def promptText(parent, message, title = None, text="", rx=None, help=None): """ Prompts for a text. Returns None on cancel, otherwise the input string. rx = if given, regexp string that the input must validate against help = if given, the docbook id in the help menu handbook. """ d = KDialog(parent) buttons = KDialog.Ok | KDialog.Cancel if help: buttons |= KDialog.Help d.setHelp(help) d.setButtons(KDialog.ButtonCode(buttons)) if title: d.setCaption(title) v = KVBox() v.setSpacing(4) d.setMainWidget(v) QLabel(message, v) edit = KLineEdit(v) if rx: edit.setValidator(QRegExpValidator(QRegExp(rx), edit)) edit.setText(text) edit.setFocus() if d.exec_(): return edit.text()
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing(10) hBox = KHBox(self) display = QTreeWidget(hBox) display.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) display.setHeaderLabels(["Volume", "File Path", "Accessible"]) display.setColumnWidth(0, 200) display.setColumnWidth(1, 300) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices() # filter the list of all devices and display matching results # note that we never create a Solid.StorageAccess object, but # receive one from the 'asDeviceInterface' call for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface(Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageAccess): access = device.asDeviceInterface( Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageAccess) QTreeWidgetItem(display, [ device.product(), access.filePath(), str(access.isAccessible()) ])
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing(10) audioDriverStr = { Solid.AudioInterface.Alsa: "Alsa",\ Solid.AudioInterface.OpenSoundSystem: "Open Sound",\ Solid.AudioInterface.UnknownAudioDriver: "Unknown" } audioInterfaceTypeStr = { Solid.AudioInterface.UnknownAudioInterfaceType: "Unknown",\ Solid.AudioInterface.AudioControl: "Control",\ Solid.AudioInterface.AudioInput: "In",\ Solid.AudioInterface.AudioOutput: "Out" } soundcardTypeStr = { Solid.AudioInterface.InternalSoundcard: "Internal",\ Solid.AudioInterface.UsbSoundcard: "USB",\ Solid.AudioInterface.FirewireSoundcard: "Firewire",\ Solid.AudioInterface.Headset: "Headset",\ Solid.AudioInterface.Modem: "Modem" } hBox = KHBox(self) display = QTreeWidget(hBox) display.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) display.setHeaderLabels( ["Item", "Name", "Driver", "I/F Type", "Sound Card Type"]) display.setColumnWidth(0, 300) display.setColumnWidth(1, 300) display.setColumnWidth(3, 75) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices() # filter the list of all devices and display matching results # note that we never create a Solid.AudioInterface object, but # receive one from the 'asDeviceInterface' call for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface(Solid.DeviceInterface.AudioInterface): audio = device.asDeviceInterface( Solid.DeviceInterface.AudioInterface) devtype = audio.deviceType() devstr = [] for key in audioInterfaceTypeStr: flag = key & devtype if flag: devstr.append(audioInterfaceTypeStr[key]) QTreeWidgetItem(display, [ device.product(),, audioDriverStr[audio.driver()], "/".join(devstr), soundcardTypeStr[audio.soundcardType()] ])
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (i18n (helpText), self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing (10) hBox = KHBox (self) display = QTreeWidget (hBox) display.setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) display.setHeaderLabels (["Volume", "File Path", "Accessible"]) display.setColumnWidth (0, 200) display.setColumnWidth (1, 300) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices () # filter the list of all devices and display matching results # note that we never create a Solid.StorageAccess object, but # receive one from the 'asDeviceInterface' call for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageAccess): access = device.asDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageAccess) QTreeWidgetItem (display, [device.product (), access.filePath (), str (access.isAccessible ())])
def __init__(self, mainwin, pdfs): KDialog.__init__(self, mainwin) self.mainwin = mainwin self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setButtons(KDialog.ButtonCode( KDialog.User1 | KDialog.Ok | KDialog.Cancel)) self.setButtonGuiItem(KDialog.Ok, KStandardGuiItem.print_()) self.setButtonIcon(KDialog.User1, KIcon("edit-select-all")) self.setButtonText(KDialog.User1, i18n("Select all")) self.setCaption(i18n("Print documents")) b = KVBox(self) b.setSpacing(4) QLabel(i18n("Please select the files you want to print:"), b) fileList = QListWidget(b) fileList.setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)) fileList.setWhatsThis(i18n( "These are the PDF documents that are up-to-date (i.e. newer than " "the LilyPond source document). " "Check the documents you want to send to the printer.")) for pdf in pdfs: i = QListWidgetItem(KIcon("application-pdf"), os.path.basename(pdf), fileList) i.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) i.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) fileList.item(0).setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.fileList = fileList self.setMainWidget(b) self.resize(350, 200) self.pdfs = pdfs self.user1Clicked.connect(self.selectAll)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop) self.setSpacing(40) hBox = KHBox(self) vBox1 = KVBox(hBox) vBox2 = KVBox(hBox) hBox.layout().setAlignment(vBox1, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox.layout().setAlignment(vBox2, Qt.AlignHCenter) vBox1.setMargin(20) vBox2.setSpacing(20) self.datePickerLabel = QLabel("KDatePicker", vBox1) self.datePicker = KDatePicker(vBox2) self.datePicker.setFixedSize(400, 200) self.other = QLabel("KDateWidget", vBox1) vBox1.layout().setAlignment(self.other, Qt.AlignBottom) self.dateDisplay = KDateWidget(vBox2) self.connect(self.datePicker, SIGNAL("dateChanged(QDate)"), self.dateDisplay.setDate)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (i18n (helpText), self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing (10) audioDriverStr = { Solid.AudioInterface.Alsa: "Alsa",\ Solid.AudioInterface.OpenSoundSystem: "Open Sound",\ Solid.AudioInterface.UnknownAudioDriver: "Unknown" } audioInterfaceTypeStr = { Solid.AudioInterface.UnknownAudioInterfaceType: "Unknown",\ Solid.AudioInterface.AudioControl: "Control",\ Solid.AudioInterface.AudioInput: "In",\ Solid.AudioInterface.AudioOutput: "Out" } soundcardTypeStr = { Solid.AudioInterface.InternalSoundcard: "Internal",\ Solid.AudioInterface.UsbSoundcard: "USB",\ Solid.AudioInterface.FirewireSoundcard: "Firewire",\ Solid.AudioInterface.Headset: "Headset",\ Solid.AudioInterface.Modem: "Modem" } hBox = KHBox (self) display = QTreeWidget (hBox) display.setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) display.setHeaderLabels (["Item", "Name", "Driver", "I/F Type", "Sound Card Type"]) display.setColumnWidth (0, 300) display.setColumnWidth (1, 300) display.setColumnWidth (3, 75) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices () # filter the list of all devices and display matching results # note that we never create a Solid.AudioInterface object, but # receive one from the 'asDeviceInterface' call for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.AudioInterface): audio = device.asDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.AudioInterface) devtype = audio.deviceType () devstr = [] for key in audioInterfaceTypeStr: flag = key & devtype if flag: devstr.append (audioInterfaceTypeStr [key]) QTreeWidgetItem (display, [device.product (), (), audioDriverStr [audio.driver ()], "/".join (devstr), soundcardTypeStr [audio.soundcardType ()]])
def __init__(self, parent): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(helpText, self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox = KHBox(self) self.button = KPushButton(i18n("Show %s" % dialogName), hBox) self.button.setMaximumSize(250, 30) self.connect(self.button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.showDialog)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing(10) hBox = KHBox(self) display = QTreeWidget(hBox) display.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) display.setHeaderLabels(["Device", "Bus", "Type", "Hot Plug", "Removable"]) display.setColumnWidth(0, 150) # convert enum values to strings for display bus2Str = { Solid.StorageDrive.Ide: "IDE", Solid.StorageDrive.Usb: "USB", Solid.StorageDrive.Ieee1394: "IEE1394", Solid.StorageDrive.Scsi: "SCSI", Solid.StorageDrive.Sata: "SATA", Solid.StorageDrive.Platform: "Platform", } driveType2Str = { Solid.StorageDrive.HardDisk: "Hard Disk", Solid.StorageDrive.CdromDrive: "CD ROM", Solid.StorageDrive.Floppy: "Floppy", Solid.StorageDrive.Tape: "Tape", Solid.StorageDrive.CompactFlash: "Compact Flash", Solid.StorageDrive.MemoryStick: "Memory Stick", Solid.StorageDrive.SmartMedia: "Smart Media", Solid.StorageDrive.SdMmc: "SD MMC", Solid.StorageDrive.Xd: "XD", } # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices() # filter the list of all devices and display matching results # note that we never create a Solid.StorageDrive object, but # receive one from the call to 'asDeviceInterface' for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface(Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageDrive): drive = device.asDeviceInterface(Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageDrive) QTreeWidgetItem( display, [ device.product(), bus2Str[drive.bus()], driveType2Str[drive.driveType()], str(drive.isHotpluggable()), str(drive.isRemovable()), ], )
def __init__(self, parent): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(helpText, self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox = KHBox(self) self.button = KPushButton(i18n("Show %s" % dialogName), hBox) self.button.setMaximumSize(250, 30) self.helpmenu = KHelpMenu(parent, "", False) self.button.clicked.connect(self.helpmenu.aboutKDE)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(helpText, self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox1 = KHBox(self) hBox1.setSpacing(10) hBox1.setMargin(40) colorButtonLabel = QLabel("KColorButton", hBox1) colorButton = KColorButton(hBox1) colorCellsLabel = QLabel("KColorCells", hBox1) colorCells = KColorCells(hBox1, 1, 8) colorCells.setMaximumSize(160, 20) colorCells.setColor(0, colorCells.setColor(1, colorCells.setColor(2, Qt.yellow) colorCells.setColor(3, colorCells.setColor(4, Qt.darkGreen) colorCells.setColor(5, Qt.magenta) colorCells.setColor(6, Qt.gray) colorCells.setColor(7, Qt.white) colorComboLabel = QLabel("KColorCombo", hBox1) colorCombo = KColorCombo(hBox1) colorList = [,, Qt.yellow,, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.magenta, Qt.gray, Qt.white ] colorCombo.setColors(colorList) colorCombo.setMaximumWidth(80) hBox2 = KHBox(self) hBox2.setSpacing(10) self.layout().setAlignment(hBox2, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop) self.setStretchFactor(hBox2, 1) colorPatchLabel = QLabel("KColorPatch", hBox2) hBox2.layout().setAlignment(colorPatchLabel, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.colorPatch = KColorPatch(hBox2) self.colorPatch.setFixedSize(40, 40) hBox2.layout().setAlignment(self.colorPatch, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.colorPatch.setColor( self.connect(colorButton, SIGNAL("changed (const QColor&)"), self.colorPatch.setColor) self.connect(colorCells, SIGNAL("colorSelected (int, const QColor&)"), self.colorCellSelected) self.connect(colorCombo, SIGNAL("activated (const QColor&)"), self.colorPatch.setColor)
def __init__(self, parent): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) self.setSpacing (40) = QLabel (i18n (helpText), self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.button = KPushButton(i18n("Show %s" % dialogName), self) self.button.setFixedSize (200, 30) self.layout ().setAlignment (self.button, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.fontLabel = QLabel (quote, self) self.layout ().setAlignment (self.fontLabel, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.connect(self.button, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.showDialog)
def __init__(self, parent): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) self.setSpacing(40) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.button = KPushButton(i18n("Show %s" % dialogName), self) self.button.setFixedSize(200, 30) self.layout().setAlignment(self.button, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.fontLabel = QLabel(quote, self) self.layout().setAlignment(self.fontLabel, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.connect(self.button, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.showDialog)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing(10) hBox = KHBox(self) display = QTreeWidget(hBox) display.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) display.setHeaderLabels( ["Device", "Bus", "Type", "Hot Plug", "Removable"]) display.setColumnWidth(0, 150) # convert enum values to strings for display bus2Str = {Solid.StorageDrive.Ide : "IDE",\ Solid.StorageDrive.Usb : "USB",\ Solid.StorageDrive. Ieee1394 : "IEE1394",\ Solid.StorageDrive.Scsi : "SCSI",\ Solid.StorageDrive.Sata : "SATA",\ Solid.StorageDrive.Platform : "Platform" } driveType2Str = {Solid.StorageDrive.HardDisk : "Hard Disk",\ Solid.StorageDrive.CdromDrive : "CD ROM",\ Solid.StorageDrive.Floppy : "Floppy",\ Solid.StorageDrive.Tape : "Tape",\ Solid.StorageDrive.CompactFlash : "Compact Flash",\ Solid.StorageDrive.MemoryStick : "Memory Stick",\ Solid.StorageDrive.SmartMedia : "Smart Media",\ Solid.StorageDrive.SdMmc : "SD MMC",\ Solid.StorageDrive.Xd : "XD" } # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices() # filter the list of all devices and display matching results # note that we never create a Solid.StorageDrive object, but # receive one from the call to 'asDeviceInterface' for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface(Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageDrive): drive = device.asDeviceInterface( Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageDrive) QTreeWidgetItem(display, [ device.product(), bus2Str[drive.bus()], driveType2Str[drive.driveType()], str(drive.isHotpluggable()), str(drive.isRemovable()) ])
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (helpText, self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox1 = KHBox (self) hBox1.setSpacing (10) hBox1.setMargin (40) colorButtonLabel = QLabel ("KColorButton", hBox1) colorButton = KColorButton (hBox1) colorCellsLabel = QLabel ("KColorCells", hBox1) colorCells = KColorCells (hBox1, 1, 8) colorCells.setMaximumSize (160, 20) colorCells.setColor (0, colorCells.setColor (1, colorCells.setColor (2, Qt.yellow) colorCells.setColor (3, colorCells.setColor (4, Qt.darkGreen) colorCells.setColor (5, Qt.magenta) colorCells.setColor (6, Qt.gray) colorCells.setColor (7, Qt.white) colorComboLabel = QLabel ("KColorCombo", hBox1) colorCombo = KColorCombo (hBox1) colorList = [,, Qt.yellow,, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.magenta, Qt.gray, Qt.white] colorCombo.setColors (colorList) colorCombo.setMaximumWidth (80) hBox2 = KHBox (self) hBox2.setSpacing (10) self.layout ().setAlignment (hBox2, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop) self.setStretchFactor (hBox2, 1) colorPatchLabel = QLabel ("KColorPatch", hBox2) hBox2.layout ().setAlignment (colorPatchLabel, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.colorPatch = KColorPatch (hBox2) self.colorPatch.setFixedSize (40, 40) hBox2.layout ().setAlignment (self.colorPatch, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.colorPatch.setColor ( () self.connect (colorButton, SIGNAL ("changed (const QColor&)"), self.colorPatch.setColor) self.connect (colorCells, SIGNAL ("colorSelected (int, const QColor&)"), self.colorCellSelected) self.connect (colorCombo, SIGNAL ("activated (const QColor&)"), self.colorPatch.setColor)
def __init__(self, parent): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(helpText, self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox = KHBox(self) self.button = KPushButton(i18n("Show %s" % dialogName), hBox) self.button.setMaximumSize(250, 30) self.connect(self.button, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.showDialog) self.colorPatch = KColorPatch(hBox) self.colorPatch.setColor( self.colorPatch.setMaximumSize(40, 40)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (i18n (helpText), self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing (10) display = QTreeWidget (self) display.setHeaderLabels (["Product", "Vendor", "UDI"]) display.setColumnWidth (0, 300) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices () for device in deviceList: item = QTreeWidgetItem (display, [device.product (), device.vendor (), device.udi ()])
def __init__(self, parent = None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (helpText, self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setMargin (40) # choose an image at random self.pix = QPixmap (os.path.join (imagePath, "poster%i.png" % randint (0, 6))) hBox = KHBox (self) self.poster = QLabel (hBox) self.poster.setPixmap (self.pix) self.layout ().setAlignment (hBox, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setStretchFactor (hBox, 1)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(helpText, self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setMargin(40) # choose an image at random self.pix = QPixmap( os.path.join(imagePath, "poster%i.png" % randint(0, 6))) hBox = KHBox(self) self.poster = QLabel(hBox) self.poster.setPixmap(self.pix) self.layout().setAlignment(hBox, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setStretchFactor(hBox, 1)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing(10) statusString = { Solid.Networking.Unknown: "Unknown",\ Solid.Networking.Unconnected: "Unconnected",\ Solid.Networking.Disconnecting: "Disconnecting",\ Solid.Networking.Connecting: "Connecting",\ Solid.Networking.Connected: "Connected"\ } status = Solid.Networking.status() self.label = QLabel("Status: %s" % statusString[status], self) hBox = KHBox(self) display = QTreeWidget(hBox) display.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) display.setHeaderLabels( ["Interface", "Name", "Wireless", "HW Addr", "MAC Addr"]) display.setColumnWidth(0, 200) display.setColumnWidth(1, 75) display.setColumnWidth(3, 150) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices() # filter the list of all devices and display matching results # note that we never create a Solid.NetworkInterface object, but # receive one from the 'asDeviceInterface' call for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface( Solid.DeviceInterface.NetworkInterface): iface = device.asDeviceInterface( Solid.DeviceInterface.NetworkInterface) QTreeWidgetItem(display, [ device.product(), iface.ifaceName(), str(iface.isWireless()), iface.hwAddress(), str(iface.macAddress()) ])
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing(10) statusString = { Solid.Networking.Unknown: "Unknown", Solid.Networking.Unconnected: "Unconnected", Solid.Networking.Disconnecting: "Disconnecting", Solid.Networking.Connecting: "Connecting", Solid.Networking.Connected: "Connected", } status = Solid.Networking.status() self.label = QLabel("Status: %s" % statusString[status], self) hBox = KHBox(self) display = QTreeWidget(hBox) display.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) display.setHeaderLabels(["Interface", "Name", "Wireless", "HW Addr", "MAC Addr"]) display.setColumnWidth(0, 200) display.setColumnWidth(1, 75) display.setColumnWidth(3, 150) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices() # filter the list of all devices and display matching results # note that we never create a Solid.NetworkInterface object, but # receive one from the 'asDeviceInterface' call for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface(Solid.DeviceInterface.NetworkInterface): iface = device.asDeviceInterface(Solid.DeviceInterface.NetworkInterface) QTreeWidgetItem( display, [ device.product(), iface.ifaceName(), str(iface.isWireless()), iface.hwAddress(), str(iface.macAddress()), ], )
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing(10) display = QTreeWidget(self) display.setHeaderLabels(["Product", "Vendor", "UDI"]) display.setColumnWidth(0, 300) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices() for device in deviceList: item = QTreeWidgetItem( display, [device.product(), device.vendor(), device.udi()])
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (i18n (helpText), self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing (10) display = QTreeWidget (self) display.setHeaderLabels (["Processor", "Max Speed", "Number", "Change Freq"]) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices () # filter the list of all devices and display matching results for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.Processor): cpu = device.asDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.Processor) QTreeWidgetItem (display, [device.product (), str (cpu.maxSpeed ()), str (cpu.number ()), str (cpu.canChangeFrequency ())])
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (i18n (helpText), self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing (10) display = QTreeWidget () display.setHeaderLabels (["Processor", "Max Speed", "Number", "Change Freq"]) # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices () # filter the list of all devices and display matching results for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.Processor): cpu = device.asDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.Processor) QTreeWidgetItem (display, [device.product (), str (cpu.maxSpeed ()), str (cpu.number ()), str (cpu.canChangeFrequency ())])
def __init__(self, tool): KVBox.__init__(self) self.tool = tool h = KHBox(self) h.layout().setContentsMargins(8, 2, 4, 0) l = QLabel(i18n("Direction:"), h) d = self.directionWidget = QComboBox(h) d.addItems([i18n("Up"), i18n("Neutral"), i18n("Down")]) d.setItemIcon(0, KIcon("arrow-up")) d.setItemIcon(2, KIcon("arrow-down")) d.setCurrentIndex(1) l.setBuddy(d) h.setToolTip(i18n( "Where to add articulations et cetera: " "above or below the staff or in the default position.")) t = self.toolboxWidget = ToolBox(self) # don't allow us to shrink below the minimum size of our children self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) width = max(w.minimumSizeHint().width() for w in t.widgets) + 12 self.setMinimumWidth(width)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (i18n (helpText), self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing (10) hBox = KHBox (self) display = QTreeWidget (hBox) display.setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) display.setHeaderLabels (["Volume", "FS Type", "Label", "Ignored", "Size", "Usage"]) display.setColumnWidth (0, 150) # convert enum values to strings for display usageType2Str = { Solid.StorageVolume.Other : "Other",\ Solid.StorageVolume.Unused : "Unused",\ Solid.StorageVolume.FileSystem : "File System", Solid.StorageVolume.PartitionTable : "Partition Tbl",\ Solid.StorageVolume.Raid : "Raid",\ Solid.StorageVolume.Encrypted : "Encrypted" } # retrieve a list of Solid.Device for this machine deviceList = Solid.Device.allDevices () # filter the list of all devices and display matching results # note that we never create a Solid.StorageVolume object, # but receive one from the 'asDeviceInterface" call for device in deviceList: if device.isDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageVolume): volume = device.asDeviceInterface (Solid.DeviceInterface.StorageVolume) QTreeWidgetItem (display, [device.product (), volume.fsType (), volume.label (), str (volume.isIgnored ()), "%i MB" % (volume.size ()/1024/1024), usageType2Str [volume.usage ()]])
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (helpText, self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox = KHBox (self)
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(KVBox, self).__init__(parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing(10) hBox = KHBox(self) self.layout().setAlignment(hBox, Qt.AlignHCenter) cBox = KVBox(hBox) hBox.layout().setAlignment(cBox, Qt.AlignTop) hBox.setSpacing(25) hBox.setMargin(10) self.stdDirs = KStandardDirs() types = self.stdDirs.allTypes() comboLbl = QLabel("Types", cBox) combo = KComboBox(cBox) combo.addItems(types) cBox.layout().setAlignment(comboLbl, Qt.AlignTop) cBox.layout().setAlignment(combo, Qt.AlignTop) # We're calling the QString version of the signal, as # currentIndexChanged can also be emitted with an int (the index that # changed) combo.currentIndexChanged[QString].connect(self.slotIndexChanged) lBox = KVBox(hBox) listLbl = QLabel("Directories", lBox) self.location = KListWidget(lBox) self.location.setMaximumSize(400, 200) lBox.layout().setAlignment(listLbl, Qt.AlignTop) lBox.layout().setAlignment(self.location, Qt.AlignTop) QLabel(self.stdDirs.installPath("ui"), self) self.slotIndexChanged(combo.currentText())
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel (i18n (helpText), self) self.layout ().setAlignment (, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing (10) hBox = KHBox (self) self.layout ().setAlignment (hBox, Qt.AlignHCenter) cBox = KVBox (hBox) hBox.layout ().setAlignment (cBox, Qt.AlignTop) hBox.setSpacing (25) hBox.setMargin (10) self.stdDirs = KStandardDirs () types = self.stdDirs.allTypes () comboLbl = QLabel ("Types", cBox) combo = KComboBox (cBox) combo.addItems (types) cBox.layout ().setAlignment (comboLbl, Qt.AlignTop) cBox.layout ().setAlignment (combo, Qt.AlignTop) self.connect (combo, SIGNAL ("currentIndexChanged (const QString&)"), self.slotIndexChanged) lBox = KVBox (hBox) listLbl = QLabel ("Directories", lBox) self.location = KListWidget (lBox) self.location.setMaximumSize (400, 200) lBox.layout ().setAlignment (listLbl, Qt.AlignTop) lBox.layout ().setAlignment (self.location, Qt.AlignTop) QLabel (self.stdDirs.installPath ("ui"), self) self.slotIndexChanged (combo.currentText ())
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop) self.setSpacing(40) hBox = KHBox(self) vBox1 = KVBox(hBox) vBox2 = KVBox(hBox) hBox.layout().setAlignment(vBox1, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox.layout().setAlignment(vBox2, Qt.AlignHCenter) vBox1.setMargin(20) vBox2.setSpacing(20) self.datePickerLabel = QLabel("KDatePicker", vBox1) self.datePicker = KDatePicker(vBox2) self.datePicker.setFixedSize(400, 200) self.other = QLabel('KDateWidget', vBox1) vBox1.layout().setAlignment(self.other, Qt.AlignBottom) self.dateDisplay = KDateWidget(vBox2) self.connect(self.datePicker, SIGNAL('dateChanged(QDate)'), self.dateDisplay.setDate)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(helpText, self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) hBox = KHBox(self)
def __init__(self, parent=None): KVBox.__init__(self, parent) = QLabel(i18n(helpText), self) self.layout().setAlignment(, Qt.AlignHCenter) self.setSpacing(10) hBox = KHBox(self) self.layout().setAlignment(hBox, Qt.AlignHCenter) cBox = KVBox(hBox) hBox.layout().setAlignment(cBox, Qt.AlignTop) hBox.setSpacing(25) hBox.setMargin(10) self.stdDirs = KStandardDirs() types = self.stdDirs.allTypes() comboLbl = QLabel("Types", cBox) combo = KComboBox(cBox) combo.addItems(types) cBox.layout().setAlignment(comboLbl, Qt.AlignTop) cBox.layout().setAlignment(combo, Qt.AlignTop) self.connect(combo, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged (const QString&)"), self.slotIndexChanged) lBox = KVBox(hBox) listLbl = QLabel("Directories", lBox) self.location = KListWidget(lBox) self.location.setMaximumSize(400, 200) lBox.layout().setAlignment(listLbl, Qt.AlignTop) lBox.layout().setAlignment(self.location, Qt.AlignTop) self.slotIndexChanged(combo.currentText())
def __init__(self, parent, updatedFiles, warnpreview): KDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setButtons(KDialog.ButtonCode(KDialog.Ok | KDialog.Cancel)) self.setCaption(i18n("Email documents")) self.showButtonSeparator(True) b = KVBox(self) b.setSpacing(4) QLabel(i18n("Please select the files you want to send:"), b) fileList = QListWidget(b) fileList.setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)) fileList.setWhatsThis(i18n( "These are the files that are up-to-date (i.e. newer than " "the LilyPond source document). Also LilyPond files included " "by the source document are shown.")) lyFiles = ly.parse.findIncludeFiles(updatedFiles.lyfile, config("preferences").readPathEntry("lilypond include path", [])) pdfFiles = updatedFiles("pdf") midiFiles = updatedFiles("mid*") if warnpreview and pdfFiles: QLabel(i18np( "Note: this PDF file has been created with " "embedded point-and-click URLs (preview mode), which " "increases the file size dramatically. " "Please consider to rebuild the file in publish mode, " "because then the PDF file is much smaller.", "Note: these PDF files have been created with " "embedded point-and-click URLs (preview mode), which " "increases the file size dramatically. " "Please consider to rebuild the files in publish mode, " "because then the PDF files are much smaller.", len(pdfFiles)), b).setWordWrap(True) if not pdfFiles and not midiFiles: QLabel(i18n( "Note: If there are no PDF and no MIDI files, you " "probably need to run LilyPond to update those files, " "before sending the e-mail."), b).setWordWrap(True) self.fileList = fileList self.setMainWidget(b) self.resize(450, 300) basedir = os.path.dirname(updatedFiles.lyfile) exts = config("general").readEntry("email_extensions", [".pdf"]) def item(icon, fileName): """ Add item to the fileList list widget. """ directory, name = os.path.split(fileName) if directory != basedir: name += " ({0})".format(os.path.normpath(directory)) i = QListWidgetItem(KIcon(icon), name, fileList) i.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) i.ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] i.url = KUrl.fromPath(fileName).url() i.setCheckState(Qt.Checked if i.ext in exts else Qt.Unchecked) # insert the files for lyfile in lyFiles: item("text-x-lilypond", lyfile) for pdf in pdfFiles: item("application-pdf", pdf) for midi in midiFiles: item("audio-midi", midi)