class CancelImageEditAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(INoOptions) name = _(u"Cancel") description = _(u"Cancel the current edit.") skip_apply = True icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/process-stop.png" def on_setup(self): return """ function cancel_reload(data){ var btn = $('#cancel-button'); if(data.can_save){ btn[0].disabled = false; btn.removeClass('disabled'); }else{ btn[0].disabled = true; btn.addClass('disabled'); } } on('after_image_reload').accomplish(cancel_reload); cancel_reload(IMAGE_INFORMATION); """ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.editor.clear_edits()
class UndoAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(INoOptions) name = _(u"Undo") description = _(u"Go back to the previous change.") skip_apply = True icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/edit-undo.png" def on_setup(self): return """ function undo_reload(data){ var btn = $('#undo-button'); if(data.can_undo){ btn[0].disabled = false; btn.removeClass('disabled'); }else{ btn[0].disabled = true; btn.addClass('disabled'); } } on('after_image_reload').accomplish(undo_reload); undo_reload(IMAGE_INFORMATION); """ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.editor.undo()
class FlipOnHorizontalAxisAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(INoOptions) name = _(u"Flip Horizontally") description = _(u"Flip the image on the horizontal axis.") skip_apply = True icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-tool-flip-16.png" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): original = self.editor.get_current_image() image = original.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) self.editor.set_image(image, original.format)
class FlipOnVerticalAxisAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(INoOptions) name = _(u"Flip Vertical") description = _(u"Flip the image on vertically.") skip_apply = True icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-tool-rotate-16.png" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): original = self.editor.get_current_image() image = original.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) self.editor.set_image(image, original.format)
class RotateRightAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(INoOptions) name = _(u"Rotate Right") description = _(u"Rotate the image right.") skip_apply = True icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-rotate-90-16.png" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): original = self.editor.get_current_image() image = original.rotate(270) self.editor.set_image(image, original.format)
class SharpenAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(ISharpenOptions) options['amount'].custom_widget = SliderWidget name = _(u"Sharpen") description = _(u"Sharpen the image.") icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-tool-colorize-16.png" def __call__(self, amount, *args, **kwargs): image = self.editor.get_current_image() enhancer = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(image) newImage = enhancer.enhance(int(amount)) self.editor.set_image(newImage, image.format)
class ContrastAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(IContrastOptions) options['amount'].custom_widget = SliderWidget name = _(u"Contrast") description = _(u"Change the contrast of the image.") icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-tool-contrast-16.png" def __call__(self, amount, *args, **kwargs): image = self.editor.get_current_image() enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(image) newImage = enhancer.enhance((float(amount) / 100) * 2.0) self.editor.set_image(newImage, image.format)
class BrightnessAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(IBrightnessOptions) options['amount'].custom_widget = SliderWidget name = _(u"Brightness") description = _(u"Change the brightness of the image.") icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-tool-brightness-16.png" def __call__(self, amount, *args, **kwargs): image = self.editor.get_current_image() enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image) #can enhance from 0.0-2.0, 1.0 being original image newImage = enhancer.enhance((float(amount) / 100) * 2.0) self.editor.set_image(newImage, image.format)
class BlurAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(IBlurOptions) options['amount'].custom_widget = SliderWidget name = _(u"Blur") description = _(u"Blur this image.") icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-tool-blur-16.png" def __call__(self, amount, *args, **kwargs): image = self.editor.get_current_image() fmt = image.format for x in range(0, int(amount)): image = image.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) self.editor.set_image(image, fmt)
class CompressAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(ICompressOptions) options['amount'].custom_widget = SliderWidget name = _(u"Compress") description = _(u"Compress this image to make it lower quality.") icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-template-16.png" def __call__(self, amount, *args, **kwargs): # if it is a png, convert it... image = self.editor.get_current_image().convert('RGB') try: self.editor.set_image(image, quality=float(amount)) except TypeError: # Pillow 2.2 will raise ValueError instead self.editor.set_image(image, quality=int(amount))
class DropShadowAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(IDropShadowOptions) name = _(u"Drop Shadow") description = _(u"Adds a drop shadow to the image.") icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-transparency-16.png" def __call__(self, offset_x, offset_y, background_color, shadow_color, border, iterations, *args, **kwargs): # convert to png if it isn't--shadow won't work without this. image = self.editor.get_current_image().convert('RGB') offset = (int(offset_x), int(offset_y)) # precaution in case code is attempted to be injected background = eval("0x" + background_color[:6]) # precaution in case code is attempted to be injected shadow = eval("0x" + shadow_color[:6]) border = int(border) iterations = int(iterations) # Create the backdrop image -- a box in the background colour with a # shadow on it. totalWidth = image.size[0] + abs(offset[0]) + 2 * border totalHeight = image.size[1] + abs(offset[1]) + 2 * border back =, (totalWidth, totalHeight), background) # Place the shadow, taking into account the offset from the image shadowLeft = border + max(offset[0], 0) shadowTop = border + max(offset[1], 0) back.paste( shadow, [shadowLeft, shadowTop, shadowLeft + image.size[0], shadowTop + image.size[1]] ) # Apply the filter to blur the edges of the shadow. Since a small # kernel is used, the filter must be applied repeatedly to get a # decent blur. for n in range(0, iterations): back = back.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) # Paste the input image onto the shadow backdrop imageLeft = border - min(offset[0], 0) imageTop = border - min(offset[1], 0) back.paste(image, (imageLeft, imageTop)) self.editor.set_image(back)
class SaveAsImageEditAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(ISaveAsOptions) name = _(u"Save As") description = _(u"Save the edited image as another content item.") icon = None def on_setup(self): return """ function redirect(data){ if(data.previous_action == 'save-as'){ window.location = data.new_type_location; } } on('after_image_reload').accomplish(redirect); """ def __call__(self, type_to_save_as="Image", title=None, *args, **kwargs): """ create the new type, pass along the url to the client and then the javascript will redirect the browser """ if not title: title = self.editor.context.Title() parent = self.editor.context.getParentNode() new_id = orig_id = queryUtility(IURLNormalizer).normalize(title) count = 1 while new_id in parent.objectIds(): new_id = orig_id + "-" + str(count) count += count parent.invokeFactory( type_to_save_as, new_id, title=title, image=self.editor.get_current_image_data() ) return { 'new_type_location': parent.absolute_url() + "/" + new_id + "/edit" }
class SepiaAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(ISepiaOptions) options['red'].custom_widget = SliderWidget options['green'].custom_widget = SliderWidget options['blue'].custom_widget = SliderWidget name = _(u"Sepia") description = _(u"Applies the sepia effect to the image.") icon = None def make_linear_ramp(self, white): # putpalette expects [r,g,b,r,g,b,...] ramp = [] r, g, b = white for i in range(255): ramp.extend((r * i / 255, g * i / 255, b * i / 255)) return ramp def __call__(self, red, green, blue, *args, **kwargs): """ found at """ sepia = self.make_linear_ramp((int(red), int(green), int(blue))) image = self.editor.get_current_image() # convert to grayscale if image.mode != "L": image = image.convert("L") # optional: apply contrast enhancement here, e.g. image = ImageOps.autocontrast(image) # apply sepia palette image.putpalette(sepia) # convert back to RGB so we can save it as JPEG # (alternatively, save it in PNG or similar) image = image.convert("RGB") self.editor.set_image(image)
class SaveImageEditAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(INoOptions) name = _(u"Save") description = _(u"Save the edited image.") skip_apply = True icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/apply.png" def on_setup(self): return """ function save_reload(data){ var btn = $('#save-button'); if(data.can_save){ btn[0].disabled = false; btn.removeClass('disabled'); }else{ btn[0].disabled = true; btn.addClass('disabled'); } } on('after_image_reload').accomplish(save_reload); save_reload(IMAGE_INFORMATION); """ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): portal_repository = getToolByName( self.editor.context, 'portal_repository') if portal_repository.isVersionable(self.editor.context): self.editor.context, comment="saved from image editor") self.editor.save_edit() self.editor.context.reindexObject() # stop image caching on browser
def get_options(self): html = '' for name, action in self.actions: html += '<div class="image-edit-action" id="%s-options">' % name widgets = form.setUpInputWidgets( action.options, name, self.context, self.request, ignore_request=True ) for widget in widgets: html += """ <div class="edit-option"> <label class="formQuestion" for="%s.%s">%s</label> <div class="formHelp">%s</div> %s </div> """ % ( name,, widget.context.title.default, widget.context.description.default, widget() ) if not action.skip_apply: html += """ <input type="button" id="%(name)s-apply-button" class="image-edit-apply-button" name="%(name)s" value="Apply" /> """ % {'name': _(name)} html += '</div>' return html
class CropAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(INoOptions) name = _(u"Crop") description = _(u"Crop the image.") icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-selection-intersect-16.png" def on_setup(self): return """ function add_crop(){ var w = $('#source-image').width(), h = $('#source-image').height(); start_selection = { x1: w/4, y1: h/4, x2: w-w/4, y2: h-h/4 }; window.crop_selection = start_selection; function create_cropper(ratio){ var options = { onSelectChange: function(image, selection){ window.crop_selection = selection; }, enable: true, border: 2, handles: true, show: true, parent: '#image-container', x1 : start_selection.x1, y1 : start_selection.y1, x2 : start_selection.x2, y2 : start_selection.y2 } if(ratio != null){ options.aspectRatio = ratio; } $('#source-image').imgAreaSelect(options); } create_cropper(null); $("#aspect-ratio-selector").dialog({ position : 'right', title : "Aspect Ratio", autoOpen:true, resizable:false, modal: false, draggable: true, width:200, buttons: { "Manual" : function(){ $('#source-image').imgAreaSelect({enable: false, remove: true, hide: true}); create_cropper(null); }, "3:2" : function(){ $('#source-image').imgAreaSelect({enable: false, remove: true, hide: true}); create_cropper("3:2"); }, "4:3" : function(){ $('#source-image').imgAreaSelect({enable: false, remove: true,hide: true}); create_cropper("4:3"); }, "16:9" : function(){ $('#source-image').imgAreaSelect({enable: false, remove: true,hide: true}); create_cropper("16:9"); }, "5:4" : function(){ $('#source-image').imgAreaSelect({enable: false, remove: true,hide: true}); create_cropper("5:4"); }, "1:1" : function(){ $('#source-image').imgAreaSelect({enable: false, remove: true,hide: true}); create_cropper("1:1"); } } }); } function remove_crop(){ $('#source-image').imgAreaSelect({ enable: false, remove: true, hide: true }); try{ $("#aspect-ratio-selector").dialog('destroy'); }catch(e){ //nothing } } on('action_button_clicked').accomplish(function(btn){ if($(btn).attr('id') == "crop-button"){ add_crop(); }else{ remove_crop(); } }); on('before_image_reload').accomplish(function(){ remove_crop(); }); on('before_image_zoom_change').accomplish(function(params){ var active_btn = $(''); if(active_btn.attr('id') == 'crop-button'){ remove_crop(); } }); on('after_image_zoom_change').accomplish(function(params){ var active_btn = $(''); if(active_btn.attr('id') == 'crop-button'){ add_crop(); } }); """ def action_parameters(self): return """(function(){ var cs = {}; var zoom = parseFloat(jQuery("#zoom-slider-value").attr('value')); cs['crop.x1'] = window.crop_selection.x1/zoom; cs['crop.x2'] = window.crop_selection.x2/zoom; cs['crop.y1'] = window.crop_selection.y1/zoom; cs['crop.y2'] = window.crop_selection.y2/zoom; return cs; })""" def __call__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, *args, **kwargs): image = self.editor.get_current_image() box = (int(float(x1)), int(float(y1)), int(float(x2)), int(float(y2))) new_image = image.crop(box=box) new_image.load() self.editor.set_image(new_image, image.format)
from Products.ImageEditor import imageeditor_message_factory as _ Apply = _(u'Apply')
class ResizeAction(BaseImageEditorAction): implements(IImageEditorAction) options = form.FormFields(INoOptions) name = _(u"Resize") description = _(u"Resize the image..") icon = u"++resource++imageeditor/icons/stock-resize-16.png" def on_setup(self): return """ function add_resize(){ $('#image-container')[0].scrollTop = 5000; $('#image-container')[0].scrollLeft = 5000; function create_resizable(){ var opts = { handles: 'all', resize: function(e, ui){ //nothing } }; var ar = $('#resize-ar'); if(ar[0].checked){ opts['aspectRatio'] = IMAGE_INFORMATION.width/IMAGE_INFORMATION.height; } $('#source-image').resizable(opts); } create_resizable(); $('#resize-to-fields').dialog({ autoOpen:true, resizable:false, modal: false, draggable: true, title: "Manual Resize", zindex: 999999, position: 'right', buttons: { Resize: function() { $('#source-image').resizable('destroy'); var width = $('#resize-width').val(); var height = $('#resize-height').val(); if(isNaN(width) || isNaN(height)){ alert("You must enter a number for the width and height."); }else{ var zoom = parseFloat( jQuery("#zoom-slider-value").attr('value')); $('#source-image').width( Math.floor(parseInt(width)*zoom) + "px"); $('#source-image').height( Math.floor(parseInt(height)*zoom) + "px"); } create_resizable(); }, Close: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); $('#resize-ar').change(function(){ remove_resize(); add_resize(); }); } function remove_resize(){ try{ $('#source-image').resizable('destroy'); }catch(e){ //nothing } try{ $('#resize-to-fields').dialog('destroy'); }catch(e){ //nothing } } on('action_button_clicked').accomplish(function(btn){ if($(btn).attr('id') == "resize-button"){ add_resize(); }else{ remove_resize(); } }); on('before_image_reload').accomplish(function(){ remove_resize(); }); on('before_image_zoom_change').accomplish(function(params){ var active_btn = $(''); if(active_btn.attr('id') == 'resize-button'){ remove_resize(); } }); on('after_image_zoom_change').accomplish(function(params){ var active_btn = $(''); if(active_btn.attr('id') == 'resize-button'){ add_resize(); } }); """ def action_parameters(self): return """(function(){ var res = {}; var zoom = parseFloat(jQuery("#zoom-slider-value").attr('value')); res['resize.width'] = jQuery('#source-image').width()/zoom; res['resize.height'] = jQuery('#source-image').height()/zoom; return res; })""" def __call__(self, width, height, *args, **kwargs): image = self.editor.get_current_image() size = (int(float(width)), int(float(height))) new_image = image.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) self.editor.set_image(new_image, image.format)