Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _get_structure(self):
        This method return the structure we are goinng to work with.

        structure_file = ""
        req = ""

        if path.isfile(self.structure):
            structure_file = self.structure
        elif path.isfile(self.base + "dir_structure_production.json"):
            structure_file = self.base + "dir_structure_production.json"
            if "dev" not in PyFunceble.VERSION:
                req = requests.get(PyFunceble.LINKS["dir_structure"])
                req = requests.get(PyFunceble.LINKS["dir_structure"].replace(
                    "master", "dev"))

        if structure_file.endswith("_production.json"):
            structure = Dict().from_json(File(structure_file).read())

            return self._update_structure_from_config(structure)

        elif structure_file.endswith(".json"):
            return Dict().from_json(File(structure_file).read())

        return self._update_structure_from_config(Dict().from_json(req.text))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def __wordpress_dot_com(self):
            Handle the wordpress.com SPECIAL case.

                :code:`(new status, new source)` or :code:`None` if there is any
                change to apply.
            :rtype: tuple|None

            # We initiate a variable which whill have to be into the HTML
            # in order to be considered as inactive.
            does_not_exist = "doesn’t exist"

            # We get the content of the page.
            wordpress_com_content = requests.get(
                "http://%s:80" % PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"], headers=self.headers

            if does_not_exist in wordpress_com_content.text:
                # The marker is into the page content.

                # We return the new status and source.
                return self.__special_down()

            # We return None, there is no changes.
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _special_wordpress_com(self):
        Handle the wordpress.com special case.

        # We initiate the domain to match.
        wordpress_com = ".wordpress.com"

        # We initiate a variable which whill have to be into the HTML
        # in order to be considered as inactive.
        does_not_exist = "doesn’t exist"

        if self.tested.endswith(wordpress_com):
            # The currently tested element ends with wordpress.com.

            # We get the content of the page.
            wordpress_com_content = requests.get("http://%s:80" % self.tested,

            if does_not_exist in wordpress_com_content.text:
                # The marker is into the page content.

                # We update the source.
                self.source = "SPECIAL"

                # We update the status.
                self.domain_status = PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]

                # We update the output file.
                self.output = (self.output_parent_dir +
                               PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["splited"]["directory"] +
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _special_blogspot(self):
        Handle the blogspot SPECIAL case.

        # We initate a variable whith a regex which will match all blogpost domain.
        regex_blogspot = ".blogspot."

        # We iniate a list of elements in the HTML which will tell us more about
        # the status of the domain.
        regex_blogger = ["create-blog.g?", "87065", "doesn’t exist"]

        if PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test_type"] == "domain":
            # The element we are testing is a domain.

            # We construct the url to get.
            url_to_get = "http://%s" % self.tested
        elif PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test_type"] == "url":
            # The element we are testing is a URL.

            # We construct the url to get.
            url_to_get = self.tested
            raise Exception("Unknow test type.")

        if Regex(self.tested, regex_blogspot, return_data=False,
            # The element we are testing is a blogspot subdomain.

            # We get the HTML of the home page.
            blogger_content_request = requests.get(url_to_get,

            for regx in regex_blogger:
                # We loop through the list of regex to match.

                if (regx in blogger_content_request.text or Regex(
                    # The content match the currently read regex.

                    # We update the source.
                    self.source = "SPECIAL"

                    # We update the domain status.
                    self.domain_status = PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]

                    # We update the output file.
                    self.output = (self.output_parent_dir +
                                   PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["splited"]["directory"] +

                    # And we break the loop as we matched something.
Ejemplo n.º 5
        def __blogspot(self):
            Handle the blogspot SPECIAL case.

                :code:`(new status, new source)` or :code:`None` if there is any
                change to apply.
            :rtype: tuple|None

            # We iniate a list of elements in the HTML which will tell us more about
            # the status of the domain.
            regex_blogger = ["create-blog.g?", "87065", "doesn’t exist"]

            if PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test_type"] == "domain":
                # The element we are testing is a domain.

                # We construct the url to get.
                url_to_get = "http://%s" % PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"]
            elif PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test_type"] == "url":
                # The element we are testing is a URL.

                # We construct the url to get.
                url_to_get = PyFunceble.INTERN["to_test"]
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "to_test_type not implemented: `{}`".format(

            # We get the HTML of the home page.
            blogger_content_request = requests.get(url_to_get, headers=self.headers)

            for regx in regex_blogger:
                # We loop through the list of regex to match.

                if (
                    regx in blogger_content_request.text
                    or Regex(
                    # * The currently read regex is present into the docuement.
                    # or
                    # * Something in the document match the currently read regex.

                    # We update the status and source.
                    return self.__special_down()

            # We return None, there is no changes.
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def text(self):
        This method download the given link and return its requests.text.

        req = requests.get(self.link)

        if req.status_code == 200:
            if self.return_data:
                return req.text

            File(self.destination).write(req.text, overwrite=True)
            return True

        raise Exception("Unable to download %s." % repr(self.link))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def special_wordpress_com(self):
        Handle the wordpress.com special case.

        wordpress_com = ".wordpress.com"
        does_not_exist = "doesn’t exist"

        if self.tested.endswith(wordpress_com):
            wordpress_com_content = requests.get("http://%s:80" % self.tested)

            if does_not_exist in wordpress_com_content.text:
                self.source = "SPECIAL"
                self.domain_status = PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]
                self.output = self.output_parent_dir + PyFunceble.OUTPUTS["splited"][
                ] + self.domain_status
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def text(self):
        Download the given link and return or save its :code:`requests.text`
        at the given destination.

        :rtype: mixed

                If the status code is not :code:`200`.

            # We request the link.
            req = requests.get(self.link, verify=self.verification)

            if req.status_code == 200:
                # The request http status code is equal to 200.

                if self.return_data:
                    # We have to return the data.

                    # We return the link content.
                    return req.text

                # We save the link content to the parsed destination.
                File(self.destination).write(req.text, overwrite=True)

                # We return True.
                return True

            # The request http status code is not equal to 200.

            # We raise an exception saying that we were unable to download.
            raise Exception("Unable to download %s." % repr(self.link))
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            print(Fore.RED + "No Internet connection available." +
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def special_blogspot(self):
        Handle the blogspot SPECIAL case.

        regex_blogspot = ".blogspot."
        regex_blogger = ["create-blog.g?", "87065", "doesn’t exist"]

        if Regex(self.tested, regex_blogspot, return_data=False, escape=True).match():
            blogger_content_request = requests.get("http://%s:80" % self.tested)

            for regx in regex_blogger:
                if regx in blogger_content_request.text or Regex(
                    blogger_content_request.text, regx, return_data=False, escape=False
                    self.source = "SPECIAL"
                    self.domain_status = PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]
                    self.output = self.output_parent_dir + PyFunceble.OUTPUTS[
                    ] + self.domain_status