Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_linVnln(self):
        """Test ss UVLM output equations against full nonlinear calcs."""

        # Init steady problem at 1 deg AoA
        aoa = 1 * np.pi / 180.0
        V = 1
        m = 2
        n = 2
        mW = 3
        delS = 1
        chords = np.linspace(-1.0, 0.0, m + 1, True)
        chordsW = np.linspace(0.0, 10000.0, mW + 1, True)
        spans = np.linspace(-10000, 10000, n + 1, True)
        zeta0 = np.zeros(3 * len(chords) * len(spans))
        zetaW0 = np.zeros(3 * len(chordsW) * len(spans))
        kk = 0
        for c in chords:
            for s in spans:
                zeta0[3 * kk] = np.cos(aoa) * c
                zeta0[3 * kk + 1] = s
                zeta0[3 * kk + 2] = -np.sin(aoa) * c
                kk = kk + 1
            # end for s
        # end for c
        kk = 0
        for c in chordsW:
            for s in spans:
                zetaW0[3 * kk] = c
                zetaW0[3 * kk + 1] = s
                kk = kk + 1
            # end for s
        # end for c
        zetaPri0 = np.zeros((3 * len(chords) * len(spans)))
        gamPri0 = np.zeros((m * n))
        nu = np.zeros((3 * len(chords) * len(spans)))  # atmospheric velocity
        nu[0::3] = V

        # to be solved
        gam0 = np.zeros((m * n))
        gamW0 = np.zeros((mW * n))
        f0 = np.zeros((3 * len(chords) * len(spans)))  # forces

        # initialise nonlinear options
        VMOPTS = VMopts(
            False,  # image methods
            True,  # steady
            True,  # KJ is true
            1)  #numCores

        # solve nonlinear
        Cpp_Solver_VLM(zeta0, zetaPri0, nu, zetaW0, VMOPTS, f0, gam0, gamW0)

        # generate linear output eqs at x0, u0
        foo1, foo2, foo3, C, D = genSSuvlm(gam0, gamW0, gamPri0, zeta0, zetaW0,
                                           zetaPri0, nu, m, n, mW, delS)
        del foo1, foo2, foo3

        # init delta vectors for testing
        dX = np.zeros((2 * m * n + mW * n))
        dU = np.zeros((9 * len(chords) * len(spans)))

        # variations in gamma--------------------------------------------------
        for i in range(m * n):
            dX[i] = 0.00002 / (m * n) * (i + 1)
        gamPdX = gam0 + dX[0:m * n]
        f = np.zeros_like(f0)
        gam_tm1 = gam0 - delS * gamPri0
        Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gamPdX, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS,
                     gam_tm1, f)
        f_dGamma = f - f0
        dfApprox = np.dot(C, dX) + np.dot(D, dU)

        # lift
        dLexact = sum(f_dGamma[2::3])
        dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox - dLexact) / dLexact), 0.001)

        # drag
        dDexact = sum(f_dGamma[0::3])
        dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox - dDexact) / dDexact), 0.001)

        # side force
        dSexact = sum(f_dGamma[1::3])
        dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
        self.assertLess(dSexact, 1e-7)
        self.assertLess(dSapprox, 1e-7)

        # variations in gamma w ------------------------------------------------
        f[:] = 0.0
        dX[:] = 0.0
        for i in range(m * n, mW * n):
            dX[i] = 0.00002 / (mW * n) * (i + 1)
        gamWpDx = gamW0 + dX[m * n:m * n + mW * n]
        Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamWpDx, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS,
                     gam_tm1, f)
        f_dGammaW = f - f0
        dfApprox = np.dot(C, dX) + np.dot(D, dU)

        # lift
        dLexact = sum(f_dGammaW[2::3])
        dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox - dLexact) / dLexact), 0.001)

        # drag
        dDexact = sum(f_dGammaW[0::3])
        dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox - dDexact) / dDexact), 0.001)

        # side force
        dSexact = sum(f_dGammaW[1::3])
        dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
        self.assertLess(dSexact, 1e-7)
        self.assertLess(dSapprox, 1e-7)

        # variations in gamPri ------------------------------------------------
        f[:] = 0.0
        dX[:] = 0.0
        for i in range(m * n + mW * n, 2 * m * n + mW * n):
            dX[i] = 0.002 / (m * n) * (i + 1)
        gam_tm1pDx = gam0 - 2.0 * delS * dX[m * n + mW * n:]
        VMOPTS.Steady = ct.c_bool(False)
        Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS,
                     gam_tm1pDx, f)
        f_dGamPri = f - f0
        dfApprox = np.dot(C, dX) + np.dot(D, dU)

        # lift
        dLexact = sum(f_dGamPri[2::3])
        dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox - dLexact) / dLexact), 0.001)

        # drag
        dDexact = sum(f_dGamPri[0::3])
        dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox - dDexact) / dDexact), 0.001)

        # side force
        dSexact = sum(f_dGamPri[1::3])
        dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
        self.assertLess(dSexact, 1e-7)
        self.assertLess(dSapprox, 1e-7)

        # variations in zetaPri ------------------------------------------------
        f[:] = 0.0
        dX[:] = 0.0
        for i in range(3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1)):
            dU[i] = 0.002 / (3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1) * (i + 1))
        zetaPriPdX = zetaPri0 + dU[0:3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1)]
        VMOPTS.Steady = ct.c_bool(True)
        Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPriPdX, nu, VMOPTS,
                     gam_tm1, f)
        f_dZetaPri = f - f0
        dfApprox = np.dot(C, dX) + np.dot(D, dU)

        # lift
        dLexact = sum(f_dZetaPri[2::3])
        dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox - dLexact) / dLexact), 0.001)

        # drag
        dDexact = sum(f_dZetaPri[0::3])
        dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox - dDexact) / dDexact), 0.001)

        # side force
        dSexact = sum(f_dZetaPri[1::3])
        dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dSapprox - dSexact) / dSexact), 0.001)

        # variations in nu -----------------------------------------------------
        f[:] = 0.0
        dU[:] = 0.0
        for i in range(6 * (m + 1) * (n + 1), 9 * (m + 1) * (n + 1)):
            dU[i] = 0.002 / (3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1) * (i + 1))
        nuPdX = nu + dU[6 * (m + 1) * (n + 1):]
        Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nuPdX, VMOPTS,
                     gam_tm1, f)
        f_dNu = f - f0
        dfApprox = np.dot(C, dX) + np.dot(D, dU)

        # lift
        dLexact = sum(f_dNu[2::3])
        dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox - dLexact) / dLexact), 0.001)

        # drag
        dDexact = sum(f_dNu[0::3])
        dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox - dDexact) / dDexact), 0.001)

        # side force
        dSexact = sum(f_dNu[1::3])
        dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dSapprox - dSexact) / dSexact), 0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_linVnln(self):
     """Test ss UVLM output equations against full nonlinear calcs."""
     # Init steady problem at 1 deg AoA
     aoa = 1*np.pi/180.0
     V = 1
     chords = np.linspace(-1.0, 0.0, m+1, True)
     chordsW = np.linspace(0.0, 10000.0, mW+1, True)
     spans = np.linspace(-10000, 10000, n+1, True)
     for c in chords:
         for s in spans:
         # end for s
     # end for c
     for c in chordsW:
         for s in spans:
         # end for s
     # end for c
     zetaPri0 = np.zeros((3*len(chords)*len(spans)))
     nu = np.zeros((3*len(chords)*len(spans))) # atmospheric velocity
     # to be solved 
     f0 = np.zeros((3*len(chords)*len(spans))) # forces
     # initialise nonlinear options
     VMOPTS = VMopts(m, n, False, # image methods
                     True, # steady
                     True, # KJ is true
                     1) #numCores
     # solve nonlinear
     Cpp_Solver_VLM(zeta0, zetaPri0, nu, zetaW0, VMOPTS, f0, gam0, gamW0)
     # generate linear output eqs at x0, u0
     foo1, foo2, foo3, C, D = genSSuvlm(gam0, gamW0, gamPri0, zeta0, zetaW0, zetaPri0, nu, m, n, mW, delS)
     del foo1, foo2, foo3
     # init delta vectors for testing
     dX = np.zeros((2*m*n+mW*n))
     dU = np.zeros((9*len(chords)*len(spans)))
     # variations in gamma--------------------------------------------------
     for i in range(m*n):
         dX[i] = 0.00002/(m*n)*(i+1)
     gamPdX = gam0+dX[0:m*n]
     f = np.zeros_like(f0)
     Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gamPdX, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS, gam_tm1, f)
     f_dGamma = f - f0
     dfApprox = np.dot(C,dX)+np.dot(D,dU)
     # lift
     dLexact = sum(f_dGamma[2::3])
     dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox-dLexact)/dLexact), 0.001)
     # drag
     dDexact = sum(f_dGamma[0::3])
     dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox-dDexact)/dDexact), 0.001)
     # side force
     dSexact = sum(f_dGamma[1::3])
     dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
     self.assertLess(dSexact, 1e-7)
     self.assertLess(dSapprox, 1e-7)
     # variations in gamma w ------------------------------------------------
     for i in range(m*n,mW*n):
         dX[i] = 0.00002/(mW*n)*(i+1)
     gamWpDx = gamW0 + dX[m*n:m*n+mW*n]
     Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamWpDx, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS, gam_tm1, f)
     f_dGammaW = f - f0
     dfApprox = np.dot(C,dX)+np.dot(D,dU)
     # lift
     dLexact = sum(f_dGammaW[2::3])
     dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox-dLexact)/dLexact), 0.001)
     # drag
     dDexact = sum(f_dGammaW[0::3])
     dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox-dDexact)/dDexact), 0.001)
     # side force
     dSexact = sum(f_dGammaW[1::3])
     dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
     self.assertLess(dSexact, 1e-7)
     self.assertLess(dSapprox, 1e-7)
     # variations in gamPri ------------------------------------------------
     for i in range(m*n+mW*n,2*m*n+mW*n):
         dX[i] = 0.002/(m*n)*(i+1)
     gam_tm1pDx = gam0-2.0*delS*dX[m*n+mW*n:]
     VMOPTS.Steady = ct.c_bool(False)
     Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS, gam_tm1pDx, f)
     f_dGamPri = f - f0
     dfApprox = np.dot(C,dX)+np.dot(D,dU)
     # lift
     dLexact = sum(f_dGamPri[2::3])
     dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox-dLexact)/dLexact), 0.001)
     # drag
     dDexact = sum(f_dGamPri[0::3])
     dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox-dDexact)/dDexact), 0.001)
     # side force
     dSexact = sum(f_dGamPri[1::3])
     dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
     self.assertLess(dSexact, 1e-7)
     self.assertLess(dSapprox, 1e-7)
     # variations in zetaPri ------------------------------------------------
     for i in range(3*(m+1)*(n+1)):
         dU[i] = 0.002/(3*(m+1)*(n+1)*(i+1))
     zetaPriPdX = zetaPri0+dU[0:3*(m+1)*(n+1)]
     VMOPTS.Steady = ct.c_bool(True)
     Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPriPdX, nu, VMOPTS, gam_tm1, f)
     f_dZetaPri = f - f0
     dfApprox = np.dot(C,dX)+np.dot(D,dU)
     # lift
     dLexact = sum(f_dZetaPri[2::3])
     dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox-dLexact)/dLexact), 0.001)
     # drag
     dDexact = sum(f_dZetaPri[0::3])
     dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox-dDexact)/dDexact), 0.001)
     # side force
     dSexact = sum(f_dZetaPri[1::3])
     dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dSapprox-dSexact)/dSexact), 0.001)
     # variations in nu -----------------------------------------------------
     for i in range(6*(m+1)*(n+1),9*(m+1)*(n+1)):
         dU[i] = 0.002/(3*(m+1)*(n+1)*(i+1))
     nuPdX = nu + dU[6*(m+1)*(n+1):]
     Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nuPdX, VMOPTS, gam_tm1, f)
     f_dNu = f - f0
     dfApprox = np.dot(C,dX)+np.dot(D,dU)
     # lift
     dLexact = sum(f_dNu[2::3])
     dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox-dLexact)/dLexact), 0.001)
     # drag
     dDexact = sum(f_dNu[0::3])
     dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox-dDexact)/dDexact), 0.001)
     # side force
     dSexact = sum(f_dNu[1::3])
     dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dSapprox-dSexact)/dSexact), 0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_linVnln_dZeta(self):
        """Test ss UVLM output equations against full nonlinear calcs."""

        # Init steady problem at 1 deg AoA
        aoa = 1.0 * np.pi / 180.0
        V = 1
        m = 4
        n = 3
        mW = 11
        delS = 1
        chords = np.linspace(-1.0, 0.0, m + 1, True)
        chordsW = np.linspace(0.0, 10000.0, mW + 1, True)
        spans = np.linspace(-10000, 10000, n + 1, True)
        zeta0 = np.zeros(3 * len(chords) * len(spans))
        zetaW0 = np.zeros(3 * len(chordsW) * len(spans))
        kk = 0
        for c in chords:
            for s in spans:
                zeta0[3 * kk] = np.cos(aoa) * c
                zeta0[3 * kk + 1] = s
                zeta0[3 * kk + 2] = -np.sin(aoa) * c
                kk = kk + 1
            # end for s
        # end for c
        kk = 0
        for c in chordsW:
            for s in spans:
                zetaW0[3 * kk] = c
                zetaW0[3 * kk + 1] = s
                kk = kk + 1
            # end for s
        # end for c
        zetaPri0 = np.zeros((3 * len(chords) * len(spans)))
        gamPri0 = np.zeros((m * n))
        nu = np.zeros((3 * len(chords) * len(spans)))  # atmospheric velocity
        nu[0::3] = V

        # to be solved
        gam0 = np.zeros((m * n))
        gamW0 = np.zeros((mW * n))
        f0 = np.zeros((3 * len(chords) * len(spans)))  # forces

        # initialise nonlinear options
        VMOPTS = VMopts(
            False,  # image methods
            True,  # steady
            True,  # KJ is true
            1)  #numCores

        # solve nonlinear
        Cpp_Solver_VLM(zeta0, zetaPri0, nu, zetaW0, VMOPTS, f0, gam0, gamW0)

        # set to unsteady mode and calculate with zetaPri0
        f0[:] = 0.0
        VMOPTS.Steady = ct.c_bool(False)
        gamPri0 = 0.01 * np.ones_like(gamPri0)
        gam_tm1 = gam0 - 2.0 * delS * gamPri0
        Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS, gam_tm1,

        # generate linear output eqs at x0, u0
        foo1, foo2, foo3, C, D = genSSuvlm(gam0, gamW0, gamPri0, zeta0, zetaW0,
                                           zetaPri0, nu, m, n, mW, delS)
        del foo1, foo2, foo3

        # init delta vectors for testing
        dX = np.zeros((2 * m * n + mW * n))
        dU = np.zeros((9 * len(chords) * len(spans)))

        # variations in zeta -----------------------------------------------------
        f = np.zeros_like(f0)
        for i in range(3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1), 6 * (m + 1) * (n + 1)):
            if isodd(i):
                dU[i] = 0.1 / (m * 3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1) * (i + 1))
                dU[i] = -0.1 / (m * 3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1) * (i + 1))
        zetaPdX = zeta0 + dU[3 * (m + 1) * (n + 1):6 * (m + 1) * (n + 1)]
        gam_tm1 = gam0 - 2.0 * delS * gamPri0
        Cpp_KJForces(zetaPdX, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS,
                     gam_tm1, f)

        # calculate diffs
        f_dZeta = f - f0
        dfApprox = np.dot(C, dX) + np.dot(D, dU)

        # lift
        dLexact = sum(f_dZeta[2::3])
        dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox - dLexact) / dLexact), 0.01)

        # drag
        dDexact = sum(f_dZeta[0::3])
        dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox - dDexact) / dDexact), 0.01)

        # side force
        dSexact = sum(f_dZeta[1::3])
        dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
        self.assertLess(np.abs((dSapprox - dSexact) / dSexact), 0.01)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_linVnln_dZeta(self):
     """Test ss UVLM output equations against full nonlinear calcs."""
     # Init steady problem at 1 deg AoA
     aoa = 1.0*np.pi/180.0
     V = 1
     chords = np.linspace(-1.0, 0.0, m+1, True)
     chordsW = np.linspace(0.0, 10000.0, mW+1, True)
     spans = np.linspace(-10000, 10000, n+1, True)
     for c in chords:
         for s in spans:
         # end for s
     # end for c
     for c in chordsW:
         for s in spans:
         # end for s
     # end for c
     zetaPri0 = np.zeros((3*len(chords)*len(spans)))
     nu = np.zeros((3*len(chords)*len(spans))) # atmospheric velocity
     # to be solved 
     f0 = np.zeros((3*len(chords)*len(spans))) # forces
     # initialise nonlinear options
     VMOPTS = VMopts(m, n, False, # image methods
                     True, # steady
                     True, # KJ is true
                     1) #numCores
     # solve nonlinear
     Cpp_Solver_VLM(zeta0, zetaPri0, nu, zetaW0, VMOPTS, f0, gam0, gamW0)
     # set to unsteady mode and calculate with zetaPri0
     VMOPTS.Steady = ct.c_bool(False)
     Cpp_KJForces(zeta0, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS, gam_tm1, f0)
     # generate linear output eqs at x0, u0
     foo1, foo2, foo3, C, D = genSSuvlm(gam0, gamW0, gamPri0, zeta0, zetaW0, zetaPri0, nu, m, n, mW, delS)
     del foo1, foo2, foo3
     # init delta vectors for testing
     dX = np.zeros((2*m*n+mW*n))
     dU = np.zeros((9*len(chords)*len(spans)))
     # variations in zeta -----------------------------------------------------
     f = np.zeros_like(f0)
     for i in range(3*(m+1)*(n+1),6*(m+1)*(n+1)):
         if isodd(i):
             dU[i] = 0.1/(m*3*(m+1)*(n+1)*(i+1))
             dU[i] = -0.1/(m*3*(m+1)*(n+1)*(i+1))
     zetaPdX = zeta0 + dU[3*(m+1)*(n+1):6*(m+1)*(n+1)]
     Cpp_KJForces(zetaPdX, gam0, zetaW0, gamW0, zetaPri0, nu, VMOPTS, gam_tm1, f)
     # calculate diffs
     f_dZeta = f - f0
     dfApprox = np.dot(C,dX)+np.dot(D,dU)
     # lift
     dLexact = sum(f_dZeta[2::3])
     dLapprox = sum(dfApprox[2::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dLapprox-dLexact)/dLexact), 0.01)
     # drag
     dDexact = sum(f_dZeta[0::3])
     dDapprox = sum(dfApprox[0::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dDapprox-dDexact)/dDexact), 0.01)
     # side force
     dSexact = sum(f_dZeta[1::3])
     dSapprox = sum(dfApprox[1::3])
     self.assertLess(np.abs((dSapprox-dSexact)/dSexact), 0.01)