Ejemplo n.º 1
	def test_price_qty_of_product(self):
		test2 = products() 
		#test the price & qty for cola 
		itemName = test2.getItemNameWithNumber(1)
		#get price 
		price = test2.getItemPriceQty('price', itemName)
		self.assertEqual(price, 1.00)
		#get qty
		qty= test2.getItemPriceQty('qty', itemName)
		self.assertEqual(qty, 10)

		#test the price & qty for chips
		itemName = test2.getItemNameWithNumber(2)
		#get price 
		price = test2.getItemPriceQty('price', itemName)
		self.assertEqual(price, .50)
		#get qty
		qty= test2.getItemPriceQty('qty', itemName)
		self.assertEqual(qty, 10)

		#test the price & qty  for candy 
		itemName = test2.getItemNameWithNumber(3)
		#get price 
		price = test2.getItemPriceQty('price', itemName)
		self.assertEqual(price, .65)
		#get qty
		qty= test2.getItemPriceQty('qty', itemName)
		self.assertEqual(qty, 10)
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def test_sub_qty(self): 
		test4 = products()

		qty= test4.getItemPriceQty('qty', 'cola')
		self.assertEqual(qty, 10)

		qty= test4.getItemPriceQty('qty', 'cola')
		self.assertEqual(qty, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def test_assoiate_number_with_product(self):	
		test1 = products() 
		#attempt to get cola using number 1  
		itemName = test1.getItemNameWithNumber(1)
		self.assertEqual(itemName, "cola")

		#attempt to get chips using number 2 
		itemName = test1.getItemNameWithNumber(2)
		self.assertEqual(itemName, "chips")

		#attempt to get candy using number 3
		itemName = test1.getItemNameWithNumber(3)
		self.assertEqual(itemName, "candy")

		# attempt to by something not on the menu
		itemName = test1.getItemNameWithNumber(4)
		self.assertEqual(itemName, None)
Ejemplo n.º 4
from Products import products
prod = products()
prod.add("Питка", 100)
prod.add("Домат", 100)
prod.add("Зеле", 100)
prod.add("Лук", 10)
prod.add("Шиш", 5)
prod.add("Сос", 20)
prod.add("Тесто", 100)
prod.add("Салам", 30)
prod.add("Кашкавал", 100)
prod.add("Картофи", 95)

class kasa:
    def __init__(self):
        self.money = 1000
        self.change = 0
        self.product_use = 1
        self.bill = 0
        self.eho = []
        self.drinks_belejka = []

    def prices(self):
            f"Малък: {prod.kebap['Малък']}лв. \nСреден: {prod.kebap['Среден']}лв. \nГолям: {prod.kebap['Голям']}лв."
#so that I can make buys
from Products import products

#used for random testing 
from random import randint

# create the test
test = machine()
# create the test  that can test buying
test2 = machine()

#did this for new test because test werent ran in order 
test3 = machine()

#this creates required prducts via pillar kata
items =  products()

class TestMachine(unittest.TestCase):
	def setUp(self): 

	def test_initial_display(self):	
		#check the display
		display = test.getVendDisplay() 
		self.assertEqual(display, 'EXACT CHANGE ONLY')

	def test_initial_amount(self): 
		#make sure that that no money has been inserted
		display = test.getTotalInserted()
		self.assertEqual(display, 0.00)
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def test_get_all_items(self): 
		test3 = products()

		allItems = test3.getAllProducts()
		self.assertEqual(allItems, {'cola': {'price':1.00, 'qty': 10} , 'chips': {'price': .50, 'qty': 10},  'candy': {'price':.65, 'qty': 10} })
Ejemplo n.º 7
# this is the brains of my vending machine

#so that I can accept or reject coins
from Coin import coins

#using coins
Coins = coins()

from Products import products

#using products
Products = products()

class machine(object): 
	def __init__(self): 
		self.display = "INSERT COINS"
		self.amountInserted = 0.00
		self.items = {} 
		self.returnCoin = []
		self.returnCoinAmount = 0
		self.acceptedCoins = {"nickle":.05, 'dime': .10, 'quarter': .25} 
		self.coinsInMachine = []
		self.amountInMachine = 0

	def getVendDisplay(self):
		if self.display == "THANK YOU":
			hold = self.display
			if self.amountInserted > 0.00: 
				self.display = "${0:.2f}".format(self.amountInserted)