def travis_permissions(cls): """ Set permissions in order to avoid issues before commiting. """ try: build_dir = environ['TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR'] commands = [ 'sudo chown -R travis:travis %s' % (build_dir), 'sudo chgrp -R travis %s' % (build_dir), 'sudo chmod -R g+rwX %s' % (build_dir), 'sudo chmod 777 -Rf %s.git' % (build_dir + directory_separator), r"sudo find %s -type d -exec chmod g+x '{}' \;" % (build_dir) ] for command in commands: Helpers.Command(command).execute() if Helpers.Command( 'git config core.sharedRepository').execute() == '': Helpers.Command( 'git config core.sharedRepository group').execute() except NameError: pass return
def get_valid_extensions(self): """ Get the list of valid extensions based on the result of """ result = {} regex_valid_extension = r'(/domains/root/db/)(.*)(\.html)' for readed in open(self.download_destination): readed = readed.rstrip('\n').strip() matched = Helpers.Regex(readed, regex_valid_extension, return_data=True, rematch=True).match() if not matched: continue else: ext_with_referer = {matched[1]: self.referer(matched[1])} result.update(ext_with_referer) Helpers.File(self.download_destination).delete() Helpers.File(self.destination).delete() return result
def __init__(self, file_to_install=None, data_to_install=None, production=False): Check() _path = getcwd() if not _path.endswith(directory_separator): _path += directory_separator self.path = _path if file_to_install is None: self.file_to_install = '' else: self.file_to_install = file_to_install self.file_to_install = self.path + self.file_to_install self.production = production self.data_to_install = data_to_install if self.production and not Settings.quiet: print('\nDefault timeout: %s seconds' % self.default_values()['seconds_before_http_timeout']) print('Installation of default variables for production', end=" ") else: if not Settings.quiet: print('\n\nInstallation of working directory', end=" ") self.execute() regex_skip = r'\[PyFunceble\sskip\]|\[ci\sskip\]' if Helpers.Regex(Helpers.Command('git log -2').execute(), regex_skip, return_data=False).match() or self.production: Clean() Directory(self.production) if self.production and not Settings.quiet: print(Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + '\n\nThe production logic was successfully completed!') print('You can now distribute this repository.\n') else: if not Settings.quiet: print(Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + '\n\nThe installation was successfully completed!') print( "You can now use the script with '%s' or learn how to use it with '%s'\n" % # pylint: disable=line-too-long (Style.BRIGHT + './' + Settings.script + '.py [-OPTIONS]' + Style.RESET_ALL, Style.BRIGHT + './' + Settings.script + '.py --help' + Style.RESET_ALL))
def git(cls): """ Update repository if cloned (git). """ if Settings.stable: Helpers.Command('git checkout master').execute() else: Helpers.Command('git checkout dev').execute() print(Helpers.Command('git pull').execute()) return
def them_all(self): """ Delete all discovered files. """ to_delete = self.file_to_delete() for file in to_delete: Helpers.File(file).delete()
def __init__(self): self.current_path = getcwd() self.destination = self.current_path + \ directory_separator + Settings.funilrys + '.' self.files = { 'script': '', 'tool': '', 'iana': 'iana-domains-db.json', 'dir_structure': 'dir_structure.json' } if path.isdir(self.current_path + directory_separator + '.git') and Settings.script in Helpers.Command( 'git remote show origin').execute(): self.git() else: if not self.same_version(True): for data in self.files: Helpers.File(self.current_path + directory_separator + self.files[data]).delete() rename( self.destination + self.files[data], self.current_path + directory_separator + self.files[data]) if not Settings.quiet: print('Checking version', end=' ') if self.same_version() and not Settings.quiet: print(Settings.done + '\n\nThe update was successfully completed!') else: if not Settings.quiet: print( Settings.error + '\nImpossible to update PyFunceble. Please report issue.' ) else: if not Settings.quiet: print('No need to update.\n') for data in self.files: Helpers.File(self.destination + self.files[data]).delete()
def restore_replace(self): """ Check if we need to replace ".gitignore" to ".keep". """ if path.isdir(self.base + '.git'): if Settings.script not in \ Helpers.Command('git remote show origin').execute(): return True return False return True
def restore(self): """ Restore the 'output/' directory structure based on the `dir_structure.json` file. """ if not Settings.quiet: print('Creation of non existant files and directories', end=" ") structure = Helpers.Dict().from_json( Helpers.File(self.structure).read()) structure = structure['output'] replace = self.restore_replace() for directory in structure: if not path.isdir(self.base + self.path + directory): self.travis_permissions() mkdir(self.base + self.path + directory) self.travis_permissions() for file in structure[directory]: file_path = self.path + directory + directory_separator + file content_to_write = structure[directory][file]['content'] online_sha = structure[directory][file]['sha512'] content_to_write = Helpers.Regex(content_to_write, '@@@', escape=True, replace_with='\\n').replace() git_to_keep = file_path.replace('gitignore', 'keep') keep_to_git = file_path.replace('keep', 'gitignore') if replace: if path.isfile(file_path) and Hash( file_path, 'sha512', True).get() == online_sha: rename(file_path, git_to_keep) write = False else: Helpers.File(file_path).delete() file_path = git_to_keep write = True else: if path.isfile(keep_to_git) and Hash( file_path, 'sha512', True).get() == online_sha: rename(file_path, keep_to_git) write = False else: Helpers.File(keep_to_git).delete() file_path = keep_to_git write = True if write: Helpers.File(file_path).write(content_to_write + '\n', True) if not Settings.quiet: print(Settings.done)
def update(self): """ Update the content of the `iana-domains-db` file. """ if Helpers.Dict(self.get_valid_extensions()).to_json(self.destination) # for extension in extensions: # Helpers.File(self.destination).write(extension + '\n') if not Settings.quiet: print(Settings.done) else: if not Settings.quiet: print(Settings.error) exit(1)
def backup(self): """ Backup the developer state of `output/` in order to make it restorable and portable for user. """ result = {'output': {}} if not Settings.quiet: print('Generation of dir-structure.json', end=" ") for root, _, files in walk(self.path): directories = root.split(self.path)[1] local_result = result['output'] for file in files: file_path = root + directory_separator + file file_hash = Hash(file_path, 'sha512', True).get() lines_in_list = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(file_path)] formated_content = '' for line in lines_in_list: if line != lines_in_list[-1]: formated_content += line + '@@@' else: formated_content += line local_result = local_result.setdefault( directories, {file: { 'sha512': file_hash, 'content': formated_content }}) Helpers.Dict(result).to_json(self.structure) if not Settings.quiet: print(Settings.done)
def referer(cls, extension): """ Return the referer for the given extension. :pram extension: A string, a valid domain extension. """ from PyFunceble import Lookup manual_server = { 'aaa': '', 'abb': '', 'able': '', 'accenture': '', 'aetna': '', 'aig': '', 'americanexpress': '', 'amex': '', 'amica': '', 'amsterdam': '', 'analytics': '', 'aramco': '', 'athleta': '', 'audible': '', 'author': '', 'aws': '', 'axa': '', 'azure': '', 'baby': '', 'banamex': '', 'bananarepublic': '', 'baseball': '', 'bharti': '', 'bing': '', 'bloomberg': '', 'bm': '', 'book': '', 'booking': '', 'bot': '', 'bz': '', 'buzz': '', 'call': '', 'calvinklein': '', 'caravan': '', 'cartier': '', 'cbn': '', 'cbre': '', 'cd': '', 'chase': '', 'circle': '', 'cisco': '', 'citadel': '', 'citi': '', 'citic': '', 'cm': '', 'coupon': '', 'crown': '', 'crs': '', 'fj': '', 'ga': '', 'gh': '', 'kw': '', 'lc': '', 'lk': '', 'nyc': '', 'ps': '', 'ren': '', 'rw': '', 'shop': '', 'sl': '', 'stream': '', 'tokyo': '', 'uno': '', 'za': '' } if extension in manual_server: return manual_server[extension] else: whois_record = Lookup().whois(Settings.iana_server, 'hello.' + extension, 10) if whois_record is not None: regex_referer = r'(refer:)\s+(.*)' if Helpers.Regex(whois_record, regex_referer, return_data=False).match(): return Helpers.Regex(whois_record, regex_referer, return_data=True, group=2).match() return None
def execute(self): """ Execute the installation or production logic. """ replacement_production = { 'to_replace': [ 'official_status_index', 'official_down_status', 'official_up_status', 'auto_continue', 'command_before_end', 'custom_ip', 'days_between_db_retest', 'debug', 'domain', 'generate_hosts', 'header_printed', 'to_filter', 'less', 'logs', 'plain_list_domain', 'quiet', 'referer', 'seconds_before_http_timeout', 'share_logs', 'show_execution_time', 'show_percentage', 'split_files', 'travis', 'travis_autosave_minutes', 'travis_autosave_commit', 'travis_autosave_final_commit', 'unified_file', 'link_to_repo', 'iana_server', 'current_datetime', 'number_of_tested', 'number_of_up', 'number_of_down', 'number_of_invalid', 'http_code_status', 'http_code', 'cleaned_done', 'current_dir' ] } replacement_installation = { 'current_dir': r"current_dir = '%%current_dir%%'" } replacement_list = {} if self.production: replacement_list = replacement_production else: replacement_list = replacement_installation if self.data_to_install is not None: replacement_list.update(self.data_to_install) script = Helpers.File(self.file_to_install).read() for to_replace in replacement_list: if to_replace == 'to_replace' or to_replace == 'to_install': for variable in replacement_list[to_replace]: if to_replace == 'to_install': replacement = variable + ' = ' + \ str(replacement_list[to_replace][variable]) else: replacement = variable + ' = ' + \ self.default_values()[variable] script = Helpers.Regex(script, variable + ' = .*', replace_with=replacement, occurences=1).replace() else: replacement = to_replace + ' = ' + \ self.default_values()[to_replace] script = Helpers.Regex(script, replacement_list[to_replace], replace_with=replacement, occurences=1).replace() Helpers.File(self.file_to_install).write(script, True) if not Settings.quiet: print(Settings.done)
def referer(cls, extension): """ Return the referer for the given extension. :pram extension: A string, a valid domain extension. """ from PyFunceble import Lookup manual_server = { 'aaa': '', 'abb': '', 'able': '', 'accenture': '', 'aetna': '', 'aig': '', 'americanexpress': '', 'amex': '', 'amica': '', 'amsterdam': '', 'analytics': '', 'aramco': '', 'athleta': '', 'audible': '', 'author': '', 'bm': '', 'bz': '', 'cd': '', 'cm': '', 'fj': '', 'ga': '', 'lc': '', 'lk': '', 'nyc': '', 'ps': '', 'ren': '', 'rw': '', 'shop': '', 'sl': '', 'stream': '', 'tokyp': '', 'uno': '', 'za': '' } if extension in manual_server: return manual_server[extension] else: whois_record = Lookup().whois(Settings.iana_server, 'hello.' + extension, 10) if whois_record is not None: regex_referer = r'(refer:)\s+(.*)' if Helpers.Regex(whois_record, regex_referer, return_data=False).match(): return Helpers.Regex(whois_record, regex_referer, return_data=True, group=2).match() return None