def split(self, tag):
     from Products.LinguaPlone.utils import splitLanguage
     return splitLanguage(tag)
def languageindex_search(self, language, fallback=True, res=None):
    main, sub = splitLanguage(language)

    if main not in self._index:
        return None

    if fallback:
        # Search in sorted order, specific sub tag first, None second
        subs = list(self._index[main].keys())
        if sub in subs:
            subs.insert(0, sub)
        subs = [sub]

    if not fallback and res is not None:
        # We do not support any optimization when fallback is enabled.
        # TODO: The core loop is not in C here. Casual benchmarks suggest this
        # is still more effecient than trying to move it to C. The problem is
        # that we only have an IISet of docids as an input. We need to filter
        # this per language. The available index structures we have are:
        # IndexEntry objects used as entries. Complex objects storing docid,
        # main and sub languages and UID of the canonical. Their hash and
        # compare function uses the canonical UID.
        # self._index
        # An OOBTreeSet structure per language. In the outermost nodes we have
        # OOBTree's per language. Useful to get all items in a language.
        # Otherwise useless, as we would have to compare the docid attribute
        # of the object in the tree against our wanted set, requiring a full
        # loop over all items.
        # self._unindex
        # An IOBTree of docid to entry. Better to match our docid wanted set,
        # but we would still have to compare the language code to the entry
        # object itself.
        # self._sortindex
        # An IOBTree of docid to language tag. Looks like the best candidate
        # for us, as we can compare the language directly as a simple string
        # comparision.
        # One thing to keep in mind, is that once we get a wanted set, this
        # will usually have gone through a path query already. This means
        # we will almost always already have matching set and won't filter
        # out any item at all. So the edge-case of a 100% match is actually
        # the most common one for us.
        # Casual benchmarks show that trying to construct an IOBTree from the
        # wanted set and intersecting it with the sortindex is still slower
        # than having the core loop in Python code.
        tag = lang_tag(main, sub)

        result = IISet()
        for r in res:
            lang = self._sortindex.get(r)
            if lang == tag:
        return result

    result = OOSet()
    for sublanguage in subs:
        result = oo_union(result, self._index[main][sublanguage])

    return IISet(entry.docid for entry in result)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def split(self, tag):
     from Products.LinguaPlone.utils import splitLanguage
     return splitLanguage(tag)
def languageindex_search(self, language, fallback=True, res=None):
    main, sub = splitLanguage(language)

    if main not in self._index:
        return None

    if fallback:
        # Search in sorted order, specific sub tag first, None second
        subs = list(self._index[main].keys())
        if sub in subs:
            subs.insert(0, sub)
        subs = [sub]

    if not fallback and res is not None:
        # We do not support any optimization when fallback is enabled.
        # TODO: The core loop is not in C here. Casual benchmarks suggest this
        # is still more effecient than trying to move it to C. The problem is
        # that we only have an IISet of docids as an input. We need to filter
        # this per language. The available index structures we have are:
        # IndexEntry objects used as entries. Complex objects storing docid,
        # main and sub languages and UID of the canonical. Their hash and
        # compare function uses the canonical UID.
        # self._index
        # An OOBTreeSet structure per language. In the outermost nodes we have
        # OOBTree's per language. Useful to get all items in a language.
        # Otherwise useless, as we would have to compare the docid attribute
        # of the object in the tree against our wanted set, requiring a full
        # loop over all items.
        # self._unindex
        # An IOBTree of docid to entry. Better to match our docid wanted set,
        # but we would still have to compare the language code to the entry
        # object itself.
        # self._sortindex
        # An IOBTree of docid to language tag. Looks like the best candidate
        # for us, as we can compare the language directly as a simple string
        # comparision.
        # One thing to keep in mind, is that once we get a wanted set, this
        # will usually have gone through a path query already. This means
        # we will almost always already have matching set and won't filter
        # out any item at all. So the edge-case of a 100% match is actually
        # the most common one for us.
        # Casual benchmarks show that trying to construct an IOBTree from the
        # wanted set and intersecting it with the sortindex is still slower
        # than having the core loop in Python code.
        tag = lang_tag(main, sub)

        result = IISet()
        for r in res:
            lang = self._sortindex.get(r)
            if lang == tag:
        return result

    result = OOSet()
    for sublanguage in subs:
        result = oo_union(result, self._index[main][sublanguage])

    return IISet(entry.docid for entry in result)