import shapely import shapely.geometry import shapely.wkt import xarray import PyOFS from PyOFS import ( CRS_EPSG, DATA_DIRECTORY, LEAFLET_NODATA_VALUE, TIFF_CREATION_OPTIONS, get_logger, utilities, ) LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.VIIRS') VIIRS_START_TIME = datetime.strptime('2012-03-01 00:10:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') VIIRS_PERIOD = timedelta(days=16) PASS_TIMES_FILENAME = DATA_DIRECTORY / 'reference' / 'viirs_pass_times.txt' STUDY_AREA_POLYGON_FILENAME = DATA_DIRECTORY / 'reference' / 'wcofs.gpkg:study_area' OUTPUT_CRS = NRT_DELAY = timedelta(hours=2) SOURCE_URLS = OrderedDict({ 'OpenDAP': OrderedDict({
import shapely import shapely.geometry import shapely.wkt import xarray import PyOFS from PyOFS import ( CRS_EPSG, DATA_DIRECTORY, LEAFLET_NODATA_VALUE, TIFF_CREATION_OPTIONS, get_logger, utilities, ) LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.ABI') STUDY_AREA_POLYGON_FILENAME = DATA_DIRECTORY / 'reference' / 'wcofs.gpkg:study_area' OUTPUT_CRS = NRT_DELAY = timedelta(hours=2) SOURCE_URLS = OrderedDict({ 'OpenDAP': OrderedDict({ 'NESDIS': '', 'JPL': '', 'NODC':
from os import PathLike from pathlib import Path import re import fiona import import numpy import requests import shapely import shapely.geometry import xarray import PyOFS from PyOFS import CRS_EPSG, DATA_DIRECTORY, get_logger, utilities LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.NDBC') MEASUREMENT_VARIABLES = [ 'water_temperature', 'conductivity', 'salinity', 'o2_saturation', 'dissolved_oxygen', 'chlorophyll_concentration', 'turbidity', 'water_ph', 'water_eh', ] OUTPUT_CRS =
import os from os import PathLike from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime, timedelta import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import NoCredentialsError from PyOFS import get_logger LOGGER = get_logger('') def upload_to_azure( local_path: PathLike, remote_path: PathLike, credentials: str, overwrite: bool = False, azcopy_path: PathLike = None, **kwargs, ): if not isinstance(azcopy_path, Path): azcopy_path = Path(azcopy_path)'Uploading {local_path} to {remote_path}') os.environ['AZCOPY_CRED_TYPE'] = 'Anonymous' if azcopy_path is not None: azcopy_dir = azcopy_path.parent azcopy_filename = os.chdir(azcopy_dir) else:
from concurrent import futures from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os from os import PathLike from pathlib import Path import numpy import xarray from PyOFS import DATA_DIRECTORY, get_logger from PyOFS.model import wcofs from PyOFS.observation import hf_radar, viirs LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.valid') WORKSPACE_DIR = DATA_DIRECTORY / 'validation' # UTC offset of study area UTC_OFFSET = 8 def to_netcdf(start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime, output_dir: PathLike): """ Writes HFR, VIIRS, and WCOFS data to NetCDF files at the given filenames. :param start_time: Start of time interval. :param end_time: End of time interval. :param output_dir: Output directory. """ if not isinstance(output_dir, Path):
from os import PathLike from pathlib import Path from typing import Collection import fiona import import numpy import rasterio from rasterio.enums import Resampling import scipy.interpolate import xarray import PyOFS from PyOFS import CRS_EPSG, LEAFLET_NODATA_VALUE, TIFF_CREATION_OPTIONS, get_logger LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.HFR') DATA_VARIABLES = {'ssu': 'u', 'ssv': 'v', 'dopx': 'dopx', 'dopy': 'dopy'} OUTPUT_CRS = NRT_DELAY = timedelta(hours=1) # either UCSD (University of California San Diego) or NDBC (National Data Buoy Center); NDBC has larger extent but only for the past 4 days SOURCE_URLS = { 'NDBC': '', 'UCSD': '', } class HFRadarRange:
import rasterio.mask import rasterio.warp from shapely import geometry import xarray import PyOFS from PyOFS import ( CRS_EPSG, DATA_DIRECTORY, LEAFLET_NODATA_VALUE, TIFF_CREATION_OPTIONS, get_logger, utilities, ) LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.RTOFS') OUTPUT_CRS = COORDINATE_VARIABLES = ['time', 'lev', 'lat', 'lon'] DATASET_STRUCTURE = { '2ds': { 'nowcast': { 'prog': ['sss', 'sst', 'u_velocity', 'v_velocity'], 'diag': ['ssh', 'ice_coverage', 'ice_thickness'], }, 'forecast': { 'prog': ['sss', 'sst', 'u_velocity', 'v_velocity'], 'diag': ['ssh', 'ice_coverage', 'ice_thickness'], },
import shapely.geometry import shapely.wkt import xarray import PyOFS from PyOFS import ( CRS_EPSG, DATA_DIRECTORY, LEAFLET_NODATA_VALUE, NoDataError, TIFF_CREATION_OPTIONS, get_logger, utilities, ) LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.SMAP') STUDY_AREA_POLYGON_FILENAME = DATA_DIRECTORY / 'reference' / 'wcofs.gpkg:study_area' OUTPUT_CRS = SOURCE_URLS = OrderedDict({ 'OpenDAP': OrderedDict({ 'JPL': '', }) }) class SMAPDataset:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from os import PathLike from pathlib import Path from PyOFS import DATA_DIRECTORY, get_logger from main.leaflet import write_json LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.check') observations = {'hfr': ['dir', 'mag'], 'viirs': ['sst']} models = { 'wcofs': ['dir', 'mag', 'sst', 'ssh', 'sss'], 'rtofs': ['dir', 'mag', 'sst', 'ssh', 'sss'], } time_deltas = ['n001', 'f001', 'f002', 'f003'] def check_files(input_dir: PathLike) -> dict: if not isinstance(input_dir, Path): input_dir = Path(input_dir) missing_files = {} structure = write_json.get_directory_structure(input_dir) for day, filenames in structure['output']['daily_averages'].items(): for observation, variables in observations.items(): for variable in variables: if variable in ['dir', 'mag']: extension = 'asc' else:
avg_dir, fwd_dir, obs_dir, mod_dir, ] + list(day_directories.values()): # experimental_dir]: if not directory.exists(): os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) # define log filename log_path = LOG_DIRECTORY / f'{}_download.log' # check whether logfile exists log_exists = log_path.exists() logger = get_logger('download', log_path, file_level=logging.INFO, console_level=logging.DEBUG) # write initial message'Starting FTP transfer...') # instantiate FTP connection with ftplib.FTP(TIDEPOOL_URL) as ftp_connection: ftp_connection.login() path_map = {} for input_path in ftp_connection.nlst(INPUT_DIRECTORY): filename = os.path.basename(input_path) if 'rtofs' in filename: output_path = rtofs_dir / filename
LOG_DIRECTORY = DATA_DIRECTORY / 'log' LOG_FILENAME = LOG_DIRECTORY / f'{}_conversion.log' OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = DATA_DIRECTORY / 'output' REFERENCE_DIRECTORY = DATA_DIRECTORY / 'reference' # offset from study area to UTC STUDY_AREA_TIMEZONE = 'US/Pacific' STUDY_AREA_TO_UTC = timedelta( / timedelta(hours=1)) # range of day deltas that models reach MODEL_DAY_DELTAS = {'WCOFS': range(-1, 3), 'RTOFS': range(-3, 9)} LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS', LOG_FILENAME, file_level=logging.INFO, console_level=logging.INFO) def write_observation(output_dir: PathLike, observation_date: Union[datetime, date], observation: str): """ Writes daily average of observational data on given date. :param output_dir: output directory to write files :param observation_date: fate of observation :param observation: observation to write :raise _utilities.NoDataError: if no data found """
import shapely from shapely.geometry import shape from shapely.ops import transform import xarray from PyOFS import get_logger, split_layer_filename WGS84 = pyproj.Proj('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs') WEB_MERCATOR = pyproj.Proj( '+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs' ) GRAVITATIONAL_ACCELERATION = 9.80665 # meters per second squared SIDEREAL_ROTATION_PERIOD = timedelta(hours=23, minutes=56, seconds=4.1) LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.utili') def copy_xarray(input_path: str, output_path: str) -> xarray.Dataset: """ Copy given xarray observation to a local file at the given path. :param input_path: path to observation to copy :param output_path: path to output file :return: copied observation at given path """'Reading observation from {input_path}') input_dataset = xarray.open_dataset(input_path, decode_times=False)
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path import fiona from matplotlib import pyplot import numpy import pandas from shapely import geometry from PyOFS import DATA_DIRECTORY, get_logger LOGGER = get_logger('PyOFS.track') def diffusion(polygons: [geometry.Polygon]): for polygon in polygons: centroid = polygon.centroid max_radius = max( centroid.distance(vertex) for vertex in (geometry.Point(point) for point in zip(*polygon.exterior.xy)) ) radius_interval = 500 for radius in range(radius_interval, max_radius, step=radius_interval): analysis_area = geometry.Polygon( centroid.buffer(radius + radius_interval), centroid.buffer(radius) ) polygon.intersection(analysis_area)