Ejemplo n.º 1
def getDesFootAngularAcc(refModel,
                         axis=[0, 1, 0],
                         desAng=[0, 1, 0]):
    desAngularAcc = [0, 0, 0]

    curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(footIndex)]
    refAngVel = refModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(footIndex)
    curAngVel = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(footIndex)
    refAngAcc = (0, 0, 0)

    curAngY = np.dot(curAng, np.array(axis))
    refAngY = np.array(desAng)
    if stage == MOTION_TRACKING + 10:
        refAng = [refModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(footIndex)]
        refAngY2 = np.dot(refAng, np.array([0, 1, 0]))
        refAngY = refAngY2[0]

    aL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(curAngY[0], refAngY))
    desAngularAcc = Kk * aL + Dk * (refAngVel - curAngVel)

    return desAngularAcc
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def processs_body_geom(self):
        skel = self.skeleton
        for i in range(skel.getJointNum()):
            joint = skel.getJoint(i)  # type: ym.Joint
            # print(joint.children)
            avg_offset = mm.seq2Vec3(
                     for child in joint.children]) / len(joint.children))
            length = mm.length(avg_offset)
            length *= 0.9
            mass = self.mass_map[joint.name]
            width = math.sqrt(mass / 1000. / length * 0.9)
            height = width
            geom_type = 'box' if self.shape_map[
                joint.name] is None else self.shape_map[joint.name][0]
            geom_size = [width, height, length] if self.shape_map[
                joint.name] is None else self.shape_map[joint.name][1]

            offset_T = mm.getSE3ByTransV(.5 * avg_offset)

            defaultBoneV = mm.unitZ()
            boneR = mm.SO3ToSE3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(defaultBoneV, avg_offset))

            boneT = np.dot(offset_T, boneR)
            # boneT = offset_T

            self.body_transf.append(np.dot(self.joint_transf[i], boneT))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _createBody(self, joint, parentT, posture):

        :param joint: ym.Joint
        :param parentT: SE3
        :param posture: ym.JointPosture
        :return: list[str], list[SE3], list[Vec3], list[SE3]
        Ts = []
        names = []
        offsets = []
        boneTs = []
        len_joint_children = len(joint.children)
        if len_joint_children == 0:
            return names, Ts, offsets, boneTs

        P = SE3(joint.offset)
        T = parentT * P

        joint_name = joint.name
        joint_index = posture.skeleton.getJointIndex(joint_name)
        R = posture.getJointOrientationLocal(joint_index)
        T = T * SE3(R)

        offset = Vec3(0.)
        for i in range(len_joint_children):
            offset += Vec3(joint.children[i].offset)

        offset *= 1. / len_joint_children

        boneT = SE3(offset * .5)

        defaultBoneV = Vec3(0., 0., 1.)
        boneR = SE3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(defaultBoneV, offset))

        boneT = boneT * boneR

        if self.config is not None:
            if self.config.hasNode(joint_name):
                boneT = boneT * SE3(

        newT = T * boneT


        for i in range(len_joint_children):
            childNames, childTs, childOffsets, childBoneTs = self._createBody(
                joint.children[i], T, posture)

        return names, Ts, offsets, boneTs
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def makeFourContactPos(posture,

        :type posture: ym.JointPosture
        :type jointNameOrIdx: str | int
        :return: np.array, np.array, np.array
        idx = jointNameOrIdx
        if type(jointNameOrIdx) == str:
            idx = posture.skeleton.getJointIndex(jointNameOrIdx)

        insideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((0., 0., 2.5))
        outsideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((1.2, 0., 2.5))
        if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside:
            # if it is not outside phalange,
            outsideOffset[0] = -1.2 * SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG

        origin = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx)
        inside = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, insideOffset)
        outside = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, outsideOffset)

        length = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * 2.5

        RotVec1_tmp1 = inside - origin
        RotVec1_tmp2 = inside - origin
        RotVec1_tmp2[1] = 0.
        RotVec1 = np.cross(RotVec1_tmp1, RotVec1_tmp2)
        angle1_1 = math.acos((origin[1] - SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD) / length)
        angle1_2 = math.acos((origin[1] - inside[1]) / length)
        footRot1 = mm.exp(RotVec1, angle1_1 - angle1_2)
        footOri1 = posture.getJointOrientationGlobal(idx)
        posture.setJointOrientationGlobal(idx, np.dot(footRot1, footOri1))

        inside_new = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, insideOffset)
        outside_new_tmp = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, outsideOffset)

        # RotVec2 = inside_new - origin
        width = np.linalg.norm(outside - inside)
        widthVec_tmp = np.cross(RotVec1_tmp1, np.array((0., 1., 0.))) if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside \
            else np.cross(np.array((0., 1., 0.)), RotVec1_tmp1)

        widthVec = width * widthVec_tmp / np.linalg.norm(widthVec_tmp)
        outside_new = inside_new + widthVec

        footRot2 = mm.getSO3FromVectors(outside_new_tmp - inside_new, widthVec)
        footOri2 = posture.getJointOrientationGlobal(idx)
        # print footRot2, footOri2
        posture.setJointOrientationGlobal(idx, np.dot(footRot2, footOri2))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def step(self, target):
        target = self.config.x_normal.normalize_l(target)
        m = self.model
        feed_dict = {m.x: [[target]], m.prev_y: self.current_y}
        if self.state is not None:
            feed_dict[m.initial_state] = self.state

        # x : target x, target y => 2
        # # y : foot contact=2, root transform(rotation, tx, ty)=3, root_height, joint pos=3*13=39  => 45
        # y : foot contact=2, root transform(rotation, tx, ty)=3, root_height, joint pos=3*19=57  => 63
        output, self.state, self.current_y = self.sess.run(
            [m.generated, m.final_state, m.final_y], feed_dict)
        output = output[0][0]
        output = self.config.y_normal.de_normalize_l(output)

        angles = copy(output[63:])
        output = output[:63]
        contacts = copy(output[:2])
        output = output[2:]
        # move root
        self.pose = self.pose.transform(output)
        root_orientation = mm.getSO3FromVectors(
            (self.pose.d[0], 0., self.pose.d[1]), -mm.unitZ())

        points = [[0, output[3], 0]]
        output = output[4:]
        for i in range(len(output) // 3):
            points.append(output[i * 3:(i + 1) * 3])

        point_offset = mm.seq2Vec3([0., -0.05, 0.])

        for i in range(len(points)):
            points[i] = mm.seq2Vec3(self.pose.global_point_3d(
                points[i])) / 100. + point_offset

        orientations = list()
        for i in range(len(angles) // 3):
            orientations.append(mm.exp(angles[i * 3:(i + 1) * 3]))

        return contacts, points, angles, orientations, root_orientation
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_plane_align_transform_by_posture(posture_to_be_aligned, posture_base):
    aligning posture in XZ plane
    :type posture_base: ym.JointPosture
    :type posture_to_be_aligned:  ym.JointPosture
    base_transform = posture_base.globalTs[0]
    before_transform = posture_to_be_aligned.globalTs[0]

    align_translation = mm.T2p(base_transform) - mm.T2p(before_transform)
    align_translation[1] = 0.

    base_direction = np.dot(mm.T2R(base_transform), mm.unitZ())
    before_direction = np.dot(mm.T2R(before_transform), mm.unitZ())

    base_direction[1] = 0.
    before_direction[1] = 0.

    align_rotation = mm.getSO3FromVectors(before_direction, base_direction)

    return mm.getSE3FromSO3andVec3(align_rotation, align_translation)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def continue_from_now_by_time(self, t, prev_t=0.):
        # self.phase_frame = frame
        # t = frame /self.ref_motion.fps

        motion_q = self.ref_motion.get_q_by_time(t)
        motion_ori = mm.exp(motion_q[:3])

        attach_pos = np.zeros(3)
        attach_ori = np.zeros(3)

        motion_prev_q = self.ref_motion.get_q_by_time(prev_t)
        motion_prev_ori = mm.exp(motion_prev_q[:3])

        # attach current controlled character
        skel_pelvis_offset = self.skel.joint(
            0).position_in_world_frame() - motion_q[3:6]
        # attach current motion
        # skel_pelvis_offset = motion_prev_q[3:6] - motion_q[3:6]
        skel_pelvis_offset[1] = 0.

        # attach current controlled character
        skel_pelvis_x = self.skel.joint(0).orientation_in_world_frame()[:3, 0]
        # attach current motion
        # skel_pelvis_x = motion_prev_ori[:3, 0]
        skel_pelvis_x[1] = 0.
        motion_pelvis_x = motion_ori[:3, 0]
        motion_pelvis_x[1] = 0.
        # attach current controlled character
            mm.getSO3FromVectors(motion_pelvis_x, skel_pelvis_x),
        # attach current motion
        # self.ref_motion.rotateTrajectory(mm.getSO3FromVectors(motion_pelvis_x, skel_pelvis_x), fixedPos=motion_prev_q[3:6])

        self.time_offset = -self.world.time() + t
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        # print()
        # print(dartModel.getJointVelocityGlobal(0))
        # print(dartModel.getDOFVelocities()[0])
        # print(dartModel.get_dq()[:6])

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType
        # print('contactstate:', contact, contactChangeCount)

        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        Dt = 2.*(Kt**.5)
        Dl = (Kl**.5)
        Dh = (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2.*(kt_sup**.5)
        # Dt = .2*(Kt**.5)
        # Dl = .2*(Kl**.5)
        # Dh = .2*(Kh**.5)
        # dt_sup = .2*(kt_sup**.5)

        pdcontroller.setKpKd(Kt, Dt)

        footHeight = dartModel.getBody(supL).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1]/2.

        doubleTosingleOffset = 0.15
        singleTodoubleOffset = 0.30
        #doubleTosingleOffset = 0.09
        doubleTosingleVelOffset = 0.0

        com_offset_x, com_offset_y, com_offset_z = getParamVals(['com X offset', 'com Y offset', 'com Z offset'])
        footOffset = np.array((com_offset_x, com_offset_y, com_offset_z))
        des_com = dartMotionModel.getCOM() + footOffset

        footCenterL = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)

        torso_pos = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(4)
        torso_ori = dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(4)

        # tracking
        # th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th_r = dartMotionModel.getDOFPositions()
        th = dartModel.getDOFPositions()
        th_r_flat = dartMotionModel.get_q()
        # dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = dartModel.getDOFVelocities()
        # ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        # ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, None, dth, None, Kt, Dt)
        dth_flat = dartModel.get_dq()
        # dth_flat = np.concatenate(dth)
        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(dartMotionModel.get_q())
        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(th_r)
        ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute_flat(th_r_flat)

        # ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        # ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        # jacobian
        contact_des_ids = [dartModel.skeleton.bodynode_index("LeftFoot")]
        contact_ids = list()  # temp idx for balancing

        contact_joint_ori = list(map(dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_joint_pos = list(map(dartModel.getJointPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_ori = list(map(dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_pos = list(map(dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_vel = list(map(dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_angvel = list(map(dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))

        ref_joint_ori = list(map(motion[frame].getJointOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_joint_pos = list(map(motion[frame].getJointPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_joint_vel = [motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(joint_idx, frame) for joint_idx in contact_ids]
        ref_joint_angvel = [motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(joint_idx, frame) for joint_idx in contact_ids]
        ref_body_ori = list(map(dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_body_pos = list(map(dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal, contact_ids))

        for idx in range(len(ref_body_pos)):
            ref_body_pos[idx] = dartModel.skeleton.body("RightFoot").shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1]/2.
        # ref_body_vel = list(map(controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_body_angvel = [motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(joint_idx, frame) for joint_idx in contact_ids]
        ref_body_vel = [ref_joint_vel[i] + np.cross(ref_joint_angvel[i], ref_body_pos[i] - ref_joint_pos[i])
                        for i in range(len(ref_joint_vel))]

        is_contact = [1] * len(contact_ids)
        contact_right = len(set(contact_des_ids).intersection(rIDlist)) > 0
        contact_left = len(set(contact_des_ids).intersection(lIDlist)) > 0

        footOriL = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footOriR = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)

        footCenterL = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
        footBodyVelL = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyVelR = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        footBodyAngVelL = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyAngVelR = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        # refFootAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        # refFootAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootAngVelL = np.zeros(3)
        refFootAngVelR = np.zeros(3)

        refFootJointVelR = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointR = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supR, frame)
        # refFootVelR = refFootJointVelR + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelR, (refFootR-refFootJointR))
        refFootVelR = np.zeros(3)

        refFootJointVelL = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointL = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supL, frame)
        # refFootVelL = refFootJointVelL + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelL, (refFootL-refFootJointL))
        refFootVelL = np.zeros(3)

        contactR = 1
        contactL = 1

        # contMotionOffset = th[0][0] - th_r[0][0]
        contMotionOffset = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0) - dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0)
        contMotionOffset = np.zeros(3)

        linkPositions = dartModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = dartModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = dartModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        CM = dartModel.skeleton.com()
        dCM = dartModel.skeleton.com_velocity()
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM, linkInertias)
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses, linkVelocities, dCM, linkAngVelocities, linkInertias)

        #calculate jacobian
        body_num = dartModel.getBodyNum()
        Jsys = np.zeros((6*body_num, totalDOF))
        dJsys = np.zeros((6*body_num, totalDOF))
        Jsys_, dJsysdq = compute_J_dJdq(dartModel.skeleton)
        # dJsys = np.zeros((6*body_num, totalDOF))
        for i in range(dartModel.getBodyNum()):
            Jsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
            dJsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsysdq = np.dot(dJsys, dartModel.skeleton.dq)
        # print(Jsys_ - Jsys)
        # print(Jsys_.dot(dth_flat))
        # print(Jsys.dot(dth_flat))
        # print(dartModel.getBody(0).world_linear_velocity())
        # print(np.dot(Jsys[:3, :3], Jsys[0:3, 3:6].T))
        print('dq', np.asarray(dartModel.skeleton.dq)[6:9])
        print('joint vel', dartModel.skeleton.joint(1).velocity())
        # print('bjoint', mm.exp(dartModel.skeleton.q[6:9]).dot(get_bjoint_jacobian(dartModel.skeleton.q[6:9]).dot(np.asarray(dartModel.skeleton.dq)[6:9])))
        # print('not bjoint', mm.exp(dartModel.skeleton.q[6:9]).dot(np.asarray(dartModel.skeleton.dq)[6:9]))
        print('frombody', dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(1).T.dot(dartModel.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(1) - dartModel.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(0)))

        print('ddq', np.asarray(dartModel.skeleton.ddq)[6:9])
        # print('bjoint', mm.exp(dartModel.skeleton.q[6:9]).dot(get_bjoint_jacobian(dartModel.skeleton.q[6:9]).dot(np.asarray(dartModel.skeleton.dq)[6:9])))
        # print('not bjoint', mm.exp(dartModel.skeleton.q[6:9]).dot(np.asarray(dartModel.skeleton.dq)[6:9]))

        bodybody = dartModel.skeleton.body(1)
        joint_trans = dartModel.skeleton.joint(1).get_world_frame_after_transform()
        joint_pos = bodybody.to_local(joint_trans[:3, 3])
        print('com spati', dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(1).T.dot(
            dartModel.skeleton.body(1).world_angular_acceleration() - dartModel.skeleton.body(0).world_angular_acceleration()))

        J_contacts = []  # type: list[np.ndarray]
        dJ_contacts = []  # type: list[np.ndarray]
        for contact_id in contact_ids:
            J_contacts.append(Jsys[6*contact_id:6*contact_id + 6, :])
            dJ_contacts.append(dJsysdq[6*contact_id:6*contact_id + 6])

        #calculate footCenter
        footCenter = .5 * (footCenterL + footCenterR) + footOffset
        if contact == 2:
            footCenter = footCenterL.copy() + footOffset
        #elif contact == 1 or footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterR.copy() + footOffset
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            # change footcenter gradually
            footCenter = preFootCenter + (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)*(footCenter-preFootCenter)/maxContactChangeCount

        preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()

        # linear momentum
        # CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        # dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref_plane - CM_plane) - Dl*totalMass*dCM_plane
        # dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        CM_ref_plane[1] = dartMotionModel.skeleton.com()[1]
        dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref_plane - CM) - Dl*totalMass*dCM
        # dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0])/frame_step_size
        CP_old[0] = CP

        CP_des[0] = None

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh*(CP_ref - CP) - Dh*(dCP)
            CP_des[0] = CP + dCP * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des*(frame_step_size**2)
            dH_des = mm.cross(CP_des[0] - CM, dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity))
            dH_des = None

        # set up equality constraint
        a_oris = list(map(mm.logSO3, [mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(contact_body_ori[i], mm.unitY()), mm.unitY()) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))]))
        KT_SUP = np.diag([kt_sup/10., kt_sup, kt_sup/10.])
        a_sups = [np.append(np.dot(KT_SUP, (ref_body_pos[i] - contact_body_pos[i] + contMotionOffset)) - dt_sup * contact_body_vel[i],
                            kt_sup*a_oris[i] - dt_sup * contact_body_angvel[i]) for i in range(len(a_oris))]
        # print(a_sups)
        # print(np.asarray(dartModel.skeleton.dq)[0:3])
        # print(dartModel.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(0))
        # print(dartModel.getJointAngVelocityLocal(0))

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        # rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        rs = np.dot(dP, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat)) + np.dot(P, dJsysdq)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        #if contact == 2 and footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .2

        #if contact == 1 and footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .2

        # print('vel2', np.dot(dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(0).T, dartModel.skeleton.body(0).world_linear_velocity()))
        w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton, config['weightMap'])

        #if contact == 2:
            #mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)
        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            if True:
                for c_idx in range(len(contact_ids)):
                    mot.addConstraint2(problem, totalDOF, J_contacts[c_idx], dJ_contacts[c_idx], a_sups[c_idx])

        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            contactChangeCount -= 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        ddth_sol_flat = np.asarray(r['x'])
        # ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)
        # ddth_sol[:6] = np.zeros(6)

        rootPos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]
        inv_h = 1./time_step

        _bodyIDs, _contactPositions, _contactPositionLocals, _contactForces = [], [], [], []
        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            _ddq, _tau, _bodyIDs, _contactPositions, _contactPositionLocals, _contactForces = hqp.calc_QP(dartModel.skeleton, ddth_sol_flat, inv_h)
            # _bodyIDs, _contactPositions, _contactPositionLocals, _contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck,mus, Ks, Ds)
            dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(_bodyIDs, _contactPositionLocals, _contactForces)
            # dartModel.setDOFAccelerations(ddth_sol)

            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceX.value(), viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceY.value(), viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceZ.value()])
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += wcfg.timeStep
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)


        del bodyIDs[:]
        del contactPositions[:]
        del contactPositionLocals[:]
        del contactForces[:]

        # rendering
        rightFootVectorX[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightFootVectorY[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightFootVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0,  0,.1]))
        rightFootPos[0] = footCenterL

        rightVectorX[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([.1,0,0]))
        rightVectorY[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,.1,0]))
        rightVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,0,.1]))
        rightPos[0] = footCenterL + np.array([.1,0,0])

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenterL[0] = footCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = footCenterR

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des[0]

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [dL_des_plane[0]/100, dL_des_plane[1]/100, dL_des_plane[2]/100]
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

            rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append( contactForces[i]/100)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [extraForce[0][0]/100, extraForce[0][1]/100, extraForce[0][2]/100]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0,0,0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [extraForce[0][0]/100, extraForce[0][1]/100, extraForce[0][2]/100]
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0,0,0]

        extraForcePos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        # print()
        # print(dartModel.getJointVelocityGlobal(0))
        # print(dartModel.getDOFVelocities()[0])
        # print(dartModel.get_dq()[:6])

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType
        # print('contactstate:', contact, contactChangeCount)

        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        # Dt = 2.*(Kt**.5)
        Dt = Kt/100.
        Dl = (Kl**.5)
        Dh = (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2.*(kt_sup**.5)
        # Dt = .2*(Kt**.5)
        # Dl = .2*(Kl**.5)
        # Dh = .2*(Kh**.5)
        # dt_sup = .2*(kt_sup**.5)

        pdcontroller.setKpKd(Kt, Dt)

        footHeight = dartModel.getBody(supL).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1]/2.

        doubleTosingleOffset = 0.15
        singleTodoubleOffset = 0.30
        #doubleTosingleOffset = 0.09
        doubleTosingleVelOffset = 0.0

        com_offset_x, com_offset_y, com_offset_z = getParamVals(['com X offset', 'com Y offset', 'com Z offset'])
        footOffset = np.array((com_offset_x, com_offset_y, com_offset_z))
        des_com = dartMotionModel.getCOM() + footOffset

        footCenterL = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)

        torso_pos = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(4)
        torso_ori = dartMotionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(4)

        # ik_solver.setInitPose(motion[frame])
        # ik_solver.addConstraints(supL, np.zeros(3), footCenterL, footBodyOriL, (True, True, True, True))
        # ik_solver.addConstraints(supR, np.zeros(3), footCenterR, footBodyOriR, (True, True, True, True))
        # ik_solver.addConstraints(4, np.zeros(3), torso_pos, torso_ori, (False, False, False, True))
        # ik_solver.solve(des_com)
        # ik_solver.clear()

        # tracking
        # th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th_r = dartMotionModel.getDOFPositions()
        th = dartModel.getDOFPositions()
        th_r_flat = dartMotionModel.get_q()
        # dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        # dth = dartModel.getDOFVelocities()
        # ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        # ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        dth_flat = dartModel.get_dq()
        # dth_flat = np.concatenate(dth)
        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(dartMotionModel.get_q())
        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(th_r)
        ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute_flat(th_r_flat)

        # ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        # ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        # jacobian

        footOriL = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footOriR = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)

        footCenterL = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
        footBodyVelL = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyVelR = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        footBodyAngVelL = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyAngVelR = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        # refFootAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        # refFootAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootAngVelL = np.zeros(3)
        refFootAngVelR = np.zeros(3)

        refFootJointVelR = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointR = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supR, frame)
        # refFootVelR = refFootJointVelR + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelR, (refFootR-refFootJointR))
        refFootVelR = np.zeros(3)

        refFootJointVelL = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointL = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supL, frame)
        # refFootVelL = refFootJointVelL + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelL, (refFootL-refFootJointL))
        refFootVelL = np.zeros(3)

        contactR = 1
        contactL = 1
        if refFootVelR[1] < 0 and refFootVelR[1]*frame_step_size + refFootR[1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] < 0 and refFootVelL[1]*frame_step_size + refFootL[1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        if refFootVelR[1] > 0 and refFootVelR[1]*frame_step_size + refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] > 0 and refFootVelL[1]*frame_step_size + refFootL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        # contactR = 0

        # contMotionOffset = th[0][0] - th_r[0][0]
        contMotionOffset = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0) - dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0)

        linkPositions = dartModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = dartModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = dartModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        CM = dartModel.skeleton.com()
        dCM = dartModel.skeleton.com_velocity()
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM, linkInertias)
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses, linkVelocities, dCM, linkAngVelocities, linkInertias)

        #calculate contact state
        #if g_initFlag == 1 and contact == 1 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset and footCenterR[1] < 0.08:
        if g_initFlag == 1:
            #contact state
            # 0: flying 1: right only 2: left only 3: double
            #if contact == 2 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            if contact == 2 and contactR==1:
                contact = 3
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 1 and contactL==1:
                contact = 3
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactR == 0:
                contact = 2
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactL == 0:
                contact = 1
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

                contact = 0
                #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactR == 1:
                    contact +=1
                #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactL == 1:
                    contact +=2

        if g_initFlag == 0:
            softConstPoint = footCenterR.copy()

            footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL)/2.0
            footCenter[1] = 0.
            preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()
            #footToBodyFootRotL = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriL), footBodyOriL)
            #footToBodyFootRotR = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriR), footBodyOriR)

            # if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            #     contact +=1
            # if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            #     contact +=2
            if refFootR[1] < footHeight:
                contact +=1
            if refFootL[1] < footHeight:
                contact +=2

            g_initFlag = 1

        #calculate jacobian
        body_num = dartModel.getBodyNum()
        Jsys = np.zeros((6*body_num, totalDOF))
        dJsys = np.zeros((6*body_num, totalDOF))
        for i in range(dartModel.getBodyNum()):
            # body_i_jacobian = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
            # body_i_jacobian_deriv = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
            # Jsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = body_i_jacobian
            # dJsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = body_i_jacobian_deriv
            Jsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
            dJsys[6*i:6*i+6, :] = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
        # dJsys = (Jsys - Jpre[0])/frame_step_size
        # Jpre[0] = Jsys.copy()

        JsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
        # dJsupL = np.zeros_like(JsupL)
        # dJsupL =  (JsupL - Jpre[1])/frame_step_size
        # Jpre[1] = JsupL.copy()

        JsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
        # dJsupR = np.zeros_like(JsupR)
        # dJsupR =  (JsupR - Jpre[2])/frame_step_size
        # Jpre[2] = JsupR.copy()

        #calculate footCenter
        footCenter = .5 * (footCenterL + footCenterR) + footOffset
        #if refFootR[1] >doubleTosingleOffset:
        #if refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        #if contact == 1 or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        #if contact == 2 or footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            footCenter = footCenterL.copy() + footOffset
        #elif contact == 1 or footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterR.copy() + footOffset
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            #change footcenter gradually
            footCenter = preFootCenter + (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)*(footCenter-preFootCenter)/maxContactChangeCount

        preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()

        # linear momentum
        # We should consider dCM_ref, shouldn't we?
        # add getBodyPositionGlobal and getBodyPositionsGlobal in csVpModel!
        # todo that, set joint velocities to vpModel

        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref_plane - CM_plane) - Dl*totalMass*dCM_plane
        dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        # CM_ref = footCenter.copy()
        # CM_ref[1] = dartMotionModel.getCOM()[1]
        # CM_ref += np.array((0., com_offset_y, 0.))
        # dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref - CM)  - Dl*totalMass*dCM

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = [], [], [], []
        if DART_CONTACT_ON:
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.get_dart_contact_info()
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0])/frame_step_size
        CP_old[0] = CP

        CP_des[0] = None
        # if CP_des[0] is None:
        #     CP_des[0] = footCenter

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh*(CP_ref - CP) - Dh*(dCP)
            CP_des[0] = CP + dCP * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des*(frame_step_size**2)
            # dCP_des[0] += ddCP_des * frame_step_size
            # CP_des[0] += dCP_des[0] * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des*(frame_step_size ** 2)
            dH_des = np.cross(CP_des[0] - CM, dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity))
            if contactChangeCount > 0:# and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
                #dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount*10)
                dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)
                #dH_des *= (contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)*.9+.1
            dH_des = None
        # H = np.dot(P, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat))
        # dH_des = -Kh* H[3:]

        # soft point constraint
        #softConstPoint = refFootR.copy()
        ##softConstPoint[0] += 0.2
        #Ksc = 50
        #Dsc = 2*(Ksc**.5)
        #Bsc = 1.

        #P_des = softConstPoint
        #P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        #dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        #dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        #ddP_des1 = Ksc*(P_des - P_cur) + Dsc*(dP_des - dP_cur)

        #r = P_des - P_cur
        #I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        #Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))

        #yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        #dJconst = (Jconst - Jconst)/(1/30.)
        #JconstPre = Jconst.copy()
        ##yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks, False)

        #JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        #Q1 = np.dot(Z, Jconst)

        #q1 = np.dot(JA, dth_flat)
        #q2 = np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), r))
        #q_bias1 = np.dot(np.dot(Z, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2

        #set up equality constraint
        a_oriL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,1,0])), np.array([0,1,0])))
        a_oriR = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriR, np.array([0,1,0])), np.array([0,1,0])))

        footErrorL = refFootL.copy()
        footErrorL[1] = dartModel.getBody(supL).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1]/2.
        footErrorL += -footCenterL + contMotionOffset

        footErrorR = refFootR.copy()
        footErrorR[1] = dartModel.getBody(supR).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1]/2.
        footErrorR += -footCenterR + contMotionOffset

        a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*footErrorL + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), kt_sup*a_oriL+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
        a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*footErrorR + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), kt_sup*a_oriR+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
            a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 4*kt_sup*a_oriL+2*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 4*kt_sup*a_oriR+2*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
        elif contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            linkt = (13.*contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)+1.
            lindt = 2*(linkt**.5)
            angkt = (13.*contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)+1.
            angdt = 2*(angkt**.5)
            a_supL = np.append(linkt*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + lindt*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), angkt*kt_sup*a_oriL+angdt*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(linkt*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + lindt*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), angkt*kt_sup*a_oriR+angdt*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        #if contact == 2 and footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .2

        #if contact == 1 and footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .2

        w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton, config['weightMap'])

        #if contact == 2:
            #mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)
        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            #mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            #if contact & 1 and contactChangeCount == 0:
            if contact & 1:
            #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat, a_supR)
            if contact & 2:
            #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupL, dJsupL, dth_flat, a_supL)

        if contactChangeCount >0:
            contactChangeCount -= 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        # ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)
        ddth_sol = np.asarray(r['x'])
        # ddth_sol[:6] = np.zeros(6)

        rootPos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            if not DART_CONTACT_ON:
                bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals, contactForces)
            #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

            # dartModel.skeleton.set_accelerations(ddth_sol)
            # dartModel.skeleton.set_accelerations(ddth_des_flat)
            # dartModel.skeleton.set_forces(np.zeros(totalDOF))
            # ddth_des_flat[:6] = np.zeros(6)
            th_r_flat = dartMotionModel.get_q()
            ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute_flat(th_r_flat)

            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceX.value(), viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceY.value(), viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceZ.value()])
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += wcfg.timeStep
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)


        if DART_CONTACT_ON:
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.get_dart_contact_info()
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        if viewer.reset:
            viewer.reset = False

        # print(dartModel.getCOM())

        # rendering
        rightFootVectorX[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightFootVectorY[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightFootVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0,  0,.1]))
        rightFootPos[0] = footCenterL

        rightVectorX[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([.1,0,0]))
        rightVectorY[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,.1,0]))
        rightVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,0,.1]))
        rightPos[0] = footCenterL + np.array([.1,0,0])

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenterL[0] = footCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = footCenterR

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des[0]

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [dL_des_plane[0]/100, dL_des_plane[1]/100, dL_des_plane[2]/100]
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

            rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append( contactForces[i]/100)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [extraForce[0][0]/100, extraForce[0][1]/100, extraForce[0][2]/100]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0,0,0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [extraForce[0][0]/100, extraForce[0][1]/100, extraForce[0][2]/100]
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0,0,0]

        extraForcePos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        # print(frame)
        # print(motion[frame].getJointOrientationLocal(footIdDic['RightFoot_foot_0_1_0']))
        # hfi.footAdjust(motion[frame], idDic, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG=.03, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD=.015, baseHeight=0.02)

        if abs(getParamVal('tiptoe angle')) > 0.001:
            tiptoe_angle = getParamVal('tiptoe angle')
                mm.exp(mm.unitX(), -math.pi * tiptoe_angle))
                mm.exp(mm.unitX(), -math.pi * tiptoe_angle))
                mm.exp(mm.unitX(), -math.pi * tiptoe_angle))
                mm.exp(mm.unitX(), -math.pi * tiptoe_angle))
            # motion[frame].mulJointOrientationLocal(idDic['LeftFoot'], mm.exp(mm.unitX(), math.pi * tiptoe_angle * 0.95))
            # motion[frame].mulJointOrientationLocal(idDic['RightFoot'], mm.exp(mm.unitX(), math.pi * tiptoe_angle * 0.95))
            # motion[frame].mulJointOrientationLocal(idDic['LeftFoot'], mm.exp(mm.unitX(), math.pi * tiptoe_angle))
            # motion[frame].mulJointOrientationLocal(idDic['RightFoot'], mm.exp(mm.unitX(), math.pi * tiptoe_angle))

        if getParamVal('left tilt angle') > 0.001:
            left_tilt_angle = getParamVal('left tilt angle')
            if motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(
                    'LeftFoot_foot_0_1') is not None:
                    mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), -math.pi * left_tilt_angle))
                    mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), -math.pi * left_tilt_angle))
                idDic['LeftFoot'], mm.exp(mm.unitZ(),
                                          math.pi * left_tilt_angle))

        elif getParamVal('left tilt angle') < -0.001:
            left_tilt_angle = getParamVal('left tilt angle')
                mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), -math.pi * left_tilt_angle))
            if motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(
                    'LeftFoot_foot_0_1') is not None:
                    mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), math.pi * left_tilt_angle))
                    mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), math.pi * left_tilt_angle))
                idDic['LeftFoot'], mm.exp(mm.unitZ(),
                                          math.pi * left_tilt_angle))

        if getParamVal('right tilt angle') > 0.001:
            right_tilt_angle = getParamVal('right tilt angle')
            if motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(
                    'RightFoot_foot_0_1') is not None:
                    mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), math.pi * right_tilt_angle))
                    mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), math.pi * right_tilt_angle))
                mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), -math.pi * right_tilt_angle))
        elif getParamVal('right tilt angle') < -0.001:
            right_tilt_angle = getParamVal('right tilt angle')
                mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), math.pi * right_tilt_angle))
            if motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex(
                    'RightFoot_foot_0_1') is not None:
                    mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), -math.pi * right_tilt_angle))
            # else:
            #     motion[frame].mulJointOrientationLocal(idDic['RightFoot_foot_0_1_0'], mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), -math.pi * right_tilt_angle))
                mm.exp(mm.unitZ(), -math.pi * right_tilt_angle))

                getParamVal('com X offset'),
                getParamVal('com Y offset'),
                getParamVal('com Z offset')

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR

        global JconstPre

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType

        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(
            ['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        Dt = 2 * (Kt**.5)
        Dl = 2 * (Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2 * (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2 * (kt_sup**.5)

        # tracking
        th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r,
                                                  Kt, Dt)

        # ype.flatten(fix_dofs(DOFs, ddth_des, mcfg, joint_names), ddth_des_flat)
        # ype.flatten(fix_dofs(DOFs, dth, mcfg, joint_names), dth_flat)
        ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        # jacobian

        contact_des_ids = list()  # desired contact segments
        if foot_viewer.check_om_l.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_op_l.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_im_l is not None and foot_viewer.check_im_l.value(
        if foot_viewer.check_ip_l.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_h_l.value():

        if foot_viewer.check_om_r.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_op_r.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_im_r is not None and foot_viewer.check_im_r.value(
        if foot_viewer.check_ip_r.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_h_r.value():

        contact_ids = list()  # temp idx for balancing

        contact_joint_ori = list(
            map(controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_joint_pos = list(
            map(controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_ori = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_pos = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_vel = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_angvel = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))

        ref_joint_ori = list(
            map(motion[frame].getJointOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_joint_pos = list(
            map(motion[frame].getJointPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_joint_vel = [
            motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(joint_idx, frame)
            for joint_idx in contact_ids
        ref_joint_angvel = [
            motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(joint_idx, frame)
            for joint_idx in contact_ids
        ref_body_ori = list(
            map(motionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_body_pos = list(map(motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal,
        # ref_body_vel = list(map(controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_body_angvel = [
            motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(joint_idx, frame)
            for joint_idx in contact_ids
        ref_body_vel = [
            ref_joint_vel[i] +
            np.cross(ref_joint_angvel[i], ref_body_pos[i] - ref_joint_pos[i])
            for i in range(len(ref_joint_vel))

        is_contact = [1] * len(contact_ids)
        contact_right = len(set(contact_des_ids).intersection(rIDlist)) > 0
        contact_left = len(set(contact_des_ids).intersection(lIDlist)) > 0

        contMotionOffset = th[0][0] - th_r[0][0]

        linkPositions = controlModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = controlModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = controlModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        # calculate jacobian
        Jsys, dJsys = controlModel.computeCom_J_dJdq()
        J_contacts = []  # type: list[np.ndarray]
        dJ_contacts = []  # type: list[np.ndarray]
        for contact_id in contact_ids:
            J_contacts.append(Jsys[6 * contact_id:6 * contact_id + 6, :])
            dJ_contacts.append(dJsys[6 * contact_id:6 * contact_id + 6])

        # calculate footCenter
        footCenter = sum(contact_body_pos) / len(contact_body_pos) if len(contact_body_pos) > 0 \
                        else .5 * (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL) + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR))
        footCenter[1] = 0.
        # if len(contact_body_pos) > 2:
        #     hull = ConvexHull(contact_body_pos)

        footCenter_ref = sum(ref_body_pos) / len(ref_body_pos) if len(ref_body_pos) > 0 \
            else .5 * (motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL) + motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR))
        footCenter_ref = footCenter_ref + contMotionOffset
        # if len(ref_body_pos) > 2:
        #     hull = ConvexHull(ref_body_pos)
        footCenter_ref[1] = 0.

        # footCenter[0] = footCenter[0] + getParamVal('com X offset')
        # footCenter[1] = footCenter[0] + getParamVal('com Y offset')
        # footCenter[2] = footCenter[2] + getParamVal('com Z offset')

        # initialization
        if g_initFlag == 0:
            preFootCenter[0] = footCenter.copy()
            g_initFlag = 1

        # if contactChangeCount == 0 and np.linalg.norm(footCenter - preFootCenter[0]) > 0.01:
        #     contactChangeCount += 30
        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            # change footcenter gradually
            footCenter = preFootCenter[0] + (
                maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount) * (
                    footCenter - preFootCenter[0]) / maxContactChangeCount
            preFootCenter[0] = footCenter.copy()

        # linear momentum
        # TODO:
        # We should consider dCM_ref, shouldn't we?
        # add getBodyPositionGlobal and getBodyPositionsGlobal in csVpModel!
        # to do that, set joint velocities to vpModel
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        # CM_ref_plane = footCenter_ref
        CM_ref = footCenter + np.array([
            getParamVal('com X offset'),
            motionModel.getCOM()[1] + getParamVal('com Y offset'),
            getParamVal('com Z offset')
        dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref - CM) - Dl * totalMass * dCM
        # dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref_plane - CM_plane) - Dl * totalMass * dCM_plane
        # dL_des_plane[1] = 0.
        # print('dCM_plane : ', np.linalg.norm(dCM_plane))

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter
        # CP_ref = footCenter_ref
        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
            bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / (1 / 30.)
        CP_old[0] = CP

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * dCP
            dCP_des = dCP + ddCP_des * (1 / 30.)
            CP_des = CP + dCP_des * (1 / 30.)
            # CP_des = footCenter
            CP_des = CP + dCP * (1 / 30.) + .5 * ddCP_des * ((1 / 30.)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross(
                (CP_des - CM),
                (dL_des_plane + totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            if contactChangeCount > 0:  # and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
                dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount -
                           contactChangeCount) / maxContactChangeCount
            dH_des = None

        # convex hull
        contact_pos_2d = np.asarray([
            np.array([contactPosition[0], contactPosition[2]])
            for contactPosition in contactPositions
        p = np.array([CM_plane[0], CM_plane[2]])
        # hull = None  # type: Delaunay
        # if contact_pos_2d.shape[0] > 0:
        #     hull = Delaunay(contact_pos_2d)
        #     print(hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0)

        # set up equality constraint
        # TODO:
        # logSO3 is just q'', not acceleration.
        # To make a_oris acceleration, q'' -> a will be needed
        # body_ddqs = list(map(mm.logSO3, [mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(body_ori, mm.unitY()), mm.unitY()) for body_ori in contact_body_ori]))
        # body_ddqs = list(map(mm.logSO3, [np.dot(contact_body_ori[i].T, np.dot(ref_body_ori[i], mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(ref_body_ori[i], mm.unitY()), mm.unitY()))) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))]))
        # body_ddqs = list(map(mm.logSO3, [np.dot(contact_body_ori[i].T, np.dot(ref_body_ori[i], mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(ref_body_ori[i], up_vec_in_each_link[contact_ids[i]]), mm.unitY()))) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))]))
        a_oris = list(
            map(mm.logSO3, [
                            mm.unitY()))) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))
        a_oris = list(
            map(mm.logSO3, [
                            mm.unitY())), contact_body_ori[i].T)
                for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))
        body_qs = list(map(mm.logSO3, contact_body_ori))
        body_angs = [
            np.dot(contact_body_ori[i], contact_body_angvel[i])
            for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))
        body_dqs = [
            mm.vel2qd(body_angs[i], body_qs[i]) for i in range(len(body_angs))
        # a_oris = [np.dot(contact_body_ori[i], mm.qdd2accel(body_ddqs[i], body_dqs[i], body_qs[i])) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))]

        # body_ddq = body_ddqs[0]
        # body_ori = contact_body_ori[0]
        # body_ang = np.dot(body_ori.T, contact_body_angvel[0])
        # body_q = mm.logSO3(body_ori)
        # body_dq = mm.vel2qd(body_ang, body_q)
        # a_ori = np.dot(body_ori, mm.qdd2accel(body_ddq, body_dq, body_q))

        KT_SUP = np.diag([kt_sup / 10., kt_sup, kt_sup / 10.])
        # KT_SUP = np.diag([kt_sup, kt_sup, kt_sup])

        # a_oris = list(map(mm.logSO3, [mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(body_ori, mm.unitY()), mm.unitY()) for body_ori in contact_body_ori]))
        # a_oris = list(map(mm.logSO3, [mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(contact_body_ori[i], up_vec_in_each_link[contact_ids[i]]), mm.unitY()) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))]))
        # a_sups = [np.append(kt_sup*(ref_body_pos[i] - contact_body_pos[i] + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(ref_body_vel[i] - contact_body_vel[i]),
        #                     kt_sup*a_oris[i]+dt_sup*(ref_body_angvel[i]-contact_body_angvel[i])) for i in range(len(a_oris))]
        # a_sups = [np.append(kt_sup*(ref_body_pos[i] - contact_body_pos[i] + contMotionOffset) - dt_sup * contact_body_vel[i],
        #                     kt_sup*a_oris[i] - dt_sup * contact_body_angvel[i]) for i in range(len(a_oris))]
        a_sups = [
                       (ref_body_pos[i] - contact_body_pos[i] +
                        contMotionOffset)) - dt_sup * contact_body_vel[i],
                kt_sup * a_oris[i] - dt_sup * contact_body_angvel[i])
            for i in range(len(a_oris))
        # for i in range(len(a_sups)):
        #     a_sups[i][1] = -kt_sup * contact_body_pos[i][1] - dt_sup * contact_body_vel[i][1]

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        # rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        rs = np.dot(dP, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat)) + np.dot(P, dJsys)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        # if contact == 2 and footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact_left and not contact_right:
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .2

        # if contact == 1 and footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact_right and not contact_left:
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .2

        w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton,

        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            if True:
                for c_idx in range(len(contact_ids)):
                    mot.addConstraint2(problem, totalDOF, J_contacts[c_idx],
                                       dJ_contacts[c_idx], dth_flat,

        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            contactChangeCount = contactChangeCount - 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        ddth_sol_flat = np.asarray(r['x'])
        # ddth_sol_flat[foot_seg_dofs] = np.array(ddth_des_flat)[foot_seg_dofs]
        ype.nested(ddth_sol_flat, ddth_sol)

        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            # bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals,

            # controlModel.setDOFAccelerations(ddth_des)
            # controlModel.set_ddq(ddth_sol_flat)
            # controlModel.set_ddq(ddth_des_flat)

            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += wcfg.timeStep
                vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)



        if foot_viewer is not None:
                frame, vpWorld, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

        # rendering
        for foot_seg_id in footIdlist:
            control_model_renderer.body_colors[foot_seg_id] = (255, 240, 255)

        for contact_id in contact_ids:
            control_model_renderer.body_colors[contact_id] = (255, 0, 0)

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenter_ref[0] = footCenter_ref

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [
                dL_des_plane[0] / 100, dL_des_plane[1] / 100,
                dL_des_plane[2] / 100
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

            rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        del rd_foot_ori[:]
        del rd_foot_pos[:]
        # for seg_foot_id in footIdlist:
        #     rd_foot_ori.append(controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(seg_foot_id))
        #     rd_foot_pos.append(controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(seg_foot_id))

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]
        rd_root_ori[0] = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(0)
        rd_root_pos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0)

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append(contactForces[i] / 400)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]

        # extraForcePos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        extraForcePos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(
            selectedBody) - 0.1 * np.array([
                viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceX.value(), 0.,

        # render contact_ids

        # render skeleton
        if SKELETON_ON:
            Ts = dict()
            Ts['pelvis'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['Hips'])
            Ts['thigh_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['RightUpLeg'])
            Ts['shin_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['RightLeg'])
            Ts['foot_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['RightFoot'])
            Ts['foot_heel_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            Ts['heel_R'] = np.eye(4)
            Ts['outside_metatarsal_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            Ts['outside_phalanges_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            # Ts['inside_metatarsal_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['RightFoot_foot_0_1'])
            Ts['inside_metatarsal_R'] = np.eye(4)
            Ts['inside_phalanges_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            Ts['spine_ribs'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['Spine'])
            Ts['head'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['Spine1'])
            Ts['upper_limb_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            Ts['lower_limb_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            Ts['thigh_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['LeftUpLeg'])
            Ts['shin_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['LeftLeg'])
            Ts['foot_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['LeftFoot'])
            Ts['foot_heel_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            Ts['heel_L'] = np.eye(4)
            Ts['outside_metatarsal_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            Ts['outside_phalanges_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            # Ts['inside_metatarsal_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(idDic['LeftFoot_foot_0_1'])
            Ts['inside_metatarsal_L'] = np.eye(4)
            Ts['inside_phalanges_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            Ts['upper_limb_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(
            Ts['lower_limb_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(

Ejemplo n.º 11
    def simulateCallback(frame):

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR
        global JsupPre

        global JconstPre

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType

        # Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = viewer.GetParam()
        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(
            ['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        Dt = 2 * (Kt**.5)
        Dl = 2 * (Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2 * (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2 * (kt_sup**.5)

        doubleTosingleOffset = 0.15
        singleTodoubleOffset = 0.30
        # doubleTosingleOffset = 0.09
        doubleTosingleVelOffset = 0.0

        # tracking
        th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r,
                                                  Kt, Dt)

        ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        # jacobian

        # caution!! body orientation and joint orientation of foot are totally different!!
        footOriL = controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footOriR = controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)

        # desire footCenter[1] = 0.041135
        # desire footCenter[1] = 0.0197
        footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
        footBodyVelL = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyVelR = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        footBodyAngVelL = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyAngVelR = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        refFootVelL = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refFootVelR = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        refFootAngVelL = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refFootAngVelR = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootJointVelR = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointR = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootVelR = refFootJointVelR + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelR,
                                                  (refFootR - refFootJointR))

        refFootJointVelL = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointL = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootVelL = refFootJointVelL + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelL,
                                                  (refFootL - refFootJointL))

        contactR = 1
        contactL = 1
        if refFootVelR[1] < 0 and refFootVelR[1] / 30. + refFootR[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] < 0 and refFootVelL[1] / 30. + refFootL[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        if refFootVelR[1] > 0 and refFootVelR[1] / 30. + refFootR[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] > 0 and refFootVelL[1] / 30. + refFootL[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        # if 32 < frame < 147:
        #     contactR = 0

        contMotionOffset = th[0][0] - th_r[0][0]

        linkPositions = controlModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = controlModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = controlModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        jointPositions = controlModel.getJointPositionsGlobal()
        jointAxeses = controlModel.getDOFAxeses()

        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        # calculate jacobian
        Jsys, dJsys = controlModel.computeCom_J_dJdq()
        JsupL = Jsys[6 * supL:6 * supL + 6, :]
        dJsupL = dJsys[6 * supL:6 * supL + 6]
        JsupR = Jsys[6 * supR:6 * supR + 6, :]
        dJsupR = dJsys[6 * supR:6 * supR + 6]

        # calculate contact state
        # if g_initFlag == 1 and contact == 1 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset and footCenterR[1] < 0.08:
        if g_initFlag == 1:
            # contact state
            # 0: flying 1: right only 2: left only 3: double
            # if contact == 2 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            if contact == 2 and contactR == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            # elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 1 and contactL == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            # elif contact == 3 and refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactR == 0:
                contact = 2
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

            # elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactL == 0:
                contact = 1
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

                contact = 0
                # if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactR == 1:
                    contact += 1
                # if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactL == 1:
                    contact += 2

        # initialization
        if g_initFlag == 0:
            JsysPre = Jsys.copy()
            JsupPreL = JsupL.copy()
            JsupPreR = JsupR.copy()
            JconstPre = Jconst.copy()
            softConstPoint = footCenterR.copy()
            # yjc.computeJacobian2(JsysPre, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
            # yjc.computeJacobian2(JsupPreL, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [footCenterL], supLJointMasks)
            # yjc.computeJacobian2(JsupPreR, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [footCenterR], supRJointMasks)
            # yjc.computeJacobian2(JconstPre, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)

            footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL) / 2.0
            footCenter[1] = 0.
            preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()
            # footToBodyFootRotL = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriL), footBodyOriL)
            # footToBodyFootRotR = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriR), footBodyOriR)

            if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                contact += 1
            if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                contact += 2

            g_initFlag = 1

        # calculate footCenter
        footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL) / 2.0
        # if refFootR[1] >doubleTosingleOffset:
        # if refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        # if contact == 1 or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        # if contact == 2 or footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            footCenter = footCenterL.copy()
        # elif contact == 1 or footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterR.copy()
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            # change footcenter gradually
            footCenter = preFootCenter + (
                maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount) * (
                    footCenter - preFootCenter) / maxContactChangeCount

        preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()

        # linear momentum
        # TODO:
        # We should consider dCM_ref, shouldn't we?
        # add getBodyPositionGlobal and getBodyPositionsGlobal in csVpModel!
        # todo that, set joint velocities to vpModel
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref_plane -
                                         CM_plane) - Dl * totalMass * dCM_plane
        # dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter
        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
            bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        # bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / (1 / 30.)
        CP_old[0] = CP

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * (dCP)
            CP_des = CP + dCP * (1 / 30.) + .5 * ddCP_des * ((1 / 30.)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross(
                (CP_des - CM),
                (dL_des_plane + totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            if contactChangeCount > 0:  # and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
                # dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount*10)
                dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount -
                           contactChangeCount) / (maxContactChangeCount)
                # dH_des *= (contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)*.9+.1
            dH_des = None
        # H = np.dot(P, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat))
        # dH_des = -Kh* H[3:]

        # soft point constraint
        #softConstPoint = refFootR.copy()
        ##softConstPoint[0] += 0.2
        #Ksc = 50
        #Dsc = 2*(Ksc**.5)
        #Bsc = 1.

        #P_des = softConstPoint
        #P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        #dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        #dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        #ddP_des1 = Ksc*(P_des - P_cur) + Dsc*(dP_des - dP_cur)

        #r = P_des - P_cur
        #I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        #Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))

        #yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        #dJconst = (Jconst - Jconst)/(1/30.)
        #JconstPre = Jconst.copy()
        ##yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks, False)

        #JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        #Q1 = np.dot(Z, Jconst)

        #q1 = np.dot(JA, dth_flat)
        #q2 = np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), r))
        #q_bias1 = np.dot(np.dot(Z, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2

        #set up equality constraint
        a_oriL = mm.logSO3(
            mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, 1, 0])),
                                 np.array([0, 1, 0])))
        a_oriR = mm.logSO3(
            mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriR, np.array([0, 1, 0])),
                                 np.array([0, 1, 0])))

        #if contact == 3 and contactChangeCount < maxContactChangeCount/4 and contactChangeCount >=1:
        #kt_sup = 30

        # a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), kt_sup*a_oriL+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
        # a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), kt_sup*a_oriR+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
        a_supL = np.append(
            kt_sup * (refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) -
            dt_sup * footBodyVelL, kt_sup * a_oriL - dt_sup * footBodyAngVelL)
        a_supR = np.append(
            kt_sup * (refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) -
            dt_sup * footBodyVelR, kt_sup * a_oriR - dt_sup * footBodyAngVelR)

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
            #refFootR += (footCenter-CM_plane)/2.
            #refFootR[1] = 0
            #pre contact value are needed
            #if contact == 2:
            ##refFootR[0] += 0.2
            ##refFootR[2] -= 0.05
            #offsetDropR = (footCenter-CM_plane)/2.
            #refFootR += offsetDropR
            #refFootR[1] = 0.
            ##refFootR[2] = footCenterR[2] - contMotionOffset[2]
            ##refFootR[0] = footCenterR[0] - contMotionOffset[0]
            #refFootL[0] += 0.05
            #refFootL[2] -= 0.05
            #elif contact == 1:
            #offsetDropL = (footCenter-CM_plane)/2.
            #refFootL += offsetDropL
            #refFootL[1] = 0.
            #a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), kt_sup*a_oriL+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), kt_sup*a_oriR+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 16*kt_sup*a_oriL+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 16*kt_sup*a_oriR+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            a_supL = np.append(
                kt_sup * (refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
                (refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 4 * kt_sup * a_oriL +
                2 * dt_sup * (refFootAngVelL - footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(
                kt_sup * (refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
                (refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 4 * kt_sup * a_oriR +
                2 * dt_sup * (refFootAngVelR - footBodyAngVelR))
        elif contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            #refFootR[0] +=0.05
            #refFootR[2] +=0.05
            linkt = (13. * contactChangeCount) / (maxContactChangeCount) + 1.
            lindt = 2 * (linkt**.5)
            angkt = (13. * contactChangeCount) / (maxContactChangeCount) + 1.
            angdt = 2 * (angkt**.5)
            #a_supL = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 16*kt_sup*a_oriL+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 16*kt_sup*a_oriR+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            a_supL = np.append(
                linkt * kt_sup * (refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) +
                lindt * dt_sup * (refFootVelL - footBodyVelL),
                angkt * kt_sup * a_oriL + angdt * dt_sup *
                (refFootAngVelL - footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(
                linkt * kt_sup * (refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) +
                lindt * dt_sup * (refFootVelR - footBodyVelR),
                angkt * kt_sup * a_oriR + angdt * dt_sup *
                (refFootAngVelR - footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL = np.append(16*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + 4*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 16*kt_sup*a_oriL+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(16*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + 4*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 16*kt_sup*a_oriR+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 32*kt_sup*a_oriL+5.6*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 32*kt_sup*a_oriR+5.6*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL[1] = kt_sup*(refFootL[1] - footCenterL[1] + contMotionOffset[1]) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL[1] - footBodyVelL[1])
            #a_supR[1] = kt_sup*(refFootR[1] - footCenterR[1] + contMotionOffset[1]) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR[1] - footBodyVelR[1])

        ##if contact == 2:
        #if refFootR[1] <doubleTosingleOffset :
        #Jsup = np.vstack((JsupL, JsupR))
        #dJsup = np.vstack((dJsupL, dJsupR))
        #a_sup = np.append(a_supL, a_supR)
        #Jsup = JsupL.copy()
        #dJsup = dJsupL.copy()
        #a_sup = a_supL.copy()

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        # rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        rs = np.dot(dP, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat)) + np.dot(P, dJsys)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        #if contact == 2 and footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .2

        #if contact == 1 and footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .2

        w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton,

        #if contact == 2:
        #mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)
        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            #if contact & 1 and contactChangeCount == 0:
            if contact & 1:
                #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint2(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat,
            if contact & 2:
                #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint2(problem, totalDOF, JsupL, dJsupL, dth_flat,

        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            contactChangeCount -= 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)

        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            # print(contactForces)
            #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals,


            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            # extraForce[0] = viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelFm.value() * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += wcfg.timeStep
                vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)


        # rendering
        rightFootVectorX[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightFootVectorY[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightFootVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightFootPos[0] = footCenterL

        rightVectorX[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightVectorY[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightPos[0] = footCenterL + np.array([.1, 0, 0])

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenterL[0] = footCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = footCenterR

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [
                dL_des_plane[0] / 100, dL_des_plane[1] / 100,
                dL_des_plane[2] / 100
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

            rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append(contactForces[i] / 400)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]

        extraForcePos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def create_biped(motionName='wd2_n_kick.bvh', SEGMENT_FOOT=True, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG=.03, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD=None):

    :param motionName: motion file name
    :param SEGMENT_FOOT: whether segment foot is
    :param SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG:
    # :rtype: ym.JointMotion, ypc.ModelConfig, ypc.WorldConfig, int, dict[str, float|dict[str, float]], float

    if SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD is None:


    # motion
    # motionName = 'wd2_n_kick.bvh'
    # motionName = 'wd2_tiptoe.bvh'
    # motionName = 'wd2_n_kick_zygote.bvh'
    # motionName = 'wd2_jump.bvh'
    # motionName = 'wd2_stand.bvh'
    bvh = yf.readBvhFileAsBvh(motionName)

        # partBvhFilePath = '../PyCommon/modules/samples/simpleJump_long_test2.bvh'
        current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        partBvhFilePath = current_path + '/../../PyCommon/modules/samples/'
            partBvhFilePath = partBvhFilePath + 'foot_model_real_joint_01.bvh'
            # partBvhFilePath = partBvhFilePath + 'simpleJump_long_test3.bvh'
            partBvhFilePath = partBvhFilePath + 'foot_model_01.bvh'
            partBvhFilePath = partBvhFilePath + 'simpleJump_long_test4.bvh'
        partBvh = yf.readBvhFileAsBvh(partBvhFilePath)

        partSkeleton = partBvh.toJointSkeleton(1., False)
        # SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE = partSkeleton.getOffset(partSkeleton.getElementIndex('foot_0_1'))[0]
        SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN = partSkeleton.getOffset(partSkeleton.getElementIndex('foot_0_1_0'))[2]
        SEGMENT_THIRD_PHA_LEN = partSkeleton.getOffset(partSkeleton.getElementIndex('foot_0_0_0_Effector'))[2]
        SEGMENT_HEEL_LEN = abs(partSkeleton.getOffset(partSkeleton.getElementIndex('foot_1_0_Effector'))[2])

        bvh.replaceJointFromBvh('RightFoot', partBvh, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG)
        partBvh = yf.readBvhFileAsBvh(partBvhFilePath)
        bvh.replaceJointFromBvh('LeftFoot', partBvh, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG)

    motion = bvh.toJointMotion(1., False)  # type: ym.JointMotion

    # motion.translateByOffset((0., 0.15, 0.))
    # motion.translateByOffset((0., -0.12, 0.))
    # motion.rotateByOffset(mm.rotZ(math.pi*1./18.))

    # motion = yf.readBvhFile(motionName, .01)
    # yme.offsetJointLocal(motion, 'RightArm', (.03,-.05,0), False)
    # yme.offsetJointLocal(motion, 'LeftArm', (-.03,-.05,0), False)
    # yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'Hips', mm.exp(mm.v3(1, 0, 0), .01), False)
    # yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'LeftFoot', mm.exp(mm.v3(1,-0.0,.3), -.5), False)
    # yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'RightFoot', mm.exp(mm.v3(1,0.0,-.3), -.5), False)
    # yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'LeftFoot', mm.exp(mm.v3(1,-0.5,0), -.6), False)
    # yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'RightFoot', mm.exp(mm.v3(1,0.5,0), -.6), False)
    # yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'LeftFoot', mm.exp(mm.v3(1,-0.0,.3), -.1), False)
    # yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'RightFoot', mm.exp(mm.v3(1,0.0,-.3), -.1), False)
    # yme.removeJoint(motion, 'RightFoot_foot_1_1')
    # yme.removeJoint(motion, 'RightFoot_foot_1_2')
    # yme.removeJoint(motion, 'LeftFoot_foot_1_1')
    # yme.removeJoint(motion, 'LeftFoot_foot_1_2')

    if motionName == 'wd2_n_kick.bvh' or motionName == 'wd2_n_kick_zygote.bvh':
        yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'Hips', mm.exp(mm.v3(1, 0, 0), .01), False)

        motion.translateByOffset((0, 0.04, 0))

        for i in range(2000):
            motion.data.insert(0, copy.deepcopy(motion[0]))

    elif motionName == 'wd2_tiptoe.bvh' or motionName == 'wd2_tiptoe_zygote.bvh':
        yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'Hips', mm.exp(mm.v3(1, 0, 0), .01), False)
        yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'LeftFoot', mm.exp(mm.v3(1., 0., 0.), -.1), False)
        yme.rotateJointLocal(motion, 'RightFoot', mm.exp(mm.v3(1., 0., 0.), -.1), False)

        motion.translateByOffset((0, 0.06, 0))
        # if motionName == 'wd2_tiptoe.bvh':
        #     motion.translateByOffset((0, 0.06, 0))
        # else:
        #     motion.translateByOffset((0, -0.03, 0))
        del motion[:270]
        for i in range(2000):
            motion.data.insert(0, copy.deepcopy(motion[0]))

    # world, model
    mcfg = ypc.ModelConfig()
    mcfg.defaultDensity = 1000.
    mcfg.defaultBoneRatio = .9

    for name in massMap:
        node = mcfg.addNode(name)
        node.mass = massMap[name]

    wcfg = ypc.WorldConfig()
    wcfg.planeHeight = 0.
    wcfg.useDefaultContactModel = False
    stepsPerFrame = 60
    # stepsPerFrame = 30
    frame_rate = 30
    wcfg.timeStep = 1./(frame_rate * stepsPerFrame)
    # wcfg.timeStep = (1/30.)/(stepsPerFrame)
    # wcfg.timeStep = (1/1000.)

    # width : x axis on body frame
    # height: y axis on body frame
    # length: z axis on body frame
    node = mcfg.getNode('Hips')
    node.length = 4./27.
    node.width = .25
    # node.height = .2
    # node.width = .25

    node = mcfg.getNode('Spine1')
    node.length = .2
    node.offset = (0,0,0.1)

    node = mcfg.getNode('Spine')
    node.width = .22

    node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot')
    node.length = .25
    #node.length = .2
    #node.width = .15
    node.width = .2
    node.mass = 2.

    node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot')
    node.length = .25
    #node.length = .2
    #node.width = .15
    node.width = .2
    node.mass = 2.

    def capsulize(node_name):
        node_capsule = mcfg.getNode(node_name)
        node_capsule.geom = 'MyFoot4'
        node_capsule.width = 0.01
        node_capsule.density = 200.
        # node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0., math.pi/4., 0.])], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(1000., .02, .2))
        # node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0., math.pi/4., 0.])], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(1000., .02, .1))
        # node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0., 0., 0.])], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(1000., .01, -1))
        # node.addGeom('MyFoot4', None, ypc.CapsuleMaterial(1000., .02, .1))

    # capsulize('RightFoot')
    # capsulize('LeftFoot')

        node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot')
        node.density = 200.
        node.geom = 'MyFoot5'
        node.width = SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD
        node.jointType = 'B'

        node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot')
        node.density = 200.
        node.geom = 'MyFoot5'
        node.width = SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD
        node.jointType = 'B'

    # bird foot
    # capsulize('RightFoot_foot_0_0')
    # capsulize('RightFoot_foot_0_1')
    # capsulize('RightFoot_foot_1_0')
    # capsulize('RightFoot_foot_1_1')
    # capsulize('RightFoot_foot_2_0')
    # capsulize('RightFoot_foot_2_1')
    # capsulize('LeftFoot_foot_0_0')
    # capsulize('LeftFoot_foot_0_1')
    # capsulize('LeftFoot_foot_1_0')
    # capsulize('LeftFoot_foot_1_1')
    # capsulize('LeftFoot_foot_2_0')
    # capsulize('LeftFoot_foot_2_1')

    # human foot
        footJointType = 'B'
        capsulDensity = 400.

            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot')
            node.bone_dir_child = 'RightFoot_foot_0_1_0'
            body_vector = np.array([-1.823, -5.399, 10.397])
            body_ori = mm.getSO3FromVectors(mm.unitZ(), body_vector)
            third_metatarsal_vector = np.array([-0.4, -3.4, 6.63])
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, 0.*mm.unitX() + body_vector/2. - third_metatarsal_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, third_metatarsal_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(third_metatarsal_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            second_metatarsal_vector = np.array([0., -3.8, 6.63])
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, 1.8*mm.unitX() + body_vector/2. - second_metatarsal_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, second_metatarsal_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(second_metatarsal_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            first_metatarsal_vector = np.array([0.2, -4.98, 6.63])
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, 3.6*mm.unitX() + body_vector/2. - first_metatarsal_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, first_metatarsal_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(first_metatarsal_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))

            calcaneus_origin = np.array([0., -5.399, -1.0])
            calcaneus_vector = np.array([-2.784, -3.463, 4.52]) - calcaneus_origin
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, calcaneus_origin - body_vector/2. + calcaneus_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, calcaneus_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(calcaneus_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            calcaneus_vector = body_vector - third_metatarsal_vector - calcaneus_origin
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, calcaneus_origin - body_vector/2. + calcaneus_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, calcaneus_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(calcaneus_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            calcaneus_vector = 1.8*mm.unitX() + body_vector - second_metatarsal_vector - calcaneus_origin
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, calcaneus_origin - body_vector/2. + calcaneus_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, calcaneus_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(calcaneus_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            calcaneus_vector = 3.6*mm.unitX() + body_vector - first_metatarsal_vector - calcaneus_origin
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, calcaneus_origin - body_vector/2. + calcaneus_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, calcaneus_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(calcaneus_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot')
            node.bone_dir_child = 'LeftFoot_foot_0_1_0'
            body_vector = np.array([1.823, -5.399, 10.397])
            body_ori = mm.getSO3FromVectors(mm.unitZ(), body_vector)
            third_metatarsal_vector = np.array([0.4, -3.4, 6.63])
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, 0.*mm.unitX() + body_vector/2. - third_metatarsal_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, third_metatarsal_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(third_metatarsal_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            second_metatarsal_vector = np.array([0., -3.8, 6.63])
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, -1.8*mm.unitX() + body_vector/2. - second_metatarsal_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, second_metatarsal_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(second_metatarsal_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            first_metatarsal_vector = np.array([-0.2, -4.98, 6.63])
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, -3.6*mm.unitX() + body_vector/2. - first_metatarsal_vector/2.),
                                    np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, first_metatarsal_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(first_metatarsal_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))

            calcaneus_origin = np.array([0., -5.399, -1.0])
            calcaneus_vector = np.array([2.784, -3.463, 4.52]) - calcaneus_origin
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, calcaneus_origin - body_vector/2. + calcaneus_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, calcaneus_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(0.0, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(calcaneus_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            calcaneus_vector = body_vector - third_metatarsal_vector - calcaneus_origin
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, calcaneus_origin - body_vector/2. + calcaneus_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, calcaneus_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(calcaneus_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            calcaneus_vector = -1.8*mm.unitX() + body_vector - second_metatarsal_vector - calcaneus_origin
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, calcaneus_origin - body_vector/2. + calcaneus_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, calcaneus_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(calcaneus_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            calcaneus_vector = -3.6*mm.unitX() + body_vector - first_metatarsal_vector - calcaneus_origin
            node.addGeom('MyFoot5', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, calcaneus_origin - body_vector/2. + calcaneus_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, calcaneus_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(calcaneus_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))

            # RightFoot_foot_0_0 : outside metatarsals
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_0')
            body_vector = np.array([-0.773, -1.936, 5.877])
            body_ori = mm.getSO3FromVectors(mm.unitZ(), body_vector)
            node.addGeom('MyFoot6', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0., 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0., 0., 0.])], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            fifth_metatarsal_vector = np.array([-0.773, 0., 5.877])
            node.addGeom('MyFoot6', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, -1.8*mm.unitX() + body_vector/2. - fifth_metatarsal_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, fifth_metatarsal_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(fifth_metatarsal_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_0')
            body_vector = np.array([0.773, -1.936, 5.877])
            body_ori = mm.getSO3FromVectors(mm.unitZ(), body_vector)
            node.addGeom('MyFoot6', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0., 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0., 0., 0.])], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            fifth_metatarsal_vector = np.array([0.773, 0., 5.877])
            node.addGeom('MyFoot6', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.dot(body_ori.T, 1.8*mm.unitX() + body_vector/2. - fifth_metatarsal_vector/2.),
                                     np.dot(body_ori.T, np.dot(mm.getSO3FromVectors(body_vector, fifth_metatarsal_vector), body_ori))],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.linalg.norm(fifth_metatarsal_vector) + 2*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            # RightFoot_foot_0_0_0 : outside phalanges
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-1.8, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([+1.8, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            # RightFoot_foot_0_1_0 : inside phalanges
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([1.8, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([3.6, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-1.8, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-3.6, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            # RightFoot_foot_1_0 : center heel
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-.9, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         # ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*3.6+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
                        ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([+.9, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         # ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*3.6+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
                        ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-.9, 0., .0]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         # ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*3.6+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([+.9, 0., .0]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         # ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*3.6+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            # RightFoot_foot_0_0 : outside metatarsals
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-0.3, 0., 2.5*0.25]), mm.exp([0., -math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*2.5 + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-0.3-1.2, 0., 2.5*0.25]), mm.exp([0., -math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*2.5 + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            # node.jointType = footJointType
            node.jointType = 'B'

            # RightFoot_foot_0_0_0 : outside phalanges
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['X']

            # RightFoot_foot_0_1 : inside metatarsals
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_1')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity,SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['Z']

            # RightFoot_foot_0_1_0 : inside phalanges
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['X']

            # RightFoot_foot_1_0 : center heel
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-.6, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*1.2+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([+.6, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*1.2+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            # node.jointType = footJointType
            node.jointType = 'B'

            # left foot
            # outside metatarsals
            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0.3, 0., 2.5*0.25]), mm.exp([0., math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*2.5+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0.3+1.2, 0., 2.5*0.25]), mm.exp([0., math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*2.5+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            # node.jointType = footJointType
            node.jointType = 'B'

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['X']

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_1')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['Z']

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['X']

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-.6, 0., .0]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*1.2+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([+.6, 0., .0]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*1.2+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            # node.jointType = footJointType
            node.jointType = 'B'

            FIRST_METATARSAL_ANGLE = mm.deg2Rad(30.)
            SECOND_METATARSAL_ANGLE = mm.deg2Rad(20.)
            THIRD_METATARSAL_ANGLE = mm.deg2Rad(15.)

            # RightFoot_foot_0_0 : outside metatarsals
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_0')
            node.bone_dir_child = 'RightFoot_foot_0_0_0'
            # third
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0., .5*SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN*math.tan(THIRD_METATARSAL_ANGLE), 0.]),
                                     mm.exp(THIRD_METATARSAL_ANGLE * mm.unitX())],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN / math.cos(THIRD_METATARSAL_ANGLE) + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            # fourth
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE, 0., 0.]),
                                     mm.exp([0., 0., 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            # node.jointType = footJointType
            node.jointType = 'B'

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_0')
            node.bone_dir_child = 'LeftFoot_foot_0_0_0'
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0., .5*SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN*math.tan(THIRD_METATARSAL_ANGLE), 0.]),
                                     mm.exp(THIRD_METATARSAL_ANGLE * mm.unitX())],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN / math.cos(THIRD_METATARSAL_ANGLE) + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE, 0., 0.]),
                                     mm.exp([0., 0., 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            # node.jointType = footJointType
            node.jointType = 'B'

            # RightFoot_foot_0_0_0 : outside phalanges
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_0_0')
            # third
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0., 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            # fourth
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE, 0., -SEGMENT_FOURTH_PHA_OFFSET]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['X']

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0., 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE, 0., -SEGMENT_FOURTH_PHA_OFFSET]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['X']

            # RightFoot_foot_0_1 : inside metatarsals
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_1')
            # second
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0., .5*SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN*math.tan(SECOND_METATARSAL_ANGLE), 0.]), mm.exp(SECOND_METATARSAL_ANGLE*mm.unitX())],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN / math.cos(SECOND_METATARSAL_ANGLE) + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            # first
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE, .5*SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN*math.tan(FIRST_METATARSAL_ANGLE), 0.]), mm.exp(FIRST_METATARSAL_ANGLE*mm.unitX())],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN / math.cos(FIRST_METATARSAL_ANGLE) + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['Z']

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_1')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0., .5*SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN*math.tan(SECOND_METATARSAL_ANGLE), 0.]), mm.exp(SECOND_METATARSAL_ANGLE*mm.unitX())],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN / math.cos(SECOND_METATARSAL_ANGLE) + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE, .5*SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN*math.tan(FIRST_METATARSAL_ANGLE), 0.]), mm.exp(FIRST_METATARSAL_ANGLE*mm.unitX())],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * SEGMENT_METATARSAL_LEN / math.cos(FIRST_METATARSAL_ANGLE) + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['Z']

            # RightFoot_foot_0_1_0 : inside phalanges
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['X']

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType
            # node.jointType = 'R'
            # node.jointAxes = ['X']

            # RightFoot_foot_1_0 : center heel
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE/2., 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*SEGMENT_HEEL_LEN + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([+SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE/2., 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*SEGMENT_HEEL_LEN + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            # node.jointType = footJointType
            node.jointType = 'B'

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE/2., 0., .0]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*SEGMENT_HEEL_LEN+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([+SEGMENT_BETWEEN_SPACE/2., 0., .0]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*SEGMENT_HEEL_LEN+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            # node.jointType = footJointType
            node.jointType = 'B'

            # TODO:
            # adjust transformation of geometries
            # RightFoot_foot_0_1 : inside metatarsals
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_1')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0., math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0., math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity,SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            # RightFoot_foot_0_1_0 : inside phalanges
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            # RightFoot_foot_0_0 : outside metatarsals
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-0.3, 0., 2.5*0.25]), mm.exp([0., -math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*2.5 + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-0.3-1.2, 0., 2.5*0.25]), mm.exp([0., -math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*2.5 + 2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            # RightFoot_foot_0_0_0 : outside phalanges
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_0_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            # RightFoot_foot_1_0 : center heel
            node = mcfg.getNode('RightFoot_foot_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-.6, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*1.2+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([+.6, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*1.2+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_1')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0.3, 0., 2.5*0.25]), mm.exp([0., math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*2.5+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([0.3+1.2, 0., 2.5*0.25]), mm.exp([0., math.atan2(1.2, 2.5), 0.])],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*2.5+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_0_0_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [np.array([0.]*3), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot4', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([1.2, 0., 0.]), mm.exp([0.]*3)], ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, -1))
            node.jointType = footJointType

            node = mcfg.getNode('LeftFoot_foot_1_0')
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([-.6, 0., .0]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*1.2+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.addGeom('MyFoot3', [SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*np.array([+.6, 0., .0]), mm.exp([0.]*3)],
                         ypc.CapsuleMaterial(capsulDensity, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG*1.2+2.*SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD))
            node.jointType = footJointType

    # parameter
    config = {}
    config['Kt'] = 200;      config['Dt'] = 2*(config['Kt']**.5) # tracking gain
    config['Kl'] = 2.5;       config['Dl'] = 2*(config['Kl']**.5) # linear balance gain
    config['Kh'] = 1;       config['Dh'] = 2*(config['Kh']**.5) # angular balance gain
    config['Ks'] = 20000;   config['Ds'] = 2*(config['Ks']**.5) # penalty force spring gain
    config['Bt'] = 1.
    config['Bl'] = 2.5
    config['Bh'] = 1.
    config['Kt'] = 200;      config['Dt'] = 2*(config['Kt']**.5) # tracking gain
    config['Kl'] = .10;       config['Dl'] = 2*(config['Kl']**.5) # linear balance gain
    config['Kh'] = 0.1;       config['Dh'] = 2*(config['Kh']**.5) # angular balance gain
    config['Ks'] = 15000;   config['Ds'] = 2*(config['Ks']**.5) # penalty force spring gain
    config['Bt'] = 1.
    config['Bl'] = 1.#0.5
    config['Bh'] = 1.
    #config['weightMap']={'RightArm':.2, 'RightForeArm':.2, 'LeftArm':.2, 'LeftForeArm':.2,\
                         #'Spine':1., 'Spine1':1., 'RightFoot':.5, 'LeftFoot':.5, 'Hips':1.5,\
                         #'RightUpLeg':1., 'RightLeg':1., 'LeftUpLeg':1., 'LeftLeg':1.}

    #config['weightMap']={'RightArm':.2, 'RightForeArm':.2, 'LeftArm':.2, 'LeftForeArm':.2,\
                         #'Spine':1., 'Spine1':1., 'RightFoot':1.0, 'LeftFoot':1.0, 'Hips':1.5,\
                         #'RightUpLeg':2., 'RightLeg':2., 'LeftUpLeg':2., 'LeftLeg':2.}
    config['weightMap']={'RightArm':.2, 'RightForeArm':.2, 'LeftArm':.2, 'LeftForeArm':.2,
                         'Spine':.6, 'Spine1':.6, 'RightFoot':.2, 'LeftFoot':.2, 'Hips':0.5,
                         'RightUpLeg':.1, 'RightLeg':.3, 'LeftUpLeg':.1, 'LeftLeg':.3}
        segfoot_weight = 10.
        # segfoot_weight = .1
        config['weightMap']={'RightArm':.2, 'RightForeArm':.2, 'LeftArm':.2, 'LeftForeArm':.2,
                             'Spine':.6, 'Spine1':.6, 'RightFoot':.2, 'LeftFoot':.2, 'Hips':0.5,
                             'RightUpLeg':.1, 'RightLeg':.3, 'LeftUpLeg':.1, 'LeftLeg':.3,
        'RightFoot_foot_0_0':segfoot_weight, 'RightFoot_foot_0_1':segfoot_weight,
        'RightFoot_foot_1_0':segfoot_weight, 'RightFoot_foot_1_1':segfoot_weight, 'RightFoot_foot_1_2':segfoot_weight,
        'RightFoot_foot_0_0_0':segfoot_weight, 'RightFoot_foot_0_1_0':segfoot_weight,
        'LeftFoot_foot_0_0':segfoot_weight, 'LeftFoot_foot_0_1':segfoot_weight,
        'LeftFoot_foot_1_0':segfoot_weight, 'LeftFoot_foot_1_1':segfoot_weight, 'LeftFoot_foot_1_2':segfoot_weight,
        'LeftFoot_foot_0_0_0':segfoot_weight, 'LeftFoot_foot_0_1_0':segfoot_weight}

    #config['weightMap']={'RightArm':.2, 'RightForeArm':.2, 'LeftArm':.2, 'LeftForeArm':.2,\
                         #'Spine':.6, 'Spine1':.6, 'RightFoot':.2, 'LeftFoot':1., 'Hips':0.5,\
                         #'RightUpLeg':.1, 'RightLeg':.3, 'LeftUpLeg':.5, 'LeftLeg':1.5}

    config['weightMap']={'RightArm':.2, 'RightForeArm':.2, 'LeftArm':.2, 'LeftForeArm':.2,\
                         'Spine':.5, 'Spine1':.5, 'RightFoot':1., 'LeftFoot':1., 'Hips':0.5,\
                         'RightUpLeg':1., 'RightLeg':1., 'LeftUpLeg':1., 'LeftLeg':1.}

    #config['weightMap']={'RightArm':.2, 'RightForeArm':.2, 'LeftArm':.2, 'LeftForeArm':.2,\
                         #'Spine':1.5, 'LeftFoot':1., 'Hips':1.5,\
                         #'RightUpLeg':1., 'RightLeg':1., 'LeftUpLeg':1.5, 'LeftLeg':1.5}

    config['supLink'] = 'LeftFoot'
    config['supLink1'] = 'LeftFoot'
    config['supLink2'] = 'RightFoot'
    #config['end'] = 'Hips'
    config['end'] = 'Spine1'

    return motion, mcfg, wcfg, stepsPerFrame, config, frame_rate
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        # print(frame)
        # print(motion[frame].getJointOrientationLocal(footIdDic['RightFoot_foot_0_1_0']))
        if False and viewer_GetForceState():
            # print('force on, frame: ', frame)
                mm.exp(mm.unitX(), -math.pi * mm.SCALAR_1_6))
                mm.exp(mm.unitX(), -math.pi * mm.SCALAR_1_6))
                mm.exp(mm.unitX(), -math.pi * mm.SCALAR_1_6))
                mm.exp(mm.unitX(), -math.pi * mm.SCALAR_1_6))
        # print(motion[frame].getJointOrientationLocal(footIdDic['RightFoot_foot_0_1_0']))

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR

        global JconstPre

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType

        # Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = viewer.GetParam()
        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(
            ['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        Dt = 2 * (Kt**.5)
        Dl = 2 * (Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2 * (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2 * (kt_sup**.5)

        doubleTosingleOffset = 0.15
        singleTodoubleOffset = 0.30
        # doubleTosingleOffset = 0.09
        doubleTosingleVelOffset = 0.0

        # tracking
        th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r,
                                                  Kt, Dt)

        ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        # ddth_des_flat = Kt * (motion.get_q(frame) - np.array(controlModel.get_q())) - Dt * np.array(controlModel.get_dq())
        ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)
        # dth_flat = np.array(controlModel.get_dq())

        # jacobian

        contact_des_ids = list()  # desired contact segments
        if foot_viewer.check_om_l.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_op_l.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_im_l.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_ip_l.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_h_l.value():

        if foot_viewer.check_om_r.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_op_r.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_im_r.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_ip_r.value():
        if foot_viewer.check_h_r.value():

        contact_ids = list()  # temp idx for balancing

        contact_joint_ori = list(
            map(controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_joint_pos = list(
            map(controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_ori = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_pos = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_vel = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_angvel = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))

        ref_joint_ori = list(
            map(motion[frame].getJointOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_joint_pos = list(
            map(motion[frame].getJointPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_joint_vel = [
            motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(joint_idx, frame)
            for joint_idx in contact_ids
        ref_joint_angvel = [
            motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(joint_idx, frame)
            for joint_idx in contact_ids
        ref_body_ori = list(
            map(motionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_body_pos = list(map(motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal,
        # ref_body_vel = list(map(controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_body_angvel = [
            motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(joint_idx, frame)
            for joint_idx in contact_ids
        ref_body_vel = [
            ref_joint_vel[i] +
            np.cross(ref_joint_angvel[i], ref_body_pos[i] - ref_joint_pos[i])
            for i in range(len(ref_joint_vel))

        J_contacts = [
            yjc.makeEmptyJacobian(DOFs, 1) for i in range(len(contact_ids))
        dJ_contacts = [
            yjc.makeEmptyJacobian(DOFs, 1) for i in range(len(contact_ids))
        joint_masks = [
            yjc.getLinkJointMask(motion[0].skeleton, joint_idx)
            for joint_idx in contact_ids

        # caution!! body orientation and joint orientation of foot are totally different!!
        footOriL = controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footOriR = controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)

        # desire footCenter[1] = 0.041135
        # desire footCenter[1] = 0.0197
        footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
        footBodyVelL = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyVelR = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        footBodyAngVelL = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyAngVelR = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        refFootVelL = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refFootVelR = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        refFootAngVelL = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refFootAngVelR = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootJointVelR = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointR = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootVelR = refFootJointVelR + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelR,
                                                  (refFootR - refFootJointR))

        refFootJointVelL = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointL = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootVelL = refFootJointVelL + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelL,
                                                  (refFootL - refFootJointL))

        is_contact = [1] * len(contact_ids)
        contactR = 1
        contactL = 1
        if refFootVelR[1] < 0 and refFootVelR[1] / 30. + refFootR[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] < 0 and refFootVelL[1] / 30. + refFootL[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        if refFootVelR[1] > 0 and refFootVelR[1] / 30. + refFootR[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] > 0 and refFootVelL[1] / 30. + refFootL[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        # contactR = 1

        contMotionOffset = th[0][0] - th_r[0][0]

        linkPositions = controlModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = controlModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = controlModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        # calculate contact state
        # if g_initFlag == 1 and contact == 1 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset and footCenterR[1] < 0.08:
        if g_initFlag == 1:
            # contact state
            # 0: flying 1: right only 2: left only 3: double
            # if contact == 2 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            if contact == 2 and contactR == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            # elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 1 and contactL == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            # elif contact == 3 and refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactR == 0:
                contact = 2
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

            # elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactL == 0:
                contact = 1
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'
                contact = 0
                # if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactR == 1:
                    contact += 1
                # if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactL == 1:
                    contact += 2

        # initialization
        if g_initFlag == 0:
            # JsysPre = Jsys.copy()
            JconstPre = Jconst.copy()
            softConstPoint = footCenterR.copy()
            # yjc.computeJacobian2(JsysPre, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
            # yjc.computeJacobian2(JconstPre, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)

            footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL) / 2.0
            footCenter[1] = 0.
            preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()
            # footToBodyFootRotL = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriL), footBodyOriL)
            # footToBodyFootRotR = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriR), footBodyOriR)

            if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                contact += 1
            if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                contact += 2

            g_initFlag = 1

        # calculate jacobian
        Jsys, dJsys = controlModel.computeCom_J_dJdq()
        for i in range(len(J_contacts)):
            J_contacts[i] = Jsys[6 * contact_ids[i]:6 * contact_ids[i] + 6, :]
            dJ_contacts[i] = dJsys[6 * contact_ids[i]:6 * contact_ids[i] + 6]

        # calculate footCenter
        footCenter = sum(contact_body_pos) / len(contact_body_pos) if len(contact_body_pos) > 0 \
                        else .5 * (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL) + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR))
        # if len(contact_body_pos) > 2:
        #     hull = ConvexHull(contact_body_pos)

        footCenter_ref = sum(ref_body_pos) / len(ref_body_pos) if len(ref_body_pos) > 0 \
            else .5 * (motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL) + motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR))
        footCenter_ref = footCenter_ref + contMotionOffset
        # if len(ref_body_pos) > 2:
        #     hull = ConvexHull(ref_body_pos)
        footCenter_ref[1] = 0.

        # footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL)/2.0
        # if refFootR[1] >doubleTosingleOffset:
        # if refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        # if contact == 1 or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        # if contact == 2 or footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            footCenter = footCenterL.copy()
        # elif contact == 1 or footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterR.copy()
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        footCenter[0] = footCenter[0] + getParamVal('com X offset')

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            # change footcenter gradually
            footCenter = preFootCenter + (
                maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount) * (
                    footCenter - preFootCenter) / maxContactChangeCount

        preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()

        # linear momentum
        # TODO:
        # We should consider dCM_ref, shouldn't we?
        # add getBodyPositionGlobal and getBodyPositionsGlobal in csVpModel!
        # to do that, set joint velocities to vpModel
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        # CM_ref_plane = footCenter_ref
        dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref_plane -
                                         CM_plane) - Dl * totalMass * dCM_plane
        # dL_des_plane[1] = 0.
        # print('dCM_plane : ', np.linalg.norm(dCM_plane))

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter
        # CP_ref = footCenter_ref
        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
            bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        # bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / (1 / 30.)
        CP_old[0] = CP

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * dCP
            dCP_des = dCP + ddCP_des * (1 / 30.)
            CP_des = CP + dCP_des * (1 / 30.)
            # CP_des = footCenter
            CP_des = CP + dCP * (1 / 30.) + .5 * ddCP_des * ((1 / 30.)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross(
                (CP_des - CM),
                (dL_des_plane + totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            if contactChangeCount > 0:  # and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
                dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount -
                           contactChangeCount) / maxContactChangeCount
            dH_des = None

        # convex hull
        contact_pos_2d = np.asarray([
            np.array([contactPosition[0], contactPosition[2]])
            for contactPosition in contactPositions
        p = np.array([CM_plane[0], CM_plane[2]])
        # hull = None  # type: Delaunay
        # if contact_pos_2d.shape[0] > 0:
        #     hull = Delaunay(contact_pos_2d)
        #     print(hull.find_simplex(p) >= 0)

        # set up equality constraint
        # TODO:
        # logSO3 is just q'', not acceleration.
        # To make a_oris acceleration, q'' -> a will be needed
        # body_ddqs = list(map(mm.logSO3, [mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(body_ori, mm.unitY()), mm.unitY()) for body_ori in contact_body_ori]))
        body_ddqs = list(
            map(mm.logSO3, [
                            np.dot(ref_body_ori[i], mm.unitY()), mm.unitY())))
                for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))
        body_qs = list(map(mm.logSO3, contact_body_ori))
        body_angs = [
            np.dot(contact_body_ori[i], contact_body_angvel[i])
            for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))
        body_dqs = [
            mm.vel2qd(body_angs[i], body_qs[i]) for i in range(len(body_angs))
        a_oris = [
                   mm.qdd2accel(body_ddqs[i], body_dqs[i], body_qs[i]))
            for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))

        # body_ddq = body_ddqs[0]
        # body_ori = contact_body_ori[0]
        # body_ang = np.dot(body_ori.T, contact_body_angvel[0])
        # body_q = mm.logSO3(body_ori)
        # body_dq = mm.vel2qd(body_ang, body_q)
        # a_ori = np.dot(body_ori, mm.qdd2accel(body_ddq, body_dq, body_q))

        # a_oris = list(map(mm.logSO3, [mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(body_ori, mm.unitY()), mm.unitY()) for body_ori in contact_body_ori]))
        a_sups = [
                kt_sup *
                (ref_body_pos[i] - contact_body_pos[i] + contMotionOffset) +
                dt_sup * (ref_body_vel[i] - contact_body_vel[i]),
                kt_sup * a_oris[i] + dt_sup *
                (ref_body_angvel[i] - contact_body_angvel[i]))
            for i in range(len(a_oris))

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        # rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        rs = np.dot(dP, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat)) + np.dot(P, dJsys)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        # if contact == 2 and footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .2

        # if contact == 1 and footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .2

        w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton,

        # if contact == 2:
        #     mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)

        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            # mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            # mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            # if contact & 1 and contactChangeCount == 0:
            if True:
                for c_idx in range(len(contact_ids)):
                    # mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, J_contacts[c_idx], dJ_contacts[c_idx], dth_flat, a_sups[c_idx])
                    mot.addConstraint2(problem, totalDOF, J_contacts[c_idx],
                                       dJ_contacts[c_idx], dth_flat,

        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            contactChangeCount = contactChangeCount - 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        ddth_sol_flat = np.asarray(r['x'])
        # ddth_sol_flat[foot_seg_dofs] = np.array(ddth_des_flat)[foot_seg_dofs]
        ype.nested(ddth_sol_flat, ddth_sol)

        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            # bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals,

            # controlModel.setDOFAccelerations(ddth_des)
            # controlModel.set_ddq(ddth_sol_flat)
            # controlModel.set_ddq(ddth_des_flat)

            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += wcfg.timeStep
                vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)



        if foot_viewer is not None:
                frame, vpWorld, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

        # rendering
        for foot_seg_id in footIdlist:
            control_model_renderer.body_colors[foot_seg_id] = (255, 240, 255)

        for contact_id in contact_ids:
            control_model_renderer.body_colors[contact_id] = (255, 0, 0)

        rightFootVectorX[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightFootVectorY[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightFootVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightFootPos[0] = footCenterL

        rightVectorX[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightVectorY[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightPos[0] = footCenterL + np.array([.1, 0, 0])

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenter_ref[0] = footCenter_ref
        rd_footCenterL[0] = footCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = footCenterR

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [
                dL_des_plane[0] / 100, dL_des_plane[1] / 100,
                dL_des_plane[2] / 100
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

            rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]
        rd_root_ori[0] = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(0)
        rd_root_pos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0)

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append(contactForces[i] / 400)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]

        extraForcePos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)

        # render contact_ids

        # render skeleton
        if SKELETON_ON:
            Ts = dict()
            Ts['pelvis'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(0)
            Ts['thigh_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(1)
            Ts['shin_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(2)
            Ts['foot_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(3)
            Ts['spine_ribs'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(9)
            Ts['head'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(10)
            Ts['upper_limb_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(13)
            Ts['lower_limb_R'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(14)
            Ts['thigh_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(15)
            Ts['shin_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(16)
            Ts['foot_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(17)
            Ts['upper_limb_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(11)
            Ts['lower_limb_L'] = controlModel.getJointTransform(12)

Ejemplo n.º 14
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        # print(frame)
        # print(motion[frame].getJointOrientationLocal(footIdDic['RightFoot_foot_0_1_0']))

        # hfi.footAdjust(motion[frame], idDic, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG=.03, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD=.015, baseHeight=0.02)

        # motionModel.update(motion[frame])
                getParamVal('com X offset'),
                getParamVal('com Y offset'),
                getParamVal('com Z offset')
        # controlModel_ik.set_q(controlModel.get_q())

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR

        global JconstPre

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType

        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(
            ['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        Dt = 2 * (Kt**.5)
        Dl = 2 * (Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2 * (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2 * (kt_sup**.5)

        # tracking
        # # th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        # th_r = motionModel.getDOFPositions()
        # th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        # # dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        # dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        # # ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        # ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, None, dth, None, Kt, Dt)
        # # ype.flatten(fix_dofs(DOFs, ddth_des, mcfg, joint_names), ddth_des_flat)
        # # ype.flatten(fix_dofs(DOFs, dth, mcfg, joint_names), dth_flat)
        # # print(ddth_des)
        # ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        # ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        th_r_flat = motionModel.get_q()
        th_flat = controlModel.get_q()
        dth_flat = controlModel.get_dq()
        joint_dof_info = controlModel.getJointDOFInfo()

        ddth_des_flat = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations_flat(
            th_r_flat, th_flat, None, dth_flat, None, Kt, Dt, joint_dof_info)
        # print(controlModel.getCoriAndGrav())

        # jacobian

        contact_des_ids = list()  # desired contact segments
        # if foot_viewer.check_h_l.value():
        #     contact_des_ids.append(motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('LeftFoot'))
        # if foot_viewer.check_h_r.value():
        #     contact_des_ids.append(motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('RightFoot'))

        contact_ids = list()  # temp idx for balancing

        contact_joint_ori = list(
            map(controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_joint_pos = list(
            map(controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_ori = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_pos = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_vel = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))
        contact_body_angvel = list(
            map(controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))

        ref_joint_ori = list(
            map(motionModel.getJointOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_joint_pos = list(
            map(motionModel.getJointPositionGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_joint_vel = [
            for joint_idx in contact_ids
        ref_joint_angvel = [
            for joint_idx in contact_ids
        ref_body_ori = list(
            map(motionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_body_pos = list(map(motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal,
        # ref_body_vel = list(map(controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal, contact_ids))
        ref_body_angvel = [
            for joint_idx in contact_ids
        ref_body_vel = [
            ref_joint_vel[i] +
            np.cross(ref_joint_angvel[i], ref_body_pos[i] - ref_joint_pos[i])
            for i in range(len(ref_joint_vel))

        is_contact = [1] * len(contact_ids)
        contact_right = len(set(contact_des_ids).intersection(rIDlist)) > 0
        contact_left = len(set(contact_des_ids).intersection(lIDlist)) > 0

        # contMotionOffset = th_flat[0:3] - th_r_flat[0:3]
        contMotionOffset = np.array((1.5, 0., 0.))

        linkPositions = [
            for i in range(controlModel.getBodyNum())
        linkVelocities = [
            for i in range(controlModel.getBodyNum())
        linkAngVelocities = [
            for i in range(controlModel.getBodyNum())
        linkInertias = [
            for i in range(controlModel.getBodyNum())

        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        # calculate jacobian
        Jsys, dJsys = controlModel.computeCom_J_dJdq()
        J_contacts = []  # type: list[np.ndarray]
        dJ_contacts = []  # type: list[np.ndarray]
        for contact_id in contact_ids:
            J_contacts.append(Jsys[6 * contact_id:6 * contact_id + 6, :])
            dJ_contacts.append(dJsys[6 * contact_id:6 * contact_id + 6])

        # calculate footCenter
        footCenter = sum(contact_body_pos) / len(contact_body_pos) if len(contact_body_pos) > 0 \
            else .5 * (controlModel.getBodyComPositionGlobal(supL) + controlModel.getBodyComPositionGlobal(supR))
        footCenter[1] = 0.
        # if len(contact_body_pos) > 2:
        #     hull = ConvexHull(contact_body_pos)

        footCenter_ref = sum(ref_body_pos) / len(ref_body_pos) if len(ref_body_pos) > 0 \
            else .5 * (motionModel.getBodyComPositionGlobal(supL) + motionModel.getBodyComPositionGlobal(supR))
        footCenter_ref = footCenter_ref + contMotionOffset
        # if len(ref_body_pos) > 2:
        #     hull = ConvexHull(ref_body_pos)
        footCenter_ref[1] = 0.

        # footCenter[0] = footCenter[0] + getParamVal('com X offset')
        # footCenter[1] = footCenter[0] + getParamVal('com Y offset')
        # footCenter[2] = footCenter[2] + getParamVal('com Z offset')

        # initialization
        if g_initFlag == 0:
            preFootCenter[0] = footCenter.copy()
            g_initFlag = 1

        # if contactChangeCount == 0 and np.linalg.norm(footCenter - preFootCenter[0]) > 0.01:
        #     contactChangeCount += 30
        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            # change footcenter gradually
            footCenter = preFootCenter[0] + (
                maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount) * (
                    footCenter - preFootCenter[0]) / maxContactChangeCount
            preFootCenter[0] = footCenter.copy()

        # linear momentum
        # TODO:
        # We should consider dCM_ref, shouldn't we?
        # add getBodyPositionGlobal and getBodyPositionsGlobal in csVpModel!
        # to do that, set joint velocities to vpModel
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        # CM_ref_plane = footCenter_ref
        CM_ref = footCenter + np.array([
            getParamVal('com X offset'),
            motionModel.getCOM()[1] + getParamVal('com Y offset'),
            getParamVal('com Z offset')
        dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref - CM) - Dl * totalMass * dCM
        # dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref_plane - CM_plane) - Dl * totalMass * dCM_plane
        # dL_des_plane[1] = 0.
        # print('dCM_plane : ', np.linalg.norm(dCM_plane))

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter
        # CP_ref = footCenter_ref
        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = controlModel.calcPenaltyForce(
            bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / (1 / 30.)
        CP_old[0] = CP

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * dCP
            dCP_des = dCP + ddCP_des * (1 / 30.)
            CP_des = CP + dCP_des * (1 / 30.)
            # CP_des = footCenter
            CP_des = CP + dCP * (1 / 30.) + .5 * ddCP_des * ((1 / 30.)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross(
                (CP_des - CM),
                (dL_des_plane + totalMass * controlModel.getGravity()))
            if contactChangeCount > 0:  # and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
                dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount -
                           contactChangeCount) / maxContactChangeCount
            dH_des = None

        # set up equality constraint
        # TODO:
        # logSO3 is just q'', not acceleration.
        # To make a_oris acceleration, q'' -> a will be needed
        # body_ddqs = list(map(mm.logSO3, [mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(body_ori, mm.unitY()), mm.unitY()) for body_ori in contact_body_ori]))
        # body_ddqs = list(map(mm.logSO3, [np.dot(contact_body_ori[i].T, np.dot(ref_body_ori[i], mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(ref_body_ori[i], mm.unitY()), mm.unitY()))) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))]))
        # body_ddqs = list(map(mm.logSO3, [np.dot(contact_body_ori[i].T, np.dot(ref_body_ori[i], mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(ref_body_ori[i], up_vec_in_each_link[contact_ids[i]]), mm.unitY()))) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))]))
        a_oris = list(
            map(mm.logSO3, [
                            mm.unitY()))) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))
        a_oris = list(
            map(mm.logSO3, [
                            mm.unitY())), contact_body_ori[i].T)
                for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))
        body_qs = list(map(mm.logSO3, contact_body_ori))
        body_angs = [
            np.dot(contact_body_ori[i], contact_body_angvel[i])
            for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))
        body_dqs = [
            mm.vel2qd(body_angs[i], body_qs[i]) for i in range(len(body_angs))
        # a_oris = [np.dot(contact_body_ori[i], mm.qdd2accel(body_ddqs[i], body_dqs[i], body_qs[i])) for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))]

        # body_ddq = body_ddqs[0]
        # body_ori = contact_body_ori[0]
        # body_ang = np.dot(body_ori.T, contact_body_angvel[0])
        # body_q = mm.logSO3(body_ori)
        # body_dq = mm.vel2qd(body_ang, body_q)
        # a_ori = np.dot(body_ori, mm.qdd2accel(body_ddq, body_dq, body_q))

        KT_SUP = np.diag([kt_sup / 10., kt_sup, kt_sup / 10.])
        # KT_SUP = np.diag([kt_sup, kt_sup, kt_sup])

        # a_oris = list(map(mm.logSO3, [mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(body_ori, mm.unitY()), mm.unitY()) for body_ori in contact_body_ori]))
        a_oris = list(
            map(mm.logSO3, [
                           up_vec_in_each_link[contact_ids[i]]), mm.unitY())
                for i in range(len(contact_body_ori))
        # a_sups = [np.append(kt_sup*(ref_body_pos[i] - contact_body_pos[i] + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(ref_body_vel[i] - contact_body_vel[i]),
        #                     kt_sup*a_oris[i]+dt_sup*(ref_body_angvel[i]-contact_body_angvel[i])) for i in range(len(a_oris))]
        # a_sups = [np.append(kt_sup*(ref_body_pos[i] - contact_body_pos[i] + contMotionOffset) - dt_sup * contact_body_vel[i],
        #                     kt_sup*a_oris[i] - dt_sup * contact_body_angvel[i]) for i in range(len(a_oris))]
        a_sups = [
                       (ref_body_pos[i] - contact_body_pos[i] +
                        contMotionOffset)) - dt_sup * contact_body_vel[i],
                kt_sup * a_oris[i] - dt_sup * contact_body_angvel[i])
            for i in range(len(a_oris))
        # for i in range(len(a_sups)):
        #     a_sups[i][1] = -kt_sup * contact_body_pos[i][1] - dt_sup * contact_body_vel[i][1]

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        # rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        rs = np.dot(dP, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat)) + np.dot(P, dJsys)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        if LEG_FLEXIBLE:
            if contact == 2:
                config['weightMap']['h_thigh_right'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['h_shin_right'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['h_heel_right'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['h_thigh_right'] = .1
                config['weightMap']['h_shin_right'] = .25
                config['weightMap']['h_heel_right'] = .2

            if contact == 1:
                config['weightMap']['h_thigh_left'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['h_shin_left'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['h_heel_left'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['h_thigh_left'] = .1
                config['weightMap']['h_shin_left'] = .25
                config['weightMap']['h_heel_left'] = .2

        w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, controlModel, config['weightMap'])

        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            if True:
                for c_idx in range(len(contact_ids)):
                    mot.addConstraint2(problem, totalDOF, J_contacts[c_idx],
                                       dJ_contacts[c_idx], dth_flat,

        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            contactChangeCount = contactChangeCount - 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        ddth_sol_flat = np.asarray(r['x'])
        # ddth_sol_flat[foot_seg_dofs] = np.array(ddth_des_flat)[foot_seg_dofs]
        # ype.nested(ddth_sol_flat, ddth_sol)

        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for _ in range(stepsPerFrame):
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = controlModel.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            controlModel.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals,

            # apply penalty force
            # controlModel.setDOFAccelerations(ddth_sol)
            # controlModel.setDOFAccelerations(ddth_des)
            # controlModel.set_ddq(ddth_des_flat)

            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += controlModel.getTimeStep()
                controlModel.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos,


        # rendering
        # bodyIDs, geomIDs, positionLocalsForGeom = vpWorld.getContactInfoForcePlate(bodyIDsToCheck)
        # for foot_seg_id in footIdlist:
        #     control_model_renderer.body_colors[foot_seg_id] = (255, 240, 255)
        #     control_model_renderer.geom_colors[foot_seg_id] = [(255, 240, 255)] * controlModel.getBodyGeomNum(foot_seg_id)

        # for i in range(len(geomIDs)):
        #     if controlModel.vpid2index(bodyIDs[i]) in footIdlist:
        #         control_model_renderer.geom_colors[controlModel.vpid2index(bodyIDs[i])][geomIDs[i]] = (255, 0, 0)
        # for foot_seg_id in footIdlist:
        #     control_model_renderer.body_colors[foot_seg_id] = (255, 240, 255)
        # for contact_id in contact_ids:
        #     control_model_renderer.body_colors[contact_id] = (255, 0, 0)

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenter_ref[0] = footCenter_ref

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [
                dL_des_plane[0] / 100, dL_des_plane[1] / 100,
                dL_des_plane[2] / 100
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

                0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass * controlModel.getGravity()

        del rd_foot_ori[:]
        del rd_foot_pos[:]
        # for seg_foot_id in footIdlist:
        #     rd_foot_ori.append(controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(seg_foot_id))
        #     rd_foot_pos.append(controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(seg_foot_id))

        del rd_body_ori[:]
        del rd_body_pos[:]
        # for body_idx in range(dartModel.getBodyNum()):

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]
        rd_root_ori[0] = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(0)
        rd_root_pos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0)

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append(contactForces[i] / 400)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]

        # extraForcePos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        extraForcePos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(
            selectedBody) - 0.1 * np.array([
                viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceX.value(), 0.,
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        # print()
        # print(dartModel.getJointVelocityGlobal(0))
        # print(dartModel.getDOFVelocities()[0])
        # print(dartModel.get_dq()[:6])
        # dartMotionModel.update(motion[frame])

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType
        # print('contactstate:', contact, contactChangeCount)

        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(
            ['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        Dt = 2. * (Kt**.5)
        Dl = (Kl**.5)
        Dh = (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2. * (kt_sup**.5)
        # Dt = .2*(Kt**.5)
        # Dl = .2*(Kl**.5)
        # Dh = .2*(Kh**.5)
        # dt_sup = .2*(kt_sup**.5)

        pdcontroller.setKpKd(Kt, Dt)

        footHeight = dartModel.getBody(supL).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1] / 2.

        doubleTosingleOffset = 0.15
        singleTodoubleOffset = 0.30

        com_offset_x, com_offset_y, com_offset_z = getParamVals(
            ['com X offset', 'com Y offset', 'com Z offset'])
        footOffset = np.array((com_offset_x, com_offset_y, com_offset_z))

        # tracking
        # th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th_r = dartMotionModel.getDOFPositions()
        th = dartModel.getDOFPositions()
        th_r_flat = dartMotionModel.get_q()
        # dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        # dth = dartModel.getDOFVelocities()
        # ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        # ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        dth_flat = dartModel.get_dq()
        # dth_flat = np.concatenate(dth)
        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(dartMotionModel.get_q())
        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(th_r)
        ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute_flat(th_r_flat)

        # ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        # ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        print(dartModel.skeleton.get_spd_tau(th_r_flat, Kt, Dt))

        # jacobian

        footOriL = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footOriR = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)

        footCenterL = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
        footBodyVelL = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyVelR = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        footBodyAngVelL = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyAngVelR = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        # refFootAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        # refFootAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootAngVelL = np.zeros(3)
        refFootAngVelR = np.zeros(3)

        refFootVelR = np.zeros(3)
        refFootVelL = np.zeros(3)

        contactR = 1
        contactL = 1
        if refFootVelR[1] < 0 and refFootVelR[1] * frame_step_size + refFootR[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] < 0 and refFootVelL[1] * frame_step_size + refFootL[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        if refFootVelR[1] > 0 and refFootVelR[1] * frame_step_size + refFootR[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] > 0 and refFootVelL[1] * frame_step_size + refFootL[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        # contactR = 0

        # contMotionOffset = th[0][0] - th_r[0][0]
        # contMotionOffset = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0) - dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0)
        contMotionOffset = controlToMotionOffset

        linkPositions = dartModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = dartModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = dartModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        CM = dartModel.skeleton.com()
        dCM = dartModel.skeleton.com_velocity()
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        #calculate contact state
        #if g_initFlag == 1 and contact == 1 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset and footCenterR[1] < 0.08:
        if g_initFlag == 1:
            #contact state
            # 0: flying 1: right only 2: left only 3: double
            #if contact == 2 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            if contact == 2 and contactR == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 1 and contactL == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactR == 0:
                contact = 2
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactL == 0:
                contact = 1
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

                contact = 0
                #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactR == 1:
                    contact += 1
                #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactL == 1:
                    contact += 2

        if g_initFlag == 0:
            softConstPoint = footCenterR.copy()

            footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL) / 2.0
            footCenter[1] = 0.
            preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()
            #footToBodyFootRotL = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriL), footBodyOriL)
            #footToBodyFootRotR = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriR), footBodyOriR)

            # if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            #     contact +=1
            # if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            #     contact +=2
            if refFootR[1] < footHeight:
                contact += 1
            if refFootL[1] < footHeight:
                contact += 2

            g_initFlag = 1

        contact = 2
        # contact = 1 + 2

        # calculate jacobian
        body_num = dartModel.getBodyNum()
        Jsys = np.zeros((6 * body_num, totalDOF))
        dJsys = np.zeros((6 * body_num, totalDOF))
        for i in range(dartModel.getBodyNum()):
            Jsys[6 * i:6 * i +
                 6, :] = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
            dJsys[6 * i:6 * i + 6, :] = dartModel.getBody(
                i).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]

        JsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[
            range(-3, 3), :]

        JsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[
            range(-3, 3), :]

        # calculate footCenter
        footCenter = .5 * (footCenterL + footCenterR) + footOffset
        if contact == 2:
            footCenter = footCenterL.copy() + footOffset
        if contact == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterR.copy() + footOffset
        footCenter[1] = 0.
        footCenter[0] += 0.02

        preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()

        # linear momentum
        # CM_ref_plane = footCenter.copy()
        # CM_ref_plane += np.array([0., 0.9, 0.])
        # dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref_plane - CM_plane) - Dl*totalMass*dCM_plane
        # dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        kl = np.diagflat([Kl * 5., Kl, Kl * 5.])
        dl = np.diagflat([2.2 * Dl, Dl, 2.2 * Dl])

        CM_ref = footCenter.copy()
        CM_ref[1] = dartMotionModel.getCOM()[1] - 0.1
        # CM_ref += np.array((0., com_offset_y, 0.))
        # dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref - CM) - Dl*totalMass*dCM
        dL_des_plane = kl.dot(totalMass *
                              (CM_ref - CM)) - dl.dot(totalMass * dCM)

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / frame_step_size
        CP_old[0] = CP

        CP_des[0] = None
        # if CP_des[0] is None:
        #     CP_des[0] = footCenter

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * (dCP)
            CP_des[0] = CP + dCP * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des * (
            dH_des = np.cross(
                CP_des[0] - CM,
                dL_des_plane - totalMass * mm.s2v(dartModel.world.gravity()))
            # dH_des = np.cross(footCenter - CM, dL_des_plane - totalMass*mm.s2v(dartModel.world.gravity()))
            # H = np.dot(P, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat))
            # dH_des = -Kh * H[3:]
            dH_des = None

        # set up equality constraint
        a_oriL = mm.logSO3(
            mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, 1, 0])),
                                 np.array([0, 1, 0])))
        a_oriR = mm.logSO3(
            mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriR, np.array([0, 1, 0])),
                                 np.array([0, 1, 0])))

        footErrorL = refFootL.copy()
        footErrorL[1] = dartModel.getBody(
            supL).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1] / 2.
        footErrorL += -footCenterL + contMotionOffset

        footErrorR = refFootR.copy()
        footErrorR[1] = dartModel.getBody(
            supR).shapenodes[0].shape.size()[1] / 2.
        footErrorR += -footCenterR + contMotionOffset

        a_supL = np.append(
            kt_sup * footErrorL + dt_sup * (refFootVelL - footBodyVelL),
            kt_sup * a_oriL + dt_sup * (refFootAngVelL - footBodyAngVelL))
        a_supR = np.append(
            kt_sup * footErrorR + dt_sup * (refFootVelR - footBodyVelR),
            kt_sup * a_oriR + dt_sup * (refFootAngVelR - footBodyAngVelR))

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        if LEG_FLEXIBLE:
            if contact == 2:
                config['weightMap']['j_thigh_right'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['j_shin_right'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['j_heel_right'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['j_thigh_right'] = .1
                config['weightMap']['j_shin_right'] = .25
                config['weightMap']['j_heel_right'] = .2

            if contact == 1:
                config['weightMap']['j_thigh_left'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['j_shin_left'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['j_heel_left'] = .8
                config['weightMap']['j_thigh_left'] = .1
                config['weightMap']['j_shin_left'] = .25
                config['weightMap']['j_heel_left'] = .2

        w = mot.getTrackingWeightDart(DOFs, dartModel.skeleton,

        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            if contact & 1:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat,
            if contact & 2:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupL, dJsupL, dth_flat,

        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            contactChangeCount -= 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        # ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)
        ddth_sol = np.asarray(r['x'])
        # ddth_sol[:6] = np.zeros(6)
        if dH_des is None:
            ddth_sol = ddth_des_flat

        rootPos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]
        inv_h = 1. / time_step

        _bodyIDs, _contactPositions, _contactPositionLocals, _contactForces = [], [], [], []
        for iii in range(stepsPerFrame):
            _ddq, _tau, _bodyIDs, _contactPositions, _contactPositionLocals, _contactForces = hqp.calc_QP(
                dartModel.skeleton, ddth_sol, inv_h)
            # _ddq, _tau, _bodyIDs, _contactPositions, _contactPositionLocals, _contactForces = hqp.calc_QP(dartModel.skeleton, ddth_des_flat, inv_h)
            # print(frame, i, tau)
            dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(_bodyIDs, _contactPositionLocals,


            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += time_step
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos,


        del bodyIDs[:]
        del contactPositions[:]
        del contactPositions[:]
        del contactPositionLocals[:]
        del contactForces[:]

        # rendering
        rightFootVectorX[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightFootVectorY[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightFootVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightFootPos[0] = footCenterL

        rightVectorX[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightVectorY[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightPos[0] = footCenterL + np.array([.1, 0, 0])

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenterL[0] = footCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = footCenterR

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des[0]

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [
                dL_des_plane[0] / 100, dL_des_plane[1] / 100,
                dL_des_plane[2] / 100
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

            rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass * mm.s2v(

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append(contactForces[i] / 100)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]

        extraForcePos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def footAdjust(posture_ori,
    def getJointChildPositionGlobal(posture, jointNameOrIdx):

        :type posture: ym.JointPosture
        :type jointNameOrIdx: str | int
        :return: np.array
        idx = jointNameOrIdx
        if type(jointNameOrIdx) == str:
            idx = posture.skeleton.getJointIndex(jointNameOrIdx)
        effectorOffset = posture.skeleton.getJoint(idx).children[0].offset
        return posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx) + np.dot(
            posture.getJointOrientationGlobal(idx), effectorOffset)

    def makeTwoContactPos(posture,

        :type posture: ym.JointPosture
        :type jointNameOrIdx: str | int
        :return: np.array, np.array
        idx = jointNameOrIdx
        if type(jointNameOrIdx) == str:
            idx = posture.skeleton.getJointIndex(jointNameOrIdx)

        insideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((0., 0., 2.5))
        outsideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((1.2, 0., 2.5))
        if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside:
            # if not isOutside:
            # if it is not outside phalange,
            outsideOffset[0] = -1.2 * SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG

        origin = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx)
        inside = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, insideOffset)
        outside = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, outsideOffset)

        length = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * 2.5

        RotVec1_tmp1 = inside - origin
        RotVec1_tmp2 = inside - origin
        RotVec1_tmp2[1] = 0.
        RotVec1 = np.cross(RotVec1_tmp1, RotVec1_tmp2)
        inner = (origin[1] - SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD) / length

        angle1_1 = math.acos(inner if inner < 1.0 else 1.0)
        if baseHeight is not None:
            angle1_1 = math.acos(
                (origin[1] - (baseHeight + SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD)) / length)
        angle1_2 = math.acos((origin[1] - inside[1]) / length)
        footRot1 = mm.exp(RotVec1, angle1_1 - angle1_2)
        footOri1 = posture.getJointOrientationGlobal(idx)
        posture.setJointOrientationGlobal(idx, np.dot(footRot1, footOri1))

        inside_new = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, insideOffset)
        outside_new_tmp = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, outsideOffset)

        # RotVec2 = inside_new - origin
        width = np.linalg.norm(outside - inside)
        widthVec_tmp = np.cross(RotVec1_tmp1, np.array((0., 1., 0.))) if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside \
            else np.cross(np.array((0., 1., 0.)), RotVec1_tmp1)

        widthVec = width * widthVec_tmp / np.linalg.norm(widthVec_tmp)
        outside_new = inside_new + widthVec

        footRot2 = mm.getSO3FromVectors(outside_new_tmp - inside_new, widthVec)
        footOri2 = posture.getJointOrientationGlobal(idx)
        # print footRot2, footOri2
        newFootOri = np.dot(footRot2, footOri2)
        # posture.setJointOrientationGlobal(idx, np.dot(footRot2, footOri2))

        return newFootOri, inside_new, outside_new

    def makeFourContactPos(posture,

        :type posture: ym.JointPosture
        :type jointNameOrIdx: str | int
        :return: np.array, np.array, np.array
        idx = jointNameOrIdx
        if type(jointNameOrIdx) == str:
            idx = posture.skeleton.getJointIndex(jointNameOrIdx)

        insideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((0., 0., 2.5))
        outsideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((1.2, 0., 2.5))
        if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside:
            # if it is not outside phalange,
            outsideOffset[0] = -1.2 * SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG

        origin = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx)
        inside = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, insideOffset)
        outside = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, outsideOffset)

        length = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * 2.5

        RotVec1_tmp1 = inside - origin
        RotVec1_tmp2 = inside - origin
        RotVec1_tmp2[1] = 0.
        RotVec1 = np.cross(RotVec1_tmp1, RotVec1_tmp2)
        angle1_1 = math.acos((origin[1] - SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD) / length)
        angle1_2 = math.acos((origin[1] - inside[1]) / length)
        footRot1 = mm.exp(RotVec1, angle1_1 - angle1_2)
        footOri1 = posture.getJointOrientationGlobal(idx)
        posture.setJointOrientationGlobal(idx, np.dot(footRot1, footOri1))

        inside_new = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, insideOffset)
        outside_new_tmp = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, outsideOffset)

        # RotVec2 = inside_new - origin
        width = np.linalg.norm(outside - inside)
        widthVec_tmp = np.cross(RotVec1_tmp1, np.array((0., 1., 0.))) if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside \
            else np.cross(np.array((0., 1., 0.)), RotVec1_tmp1)

        widthVec = width * widthVec_tmp / np.linalg.norm(widthVec_tmp)
        outside_new = inside_new + widthVec

        footRot2 = mm.getSO3FromVectors(outside_new_tmp - inside_new, widthVec)
        footOri2 = posture.getJointOrientationGlobal(idx)
        # print footRot2, footOri2
        posture.setJointOrientationGlobal(idx, np.dot(footRot2, footOri2))

    def getFootSegNormal(posture,

        :type posture: ym.JointPosture
        :type jointNameOrIdx: str | int
        :return: np.array, np.array, np.array
        idx = jointNameOrIdx
        if type(jointNameOrIdx) == str:
            idx = posture.skeleton.getJointIndex(jointNameOrIdx)

        insideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((0., 0., 2.5))
        outsideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((1.2, 0., 2.5))
        if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside:
            # if it is not outside phalange,
            outsideOffset[0] = -1.2 * SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG

        origin = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx)
        inside = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, insideOffset)
        outside = posture.getJointPositionGlobal(idx, outsideOffset)

        if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside:
            return mm.normalize(-np.cross(inside - origin, outside - origin))
            return mm.normalize(np.cross(inside - origin, outside - origin))

    # get collision info
    collide = dict()  # type: dict[str, bool]

    for side in ['Left', 'Right']:
        for sideInFoot in ['outside', 'inside']:  # outside first!
            isLeftFoot = True if side == 'Left' else False
            isOutside = True if sideInFoot == 'outside' else False
            footPrefix = 'Foot_foot_0_' + ('0' if isOutside else '1')

            collide[side+footPrefix+'_0_Effector'] = \
                getJointChildPositionGlobal(posture_ori, side+footPrefix+'_0')[1] < SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD + baseHeight
            collide[side+footPrefix+'_0'] = \
                posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(footIdDic[side+footPrefix+'_0'])[1] < SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD + baseHeight
            collide[side+footPrefix+''] = \
                posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(footIdDic[side+footPrefix])[1] < SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD + baseHeight

            if collide[side + footPrefix + '_0_Effector'] and collide[
                    side + footPrefix + '_0'] and collide[side + footPrefix +
                # all segment contact
                footVec = getFootSegNormal(posture_ori,
                                           side + footPrefix + '',
                footRot = mm.getSO3FromVectors(footVec, np.array((0., 1., 0.)))
                footIdx = posture_ori.skeleton.getJointIndex(side +
                                                             footPrefix + '')
                footOri = posture_ori.getJointOrientationGlobal(footIdx)
                                                      np.dot(footRot, footOri))

            elif collide[side + footPrefix +
                         '_0_Effector'] and collide[side + footPrefix + '_0']:
                # toe fully, phalange partially
                newFootOri, _inside, _outside = makeTwoContactPos(
                    side + footPrefix + '',
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + ''], newFootOri)

                footVec = getFootSegNormal(posture_ori,
                                           side + footPrefix + '_0',
                footRot = mm.getSO3FromVectors(footVec, np.array((0., 1., 0.)))
                footIdx = posture_ori.skeleton.getJointIndex(side +
                                                             footPrefix + '_0')
                footOri = posture_ori.getJointOrientationGlobal(footIdx)
                                                      np.dot(footRot, footOri))

                outsideOffset = np.array(
                    (-1., 0., 0.)) if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside else np.array(
                        (1., 0., 0.))
                inside_tmp = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0'])
                outside_tmp = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0'], outsideOffset)
                footRot2 = mm.getSO3FromVectors(outside_tmp - inside_tmp,
                                                _outside - _inside)
                    footIdx, np.dot(footRot2, np.dot(footRot, footOri)))

            elif collide[side + footPrefix + '_0_Effector']:
                # toe partially
                footPoint = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0'])

                newFootOri, _inside, _outside = makeTwoContactPos(
                    side + footPrefix + '',
                    baseHeight=footPoint[1] - SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD)
                    posture_ori.skeleton.getJointIndex(side + footPrefix + ''),
                footVec = getFootSegNormal(posture_ori,
                                           side + footPrefix + '_0',
                footRot = mm.getSO3FromVectors(footVec, np.array((0., 1., 0.)))
                footIdx = posture_ori.skeleton.getJointIndex(side +
                                                             footPrefix + '_0')
                footOri = posture_ori.getJointOrientationGlobal(footIdx)
                                                      np.dot(footRot, footOri))

                outsideOffset = np.array(
                    (-1., 0., 0.)) if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside else np.array(
                        (1., 0., 0.))
                inside_tmp = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0'])
                outside_tmp = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0'], outsideOffset)
                footRot2 = mm.getSO3FromVectors(outside_tmp - inside_tmp,
                                                _outside - _inside)
                    footIdx, np.dot(footRot2, np.dot(footRot, footOri)))

            elif getJointChildPositionGlobal(
                    posture_ori, side + footPrefix +
                    '_0')[1] < SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD * 1.5 + baseHeight:
                # In case of posibility of contact
                # if 1 radius <  toe height < 3/2 radius, this routine is working.
                toeHeight = getJointChildPositionGlobal(
                    posture_ori, side + footPrefix + '_0')[1]
                ratio = (SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD * 1.5 + baseHeight -
                         toeHeight) / SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD * 2.

                footPoint = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0'])
                newFootOri, _inside, _outside = makeTwoContactPos(
                    side + footPrefix + '',
                    baseHeight=footPoint[1] - SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD)

                oldFootOri = posture_ori.getJointOrientationGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + ''])
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + ''],
                    mm.slerp(oldFootOri, newFootOri, ratio))

                oldFootOri2 = posture_ori.getJointOrientationGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0'])
                footVec = getFootSegNormal(posture_ori,
                                           side + footPrefix + '_0',
                footRot = mm.getSO3FromVectors(footVec, np.array((0., 1., 0.)))
                footIdx = posture_ori.skeleton.getJointIndex(side +
                                                             footPrefix + '_0')
                footOri = posture_ori.getJointOrientationGlobal(footIdx)
                                                      np.dot(footRot, footOri))

                outsideOffset = np.array(
                    (-1., 0., 0.)) if isLeftFoot ^ isOutside else np.array(
                        (1., 0., 0.))
                inside_tmp = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0'])
                outside_tmp = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0'], outsideOffset)
                footRot2 = mm.getSO3FromVectors(outside_tmp - inside_tmp,
                                                _outside - _inside)
                             np.dot(footRot2, np.dot(footRot, footOri)),

        if True:  # back side
            isLeftFoot = True if side == 'Left' else False
            footPrefix = 'Foot_foot_1'

            collide[side+footPrefix+'_0_Effector'] = \
                getJointChildPositionGlobal(posture_ori, side+footPrefix+'_0')[1] < SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD + baseHeight
            collide[side+footPrefix+'_0'] = \
                posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(footIdDic[side+footPrefix+'_0'])[1] < SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD + baseHeight

            # if collide[side+footPrefix+'_0_Effector'] and collide[side+footPrefix+'_0']:
            if collide[side + footPrefix + '_0_Effector']:
                # heel contact partially or fully
                heel_idx = footIdDic[side + footPrefix + '_0']
                R_cur = posture_ori.getJointOrientationGlobal(heel_idx)

                insideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((-.6, 0., 1.2))
                outsideOffset = SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG * np.array((.6, 0., 1.2))

                origin = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(heel_idx)
                inside = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    heel_idx, insideOffset)
                outside = posture_ori.getJointPositionGlobal(
                    heel_idx, outsideOffset)

                # rot_vec = mm.normalize(np.cross(inside - origin, origin - outside if side == 'Left' else outside - origin))
                rot_vec = mm.normalize(
                    np.cross(inside - origin, outside - origin))

                rot_to_y = mm.getSO3FromVectors(rot_vec, mm.unitY())

                                                      np.dot(rot_to_y, R_cur))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        global g_initFlag
        global preFootCenterL, preFootCenterR
        global preFootOrientationL, preFootOrientationR
        global forceShowFrame
        global forceApplyFrame

        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR
        global JsupPre

        global softConstPoint

        global stage


        Kt, Kk, Kl, Kh, Ksc, Bt, Bl, Bh, Bsc = viewer.GetParam()

        if stage == 3:
            Bsc = 0
            #Kl *= 1.5

        Dt = 2 * (Kt**.5)
        Dk = 2 * (Kk**.5)
        Dl = 2 * (Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2 * (Kh**.5)
        Dsc = 2 * (Ksc**.5)

        if Bsc == 0.0:
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', True)
            renderer1 = viewer.doc.getRenderer('softConstraint')
            renderer1.rc.setLineWidth(0.1 + Bsc * 3)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)

        # tracking
        th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r,
                                                  Kt, Dt)
        ddth_c = controlModel.getDOFAccelerations()

        ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        ype.flatten(ddth_c, ddth_c_flat)

        # jacobian
        footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)

        footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL) / 2.0
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        footCenter_ref = refFootL + (refFootR - refFootL) / 2.0
        footCenter_ref[1] = 0.

        linkPositions = controlModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = controlModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = controlModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        jointPositions = controlModel.getJointPositionsGlobal()
        jointAxeses = controlModel.getDOFAxeses()

        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        linkPositions_ref = motionModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        CM_plane_ref = yrp.getCM(linkPositions_ref, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane_ref[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
        dJsys = (Jsys - JsysPre) / (1 / 30.)
        JsysPre = Jsys
        #yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)

        if g_initFlag == 0:
            preFootCenterL = footCenterL
            preFootCenterR = footCenterR
            preFootCenterL[1] -= 0.02
            preFootCenterR[1] -= 0.02
            preFootOrientationL = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
            preFootOrientationR = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
            softConstPoint = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
            #softConstPoint[2] += 0.3
            #softConstPoint[1] -= 1.1
            #softConstPoint[0] += 0.1

            softConstPoint[1] -= .3
            #softConstPoint[0] -= .1
            #softConstPoint[1] -= 1.
            #softConstPoint[0] -= .5
            g_initFlag = 1

        yjc.computeJacobian2(JsupL, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             [footCenterL], supLJointMasks)
        dJsupL = (JsupL - JsupPreL) / (1 / 30.)
        JsupPreL = JsupL
        #yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsupL, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [footCenterL], supLJointMasks, False)

        yjc.computeJacobian2(JsupR, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             [footCenterR], supRJointMasks)
        dJsupR = (JsupR - JsupPreR) / (1 / 30.)
        JsupPreR = JsupR
        #yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsupR, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [footCenterR], supRJointMasks, False)

        preFootCenter = preFootCenterL + (preFootCenterR -
                                          preFootCenterL) / 2.0
        preFootCenter[1] = 0

        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
            bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)

        # linear momentum
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        #CM_ref_plane = preFootCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref_plane -
                                         CM_plane) - Dl * totalMass * dCM_plane
        #print("dL_des_plane ", dL_des_plane )
        #dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        timeStep = 30.
        if CP_old[0] == None or CP == None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / (1 / timeStep)
        CP_old[0] = CP

        if CP != None and dCP != None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * (dCP)
            CP_des = CP + dCP * (1 / timeStep) + .5 * ddCP_des * (
                (1 / timeStep)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross(
                (CP_des - CM),
                (dL_des_plane + totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            #dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM_plane), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            #dH_des = [0, 0, 0]
            dH_des = None

        CMP = yrp.getCMP(contactForces, CM)
        r = [0, 0, 0]
        if CP != None and np.any(np.isnan(CMP)) != True:
            r = CP - CMP
        #print("r.l", mm.length(r))
        #Bba = Bh*(mm.length(r))
        Bba = Bh

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # soft point constraint
        cmDiff = footCenter - CM_plane
        print("cmDiff", cmDiff)
        if stage == 3:
            softConstPoint +=

        P_des = softConstPoint
        P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        ddP_des1 = Ksc * (P_des - P_cur) - Dsc * (dP_cur - dP_des)

        r = P_des - P_cur
        I = np.vstack(([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]))
        Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))

        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        Q1 = np.dot(Z, Jconst)

        q1 = np.dot(JA, dth_flat)
        q2 = np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1),
                    np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), r))

        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                       jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                       [softConstPoint], constJointMasks,
        q_bias1 = np.dot(np.dot(Z, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2
        P_des = preFootCenterR
        P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        P_cur[1] = 0
        dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        ddP_des2 = Kp*(P_des - P_cur) - Dp*(dP_cur - dP_des)
        r = P_des - P_cur
        #print("r2", r)
        I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))
        JL, JA = np.vsplit(JsupR, 2)
        Q2 = np.dot(Z, JsupR)
        q1 = np.dot(JA, dth_flat)
        q2 = np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), r))
        q_bias2 = np.dot(np.dot(Z, dJsupR), dth_flat) + q2
        #print("Q1", Q1)
        print("ddP_des1", ddP_des1)
        q_ddth1 = np.dot(Q1, ddth_c_flat)
        print("q_ddth1", q_ddth1)
        print("q_bias1", q_bias1)
        ddp1 = q_ddth1+q_bias1
        print("ddp1", ddp1)
        print("diff1", ddP_des1-ddp1)
        print("ddP_des2", ddP_des2)
        q_ddth2 = np.dot(Q2, ddth_c_flat)
        print("q_ddth2", q_ddth2)
        print("q_bias2", q_bias2)
        ddp2 = q_ddth2+q_bias2
        print("ddp2", ddp2)
        print("diff2", ddP_des2-ddp2)


        # IK
        P_des = preFootCenterL
        P_cur = controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(supL)
        r = P_des - P_cur
        Q_des = preFootOrientationL 
        Q_cur = controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        rv = mm.logSO3(np.dot(Q_cur.transpose(), Q_des))
        #print("rv", rv)

        des_v_sup = (r[0],r[1],r[2], rv[0], rv[1], rv[2])
        A_large = np.dot(JsupL.T, JsupL)
        b_large = np.dot(JsupL.T, des_v_sup)

        des_d_th = npl.lstsq(A_large, b_large)

        ype.nested(des_d_th[0], d_th_IK_L)
        P_des2 = preFootCenterR
        P_cur2 = controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(supR)
        r2 = P_des2 - P_cur2
        Q_des2 = preFootOrientationR
        Q_cur2 = controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)
        rv2 = mm.logSO3(np.dot(Q_cur2.transpose(), Q_des2))
        #print("Q_des2", Q_des2)
        #print("Q_cur2", Q_cur2)
        #print("rv2", rv2)

        des_v_sup2 = (r2[0],r2[1],r2[2], rv2[0], rv2[1], rv[2])
        A_large = np.dot(JsupR.T, JsupR)
        b_large = np.dot(JsupR.T, des_v_sup2)

        des_d_th = npl.lstsq(A_large, b_large)

        ype.nested(des_d_th[0], d_th_IK_R)
        for i in range(len(d_th_IK_L)):
            for j in range(len(d_th_IK_L[i])):
                d_th_IK[i][j] = d_th_IK_L[i][j] + d_th_IK_R[i][j]
        th_IK = yct.getIntegralDOF(th, d_th_IK, 1/timeStep)
        dd_th_IK = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_IK, th, d_th_IK, dth, ddth_r, Kk, Dk)
        ype.flatten(d_th_IK, d_th_IK_flat)
        ype.flatten(dd_th_IK, dd_th_IK_flat)

        flagContact = True
        if dH_des == None or np.any(np.isnan(dH_des)) == True:
            flagContact = False
        0 : initial
        1 : contact
        2 : fly
        3 : landing
        if flagContact == False:
            if stage == 1:
                stage = 2
            if stage == 0:
                stage = 1
            elif stage == 2:
                stage = 3

        if stage == 3:
            Bt = Bt * 0.8
            Bl = Bl * 1

        # optimization

        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)

        #mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bk, w_IK, dd_th_IK_flat)

        mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1,

        #mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bp, ddP_des2, Q2, q_bias2)

        #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupL, dJsupL, dth_flat, a_sup)
        #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat, a_sup2)

        desLinearAccL = [0, 0, 0]
        desAngularAccL = [0, 0, 0]
        desLinearAccR = [0, 0, 0]
        desAngularAccR = [0, 0, 0]

        refPos = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refPos[0] += ModelOffset[0]
        refPos[1] = 0

        refVel = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        curPos = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        #curPos[1] = 0
        curVel = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refAcc = (0, 0, 0)

        if stage == 3:
            refPos = curPos
            refPos[1] = 0
            if curPos[1] < 0.0:
                curPos[1] = 0
            curPos[1] = 0
        rd_DesPosL[0] = refPos

        #(p_r, p, v_r, v, a_r, Kt, Dt)
        desLinearAccL = yct.getDesiredAcceleration(refPos, curPos, refVel,
                                                   curVel, refAcc, Kk, Dk)
        #desLinearAccL[1] = 0

        refPos = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        refPos[0] += ModelOffset[0]
        refPos[1] = 0

        refVel = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        curPos = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        #curPos[1] = 0
        curVel = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)

        if stage == 3:
            refPos = curPos
            refPos[1] = 0
            if curPos[1] < 0.0:
                curPos[1] = 0
            curPos[1] = 0
        rd_DesPosR[0] = refPos

        desLinearAccR = yct.getDesiredAcceleration(refPos, curPos, refVel,
                                                   curVel, refAcc, Kk, Dk)
        #desLinearAccR[1] = 0

        #(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        refAng = [preFootOrientationL]
        curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)]
        refAngVel = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        curAngVel = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refAngAcc = (0, 0, 0)

        #desAngularAccL = yct.getDesiredAngAccelerations(refAng, curAng, refAngVel, curAngVel, refAngAcc, Kk, Dk)
        curAngY = np.dot(curAng, np.array([0, 1, 0]))
        aL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(curAngY[0], np.array([0, 1, 0])))
        print("curAngYL=", curAngY, "aL=", aL)
        desAngularAccL = [Kk * aL + Dk * (refAngVel - curAngVel)]

        refAng = [preFootOrientationR]
        curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)]
        refAngVel = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)
        curAngVel = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)
        refAngAcc = (0, 0, 0)

        #desAngularAccR = yct.getDesiredAngAccelerations(refAng, curAng, refAngVel, curAngVel, refAngAcc, Kk, Dk)
        curAngY = np.dot(curAng, np.array([0, 1, 0]))
        aL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(curAngY[0], np.array([0, 1, 0])))
        desAngularAccR = [Kk * aL + Dk * (refAngVel - curAngVel)]

        print("curAngYR=", curAngY, "aL=", aL)

        a_sup_2 = [
            desLinearAccL[0], desLinearAccL[1], desLinearAccL[2],
            desAngularAccL[0][0], desAngularAccL[0][1], desAngularAccL[0][2],
            desLinearAccR[0], desLinearAccR[1], desLinearAccR[2],
            desAngularAccR[0][0], desAngularAccR[0][1], desAngularAccR[0][2]

        if stage == 2:  #or stage == 3:
            refAccL = motionModel.getBodyAccelerationGlobal(supL)
            refAndAccL = motionModel.getBodyAngAccelerationGlobal(supL)
            refAccR = motionModel.getBodyAccelerationGlobal(supR)
            refAndAccR = motionModel.getBodyAngAccelerationGlobal(supR)
            a_sup_2 = [
                refAccL[0], refAccL[1], refAccL[2], refAndAccL[0],
                refAndAccL[1], refAndAccL[2], refAccR[0], refAccR[1],
                refAccR[2], refAndAccR[0], refAndAccR[1], refAndAccR[2]
            a_sup_2 = [0,0,0, desAngularAccL[0][0], desAngularAccL[0][1], desAngularAccL[0][2], 
                       0,0,0, desAngularAccR[0][0], desAngularAccR[0][1], desAngularAccR[0][2]]

        Jsup_2 = np.vstack((JsupL, JsupR))
        dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJsupL, dJsupR))

        if flagContact == True:
            mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

        mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, dth_flat,
        #mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat, a_sup2)
        #mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, dth_flat, a_sup_2)
        #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, d_th_IK_flat, a_sup_2)
        jZ = np.dot(dJsup_2.T, dJsup_2)

        lamda = 0.001

        for i in range(len(jZ)):
            for j in range(len(jZ[0])):
                if i == j :
                    jZ[i][j] += lamda

        jZInv = npl.pinv(jZ)
        jA = np.dot(Jsup_2, np.dot(jZInv, np.dot(dJsup_2.T, -Jsup_2)))
        mot.addConstraint2(problem, totalDOF, jA, a_sup_2)

        r = problem.solve()
        ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)

        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

            vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals,


            extraForce[0] = viewer.GetForce()
            if (extraForce[0][0] != 0 or extraForce[0][1] != 0
                    or extraForce[0][2] != 0):
                forceApplyFrame += 1
                vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)
                applyedExtraForce[0] = extraForce[0]

            if forceApplyFrame * wcfg.timeStep > 0.1:
                forceApplyFrame = 0


        # rendering
        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenterL[0] = preFootCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = preFootCenterR

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM_plane.copy()

        rd_footCenter_ref[0] = footCenter_ref
        rd_CM_plane_ref[0] = CM_plane_ref.copy()

        #rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP != None and dCP != None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des

        rd_dL_des_plane[0] = dL_des_plane
        rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

        rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_exf_des[0] = applyedExtraForce[0]
        #print("rd_exf_des", rd_exf_des[0])
        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        rd_CMP[0] = softConstPoint

        rd_soft_const_vec[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(
            constBody) - softConstPoint

        #if (applyedExtraForce[0][0] != 0 or applyedExtraForce[0][1] != 0 or applyedExtraForce[0][2] != 0) :
        if (forceApplyFrame == 0):
            applyedExtraForce[0] = [0, 0, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def simulateCallback(frame):

        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowTime

        global preFootCenter
        global maxContactChangeCount
        global contactChangeCount
        global contact
        global contactChangeType

        Kt, Kl, Kh, Bl, Bh, kt_sup = getParamVals(
            ['Kt', 'Kl', 'Kh', 'Bl', 'Bh', 'SupKt'])
        Dt = 2. * (Kt**.5)
        Dl = 2. * (Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2. * (Kh**.5)
        dt_sup = 2. * (kt_sup**.5)
        # Dt = .2*(Kt**.5)
        # Dl = .2*(Kl**.5)
        # Dh = .2*(Kh**.5)
        # dt_sup = .2*(kt_sup**.5)

        pdcontroller.setKpKd(Kt, Dt)

        doubleTosingleOffset = 0.15
        singleTodoubleOffset = 0.30
        #doubleTosingleOffset = 0.09
        doubleTosingleVelOffset = 0.0

        # tracking
        # th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        # th = dartModel.getDOFPositions()
        # dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        # dth = dartModel.getDOFVelocities()
        # ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        # ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        dth_flat = dartModel.get_dq()

        # ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        # ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        # jacobian

        #caution!! body orientation and joint orientation of foot are totally different!!
        footOriL = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footOriR = dartModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)

        #desire footCenter[1] = 0.041135
        #desire footCenter[1] = 0.0197
        footCenterL = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footBodyOriL = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
        footBodyOriR = dartModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
        footBodyVelL = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyVelR = dartModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        footBodyAngVelL = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        footBodyAngVelR = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        refFootAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)

        refFootJointVelR = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelR = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootJointR = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supR, frame)
        refFootVelR = refFootJointVelR + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelR,
                                                  (refFootR - refFootJointR))

        refFootJointVelL = motion.getJointVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointAngVelL = motion.getJointAngVelocityGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootJointL = motion.getJointPositionGlobal(supL, frame)
        refFootVelL = refFootJointVelL + np.cross(refFootJointAngVelL,
                                                  (refFootL - refFootJointL))

        contactR = 1
        contactL = 1
        if refFootVelR[1] < 0 and refFootVelR[1] * frame_step_size + refFootR[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] < 0 and refFootVelL[1] * frame_step_size + refFootL[
                1] > singleTodoubleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        if refFootVelR[1] > 0 and refFootVelR[1] * frame_step_size + refFootR[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactR = 0
        if refFootVelL[1] > 0 and refFootVelL[1] * frame_step_size + refFootL[
                1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            contactL = 0
        # contactR = 0

        # contMotionOffset = th[0][0] - th_r[0][0]
        contMotionOffset = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(
            0) - dartMotionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(0)

        linkPositions = dartModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = dartModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = dartModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = dartModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        CM = dartModel.skeleton.com()
        dCM = dartModel.skeleton.com_velocity()
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        #calculate contact state
        #if g_initFlag == 1 and contact == 1 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset and footCenterR[1] < 0.08:
        if g_initFlag == 1:
            #contact state
            # 0: flying 1: right only 2: left only 3: double
            #if contact == 2 and refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            if contact == 2 and contactR == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 1 and contactL == 1:
                contact = 3
                maxContactChangeCount += 30
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'StoD'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactR == 0:
                contact = 2
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

            #elif contact == 3 and refFootL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset:
            elif contact == 3 and contactL == 0:
                contact = 1
                contactChangeCount += maxContactChangeCount
                contactChangeType = 'DtoS'

                contact = 0
                #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactR == 1:
                    contact += 1
                #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                if contactL == 1:
                    contact += 2

        if g_initFlag == 0:
            softConstPoint = footCenterR.copy()

            footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL) / 2.0
            footCenter[1] = 0.
            preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()
            #footToBodyFootRotL = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriL), footBodyOriL)
            #footToBodyFootRotR = np.dot(np.transpose(footOriR), footBodyOriR)

            if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                contact += 1
            if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                contact += 2

            g_initFlag = 1

        #calculate jacobian
        body_num = dartModel.getBodyNum()
        Jsys = np.zeros((6 * body_num, totalDOF))
        dJsys = np.zeros((6 * body_num, totalDOF))
        for i in range(dartModel.getBodyNum()):
            body_i_jacobian = dartModel.getBody(i).world_jacobian()[
                range(-3, 3), :]
            body_i_jacobian_deriv = dartModel.getBody(
                i).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[range(-3, 3), :]
            Jsys[6 * i:6 * i + 6, :] = body_i_jacobian
            dJsys[6 * i:6 * i + 6, :] = body_i_jacobian_deriv

        JsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupL = dartModel.getBody(supL).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[
            range(-3, 3), :]

        JsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian()[range(-3, 3), :]
        dJsupR = dartModel.getBody(supR).world_jacobian_classic_deriv()[
            range(-3, 3), :]

        # ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(dartMotionModel.get_q())
        ddth_des_flat = pdcontroller.compute(motion.getDOFPositions(frame))

        #calculate footCenter
        footCenter = .5 * (footCenterL + footCenterR)
        #if refFootR[1] >doubleTosingleOffset:
        #if refFootR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        #if contact == 1 or footCenterR[1] > 0.08:
        #if contact == 2 or footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            footCenter = footCenterL.copy()
        #elif contact == 1 or footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterR.copy()
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            #change footcenter gradually
            footCenter = preFootCenter + (
                maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount) * (
                    footCenter - preFootCenter) / maxContactChangeCount

        preFootCenter = footCenter.copy()

        # foot adjustment

        foot_angle_weight = 1.
        foot_dCM_weight = 5.

        foot_center_diff = CM_plane + dCM_plane * frame_step_size * foot_dCM_weight - footCenter
        foot_center_diff_norm = np.linalg.norm(foot_center_diff)

        foot_left_height = dartModel.getJointPositionGlobal(foot_left_idx)[1]
        foot_right_height = dartModel.getJointPositionGlobal(foot_left_idx)[1]

        foot_left_angle = foot_angle_weight * math.atan2(
            foot_center_diff_norm, foot_left_height)
        foot_right_angle = foot_angle_weight * math.atan2(
            foot_center_diff_norm, foot_right_height)

        foot_axis = np.cross(np.array((0., 1., 0.)), foot_center_diff)

        foot_left_R = mm.exp(foot_axis, foot_left_angle)
        foot_right_R = mm.exp(foot_axis, foot_right_angle)
        # motion[frame].mulJointOrientationGlobal(foot_left_idx, foot_left_R)
        # motion[frame].mulJointOrientationGlobal(foot_right_idx, foot_right_R)

        # hfi.footAdjust(motion[frame], footIdDic, SEGMENT_FOOT_MAG, SEGMENT_FOOT_RAD, 0.)

        # linear momentum
        # We should consider dCM_ref, shouldn't we?
        # add getBodyPositionGlobal and getBodyPositionsGlobal in csVpModel!
        # to do that, set joint velocities to vpModel
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref_plane -
                                         CM_plane) - Dl * totalMass * dCM_plane
        dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = [], [], [], []
        if DART_CONTACT_ON:
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.get_dart_contact_info(
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        if CP_old[0] is None or CP is None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / frame_step_size
        CP_old[0] = CP

        # CP_des = None
        if CP_des[0] is None:
            CP_des[0] = footCenter

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * dCP
            CP_des[0] = CP + dCP * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des * (
            # dCP_des[0] += ddCP_des * frame_step_size
            # CP_des[0] += dCP_des[0] * frame_step_size + .5 * ddCP_des*(frame_step_size ** 2)
            dH_des = np.cross(
                CP_des[0] - CM,
                (dL_des_plane + totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            if contactChangeCount > 0:  # and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
                #dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount*10)
                dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount -
                           contactChangeCount) / maxContactChangeCount
                #dH_des *= (contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)*.9+.1
            dH_des = None
        # H = np.dot(P, np.dot(Jsys, dth_flat))
        # dH_des = -Kh* H[3:]

        # soft point constraint
        #softConstPoint = refFootR.copy()
        ##softConstPoint[0] += 0.2
        #Ksc = 50
        #Dsc = 2*(Ksc**.5)
        #Bsc = 1.

        #P_des = softConstPoint
        #P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        #dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        #dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        #ddP_des1 = Ksc*(P_des - P_cur) + Dsc*(dP_des - dP_cur)

        #r = P_des - P_cur
        #I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        #Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))

        #yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        #dJconst = (Jconst - Jconst)/(1/30.)
        #JconstPre = Jconst.copy()
        ##yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks, False)

        #JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        #Q1 = np.dot(Z, Jconst)

        #q1 = np.dot(JA, dth_flat)
        #q2 = np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), r))
        #q_bias1 = np.dot(np.dot(Z, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2

        #set up equality constraint
        # a_oriL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0,1,0])), np.array([0,1,0])))
        # a_oriR = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(np.dot(footBodyOriR, np.array([0,1,0])), np.array([0,1,0])))
        left_foot_up_vec, right_foot_up_vec = hfi.get_foot_up_vector(
            motion[frame], footIdDic, None)
        a_oriL = mm.logSO3(
            mm.getSO3FromVectors(left_foot_up_vec, np.array([0, 1, 0])))
        a_oriR = mm.logSO3(
            mm.getSO3FromVectors(right_foot_up_vec, np.array([0, 1, 0])))

        #if contact == 3 and contactChangeCount < maxContactChangeCount/4 and contactChangeCount >=1:
        #kt_sup = 30

        # a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), kt_sup*a_oriL+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
        # a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), kt_sup*a_oriR+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
        a_supL = np.append(
            kt_sup * (refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
            (refFootVelL - footBodyVelL),
            kt_sup * a_oriL + dt_sup * (refFootAngVelL - footBodyAngVelL))
        a_supR = np.append(
            kt_sup * (refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
            (refFootVelR - footBodyVelR),
            kt_sup * a_oriR + dt_sup * (refFootAngVelR - footBodyAngVelR))
        # a_supL[3:] = 0.
        # a_supR[3:] = 0.

        if contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
            #refFootR += (footCenter-CM_plane)/2.
            #refFootR[1] = 0
            #pre contact value are needed
            #if contact == 2:
            ##refFootR[0] += 0.2
            ##refFootR[2] -= 0.05
            #offsetDropR = (footCenter-CM_plane)/2.
            #refFootR += offsetDropR
            #refFootR[1] = 0.
            ##refFootR[2] = footCenterR[2] - contMotionOffset[2]
            ##refFootR[0] = footCenterR[0] - contMotionOffset[0]
            #refFootL[0] += 0.05
            #refFootL[2] -= 0.05
            #elif contact == 1:
            #offsetDropL = (footCenter-CM_plane)/2.
            #refFootL += offsetDropL
            #refFootL[1] = 0.
            #a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), kt_sup*a_oriL+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), kt_sup*a_oriR+dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 16*kt_sup*a_oriL+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 16*kt_sup*a_oriR+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            a_supL = np.append(
                kt_sup * (refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
                (refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 4 * kt_sup * a_oriL +
                2 * dt_sup * (refFootAngVelL - footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(
                kt_sup * (refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + dt_sup *
                (refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 4 * kt_sup * a_oriR +
                2 * dt_sup * (refFootAngVelR - footBodyAngVelR))
        elif contactChangeCount > 0 and contactChangeType == 'StoD':
            #refFootR[0] +=0.05
            #refFootR[2] +=0.05
            linkt = (13. * contactChangeCount) / maxContactChangeCount + 1.
            lindt = 2 * (linkt**.5)
            angkt = (13. * contactChangeCount) / maxContactChangeCount + 1.
            angdt = 2 * (angkt**.5)
            #a_supL = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 16*kt_sup*a_oriL+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 16*kt_sup*a_oriR+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            a_supL = np.append(
                linkt * kt_sup * (refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) +
                lindt * dt_sup * (refFootVelL - footBodyVelL),
                angkt * kt_sup * a_oriL + angdt * dt_sup *
                (refFootAngVelL - footBodyAngVelL))
            a_supR = np.append(
                linkt * kt_sup * (refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) +
                lindt * dt_sup * (refFootVelR - footBodyVelR),
                angkt * kt_sup * a_oriR + angdt * dt_sup *
                (refFootAngVelR - footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL = np.append(16*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + 4*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 16*kt_sup*a_oriL+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(16*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + 4*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 16*kt_sup*a_oriR+4*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootL - footCenterL + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelL - footBodyVelL), 32*kt_sup*a_oriL+5.6*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelL-footBodyAngVelL))
            #a_supR = np.append(4*kt_sup*(refFootR - footCenterR + contMotionOffset) + 2*dt_sup*(refFootVelR - footBodyVelR), 32*kt_sup*a_oriR+5.6*dt_sup*(refFootAngVelR-footBodyAngVelR))
            #a_supL[1] = kt_sup*(refFootL[1] - footCenterL[1] + contMotionOffset[1]) + dt_sup*(refFootVelL[1] - footBodyVelL[1])
            #a_supR[1] = kt_sup*(refFootR[1] - footCenterR[1] + contMotionOffset[1]) + dt_sup*(refFootVelR[1] - footBodyVelR[1])

        ##if contact == 2:
        #if refFootR[1] <doubleTosingleOffset :
        #Jsup = np.vstack((JsupL, JsupR))
        #dJsup = np.vstack((dJsupL, dJsupR))
        #a_sup = np.append(a_supL, a_supR)
        #Jsup = JsupL.copy()
        #dJsup = dJsupL.copy()
        #a_sup = a_supL.copy()

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # optimization
        #if contact == 2 and footCenterR[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 2:
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['RightUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['RightLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['RightFoot'] = .2

        #if contact == 1 and footCenterL[1] > doubleTosingleOffset/2:
        if contact == 1:
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .8
            config['weightMap']['LeftUpLeg'] = .1
            config['weightMap']['LeftLeg'] = .25
            config['weightMap']['LeftFoot'] = .2

        w = mot.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton,

        #if contact == 2:
        #mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)
        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        if dH_des is not None:
            mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias)
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

            #mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, dth_flat, a_sup)
            #if contact & 1 and contactChangeCount == 0:
            if contact & 1:
                #if refFootR[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat,
            if contact & 2:
                #if refFootL[1] < doubleTosingleOffset:
                mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupL, dJsupL, dth_flat,

        if contactChangeCount > 0:
            contactChangeCount -= 1
            if contactChangeCount == 0:
                maxContactChangeCount = 30
                contactChangeType = 0

        r = problem.solve()
        # ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)
        ddth_sol = np.asarray(r['x'])

        # remove foot seg effect
        ddth_sol[foot_dofs] = ddth_des_flat[foot_dofs]
        # ddth_sol[:] = ddth_des_flat[:]

        rootPos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            if not DART_CONTACT_ON:
                bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(
                    bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals,
            #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = vpWorld.calcManyPenaltyForce(0, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)


            if forceShowTime > viewer.objectInfoWnd.labelForceDur.value():
                forceShowTime = 0

            forceforce = np.array([
            extraForce[0] = getParamVal('Fm') * mm.normalize2(forceforce)
            if viewer_GetForceState():
                forceShowTime += wcfg.timeStep
                dartModel.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos,


        if DART_CONTACT_ON:
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.get_dart_contact_info(
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = dartModel.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

        # rendering
        rightFootVectorX[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightFootVectorY[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightFootVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightFootPos[0] = footCenterL

        rightVectorX[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([.1, 0, 0]))
        rightVectorY[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, .1, 0]))
        rightVectorZ[0] = np.dot(footBodyOriL, np.array([0, 0, .1]))
        rightPos[0] = footCenterL + np.array([.1, 0, 0])

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenterL[0] = footCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = footCenterR

        rd_CM[0] = CM

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP is not None and dCP is not None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des[0]

            rd_dL_des_plane[0] = [
                dL_des_plane[0] / 100, dL_des_plane[1] / 100,
                dL_des_plane[2] / 100
            rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

            rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        del rd_CF[:]
        del rd_CF_pos[:]
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_CF.append(contactForces[i] / 100)

        if viewer_GetForceState():
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exf_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]
            rd_exf_des[0] = [
                extraForce[0][0] / 100, extraForce[0][1] / 100,
                extraForce[0][2] / 100
            rd_exfen_des[0] = [0, 0, 0]

        extraForcePos[0] = dartModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)