Ejemplo n.º 1
    def showViewlet(self, viewlethash, managerName = None):
        """ Show the selected viewlet """
        logger.debug("in hide_viewlet")
        # Grab the information we need from the viewlet hash
        unhashedInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
        manageViewletsView = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name='manage-viewlets')
        manageViewletsView.show(unhashedInfo['managerName'], unhashedInfo['viewletName'])

        ksscore = self.getCommandSet('core')
        selector = ksscore.getCssSelector('#glowormPanel .kssattr-viewlethash-%s' % viewlethash)
        ksscore.removeClass(selector, 'hiddenViewlet')
        ksscore.addClass(selector, 'visibleViewlet')
        # Update the nav tree
        zope = self.getCommandSet('zope')
        zope.refreshViewlet('#glowormPanelNavTree', 'gloworm.glowormPanel', 'glowormPanelNavTree')
        # Update the viewlet listing in the GloWorm panel
        if managerName:
            self.inspectViewletManager(unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)['managerName'].replace('.', '-'))
        return self.render()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def showMoveViewletForm(self, viewlethash):
     """ Show the form for moving a viewlet between managers. """
     unhashedViewletInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
     reg = findTemplateViewRegistrationFromHash(viewlethash)
     viewRegistrationInfo = list(registration.templateViewRegistrationInfos([reg]))[0]
     managerName = unhashedViewletInfo['managerName']
     managerNames = self._getAllViewletManagerNames()
     # Remove the viewlet's current viewlet manager and the gloworm panel from the choices.
     template = ViewPageTemplateFile('panel_move_viewlet.pt')
     # Wrap it so that Zope knows in what context it's being called
     # Otherwise, we get an "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'other'" error
     template = BoundPageTemplate(template, self)
     out = template(viewlethash=viewlethash,
                    viewletName = unhashedViewletInfo['viewletName'],
                    managerNames = managerNames)
     # Dump the output to the inspector panel
     return self.render()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _renderCustomizedViewlet(self, viewlethash, templateName):
     """ Rerender the viewlets to show the new code """
     # Unhash the viewlet info. Pull out what we need.
     unhashedInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
     managerName = unhashedInfo['managerName']
     viewletName = unhashedInfo['viewletName']
     ksscore = self.getCommandSet('core')
     # Find the viewletmangager instance, tell it to update its rendering, and replace the contents of the selected div with that new html
     # We can't do this with a refreshViewlet or refreshProvider because then we lose the <tal:viewletmanager> and <tal:viewlet> blocks.
     # selector = ksscore.getCssSelector('.kssattr-viewletmanagername-' + managerName.replace('.', '-'))
     viewletManager = findViewletManager(self, managerName)
     vlt = ksscore.getCssSelector('.kssattr-viewlethash-%s' % viewlethash)
     # Get the viewlet.
     # TODO: Is there a better way to do this?
     for viewlet in viewletManager.viewlets:
         if hasattr(viewlet, 'template') and viewlet.template.__name__ == templateName:
             # Turn on the debug flags for the viewlet's request, so that we have our tal: content
             ksscore.replaceInnerHTML(vlt, viewlet.render())
     return self.render()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def saveViewletTemplate(self, viewlethash, newContent):
     """ Update portal_view_customizations with the new version of the template. """
     logger.debug("in saveViewletTemplate")
     # Hide the error message
     # Unhash the viewlet info. Pull out what we need.
     unhashedInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
     viewletName = unhashedInfo['viewletName']
     # Find the template in portal_view_customizations, save the new version
     container = queryUtility(IViewTemplateContainer)
     reg = findTemplateViewRegistrationFromHash(viewlethash)
     templateName = registration.generateIdFromRegistration(reg)
         result = self._renderCustomizedViewlet(viewlethash, templateName)
     except PTRuntimeError:
         message = container[templateName].pt_errors(self)[1]
         return self.showTemplateErrorMessage(message)
     except TraversalError, e:
         viewlet, err = e
         return self.showTemplateErrorMessage("TraversalError: %s" % err)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def inspectViewlet(self, viewlethash):
     """ Display detailed information about a particular viewlet. """
     logger.debug("in inspectViewlet")
     # Unhash the viewlet info
     unhashedViewletInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
     # Get the registration information for this viewlet
     reg = findTemplateViewRegistrationFromHash(viewlethash)
     viewName = unhashedViewletInfo['viewletName']
     managerName = unhashedViewletInfo['managerName']
     cls = registration.getViewClassFromRegistration(reg)
     className = "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
         viewRegistrationInfo = list(registration.templateViewRegistrationInfos([reg]))[0]
     except IndexError:
         # For some reason, there's no registration with portal_view_cusomtizations,
         # this appears to happen when there's no template defined for the viewlet and it instead
         # uses a "render" method.
         customizationExists = False
         customizationAllowed = False
         templatePath = ""
         template = viewRegistrationInfo['zptfile']
         templatePath = registration.generateIdFromRegistration(reg)
         container = queryUtility(IViewTemplateContainer)
         customizationExists = templatePath in container
         customizationAllowed = True
     # Get the names of the hidden viewlets
     storage = getUtility(IViewletSettingsStorage)
     hiddenViewlets = frozenset(storage.getHidden(managerName, self.context.getCurrentSkinName()))
     isVisible = viewName not in hiddenViewlets
     template = ViewPageTemplateFile('panel_inspect_viewlet.pt')
     # Wrap it so that Zope knows in what context it's being called
     # Otherwise, we get an "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'other'" error
     template = BoundPageTemplate(template, self)
     out = template(viewName = viewName,
                    managerName = managerName,
                    template = template,
                    className = className,
                    templatePath = templatePath,
                    customizationExists = customizationExists,
                    customizationAllowed = customizationAllowed,
                    visible = isVisible,
                    viewletHash = viewlethash)
     # Dump the output to the output panel
     # Highlight this element
     ksscore = self.getCommandSet('core')
     self.highlightElement(ksscore.getCssSelector('.kssattr-viewlethash-%s' % viewlethash))
     # And in the nav tree (Should this be here or in the nav tree viewlet code?)
     self.highlightInNavTree(ksscore.getCssSelector('#glowormPanelNavTree .kssattr-forviewlet-%s' % viewlethash))
     return self.render()
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def discardViewletCustomizations(self, viewlethash):
     """ Remove the customized template for a particular viewlet """
     # Unhash the viewlet info
     unhashedViewletInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
     # Get the viewlet's registration information from portal_view_customizations
     container = queryUtility(IViewTemplateContainer)
     reg = findTemplateViewRegistrationFromHash(viewlethash)
     templateName = registration.generateIdFromRegistration(reg)
     return self.inspectViewlet(viewlethash)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def moveViewletToViewletManager(self, viewlethash, toManagerName):
     """ Register the viewlet as belonging to the specified viewlet manager """
     # Unhash the viewlet info. Pull out what we need.
     unhashedInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
     fromManagerName = unhashedInfo['managerName']
     viewletName = unhashedInfo['viewletName']
     reg = findTemplateViewRegistrationFromHash(viewlethash)
     fromViewletManager = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request, self), IViewletManager, fromManagerName)
     fromManagerInterface = list(providedBy(fromViewletManager).flattened())[0]
     toViewletManager = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request, self), IViewletManager, toManagerName)
     toManagerInterface = list(providedBy(toViewletManager).flattened())[0]
     # Create a new tuple of the "required" interfaces.
     reqList = list(reg.required)
     pos = reqList.index(fromManagerInterface)
     reqList[pos] = toManagerInterface
     reqs = tuple(reqList)
     attr, pt = findViewletTemplate(reg.factory)
     reg.factory.template = mangleAbsoluteFilename(pt.filename)
     # Register the new adapter
     gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
     gsm.registerAdapter(name=viewletName, required=reqs, provided=reg.provided, factory=reg.factory)
     # "Customize" it to force persistence
     reqstr = ','.join([a.__identifier__ for a in reqs])
     toreg = registration.findTemplateViewRegistration(reqstr, viewletName)
     viewzpt = registration.customizeTemplate(toreg)
     sm = getSiteManager(self.context)
     sm.registerAdapter(viewzpt, required=toreg.required, provided=toreg.provided, name=toreg.name)
     # Hide the original
     # Rerender the new one
     # We can't do this with a refreshProvider call because then we lose the <tal:viewletmanager> block.
     ksscore = self.getCommandSet('core')
     selector = ksscore.getCssSelector('.kssattr-viewletmanagername-' + toManagerName.replace('.', '-'))
     ksscore.replaceInnerHTML(selector, toViewletManager.render())
     # Inspect the new viewlet
     return self.inspectViewlet(hashViewletInfo(viewletName, toManagerName, unhashedInfo['provided']))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _toggleVisibleState(self, viewlethash, updateHiddenList):
     """ Change the visible/hidden state of the viewlet """
     unhashedInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
     logger.debug("in _toggleVisibleState")
     skinname = self.context.getCurrentSkinName()
     manager = unhashedInfo['managerName']
     storage = getUtility(IViewletSettingsStorage)
     hidden = storage.getHidden(manager, skinname)
     logger.debug("hidden before...")
     storage.setHidden(manager, skinname, updateHiddenList(hidden, unhashedInfo['viewletName']))
     logger.debug("hidden after...")
     logger.debug(storage.getHidden(manager, skinname))
     return self._redrawViewletManager(manager)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def moveViewletByDelta(self, viewlethash, delta):
     """ Move the viewlet within its viewlet manager """
     logger.debug("in moveViewletByDelta")
     # Grab the information we need from the viewlet hash
     unhashedInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
     managerName = unhashedInfo['managerName']
     viewletName = unhashedInfo['viewletName']
     # Make sure delta is an integer, KSS apparently passes it in as a string.
     logger.debug("Converting %s to an integer" % delta)
     delta = int(delta)
     logger.debug("Moving viewlet by %s" % delta)
     # Get the viewletmanager object
     viewletManager = findViewletManager(self, managerName)
     # Get the order of the viewlets managed by this viewlet manager
     storage = getUtility(IViewletSettingsStorage)
     skinname = self.context.getCurrentSkinName()
     order = list(storage.getOrder(managerName, skinname))
     viewlet_index = order.index(viewletName)
     # Move the viewlet to its new position
     newpos = max(0, viewlet_index + delta) and min(viewlet_index + delta, len(order))
     del order[viewlet_index]
     order.insert(newpos, viewletName)
     storage = getUtility(IViewletSettingsStorage)
     storage.setOrder(managerName, skinname, order)
     # Update the page display
     zope = self.getCommandSet('zope')
     zope.refreshViewlet('#glowormPanelNavTree', 'gloworm.glowormPanel', 'glowormPanelNavTree')
     # Make sure the manager is still shown in the nav tree after reloading
     ksscore = self.getCommandSet('core')
     self.highlightInNavTree(ksscore.getCssSelector('#glowormPanelNavTree .kssattr-forviewletmanager-%s' % managerName.replace('.', '-')))
     # Update the viewlet listing in the GloWorm panel
     return self.render()
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def showViewlet(self, viewlethash):
        """ Show the selected viewlet """
        logger.debug("in hide_viewlet")
        def updateHiddenList(hidden, viewletName):
            return tuple(x for x in hidden if x != viewletName)
        self._toggleVisibleState(viewlethash, updateHiddenList)
        ksscore = self.getCommandSet('core')
        selector = ksscore.getCssSelector('#glowormPanel .kssattr-viewlethash-%s' % viewlethash)
        ksscore.removeClass(selector, 'hiddenViewlet')
        ksscore.addClass(selector, 'visibleViewlet')

        # Update the nav tree
        zope = self.getCommandSet('zope')
        zope.refreshViewlet('#glowormPanelNavTree', 'gloworm.glowormPanel', 'glowormPanelNavTree')
        # Update the viewlet listing in the GloWorm panel
        self.inspectViewletManager(unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)['managerName'].replace('.', '-'))
        return self.render()
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def customizeViewlet(self, viewlethash):
     """ Display an edit form for modifiying a viewlet's template """
     logger.debug("in customizeViewlet")
     # Unhash the viewlet info
     unhashedViewletInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
     # Get the viewlet's registration information from portal_view_customizations
     container = queryUtility(IViewTemplateContainer)
     reg = findTemplateViewRegistrationFromHash(viewlethash)
     regInfo = list(registration.templateViewRegistrationInfos([reg]))[0]
     # TODO We should be looking at regInfo['customized'] to determine whether or not a customization exists.
     # It never seems to have a value though... check on this.
     templateName = registration.generateIdFromRegistration(reg)
     # Check to see if the viewlet has already been customized. Get the template code accordingly.
     if templateName not in container.objectIds():
         viewzpt = registration.customizeTemplate(reg)
         sm = getSiteManager(self.context)
         sm.registerAdapter(viewzpt, required= reg.required, provided = reg.provided, name=reg.name)
         viewzpt = container[templateName]
     templateCode = viewzpt.read()
     template = ViewPageTemplateFile('panel_customize_viewlet.pt')
     # Wrap it so that Zope knows in what context it's being called
     # Otherwise, we get an "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'other'" error
     template = BoundPageTemplate(template, self)
     out = template(templateURL = viewzpt.absolute_url(),
                    viewletHash = viewlethash,
                    templateCode = templateCode)
     # Dump the output to the output panel
     # Force a resize update of the panel so that the form elements are sized to the dimensions of the panel.
     kssglo = self.getCommandSet('gloWorm')
     return self.render()
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def inspectElement(self,
     """ Get details about a particular html element. """
     # Make sure we're not clicking inside the inspector div since KSS doesn't seem to provide a
     # way to block processing of other rules.
     if insideInspectableArea:
         logger.debug("in inspectElement")
         parsedTalAttributes = []
         if talattributes:
             # logger.debug("talattributes: %s" % talattributes)
             # If there's only one item in the list being returned by the KSS method,
             # it's passing it as a string instead of a list/array. Not sure why.
             # Sniff the type and make it a list if needed.
             if isinstance(talattributes, basestring):
                 talattributes = (talattributes,)
             for attr in talattributes:
                 # logger.debug("attr: %s" % attr)
                 attribute = {}
                 attribute['name'], attribute['expression'], attribute['result'] = attr.split(',')
         unhashedPortletInfo = {}
         if portlethash:
             unhashedPortletInfo = unhashPortletInfo(portlethash)
         unhashedViewletInfo = {}
         if viewlethash:
             unhashedViewletInfo = unhashViewletInfo(viewlethash)
         if sourceAnnotation:
             sourceAnnotation = sourceAnnotation.strip(' =\n')
         template = ViewPageTemplateFile('panel_inspect_element.pt')
         # Wrap it so that Zope knows in what context it's being called
         # Otherwise, we get an "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'other'" error
         template = BoundPageTemplate(template, self)
         out = template(metalUseMacro = metalusemacro,
                        metalDefMacro = metaldefmacro,
                        fieldName = fieldname,
                        talContent = talcontent,
                        talAttributes = parsedTalAttributes,
                        talCondition = talcondition,
                        portletInfo = unhashedPortletInfo,
                        viewletInfo = unhashedViewletInfo,
                        sourceAnnotation = sourceAnnotation
         # Dump the output to the inspector panel
         # Highlight this element
         ksscore = self.getCommandSet('core')
         # And in the nav tree (Should this be here or in the nav tree viewlet code?)
         if viewlethash:
             self.highlightInNavTree(ksscore.getCssSelector('#glowormPanelNavTree .kssattr-forviewlet-%s' % viewlethash))
     return self.render()