Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        """Custom setup for tests."""
        self.portal = self.layer['portal']

        from plone.app.vocabularies.tests import base
        context = base.create_context()
        rids = ('1', '2',)
        tool = base.DummyCatalog(rids)
        context.portal_catalog = tool
        context.portal_url = base.DummyUrlTool(context)

        from Products.PluginIndexes.KeywordIndex.KeywordIndex import KeywordIndex  # noqa
        kwindex = KeywordIndex('Subject')
        tool.indexes['Subject'] = kwindex
        from Products.ExtendedPathIndex.ExtendedPathIndex import ExtendedPathIndex  # noqa
        pathindex = ExtendedPathIndex('path')
        tool.indexes['path'] = pathindex

        self.subjects_1 = ['Berlin', 'Wien', 'Paris', 'Barcelona']
        self.subjects_2 = ['Montreal', 'Washington', 'Brasilia']

        self.navroot1 = base.DummyContentWithParent('nr1', parent=context)
        alsoProvides(self.navroot1, INavigationRoot)
        self.navroot2 = base.DummyContentWithParent('nr2', parent=context)
        alsoProvides(self.navroot2, INavigationRoot)

        self.doc1 = base.DummyContentWithParent(
        kwindex._index_object(1, self.doc1, attr='Subject')
        pathindex.index_object(1, self.doc1)

        self.doc2 = base.DummyContentWithParent(
        kwindex._index_object(2, self.doc2, attr='Subject')
        pathindex.index_object(2, self.doc2)

        from plone.app.vocabularies.catalog import KeywordsVocabulary
        self.vocab = KeywordsVocabulary()

        # mock our registry
        from plone.registry import Registry
        from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
        from zope.component import getSiteManager
        sm = getSiteManager()
        from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import ICatalogTool
        sm.registerUtility(tool, ICatalogTool)
        registry = Registry()
        sm.registerUtility(registry, IRegistry)
        from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IURLTool
        sm.registerUtility(context.portal_url, IURLTool)
        registry_patcher = mock.patch('plone.registry.registry.Registry.get')
        self.registry_mock = registry_patcher.start()
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TestKeywordIndex(unittest.TestCase):

    _old_log_write = None

    def setUp(self):
        self._index = KeywordIndex('foo')
        self._marker = []
        self._values = [(0, Dummy(['a'])),
                        (1, Dummy(['a', 'b'])),
                        (2, Dummy(['a', 'b', 'c'])),
                        (3, Dummy(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a'])),
                        (4, Dummy(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])),
                        (5, Dummy(['a', 'b', 'c', 'e'])),
                        (6, Dummy(['a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f'])),
                        (7, Dummy([0])),
        self._noop_req = {'bar': 123}
        self._all_req = {'foo': ['a']}
        self._some_req = {'foo': ['e']}
        self._overlap_req = {'foo': ['c', 'e']}
        self._string_req = {'foo': 'a'}
        self._zero_req = {'foo': [0]}

        self._not_1 = {'foo': {'query': 'f', 'not': 'f'}}
        self._not_2 = {'foo': {'query': ['e', 'f'], 'not': 'f'}}
        self._not_3 = {'foo': {'not': 0}}
        self._not_4 = {'foo': {'not': [0, 'e']}}
        self._not_5 = {'foo': {'not': [0, 'no-value']}}
        self._not_6 = {'foo': 'c', 'bar': {'query': 123, 'not': 1}}

    def _populateIndex(self):
        for k, v in self._values:
            self._index.index_object(k, v)

    def _checkApply(self, req, expectedValues):
        result, used = self._index._apply_index(req)
        assert used == ('foo', )
        assert len(result) == len(expectedValues), \
          '%s | %s' % (map(None, result),
                       map(lambda x: x[0], expectedValues))

        if hasattr(result, 'keys'):
            result = result.keys()
        for k, v in expectedValues:
            assert k in result

    def test_interfaces(self):
        from Products.PluginIndexes.interfaces import IPluggableIndex
        from Products.PluginIndexes.interfaces import ISortIndex
        from Products.PluginIndexes.interfaces import IUniqueValueIndex
        from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass

        verifyClass(IPluggableIndex, KeywordIndex)
        verifyClass(ISortIndex, KeywordIndex)
        verifyClass(IUniqueValueIndex, KeywordIndex)

    def testAddObjectWOKeywords(self):
        self._index.index_object(999, None)

    def testEmpty(self):
        assert len(self._index) == 0
        assert len(self._index.referencedObjects()) == 0
        self.assertEqual(self._index.numObjects(), 0)

        assert self._index.getEntryForObject(1234) is None
        assert (self._index.getEntryForObject(1234, self._marker)
                  is self._marker), self._index.getEntryForObject(1234)
        self._index.unindex_object(1234)  # nothrow

        assert self._index.hasUniqueValuesFor('foo')
        assert not self._index.hasUniqueValuesFor('bar')
        assert len(self._index.uniqueValues('foo')) == 0

        assert self._index._apply_index(self._noop_req) is None
        self._checkApply(self._all_req, [])
        self._checkApply(self._some_req, [])
        self._checkApply(self._overlap_req, [])
        self._checkApply(self._string_req, [])

    def testPopulated(self):
        values = self._values

        assert len(self._index.referencedObjects()) == len(values)
        assert self._index.getEntryForObject(1234) is None
        assert (self._index.getEntryForObject(1234, self._marker)
            is self._marker)
        self._index.unindex_object(1234)  # nothrow
        self.assertEqual(self._index.indexSize(), len(values) - 1)

        for k, v in values:
            entry = self._index.getEntryForObject(k)
            kw = sortedUnique(v.foo())
            self.assertEqual(entry, kw)

        assert len(self._index.uniqueValues('foo')) == len(values) - 1
        assert self._index._apply_index(self._noop_req) is None

        self._checkApply(self._all_req, values[:-1])
        self._checkApply(self._some_req, values[5:7])
        self._checkApply(self._overlap_req, values[2:7])
        self._checkApply(self._string_req, values[:-1])

        self._checkApply(self._not_1, [])
        self._checkApply(self._not_2, values[5:6])
        self._checkApply(self._not_3, values[:7])
        self._checkApply(self._not_4, values[:5])
        self._checkApply(self._not_5, values[:7])
        self._checkApply(self._not_6, values[2:7])

    def testZero(self):
        values = self._values
        self._checkApply(self._zero_req, values[-1:])
        assert 0 in self._index.uniqueValues('foo')

    def testReindexChange(self):
        expected = Dummy(['x', 'y'])
        self._index.index_object(6, expected)
        result, used = self._index._apply_index({'foo': ['x', 'y']})
        result = result.keys()
        assert len(result) == 1
        assert result[0] == 6
        result, used = self._index._apply_index(
            {'foo': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f']})
        result = result.keys()
        assert 6 not in result

    def testReindexNoChange(self):
        expected = Dummy(['foo', 'bar'])
        self._index.index_object(8, expected)
        result, used = self._index._apply_index(
            {'foo': ['foo', 'bar']})
        result = result.keys()
        assert len(result) == 1
        assert result[0] == 8
        self._index.index_object(8, expected)
        result, used = self._index._apply_index(
            {'foo': ['foo', 'bar']})
        result = result.keys()
        assert len(result) == 1
        assert result[0] == 8

    def testIntersectionWithRange(self):
        # Test an 'and' search, ensuring that 'range' doesn't mess it up.

        record = {'foo': {'query': ['e', 'f'], 'operator': 'and'}}
        self._checkApply(record, self._values[6:7])

        # Make sure that 'and' tests with incompatible parameters
        # don't return empty sets.
        record['foo']['range'] = 'min:max'
        self._checkApply(record, self._values[6:7])

    def testDuplicateKeywords(self):
        self._index.index_object(0, Dummy(['a', 'a', 'b', 'b']))

    def testCollectorIssue889(self):
        # Test that collector issue 889 is solved
        values = self._values
        nonexistent = 'foo-bar-baz'
        # make sure key is not indexed
        result = self._index._index.get(nonexistent, self._marker)
        assert result is self._marker
        # patched _apply_index now works as expected
        record = {'foo': {'query': [nonexistent], 'operator': 'and'}}
        self._checkApply(record, [])
        record = {'foo': {'query': [nonexistent, 'a'], 'operator': 'and'}}
        # and does not break anything
        self._checkApply(record, [])
        record = {'foo': {'query': ['d'], 'operator': 'and'}}
        self._checkApply(record, values[4:5])
        record = {'foo': {'query': ['a', 'e'], 'operator': 'and'}}
        self._checkApply(record, values[5:7])

    def test_noindexing_when_noattribute(self):
        to_index = Dummy(['hello'])
        self._index._index_object(10, to_index, attr='UNKNOWN')

    def test_noindexing_when_raising_attribute(self):
        class FauxObject:
            def foo(self):
                raise AttributeError
        to_index = FauxObject()
        self._index._index_object(10, to_index, attr='foo')

    def test_noindexing_when_raising_typeeror(self):
        class FauxObject:
            def foo(self, name):
                return 'foo'
        to_index = FauxObject()
        self._index._index_object(10, to_index, attr='foo')

    def test_value_removes(self):
        to_index = Dummy(['hello'])
        self._index._index_object(10, to_index, attr='foo')

        to_index = Dummy('')
        self._index._index_object(10, to_index, attr='foo')