Ejemplo n.º 1
Created on July 9, 2016
@author: Andrew Abi-Mansour

# !/usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

from PyGran import simulation
from PyGran.params import organic

# Launch 4 simultaneous simulations, each different coef of rest
nSim = 4
materials = [organic.copy() for i in range(nSim)]

for i, mat in enumerate(materials):
    mat['coefficientRestitution'] = 0.9 / (1 + i)

# Create a dictionary of physical parameters
params = {

    # Define the system
    'boundary': ('p', 'p', 'f'),  # fixed BCs
    'box': (-0.001, 0.001, -0.001, 0.001, 0, 0.004),  # simulation box size

    # Define component(s)
    'species': ({
        'style': 'sphere',
        'material': materials,
        'radius': ('constant', 2e-4)
    }, ),
Ejemplo n.º 2
from PyGran import simulation
from PyGran.params import organic

xdim = 1e-3

organic["cohesionEnergyDensity"] = 1e5
organic["youngsModulus"] = 6e7

wall = organic.copy()
wall["cohesionEnergyDensity"] = 0.0

PID = wall.copy()
wall["coefficientFriction"] = 0

# Create a dictionary of physical parameters
params = {
    # Define the system
    "boundary": ("p", "f", "f"),  # fixed BCs
    "box": (-xdim, xdim, -xdim, xdim, 0, xdim * 12),
    "model": simulation.models.HertzMindlin,
    # Define component(s)
    "species": ({
        "material": organic,
        "radius": ("constant", 2e-4)
    }, ),
    # Timestep
    "dt": 1e-6,
    "nns_skin": 1e-4,
    # Apply gravitional force in the negative direction along the z-axis
    "gravity": (9.81, 0, 0, -1),
    # Number of simulation steps (non-PyGran variable)