instead.
        values = api.portal.get_registry_record(
        if values is None:
            return ()
        return dict([val.split('|') for val in values])

    def _checkTransitionGuard(self, guard, sm, wf_def, ob):
          This method is similar to DCWorkflow.Guard.check, but allows to
          retrieve the truth value as a appy.gen.No instance, not simply "1"
          or "0".
        u_roles = None
        if wf_def.manager_bypass:
            # Possibly bypass.
            u_roles = sm.getRolesInContext(ob)
            if 'Manager' in u_roles:
                return 1
        if guard.permissions:
            for p in guard.permissions:
                if _checkPermission(p, ob):
                return 0
        if guard.roles:
            # Require at least one of the given roles.
            if u_roles is None:
                u_roles = sm.getRolesInContext(ob)
            for role in guard.roles:
                if role in u_roles:
                return 0
        if guard.groups:
            # Require at least one of the specified groups.
            u = sm.getUser()
            b = aq_base(u)
            if hasattr(b, 'getGroupsInContext'):
                u_groups = u.getGroupsInContext(ob)
            elif hasattr(b, 'getGroups'):
                u_groups = u.getGroups()
                u_groups = ()
            for group in guard.groups:
                if group in u_groups:
                return 0
        expr = guard.expr
        if expr is not None:
            econtext = createExprContext(StateChangeInfo(ob, wf_def))
            res = expr(econtext)
            return res
        return 1

    def getTransitionTitle(self, transition):
        '''Render the transition title including portal_type title if necessary.'''
        transition_title = transition['title']
        if self.appendTypeNameToTransitionLabel:
            typesTool = api.portal.get_tool('portal_types')
            type_info = typesTool.getTypeInfo(self.context)
            transition_title = u"{0} {1}".format(safe_unicode(transition_title),
        return transition_title

    def computeTriggerTransitionLink(self, transition):
        """ """
        return "{0}/{1}?transition={2}&actionspanel_view_name={3}{4}".format(
            not transition['confirm'] and '&form.submitted=1' or '')

    def computeTriggerTransitionOnClick(self, transition):
        """ """
        transition_ids = [tr['id'] for tr in self.getTransitions()]
        # if transition is no more available, this means that element's transition
        # was already triggered by another user or in another tab, we just refresh the page
        if not transition or transition['id'] not in transition_ids:
            return 'window.location.href=window.location.href;'
        if not transition['confirm']:
            return "triggerTransition(baseUrl='{0}', viewName='@@triggertransition', transition='{1}', this);".format(
            return ''

    def computeDeleteGivenUIDOnClick(self):
        """ """
        return "deleteElement(baseUrl='{0}', viewName='@@delete_givenuid', object_uid='{1}');".format(

    def addableContents(self):
          Return addable content types.
        if not self.context.isPrincipiaFolderish:
            return []
        factories_view = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request),
        return factories_view.addable_types()

    def listObjectButtonsActions(self):
          Return a list of object_buttons actions coming from portal_actions/portal_types.
        actionsTool = api.portal.get_tool('portal_actions')
        typesTool = api.portal.get_tool('portal_types')
        # filter acceptable/ignorable actions before evaluating the TAL expression
        actions = [act for act in (actionsTool.listActions(categories=['object_buttons']) +
                                   tuple(typesTool.listActions(object=self.context, category='object_buttons')))
                   if (self.ACCEPTABLE_ACTIONS and act.id in self.ACCEPTABLE_ACTIONS) or
                      (not self.ACCEPTABLE_ACTIONS and act.id not in self.IGNORABLE_ACTIONS)]
        ec = actionsTool._getExprContext(self.context)
        actions = [ActionInfo(action, ec) for action in actions]
        objectButtonActions = [act for act in actions if act['visible'] and act['allowed'] and act['available']]

        res = []
        for action in objectButtonActions:
            act = action.copy()
            # We try to append the url of the icon of the action
            # look on the action itself
            if act['icon']:
                # make sure we only have the action icon name not a complete
                # path including portal_url or so, just take care that we do not have
                # an image in a static resource folder
                splittedIconPath = act['icon'].split('/')
                if len(splittedIconPath) > 1 and '++resource++' in splittedIconPath[-2]:
                    # keep last 2 parts of the path
                    act['icon'] = '/'.join((splittedIconPath[-2], splittedIconPath[-1], ))
                    act['icon'] = splittedIconPath[-1]
        return res

    def triggerTransition(self, transition, comment, redirect=True):
          Triggers a p_transition on self.context.
        wfTool = api.portal.get_tool('portal_workflow')
        plone_utils = api.portal.get_tool('plone_utils')
        except Exception, exc:
            # abort because element state was changed
            plone_utils.addPortalMessage(exc.message, type='warning')

        # use transition title to translate so if several transitions have the same title,
        # we manage only one translation
        transition_title = wfTool.getWorkflowsFor(self.context)[0].transitions[transition].title or \
        # add a portal message, we try to translate a specific one or add 'Item state changed.' as default
        msg = _(u'%s_done_descr' % safe_unicode(transition_title),
                default=_plone("Item state changed."))

        http_referer = self.request.get('HTTP_REFERER')
        # After having triggered a wfchange, it the current user
        # can not access the obj anymore, try to find a place viewable by the user
        redirectToUrl = self._redirectToViewableUrl()
        if redirectToUrl != http_referer:
            return redirectToUrl
            # in some cases, redirection is managed at another level, by jQuery for example
            if not redirect:
            return http_referer