Ejemplo n.º 1
 def run_all(self, callback: Callable[[str, str], Any] = None, use_loadbias='Auto'):
     assert use_loadbias in ('Auto', 'Yes', 'No'), "use_loadbias argument must be 'Auto', 'Yes' or 'No'"
     if (use_loadbias == 'Auto' and self.total_number_of_simulations() > 10) or use_loadbias == 'Yes':
         # It will choose to use .SAVEBIAS/.LOADBIAS if the number of simulaitons is higher than 10
         # TODO: Make a first simulation and storing the bias
     iter_no = 0
     iterators = [iter(step.iter) for step in self.iter_list]
     while True:
         while 0 <= iter_no < len(self.iter_list):
                 value = iterators[iter_no].__next__()
             except StopIteration:
                 iterators[iter_no] = iter(self.iter_list[iter_no].iter)
                 iter_no -= 1
             if self.iter_list[iter_no].what == 'param':
                 self.set_parameter(self.iter_list[iter_no].elem, value)
             elif self.iter_list[iter_no].what == 'component':
                 self.set_component_value(self.iter_list[iter_no].elem, value)
             elif self.iter_list[iter_no].what == 'model':
                 self.set_element_model(self.iter_list[iter_no].elem, value)
                 # TODO: develop other types of sweeps EX: add .STEP instruction
                 raise ValueError("Not Supported sweep")
             iter_no += 1
         if iter_no < 0:
         # TODO: Implement the renaming Mask, so the output filename is written according to user instructions
         SimCommander.run(self, callback=callback)  # Like this a recursion is avoided
         iter_no = len(self.iter_list) - 1  # Resets the counter to start next iteration
     # Now waits for the simulations to end
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, spice_file: str, parallel_sims=4, renaming_mask=None):
        """This class is intended to be used for simulations with many parameter sweeps. This provides a more user-
        friendly interface than the SimCommander class when there are many parameters to be found. Using the
        SimCommander class a loop needs to be added for each dimension of the simulations.
        A typical usage would be as follows:
        LTC = SimCommander("my_circuit.asc")
        for dmodel in ("BAT54", "BAT46WJ")
            LTC.set_element_model("D1", model)  # Sets the Diode D1 model
            for res_value1 in sweep(2.2, 2,4, 0.2):  # Steps from 2.2 to 2.4 with 0.2 increments
                LTC.set_component_value('R1', res_value1)  # Updates the resistor R1 value to be 3.3k
                for temperature in sweep(0, 80, 20):  # Makes temperature step from 0 to 80 degrees in 20 degree steps
                    LTC.set_parameters(temp=80)  # Sets the simulation temperature to be 80 degrees
                    for res_value2 in (10, 25, 32):
                        LTC.set_component_value('R2', res_value2)  # Updates the resistor R2 value to be 3.3k

        LTC.wait_completion()  # Waits for the LTSpice simulations to complete

        With SimStepper the same thing can be done as follows, resulting in a more cleaner code.

        Stepper = SimStepper("my_circuit.asc")
        Stepper.add_model_sweep('D1', "BAT54", "BAT46WJ")
        Stepper.add_component_sweep('R1', sweep(2.2, 2,4, 0.2))  # Steps from 2.2 to 2.4 with 0.2 increments
        Stepper.add_parameter_sweep('temp', sweep(0, 80, 20))  # Makes temperature step from 0 to 80 degrees in 20
                                                               # degree steps
        Stepper.add_component_sweep('R2', (10, 25, 32)) #  Updates the resistor R2 value to be 3.3k


        Another advantage of using SimStepper is that it can optionally use the .SAVEBIAS in the first simulation and
        then use the .LOADBIAS command at the subsequent ones to speed up the simulation times.
        SimCommander.__init__(self, spice_file, parallel_sims)
        self.iter_list = []
Ejemplo n.º 3
import os
from PyLTSpice.LTSpiceBatch import SimCommander

def processing_data(raw_file, log_file):
    print("Handling the simulation data of %s, log file %s" %
          (raw_file, log_file))

# select spice model
LTC = SimCommander("Batch_Test.asc")
# set default arguments
LTC.set_parameters(res=0, cap=100e-6)
LTC.set_component_value('R2', '2k')
LTC.set_component_value('R1', '4k')
LTC.set_element_model('V3', "SINE(0 1 3k 0 0 0)")
# define simulation
LTC.add_instructions("; Simulation settings", ".param run = 0")

for opamp in ('AD712', 'AD820'):
    LTC.set_element_model('XU1', opamp)
    for supply_voltage in (5, 10, 15):
        LTC.set_component_value('V1', supply_voltage)
        LTC.set_component_value('V2', -supply_voltage)
        # overriding he automatic netlist naming
        run_netlist_file = "{}_{}_{}.net".format(LTC.circuit_radic, opamp,
        LTC.run(run_filename=run_netlist_file, callback=processing_data)

Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, circuit_file: str, parallel_sims=4):
     SimCommander.__init__(self, circuit_file, parallel_sims=parallel_sims)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def simular(self):
        # se crea la simulacion
        simulation = SimCommander(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "\\Ecualizador.asc")
        # valores para los parametros
        nombreSalida = self.txtNombre.text()
        # establecer si se quiere distorsion o no
        # resistencias de retroalimentacion negativa de los amplificadores no inversores de cada banda
        r1 = 10**(self.Slider1.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la primera resistenica
        r2 = 10**(self.Slider2.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la segunda resistenica
        r3 = 10**(self.Slider3.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la tercera resistenica
        r4 = 10**(self.Slider4.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la cuarta resistenica
        r5 = 10**(self.Slider5.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la quinta resistenica
        r6 = 10**(self.Slider6.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la sexta resistenica
        r7 = 10**(self.Slider7.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la septima resistenica
        r8 = 10**(self.Slider8.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la octava resistenica
        r9 = 10**(self.Slider9.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la novena resistenica
        r10 = 10**(self.Slider10.value()/20) * 10000 # calculo del valor de la decima resistenica

        if self.chckDistortion.isChecked():
           simulation.set_parameter('distor', '1')
           simulation.set_parameter('distor', '0')

        cancion1 = self.cmbTrack1.itemText(self.cmbTrack1.currentIndex())
        cancion2 = self.cmbTrack2.itemText(self.cmbTrack2.currentIndex())
        cancion3 = self.cmbTrack3.itemText(self.cmbTrack3.currentIndex())

        if cancion1 == "Elige una pista:":
            cancion1 = '0'
            cancion1 = 'wavefile= "Pistas/'+cancion1 + '"'
        if cancion2 == "Elige una pista:":
            cancion2 = '0'
            cancion2 = 'wavefile="Pistas/'+cancion2 + '"'

        if cancion3 == "Elige una pista:":
            cancion3 = '0'
            cancion3 = 'wavefile=  "Pistas/'+cancion3 + '"'

        # se configuran los valores de resistencia
        simulation.set_component_value('R76', str(r1))
        simulation.set_component_value('R78', str(r2))
        simulation.set_component_value('R80', str(r3))
        simulation.set_component_value('R82', str(r4))
        simulation.set_component_value('R84', str(r5))
        simulation.set_component_value('R86', str(r6))
        simulation.set_component_value('R88', str(r7))
        simulation.set_component_value('R90', str(r8))
        simulation.set_component_value('R92', str(r9))
        simulation.set_component_value('R94', str(r10))
        simulation.set_component_value('V3', cancion1)
        simulation.set_component_value('V4', cancion2)
        simulation.set_component_value('V5', cancion3)
        # se indica que se debe exportar el .wav
        simulation.add_instructions(".wave " + nombreSalida + ".wav 16 44.1k V(vout)",
                                    ".tran 12")
        simulation.wait_completion() # espera a que se complete
        print("simulacion finalizada")
Ejemplo n.º 6
sims_run = []
cmdline_extra_switches = ["-ascii"]
verbose = False

def post_proc(raw, log):
    # print(a)
    # print(b)
    global verbose
    print("Finished simulation. Raw file: {} - Log file: {}".
          format(raw, log) if verbose else '')

LTCs = []
for netlist in netlists:
    LTCs.append(SimCommander(netlist["netlist"], parallel_sims=12))

for LTC in LTCs:

    if args.debug:
        print("Original netlist:")

    for corner in corners:
        if corner.get("temperature") is not None:
            LTC.add_instructions(f".TEMP {corner['temperature']}")
        for simulation in simulations:
            if simulation.get("instructions") is not None: